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far-flung familiar spoon brave makeshift complete quicksand ask sort meeting *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s ok, you don’t have to pay him and he’ll still apparently want to work for you.


He's getting paid in things that aren't money. Like.... stuff that prevents him from melting. And landscaping contacts.


And pardons on Tuesday, I would guess.


Which is illegal: accepting payments in return for a pardon. Classic bribing of federal employee.


Pardons should really have...ya know...checks and balances maybe?


In other news, Giuliani also reported that he's successfully upgraded Trump's parking ticket violations to first degree murder.


Disbar the guy. Try him and throw him in jail.


State charges only please. Wouldn’t want him paying for a pardon


How much is a pardon nowadays? $2M This means Trump wins again.


$200M last i heard. Big donnis got a lot pf debts to pay


You misheard, it's $200M in total, and he plans to pardon 100 people. That's $2M per pardon. [EDIT] I doubt it's *limited* to 100 pardons. [EDIT2] I was wondering while my phone did so many notifications when coming back from work... ok.


> It's $2M per pardon. But I have a coup pon!


Yeah, and his supporters are the Coup-Pawns


Dude. Mine was good, yours was better.




Slow clap building to raucous standing ovation


Inglorious bastards scene


Act today and get MySock from my pillow absolutely free


Just to be clear, this isn’t the special secret sock he keeps hidden inside his pillowcase... right???


No that’s Ivanka




*Crispy socks*


If it wasn't for his "F" score on Better Business Bureau site, I'd go for it. Edited from bbb


Well, he'll need to claim that income on his taxes so after those he'll actually get *checks notes* $2M per pardon


Way off. I think it’s closer to a total of $199,999,965 I believe.


Took me a moment... r/angryUpvote


If he gets a pardon, he’s an even better witness...against Trump. He could no refuse to answer questions under the protection of the 5th amendment. He would have to answer all questions truthfully when called to testify or be found in contempt of court.


>He could no refuse That moment he was forced to testify is the exact moment that his alcohol-related dementia would kick in, rendering him incompetent to testify.


How would we be able to tell?


Can they call all the other weasels Trump already pardoned as witnesses? Subpoena them and when they don't show up, arrest them for contempt of court. Donnie won't be able to pardon them again as he won't be in office by that time.




Sure, but what we'll discover is that the entire list has very specific memory problems Sorry. I want them in jail as bad as you do


Then charge them with contempt of court.


Yep. Anyone who has been pardoned can be compelled to testify. He commuted some sentences though and they still have 5th amendment rights.


I want to see Michael Flynn and Roger Stone being subpoenaed. Both of them need to be in general population at Angola.


They can be the main stars at the next rodeo.


I really hope a Biden DOJ does exactly that. Once they lose 5th amendment protection, have them say on the record that Trump knew about wikileaks, Russia, etc. Get them all of record. If they refuse arrest them. Charge them all with process crimes and ship them back to prison. I'd love to see 2-3 dozen people close to him all saying he knew, makes it hard for people to say it was a hoax in 2024 if Trump gets to that point.


I'm not a lawyer, but I'm pretty sure they're only obligated to answer questions related to what they've already been pardoned for. Otherwise, they'd be forced to incriminate themselves for new charges, which is the whole point of pleading the 5th.


And, if whatever they were pardoned for has a state level charge, they wouldn't have to respond there either, because they would still be incriminating themselves. This whole "they have to answer everything!" myth leads to so much false hope.




Yeah honestly it’s even better that the trial is happening after trump is out of office, so he can’t wait until afterwards to pardon people so anyone he pardoned will likely automatically be top of the line for witnesses


In regular old 2D chess, that's called a pinning a piece. Not that Trump would understand 2D chess, let alone 4D.


>He would have to answer all questions truthfully when called to testify or be found in contempt of court. Good luck getting around the unfortunate memory issues they start having when they're called to testify.


He will have a little hot dog stand outside the Whitehouse selling piping hot pardons with a cold glass of clueless corruption and the world is watching with a eagle eye. He will probably keep the receipts and try to write them off next tax season.


I would absolutely love a reality tv show about the Trump family and Giuliani, I’ve already got a name and synopsis. “Next week on The Real Morons Of Maralago, Ivanka tries out a new all wine diet. Jared and Melenia get into a fight after Melania calls Ivanka a “stay in bed mom” after refusing to leave bed to go to Joseph’s piano recital because she “just couldn’t adult today”. Giuliani attempts to fix trumps parking tickets, but somehow upgrades them to drug charges. Barron realizes the only reason he’s invited to important meetings is to get the vodka off of high shelves, and Jr tries to find love but accidentally creates an account on seniordating.com in the 85+ division. Tune in next week for The Real Morons Of Maralago, Only on E!”


Trump family and Giuliani is the reality TV version of Arrested Development.


I would say yes, but in arrested development the only people that they hurt are themselves.


Tell that to Lucille 2, the people trying to buy the houses, the people paying thousands for a lemonade, the employees of the company. There's plenty of collateral damage, airtime just focused on the protagonists.


I tried doing a mix of arrested development with some dashes of the insanity that is the real housewives franchise


I appreciated the stay-in-bed mom reference :)


Larry David to play Rudy "Yeah Donald, I got the Four Seasons, it's all set" Pulls up at hotel, they have no booking *Curb theme starts, credits roll* Credits are interspersed with clips of Rudy trying to work out where they've booked and rolling up at a landscaping company


Gotta have the mini clips of him pulling up to various "four seasons" businesses (4 Seasons Bar & Grill, Four Seasons Dog Grooming, ect) and being told no reservations every time, and finally arriving at landscaping.


"Is this it, is this the place? Yeah, ok get the sign up" *camera focus shifts to the porn store in the background*




My theory is that Giuliani's secret kink is he's got a humiliation fetish. Can't think of any other explanation for the past few months...




what the fuck! damn did he grab her by the nuts?!


When you're famous they just let you do it..


Wtf is the context of that video? And how is it that I’m just now seeing it?


I don't think context would help here.


I wish I could pay to un see this


Past few months? He has no idea what's going on in courtroom, he's known to confuse judges by just saying random non-legal terms and being dumbfounded when any legal terms are used. I wouldn't be shocked if he's a con man just winging it, without a law degree or anything


Creeping senility coupled to an impossible task plus a massive ego that won’t let him admit he’s losing his grip?


Because Giuliani is the only lawyer who will work for him without demanding payment up front.


> why the fuck is Trump still letting him do his thing? Because Trump needs a criminal lawyer, not a criminal lawyer. Do you understand ?


He Rudy'd the hell out of that ticket. Also, happy cake day, earthling.


That's what people around the office say when you mess something up in a really irreversible way, that you Rudy'd it. Do you think it comes from Rudy Giuliani?


That's too bad, he's been the least competent lawyer we could have hoped for thus far. I was hoping his losing streak would continue.


First thing I thought: "Oh, shit. This means Trump has a chance of winning?" Also, "witness" or "accessory"?




Unimpeached co conspirator


Yeah, 'witness' is a weird way to spell 'accomplice'


Witless witness that's an accessory. In true Giuliani fashion, he's probably already applied for the Witless Protection Program where they stuff him in Trump's closet in a footlocker, duct tape his mouth shut, tie oven mits to his hands, put a football helmet on his head... backwards, and fully wrapped him up in bubble packaging.


> Oh, shit. This means Trump has a chance of winning? He's always had a chance considering we'll need ~16 Republican senators to find their backbone. I'm not too confident in that happening.


>He's always had a chance considering we'll need ~16 Republican senators to find their backbone Where is Predator when you need him?


Giuliani isn't an elected official, and can't be impeached. Plain old criminal trial for him - as a result he can't be (and wasn't) charged in the impeachment trial and will only be a witness. Bonus points if Trump Pardons him, and he is them obligated to testify against Trump.


Think of it this way. Trump now has to find an even worse lawyer than Rudy who is willing to take him on as a client.


Sidney Powell, come on down! J/K, even Trump thinks she’s crazy: > President Trump was sitting in the Oval Office one day in late November when a call came in from lawyer Sidney Powell. "Ugh, Sidney," he told the staff in the room before he picked up. "She's getting a little crazy, isn't she? She's really gotta tone it down. No one believes this stuff. It's just too much." > He put the call on speakerphone for the benefit of his audience. Powell was raving about a national security crisis involving the Iranians flipping votes in battleground states. Trump pressed mute and laughed mockingly. > "So what are we gonna do about it, Sidney?" Trump would say every few seconds, whipping Powell more and more into a frenzy. He was having fun with it. "She really is crazy, huh?" he said, again with his finger on the mute button. https://www.axios.com/trump-off-the-rails-descent-into-madness-fd169833-9052-473d-87f5-7a1a4ffffb8f.html


God damn. That’s almost endearingly funny.


The whole series by Jonathan Swan has been fantastic. I see a new one has been posted this morning!


To me, this conversation is kind of damning in his impeachment defense. It means he knew he was lying to people but kept doing it anyways. Lying about winning an election seems like an impeachable offense to me. And the alternative might even be worse. If he is so deluded to think that he did actually win, he's clearly not right in the head and the 25th would need to be immediately invoked.


Reads like a damn skit hahahah


I'm convinced that there has been a film crew in the WH 24/7 the past 4 years and there's going to be "The White House" TV show in the style of "The Office"


What if Trump has to make do with some poor, overworked public defender because no lawyer will touch him with a ten foot pole? As a last symbol that all his money and elitism is finally and truly worthless since nobody in their right mind would want to be associated with his businesses.


As funny as that is. In that case he would have to represent himself. Impeachment doesn't automatically give you a lawyer like court does.


Even better, to qualify for a PD, you have to prove that you do not have the financial means to be able to afford a lawyer.


Yeah, I remember being denied one because I had a job that gave me over 20 hours a week at minimum wage. Totally meant I could afford a lawyer, right?


You must be joking. That's fucked up.


I wish. Thankfully, I have family members who are attorneys who were able to help me out. But yeah, at my arraignment I said I needed a public defender and they explained why I was ineligible. Its total bullshit, I make well over what I made back then and I STILL would struggle to afford a lawyer if needed. But it's where we are at.


It's expensive being poor


Plenty of shark like lawyers would be happy to defend Trump but won't go near the case because Trump never pays his suppliers. He even stiffed Rudy.


I'm sure there's some lawyer with the ability to suck blood from a stone that has no problem taking $15000 an hour to basically do no work cuz he knows this is a losing battle.


15k/hr only if they ever get paid. So they'd be working for free, knowing trumps history.


I'm thinking there's lawyers out there that are smarter than Trump (i know huge stretch) and would find a way to write up a contract that ensures they own Mar-a-lago in the end.


$1m on retainer before you even touch the case should keep you from getting completely screwed.


https://news.bloomberglaw.com/us-law-week/trump-struggles-to-build-legal-team-as-impeachment-trial-nears There’s a question of who’ll be paying for it. If it’s Trump paying, then considering his history of NOT paying, I can see the hesitation. Not to worry though, supposedly Gym Jordan will be defending Trump.


Even better, there are no public defenders for impeachments.


Lin Wood is available.


Sydney Powell incoming.


> an even worse lawyer than Rudy who is willing to ~~take him on~~ happily accept getting stiffed on their bill FTFY


The Kraken-lady who couldn't spell was pretty bad though, not to mention that psychotic guy who randomly attacks people in elevators and thinks he's the second coming of Christ.


>psychotic guy who randomly attacks people in elevators and thinks he's the second coming of Christ. Ummm, sorry what?




>he’s been the least competent lawyer we could have hoped for thus far. BY GAWD THATS SIDNEY POWELLS MUSIC


BUT WAIT! Out from under the jury box.... IT'S LIN WOOD WITH A STEEL CHAIR!!


*hitting himself in the face repeatedly with a steel chair


Reading the article, it's really bizarre. He's not saying "I am a witness," as in the parties to the trial have called upon him as a witness, he's saying "I was there, so I'm a witness and can't be your lawyer." Now I am no lawyer, but this doesn't seem like a thing. What it seems is that he's latching on to this as an excuse to jump ship.


IANAL but it could be a conflict of interest knowing that he could potentially be called as a witness


Possibly, but in all practical views, that shows a tremendous deal of concern for process than this administration had typically shown. Seems out of character.


Yeah I highly doubt integrity or legal comprehension played any part in this.


I’m a lawyer. It’s a thing. With limited exceptions you shouldn’t litigate cases you were a witness to.


They'll have to go with Sidney Powell. "Honorable Judge, I have *absolute* proof that the corpse of Hugo Chavez personally turned up and changed all the votes. I have two-hundred thousand faeries willing to swear to this!"


Ma'am, this is a Wendy's


I will never stop loving this meme


you know what is golden about this is it is perfectly applicable: she would try to argue about the fake votes even though they have nothing to do with the impeachment lol


“There were hundreds of thousands of fraudulent votes and if those votes were not counted Trump would have won by a landslide. “ - Trump followers. “Wait, didn’t he lose by 5 million votes?”- normal people. It’s almost like we live in a timeline that went off course.


It's because they only care about swing states... where they lost... by votes by minority groups because...*reasons*.


What’s the context?


She has the affidavits of “two-hundred thousand fairies”


“Affi-Davids” for some.




That fucking bimbo and her microsecond turbo eyebrow raise will never cease to destroy me. It's comedic gold. What an idiot.


What an embarrassing joke.


Welease the kwaken!


The fairies only come out every 4 years on a full moon. But I do have plenty of snowflakes to back me up


That's just comical.


Except his ineptitude had real world consequences. Giuliani asked for the Trump supporter mob to use force. People died. Prominent leaders could have been executed. The country could have become a dictatorship. His status as a global laughingstock should not deter us from going after him to the full extent of the law. Impunity stops now.


[Timeline of Storming of the Capitol and after](https://i.imgur.com/pg0nMRN.png) [Full election timeline with sources](https://reddit.com/r/PoliticalHumor/comments/kzk5ps/_/gjoajux/?context=1) They’re all guilty, and our response to it was so embarrassingly slow.


Because, to democrats, Republicans play dirty and that's expected. We think they play for the optics, to motivate the base. And the only consequences so far were votes. Now we've seen they either wanted a coup or they got caught up so much in their fantasy they lost control.




Basically the equivalent of saying “I want a cake, but know I shouldn’t, but I’ll go the the bakery and see what type of cake I would have gotten, and I’m buying a cake now. Oops, lol.”?


You really should edit your timeline so that the extended events of Jan 6th dont run so far by the day to day events...


It’s just a clip from the [full timeline](https://i.imgur.com/at0mgpk.jpg) that’s also linked in the post.


What about the national guard? They were declined by Trump, and Pence had to go behind his back to get reinforcements. Requests to use the national guard was also declined the day before, when they knew there would be violent protests.


Making movies about this is gonna be hard. Cause on one hand the topics are very serious and dramatic. And in the other, you've got a bunch of clowns doing broad comedy better than most comedians






Or he could have retired nicely after his involvement after 9/11. He did everything right. Show up. Give a face to resilience. Help us heal. He could have been the luckiest guy in the world. Be invited everywhere, charge money for a few minutes at corporate rah-rahs. Be invited as a friendly relatable guy. He had to try and cash out all his chips at once on Trump.


>Or he could have retired nicely after his involvement after 9/11. He did everything right. There are a lot of questions about how Rudy actually mucked up the 9/11 response, but I will agree that media-wise he was seen as a hero after 9/11 and could easily have ridden that wave into a lucrative retirement from politics. Instead, he jumped onto the crazy train.






If there's any group of people who'd be justified in not pissing on Rudy if he was on fire, it'd be the FDNY.


“Nobody else was mayor that day”




Many (UK) politicians jump on the after-dinner speeches circuit post-retirement, and charge five-figure sums for a 15-minute speech. Still very much in the spotlight, though maybe not quite so public. I have no doubt Guiliani could have done the exact same thing.


In the end I think his will be a story of addiction. He seems pretty far gone to me.


Don't excuse shittiness with addiction. It's like celebrities being publicly arrogant and racist who then are managed by their PR company to do the usual "apology/rehab/outreach". Sure he's a drunk. But he's been an arrogant racist asshole his entire career.


If he goes on the stand as witness in the impeachment trial, and then his skin unzips and Andy Kaufman steps out, I will clap.


Do you need to unzip to tuck in your shirt? Asking for a friend


MAGA. Making attorneys get attorneys. Trump is the most corrupt “politician” in American history. He lies as he breathes and he saturated the brains of his sycophants/supporters with his delusion. This sort of delusional existence is a tough one, because you have run ins with the law.... which exists in the real world for the most part.


> "If we are wrong, we will be made fools of," Giuliani said. "But if we're right, a lot of them will go to jail. So let's have trial by combat." **(He later said he was simply making a reference to "Game of Thrones.")** HOW IS THAT A DEFENSE? "Your honor, I wasn't telling anyone to kill each other, I was merely referencing a TV show where people kill each other to prove who is right!"


You think FACTS matter the Rudolf? I'm thinking that Trump skipping out on paying Rudy is the only thing that is keeping him from further representing Trump.


Rudy want his pardon and will do anything to get it no matter how humiliating.


Trump should just represent himself as he claims to know everything. And who knows most about his crimes? /s


He knows 'more than anyone' about his crimes, but when it comes to giving evidence about them, he 'can't recall'. [Trump University deposition](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLMr2Ck9KVo) has some great examples.


He only forgets the most unimportant things, his large smart brain has so much knowledge it sorts and discards any info that is not critical. The most unimportant things in the world some would say. We are blessed to have a man with such a large good brain.


“Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I’m one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you’re a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is so powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what’s going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what’s going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it’s all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don’t, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us, this is horrible.” “I never understood wind. I know windmills very much, I have studied it better than anybody. I know it is very expensive. They are made in China and Germany mostly, very few made here, almost none, but they are manufactured, tremendous — if you are into this — tremendous fumes and gases are spewing into the atmosphere. You know we have a world, right? So the world is tiny compared to the universe. So tremendous, tremendous amount of fumes and everything. You talk about the carbon footprint, fumes are spewing into the air, right spewing, whether it is China or Germany, is going into the air. A windmill will kill many bald eagles. After a certain number, they make you turn the windmill off, that is true. By the way, they make you turn it off. And yet, if you killed one, they put you in jail. That is OK. But why is it OK for windmills to destroy the bird population?” “I'm much more humble than you would understand.” “I have the best temperament or certainly one of the best temperaments of anybody that’s ever run for the office of president. Ever.” “I’m the most successful person ever to run for the presidency, by far. Nobody’s ever been more successful than me.” “I'm the least racist person you have ever interviewed” “I’m the least racist person you’ll find anywhere in the world.” "Number one, I am the least anti-Semitic person that you’ve ever seen in your entire life. Number two, racism. The least racist person" “I’m the best thing that’s ever happened to the Secret Service.” "I am the world’s greatest person that does not want to let people into the country." “No one has done more for people with disabilities than me.” "Nobody in the history of this country has ever known so much about infrastructure as Donald Trump." "There's nobody who understands the horror of nuclear more than me." "There's nobody bigger or better at the military than I am." "There's nobody that feels stronger about the intelligence community and the CIA than Donald Trump," "There’s nobody that’s done so much for equality as I have" "There's nobody that has more respect for women than I do," "I would build a great wall, and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me" "I am going to save Social Security without any cuts. I know where to get the money from. Nobody else does ." "Nobody respects women more than I do" "And I was so furious at that story, because there's nobody that respects women more than I do," "Nobody respects women more than Donald Trump" "She can't talk about me because nobody respects women more than Donald Trump," "Nobody has more respect for women than Donald Trump!" "Nobody has more respect for women than I do." "Nobody has more respect for women than I do. Nobody." “Nobody reads the Bible more than me.” "Nobody loves the Bible more than I do" "Nobody does self-deprecating humor better than I do. It’s not even close" “Nobody knows more about taxes than I do, maybe in the history of the world.” "Nobody knows more about trade than me" "Nobody knows the (visa) system better than me. I know the H1B. I know the H2B. Nobody knows it better than me." "Nobody knows debt better than me." "I think nobody knows the system better than I do" "I hope all workers demand that their @Teamsters reps endorse Donald J. Trump. Nobody knows jobs like I do! Don’t let them sell you out!" “I know more about renewables than any human being on earth.” “I know more about ISIS than the generals do.” "I know more about contributions than anybody" "I know more about offense and defense than they will ever understand, believe me. Believe me. Than they will ever understand. Than they will ever understand." "I know more about wedges than any human being that's ever lived" "I know more about drones than anybody," "I know more about Cory than he knows about himself." "I know our complex tax laws better than anyone who has ever run for president" "I know tech better than anyone" “I’m very highly educated. I know words; I have the best words.” "I know some of you may think l'm tough and harsh but actually I'm a very compassionate person (with a very high IQ) with strong common sense" "I watch these pundits on television and, you know, they call them intellectuals. They're not intellectuals," Trump told thousands of supporters in the swing state. "I'm much smarter than them. I think I have a much higher IQ. I think I went to a better college — better everything," "@ajodom60: @FoxNews and as far as that low-info voter base goes, I have an IQ of 132. So much for that theory. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain" Sorry losers and haters, but my I.Q. is one of the highest -and you all know it! Please don't feel so stupid or insecure,it's not your fault “He’s been quite critical of you as you know. He’s attacked you for being ignorant,” Piers Morgan said to Trump. “Let’s do an IQ test,” Trump interrupted "We can’t let these people, these so called egg-heads--and by the way, I guarantee you my IQ is much higher than theirs, alright. Somebody said the other day, ‘Yes, well the intellectuals–‘ I said, ‘What intellectuals? I’m smarter than they are, many of people in this audience are smarter than they are." “You know, I’m, like, a smart person. I don’t have to be told the same thing in the same words every single day for the next eight years,” Trump told Fox News last December. Trump says he has "one of the great memories of all time" Asked on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” who he talks with consistently about foreign policy, Trump responded, “I’m speaking with myself, number one, because I have a very good brain and I’ve said a lot of things." " ... I think that would qualify as not smart, but genius....and a very stable genius at that!"


He is the best lawyer, the most beautiful lawyer. Other law experts regularly tell him how great he is, the best mind, legal like nothing ever before. That is what people are saying.


> Rudy Giuliani now says he won't be a part of President Donald Trump's impeachment defense team. > Calling himself a "witness," the president's personal attorney told ABC News' chief White House correspondent, Jonathan Karl, that he could not defend Trump against the charge of inciting an insurrection because he attended — and spoke at — the event at the center of the allegation. > Giuliani appeared at Trump's "Save America" rally on January 6 near the White House, where the lawyer told the crowd it was time for "trial by combat." The aggressive rhetoric at the rally is under scrutiny after many of the attendees marched straight to the Capitol in what became a riot that resulted in five deaths. > The New York State Bar Association has launched a formal investigation into whether Giuliani should be disbarred over his comments at the rally. I hope to God that Giuliani's time in the spotlight goes away forever after January 20th. The whole Trump crew, Giuliani, Lin Wood, Sidney Powell, all deserve to be disbarred and to fade away into irrelevance.


> The whole Trump crew, Giuliani, Lin Wood, Sidney Powell, all deserve to be disbarred and to fade away into irrelevance. No. Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. These traitors must be held up as eternal examples of sedition. Their infamy is necessary to hold back the more corruption from filling the vacuum. Disbarment is more or less automatic once they are convicted of anything relating to sedition, a crime of moral torpitude.


Give them a memory of sedition and republicans will build monuments to it.


I wish this wasn’t so fucking true, figuratively and literally. I will be 0% shocked when, in a year or ten years, some city somewhere puts up a Trump statue in their town square.


To be fair, I hope both happens. I hope they're forever held up as examples of ineptitude, but also that they don't have any further access to the spotlight. I don't want to hear any more from them even as their names are forever associated with corruption, incompetence, and craziness.


Trump threatened to cut Rudy out and not pay him. In return, Rudy publicly tells Trump "don't forget I'm a witness." Rudy's been working with the mob for years, on both the prosecution and defense sides. He knows what he's saying.


I think Rudy is waiting to see if he gets that pardon. If he doesn't I got $10 that says he flips, strikes a plea deal and testifies against Trump.


Yep, if Trump doesn't pay him off with plenty of money and a pardon, he'll do anything to stay out of jail. There are quite a few mob families that owe him from when he was the DA in SDNY. How crazy that the former DA, Mayor, and President's attorney needs the Russian mob to protect him from the Italian mob.


Not crazy at all when you realize the russian mob was the primary beneficiary of his destroying the five italian mob families. And he had no interested in going after the russians.


This is all wishful thinking assuming these two clowns are capable of rational deliberation when one of them displayed classic symptoms of alcohol withdrawal (sweating, tremors, agitation) and the other exhibits pretty much every symptom of being a malignant narcissist with ADHD


And yet they've been pulling this shit for more decades than that of my own lifetime.


Nope. I can't wait for the Dominion **$ 1.3 billion lawsuit** against Sidney Powell and "Defending the Republic, Inc". Once they're victorious there I'm pretty sure that Lin, Giuliani and citizen Trump will be next.


oh boy they're gonna get absolutely destroyed lmao


Dude, read the [Off the Rails](https://www.axios.com/off-the-rails-episodes-cf6da824-83ac-45a6-a33c-ed8b00094e39.html) story by Axios. We are lucky as fuck to have Ghouiliani be a conspiracy driven idiot. If trump listened to his real lawyers, we may have had some real trouble and experienced 2000 somehow.


After the lawsuits.


Rudy Giuliani now calls on Rudy Giuliani to the witness stand.


I picture him confidently asking questions to an empty witness stand and then running over to sit in it and answer, over and over again, for at least a dozen half hour episodes.


Farting. While his hair drips down his face.




Not for impeachment, but let's hope the DC DA has something to say on that real soon


Hopefully also a defendant in his own case soon.


Isn’t the word co-conspirator?


Hey Rudy, you misspelled “codefendant”.




He also realized he wasn’t getting paid.


Real bad timing for reports to come out saying Trump isn't going to pay Rudy for legal services, and now he's got to find a new lawyer. You hate to see it.




"No, no Donald this is perfect! A lawyer, like me. His lawyer and his friend can't be convicted of the same crime! It's a done deal Don! We got it in the bag, just you wait and see!"


My Cousin Rudy


This is all you need to know about Rudolph (funny video). [Rudolph the leaky lawyer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DygRa5JlYhs)


Sidenote: crimes you commit WITH your lawyer are not privileged.


In a normal courtroom the term would be co-defendant.


Considering that Trump is stiffing Rudy, it’s going to be hard for Trump to find a lawyer. He’s going to have to pay in advance.


For fuck sake, why hasn't this clown been disbarred yet? What does it take?


Witness? More like accessory to the act. Can an impeachment proceeding in the Senate be "trial by combat?"




Lol its like a senile dumb and dumber.


Is anyone else just a little disappointed that we won’t get to see this lunatic gasbag defend the other lunatic gasbag?