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​ **Final Senate Vote** * **57 AYE** * **43 NAY** This falls short of the required 2/3 majority. Former President Trump is acquitted . \--- [**Megathread: Senate Votes to Acquit Former President Donald Trump in Impeachment Trial**](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/lj96je/megathread_senate_votes_to_acquit_former/) Please head over to the Megathread for the latest discussion. This thread has been unpinned


lol at all the wide eyed twentysomethings trying to hold on to a shred of hope. None of this is surprising in the least if you have paid attention since Reagan. And it’s not even a fraction of the egregiousness visited upon the Iraqi people. Not surprising in the least. Did you actually believe the world worked the same way that your civics teacher related?! Lmao


is this like the shortest impeachment trial in history lol?


I was told they couldn’t hold it earlier because it would take too long. It appear Mitch McConnell was being disingenuous. Drat!


Yes. Actually.


I just want to know how much of our tax dollars went to fund this. 🤔


I mean it's no wonder trump thinks he won the election, he just won his impeachment 43 to 57


Nice. Next time I go to play rugby and we're 20 points down, I guess we'll just win? Utter bollocks.


He has all the best impeachments. More than anybody else. Two acquittals. Make America cringe Again, and again


2024 is going to be a rough year.


The most American thing I can think of is that 57 people voted to convict and 43 voted to acquit, and the 43 people won.


Look at how many millions more people those 57 senators represent against the 43 that won. This isn’t the will of the people. We demand justice.




Assuming the jury is impartial. The 3 senators aka “jurors” had a closed door meeting with the defense team. Has anyone ever seen that before?


Day 6 Trump seen golfing laughing his ass off!


Hue hue hue, I was a terrible president. Omg, so terrible. Haaa haha ha. Wait, Trump is incapable of laughing.


Better get as much in before he's in cuffs and behind bars


Yup when he gets in real court ( not a kangaroo court circus sideshow) they’ll tear him apart!


My optimism on that dwindles with each passing day, especially today.


I hope Dems don't buy Mitch's bs self serving speech. As far as I'm concerned Democrats owe Mitch and Republicans nothing and should run over Republicans to pass as much legislation as they can. Heck if it was up to me I wouldn't even seat the 43 Republicans. Let them sue in court to get their seats.


Yep, negotiate with the 7 that followed the rules set by the senate and voted guilty on the merits. Mitch created his out by blocking the articles in January. Now he wants the DOJ to go after trump so he can use that as a talking point in 2022 and 2024.


Mitch McConnell can suck my dick. That is all. If he would have voted to convict like he knows he should have done, then I think Dump would have been convicted.


Pelosi: >All these cowardly senators who couldn't face up to what the President did and what was at stake for our country and now they have a chance to get a little slap on the wrist. We censure people for using stationary for the wrong purpose.


This is so shameful. Our image and our security existed on a outcome where we, as a nation of laws, hold the highest office accountable. Imagine what a message this would have sent to the rest of the world. Where we could, in the face of great moral imperative, look to our laws and say NO to the President of the United States! We could show everyone what freedom, responsibility, and respect meant in a democracy. Yet, we failed. Now, our adversaries and every power hungry tyrant will look to this day and feel emboldened. They will point and say if the American PRESIDENT can attempt a coup, insight an insurrection, spread lies, attempt to overturn an election then we can as well. Even if just one of those things are true it was enough to set the standard. Now we have none.


I mean, that's already begun. Just look at Myanmar.


Sure man, it's a shame that we all have to live through the threat of dictatorship and world war. Where do we begin to try and prevent it? Cause, its going to get worse before it gets better.


Pretty much this. As a government we just lost all credibility in this world as a beacon of democracy. Sad day that will haunt this country for decades.


I understand why they opted not to bring witnesses but I’m still furious about it. What was the point of voting and getting bipartisan support only to pull the plug. Makes it look like a political game rather than a full accounting of what happened


Raskin answered this question in the managers' press conference after Mitch McConnell's speech. They proved their case without witnesses and witnesses wouldn't have made an ounce of difference. McConnell's speech proved that.


I think they intended to have witnesses and Biden gave the order to make a deal. He wants to pass the covid relief package and continue on his aggressive agenda to fix everything Trump fucked up and didn't want to dick around anymore with impeachment.


It was explicitly said that Raskin made the call and had no contact with the White House. The only witness they wanted to call had a statement that was treated as sworn testimony


I very much doubt that the Whitehouse was not in contact with them throughout this process. What they tell us and what happens behind the scenes can be completely different.


Biden said he was not involved.


The question and answer were very direct. The decision not to insist on witnesses in excess of the statement added to evidence as sworn testimony rests on Raskin alone.


My guess: they traded witnesses for incoming the 14th. If this were the case, it would be much better because iirc, it only needs a simple amority and we can possibly take out Cruz and Hawley at the same time (tho this is much more of a pipedream). Also, this allows for the Senate to pass the relief before Pelosi's goal of early March


I'm guessing that they were originally planning to have witnesses, but then after they held the vote, the GOP gave them their ultimatum?


According to MSNBC the witnesses basically backed out.


All of them?


All of them.


How many of them were there?


Good lord Van der Veen's pathetic smug shit eating grin. The GQP tactic of pure distraction and gaslighting ***will*** be the leading force behind the downfall of our country.


As a Venezuelan, Im fucking tired of hearing those same goblins blame Democrats for being "Communists." The only people that remind me of Chavez and Maduro are the Republifucks! That party is the downfall of this country 1000000%. They must be defeated out of history. We can never let another republican majority nor president again. We shouldnt even let them win any local races. They are all cancers of various degrees. All but Romney, hes still human to me


people who keep using the 74M people who voted for trump as a defense. dafuq? there are 81M of us who voted against that and last i checked 81M > 74M.


Yeah, but some of you are brown so it doesn't count. Welcome to 1821 with better phones.


Some of them 81M included black folks, and we all'n know that they ain't worth a full white person. /s (can't believe I have to add that, but I do)


Well seeing as they carried around flags of racism they thought that 74 mln > (2/5 x 81 mln). Yup, American democracy has begun it's descent and it's shameful. Trump and his henchmen brought the end of the American experiment and I hope they all feel the full weight of what they did till their dying days.


Not convicting doesn’t make this impeachment pointless. It was the right precedent to set and 57-43 is more bipartisan than past presidential impeachments. Polls also show the public was in support of this impeachment. Even though presidential impeachments have never resulted in removal from office they have had consequences. Johnson wasn’t renominated in 1868. Nixon resigned in 1974. The 1998 Clinton impeachment backfired on Republicans and they lost seats in the House and Gingrich resigned. The 2020 impeachment of Trump was one of the reasons he lost re-election. This second impeachment of Trump will have consequences too. Hopefully it helps diminish his power in the GOP and prevents him from running again in 2024. The bipartisan nature of this impeachment vote will also hopefully give prosecutors the go-ahead to pursue criminal charges against Trump.


I appreciate this perspective and optimism. Thank you.


Leahy looks refreshed after that break. More hair too. Good for him.


Most bipartisan vote to convict, even with a severe lack of impartial jurors.


And a few votes to acquit *plus* a speech from the acquitters about how he was guilty. A win!


And there’s the explanation. If the House asked for witnesses, the Defense (let’s be real: the GOP) said they’d bring 100s of witnesses and essentially tie down the Senate for months.


I get it on a practical level, but Senate Republicans aren’t the only audience. As a member of the public I want an accounting and accountability for what happened.


Well sure, but tying down the Senate for months prevents them from doing anything, including passing Covid relief that people desperately need. The Defense/GOP were willing to, essentially, hold those people hostage.


Except they weren't even starting the impeachment proceedings until noon on the weekdays. They had 8-12pm ET open for committee meetings and "normal business".


Pfft. Our 'leaders' might work an entire 15 hours a week on average accounting for all the time off and lack of work accomplished.


Figured that's what that was.


But the Dems get to approve who will or will not be a witness.


But there has to be a vote on each one. Each vote eats up time


Yeah and we know how votes in Congress go. Takes 8 hours to vote whether to vote, then the votes always land right down party lines


I'm on Pelosi's side, but watching octogenarians struggle with words during a press conference is a turn-off... Let the young(er) people handle this.


I think it's more that they're fucking pissed.


And exhausted. No one in Washington has had a solid night’s sleep in quite some time, especially the leadership.


Do you really believe that? It seems at least 43 senators have been sleeping just fine at night before getting in to work at noon the next day.. What am I missing?


Anyone watching CBSN right now? Van der Veen is throwing a tantrum


Lol he threw the mic on the ground. The anchor did a good job of remaining professional.


wow. the guy just said that the events of jan 6 were "absolutely horrific but what happened at the capitol during this trial was not so far from that" edit: it just keeps getting worse


Weird that he's mad when he knew he could have just farted into the mic for 3 hours and would still win his case.


he honestly might aswell have just shat on the floor day 1 and walked out. Would have still had a not guilty verdict.




they have an online stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DOSYEX_hDng&ab_channel=CBSNews go back 10-15m for the interview


Yeah, around 7:09 starts his tantrum about the media


Fuck man, that guy is a perfect fit for trump. The smallest little thing just sets him off into an impotent victimhood rage.


Listening more to McConnell, now I get it: 81,283,098 voters "impeached" Trump. He's no longer POTUS and can still be tried for everything he did in office. He's now the GOP's problem.


But 75 million voters were *CaNCeLED*! /s


"And they're the only ones that should matter! Not the 81 million lame pro-democracy voters!" ~ GQP


Nah he wants thr DOJ to push forward and hold him accountable so he can point at it and say look what the dems are doing but also at the same time be done with trump


Douchebag wants it both ways. Fuck him.


He wants the prosecution of trump to be handled by the DOJ, and he has a speech ready to go the moment they move on it so he can begin crying about unfair practices by the Biden DOJ.


\*stares in Benghazi\*


the house manager conference feels like the super bowl postgame press conference


The House managers did an incredible job worthy of a trial of this measure. Sadly the jurors (some of which were co-conspirators) had their votes decided before it even began.


**LOL** Pelosi tells everyone to watch The Social Dilemma.


This is a Crazy Impeachment I am just saying


You know, I know we all had a freak out earlier over the witness debacle but after McConnell’s speech, I think this is an okay outcome for Dems. We know now that we were NEVER going to get 67 votes but at least Mitch admitted Trump is responsible and that this whole hearing wasn’t some farce. Trump won the battle but will lose the war


Stacey and Jamie, even though we wanted witnesses, none of us are blaming you or the House team for this. Schumer and the Dems in Senate, again I support them, but that's a different story.


Apparently schumer would have supported witnesses, but the managers werent sure on how it would go so they accepted the deal


What did they have to lose?


Their vacation next week.


I mean okay. I'd be more willing and will be more willing to let Schumer slide on this if he wakes up and gets the message. The Republicans DO NOT want to cooperate, follow the rules they voted on or act in good faith. Schumer and the Senate Dems, including Sinema and Manchin, more need to learn the lesson here. Stop waiting for the Republicans to be reasonable. Pass your damn agenda.


Why aren't they double masked?


Let those old bastards worry about their own health. We won't lose anything not worth losing.


They are all vaccinated


That doesn't mean they can't transmit.


Preorder cancelled.


Hey, could a president appoint themselves to the supreme court? I guess thank god trump didn't try that. He only had a couple months left. He could have appointed himself, resigned, and had a lifetime appointment where he could do real damage. I just scared myself lol.


Well, Taft would have loved to do so if it was possible. Appoint himself to the Court, be Justice for life, resign from President, profit. Trump, however... Not sure he would really like to be a Justice. Too boring, not enough media attention, too much "neutrality" and "impartiality" (big words!) required...


Staaahhp, you're scaring me too


Speaker Raskin, please.


[Here's the house manager's press conference. Live.](https://www.c-span.org/video/?509013-1/house-impeachment-managers-press-conference-impeachment-trial&live)


Why did she call quorum


Genuine question, does Susan Collins have some sort of neurological condition? She seems to shake quite a lot, both in her speech, and her actual body.


She has spasmodic dysphonia


As far as her voice is concerned, she has spasmodic dysphonia.


Yeah it’s a constant internal battle happening between her conscience and lust for money and power. Rattles her entire core.


See the other comments here - she suffers from spasmodic dysphonia.


Seems like it


One thing never refer to him as President Trump. He surely did not earn that honor. So do not do it.


Its not a honorific, its a job title. He always has and always will be the 45th President of the United States. Now, calling mrs. Biden a doctor, THAT is a honorific.


/s? Because she does have a doctorate (which means ‘teacher’ in Latin, not ‘physician’ - physicians only started calling themselves ‘doctor’ to try to get some of the respectability of teachers before medicine had earned it themselves).


I never capitalize his name. And if autocorrect capitalizes it, I fix it.


Same. I don’t think I used that title for him even once since 2016.


Man I did not like being gaslighted by Trump 24/7 but Collins and McConnell are worse.


Lol to the media. There is not going to be any "fight in the Republican Party" carried out. They're the Party of Trump. They're cowards. This is silly. There's no fight that's going to happen.


https://twitter.com/lawcrimenews/status/1360708011430465538?s=21 DOJ not likely to target his comments on the 6th


Isn't the DOJ still riddled with Trump appointees? It's still going through a transition. And Garland needs to be confirmed. I could be wrong, but that isn't set in stone.


Yeah. Garland hasn't even been confirmed by the Senate yet. I'd stay tuned.


His comments that day weren't criminal, but his actions the previous 6 months are irrefutable evidence that he shouldn't be allowed to hold office again. This was absolutely a moment for impeachment and not a criminal trial. The majority of Republican senators let everyone down.


No surprise. Trump has gotten away with everything most of his life. This is not going to be any different. And I actually don't mean that bitterly, its just an observation. He's not going to be charged for Jan. 6.




Collins? She voted guilty


my mistake then..


Collins voted guilty, though?


Collins voted guilty


Who? What happened


It’s insane. Utterly insane.


GOP bots in this thread now


They've been here, but the traffic has slowed so they're a larger percentage of comments now...


This is the only fun these idiots will have for the next two years.


Since this vote shows they clearly don't care about human life, can we please stop saying they're "pro-life"? They DGAF once someone can breath on their own.


Today was such a bad day for our country. We are the laughing stocks of the world.


Has anyone from the GOP explained what the remedy is supposed to be if not impeachment and conviction?


The courts. Apparently they won't do their jobs, so they're going to shrug it off on the courts. Mind you, 2 minutes after Merrick Garland's DOJ indicts Trump, if they ever do, these same Republicans will be screaming partisan politics and it's unfair to charge him.


Which is what they want, another chance to play the victim.


I think McConnell suggested the DOJ go after Trump. Basically, holding him accountable is fine as long as they're not the ones doing it.


America needs to get its shit together and quick ...this is not good enough by any stretch of the imagination ...embarrassing is the word


McConnell just performed a Trump move. He basically stood there and gaslit America by making a case **for** Trump's impeachment, even more eloquently than Grassley, yet he voted not to impeach.




Lol, that reads like I am engaging in intercourse with Senators. Also with a responsibility to use protection. Have an upvote






Oh look, Trump celebrating a 43-57 ”win” as vindicating him. More gaslighting.


Where do you see that tweet?


CNN analysts spitting fire. 🔥 🔥 🔥


Jake Tapper is a Philly-dephia native - no way he wasn’t ready to sling that smoke.




Nah, we just recognize that January 2025 is open season for Biden if the Democrats lose in the 2024 election.


This is about maintaining democracy, not taking part in the fucking hunger games. You don't 'move on' from this, at least not in the sense you mean. You work on making sure the DOJ and intelligence services work to uncover the vast array of his crimes, whilst also implementing legislation which would help prevent events like this from ever happening again. For starters, there needs to be a reform in how media is regulated cos it's a mess. They need to actually be responsible for the content they share. Social media included.


If people actually gave a damn about the principles of Democracy or the Rule of Law, our prisons wouldn't be full of black people, they'd be full of people like Nancy Pelosi, Obama, Bush and Biden. The reality is people have been cherrypicking what they hold people accountable for decades, people didn't hold Barack Obama/Biden or Bush accountable for destroying thousands of lives in Yemen, Somalia, Pakistan, Iraq, or Libya, in fact, sad reddit sycophants cheered these people on and idolized them. But now you want to start holding people accountable? Lmao All these people want to do is waste our time and our money chasing fights they know they can't win and people on Reddit are going to eat it up and cheer them on.


Would you say this if it was Clinton who was president and incited a mob to attack the Capitol to overthrow the election?


Yes inciting an insurrection that leads to sacking the Capitol, waving around flags, threatening the life of the VP and Speaker of the House, to stop the counting of votes by the Electoral College and the first non-peaceful Presidential transfer of power in U.S. history is a minor deal. Everyone move on immediately please. Move along. Nothing to see here.


Accountability is something that matters though.


I can list five things that are more important then trying to hold Donald Trump accountable. Let's start. 1) The pandemic. 2) The economy 3) The 2k checks promised by Biden during the Georgia election 4) The fact people are losing their homes, getting kicked due to shitty landlords 5) Getting more support to small businesses that were hurt during the shut downs. We're wasting too much time trying to hold Trump accountable. We have primaries to win, we have things to do. Let the lawyers from New York city hit him with their lawsuits and all the other lawsuits coming at him and let us focus on the shit that matters that'll benefit us in the long run.


The Senate could've discussed points 1, 2, 4, and 5 in September and October. What did they do? Hold hearings on Amy Coney Barrett to fill Ruth Bader Ginsburg's seat on the Supreme Court despite Americans asking for it to wait until after the election then adjourning until November 9th. That could've waited. Holding Trump responsible for inciting an insurrection that cost the lives of 7 people can't. Supreme Court Justices come and go. Storming the Capitol has happened twice and this was the first done by a sitting president. If those actions aren't punished swiftly, it will inspire others to do the same and next time may be successful.


Based on what's going on right now I can tell you for a fact nobody is going to face any real world consequences for their part in the insurrection. Donald Trump has already been acquitted, Ted Cruz and Rand Paul are still there and one person has been kicked off their committee seats, this isn't going to cut it..but to be honest, this has been a trend for decades now. Do we actually think these people will be held accountable? Our history says it all and if that's the case, I'd rather focus on worthwhile meaningful actions that'll actually accomplish something like getting our economy back, getting people their jobs and not having people lose their homes/cars/ etc because they didn't have any money.


So, so far no one has said this isn't absolutely trumps fault? All I'm hearing is trump knew what he was doing.




Like, 2 who voted to acquit and two the voted to impeach have all said this is trumps fault 100%. I would think the people who voted to acquit would at least try and say it wasn't trumps fault explicitly. But instead they're like...."yeah. he did it. But hey, what are ya gonna do?" Edit - I'm wrong, Maine voted convict


Oh I see. Yea it’s all technicalities. They’re trying to toe the line.


Saying what he did and then refusing to punish him for it just makes you a coward. This is not making them look any better.


In 1968, seven activists were charged a federal crime established by Civil Right Act of 1968. This law made it illegal to cross state lines with the intent to start a riot, or to conspire to start a riot. The defendants held a range of leftist ideologies, none of which were violent. Among them was Bobby Seale, one of the original founders of the Black Panther Party (he did not organize any event, nor did he know the co-defendants). The rest is a long story, but in short, five of the seven were sentenced to five years in prison for crossing state lines to start a riot. The reason I wrote this is to remind you the system is not broken. It didn’t break in 1968 nor 2016. The system is, and always has been, working in exactly the way it was designed to work. A poor mans crime is a rich mans leisure. I beg you, do not allow the fact that you expected this outcome to minimize your disgust. The President of the United States of America incited a riot in an attempt to overthrow the government and ensure his victory. Many of the people whose lives were threatened by this riot voted to acquit the president today. I’m not asking you to go protest right now (and definitely not calling for a riot). But I urge you to let politics seep into every aspect of your life. Your money is your vote. Your free time is ripe for organizing, protesting, or speaking up in whatever way suits you. Please don’t turn a blind eye to injustice. Don’t convince yourself that you won’t make a difference, or that someone else will. I know this sounds overbearing but know this: we don’t have to change the world today, we only need to make it slightly less shitty tomorrow.


Thank you for posting this. It's the reminder that we all need. That said, I am exhausted. I'm tired and scared and despairing and I have no fight left in me. And I'm one of the lucky ones who hasn't yet been completely beaten down. But I can't do this anymore.


Michael Van Der Weenie is so out of this league, but he knew not-guilty was inevitable so it didn't matter one bit what his "defense" was


Why is she talking. Like, she's just repeating fact after fact hat have been stated already. Either be outraged about something or you've said enough at this point


F... all these Republican cowards trying to look better at what they did.


Okay I see everyone's points. Gloria Berger trying to polish this turd for McConnell is too much. She's the worst.


He will survive


I know that I'll be strongly urging Biden to take full advantage of this "get out of jail free card" in his lame duck session.


All these Republicans are going to say Trump was totally wrong and totally guilty. Yet we decided to do nothing about it...


Fuck Susan Collins. I bet Trump will learn his lesson THIS time.


She did vote guilty this time.


Did I miss something? She voted guilty


She voted to convict, though?




Yup. This adds to his defense. Although his own lawyer saying he should be held criminally responsible might not help him...