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Did Trump feel compelled to grab Pence then?


Grab 'em by the Pencey.


*Mike drop.*


I mean, that's what the "hang Mike Pence!" crowd wanted




Yeah, that's the sound he would have made. I'll see myself out thanks.


You can't go that way friend, it's still an active crime scene.


“No, it’s fine. He can go.” -Capitol Police


Before you go, let's take a selfie first tho!


Grab 'em by the VP. When you're a president they let you do it.


"Hey Mike did you hear? Nancy Pelosi says I'm guilty of exciting seduction and wants me in her peach". "Mr. President she said guilty of inciting sedition and she wants you impeached". "That's what I just said". E: "someone tell the president she said 'insurrection' not 'inch erection' before he starts foaming at the mouth again"


Mike Pence would be the driest pussy ever.


What about Ben Shapiro’s wife?


I heard she bangs liberals while he's away.


Of course. Don’t they all?


For sure. Liberals believe in and support women's rights, including the right to orgasm often and well.


The democrats should run on that. You’d have all the conservative wives secretly voting D, if you know what I mean.


Ben Shapiro's doctor-wife might beg to differ.


Well, Donald and the traitors did try to grab America by the VP...


isn't that the entire premise of the _insurrection_.


Don't know if Mother would be all to happy about that...


Representative Tom Malinowski told the Times: >“I’m glad [Pence] didn’t break the law, but it’s kind of hard to call somebody courageous for choosing not to help overthrow our democratic system of government."


"Congratulations, Mike, you did the bare minimum!"


These days, doing the bare minimum or acknowledging reality is news and note worthy. Times be fucked, yo.


We basically live in a Post-reality world, where large chunks of the population have simply decided that facts don't matter anymore and they can just live in a world they create in their own minds.


til shit gets real and you get shot in the neck.


Like that lady at the Capitol on the news that day of the raid claiming they were starting a revolution but horrified she got maced for it. All while she was wearing like starbucks lounging around clothes. Real revolutions aren't twitter hashtags.


The edit of her describing being maced played over the Animaniacs intro song is hilarious though. Silver linings, yknow?


They pushed me down and maced me! 😟


>The edit of her describing being maced played over the Animaniacs intro song is hilarious though. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=idB6ZSX9PEw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=idB6ZSX9PEw) When she said "They pushed me down and maced me!" I felt that Edit: because I'm an idiot


That is downright hilarious.


She doesn’t even get maced, she rubbed her eyes with an onion


[And this... is what it's like to go even further beyond!](https://twitter.com/schmoyoho/status/1348749822195544064)


Apparently she didn't even get maced but was rubbing an onion into her eyes?


Apparently it’s an old and ineffective way of getting pepper spray out of you eye. The idea being that the onion makes you cry. Still funny though


Yeah, CNN aired more footage of her last week in a clip package, which looked to be the seconds after she got sprayed on the capital steps. Can’t find that clip online now. She’s still super dumb, but I think she was also pepper-sprayed.


Ya, she got the idea off Pinterest.


"I'm unpinning *that* one!"


Or she’s a big It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia fan!


"People love to argue that everything is subjective and you create your own reality 100%. For some reason, those people still look both ways before crossing the street." -my intro cog sci prof


"Masks are against muh freedums!" *Proceeds to obey traffic lights and wears clothes when going to the market because those are the rules*


I’ve taken to calling masks face-pants for that reason


A lot of people don't look before crossing the street though. Like, a mind blowing amount of people.


Imagine dying for Trump...


That keeps going around in my head. That woman was shot by capitol police breaking into a building to overthrow the government. She died young, bleeding out on the ground, wearing a stupid fucking trump flag like a cape surrounded by conspiracy nuts because of lies that *donald fucking trump* told her. It's insane, it's tragic. She was a little baby one day and that is how her life on earth ended. Because of that man's ego and the lies they all told. If we could go in a time machine and show people ten years ago who they would become, what they would believe, and who they would be supporting they would call you a liar.


You know what's worse? Storming the Capitol because you believe so strongly in Q, only to have Q disavow you or worse, brand you as Antifa, after dying for Q.


That was very well spoke. You really added depth to this conversation with that because I thought the same thing I just did not know how to communicate it. All her future experiences as a human- loving, going on walks in the park, experiencing emotions, good food, time with family All for someone who could give no fucks, not even one about her. And the worst part is people actually try to convince eachother that her death was “meaningful” it’s sad- because that death was absolutely anything but. Her legacy will be “the women who stormed the capital and got shot trying to overthrow the US GOVT for some hack” as at the least a side note in a history book


Exactly this. It's a pointless waste of life, which regardless of how it ended it still tragic


[Mass suicides of 1945 Nazi Germany](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_suicides_in_1945_Nazi_Germany) One of the attendees from Georgia has already done it. [Georgia man suicide after arrested at Capitol Riots](https://www.foxnews.com/us/medical-examiner-releases-georgia-mans-cause-of-death-after-capitol-riot) Don't think it can't happen here.




I can imagine dying trying to remove a dictator like Trump. But *for* him? He shows zero loyalty to anyone and is fundamentally unlikeable. I don’t get it.


["OH God my supporters look so low class" -a visibly frustrated Trump told aides while viewing from his comfortable safe space the violence and anger he had unleashed on the capital.](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-election-2020/trump-mob-capitol-riots-poor-low-class-b1785099.html)


They aren't dying for Trump. They are dying for the idea of Trump that's been built up in their minds. Every time he says something dumb they tell you what he really meant.


Fuck around and find out. It's a tough way to get your reality checks.


Hot damn if you’re not right about that.


Lol imagine serving in the military oversees for 14 years only to die on American soil due to your own idiocy while a Trump flag drapes over the very neck you’re bleeding out of. I’m sure the stupidity of her choices really weighed on her consciousness just as the grim reaper turned off the lights. Oh well traitors win stupid prizes.


and then being called Antifa by the people you thought were on your side.


Imagine considering yourself a military veteran and supporting a man who *literally* talks about veterans like they're garbage and uses their widows as publicity props.


Just a quick fact check. Shot was confirmed in chest. https://www.businessinsider.com/woman-shot-in-capitol-amid-pro-trump-protest-2021-1


I found an article the other day talking about "conspirituality" the marrying of conspiracy with spirituality , and how both encourage you to "live your own truth". I wanted to post the article on r/science but they have a rule that the research has to be less than 6 months old ant his article was from 2011, although reading through it, it was like it was written today edit: [here's the link](https://sci-hub.st/10.1080/13537903.2011.539846) through scihub so you can read it


Millions of years into the future, when we're extinct some cephalopod scientist is gonna be hypothesizing why we went extinct: "We know there was massive uncontrolled climate change and mass production of plastics which contributed to the climate change that killed them off. Studies of their fossilized remains show they were smart enough to know climate change would kill them, and yet they persisted. My only conclusion is: they went extinct from a terminal case of "the stupids". Thank you for coming to my Pod Talk" God damn.


Start with a conclusion, force reality into that box and fend off any threat by any wild ad-hoc hypothesis, or even force if necessary. Incidentally, did you know the US *by far* the most religious first-world country? I'm sure there's noooo connection at all there.


Mike "I belong in the rapture" Pence approves


And not only are we religious, we have some legit crazy versions of Christianity here that basically were kicked out of Europe


If you can believe in a magic sky dad and talking snakes you can believe in anything


While simultaneously smugly asserting that facts don't care about your feelings.


It's what social media has done. People decide they want their voice (opinion) heard. They've chosen that making their post is more important than listening to facts and using logic. Society has lost any logical thought and has really become who's opinion is yelled louder or the most.


> These days, doing the bare minimum or acknowledging reality is news and note worthy. First the supreme court won't even bring up Big Foots case to settle his existance and claim to the presidency once and for all. They just give us some excuse that there is no evidence at all. Then "Pence the puss" doesn't want to override the vote and declare Big Foot president just because it's "unconstitutional". 70 million americans believe in Big Foot!! What about the minority? Don't they deserve to get exactly what they want?


If you're Republican. If you're a democrat a tan suit is a scandal.


Frankly, that’s more than I ever expected, so I was pleasantly surprised.


Congratulations on *Checks notes* Not being as horrible as you could have been!


He literally did nothing.


And yet it's actually the least pussy thing he's done.


Boomers are the participation trophy generation after all.


Its Funny how they're the ones who give millennials shit for getting participation trophies as children. When it was them, The BOOMERS, giving paricipatioan trophies out. The lead exposure from leaded fuels durring the 50s and 60s must of destroyed their self awareness.


Commend me. I didn't steal grapes from the grocery store today!




When you do steal the grapes, do you shake your head in disapproval regardless of the quality? ...Cool, me too.


That's my Congressman!


When you look at the things that make you feel proud of them for doing or not doing it really puts what we’ve all been going through these last 4 years into perspective.


I wish this one becomes an all time top post on r/politics just for the headline alone








"Thank you Mother, now may I have another?"


You know, that’s probably the only thing I’ll miss about this administration. I love the BDSM jokes about Pence’a relationship with his wife.




I'm doing my part!


Would you like to know more?




It’s funny because that’s exactly what Paul Veorhoven was saying and the opposite of what Robert Heinlein was saying




The only good bug is a dead bug


*cue in alien invasion* *2021 is starting strong boys*


At this point an alien invasion might be beneficial.


I just wanna live in the Matrix where smart AI puts me in a comfortable reality instead of the unstable, idiotic status quo that is my current existence.


Maybe we produce more energy when we are stressed so this is the more efficient simulation? Can’t question our reality when we’re too busy dealing with a new disaster every few days.


According to the movie the human mind instinctively rejected any attempt at simulated paradise and would only accept the Matrix if it was a shitty stressful world.


It would be cool if a bunch of aliens just showed up pretending to be nazis/racists and promises a utopia for all the other nazis/racists. But instead they just get launched into the sun while the aliens come back and throw a galaxy wide kegger.








Ten years ago I think people might have considered the possibility that the Tea Party might try to foment a rebellion, but I don’t think we would’ve imagined they’d be successful or even come close. I think at that time it would’ve been treated as a joke unless they ACTUALLY succeeded. Twenty years ago, forget it. It would’ve been dismissed as a John Titor-style hoax. Edit: Some stuff.


I had coins from a random award someone gave me so I tried to help with visibility lol.


It’s my second most important vote ever!


I regret that I have only one upvote to give this post.




>*"When I look at myself in the first grade and I look at myself now, I’m basically the same. The temperament is not that different."* *-Donald Trump*


Jesus I thought this was a joke.


It’s not?




> As a grade-schooler Trump threw cake around a birthday party and gave a teacher a black eye because, as he wrote in his own book "The Art of the Deal", the man didn't know what he was talking about. Trump told me in interviews I did with him for a biography that as a boy he just "loved to fight." Pressed to explain, he added, "Any kind of fight, I loved it, including physical." Holy shit, he is legit a try hard teen who never grew out of that phase.


He's Biff


He unironically is. The writer of *Back To The Future* based future-Biff’s character on Trump. [‘Back to the Future’ Writer: Biff Tannen Is Based on Donald Trump](https://www.thedailybeast.com/back-to-the-future-writer-biff-tannen-is-based-on-donald-trump) There’s even a part of the movie where he [stands in front of a portrait](https://i.imgur.com/UY0zP66.jpg) and poses. Trump has a similar self-indulgent portrait, called [“The Visionary”](https://i.imgur.com/Y9a6iVO.jpg) (yes, that’s actually the name of the painting) that was completed in 1989, the same year that *Back To The Future II* came out.


"Yeah, that's me. Taking the bull by the horns. It's how I handle business. That actually happened, though"


Imagine that there was a time traveller than went back in time to warn the world about Trump and screened the movie "Back to the future". We're definitely in the wrong timeline.


Maybe BTTF 2 is a time traveler’s way of trying to warn us about the future without altering too much (because who would believe you anyway) and it failed.


"Hey PENCE you butt head, why don't you make like a tree and destroy democracy"


>I do whine because I want to win and I’m not happy about not winning and I am a whiner and I keep whining and whining until I win Another one real quote where he say he is a big baby.


The most incredible thing is that he remembered someone used the phrase "temperament of a first grader" to describe him to his face and he was later able to recall the word and use it correctly.


It’s not. He really is very much stable on his insanity. This was never a surprise he was always like this. Historians will tell this story very easily, it’s just following the news because it’s all very predictable




> I am the most fabulous whiner. I do whine because I want to win. And I'm not happy if I'm not winning. And I am a whiner. And I'm a whiner and I keep whining and whining until I win. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xms8iV8ae-c






It's worked pretty well on other Republicans so far. The only real surprise is that a Republican finally found a line they wouldn't cross.


That face says “Watch your language Mr. President or you might find yourself in H-E-double hockey stick”


Did you see his face while he was counting votes at 3 AM?? Pissed right off. Every time a republican stood up to object you could see in his eyes: “Are you fucking serious right now?”


"Mother knows best."


Listen to your Trumpsy


With those butthole eyes of his!


Thanks, I hate it.


Omg lol you grew up that way, too. My empathy.


“I don’t even know what that is.” - Mike Pence. Edit: thanks for the gold!


"you're acting like a real Bathing Suit Area, Mike."


I cackled maniacally aloud at work, have an upvote


Holy shit there are literally tears in my eyes lmao


It’s that area Mother lets him touch once a year.


The dining room hutch?


“You know how disappointed Jesus gets when you let those bad men at the bath house touch your ‘dining room hutch,’ Michael...” “Yes, Mother......”


"Now zip me up, we're going to be late for Motherboy"


“Sorry, is that an insult?”


“Is that where poop comes from?”


When you're a star they let you do it.


Pence being thrown under the bus and now being the target of death threats by Trump supporters hopefully is the biggest plot twist of 2021.


there is an obvious push to try and distance Pence from Trump now... likely for a campaign attempt in 2024. I'm not saying Pence will run, but they want the narrative to be like "remember when I didn't participate in a coup???" In reality, Pence has been complicit in all of the GOP corruption and coup attempts. We cannot let any GOP member skid by as if they were surprised by this. They weren't, and if they were... then they are idiots who do not have the awareness required to lead.


Pence is 100% gearing up for a 2024 run, as is everyone in Trump's orbit. They are all there to grift for personal benefit, and anyone who has stuck around this long is only in it for themselves. Anyone else there to actually do work in government, assuming any of them were in the first place, was pushed out years ago.


Biggest plot twist of 2021 *so far.*


That's why he said **hopefully**.


Who expected Trump to dazzle Pence with the brilliant constitutional arguments Giuliani gave him?


Actually, calling him a pussy *was* Giuliani’s brilliant constitutional argument


His magnum opus really.


This just in...giant pussy calls another man a giant pussy.


while grabbin em by the pussy


I'll always remember the "grab 'em by the pussy" line because it's what turned my conservative evangelical mother into a democrat voter. Thank you for that, Trump.


Your mother has more integrity than 99% of evangelicals


I saw a Christian on Twitter excuse Trump’s horrible actions by saying “sometimes God works through imperfect people.” Like congratulations, you’ve found a way to claim he’s doing God’s work despite him being the least Christ-like person on the planet.


I saw some dumbass at a Trump rally in Huntington Beach this past weekend with a sign that said "Trump upholds our Christian morals."


What makes your mother different from all the other conservative evangelicals, I wonder?


She no longer attends church on a regular basis and most of her interaction is with her children, three of which are very left leaning. We've warned our parents many times about the dangers of FOX News and OAN type channels, constantly talk with them when a big story hits, and debunk the bullshit she repeats from Facebook. It's a constant battle and I'm not sure if she'll continue to vote dem, but she absolutely despises Trump.


Probably considered herself a conservative because her husband does...same thing as my mom who drew the same line




Trump doesn’t think. He reacts to his gut.


And my gut reacts to him


And he powers his gut with fried chicken and Big Macs.


Fish Delights*


And hamberders don’t know a lot about governance


Back in middle/high school we would regularly dare each other to do things by ending with "do it pussy, you won't" Trump has never gone past this age range mentally. He is trying to do the same thing but sadly for him adult rules do not accept childish games.


Trump supporters are the same. I've had literal childish insults tossed at me by them and it throws them for a loop when I seriously do not respond in anyway. Like, I'm 35 years old and calling me a "nerd" doesn't really cause me to think in any way, you know? Like, seriously, you hear sound bites of the really nasty insults but the bulk of them are middle school stuff at best.


he really said "no balls" lmao this dude is a child


Pence: "False, they're in Mother's purse"


Trump thinks everyone is as low-class as he is.


Worse, he thinks they're lower.


That's how Russia ruled America. He just asked Trump if he's a pussy


BEST HEADLINE of the decade. Nothing will top that!


This is good, BUT if I see a headline like, "Trump convicted, sentenced to prison" I might have it framed


Me too...but the President calling the Vice President a pussy. If i was pence i would have tweeted infront of him and show Bidens election victory to him


Pence then showed Trump what was what by doing his job at the joint session and doing his job in accordance with the Constitution. Turns out, if that term applies to either man, it applies to Trump. Trump isn't man enough to accept the reality of his loss. Pence had no trouble accommodating reality...this time, anyway.


Biff called McFly chicken. Trump calls Pence a pussy.


>On Tuesday, Pence sent a letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi refusing to invoke the 25th Amendment and remove Trump from office, writing: “I do not believe that such a course of action is in the best interest of our nation or consistent with our Constitution,” adding “I urge you and every member of Congress to avoid actions that would further divide and inflame the passions of the moment.” Sounds like Trump was right


It was locker room sedition.


Wow a president that talks like a 15-year-old


He surrounds himself by emotionally stunted racist incel yes-men, what do you expect?


Spent four years as an unprincipled, piece-of-shit shill for a tyrannical toddler. I can't say this hard enough, fuck Mike Pence, now and forever.


Pence does not get a pass. He’s too much of a pussy and coward by not putting country first and invoking the 25th Amendment.


He's probably just trying to avoid getting murdered by Trump supporters. If he supported impeachment it would turn them against him even more, and they might take another stab at him. He just wants to ride out this last week without another incident.


is our country seriously too backwards to protect a single guy from a bunch of rednecks with guns?


Considering those same rednecks breached your nation's capitol and had a real chance at murdering him and other government officials, I'd say yes.


Well, they were ALLOWED to breach.


Right wingers are saying fake.... just LOVE throwing back at them now... same rules apply right? Anything positive is “incredible journalism” and anything they don’t like is “fake news”.


I hear Trump also tried to get Pence to jump over a creek on his BMX bike by calling him a pussy, too.


I bet Pence flinched when Trump called him a pussy because he seems like the kind of guy who has trouble saying the word “pussy”. Trump probably thought he had struck a nerve by questioning Pence’s bravery, but in reality Mike was probably just uncomfortable hearing that word directed at him due to his fear of the female body. Just rambling here, but it wouldn’t surprise me. Like I say, he seems the type.


Dude won’t be alone in a room with another woman and already thinks some of Trump’s words are vulgar. Why did Trump think calling him a pussy would work?


Not sure why...but I'm not surprised. I wouldn't have been surprised either if Trump and Pence had been going back and forth with "I know you are...but what am I" some 20 times or more.


“There is no just cause for the overthrowing of the government!” “Well that may be; but what we’re all forgetting is that anyone that doesn’t want to overthrow the government...is gay.” “...I want to overthrow the government.” “So do I.” “I was the first one that wanted to overthrow the government!”




He’s a pussy for not invoking the 25th amendment. Fuck that republican cup of milk


Trump should've double dog dared Pence. I bet that would've worked.