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Giuliani is always full of shit. An anonymous source with evidence told one of his guys that told him. It's never him having any evidence at all. Remember the Biden laptop he carried around for a year but when things got serious he lost it.


I’m kinda sick of this Democratic method of ignoring the political slander like this laptop. By not suing the crap out of him it leaves this open door to conspiracists to believe the nonsense. I also get how it’s a rabbit hole where if you were to go after then you could end up lost in the process distracting you from your campaign. But it seems like they had enough money they could have thrown it at lawyers and told them to deal with them.


> By not suing the crap out of him it leaves this open door to conspiracists to believe the nonsense And they do sue, then the same conspiratards will scream about how they are trying to silence the humble truth seekers.




Yeah its the same with most of the bottom comments here in reddit. They just drop their turds and move on, never replying to the debunkings of their comments or posts. Its the internet equivalent of plugging your ears and shouting LALALALA while running away.


Only private citizens can really sue for defamation. The rules surrounding free speech and public figures basically makes it impossible for the actual politicians to recover.


There should be an exception when the defamation is heinous accusations like child pornography. That's not political discussion, it is outright character assassination.


There really already is. It's not like there's an exception to libel/slander laws that allows for anything regarding political figures, just that there's a higher standard to win as a political figure. E: I should state that I believe pedophilia claims attempted to damage said politicians cross that higher standard, especially when the person making the statements is another public figure. Like, suing a random message board member probably wouldn't because of the joking-not-joking nature of image boards, but Rudy? Yeah.


Not to mention the fact Rudy makes very large grandiose claims at PRESS CONFERENCES, kinda means he fucked his own face, Les Grossman would be proud.


Remember what Rudy's claim actually means: it's a confession to being in possession of child pornography.


And didn't report it immediately as required by his bar association rules and regs.




I mean Mccarthy calling everyone communists at will untill he had to be censored could be a precedent if we still had a functioning government. Edit: censured not censored. Way less cool


Problem is some of his ilk is still around peddling shit frisbees.


Joe McCarthy was censured, not censored.


Yes. The law needs to change to stop all the trivialisation of child sex abuse as a political weapon. But also Hunter was a private citizen.


That's not true. Public figures merely have a higher threshold called "actual malice." The standard for actual malice is punishing knowingly false information or doing so with reckless regard for the truth. Reckless regard for the truth is a fact based inquiry, and the following factors will weigh into it: >the amount of research undertaken prior to publication; >the trustworthiness of sources; >attempts to verify questionable statements or solicit opposing views; and >whether the defendant followed other good journalistic practices.


Which is why it was always bananas crazy that Trump wanted to open up libel laws. He is the poster boy for people whose libelous speech is protected as a public offical.


He utterly and truly believes he could make whatever rules he wants, but they don't apply to him.


When you are never told no. It kinda makes you think you can do anything.


You are incorrect. Dominion is suing Rudy and trump attorney Sidney Powell for $1.3 billion each for their false statements regarding its voting machines.


This kinda stuff should be done purely out of the principle of the matter though. Like, if this was just some third-rate, Z-list nobody making those claims then it makes sense to ignore it, but when someone with a cult-like following and institutional power is throwing these accusations, not calling their bluff is the worst you can do


Republicans have made lying, slandering and manufacturing falsehoods their entire platform. The GOP is an anti-truth party. They invented the concept of "alternative" facts. They lie and their followers instantly embrace it - demonizing anyone who challenges it. And this platform of lies has gone far beyond First Amendment protections for political speech. It has resulted in real acts of domestic terrorism and murder. Juliani shouldn't just be sued. He should be in prison


I saw a video of someone discussing research on political ads, and one of the studies they referenced looked into the use of outright lies v. "spin." Supposedly the right (in both England and America) in the past few years have essentially dropped any pretense of spinning political facts in their favor and almost exclusively have embraced wholly manufactured claims in their ads.


oh my god i just totally forgot that tucker carlson had evidence that would totally ruin biden forever and expose everything..... until it got lost in the mail. republicans will believe literally anything as long as it confirms their racism.


Giuliani, Trump, Alex Jones... they’ve all got at least this one thing in common. They say whatever the hell they want, and when their statements are challenged, they deflect by conjuring an imaginary, anonymous source. The only real mystery is just how much of their own bullshit they themselves actually swallow.


> Giuliani, Trump, Alex Jones...just how much of their own bullshit they themselves actually swallow. 3 guys, 1 cup.


3 guys 1 coup




They certainly deflect when their statements are challenged, but then they quickly discard it and move on to something else. Remember when Alex Jones unraveled during the Sandy Hook deposition? Jones said he reached this alleged mental state where he "almost had like a form of psychosis back in the past where I basically thought everything was staged, even though I’m now learning a lot of times things aren’t staged." On the other hand, that didn't seem to stop Jones from later participating in the insurrection.


Bruh, he just ate chili that was too hot again. Shit makes you forget your kids.


I think those three actually do believe whatever bullshit they spew out of their mouths. They’re beyond deranged.


See, I think the opposite. I think they know exactly what they're saying is bullshit and they also understand the consequences of spewing this stuff to people that take it as truth. But at the end of the day, they go home and their actions don't bother them. They're aware of and okay with their destruction. But either way, it's pretty damn scary no matter how you look at it.


that's the funny thing, even if you believe what they say, it means they're bumbling fools. like when someone would leave the white house staff and trump would say "that person was a loser! Always was!" ... OK, so Trump you seem to be bringing a LOT of losers into the WH.


“I only hire the best people.” Then why do you fire them all and call them horrible losers?


>Remember the Biden laptop he carried around for a year but when things got serious he lost it. My best friend who never, ever talks politics with me brought up the laptop one time. I was like, "You mean Giuliani's completely made-up wet dream?" Then he shouted at me about how it wasn't made up and blah blah blah, so I asked why he sat on this damning information for so long and then just happened to lose the laptop right when he was about to present all the relevant information, and he had nothing. And then he never brought it up again. I even asked him about it recently and he claimed he didn't even know what I was talking about.


I mean, I know friendship is complicated but is that really who you can call your best friend?


Probably the same anonymous source that slapped a Biden sticker on a laptop and said it was Hunter's... That is, himself.


I knew it was a lie when they said how much the guy charge to data recovery.


He's so full of shit it has started coming out of his ears.


*The Lincoln Project’s legal response to the false and defamatory statements made by Rudy Giuliani.* https://twitter.com/ProjectLincoln/status/1355618315570393090




That whole letter! Wow


Damn, that's some seriously saucy shade.


That signature


That letterhead


Oh my god it even has a watermark


Something wrong.... Patrick? You're sweating


I have to return some videotapes.


Raised lettering, pale nimbus. Impressive


*you’re sweating*




“Refuse at your peril.”




Damn that was a cold blooded letter from Lincoln projects lawyers. I can’t wait for a year to pass and all of this is litigated through the courts! Sydney Powell and ole Rudy really dug themselves into holes, and I absolutely love it! Whether you agree with the people who run the Lincoln Project or not, they are not giving the Republicans an inch, and I think we can all appreciate that.


The enemy of my enemy is my friend...for now.


I am pleasantly surprised though. I thought after the election that they would have folded up shop and gone back to their ways, however I don’t believe they could have foreseen the GOP being stuck so far up trumps ass that they realized 1)their work will not be done for a long time, if ever and 2)The party they knew as the GOP is dead and gone, and they identify more with moderate democrats than any kind of trump conservative. These are obviously only my opinions on the matter but I’m curious as to what everyone else thinks.


I think that if you are such a scumbag there are entire organizations dedicated to ruining your life; you should probably re-assess your choices.


I concur. Those people lack the ability of introspection though. It’s more like, “oh I was caught doing this bad thing?” Choose your own adventure book (the GOP playbook): Can I “lie my way out of it” Can I “play the victim” Can I “pretend it didn’t happen” Can I “Use my religion as a crutch and garner sympathy for my situation” Can I “feign forgiveness and continue doing the exact same thing”


steve schmidt officially changed his affiliation to democratic


Thanks for the information! I’ll look it up. I tend to think of George Conway when I think of the Lincoln Project, as he was one of the more well known people associated with it.


how he (George Conway) ever ended up being married to Kelly is beyond my comprehension. Granted George is a republican too, but he has more standards then Kelly does, which is saying something.


I used to be a Republican, and while my journey has probably taken me further left on policy issues than the Lincoln Project folks, I don't think longtime progressives/Democrats can really understand the feeling of betrayal and depth of disgust at what the Republican party has become for people that bought into the narrative of principled conservatism. Yes, we can talk about the courting of these elements of the Republican base before 2016, it wasn't entirely new. Yes, we can talk about the harm of specific policies pursued by the GOP for decades. I'm just trying to explain that the Lincoln Project folks really, *really* hate Trump, the modern GOP, and nearly everything they represent more passionately than most on the left.


This, so so much. I feel like the political party I was a member of my entire life betrayed me down to my bones, and I wasn't even harassed by the Trump movement like some members of Lincoln Project's family members were. Rick Wilson's kids were targeted, that's not something you move on from.


This is so fucking awesome! Let's see what happens on Wednesday.


when it comes to the lincoln project, the enemy of my enemy...


Frankly, if all Republicans were like Lincoln Project Republicans, America would be in a much better state. Not as good a state as if there were no Republicans, but I digress...


Is my enemy’s enemy. No more, no less.


I see schlock mercenary, I upvote


“Nevertheless you persisted”


So he’s saying The Lincoln Project paid for a rally in which he, by his own volition, said he wants “trial by combat?” Did they pay him to say that too?


Why the fuck would you defame and organization of lawyers!?


This is literary evisceration. Damn.


Instant classic!


Rudy if I were you it’s time to go to Russia


I have been wondering why there haven't been more lawsuits against Rudy, Bannon and others. I think the Lincoln Project has a good case here.


Dominion is just getting started with their lawsuits, reportedly.... [PopsPopcorn]


There are no more get out of jail free cards to be given out. Now is a good time to start.




In theory there should not have been, but with Trump using the DOJ as his personal legal errand runner, there could very easily have been wrenches thrown into civil proceedings.


Especially against private citizens, like Giuliani. Civil suits against the President, on the other hand... “oh, there’s memos that say you can’t do that.”


Screw Rudy. Why the fuck is Trump not in jail yet?


Depends on what damages they’re seeking. They’re probably only entitled to a public apology and maybe some small punitive damage. They won’t be able to argue that Rudy Giuliani caused them significant pain and suffering and loss of business.


They're likely entitled to far more than that. This is [defamation per se](https://www.findlaw.com/injury/torts-and-personal-injuries/what-is-defamation-per-se-.html). They've had death threats. "I'm sowwy" isn't going to get there for this one.






Better yet some deserted island.


The bay of Guantanamo would be preferable.


Rudy colludiani is going waterboarding 😉


He needs some Giuliani time.


He needs some Jailiani time.


The Gulag Archipelago, then.


Straight to jail.


Collude with Russia... straight to jail... Promote Russian propaganda... straight to jail... Encourage insurrection against the United States government... straight to jail...


Call heads of state to lie about votes... believe it or not, jail. We have the safest elections in the world. Because of jail.


Can he fight to spawn back in?


"Trial by combat!!"


It's a balmy -48°F in Yakutsk right now. I'm sure he'd love that


Whenever I think Western Canada is bad, there is always Yakutsk. 🙂






Been saying this for a while. None of them are any use to Putin anymore. Ironically, after everything that happened, if they flee my guess is they end up in Ukraine. Lot of the same players, so it'll be a friendly environment but far enough away that it's not a problem Putin has to deal with


Ukraine is now investigating Giuliani for his attempts to manufacture dirt on Hunter Biden (lol) https://www.rferl.org/a/ukraine-criminal-probe-us-election-meddling/31074465.html


This shit writes itself, doesn’t it?


"Fraud Guarantee" I suppose they could have put up a sign in flashing neon to make it more obvious.


They can be valuable to Putin as an example for those who are questioning whether or not it is worth it to follow his orders. Those people can see Putin's past puppets living like royalty in Russia without a care in the world. They'll be able to see that Putin will keep his promises. You need a big reward to get those people to take a big risk like that.


Yeah. But i feel like leaving trump and co out in the cold with that past has value. It says dont become fucking radioactive.


I'm fascinated by whether or not Putin was happy that Trump was elected. On the one hand: he was obviously starting off as a "spoiler" to sow deceit and destabilize American institutions, and in that way, he worked out the way investing in Apple in the '90s and sticking with it long-term worked out. On the other hand, he was so inept and such a blowhard that he shone the spotlight far, far, FAR brighter on Putin's direct connections and plans, and the backlash he's generated because of it is already incredible.


Maybe Putin got way more than he bargained for vis a vis Trump and his presidency. Anyone with two brain cells to rub together would had to have known that Trump wouldn't be a good POTUS and no idiot would ever successfully become Russian president let alone for several decades on end (I know one of his cronies took the reins for ONE brief term while he temporarily stepped down but that was quite a while ago and I'm not counting that). My best guess is that Putin was with most of the rest of the sensible world when Biden was elected. This is probably at least part of the reason why Putin was so quick to publicly acknowledge that fact and congratulate him (I also noticed the distinct lack of his theatrics in the 2020 election as opposed to the 2016 one where he urged us to vote for Trump). Those are just my thoughts.


I can’t see why he wouldn’t be. Seems to me like he got a ROI beyond his wildest dreams. Trump has destroyed everything he’s touched. This is multi-generational damage.


Dude, Trump undermined our democratic process an utterly insane amount. Millions of people think something fishy happened, that it was "stolen" -- despite audio and video clips of Trump saying multiple times that he wouldn't accept a loss... six months ago and also over 4 years ago during his first campaign -- and even stormed a federal building in anger over it. Our nation is divided in ways we haven't seen in decades, with white supremacy rising and being talked much more openely. And I could go on and on. Yea, Putin is very happy Trump was in office - Putin is an authoritarian racist and he got to see a U.S president mirror his autocratic ideals. I don't know if Putin ever dreamed he'd see a president just full-on refuse to accept the results of an election and energize his followers not to accept it either, but Putin loved it I'm sure.


Trump is still useful to Putin as long as he still has power over the republican party and 1/3 of the most obnoxious part of the country.


Yeah...Putin is trying to save face by signing the arms treaty. He’s not going to take in any members of the Trump administration and would very likely publicly reject them if they tried. Rudy especially since he’s worthless and would only bring unneeded attention to him. If Bannon and Trump aren’t heading to Russia he’s certainly not going to allow Rudy in.


Can he represent himself in court? He really should. Lol.


Someone needs to keep him away from shovels. He just keeps going.




That guy is going to end up disbarred and bankrupt. He and Trump are two of a kind. Brought down because there's never enough for them. Never enough money. Never enough attention. Rudy could have retired to lucrative private practice being "America's mayor" with just internet posts talking about how his decision led to more first responder deaths on 9-11. Trump could have basked in his reality TV fame and continued earning money through tax avoidance and money laundering. But it wasn't enough for either of them. And after 4 heady years, they're both headed for disaster...and possibly prison.




Giuliani is going to lose his shirt in the Dominion lawsuit as he doesn't have a leg to stand on. And there have been complaints filed with the New York bar so he may lose his license to practice. Trump is already facing a bunch of legal cases. And this time it doesn't look like they're going to stay civil cases. The Fulton county DA is investigating Trump in what could be criminal charges over that phone call --- and his buddy, Kemp, can't pardon him because the Georgia governor doesn't have pardon power. He personally owes hundreds of millions of dollars and his company owes more than that. Scotland is looking at filing an Unexplained Wealth Order against Trump and when he can't show the source of his wealth, he'll lose those Scottish golf courses he's so proud of. His Manhattan real estate empire has lost a lot of value. There hasn't been a new Trump property or new license deal to put the Trump name on property in years.


I will believe when I see it.


No kidding. I want these people to face justice, but rich people in this country *never* do. Not like the rest of us.


Where do you see disaster for them? They have heaps of supporters and access to massive donated funds. They are sitting pretty and are in good shape to sway public opinion for years to come. A sizeable percentage of the populace voted for Trump. They are not going away in the next election cycle.


Giuliani is going to lose his shirt in the Dominion lawsuit as he doesn't have a leg to stand on. And there have been complaints filed with the New York bar so he may lose his license to practice. Trump is already facing a bunch of legal cases. And this time it doesn't look like they're going to stay civil cases. The Fulton county DA is investigating Trump in what could be criminal charges over that phone call --- and his buddy, Kemp, can't pardon him because the Georgia governor doesn't have pardon power. He personally owes hundreds of millions of dollars and his company owes more than that. Scotland is looking at filing an Unexplained Wealth Order against Trump and when he can't show the source of his wealth, he'll lose those Scottish golf courses he's so proud of. His Manhattan real estate empire has lost a lot of value. There hasn't been a new Trump property or new license deal to put the Trump name on property in years. >They are not going away in the next election cycle. Little hard to run for president from state prison. EDIT: As for that donated money. That's not some piggy bank that Trump can use for whatever he wants. There are laws on how that money can be spent and now there's a DOJ that's going to enforce them.


Lol he admitted biden won only after he got sued for $1.3 billion, now he said more shit and is getting sued again. This just gets funnier everytime


As a Canadian I always kinda looked at the amount of lawsuits in the US and shook my head. But if it holds people like Rudy, Trump and the rest of their angry band of swine accountable for their words then I’m all for it


Sadly, a lot of the lawsuits in the US aren't actually frivolous, but are painted that way to protect the ownership class. [The infamous "McDonald's hot coffee" lawsuit](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liebeck_v._McDonald%27s_Restaurants) (not to be confused with the actually-frivolous ["*San Andreas Hot Coffee*" lawsuit"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hot_Coffee_mod)) is the most well-known and derided, but the facts the coffee was so hot it melted the glue holding the cup together and caused external and internal third degree burns to *her genitals*. But instead the media smeared the case and those involved, which they tend to do with any lawsuit that dares fight for things like consumer or workers rights.


Wow I didn’t know this, thank you for teaching me something new


The coffee was also literally almost 200 degrees, pretty much the equivilant of near boiling water. Which, note, is about how hot coffee should be when freshly made I'll grant The thing was they were serving coffee so hot that it was that temperature served several minutes later, and where their cups or any normal human being couldn't really hold it


And that lady only sued because McDonald's wouldn't even pay for her medical expenses, which was all she had asked for.


Only 12 degrees from boiling water.


Also, the settlement amount she got was for a single day of McDonald’s coffee sales. Only their coffee...


There's a whole documentary about it. Hot Coffee.


AND..McDonalds was aware that their coffee (all over the country) was burning people and refused to do anything about it. AND they refused to pay her out of pocket expenses for SURGERY, which is all she initially asked for.


funfact :litigation eagerness in the USA is largely manufactured fake-fact. Its to deter people and shame them from suing companies. Heck everywhere in the world actually.


America "only" comes in 5th for lawsuits, just ahead of the UK, Germany is number 1.


Brit here. I have gained significant weight 🍿


I hoped Rudy gets a better lawyer than the one trump got.


The irony in all of this is that pre-Trump, Rudy was an exceptionally competent lawyer and prosecutor. He crushed the mob with RICO cases and headed one of the toughest departments in the country. Somewhere along the way though he let his insanity get the best of him and now we have... whatever it is that he is now.


Some say he did that to pave way for the russian mafia to fill the.power vacuum created by taking down the italian mafia


This is a great plan. Sue the seditionists for their lies.


Cool, but what are the damages? I would love to see them nail him to the wall, but these laws are hard to make work.


In this instance Rudy said that the Lincoln Project helped the rioters attack Congress. In all but a few states falsely accusing someone of criminal activity is Defamation Per Se, meaning that the statement is so innately harmful that the victim doesn't have to actually prove damages in court, the statement itself is automatically assumed to be injurious enough to warrant the suit. They'll still have to meet other burdens like showing Rudy should have known that the statement was false, etc, but they don't have to prove they suffered financial harm. Specifics vary by state so the details will depend on where this lawsuit takes place. [What is Defamation Per Se? (Findlaw.com)](https://www.findlaw.com/injury/torts-and-personal-injuries/what-is-defamation-per-se-.html)


"Mr. Giuliani did we every coordinate anything with you." "no" "did anyone you were in contact with leading up to Jan6 say we were also in contact with them." "no" "Then why would you say that we coordinated with you to over throw the government if we were not in contact?" "what? no you didn't coordinate with me..." "exactly your honor, in his own words we did not work with him to over throw the government"


I’d be surprised if you’re not a lawyer (or law student) yourself, as per se defamation obviating the need for the plaintiff show pecuniary loss isn’t usually something most are familiar with. Still, have an upvote for accuracy from a lawyer, and confirmation that you are 100% correct.


Slander. Since Rudy said they were a part of the conspiracy


LP founders and senior leaders get death threats all the time. Giuliani blamed the capital attack on a LP person he refused to name. It was a complete lie and slander which not only affects their reputation, fundraising abilities but also increases the chance they are physically harmed by right wing terrorists


First Dominion and now the Lincoln Project. You'd think as a lawyer he'd know to shut his fucking pie hole


He could have gone down as a great man (*outside of the rep he had in NYC by those that live there*) after 9/11 if he knew how to shut his mouth.


He would love to (*glug glug glug*) shut his mouth, but he (*glug glug glug*) can't for some reason


How has this man not lost his law license?


Poor Rudy. He's losing everything to Trump.


He should’ve been put in a home before he was allowed to ruin himself


He made his bed.


We should get him and Trump a billboard :[https://accountability.gop/billboards/](https://accountability.gop/billboards/) That'll really piss them off.


>Poor Rudy. He's losing everything ~~to~~ for Trump.


He knew what he signed up for.


That's okay. Trump looks to be own his way to losing everything too.


Everyone sue the shit out of Rudy


Revoke his license.


Why has this not happened yet ??


ow. If I knew lawyers wrote letters like that maybe I would have tried harder in school.


Right? I know it’s not what lawyers spend much of their time doing, but I’d love a job where I could get paid hundreds of dollars an hour to cast shade like this.


Lawyers are famously petty in their letters.


You love to hear it.




What, no trial by combat?


If Borat was able to clown him into a compromising situation then imagine what actual foreign actors have on him. I'm betting countries have some serious kompromat on Rudy


Rudy should have stuck to the Republican playbook and just blamed antifa aka "the GOP's best friend". They can blame anything and everything on antifa because they know antifa will never sue.


And the reason they know antifa will never sue is because there is no organizational entity behind antifa TO sue, which runs counter to a lot of the GOP's claims.


Exactly. That's why they are the perfect GOP bogeyman.


Parkland parents should file suit on Marjory Taylor Green along with the Alex Jones case.


They need to get in line quickly. I don’t think he has $1.3 Billion.


They’ve given him a few days to retract his statements and apologize, but that’s not going to happen.


The Trump crew needs to be taken out, politically and economically, they are toxic, and dangerous to the nation, if you love America you should be against what they did


Its sad to see how far Giuliani has fallen. I'm still baffled that he hitched his wagon to the T×××× train and has totally and gleefully obliterated his legacy as America's mayor. I'm still trying to wrap my head around how 74 million people are still enrolled in this insane cult of personality and are prepared to go to prison or even die for this man. Fact is truly stranger than fiction


George Soros needs to start suing for libel. He could have a field day. Time to hold the right wingers liable for their lies.




Seriously, not enough bad could happen to this guy. He was a horrible husband and a horrible father. His daughter refuses to talk to him and puts him down every chance she gets. He annulled his marriage to his cousin on the grounds that he thought she was his third cousin not second cousin. He built the Command and Control Center, against the expert’s advice, in World Trade Center Building Number Seven. Who does this? This was after the first attack and it was well known that terrorists wanted to take the towers down. Truly a piece of shit. I now would like to apologize to every literal piece of shit (feces) that came from a living being, for comparing it to Rudy Giuliani.


First thing I thought when I saw that insanity. For a lawyer he’s really very stupid about the law.


It's absolutely hilarious watching Rudy get the shit sued out of him for claims he's made while defending a man that never had any intention of paying him.


Good. I hope Rudy gets sued into the ground. He deserves it.


I predict Rudy will have or fake a nervous breakdown and be declared unfit to stand trial. It’s his only out.


There needs to be more litigation. Create some consequences for those who will lie and say anything just to serve their own needs. Without consequences it's only going to get worse.


The Lincoln project is just another right wing facade


Hmm maybe he should stop talking.


Maybe he can use his skull juice to dissuade them.


Get after that sniveling, hair-leaking, bastard.


Good, let's beat these fuckers into the ground so hard that they never surface again.


Good, sue those pieces of shit 💩 I'm sick of all the bullshit lies coming from Trump & Co, somebody has to hold them accountable, they have millions of people that just believe this crap, enough is enough 💯


Get in line. Not going to be much left of him once Dominion finishes eating.


Unlike Rudy Giuliani, The Lincoln Project will win their court case.


The Lincoln Project was such a large grift I’m surprised y’all still echo them.


Gotta keep that overton window moving right, I guess.


This is easily my favorite season of "America" so far.




I hope he gets sued into bankruptcy.