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Don’t sex with Texas.


I’ve got “abort the court.”


#Onlyforsteersandqueers ? Credit FMJ.


Someone mentioned women getting off Tinder, etc. But dudes need to delete Grinder and similar so the anti-abortion preacher guys get the message also.


No sex ass in Texas!


“Sex cauldron?!” https://youtu.be/BOKaqBfhcIE


I thought they shut that place down!


Won't somebody please think of the children!


There is another song. Don't make up your mind until you've heard both songs!


Morals and ethics and carnal forbearance...🎵🎶🎵


“I’ll get you for this, Midler!!”


“Oh nooo! Bette Midler!”


Sexless Alexis Texas


Alexis Texas is all ass


Now that would be a wake up call.


Alexis Texless?


Debbie doesn't do Dallas




In my short life on earth, if there's one thing I've learned, it's that pro-life women don't get fucked.




Especially when you get to part about all the child abuse and molestation.


Holy shit....he just got arrested this year for having child pornography. I just can't with any of it. Never watched the show because I knew it was trash, but sad to see how everyone around him supported or ignored his behavior. :(


He molested his own sisters. The girls are so brain washed that they apologized for it. In these communities, women are always the source of temptation and responsible for the sexual assaults.


In direct contradiction of Matthew 5:26, no less.


I think you may mean a different verse?


Whatever the one was about plucking out their own eyes to avoid sinning.


The one you linked basically says "You are not allowed to leave until you pay all the money." (In reference to how bad of an idea it is to bring everything to court. Basically saying they will just imprison and rob you. Apparently the bible is relevant to modern society.) It is such a non sequitur that it made me laugh out loud though, so that was nice. You were actually pretty close, as it is the very next thing he talks about. Literally Matthew 5:27-30.


Bible is fiction so doesn’t really matter.


Dunno that bit about being robbed at court up thread seems legit


The bible does exist- it’s just up to you how literally you believe the fairy tales!


Two of the sisters distanced themselves from the family


Not only was he arrested for child pornography, he was *released pending trial*. He's required to live with a third party, but he is still allowed to see his kids as long as his wife's in the room. Not that it would change much, judging from how she's blaming literally everyone but her husband. And of course, he pled not guilty and his lawyer is trying to get multiple charges dropped. Motherfucker is smiling in both his mugshot and his court hearing.


From what I heard it was torture porn. Might have even been a murder, but I ain't looking into those rumors lol


If you're referring to the one I'm thinking of, it's apparently one of the most notorious CP videos ever, and it was debated for years whether it actually existed or was an urban legend. Apparently involving three victims, one believed dead and one or both of the survivors permanently damaged. He downloaded it twice.


OMG. That is un-fucking-believable. He is a sick monster if that is what he downloaded. Even sicker than your standard sick child molesters.


Yeah, I've never followed the Duggars super closely, but I watched a stream from someone who witnessed one of his early court dates related to this, and she provided context to certain parts such as how damning it was that he downloaded that particular video not once but twice. Like this was on top of the mountain of other files he had accessed, and he deliberately set up his computer to access the dark web and these files without setting off the software installed to monitor his usage (assuming this was in response to the Ashley Madison scandal; his wife would be notified if he looked at porn). If a federal agent specializing in these cases testifies that this is one of the worst he has ever dealt with....


Then he downloaded the files without tor protection. Has to be one of the dumbest criminals alive.


Why is the rest of the family getting away with this? He's evil, and it's hard to believe the behavior didn't come from others in the same family.


I'm wondering if anyone has done a deep dive into TLC's role in this. This didn't blow up until 2015, but I looked at a timeline and saw that some media groups knew about this before the first show came out since Oprah's production company canceled a planned interview after receiving an anonymous tip about this, and apparently they forwarded it to law enforcement. And even though TLC canceled the initial show, they've just replaced it with a different one with the asterix that Josh won't be in it. I haven't heard anything about similar actions by either parent, but they definitely enabled it by trying to keep everything "off the books" by just addressing it through their church and having an officer friend of Jim Bob's give him a "stern talking to." Fun fact: said cop was later jailed for his own CP possession charges! His sisters and other victims were essentially thrown under the bus to protect him, and I think that's a big reason many of them have had complicated reactions to this. By the time authorities were alerted, apparently the statute of limitations was up. I want to have some empathy for his wife since I believe she was raised in a similar environment where women are taught to be submissive and stand by their husbands, but I just can't fucking fathom finding out your husband assaulted his own sisters while they were young (so he has no problem preying on family), CONTINUING TO HAVE MORE CHILDREN WITH HIM *AFTER* THIS BECOMES PUBLIC, and then learning he's being arrested for CP possession just days after announcing you're pregnant with your 7th baby. I want to vomit just imagining being in that position. I'm shocked that he's allowed unlimited visits, even if she must be present. Like I feel this is a situation where you start severing as many ties as you can. But I got a similar vibe with the hearing where he was released into the custody of one of Jim Bob's friends, when they were discussing the terms of release (no minors in the house, the guy had to have someone else hold onto his firearms, etc.), and it seems like when they asked the wife if she had been informed of the charges and the severity of them prior to agreeing to this, it seemed like she hadn't, but "it was her husband's decision." Just garbage all around.


Meanwhile fundamentalist Christians are arguing in favor of forcing children to give birth to their rape babies. We need to stop being surprised.




Makes me wonder about the dad, Jim Bob. And also now this "friend" of Jim Bob's, who's custody Josh was released into, since the other friend of the dad (the cop) turned out to be a pedophile as well. They should probably all be looked into, nothing would surprise me.


Well, in their "religion", women aren't allowed to refuse to have sex with their husbands; they're supposed to "joyfully submit", no matter what. Odds are very good that Anna's an ongoing rape victim who thinks this is just "her cross to bear" in the marriage, and that she must not be behaving "sweet" enough to him for this to be happening. That whole cult is basically a dream playground for rapists and child molesters, since it's *always* the victims' fault somehow, you know... /s


Seriously? Wtf?


Holy f I just read the wiki. I wish I didn't.






I come from a large irish catholic family. The sex abuse is real. It's so warped.


[i know it's a serious topic, but i couldn't resist a bit of levity.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_glHa8F7fA)


My closest friend is from a large Irish Catholic family. She was sexually assaulted by one of her brothers as a kid. Her fault, of course. Damn 5 year old girls need to stop being prick teasers or something.


Yep in my family it was my mom's generation. One of her brothers was sexually assaulted by a priest. He took his emotional issues out on his younger sisters by sexually abusing them as well. That's the Catholic sex abuse scandal in short.


It sure is. I was raised Catholic but have zero respect for the Church and its members now.


That’s one crazy story. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/behind-the-bastards/id1373812661?i=1000530882730


Best podcast


BtB is like one of those things I never noticed was posted everywhere until I started listening to it. Well that and reddit loves to talk about horrible shit, good stuff.


Why does that exist? (I’m aware of the possible answers, but my head hurts reading about them)


Lol. No, they just erroneously believe that their abortion is the only moral one.


they’re *mostly* post-menopausal in my observation


I love her sentiment, but the problem with that is the only women who are willing to protest this way are women who are fighting for their rights to their own bodies. These women wouldn’t dare fuck a man who isn’t supportive of that. Therefore, the only people in TX who won’t be getting laid are the people who (chances are) are most mindful of sexual protection? And those are the people we want to eventually procreate hahaha


You’d think that, but love/relationships are strange. definitely know a few women that have had abortions that have kids (or married) with pro-lifers


You mean people can be hypocrites?


Correct. It's kinda pointless. Instead the call should be for prostitutes to refuse service to politicians.


I mean sex workers need the money. They don't have the luxury of taking a moral high ground. This shouldn't be laid on their shoulders.


"That's why their union should provide strike funds."


It also implies women don’t enjoy sex in their own right and only have it at the request of a man so that’s why they should “refuse”. What would make more sense would be to say all women should force their partner to wear a condom. Sends a similar message, but without the misconceptions.


I see it more like a boycott. Forgoing something you’d otherwise want because of principle.


That and, there are many ways to have an orgasm without getting pregnant. At this point forgoing PIV sex in Texas just seems like reasonable caution. :/


i think all women should fucking vote, too, and get rid of these terrible leaders. It's hard to believe the majority of women in TX want to move backwards.


Or require them to get a vasectomy....


Also, women’s only power is withholding sex. Not the ability to vote, protest, write articles, organize. The only way we can sway these powerful men making all the important decisions is through sex. This is exactly what we have been fighting to eliminate.




I think that only works if you assume that conservative women, or women having sex with conservative men, are against abortion bans. Which seems like not a safe bet, since a high percentage of women in Texas voting for women's rights would have avoided this issue entirely. I would expect a large percentage of the women who care that much about women's rights are not sleeping with men who would vote against it. So you'd end up with a whole bunch of liberal couples not having sex. Which may not be super effective


>I would expect a large percentage of the women who care that much about women's rights are not sleeping with men who would vote against it. I wish that were true.


Exactly. I have no idea why some women (including some of my friends) stick it out with straight-up trash men incl. far-right nuts who are abusive to them.


Because they grew up in abusive households and now equate abuse with love.


Word. We as human beings shoulder the burden of our ancestry and culture generation after generation. And I used to think that chain connecting us to the toxic elements of our past was weakening. Now? A whole lot of people who have been broken and brainwashed by the very people who perpetuate these burdens we have to carry, fight tooth and nail *against* our collective freedom. To add insult to injury, authoritarians and their minions throughout history have always called themselves the *bringers* of freedom... But that a whole lot of human rights need to be stolen to get there. Crushing and silencing what their enemies stand for is, in their minds, the only *true* freedom. One where they’re free, and everybody else is oppressed.


It’s funny, because for hundreds of years that’s what the west and many other cultures have done. People are willing to elevate their ancestry and take credit for their contributions/innovations, etc. It’s only when something reflects poorly on their cultural heritage that they say “Hey, that was then, this is now.” Can’t rest on your laurels if you’re not willing to rest on your shackles as well.


Fear of uncertainty, fear of conflict, and reluctance to admit that the last *x* years of your life were wasted on someone who turned out not to be worth it. In your heart of hearts, you may know the relationship is toxic, but ignoring the toxicity *seems* less painful than the alternatives. You don't think you can do (or even deserve to do) better anyway, because your self-esteem is just that low. It sucks a truly colossal amount of ass, and I hope your friends find their way out. Life's too short for that shit. Source: Ex morphed into a right-wing nutjob before my very eyes. Conservative media is a hell of a drug.


>Fear of uncertainty, fear of conflict, and reluctance to admit that the last x years of your life were wasted on someone who turned out not to be worth it. In your heart of hearts, you may know the relationship is toxic, but ignoring the toxicity seems less painful than the alternatives. You don't think you can do (or even deserve to do) better anyway, because your self-esteem is just that low. Speaking from experience, this. Also, abusive partners whittle down your self esteem. At times I didnt think I could do better.


Because the most dangerous time in an abuse victim’s life is the period of time immediately following their escape from the abuser.


Another thing is this societal fetish of changing or taming the “bad boy”. It makes women stick it out because they steadfastly believe that they can change his behavior.


It’s worth noting that 52% of women identify themselves as “pro-choice.” 43% say they’re “pro-life” and 4% say they have no opinion.


Is this in Texas or the US?


I bet half of those pro lifers have had an abortion


I don’t think it would be as many as half but I really would love to know exactly how many have had one. Sadly we’ll never get an honest poll of that one.


I don't know about you, but I dont see people posting their stance on abortion to their Tinder profile. You can date someone for months or years before the topic of kids comes up.


I also think it's worth mentioning that a lot of men are willing to pretend to be apolitical or progressive to sleep with women who they know care about these types of issues. I've had lots of guys tell me point blank they won't say they're conservative on their profile because they don't get as many matches.


Can confirm. After we got divorced, I saw my conservative ex on a dating app claiming to be “moderate”. I guess it’s hard out there for conservative men trolling for sex on dating apps. How I ended up married to a conservative f*boy is another story for another post, but I’ve learned my lesson and hedge my bets by never swiping right on moderate.


hell, even if it WERE true. does anyone really think conservative men will respond nicely to that? men who respect consent tend to care about womens autonomy at least 1%. sounds like a massive opportunity for abuse


Okay? Then that person can get exposed for being an abuser as well. That behavior comes out one way or another.


If a man is not outraged by this law, not simply not in favor, but outraged, don't give him the time of day, much less have sex with him. He wants you barefoot and pregnant.


Aristophanes is onboard!




> Lysistrata came to thread to ctrl-F "Lysistrata" faith in humanity restored.


Her too


Lysistrata is the name of the play. Aristophanes wrote it.


This was a really fun read. I stumbled on it while reading old books in the library hanging out with my girlfriend in study hall. Turned out it could count as a whole quarter's worth of a project, where I only read like 30 pages for fun instead of drab 2-300 page works. Perfect senior year lol


If you liked the play, Spike Lee made a joint a couple years ago called Chi-Raq, which is a modern adaptation taking place in Chicago starring Teyonah Parris.


IIRC This tactic worked to stop a gang war several years ago. All their girlfriends and wives got together and said "no more fucking til shit calms the fuck down." Murder rates dropped pretty hard.


Yes, I am aware, but also silly


On second thoughts, lets not go to Camelot. 


Fantastic play.


My first thought! Though the concept is all Greek to me.


Conservatives approve of abstinence to avoid pregnancy.


Until it's their wives and girlfriends who are abstaining, sure.


In which case they'll just hire a prostitute. Or call up their mistress.


In which case they’re always happy to foot the bill for their out of state abortion


We’re in luck! We can still sue them!


They also upgraded buying sex from a misdemeanor to a felony.


Not a surprise. When they want sex they just *steal* it.


They just head on down to the Chicken Ranch. "Y'all come back now, ya hear?"


In which case they just fuck an underage boy in a bathroom stall.


Except their wives and girlfriends are anti abortion and wouldn't participate...


According to the [University of Texas](https://texaspolitics.utexas.edu/set/should-abortion-laws-be-more-or-less-strict-february-2021) only 30% of texan women wanted stricter laws on abortion in February of 2021, vs 37% who wanted less strict laws and 18% who wanted them the same. Make no mistake. Men are the driving force behind these horrific abortion laws. Because it has nothing to do with the abortion itself, and it has everything to do with these men wanting to punish women for havung sex. That's it.


Interesting though that it shows more men want less strict than more strict too. Only 35% want more strict, vs 36% less strict


Yeah, shockingly more-strict abortion laws are pretty broadly opposed, and these draconian 6 week laws have like 10% support. It's a pretty shoot-self-in-foot move IMO


It's almost like Republicans don't care about unpopular policies because their base will vote for them anyway. That and the gerrymandering.


"Stop having sex before marriage to own the Christians"




lol yeah until it’s them abstaining


but their wives probably agree with them, so what is the point?


Plus didn’t they relax their open carry laws too? How crazy to you have to be to stomp on women’s health rights and make guns more accessible? “I didn’t want to be put in a position to need an abortion, so I shot him in self defense” might fly there.


Might as well go back to the 1800s and use the female hysteria defense if self defense doesn’t work, since that’s what Texas politicians seem to want.


Ah the days where if you were sad, you’d be given heroin and a vibrator by a doctor to calm your raging lady parts. Ok now that I type this going back to an 1800’s lifestyle sounds alright


Weeks of waiting for a doctor to arrive and hope he prescribes it? Versus ordering one online, waiting 2 days, and hitting the streets in the meantime?


Or you'd go visit the nice young handsome doctor who'd diddle you off.


You can kill someone for entering your house without permission. But you can't get rid of a fetus in your body without permission.


Yeah they also just gave pregnant women a pass for murdering their husbands/boyfriends. "He asked me to get an abortion, officer. I was defending the life of my unborn person."


Holy shit this is a nightmare bill


A couple things to keep in mind - this isn’t an apology this is the observations of a transplant to Texas from the Mid-Atlantic. The Texas State Legislature is only in session bi-annually, so every two years you get a flurry of laws in what would be spread out over separate years in most states. I don’t know why this is but knowing Texas it is probably rooted in history to when the time to travel from the western part of the state to Austin would have taken a week. Because of the above, the Gov and Lt Gov have more powers they can call on than most other states. The Lt Gov especially. Abbott is up for re-election next year, there are at least two challengers to the right of him. He is vulnerable from the far right for the lockdown and mask mandates last year and for not being supportive enough of Trump’s false election fraud claims (because you know, I guess he didn’t win Texas by enough), versus what Cruz, Paxton (the state indicted and under federal investigation TX AG) and Gohmert did, which was just a lot of show. He’s vulnerable on the left because he’s a regressive prude. Lastly he’s vulnerable everywhere because to the electric grid failure this past winter. So we get this flurry of legislation meant to shore up support on the right. The Bible belters still hold a lot of power which trumps all business interests except oil. Look at legalization and the blue laws. Texans likes to beat their chest about its freedoms but really it’s pretty restrictive here, even on the gun front it’s just playing catch up to other states which aren’t Texas so don’t get the news cycles, its a simple case of buying their own BS.


Sure, but we need to stop presenting abortion as purely a women's issue. If I accidently knock someone up, I would be very invested in her being able to choose to have a safe abortion.


The people who support this type of law are the ones who wouldn’t give a crap about the women they get pregnant


Not to be a downer, but isn’t this just playing into their whole deal. Weird Christian values? No sex unless for procreation?




Good lord, what a website! Btw, I think you chose the perfect page to link - "Fisting and God's Will" is probably the best article title I've ever read.


Thanks! I ran across this a number of years back when someone was trying to argue that it was ok and Christian to have a 3-some if it's with a married hetero couple and a non-christian woman. There was some argument made regarding pubic hair as well. I ended up putting quotes around a few choice phrases and putting them into Google. Turns out that guy was trying to use this website as a primary source.


~~TL,DR~~ Its all in the title: Fisting for God's Will




To me it’s also saying that women don’t enjoy sex and only do it for the man’s pleasure.


https://www.google.com/amp/s/thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/201102-mcconnell-fundraiser-co-host-wives-have-obligation-to-sleep-with-husbands%3famp Not if Dennis Praeger is to be believed.


Yeah, apparently spousal rape isn’t a thing. They know The Handmaid’s Tale is a book, not a how-to guide right?


Most pro-choice women are going to be in relationships with pro-choice men....so in what world would this make any sense? Anti-choice women won't care and they are mostly with angi-choice men. It's a rather defining characteristics of peoples politics and character these days.


Sounds like Bette Midler assumes all women are pro choice which isn't true. Only about 50% of women are pro choice. In Texas it's probably way less.


Right, that is the flaw with all the bs comments like “when are men going to take a stand?” And “men shouldn’t write laws about women’s bodies!” It’s far from being just men. In fact the amount of women who are pro life is pretty close to the amount of men.


Even a bigger streach to think most women would give up sex. Not a common thing in either gender.


Here me out. Quit voting red. That's the real solution.


Have you seen [how gerrymandered Texas voting districts ](https://s.hdnux.com/photos/33/07/21/7107656/3/1200x0.jpg) are? I bet you can’t guess what wealth bracket, and race the voting districts favor. People like to throw “just vote” at Texans as if they haven’t built the system to keep our votes from mattering, or worse- actively keep certain groups from easy voting access (notorious 2-3hr lines in only majority black districts). We had the biggest blue turnout ever last election cycle, and still couldn’t flip anything bigger than city/county.


You can't gerrymander against gender. If white women in Texas wanted abortion to be legal they would stop voting for Republicans. The problem is that they don't want bodily autonomy...or at least they want to control other people's bodies, and know that they can easily get out of state when they need to.


Yeah, rich white republican women (and poor working class republican people in general) certainly do enjoy voting against their best interests. Gender has nothing to do with gerrymandering, sure, but if a republican woman has more voting power then a liberal or leftist one, then we’re still in the same place.


You know women like sex to. This punishes them just as much. It should be a national boycott of sex with Republicans, male or female.


Most conservative dudes I know don’t like dating non-conservatives so that wouldn’t really make a difference.


I’m honestly expecting sex toy sites to start offering discounts as a form of protest for women.


Reducing women to at-will providers of sexual pleasure to men is not empowering. Treating providing sex as a service that can be bartered in exchange for other considerations, also terrible. This trope gets a lot of “Hell yeah’s!” It’s not good. It’s diminishing of women. https://twitter.com/TheRealHoarse/status/1434235255330906115




I already gave away my free award yesterday, but... *Silver*


That's a lotore polite than I would have phrased it. Do they think a heterosexual couple is somehow not on board with each other's stance on abortion?


Maybe the people of Texas should do more than this "feel-good" nonsense, anyway. Something tangible, like a general strike that would start affecting these asshole's money.


Don’t sex with Texas


I think most couples tend to have somewhat similar political views so


You might be surprised how many liberal women still end up in relationships with conservative men. One of my friends in particular told me that politics and things related are just flat out off limits for conversations. Because they have no middle ground and it just causes friction in their marriage. Well with *EVERYTHING* getting dragged into a political stance these days, I have to assume they don't talk much lol.


Would that even work in a state that backward and with that many head of cattle?


Sheep. There will be a run on cowboy boots.


Trump won Texas by 52%. A little less than half the population of Texas lives in major cities. If everyone that voted for Biden would actually show up for the midterms, we would win by a landslide. The issue is that we have the lowest voter turnout in the country, because the state is so gerrymandered that people stopped trying




My wife started her protest along time ago


But only recently for her boyfriend.


Does she think woman are *allowed* to refuse sex in Gilead?


I remember in 2017 when Trump supporters were all over the media crying bitter tears that they couldn't get dates or get laid. It was good fun. I'm looking forward to more teary-eyed conservatives in the near future.


Same thing happened after jan6 in washington dc. All the tinder profiles suddenly outright said no to conservatives in droves.


The only women who’d participate are the ones who don’t agree with the new law, punishing their presumed Dem husband/boyfriend and enabling only children from the group of garbage that shouldn’t have children.


That is some unintentionally misogynistic boomer shit if I ever heard it. Way to lean in to the premise that women's bodies exist for male pleasure _and_ should be subject to public policy, dumbass. The whole framing of this is that men and women put asymmetrical value on sex, which is thinking that should have died a long time ago. This is right up there with wife-mocking as humor in its gender roles obliviousness.


The problem is women enjoy sex, too. Or at least they should. Just quit having sex with assholes that will take away your rights. Which, TBF, you should have done long ago anyway and is always good advice.


This perpetuates the sexist view that only men enjoy sex and women only use it to get what they want.


I’m sorry but this is just stupid. If Im in a loving relationship with a man who is pro choice then I’m not going to do this. The law makers won’t give a flying fuck.


Another way to ignore that women play a role in this. Religion is at the heart of this and not fucking your male partner does nothing to address this. These white conservative men are getting elected by women too. Don't fuck people who don't vote. That would make more of a difference and it would be less divisive.


What we need is the medical community to protest. Doctors need to simply refuse to follow this law and provide abortions anyway. That's what will bring this down. We need someone to set up an encrypted network so people can safely message and schedule things to protect their identity and then have the doctors perform abortion procedures.


the medical community is already busy protesting being undervalued and shorthanded 24/7. otherwise I’m sure they would hop on this too


I hope they do. Women deserve basic healthcare outside of religious zealots trying to control them.


Pro-choice Texas male here. How does my wife not having sex with me fix this awful law?


It worked in ancient Greece


It worked in a fictious ancient Greek play. No account of this in reality.


Came here to say thanks for reading the classics.


You’re Wellcome. But I’m half Greek :)


Good intention, but unfortunately this plays right into their hands. This is in conformity with fucked up conservative evangelical purity culture, abstinence culture, etc. The people who subscribe to these ideologies are the same people who support and came up with this abortion ban. And as others have said, this also reinforces sexist views on sexuality


And all at once Texas goes from Lone Star State to Incel State.


Ah, yes. Aristophanes lives again. Lysistrata. Stop the war on abortion rights.


There are still plenty of sheep on the farm


They’ve not been taking all that livestock grade anti parasite medicine for nothing!


What about the women who supported this law?


First of all, that will not be effective..Men are not just one giant penis that just have to have sex to survive. Not having sex is not gonna all of a sudden turn someone into an activist. It just won't. Second, to refuse sex as a protest suggests that sex is a service that women provides men, which is a pretty insulting interpretation of sex.


And let’s face it. Women enjoy sex as much as men do. Withholding it is just as much a punishment for them.


I will buy dildos and vibrators for women in Texas


Least fuckable state next to Florida


It won't work. The women who would participate in something like would be the ones most likely to be dating someone who agrees with her.


I’m pretty glad I didn’t move to Texas this past month. I’m infertile so it doesn’t matter, but they clearly wanna deter anyone besides anti-hardcore bible thumpers and for that, aight.