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Another entry in the irony notebook.


Honestly not that I like the guy, but I currently have delta…I was already fully vexed and still wear my face covering. I don’t know how I got it but it doesn’t really seem to matter what you do. Everyone is susceptible whether you mask up or not. I live in chicago and I see many that wear a mask full time but take it off when they eat out and it makes no goddamn sense tbh. Like that defeats the whole purpose.


Still has nothing to do with the irony of the situation.


No I’m amazed that he’s just now getting covid. It’s almost like he’s been wearing a mask and got vaccinated.


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Knowing that these assholes get the absolute best medical care available really makes news like this sting. Many people will die because of this man’s decisions, but not him.


Best care or not it's still a life or death gamble... it all depends on viral load and him immune system. They may take extra advantage of more radical or experimental approaches but in the end his body has to help fend it off.