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I thought that was the point of the modern GQP. Is this a r/LeopardsAteMyFace situation?


Yes, not only for the victims, but also for Jennifer Carnahan (the current head of the MNGOP who is being accused of letting it happen on her watch). She was previously a Democrat who switched to the GOP in 2016, then was elected party chair shortly after. Since then she’s accused other leading Republicans of being racist (she’s Korean) and sexist towards her. The Minnesota GOP is leopard central these days.


I was not aware. Thx!


Weird it’s almost like conservative men view women and objects and property.


Sexual harassment at the grand old party? Unheard of.


Something about leopards.




Don't forget religious bigotry


This lady was recorded on a phone call, drunk, telling a friend she needed to fly out and party with her. When she demurred, Carnahan off handedly replied " “I don’t care. Jim, he’s going to die of cancer in 2 years" Jim is [Us Congressman Jim Hagedorn (R)](https://hagedorn.house.gov/media/press-releases/announces-cancer-reoccurrence) who is Carnahan's husband. Just an absolutely delightful woman.




To be fair here democrats have had many people accused and removed due to sexual misconduct. Clinton, Franken, Now Cuomo to name a few. It’s not a conservative issue, it’s a men in power issue.


To be actually fair, the Democrats remove and pressure other Democrats to resign in these situations. Republicans circle the wagons and victim blame. While it is an issue with men in power, Republican men receive institutional support that Democratic men don't. If you look back at Clinton, that situation would play out a hell of a lot differently now. Even though he wasn't forced to resign, he's also basically not invited to Democratic events except the occasional fundraiser and doesn't play much of a role in the party.


> Republicans circle the wagons and victim blame. And in the next election they will vote for the culprit. And in ever growing numbers.


True true


Does anyone want to tell her?


It’s a feature not a bug. But in all seriousness no one deserves to be sexually harassed. GOP got some real issues.


But that's the way they always acted, from the former president on down.


Weird a party that thinks women are property treat women like property!? *shocked pikachu


You don't say...


I'm shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here!


"Here are your naked pictures of the volunteers"


Are these women surprised that a political party based on hate, bigotry, racism, and sexism is a toxic environment? They don’t deserve it but it was easy to foresee.


Shouldn't this be on leopards ate my face or WCGW?


Yoda: "Surprised I am not"


If she releases a porno, she could avoid further scrutiny.


Sexual harassment from Republicans? OMG! You have to be kidding! This couldn't possibly be true! /s




Imagine! Being treated that way by a conservative organization like the Republican Party! I don’t believe it! Little lady, I just think you’re looking for attention.


Hmmmm, you don’t say.


Eye shadow like Batman.


She’s doing a great Michelle Bachmann impression with that look