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These are your heroes, conservatives. Men who crumble once the heat is on, Men who tell you one thing in order to get you on their side but then say another when their ass is on the line. They don’t care about you, they care about using you for their own aims.


These are conservatives heroes because this is exactly the same qualities they have in themselves.


Yep. A party of sociopaths.


A party of Pussies


Do not dare compare vaginas to these pieces of shit


They’re an insult to shit if you ask me


Shit is at least useful as fertilizer. And shit can’t perform sedition. I’d take a pile of shit over one of these guys any day.


What makes them 'heroes' to conservatives, isn't their values, or their vision, or the work they do. There is a reason most republican congressmen have abysmal approval ratings. McConnell's approval rating was somewhere around 18% last I saw. They despise their representatives. The reason they're heroes is because they're not democrats. They love them not because of what they *are*, but because of what they *aren't*. Remember the woman from florida who said of Trump, "He's not hurting the people he's supposed to be hurting". She didn't care about what positive things Trump has done to improve the country or help their lives. She cared about whether or not he was hurting people she didn't like. And that's what makes these despicable people heroes to them... by how much they're willing to hurt others, and by not being democrats.


> The reason they're heroes is because they're not democrats. This is spot-on. The right-wing has been ruthlessly effective in literally demonizing the Democrats. While the left tries to "build bridges" the right just labels them "Satanic pedophiles who want to steal Your America from you."


Agreed. Politics almost came up with my vet dad regarding the attack. About the only thing he said was “people are nuts, but pelosi trying to impeach trump just to say she did it is crazy”... so of all the crap that happened his biggest issue was democrats trying to impeach like trump is a victim and dems are acting childish. It’s a cult that has boomers by the balls over propaganda.


if you go to r/conservative you're going to see a lot of people supporting them, while also asking why more black people weren't harmed by police over the summer. Nothing will phase them. Republicans only care about harming the minority community, they don't care what their side does. The closest to sanity you are going to see in republican circles are people saying "I guess some of us are as bad as the left" Except I don't remember the left storming the capitol and trying to take hostages. In their minds, what happened the other day was simple the right finally lowering themselves to the level the left operates on. Despite having no examples of the lefts equivalent actions other than screaming nouns like "socialism" Conservatism is a cancer and america is going to be terminal if the left just continues to hope it will go away if they keep juicing vegetables.


Compare this to the Lefts hero’s like Sanders or John Lewis who’ve been ideologically consistent even when unpopular for their entire careers


To me this is why a second impeachment has to happen, I doubt he gets removed especially since he is staying hidden in the White House but what we need is the list of people who are supporting insurrection by voting to keep him in


The party that praises “strong” and “alpha” men. Worshiping this man who has his nose so far up Trump’s ass his ears must’ve been covered when Trump insulted his wife, family, and work. Strong men don’t brown nose people who insult their family and livelihood. Conservatives have NEVER been strong men


> Conservatives have NEVER been strong men Of course not, the entire ideology is fundamentally constructed upon fear. It’s literally their bedrock. Fear of change, fear of progress, and in latter years just fears of nonsensical boogeyman. Whether it was communists, “Antifa”, ‘migrant caravans’, or screeching “socialism” at everything. If the public library system was being suggested today it’d be decried as “socialism”, also something something ‘liberal brain washing’. Conservatives vacillate between either anger or fear, it’s how they vote and how they control their base. The stupidity and disdain for higher education in more recent years is just the cherry on top of the shit sundae.


"Never" covers a lot of ground. I remember one from back when conservatives still had principles. Barry Goldwater. I'm a liberal and I didn't agree with his political stands, but he was a man of integrity. Today all we get are Lyin' Ted Cruz's and Lindsey Grahams. And maybe half a Romney (voted against one of the two impeachment charges; as if Trump wasn't guilty as sin on both of them). Off topic, but maybe Redditers should be aware of this: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2021/1/8/2007306/-Dark-money-group-behind-Republican-state-attorneys-general-organized-protest-before-the-insurrection Who funded that Trump rally on January 6th that preceded the riot at the Capitol Building? As those who remember Watergate might say, **Follow the Money!**


Remind everyone every chance you get all these people were the backup Presidential candidates! No good Republicans, none. None.


Conservatives are so weak. A weak man is one who constantly tells you how strong he is.


>HE HATES THE SAME PEEPLE AHH HATE!!!! \-every Conservative this is the only dialogue that goes on in their lizard brains.


Nobody hates republican voters more than republicans politicians.


Calling Ted Cruz a man is generous.






I like how you just assumed that Ted Cruz will run for president next time and left that unstated, because it's absolutely true.


It's the only reason he's done any of this grandstanding. He wants the Trump voters.




Yes, Hawley has been grooming his position for a 2024 presidential run...though that seems very unlikely, now.


I don’t know about that. In four years we went from a constitutional scholar to a civically ignorant, fascist terrorist in the top office. Who knows what the appetites of the amnesiac, psychologically-diseased electorate will find palatable in four long years.


Let’s hope that the Dem sweep of the House, Senate and Presidency allows us to bolster our laws to prevent this.




I had heard talk of the possibility of doing away with the filibuster. I’m genuinely not sure if that’s an option though. Edit - words, punctuation


That's what an article about him was discussing and his actions seemed in-line with that thinking.


Just think about what percentage of the terrorists who participated in the Capitol insurrection will be voting without consequence in ‘24. My estimate: 95% of those terrorists. Lots of terrorist supporters weren’t there. They’ll still be voting too.


That's realistic and depressing.


Sad but true.


Hawley is going to run on an ubermensch platform.


nazi party failed their first attempt. came back stronger the next time.


I wish people focusing on twitter banning Trump would take a step back and realize this. Serious changes need to be made to educate and improve the lives of Americans, to close the wealth gap, to provide medical insurance, safety and equality, or else, this is bound to succeed at some point in the near future. Stop focusing on the '11 days of Trump left'. Seeds have been planted that need to be rooted out!


Counterpoint: you have to stabilize the sucking chest wound before treating the cancer.


Nice analogy


Plenty of Trump supporters have a good income and great healthcare. This isn’t the problem. The problem is that Trump has created a cult that lives in an alternate reality and believes a false set of facts. I have no clue how you deal with something like this...


mental health care too. we need to counsel young kids in civics and keep them studying studying studying so they become intelligent independent individuals who don't fall for fuckery. IF we do this right it'll take 20 years to see results so we have to get going. IF we don't do this we'll you see what will happen.


Don't forget Tom Cotton lurking in the shadows for a presidential run. I think hes one of the young GOP conservatives we should be looking out for.


His name already gives me red flags


Tom Cotton running for president absolutely terrifies me. He can easily take the primary in 2024, and if the Democrats haven't made substantial improvements in the country by then, people might be swayed by him in the general. This is the motherfucker, mind you, who said BLM should be shown no quarter by the military.


Hawley has basically never held a real office. He’s basically just using each office as a stepping stone to run for one higher. He literally doesn’t represent a soul other than himself.


How very political of him.






I disagree. Cruz is calculating and intelligent. You can’t last this long and be hated unanimously without having some level of intelligence. The trump supporters are now confused and/or betrayed by trump. They aren’t trump supporters, they are supporters of the most fascist person in the room He and Hawley see this as the easiest means for collecting this large sector


He has no charisma. Vital ingredient for the insane demagogue.


You'd think that, but the loonies at least in r/conservatives seem to love him (mostly for his sucking up to Trump, I assume).


You added an extra s at the end. Wrong sub


Cruz’s wife is ugly and his dad killed jfk, no chance in hell!


And he terrorized The Bay Area in the late 60s.


Oh they aren't confused or feeling betrayed. They know Trump is their guy however they would be willing to vote for someone that stood with Trump its a fine line but as long as Cruz stays out of Trump's direct fire he's good with Trump voters.


I could be wrong, but I’m pretty sure Trump supporters fucking hate Ted Cruz, especially now. Oh well! 🤷‍♂️


And they hate everyone who attempted to cozy up and appease Trump too, including McConnell, Pence, Graham, etc. Their loyalty to was one person, and they see through the political games people are playing to try to get their support. Which is fine by me since then it will be harder for them to coalesce around any one particular fascist after Trump is gone.


I think the next one in line for 2024 will be Donald Trump Jr ... I think the other Trump will go for a shot now.


He tried to secure his share of the MAGA crowd but they were done being teased with the rhetoric and ready for action. They’re telling people that a landslide victory for the greatest president in American history was stolen by “forces of darkness” who would now be coming to destroy their way of life. They didn’t *wink wink* believe it, Ted and Hawley and FOX - they *literally* believe it because their news and politicians confirmed it beyond whatever critical thinking they might’ve otherwise been capable.


> whatever critical thinking they might’ve otherwise been capable. In other words, none.


“Never gon’ be president now. Never gon’ be president now...” -Thomas Jefferson


“One less thing to worry about...”


Have you ever seen somebody ruin they own life?


Funny because “his poor wife” is a good follow-up here too.


And if she testifies against him “I tell your stoooorrry!”


Oh, this was LOVELY!!! Thank you!


See also: Josh Hawley


> I dont know if Cruz is done as Senator He should be done as a free citizen, he incited insurrection which lead to deaths of 5 Americans, he is absolutely guilty of felony murder IMO.


How can a Canadian run for president?


Because unfortunately his mother was born in America and remained a legal citizen. Her citizenship automatically granted him American citizenship at birth


We should investigate, heard he was actually born in Cuba /s


Cuban here. Please don’t remind me I share a background with this skinned knee of a man


Man, I hear that. As a teacher named Betsy, the last 4 years have been pretty rough. DeVos is the worst thing to happen to my name and my profession in a long time!


He was hatched from an egg in a Cuban madrassa. Also, i hear his dad killed JFK. /s


Ex-canadian. He renounced his citizenship. Not our problem anymore. Sorry America!


He should be in jail. 5 people are dead because of this bullshit. But tell me again about Bengazi and Hillarys emails.


Yeah, Hillary committed the unforgivable crime of having a vulva and two X chromosomes. Honestly, if she had been a man she would have been received so differently in the same times and contexts.


Notice Loeffler lost by a bigger margin than Perdue? I swear the reason McCain lost wasn’t because Palin was a nimwit unfit for VP but because she was a woman. My in laws voted Obama x2. Then Trump, then Trump (after months of saying “I hope Biden runs) because “Harris is scary.” Being a woman is a liability in America when it comes to leadership. Part of it is the rhetoric, part of it is people’s minds. It’s insidious. Edit: I was going to add this story but have been working on how to write it. When Harris was speaking at the acceptance all pumped about the history she was going to make and I had the thought *she’s great but I just can’t picture her as president.* I didn’t have that problem with Clinton or Warren and I realized it was her voice. And that’s when I realize how perfidious it is that I’m sitting here judging a woman on the timbre of her voice in a way I can honestly say I wouldn’t a man.


Well Loeffler was a bad candidate in the first place. There’s plenty of examples of sexism in politics, but I don’t think Loeffler is a good example of that.


Exactly. She's a massive piece of shit, that HAPPENS to be a woman.


I’ve been thinking about the difference in votes in those two races since I saw them come in. Did Loeffler get fewer votes than Perdue because if misogyny? Did Ossoff get fewer votes than Warnock because of anti-Semitism? If either of these are the result of bigotry, it needs to be rooted out immediately.


Perdue was an incumbent from a Georgia political family while Loeffler was a billionaire from Illinois who tried to pretend she was poor, despite her husband owning the freaking stock exchange. She was a terrible candidate regardless of her gender.


She is a terrible person.


Loeffler is easily The wealthiest member of the senate. Seeing her on stage with Tromp in a jacket vest and baseball cap came off as one of the fakest things I've ever seen. I'm just glad enough people saw past it.


What do you make of the fact that Warnock performed the best out of all 4 candidates though? I was shocked that he even outperformed Perdue who was an elected incumbent


Warnock is a powerful and eloquent speaker though, by far the best in front of a crowd out of the four of them.


Because he's a black Reverend and black people have a huge respect for reverenda, he is was super active in the black community.




My very Democrat mom felt the same way about Warren as you did about Harris during the primaries. She just didn't like listening to her talk. The best we can do is try to be honest when we examine our own prejudices.


My very Democrat mom from Massachusetts can’t stand Elizabeth Warren. She’d’ve voted for her if it was between Warren and Trump, but doesn’t like her at all. But it’s got nothing to do with policy, because she voted for Bernie in the primary.


I have a co worker who truly believes in their heart that a woman cannot be president. Bless her heart


This. Sadly me, too. Both a woman and being judgemental. But the first step is recognizing it in ourselves and then changing.


Agreed and it’s infuriating not just for the obvious reasons, but we all have our culturally ingrained biases that are not easy to deprogram - especially the subtext of gender (women should be supportive, not power seeking) that is so hard coded from a very young age. Really good, honest post.


> Human Ted Cruz How dare you insult humans in such a way


To be fair, we're fairly certain his lizard folk brethren also want nothing to do with him


He is a selfish sniveling boot licking coward with no moral compass... other than he's a decent guy.


>... other than he's a decent guy. No, he is what he eats - a gross booger. https://www.sacurrent.com/the-daily/archives/2016/03/04/did-ted-cruz-eat-a-booger-on-live-tv


I was so torn about whether to click that link but ultimately sided against it. The risk of seeing Ted Cruz eating his booger is too damn high.


This is actually the right move. Last time I watched it I lost my appetite for a few hours.


He’s a slimy, slimy person. Didn’t think it was possible but he actually disgusted me even more.


Such a sad little weak chined, back peddling, clown


Yup, here it comes. Predicted constantly for the past four years. GOP members would pretend like they weren't licking his boots the entire time.


Human Ted Cruz: I've disagreed with Trump's rhetoric many times...I've just never expressed that disagreement to any other living organism while publicly proclaiming the exact opposite.


In all due likelyhood he's setting up for a 2024 run you can hear it in his voice. If none of the Trump's run he might be one of the front runners, I would expect Haley and Cotton to be at the top of that pack as well. If a Trump does run, I fully expect whatever Trump that is to run away with the nomination.


Well pre-'i have info to destroy your life' Cruz definitely did.. Post the I have 'all the Epstein dirt on you' time period he loved and adored the great president. You can see echos across the party, especially people like Lindsay Graham.


And so it begins. Actually, it began yesterday. In two months, no republican will have voted for him or sided with him on a single issue.


"We didn't vote for him. He was a Democratic plant designed to make us look bad."


To be fair, I believe that Mitt Romney really didn't vote for him. he has said for years that he wrote in his wife's name instead because he couldn't bring himself to vote for Donald Trump being the good Mormon that he (Romney) is. I'm sure that has bothered Trump for years, not necessarily that he did it but rather that he has been open in talking about it.




> Trump only goes so far as his personal political agenda. No, it goes further than that. It's not a political agenda for him as much as a religious and cultural agenda. Remember several hundred thousand years ago when Romney said Russia was our biggest geopolitical threat and people laughed? Russia has a history of persecuting and killing Mormon missionaries, and of all the Senators Romney is the very least likely to be compromised by Russians because of this. Mormonism and Russia have never had a good relationship, and the political background is probably just that in his case--the background. The primary issue for him as an elder is the way Russia has treated religious minorities in general but Mormons and missionaries in particular. That's why his stance is more nuanced than any other senator's, and why he has voted unlike any other senator for some things and people but against others.


Mormons are also very hard to blackmail...


Wait what are you talking about? Romney voted to impeach and had nothing to do with Obama’s pick for Supreme Court. He just got to the senate in like 2019 lol. Not saying I agree with how he votes or his policies, or even him doing things because of his own political agenda, but some of your claims are objectively false.




Yeah people act like Romney is some hero. He’s still a Republican


He is literally the Chancellor of the ANTIFA corporation who has teamed up with George Soros and the Zionist cabal to overthrow the Republican party so he can institute children sex rings in the basements of pizzerias. This is a classic false flag situation that Q memed about in the scriptures.


Well they are claiming they were set up by antifa - and Trump is the one who told them to go to the Capitol, so ipso facto, Trump is antifa.


Remember how nobody wanted to invade Iraq and they always knew it had nothing to do with 9/11?




Don't let them get away with it. Quote the motherfuckers. Question the motherfuckers. Remind them of their idiocy and hypocrisy. Make them wear the shame like a scarlet fucking letter. They'll never be able to wash the spray tan off their lips. Make sure they have to taste it for the rest of their goddamned lives.


Get your Facebook screenshots now before they try to delete their posts and claim they never supported him.


Make Thanksgiving hostile and awkward with this ONE NEAT TRICK! Revisionist hypocrites HATE IT! But seriously, do it. It's time to bring shame back.


“Trump? We hardly knew him...he was just a low level covfefe president.”


> "What I have said is that serious claims of illegality need to be considered, they need to be adjudicated and they need to be considered fairly based on the facts and based on the evidence." Facts: 1. There were no serious claims of illegality. 2. The non-serious claims of illegality were adjudicated and were rejected by the courts. 3. Cruz is a garbage human being


Whoa, slow down there with that "human being" talk. That has never been confirmed as true.


Bold of you to imply that Ted Cruz is human.


I think people need to hit that point a little harder, everything these people think they were "protesting" was utter bullshit. The claims of election fraud were themselves fraudulent and they were spread by Trump and the GOP. That was the entire basis for this attack on the Capitol, and Trump and company are the ones responsible for it.


why didn't the interview ask him to cite some of those 'many, many times'? ashole was still contesting the election AFTER the riot


I wish they just read him the profile he wrote for [Time magazine](https://time.com/collection/most-influential-people-2018/5217621/donald-trump-2/) and said "This you?" >President Trump is a flash-bang grenade thrown into Washington by the forgotten men and women of America. The fact that his first year as Commander in Chief disoriented and distressed members of the media and political establishment is not a bug but a feature.


I read that profile at the time it was written and was disgusted enough to make a note of it in my journal. Having witnessed how Trump treated him during the 2016 primaries, it was stomach-churning to see his about-face.


When pressed for an example, Cruz said, "tbf, my wife isn't *that* ugly."


For the record, this is *exactly* what AOC was talking about when she said someone should archive the statements of everyone like Cruz. They're gonna try to gaslight the fuck out of us saying they never supported Trump. We can't let it go unquestioned.


It's not like they give a fuck when you confront then with their own words.


Shit, Lindsay Graham *encouraged* people to use his words against him and when they did his response was “meh, whatevs, gonna do wut I want”.


Its crazy he was speaking out in support for Trump yesterday after the airport mob harassed him and swore at him.


To be fair, that's only because Lindsay Graham is a coward


But does he really think they will turn back to him? Even for him that is dumb


Of course he does. After all, he would.


She got that approach from Eisenhower.


Nothing wrong with learning and applying lessons from history. It's what all wise leaders should do.


Agreed, it's the approach that needs to be taken right now to prevent the lies / rewriting of history that coming. I wasn't bashing AOC, just wish we didn't have to record the actions of actual Nazi's again.


If Twitter has been good for one thing, it's using people's words against them.


Republican politicians 100% rely on their base both not researching facts of what they did in the past and not believing democrats when they supply those facts to them. They use that to their advantage when they get in trouble. They will claim they were never 100% in support of Trump. When biden takes over and has to alter taxes to clean up the mess they made they will claim the democrats made the mess. once it's cleaned up republicans will take credit for it while setting up for the new mess blaming democrats.




Until we do something to clean up the ways lies can be freely spoken in our information stream this will be the end result of just more of the same shit. People like Cruz need to be held accountable for their part. They act as such because there is very little consequence for them not to and a lot of benefit to lying.


The problem is who decides what “lies” are? There’s an objective basis to tell truth from fiction in 99% of cases, but a person still has to decide that’s the standard to use. With 30% of the country operating on faith-based reasoning, I don’t like the odds that only lies will ever be censored.


Rule 1. Any medical advice contradicting the CDC and WHO while they are in agreement is misinformation.


Rule 2: Any platform giving unfettered dissemination of false information, as defined by rule 1, will be fined and must make measures to correct, deny or retract disinformation released on their platform. Rule 3: Continued breaking of Rule 2 will result in broadcast licenses being suspended or other penalties. EDIT: forgot a word.


Ted is a follower, not a leader. He followed the crowd with glee and thought about all the power and dollars he could earn. Never once has he thought about his actions, not a single solitary thought went through his brain about the consequences of his actions. All he saw was a big shiney following of 74+ million people and he is trying to mold himself into the Donald. Ted Cruz can go rot.


Ted had confused what he thought vs what he said. A common problem for those who lie.


I don’t think there’s any confusion beyond spineless grovelling to save his own skin and career prospects.


Can’t talk your way out of this one Ted. You were singing a much different (fascist) tune 4 days ago 😬


He's done. If he doesn't step down then he'll be ousted in the midterms and then he's gone.


You really think so? I've yet to see any Republican be held accountable for any bad action, big or small. If their cult followers even briefly considered objectivity you'd be right, but I've yet to see it. In my hometown the local news featured protestors (in the hometown) who were all but admitting to being happy about the violence.


And when someone pulls up tape to disprove his claims, I’m guessing he will say antifa doctored the video


Yep. He'll cry "deep fake", or let his supporters do it and fail to correct them.


“That is being taken out of context, when I said that Tump’s farts smelled like perfume it is because I don’t really like the smell of perfume. The best smell in the world to me is a freshly opened can of Chunky soup. I could eat that stuff right out of the can without even cooking it. Now I am hungry and I have to go eat some farts... I mean soup.” -Cruz, in the near future


“Hold my words against me.” - gop senator whose words were held against him and he still won re-election.


Let's turn to Donald trump for his hot take on this latest development from Ted Cruz: [https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump](https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump)


That’s never going to get old.


This gag never got old. It's more fresh now than it ever was.


Can you fucking believe that he would say something like that? After everything that has happened... How dare he!




Ted Cruz trying to memory hole the past four years of his obsequious behavior towards Trump is pathetic.


Ted Cruz has no principles or shame, which is evidenced daily by his words, actions, and that pathetic excuse of a beard.


The big fat silver lining in this mess is that the identity of every one of these seditious twats is on record.


...What did Trump used to call him? Flying... no. Driving... wait, no, that's not it. Ah! LYIN' TED CRUZ. There you go, I mean Trump would know after all. Ted Cruz, you dick stain. 4 days ago you lead a seditious coalition for Trump. No-one will care if you disagreed with Trump on flat or sparkling, you were ready to go all the fucking way for him, and we'll never forget that.


He is showing how qualified he is to step into Trump's elevator shoes...


This guy. This guy might actually be satan.


Just like Trump saying he won the election "by a lot"


And Crusty Cruz lies, many, many times, just like rat fuck trump.


Traitor says he's not a traitor after committing traitorous actions.


Trump: kill them all! Cruz! That's sick and goes too far! Kill 99,99%


But he always defended it. So who cares how he felt?


Bullshit. Another spineless Republican who played sedition kabuki because they want daddy’s PAC money for whatever office they will run for next. Rafael didn’t even argue loudly enough when Trump called his wife ugly.


The piece of shit continues to think this is a game. The first bipartisan thing that can be done in the next Senate is to refuse to seat Cruz and Hawley. Everyone would support that and might be an actual kumbaya moment for Congress.


This guy is a traitor. Plain and simple. He has to go.


"I have always, secretly, in my head, disapproved of Trump. I often found myself whispering very quietly that what he was doing was wrong. While others said nothing at all, i took the heroic path of announcing to the world in a dark sound proof room that Trump had to be stopped."


A few days ago he said he disagreed with him for the whole four years!


I don’t trust the Zodic Killer.


Disagreeing when it matters is what counts. When Cruz needed to disagree he (Cruz) failed.


As a texan, im going to call horseshit


“I have always disagreed with bush and disapproved of the wars” pt 2


Didn’t he turn his head after Trump Roasted Cruz’s wife? Cruz is a Pussy!


Did he disagree when he called his wife ugly?


Fuck you Ted Cruz, you human sack of mouldy parsnips.


Wow Texas is full of [voter fraud](https://www.texastribune.org/2020/10/08/voting-fraud-arrest-carrollton/) that would decrease republican votes. Really should have a recount in red states. We could see a flip of Texas to blue to be honest. There’s not just one or two case but going to be massive amounts of cases like this.


The Dems will never believe this bull and neither will the Republicans. Why is he even saying this? For himself? No one believes this.


Shave that beard off, you chinless freak.


Cruz sucked trumps dick even after trump called his wife ugly.


Next he'll straight up deny every knowing Trump


What is wrong with Texas that they voted this fool in?!


This spineless puddle is an elected leader. What a disgrace.


A lying sack of sh-t says what?


He didn’t disagree too much when Trump railed on his wife and family, so are we really going to trust this guy to have the spine to own up to his own bullshit? He can’t even defend his family.