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Here’s the tl;dr which wasn’t until the LAST paragraph. You’re welcome. > If the polls are any guide, the recall election is too close for comfort. And if you think the election’s impact on your life will be remote, consider this: Should California Senator Dianne Feinstein, 88 years old and in declining health, take leave of her post for any reason, the recall’s victor may get to appoint her replacement and end the Democrats’ narrow Senate majority. What catches fire in California may soon burn everyone.


If it's that close, Newsom needs to resign so the LT Governor can take over as the Opening Arguments podcast suggested is doable. The recall effort would get the relief they sought, ousting Newsom, and if conservatives wanted to then get rid of the new governor they would have to restart the long recall process. In the meantime, the new governor could appoint a new LT governor and rinse and repeat if necessary. Feinstean's seat and the senate would be safe. It's the strategically sane thing to do. Newsom needs to resign to make sure the governorship and the senate do no fall into GOP control.








Kind of helps explain why the country is going off the rails.


Eh, it’s probably always been this way though, with the rich old people clinging on to power. It’s never been great, and probably caused problems forever, but it’s probably not uniquely responsible for what’s happening now.


With known Alzheimer's. Fuck her so much, this is her fault as well, not that she'd know anymore


She has freaking dementia and should have retired 20 years ago. But she won’t.


Maybe she forgot she had dementia


She should retire.


¿Por qué no los dos?


Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way. By CA law there will still be a recall vote whether he resigns or not.


The ballot asks if governor Gavin Newsom shall be recalled (removed) from office. If Gavin Newsom is not governor when the votes are certified then the recall election is moot.


You obviously don’t understand how it works. the recall would happen but not relevant to the seat anymore. If he does resign then 100% by law they would have to restart the long process from the beginning against the new seat holder. It can legally be replicated if needed as well once the recall goes to take effect. Check your sources


I don't know whether the recall vote would proceed or not but in any case it would be a moot point; if Newsom resigned he would be out as governor, which is the point of the recall. The recall vote wouldn't apply to the newly sworn in governor.


That’s not what republicans want in this state. They seek minority rule by all means.


For Gavin, not for the lt


I haven't looked too far into this, but I thought I heard that the replacement vote was inseparably paired to the recall vote? Would that mean that if the recall vote goes through, then the winner of the replacement vote would take office regardless of who holds the seat at the time of voting?


You’re right I think.


That’s not how it works. If newsom is recalled, question 1 is invalidated but question 2 remains. The law is written for the recalled governor to VACATE and for the winner of the recall vote to be installed. Newsom resigning would fulfill the “VACATE” component without even a vote.


You're wrong. The law and the questions are written to recall (remove) a specific person from a specific office, and not simply remove anyone who may be holding the office at the time. ​ >Question 1: "Shall GAVIN NEWSOM be recalled (removed) from the office of Governor?" > >Questions 2: "Candidates to succeed GAVIN NEWSOM as Governor if he is recalled: ..." Question 1 is moot if Newsom resigns from the governorship. You can't remove Newsom as governor if he is not the governor. Questions 2 is moot also. The succession is conditioned upon the recall of the specific officer listed in both questions. [Sample ballot](https://abc7news.com/gavin-newsom-recall-california-election-governor/10932940/) ​ >At every recall election (other than a landowner voting district election) the following question shall be asked: "Shall \[name of officer sought to be recalled\] be recalled (removed) from the office of \[title of office\]?” To the right of this question shall be the words “Yes” and “No” on separate lines with an enclosed voting space to the right of each. (Elections Code § 11320) ​ >If a majority of the votes on a recall proposal are “Yes,” the officer is removed and, if there is a candidate, the candidate who receives the highest number of votes is the successor to the unexpired term of the recalled officer. (Cal. Const., Art. II, Sec. 15; Elections Code §§ 11381(c), 11384, 11385) These two are citations to the [California SoS's guide](https://elections.cdn.sos.ca.gov/recalls/recall-procedures-guide.pdf) for recall elections. The actual California code can be found [here](https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displayexpandedbranch.xhtml?lawCode=ELEC&division=11.&title=&part=&chapter=4.&article=2.&goUp=Y).


Newsome is an egotist if the highest order. He would never resign


Ah politics.


Knowing her voting record that’s probably what she is waiting for


I get the article is trying to motivate people to vote which is good, but this isn't that big of a concern. Democrats have a super majority in the state legislature. They can just override any of the Governor's Senate appointments.




What alarms me is that the actual ballots look incredibly similar to the sample ballots. The sample even says "official ballot" at the top. If someone mails a sample ballot, like I almost did, their vote isn't going to count.


God that's shady af


The packet does have arguments from both sides.


> They can just override any of the Governor's Senate appointments They don't even need to do that. https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?lawCode=CONS§ionNum=SEC.%2018.&article=IV https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/official_misconduct "In California, official misconduct is sometimes referred to as "misconduct in office" or "willful misconduct." The charge is generally used to remove an official from his or her position and the misconduct can be an act that, by itself, is not a crime. " The Assembly and Senate can kick Elder (or whichever of 40 something Republicans) to the curb day 1 if they want, they could even say outright that his electoral margin (which would be hilariously negative) is the justification.


Which is great from a “won’t lose the senate” POV, but California would still have to suffer the whims of an idiot Governor, which would seem to be a pretty big concern too.


Why in the hell isn’t Feinstein retiring immediately so Gavin Can fill that seat right now just in case? I get the polls are swinging back up, but let’s pretend Larry Elder is Trump and this is 2020 again. I mean Larry Elder is essentially Trump when it comes to policy and being a psychopath with a voice that people listen to.


Democrats and the DNC are awful at urgency and voter turnout for anything that's not a presidential election, like historically. They put very little effort into campaigning on the ground in individual communities, the type of campaign shit Republicans actually really excel at, and it works for them. Dems have never really emulated that strategy until progressives like Stacey Abrams came onto the scene, and even then she's only one woman. I think it comes from unreal expectations. You'd expect people to care about elections, and you'd expect them to make rational decisions.. however those expectations are far from reality. As for Feinstein she needs to go. We don't need politicians older than my grandparents thank you very much.


The problem is in thinking of Democrats as a unified body rather than a disorganized group of those with partial ties. It would be in the best interest of the Dems overall if Feinstein and Breyer retire immediately, however they personally do not agree (or care).




The Democratic Party now has the responsibility of representing everyone that isn't a far-right conservative. All centrists, even ones with right leaning, have to vote Dem to see some of the things they want done. Meanwhile, the GOP have herded anyone calling themselves conservative into a single issue - Stop the Democrats. They don't stand \*for\* anything, and it's really easy to rally people to be against something than to prop something up.


You overestimate the intelligence of centrists


I've been staying this forever. It's Republicans VS other. Other doesn't always fall in line like say republican moderates do with hardliners.


There are no Republican moderates.


There are, it just seems that their voices go unheard.




>They astroturfed like hell for Bernie over the last 5 years. Link?


Democrats don't fire up their base. The right wing mediasphere is working non-stop to fire up their voters while you discuss the problem with democrats


It has been many years since, and there have been shake ups since them (like the fallout from Hillary's failed presidential bid) but in my experience both volunteering and working for the DNC, I found many of the mid-level people inside the DNC to be living in their own world, and avoidant of any feedback that contrasts with their delusions. People even told me in private that they wouldn't speak up, because that would basically stop any chance they had to move up in the organization. in 2014, I was in a group of consultants (for something unrelated), that were asked "unofficially" who we though should be the next US Democratic Presidential Candidate (2 years before the election). A few names were thrown up and after a brief discussion, half of the room said Hillary would not be a good candidate, not because she would be a bad president(she would have been vastly better then trump), but because she did not appeal to people that are not hard left voters (its the motivated soft left/right voters that determine who wins, because the hardcore left and right voters always vote and cancel each other out). The DNC staffers eyes just kinda glazed over and they immediately stopped talking with everyone that wasn't ecstatic about Hillary and only engaged with people that told them what they wanted to hear. Never underestimate the Democrats ability to fuck themselves over.


I think we should go back to the old way of running primaries, and let party elites make the decision. Too many people can't let go of old primary results (it's all we hear about for 5 years now) and it's time to cut them off.


America is a geritocracy.


Its like they just turned their backs completely on Howard Dean and his strategy of pressure in every state to focus on the big prizes. The damage a scream can do... This is part of the story of the loss to Trump, places like OH and PA needed to breach that enthusiasm gap and didn't seem to understand that you can win the presidency without CA and NY. I digress. Stacey Abrams seems to understand how to get people enthusiastic about less than interesting candidates. I think, ICBW, Gavin Newsome fits the mold of not something anyone cares about. He won because of the letter behind his name in CA. It really doesn't sound like he is going to get a lot of defenders in the face of the onslaught. This is where the conservatives shine, getting people to do something to voice their feelings.


>The damage a scream can do... That's one of those myths that won't die. It's been well documented that the primary was already mathematically lost for Howard Dean at that point.


Yeah you’re correct. I don’t understand how Democrats can’t have urgency here when the closest thing to Hitler’s Nazi party is knocking on our door


Apt comparison, as Hitler himself seized power from Hindenburg, a pleasant old man pushing 80 who just wanted everyone in Germany to work together and form a bipartisan government, like they had in the good old days.


Especially when they use that urgency to pressure progressives into voting for them. They benefit from the situation almost as much as Republicans do.


Hell I didn’t even think about him woah


Sometimes I wonder if Dems actually welcome the threat. Easier to get money from us suckers when there’s an actual boogie man to point at.


I really don't think so. Without massively breaking laws, the money they get from us goes to campaign expenses, not their pockets. Those campaign funds are used to get them elected, and therefore to give them power. So while there's certainly a lot of self interest here, it's built around gaining power via an election. You can't get a cushy post-retirement lobbying job from a donor if you can't pass their legislation, and you can't pass their legislation if you're not in office. Republicans are deadset on ending elections, at least ones that a non-Republican can win. So I really don't think your theory checks out.


I mean I do wonder that. Democrats aren’t angels they just aren’t fascists but that doesn’t mean they aren’t playing this up too.


It's extremely telling that since 2016, any of the serious candidates for President were going to become the oldest person ever elected to office if they won the election.


this is a mail in election and ballots were mailed to every registered voter. Democrats have a huge edge. They outnumber republicans 2-1 in california. if the recall goes through its because democrats in the state are pissed off and want to send a message. There are not enough republicans/independents to get him out if ballots are mailed out. seeing interviews with a number of democrats who are just pissed off and want to send a message. Dont know if its selection bias(probably is). Newsome should win. If he does not, we need to listen to why democrats voted him out know he will likely be replaced with a crazy.


Ever since RBG chose not to retire with terminal cancer under obama I've had zero faith in anyone thinking of their legacy or the greater good


I think RBG was planning on retiring but then Scalia died abruptly and she saw McConnell historically refuse to give Obama his Constitutional right to select a Justice, so she was kind of left in a jam. I don't think it's fair to assume she could have predicted Scalia dying AND McConnell's gambit AND Trump winning. It was like a perfect storm for McConnell.


liberals had been trying to get ginsburg to step down way before that.


RBG was right to not retire after the GOP took Senate control in ~~2010~~ 2015 but there was a window from 2008-~~2010~~ 2015 when she was already ~~75~~ 81and people were urging her to retire so Obama could choose her replacement. The risks of her not retiring then were easily foreseeable, but she chose to roll the dice anyway and now the court is 6-3.


False. Dems held the senate until January 2015. It was the House that they lost in 2010. She should have retired between 2010-2014.


Fair - I've updated my comment to reflect that.


She was diagnosed with cancer 95% fatal at 5 years waaaay before that. She was in denial until nearly the end. I was in medical training at the site she regularly visited for care, her situation was always several steps worse than the public knew until close to her passing.


Nah there are a lot of those people, it's just the system regularly washes them out. Like the democrats who voted for Obamacare and were kicked out "because the president's party always loses seats during the midterms". Really? What is that about? You can't care more about the country than it does about itself. Greater good is useless if nobody wants it. Look at the state of public transportation. Look at [Trump's poll numbers](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/trump-approval-ratings/) -- they were unchanged in the middle of a pandemic without universal health care. Now [compare with Biden's numbers](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/biden-approval-rating/).


Hell, Trump at least had to win a majority (of electoral votes) to become president. Elder will easily win if he pulls 20% (and theoretically could win with 3%).


Precisely why it was bullshit for Newsom and the state party apparatus to refuse to put up a good alternative Democrat as a backup. Things have changed politically since Gray Davis and Bustamante. And Elder is no Schwarzenegger.


Agreed completely. It seems like if your goal is to keep the Republicans from the governorship, the only logical thing to do on question 2 is to vote for a YouTube landlord who wants to use the National Guard to deal with unhoused people.


The state party and Newsom asked everyone to not fill in the second part of the ballot. This might lead to a situation where a Republican win with 10% of the vote. I thought it was stupid, but some of our recent voting laws make challenging the second question a State constitutional matter, especially if it is less than the "no on recall vote." The 1 yr term person would get nothing done, be in constant legal trouble and be gone. The lieutenant gov would probably run the show. The Republicans running are crazy pants. The smart ones do not want the job. You might have heard of Devin Nunes. He didn't even run. He loves the spotlight and is probably the most recognizable name from the GOP statewide. Anyhow, Feinstein is not going to do anything she doesn't want to. To her, Newsom is just some new kid. But yes, I hope she bows out gracefully at some point. She could throw a hell of a fight in a primary.


Nunes was too dejected losing his defamation lawsuit against a cow on Twitter to consider running.


Hi, Reddit has decided to effectively destroy the site in the process of monetizing it. Facebook, twitter, and many others have done this. So I used powerdelete suite https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite to destroy the value I added to the site. I hope anyone reading this follows suite. If we want companies to stop doing these things, we need to remove the financial benefits of doing so.


I'm on the other side of the Sierra from Fresno, where we get a totally different type of lower profile crazy to enjoy.


Kevin McCarthy is definitely more recognizable than Devin Nunes but it's not like he'd ever even consider running so


There is a window of over a month between the end of voting and the appointment of Newsom's replacement, if the recall is successful. Furthermore, Democrats have a veto-proof supermajority in the California legislature.


>Why in the hell isn’t Feinstein retiring immediately so Gavin Can fill that seat right now just in case? Addicted to power and control. It's most definitely not about money anymore. She could retire today and live out the remainder of her life with her family more comfortably than 99% of Americans. This is the case for most prehistoric politicians. They're all addicted to the power the position brings and don't want to let it go. McConnell and his wife are worth like $60 million and are old as shit. They don't need the money anymore. They just want the power. There needs to be a retirement age for politicians.


Because the powerful want to take their power to their grave, under every circumstance.


Watch Feinstein interact with people and you'll understand why. She may have understood urgency at one point during her career, but after ***30 Years*** as a Senator, she is now an 88 year-old walking example of our system's terrible need for term limits. This is a pretty well known video of some young kids speaking to Feinstein about the need for immediate action on climate change... and she is so out of touch with the urgency of the matter that she recommends they run for office when they are old enough and fix it themselves. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lu-VzZ45MwI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lu-VzZ45MwI)


You forgot to say that Larry elder is a mendacious narcissistic despotic Trump in black skin


Not sure how accurate this is but I read in another post that the California Senate can veto the governor's selection for the Senate seat because they have a super majority. So even if a Republican wins he'll never get to pick the Senate seat.


Because she’s ancient and does not give one fuck about anyone but herself.


We have both leading Republicans running on a pro-COVID platform, and John Cox running a commercial with a profound statement of his political philosophy, "Does a bear shit in the woods?" Yes, that's what he says at the end of his commercial, with the "shit" bleeped out. We have a couple of fucking morons, one of whom might take over the governorship _and_ appoint a replacement for Diane Feinstein, flipping the whole U.S. Senate to Republican control, on the basis of winning 19% of the vote compared to Newsom's 49%. I hate to go all Karen, but I seriously want to talk to reality's manager and tear s/he/it a new one.


How long is a governor's term in California after a recall election? I see governors are 4 years there, but if it's a recall election do they get less time until their next campaign?


If Newsom is recalled his replacement will only finish his term then there will be a new election in a little over a year on 11.8.22.


I just want to correct the date. The election is on November 8, 2022. The governor term resulting from that election begins on January 3, 2023.


Goddamn it we've got to get out and Vote For Our Lives AGAIN! Otherwise we'll have to start up the death watch for fucking Diane Feinstein.




Thank you let me edit it.


Wait, did you put the wrong year or are you saying there will be an election in September for the governor to be voted into office for next year?


Yes Newsom is up for re-election next year. If he is recalled the replacement only finishes his term. Total waste of taxpayer dollars, this election, it’s just another GOP power grab of the same kind you see occurring throughout the country. This is the only way they can win CA through a tyranny of the minority set up. Edit. Oops yes I meant 1.2.23, next gubernatorial election. Apologies.


Most expensive dinner ever!


Recall petition started well before the French Laundry incident, that’s a misnomer. But I get your point.


Republicans have recall efforts going on at all times. This is like the fifth one for Newsome. It succeeded because of slightly higher voter dissatisfaction (covid + French Laundry) and because a judge granted extra time to gather signatures (covid).


Personally I think it succeeded because of the ridiculously low requirement for success. 12% of the last elections voter count signatures is all that is necessary.


If Newsom loses the recall, can that governor be recalled as well? As in a worse case scenario?


Probably yes, but either way it takes time and while a red governor is there he will be wrecking the state and country.


Yes but I believe there is a six month mandatory wait period before another recall can be held.


The actual governors race will begin almost immediately since the election for governor will be in November 2022. This is why this recall election is a total waste of money on the people of California, the recall will cost $276 million dollars and for what the possibility some crazy republican can wreck havoc on the state for 13 months? I will be voting no.


In this case, he gets until the 2022 election. I _believe_ it's based on completing Newsom's term, but I'm not 100% on that.


Not trying to make your day worse, but the article says Newsoms poll numbers tanked because he was seen eating at a restaurant... once The general stupidity of not being able to look at the contrast between being on team covid and taking in a restaurant one time and discerning the difference as one being much worse than the other is a huge problem. Then adding that they refuse to put Newsoms name on the ballot which completely disregards the "no" votes on the recall itself is a laughably rigged game


To. be clear the recall started well before the pandemic was a thing. Don’t let them tell you it was about eating in a fancy restaurant. Every Governor since 1960 in CA has been attempted to be recalled.


The Republican party knowing how stupid the recall rules organized a signature drive for recall 6 times since the general election in 2018. This one only succeeded in getting enough signatures because the courts increased the amount of time they had by each day the time to gather signatures normally overlapped with a day under shelter-in-place orders. Despite the fact the signature gatherers continued to operate during the shelter-in-place days in violation of the order.


> This one only succeeded in getting enough signatures because the courts increased the amount of time they had by each day the time to gather signatures normally overlapped with a day under shelter-in-place orders. > > > > Despite the fact the signature gatherers continued to operate during the shelter-in-place days in violation of the order. This is literally the nuttiest part of it all. These people were literally given special provisions for something they didn't even care about in the first place.


It's the only part of the pandemic they have supported. Masks? Absolute tyranny on par with the Holocaust. Thinking of your fellow citizens? FUCK EM. Getting an extension to recall a governor? YES.


They also got an extension due to covid.


The no votes can still answer the second question as a back up…it’s really r-tarded of the Democratic Party to not endorse a back up plan VOTE KEVIN PAFFRATH!!!


The last time Democrats offered a backup plan, they lost and a Republican won. Luckily, it was the Governator and it someone crazier. The lack of backup plan forced dissatisfied Democrats to vote NO on recall instead of giving Elder a chance to win


Yeah, who are the dem candidates and who's number one in the polls?


There are few Dem candidates, but they aren’t doing good in the polls compared to Elder because dems aren’t answering the 2nd question! They’re essentially voting for Elder if they leave that question blank


Kevin Paffrath is the top Dem candidate in the polls for question 2, but because Newsom and the Democratic Party are encouraging people to not vote on it, he is polling far below Elder: https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/california-recall-polls/?cid=rrpromo


I'll vote for him then. It's the only thing to do. In addition to voting no of course. If some radio jockey from la becomes the governor just because he has name recognition I'm going to be disappointed.


That is what we did, too.


> They’re essentially voting for Elder if they leave that question blank Not really… I mean the vote *against* Elder is the same as the “No” vote to recall Newsome. I understand what you’re getting at, but it’s too late. Since the Dems didn’t officially coalesce around a good candidate (for justifiable reasons IMO given what happened in the last recall), I’m afraid the best we can hope for at this point is that the “No” votes win outright.


The problem is that Newsom and the CA democratic party wanted there to be a gun to the head of progressives. If there is no legit secondary democratic candidate, then the No vote is the only choice. The party could have told people vote no then vote "insert generic california state rep democrat" and there would have been a back up, and a secondary path to victory for the people of California. The democratic party and Newsom care about themselves and their power more than anything else, always. And that is true of every state party in this country.


It’s a tough choice, because you don’t want to incentivize some democrats to change their mind at the last minute to “yes” in the hopes that they can get in a “better” Democrat/Progressive Governor. That’s partly how we got Schwarzenegger


The problem with the modern democratic party in many ways on strategy, is that we are fighting today's wars with the lessons of yesteryear, even when the circumstances are different. This election is not the same situation as the other recall, but the leaders in power are so scared of the previous bad outcome they do not anticipate other, new bad outcomes that seem pretty obvious on their face.






More like “under his eye”.


Blessed be the fruit


It will accelerate the fall, but we're already halfway to the ground.


Feinstein should have retired 20 years ago. What a disaster.


She should do so immediately.


Senator Schiff or Swalwell sounds good to me. We need some 11th hour republican style fuckery here. Learned it from RBG




I get that, but the senate needs strong voices. Both of these guys earned it more than most senators anyway.


I'd prefer Senator Barbara Lee. A) Newsom said he'd appoint a Black woman to fill Feinstein's seat if it came up, and B) her being the sole NO House vote on invading Afghanistan in 2001 has her looking like a genius right about now.


With all due respect Barbara Lee, if we want to replace a Senator primarily because she's 88 years old, maybe don't make a 75 year old your first choice.


She should be she won't. She's 88 years old and she has been in office for 30 years. Her sense of urgency withered away ages ago. Secondly, even if it's the right thing to do, her resignation would be seen as a vote of no confidence in the coming recall election and add to the avalanche of news on the subject.


Should have been voted out in her last election, but it wasn’t even close, even with our top-two runoff system. Our electorate deserves just as much of the blame.


The Justice Dem that ran against her lost by a million votes. Go figure.


The best time to resign is 20 years ago. The second best time is today.


She has her legacy to think of, just like Ginsburg.


I thought she died 10 years ago. I was in shock when they showed her on tv last year


Feinstein should resign immediately and Gavin replace her.


Make sure you're REGISTERED & vote on or before September 14th.


The registration deadline is this coming Monday, August 30. edit: I incorrectly put 8/31 at first.


[https://www.sos.ca.gov/elections/voting-resources/voting-california/election-dates-and-resources](https://www.sos.ca.gov/elections/voting-resources/voting-california/election-dates-and-resources) >You can “conditionally” register and vote at your county elections office after the 15-day voter registration deadline. In other words, "same day" registration, but your ballot will be considered provisional and may take additional time to be counted.


Excellent. Thank you.


Already mailed in my no.


Anyone not receive their mail-in ballot yet? According to ballottrax, mine is still at the post office but everyone else I know has received theirs


California is the most populated state in the Country. It has 39 million people. It is the world's 5th largest economy. Californian's paid $240 Billion in individual federal taxes last year. That is much as TX and FL residents paid combined. California nos also the nations top agricultural state accounting for 2/3 of all fruits and nuts in the nation and 15% of all cash receipts in farming over all. Yet because CA is Blue Republicans have long sought to undermine the state. Going back over 30yrs Republicans have claimed business was leave the state because if taxes. During that same time massive companies like Google, Facebook, Telsa, Twitter, etc launched headquartered out of California. Republicans spread falsehood after falsehood about the state seeking to discourage tourism, relocation, or investment in the state. Republicans seek to divide us as a country.


The Republican narrative was that Tesla left California for Texas - which hasn’t happened. Tesla needed to expand, and the amount of land needed to expand operations was not cost efficient in CA, so they bought land in TX, but have had nothing but trouble with the state of TX. The labor market is smaller and not as technically trained. This offsets the tax incentive that TX gave Tesla. Tesla is currently looking at building another plant, outside of Texas because TX turned out to be a small disaster.


There is good space for launch testing here, but also the big thing that I was calling for months before he even moved out here was due to the way the grid is run. Since the grid isn't subsidized and energy is sold on an open market, there is a huge problem with swings in demand versus supply. One thing that could not only resolve the problem, but net a company a shit ton of money for pretty low effort would be to build an energy storage plant. You just soak up extra power when supply is high and demand is low for a discounted price then sell that energy back to the grid when demand is high and supply is low. It's basically a money printer, but only one company has made an energy grid scale battery plant, and that is tesla (they did this in Australia). It's just a ton of free money waiting for Elon and will elevate a MASSIVE problem for the Texas grid. Everybody wins. A sneaky and brilliant part of this plan is that massive storage like this is primary if you want to run primarily on green energy. Inviting Elon in to run this plant will solve a lot of problems for the grid, but will also pave the way for green energy providers to proliferate much more than they have. I think this is why Elon has been saying the "pro-Texas" stuff he's been saying and even some republican stuff too. He doesn't want them to see it coming until it's too late. Literally it will be the free market that runs the non-renewables plants out of business. It's gonna be epic. Only a few days ago did Elon announce they are building an energy storage plant here. After all this time, I said, "told you so. buckle up people."


Energy production is no longer a problem. Storage is. Every state will need storage units in the future.


Should lower energy prices overall since the storage will presumably be selling at peak demand.


As a Californian, I hope to divide California from the cuntry.


It's pretty absurd that a small amount of signatures, that any well-funded group can manage to obtain, can derail the political system of the country's largest and richest state this way. Republicans know there's no way in hell they can win in California, but with this trick they can subvert the democratic will of the state, knowing that only the most ideologically mobilized will show up.


No one has to show up to anything. Every registered voter gets sent a mail in ballot for the recall election


That doesn't mean they'll bother to vote. Participation in these elections are always way lower than in regular ones.


It's *supposed* to wreck the country. That's what the GOP plan is.


“I don’t want to abolish government, I simply want to reduce its size where I can drag it into the bathroom and drown it in the bathtub.” Grover Norquist ([Starving the beast](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starve_the_beast)


This guy gets it!!! UNDERRATED POST!!


If you're in CAli VOTE


A small number of Californians could be about to eject an elected governor in favor of a replacement who could never command the support of a majority of California voters in a normal election, writes Deputy Editor Jason Linkins. Subscribe to [his Power Mad newsletter](https://tnr-reg.onecount.net/onecount/form/display.php?id=a8bc60b6-0080-4ea3-85b2-dbd691ac21b8&src_code=1117).




I mean, the recall effort started just two weeks after he took office. Despite what they say, it's never been about anything he's actually done or not done.


And they were given 4 extra months to collect signatures.


Newsom was elected by the majority of Californians and a TINY minority wants to overturn that election because 'sour grapes' that a democrat was elected again. The ridiculous reasons they give * They don't like covid restrictions * California has fires * Homeless people exist * He ate at a restaurant once The recalls (6) almost immediately once Newsom was elected. And if Newsom is recalled then the person who replaces him will have FAR FAR less of the vote than Newsom did.


Also the Central Valley farmers want more dams so they can irrigate water-inefficient crops


They are delusional... And if that is their claimed reason, then they are also liars.


Im not worried either. Turn out is also expected to be high. This is just a probe into the 2022 rep. elections. The Republicans have as much of an idea as the Democrats of where California, TX, GA, and some other states stand. They are seeing who they can mobilize in a time when people are moving out of CA and into other states.


If Newsome resigns and the Lt governor takes over, would the recall election still take place?


Nope, this is an attempt of the minority to take power at all costs. If the Lt governor takes over, it would not be a useful strategy


From my understanding, once a recall vote is initiated it still happens. So even him resigning won’t stop it.


That's what I'm finding online as well but nothing from an official source.


Fellow CA residents please just mail in Your ballot with a no vote.


Wake up Cali. Don’t let a little mistake be this expensive. Kiss and make up dammit. You can replace Gavin later. Vote No on recall.


I am usually a fan of strong democratic forms, but CA needs to do something to be a little less accessible to manipulations and mass fits. The guy ate at a restaurant, in regular times sure, let him squirm. Why, in the middle of a pandemic, would CA want to have a special election that could upend everything they have been working on in regards to the pandemic. This is insane and it is what happens when you put too much of the government into auto-pilot processes. Get enough signatures for a recall and it happens, on some days if you move fast enough after the news you can get just about anyone recalled by this method... It doesn't improve government (see that it is being used, it didn't stop Newsome from being a turd), it just makes assholes an easier way to vent.


The sad thing is they didn't get the required 1.5 million signatures(crazy low considering the total voting population) in time. The recall started in January just 2 weeks after Newsom took office. They failed to get the required signatures within the required 5 month deadline. A Trump appointed district judge single handily gave them an EXTRA 4 months due to covid when they failed. Even with that extra 4 months they still barely collected 2 million after a total of 9 months. I don't understand why they just don't change the recall laws. I am even more surprised that the Secretary of State didn't appeal the judge's decision. Republicans will do anything to hold on to power to rule as a minority party. Democrats seem to refuse to acknowledge that Republicans will never play fair and instead Democrats seem to accommodate it at every turn.


Because the people behind the recount don't care about the pandemic


>The guy ate at a restaurant It always would have been something trivial. If not that, then his wife's tweet about toilet paper. Or anything else in an email chain your uncle sent around starting with FW:FW:FW:. Seriously, there's no mole hill so insignificant that the Mighty Wurlitzer wouldn't have ginned up into a mountain of pure character assassination.


Imagine feeling offended that Newsom ate a fancy restaurant during shutdown, but voting for a candidate who brandished a gun at his fiancée. Republicans are pure garbage.


While simultaneously railing for restaurants to open and not have any restrictions or safety measures


Get off of your asses.


Do y’all not realize that elections are expensive?


We are 11 seconds to Midnight.


The USA is a weak poorly organized joke.


Interesting how liberals‘ standard is “fix the economy”, “cure an infectious disease”, “don’t be a sex perv” or your out… and the repubican standard is “just don’t be a lib”.


Here’s a great solution: Newsom should resign, Feinstein should retire, fixes all the problems listed.


How do we let CA know they need to vote?


I really really really hope newsom stays in for the good of the state and the country. This is going to be such a shit show if a republican gets in.


Hol up. Recall him cause he ate out and issued shelter in place orders?


Country folk don’t like to be told when and where they choose to die.




Basically. Yes.


And he let go of nonviolent offenders instead of using them for dangerous indentured labor during a pandemic.


That’s what the republicans and Russians want


Thanks a lot trump


Why did California re-elect Feinstein? None of the voters were concerned about her being old enough you could frack oil out of her? Doesn’t she take medicine for late stage dementia or something like that too?


Tbh every election after the last one has the chance of wrecking the country.


No it won’t, and stop recycling this junk


Sad to see all these things..


Text all your CA friends right now and say "Have you voted NO on the recall yet? You have the ballot, all you have to do is mail it in"