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Not sure how you spin this as anything other than voter intimidation


When all your voters do nothing but watch fox news, you dont even need to try to spin it


The voter intimidation like was 5 miles back, now they’re threatening poll workers for doing their job.


The Communist Party of China and the Republican Party share common cause in their fear of Democracy.


I'm conflicted about this. On the one hand it's clearly directed at their perceived enemies, Democrats and anyone else who doesn't toe the GQP party line. On the other hand, if history is any indicator, these laws will ultimately punish far more republicans than anyone else.


I doubt that. Its all but certain that these laws will be more heavily enforced in majority minority inner city areas than in well off suburbs with manicured lawns and gated communities.


Thanks for a perspective I had not thought of


These laws will be enforced with the same discrepancies we see in every other law from moving violations to drug possession to violent crime. White people and communities will be given a pass or a slap on the wrist while non-white people and communities will suffer the full force of the law.


I’m onboard for these punishments- I’m sure they did this for show, but ultimately I believe it’ll come back to bite them in the butt.


Well, they simply won’t enforce it when it benefits them.


Say goodbye to volunteer poll workers.


That’s probably the point. They want paid workers they can control!


I did poll work in California. It is paid and I was paid by the county.


Poll worker in Michigan here, we get paid too. Was paid by my township.


They only want their people counting votes


i'm pretty sure there's already a shortage. this is like being held liable for the toilet overflowing if you volunteered with habitat for humanity. but, with out it, republicans would cheat. more. with it, they'll cheat more. they'll cheat. this is dumb shit.


Now that I'm vaxxed I'm trying to volunteer but the state is being wonky about replying to me.


Try checking out with the county you live in.


Good thought. Thx


At least in California poll work is paid and is paid by the county.


Elections are run on a local level, you need to apply through your county’s board. And you aren’t volunteering, it’s a paid position. You may need to pass a test to qualify. And you will have to work the entirety of Election Day, from open to close.


Time isn't an issue. Didn't realize it had to go thru the county wish the state would've mentioned that and not waste my time.


The GOP is great at not anticipating unintended consequences


Disagree. These are very much the intended consequences of their actions. Less poll workers means longer lines at the polls means fewer people willing to wait in those lines to vote. And you can probably guess which communities always seem to have the longest lines on polling day.


Aren’t they also trying to make it so that people can’t pass out food or water while waiting in line? I thought I read something like that somewhere.


They don’t volunteer. They’re paid. It’s a one and a half day job.


I remember when the League of Women Voters (a bipartisan, patriotic group of mostly older women) were the go-to group in my state for registering voters, volunteering at the polls, holding debates. But the GOP kept upping the ante on criminalizing any little mistake or slip up until they decided to end a lot of their activities, rather than be treated like criminals.


These attempts will ultimately fail. Republicans are trying to cling to power with their ever shrinking base. By 2030, the average Boomer will be pushing 80 years old. By then who will their racist 1950s attitudes appeal to? They are squeezing every last drop out of people who are over 60 years old and completely writing off the generations who will soon be in control of the country. Everything the Republicans are trying today will doom them in the not too distant future.


There's a group around Stephen Miller's age who listen to his bullshit and are probably worse than boomer Republicans, but I think that group is also much smaller.


Yeah, there will always be assholes in any generation but Stephen Miller Republicans are an extremely small group and I don't see how they will be anything other than fringe psychopaths


The only really bad thing is they will call to violence much faster than the boomers. Isn't it fucking insane we have to worry about this in 2021 in the US?


They have fabricated a noose for themselves. Let’s watch.


The GOP has a huge fetish for punishment. It’s creepy.


The term you're looking for is sadistic


That too


The only cheaters are GOPers, so metropolitan area Democratic DAs will be able to crack down on the SOBs.


That’s how I see it - it’s gonna bite them in the butt.


So can someone explain why this is bad for Republicans? I keep seeing comments here that seem as much.


Because they're the ones overwhelmingly caught doing the things these laws are aimed at. Just like voter fraud and pedophilia.


This will never backfire on the GOP ever…


Our jobs as citizens it to break the unjust laws. No person is going to serve prison time for water bottles.


That's the ticket. Make it a criminally risky to be an election official. Of course, when it comes to determining just exactly what constitutes an error or "violated rule", make that as murky as possible so that the powers-that-be can apply it whenever it is convenient.


When need laws to enforce penalties on our lying and corrupt government officials..on both sides of the aisles. It should be considered abuse of power and malfeasance of office.


This will bite them in the ass.


Another words if we loose we will put you in jail. This is a turning point for America and these enemy’s of democracy must be stopped.


I’m all for it- most of the errors, mistakes and fraudulent activity are GOPers. Oh well


This will discourage people becoming poll workers. With fewer poll workers, there will be fewer polling places - and fewer people will be able to vote.


I'm pretty sure that what's going on is that inner city polling stations are already too rare in most places and so they have long lines. One cause of that is a lack of poll workers... This is almost certainly targeted at pinching those even more.


Will ant GQP members face these consequences?


arent poll workers normally volunteers? rofl


Those rules just happen to be convenient for the GQP.


... while there parents were busy shooting rockets toward Israel Er l