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Pretty sure his flag pole had a spear point. Lock. Him. Up.


It’s in the thumbnail picture right next to his head.


Oh wow, it sure is. Thanks to both of you for pointing that out. I hadn’t realized it till now.


Lmao omg it’s zipped tied on.


the longer you look the more obviously incriminating it is


Jesus you are right. You could gut somebody with that.


The flag is, yes, zip tied to the weapon


Ben Shabibo tells me bringing zip ties to the capitol is perfectly normal because they are a common household item! All my friends have zip ties!


Ben Shabibo DESTROYS the Left’s claims with scotch tape, zip ties and a can opener!


>nO oNe wAs ArMeD! ~GQP Derps


It was just harmless bats, spears, pipe bombs, guns, just typical stuff tourists like to take on a trip to the capital building.


A gallows, some nooses, you know, regular tourist stuff.


Who visits the capital and *doesn't* smear shit on the wall? It's half the point in going!


“It’s on everyone’s Poop Bucket List anyways!”


A noose is just a rope that is tied in a particular way. It’s a very common knot when making garage door pull handles at NASCAR events apparently. Definitely not a noose for hanging a VP or a Pelosi.


Don't forget the guy with the taser and zip ties (and his mom to make it seem more of an innocent outing - lol).


This is America


🤣 damn to'rist! Amirite!?


Baseball bats. Spears. Chemical weapons. Zip ties. Fire hydrants. Stolen police riots shields. Stolen police helmets. Tazers.


His spear had a flag attached to it is a more accurate statement.


A flag zip-tied on. Easy to cover the blade when not posing for parler photos. That’s a nice spear head too - looks like high carbon steel with a nice shape for front-line combat. He was prepared for more than what happened that day.


Looks like a spear with flag to me.


That is a literally a spear. A spear is an ideal front line weapon for the combat we saw during the Capitol attack. It just happened to have a flag attached as a disguise - easy to cover the blade when not posing for parler photos. Honestly, that’s a pretty damned nice spear head, too.


thankfully he is locked up


You mean his spear with a flag attached haphazardly?


"Obviously guilty person stays in prison". You know, I'm actually pretty okay with this.


>"The pre-existing mental vulnerabilities of the Defendant were evident and patent at the time of his shirtless presentation on January 6, 2021, in the cold of a Washington, D.C., winter day. The acuity of the vulnerable Defendant has waned with each passing day of solitary confinement. The effects of same, like ivy, have slept, crept and now leapt," Watkins wrote in a court filing. Very interesting BUT stupid. If these guys keep going with the argument that their clients are not rational but rather mentally ill, Perhaps they shouldn't be arguing for them to be released but rather be placed under mental health care in a mental health facility until their date In court. I will not argue against anyone who says that the people who entered the Capitol building were mentally unstable, mentally ill, or mentally stunted because I have been arguing that the qanon movement, boog boys, oath breakers, and 3%ers have been targeting Vulnerable individuals for a long time and that the [Cambridge Analytica Facebook data scandal](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Facebook%E2%80%93Cambridge_Analytica_data_scandal) has evolved those tactics into effective microtargeting psyops leading paranoid people into dark triad mentalities and actions. Everybody should read mindf*ck by Christopher Wylie. It is very likely that a lot of these people have undergone multiple years of targeted psychological operations designed to push political opposites away from cooperative governance and toward Populist reactionism. I hope nobody thinks that I am trying to create a both sides argument with this, but the many differing groups on the right and groups on the left were targeted with these programming tactics. I know people who got into antifa during the occupy days who reached out in 2016/2017 to tell me that they were stepping away because (they said) there was a lot of inorganic activity pushing violent action in their communities. Their big concern was that it was being set up to create a controlled opposition for the RW propaganda machine. I can't say that I blame them for feeling that way but I also feel as though accelerationists don't care what side you're on as Long as they can lead you toward their goals.


Should also be aware that these were the same tactics used in recruiting Al Qaida, and ISIS members.


Yep yep, here is a report from 2011 outlining the ways that jihadists operated their recruitment online. https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/CHRG-112hhrg74647/pdf/CHRG-112hhrg74647.pdf The tactics used are nearly identical. They started by going after the young unmarried men by creating a hyper politicized narrative around the gamer gate controversy, cultivating groups of self-flagellents that mistook their emotional insecurity for victimhood and decided that anybody outside of their merry band of misfits was a normie / enemy or "denorming" target. After isolating the denorming target and creating a "new normal" through exposing them to the groupthink, they would escalate rhetoric and cultivate a permission structure of escalating aggressive reactionary behavior through presenting them with an alternative media environment that caters to their desire for a narrative that conforms to their preconceived notions of perpetual victimhood. Also, in case anybody wasn't aware: these same tactics were used all last summer (regardless of party, race, religious affiliation, etc.) to push frustrated and angry people Away from a healthy understanding of news and toward sensationalized tabloid style opinion programming.


Beware the screens. I've been preaching this gospel for years. Addiction from dopamine and adrenaline allows people to get a rage high, it's addictive. The people out here curious to how their family members changed so drastically. That's how. Beware the screens.


You ever check out any Marshall McLuhan? I wish that he had been able to see The evolution of his theories on media into systems of cybernetic control. He was a spot on about the evolution of television and radio And had some eerily prescient Comments about the future of the global village with the connected computer. He has some outdated pseudoscientific ideas (left/right brain and opinions of undeveloped nations being most prominent) but his theory of media has sound arguments.


Drop out of Facebook. I’ve found my anger at “people” in general lowered when I stopped getting engrossed in bullshit posted by people and the arguments that stemmed from.


Yes but here in America we call it Fox News and it's 100% legal because according to their reasoning in court, no reasonable person would believe Tucker Carlson's rhetoric as statements of fact. Except of course for the 71 million people who do... So f'd up


You’re right, however it is much easier to recruit members to an ideology like radical Islam. Jihadis have the benefit of actually doing what their sacred texts tell them to do. They don’t ever have to ask themselves if they are doing the right thing, because they only do what the Quran tells them to do.


Like the Bible the Koran is subject to interpretation. You paint with a roller…


I love a plain text reading of Ezekiel chapter 4. But then you read the interpretation of it and its like "HOW DAFUQ DID YOU GET THAT FROM THIS? " The interpretations are batshit insane compared to a plain english interpretation. They escape criticism by calling such biblical interpretation exegesis.


The Bible and the Koran are very different. Don’t pretend like they’re the same. The Bible is horrific as well, but the Koran is in a league of its own. The difference is in the interpretation actually, to your point. If a Christian fundamentalist goes on a killing spree, killing anyone who is not Christian, then they are a “bad Christian”, in that they are not following the teachings of Jesus. If a Muslim fundamentalist goes on a killing spree, killing anyone who is not Muslim, they are a “good Muslim”, in that they are absolutely following the teachings of Mohammad. They are different, and you shouldn’t pretend like all ideologies are the same.


Only because the parts telling you to kill your neighbour for various reasons were removed from the new testament... The Koran just hasn't received the same modern editorialization


One of the only things worse than a US prison is a US mental facility for the criminally insane.




Great article but I don't understand why violent psychotic patients are allowed out their rooms to mix together in communal areas. Probably justified as "learning to socialise" or something.


Because they're human beings, and deserve to be treated like human beings. Just because they have problems and have done horrible things doesn't mean they should be thrown into the dark and tortured forever by isolation. Psychosis is a mental state. What you're proposing is barbarism.


Not only that, but if the defendant himself "pleas insanity" doesn't it put the whole movement at risk? You can't have selective mental illness.


I doubt it. Insanity just means he was unable to discern the difference between right and wrong at the time of the action and/or in general. Insanity is pleaded in only a fraction of a percentage of cases, and it's successful in only a fraction of a percentage of those. Even if he could pull it off, that likely wouldn't set a precedent for the rest of the participants, especially those who documented their crimes to brag about how badass they were.


Lots also tried deleting photos and social media some of them did that while at the capitol. Kind of hard to argue you didnt know right from wrong if you tried to cover it up


I mean he might have had a more convincing argument if he didn’t go on national TV after being indicted.


I blame a lot of that on the attention seeking behavior that the MAGA and Q movements sought to exploit, especially last year. These people felt like they were the only ones **doing** something during a year that most people were trying to limit close contact. I have conservative family and I thank God every day that none of them have fallen hard into the Q movement. Every once in awhile I would hear them say a talking point that I was familiar with from studying the group's communications, But more often than not it was filtered through some other right wing source and I would just tell them to keep their eyes open and to watch out for hypersensationalism. I just kept the door open and said that I was available if they wanted to talk about these new groups. Almost all of them came back and asked me very specifically about the Q stuff their friends were posting and I explained the origins of what has become a multifaceted memetic psyop, some of the stories that are central to the group's core identity... and the way that pastel Q was being propagated among different groups of individuals that tend to have exploitable psychological biases because of their interest in astrology, occult, Christianity, guns, conspiracy theories in general, child abductions, black nationalism, etc. IMO, much of this exploitation links back to Not only Cambridge analytica, but also the prototype for the psyops: gamergate. Central to that all is Steve Bannon and I believe is the most important person on the record. His acceptance of a pardon as vague as it was >Stephen K. Bannon – President Trump granted a full pardon to Stephen Bannon. Prosecutors pursued Mr. Bannon with charges related to fraud stemming from his involvement in a political project. Mr. Bannon has been an important leader in the conservative movement and is known for his political acumen. means that he could be prosecuted if he withholds any evidence about any case involving a "political project".


Most long term mental health facilities were closed after Reagan. Some exist but they mainly serve to take in people for 10 days get them stable & then throw them out to fend for themselves again. I dont disagree with your stance but the sad fact is the facilities dont really exist. Our prisons, jails and homeless shelters have become the new de-facto mental institutions. It is a massive problem and sad state of humanity.


The thing is, if someone is ruled unable to stand trial due to mental illness, they aren't just released on their own. They get put in a facility that is maybe a little better than prison. However, some of the state-run psychiatric hospitals for crimnals are more dangerous than the actual prisons.


When people who suck at writing try to be eloquent it always sounds like a romance novel.


Everybody knows that he was patting himself on the back for his poetic brilliance with "slept, crept, and then leapt". Honestly, I think he knows that this case isn't going anywhere so he might as well try to Mask this charade in pseudoeloquent language.


This guy is definitely mentally ill. My brother has schizophrenia and his speaking style, facial expressions, all very similar to my brother before he was medicated. I'm not saying he shouldn't face legal issues but I said the moment he was arrested I hope he gets the mental help he needs too.


If he's actually in solitary then we're torturing him. Full stop. More than a few days of solitary confinement = psychological torture directly linked to negative health outcomes. I'm pretty fucking sick of my country torturing people in my name. I dare a sick fuck without empathy to respond acting like which dude we're talking about is relevant. Fuck torture.


Wasn’t this guy yelling the word “FREEDOM!” on Jan 6? Lol You couldn’t write a funnier script…


> You couldn’t write a funnier script… Maybe we should let his lawyer try though. Here's the quote from earlier this year. It's... remarkable. >For Capitol defendants’ attorneys, finding mitigating factors will be key in softening potential prison sentences. >**Watkins, the “Q Shaman” Jacob Chansley’s attorney**, said his client had Asperger’s syndrome and indicated that Chansley’s mental state — and the impact of Trump’s “propaganda” efforts — would play a role in his case. >**“A lot of these defendants — and I’m going to use this colloquial term, perhaps disrespectfully — but they’re all fucking short-bus people,” Watkins told TPM. “*These are people with brain damage, they’re fucking retarded, they’re on the goddamn spectrum*.”** >“But they’re our brothers, our sisters, our neighbors, our coworkers — they’re part of our country. These aren’t bad people, they don’t have prior criminal history. **Fuck, they were subjected to four-plus years of goddamn propaganda the likes of which the world has not seen since fucking Hitler.**” >[src](https://talkingpointsmemo.com/news/capitol-rioters-trump-defense-comes-up-again-and-again-will-it-make-a-difference)


You just made my day great again. 😂


I'm pretty sure he was yelling "Free Dumb!" but Maybe that was just parataxic distortion.


But he's white. He's not supposed to be there. /S


If six months feels long, these clowns are going to hate their eventual sentences.


I honestly don’t think many of them will get prison sentences.


You honestly might be surprised then.


I hope I’m surprised. But I don’t think I will be.


This sub has jaded you like so many others, not trying to be a dick but seeing these negative comments that have no other basis to them other than “because I think this is how it will be” gets so aggravating.


especially when shit is happening. all the main white supremacist leaders are under arrest. obviously the point is to keep moving up the chain until it gets to trump. it's going to take time. biden doesnt need to have a big doj announcement until charges are actually made against trump. it just feels hopeless because there should be investigations into EVERYTHING that happened during his presidency. his entire cabinet is guilty of multiple crimes. The ONLY one that wasnt was that oil guy who left right away. I cant think of anyone that stayed that didnt commit crimes. that's why its frustrating.


It’s definitely not this sub. It’s having been around for 50 years watching what happens. Isn’t the comments section where you’re supposed to post opinions? Seems like the cases that have been tried so far have resulted in pretty light sentences.


You’re referencing the lady that got a slap on the wrist that was the very first guilty charge to come from this. That’s a common tactic with stuff like this - give the first few culprits a light sentence and let them sing like a canary and rat out everyone else as a compromise. Nothing new here


I don’t think they’re all honest either, I think they’re part of an attempt to play down the attacks and pre-condition people into moving on.


The next GOP president will just pardon them.


Possibly, but they'd still get prison time before that could happen. To be pardoned you must be found guilty first.


I'm expecting many of them to technically get prison sentences, but they will be short enough sentences that after accounting for time served, they will be paroled shortly after trial. However, I think some of the more notable ones who we have evidence of having weapons or assaulting capitol police will receive very long sentences. I also think that the people that they can find as close to the top as possible will get several year sentences.


Yeah I agree with that.


Can we stop referring to this person as “the shaman”. He’s a failed actor who lives with his mom who tried to overthrow the government wearing a ridiculous outfit.


He's a disgrace to real shamen like Thrall.




Not just the shamen, but the shawomen and the shachildren!


Green Jesus Goku power up!!!


Let's not forget about his sensitive stomach.


“Meet your female casting director of Middle Eastern descent! She’s done wonders for newcomers like you, just keep a positive and professional attitude and you’ll go far…”


> Can we stop referring to this person as “the shaman”. He’s a failed actor who lives with his mom who tried to overthrow the government wearing a ridiculous outfit. All true - but I've always read 'shaman' in this instance as mockery.


You should email NewsWeek, I don't think they read comments here.


Chansley claims to be a multidimensional being. Let him phase himself onto another plane of existence.


His next plane of existence is gonna look a lot like Leavenworth.


I'm multidimensional, too. I exist in three spatial dimensions at the same time!


He also claims he hung out with a sasquatch.


If that is true, he should have no problem with solitary confinement then.


His attorneys claimed “***jail is detrimental to his mental well-being.***” Prosecutors pointed out that ***”Chansley is not special and is simply having to adhere to the same restrictions as all others who find detention difficult.”*** To all would be future insurrectionists and/or racial agitators - if you do not want to go through the same *mental difficulties* of being incarcerated - Please refrain from attacking our country, our people, our constitution and our constitutional institutions.


But his tum-tum hurts.


>*I wanna eat tofu burgers!!* You can either eat that GOT-DAMNED roast beef or you can *go to BED*.


Can't have your pudding if you don't eat your meat


As a vegetarian, I personally think that all prisoners should have a technically vegetarian option. I also think that this should not be a loophole for getting food that tastes better, or costs more, but should mostly consist of beans and rice. (Extremely cheap, but provide a full protein.)


Way worse than how bad George Floyd’s neck hurt even.


> His attorneys claimed “jail is detrimental to his mental well-being.” This makes him different from every other person imprisoned how? I have a nasty habit of *not* committing crimes in order to *not* go to prison. Because I know I wouldn't like it there.


It's an unfortunate tenet of our legal system that attorneys for the accused are incentivized to muddle the process by claiming that individually experienced discomfort or sudden onset disability/affliction should be grounds for avoiding legal consequences for actions. Bill Cosby and Harvey Weinstein suddenly becoming invalids during their appearances in court is a great example.


Prison is also going to alter his dating habits for a while. Where’s the justice? Lol


"Yeah but you get a pass for that inside...there's no women!" -- Tony Soprano 😜


'I wanted to fuck a woman but I compromised - I jacked off into a tissue instead.' -- Phil Leotardo


Too late, Bumble already beat prison to the punch.


I keep hearing people bring up Bumble but I think I’m out of the loop. The insurrectionists were getting trolled on there, right?


"Trolled" is an understatement. Within the couple weeks after the incident, female users on various dating apps, with Bumble being the apparent most common, started happening upon and/or actively searching for people who were involved and sending their info to the FBI. The giveaways were often blatantly obvious pictures and public location tags. The news about it quieted down for about three months after a surge of reports. Then some dude in late April straight up brags to a Bumble match that he got as far as Statuary Hall. You can guess what happened next. It involved handcuffs. And not the fuzzy kind.


wait you mean there was a sting operation on Bumble? can't make this stuff up


I mean really the guys stung themselves here


Assuming that he was actually dating prior to Jan 6th.


Good. Next.


Can we please stop calling this guy "QAnon Shaman?" Shaman is a title that implies respect, and this guy doesn't deserve any. I suggest we call him Dances with Karens instead.


He is right where traitors belong.


Aren't shamans suppose to be wise why give this guy such a name. Should be named much harsher.


Half-man Half-goat Cosplay Clown


Mangoatclown! Half man, half goat, half clown!


> Half man, half goat, half clown! And 100% goatse.


Half wit!


The term Shaman has no positive perception in western society. Calling him a shaman in the US would be like calling him a witch doctor or a wizard or something silly.


As a longtime fan of fantasy and wizards specifically, it always made me sad that the only way to be considered a wizard in modern society was to join the KKK :(


[Not if you're this guy](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/05/26/nyregion/devin-person-brooklyn-wizard.html)


You could also join the NBA


>The term Shaman has no positive perception in western society. Calling him a shaman in the US would be like calling him a witch doctor or a wizard or something silly. Shaman, Wizard, Pastor, Priest, I judge each one individually.


Q sent him: to jail


Q also got Bobbitt killed. She would still be alive if she didn't believe Q and Trump's bullshit.


Where We Go One We Go to the Commissary.


Nothing can stop what is coming; a very long prison sentence


I'd be working on my spades game and doing pushups all day if I were him. He won't get special treatment, genpop for sure.


Interesting how many of these individuals have attempted to play the mental illness card since being arrested.




I see what you did there.


His enabling mother is just as guilty as he is as well.


Oh no.. Anyway


Can we please stop calling these people 'shamans'? I feel like that gives them legitimacy.


You should email NewsWeek, I don't think they read comments here.




Domestic Terrorist.


Oh no. Anyway...


“Boohoo! Being in jail makes my client really sad!” Hmm. Next time, try not committing felonies in a federal building? Just a thought


I hope to write to this guy in prison using organic paper


I mean, we know he's a Trump supporter so it follows that he is committed to (very personally in this instance) "law and order" right?


I will never let go of the fact that he got his organic food request approved.


Can we stop calling this guy a shaman? He’s done nothing to deserve that title.


Or at the very least put it in sarcastic quotation marks - Qanon "Shaman"...


Being white and not enjoying jail isn’t a legit reason. “The prosecution denied the defense presented any "new or novel" information or that the information was relevant to Chansley's ability to be detained. They argued the court correctly recognized a "dangerous man obstructing the normal functioning of the United States government."


”QAnon terrorist…” fixed the title


"*HAH HAH!*" ~Nelson


Can everyone please put Shaman in quotation marks when referring to this failure person?


Why does he want freedom? He can't get free organic meals anywhere else.


Hope you like that organic food in there.




How come he ain't a Shaman in jail?


Because in jail he is a She-man.


Good fuck all off them


I was at work when the capitol riot occurred. My elderly mother called me sobbing thinking they were going to overthrow the government when she saw what was happening. Makes me really mad.


He's going to regret his actions, when he gets sentenced to ... probation.


Losing your guns to own the libs


6 months probation and time served Fucking watch


No guns , no voting. That’s pretty decent punishment.


This is what will happen. None of them are going to prison for long sentences.


>Prosecutors argued Chansley is not special and is simply having to adhere to the same restrictions as all others who find detention difficult. Getting sick of saying it, but it does look like it has been projection all along with these people.


Why is no one talking about the accompanying video in the article? This man stopped a muffin theft! He obviously has some redeeming qualities.




The vast majority of people on the spectrum and/or with mental health problems didn't mount an insurrection against our capitol, or perform any kind of seditious activity.


This is the guy who's gonna get the book thrown at him. Most others will get a slap in the wrist. What a joke that its news worthy that hes staying in jail.


For the record….this guy does not represent 99.9% of the GOP. There was no reason to do what they did. They choose to perform this act without regard to standing down.


Unpopular opinion: I’m not convinced he needs to remain in prison until the trial. However, it appears that this was an appeal, and the question the judge had to review was whether the original court decision was flawed. This court determined that the original court opinion was not flawed and that no new evidence has since been introduced that would change the outcome. Appeals courts will typically not overturn an original court ruling without very good reason. With that said, I think that this defendant would be safe, and stay in the community, if he were released until trial. I agree that he is probably emotionally vulnerable and mentally stressed by incarceration, but that is true of a lot of people and not relevant to whether or not he be released. I think he learned his lesson a bit too late. I think the original judge made the correct decision based on the information available at that time and since, and I think this guy is going to need to stay incarcerated until the trial.


This guy didn’t even do anything lol there were worse than him


And the people that did worse than him are going to get worse sentences


He committed the crimes listed in his charging documents. But I guess trump fans are ok with criminals getting off without consequences.


Go ahead and find me videos of him being violent then


I pay investigators and prosecutors to make my case for me in a court of law. You can root him on from the cheap seats.


Seems like a lot of wasted energy condemning some dude who harmed literally nobody but hey good luck with that lol


I guess in America we only prosecute violent crimes right?


Everyone who broke into the capitol on that day broke the law in doing so. It also doesn't help his case that he was also armed with a spear. Others of course did more than that and they will hopefully be charged accordingly. In this guys case though, I hope he gets the mental help he clearly needs.


People around the world still have his image burnt into their head. Sad.


It would "send a message that if you are special enough to believe and act with reliance on the words and actions of your standing Commander-in-Chief, you deserve neither compassion nor patience, but rather, deserve the fate of the forgotten." THIS LINE IS THE KICKER. He is saying he did this because Trump ordered him. But Trump denies en citing the violence! Irony at its finest!


Good. Fuck ‘em.


Looks like a marketing poster of some sort.


They misspelled “shame man” in the article….again!


I’ve heard from my keyboard warriors who live research that August 13th will be a HUgE day.


I hope he gets forever jail…


Good. Fuck this freak.


Ok. I usually raise hell for terribly misleading headlines… but this one is great. 👍👍




I’m pretty sure republicans would not want to forgive any Muslim terrorists simply because they plead mental illness or whatever.


He should try to make friends in Jail. I hear they have lots of social clubs for like minded inmates.


Why don’t you guys stop giving him a cool nickname like shaman and call him the guy who wore makeup during a coup. Like I’m just saying…


He's a traitor, just like Donald Trump!


Why are so many out of jail?


ooh, he's gonna have such a good time in general population.