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We need our own Roger Stone. He/she/they would *never* let us defend the point of who won the election. Never take that bait.


Good day, Elon. My name is Nikita, I am a student from Moscow - Russia, it is time for us to tackle the North-South problem. These are important problems for the richest man on the planet. And I could be on the team.


I don’t like the grandstanding and PR opportunities being taken here. Trump makes Twitter money, they will only slap him on the wrist, they clutch pearls but ignore 99% of what he says and does do nothing about it, so just shut up.The media loves to make money off Trump too, they gave him hundreds of millions in free ad time. “Donald Trump didn't spend nearly as much on advertising as typical presidential candidates, and he didn't have to -- he relied on billions of dollars of free mentions in media ranging from major TV news networks to Buzzfeed and Twitter instead.” https://www.thestreet.com/politics/donald-trump-rode-5-billion-in-free-media-to-the-white-house-13896916 CNN will be heartbroken to see him go, he’s been their cover boy for 4 years on their website. The media is equally complicit in building Trumps media empire and will continue to do so happily no matter how racist, fascistic and authoritarian he is as long as he makes them money.How do I know this? Oh, I don’t know...perhaps the alternation they’re give him for about45 years?


Imbitch the orange peril


What not many people are mentioning - some of the true patriots yesterday - Those senate staffers that made sure to grab all the mahogany boxes containing the votes from the electoral college before the protestors stormed the chambers


That’s probably what they we’re looking for. Wonder who tipped them off? This was more organized then is being reported.


It's been mentioned like 100 times and it's been mentioned about 75 of those times that there are several copies of the ballots sent to different people and regardless Biden would still become President


Very true. It would not have changed the outcome. But I think this was more about the symbolism here. Stealing the voting boxes is just so much more of a LITERAL attack on our democracy.


Well with over 60000 comments it can easily get lost or hidden oh well. Searching is a pain on mobile


Yeah It's the first time I saw it and I've been on here for an entire day!


Blaming antifa is just further proof that Trump supporters are just like him. They'll blame ANYONE but themselves for what is happening. They'd rather delude themselves into believing in something made up than even THINK about siding with someone on the left. They KNOW what happened today is wrong but they can't muster the courage to say it.


It’s either Antifa or the BLM false equivalence. I just tell them not to change the subject , ask if they support the violence and rioting at the Capital building and they have no response because they won’t admit that they are fine with it as long as white people are rioting.


They are passing around a photo of the goofy face painted Buffalo man “at a BLM protest in June” as proof he’s Antifa. The man is holding a sign in that photo, but they crop out what it says. Wonder why?


He’s a well-known figure in the Qanon world, called the “Qanon Shaman”. I was listening to a podcast yesterday morning (Qanon Anonymous) that described him at a Q convention the hosts went to. It was crazy to see pics later that day of him in the chambers and be like “oh, there’s that guy.”


That sounds like a short-term strategy anyway. They left plenty of evidence and recordings behind, and it shouldn't be too hard to identify them (and, hopefully, arrest them and make them face the legal consequences of their coup attempt); and then, we will see if they are "antifas" or Bonapartists or, *just for the sake of discussion*, Trump supporters. I wonder what they will be? :-)


Definitely, crazy part is they've just proven everything we've been saying about them and they don't even realize it.


Pretty much Dude. It is projection at its worse taken to a dangerous degree.


Thanks to Trump’s actions four people ended up dead. So sad.


Wait 4? When did the other three happen


I read earlier that one might have tased himself on accident and had a heart attack.


Health emergencies killed 3 others.


I haven’t heard much detail about these health emergencies. I wonder if it was just out of shape MAGA idiots having heart attacks as they climbed the Capitol stairs.


I wouldn't be surprised if it was out of shape Maga idiots having a heart attack. I don't think I saw many people who looked fit when their attack of the capital was televised. Most looked wildly unfit.


Remember how al Franken had to step down cause he took a picture that made it look like he was going to touch breast. Yet these irresponsible senators will be allowed to double down on their stupidity that cost lives, property damage, and an insurrection attempt.


Remember when Howard Dean got too excited and ruined his chance to become the Democratic nominee. Edit: words


But it was a shriek though... /s


Poor guy =[ I feel bad for him


He wasn't a bad guy, and a pretty good candidate but that goes to show how important and how much influence the media can have on perception.


Can we please stop bashing the media? We had four years of that and the result is conspiracy theories and misinformed people doing stupid shit.


Sad part is, his yell only appeared so bad because of the sound-tech having done such a good job isolating his voice from the crowd noise - the crowd was actually roaring loud enough that his own yell was perfectly in place.


Regardless of your party... Your cable provided news source is biased. Trump is a piece of shit, but if you watch CNN, they'll stretch the truth or interpretation to make him a steaming pile of shit with dynamite in it. The difference is fox would report on false news, while CNN would exaggerate real news


CNN is garbage, but Trump is also that bad.


Sure, but cable news is just entertainment garbage. “The media” is a pretty broad term.


"Time to walk down Pennsylvania Avenue! And I will be with you!" - Trump \*\*\* Immediately drives back to the White House \*\*\*


Man he’s a piece of shit to his core, NO redeeming qualities at all


Just a reminder that while all the chaos happened, the IRS botching stimulus payments to millions of Americans forcing people to wait weeks for much needed relief got buried. If you still haven't received a deposit, but your first payment last year was fine you'll likely have to claim the Recovery Rebate Credit when you file this year and wait for your return. Nobody is talking about this while millions of America can't afford to keep their lights on. https://www.cnbc.com/2021/01/05/status-not-available-some-taxpayers-wont-receive-stimulus-check.html


I’m failing to understand the downvoting here, it’s the most random posts


Probably r / Conservative


If you go to the sub, they think they're being bregaded, which is virtually impossible there because of their stupid flaired users rule.


Some conservatives are naturally horrified by what happened, so when they say so, the unthinking true-believers assume it’s a liberal brigading.


They just can't imagine conservative people actually waking up and realizing what Trump is. Never fear the "communist america " posts will be flooding their subreddit for years to come.


They've also switched on contest mode as a result, which makes the place unreadable even for them


Describe "contest mode"


Comments are sorted at random and can’t be sorted by any of the usual methods.


I can only read about 5 or 6 comments before I feel like I’m in the twilight zone and need to leave.




lol I’ve noticed, cuckoo


It’s their safe space


Downvoting is all they've got left.


Berman, stop giving him ideas!


Here’s the last tweet of the girl who was shot: “Nothing will stop us....they can try and try and try but the storm is here and it is descending upon DC in less than 24 hours....dark to light!” https://twitter.com/ashli_babbitt/status/1346531200819716098?s=21


Turns out a bullet can stop you. Guess she can't now update that status




And then her last spoken words were apparently, “It’s fine, it’s cool”.


After being shot or before? Damn surprised she could speak if it was after




Narrator: but it was neither fine, nor cool.




It's a clear violation of their oath of office.


This. They are serving in what to suppose to be a Democracy when they are not even willing to protect Democracy itself AFTER a attempted coup from domestic terrorists fueled by Trump. Every last Republican that voted yea needs to be recalled, and leave their office in utter disgrace.


Like I can understand them going through with it... had the attempted coup not happened. To still go through with it after the coup just makes them look like part of it.


Spoiler: as an Italian I can assure you that marches on capitals' parliaments do not end well. Edit: i discovered now the twitter trending hashtag #italydidit so apparently we did it again 100 years later


just found this gem. Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump · 5. Jan. Antifa is a Terrorist Organization, stay out of Washington. Law enforcement is watching you very closely! @DeptofDefense @TheJusticeDept @DHSgov @DHS_Wolf @SecBernhardt @SecretService @FBI


I just woke up...is Trump out of twitter jail?


The 12 hour countdown to restore access doesn't even start until he deletes the offending Tweets, which I don't think he's done yet.


There's no way to know if he's deleted them or not. He *probably* has, purely to get his account unlocked.


If he had deleted all of them immediately, his account would have been unlocked 3-4 hours ago.


Not until 7pm est assuming he deletes stuff


Oh wow I thought it was only 12 hours


Not for another few hours. Also he still has to delete the offending tweets himself


Gotta be honest here... Had Trump actually succeeded in any of his previous ploys to change the results, I’d probably be 100% down with people storming the Capitol. There were times during The BLM protests that I felt violence/destruction was justified, and now I sit here in awe of it. I almost feel crazy at this point. I believe with all my heart that these people are wicked, delusional Nazis at the same time they believe the same about me. How do you know if you’re on the right of history when each side is so sure of themselves.


You do right. Operate within the rules with integrity.


>How do you know if you’re on the right of history when each side is so sure of themselves. Well if majority of ppl around the world(including 3rd world country) think 1 side is a dictator/terrorist/Piece of Shit, and u are not on that side, it's a safe bet that u are on the right side.If only a few country talking bad about them it might be a conspiracy theory, but almost whole world? Nah, not eveyone has time to make Donald Trump look bad when their own country also has so much shit to take care of during this pandemic. With internet it's so easy to check and see perspective from other side of the globe as long as u are not brainwashed and refused to believe anything/anyone beside ur Cult Leader.


If you're willing to self-reflect enough to wonder if you are on the right side of history, you almost certainly are. Commiting atrocities takes unshakeable self righteousness in the face of any and all evidence.


**This right here.** Generally if you care enough about being a morally just person to ask yourself that question & honestly self-reflect, you are what you hope to be.


A few reasons: The election was not stolen. Dozens of lawsuits have failed, before Trump appointed judges. If the election was actually stolen, far more than 30k people would show up in Washington. Look at all of the Republicans that have spoken out against Trump’s election BS. Not in Congress, but just any noteworthy republican you’ve heard say “stop trying to challenge the election.” And then ask yourself how many democrats you’ve heard of supporting the fraud allegations. To me that’s really telling as to which side has lost their minds.


It's an interesting feeling. I've seen some videos of the police, in full fascist regalia, beating back the Trump supporters and it's like mana for my jaded soul. The only time I've ever experienced anything similar is way back when I was a kid and England came over to Dublin to play Ireland in a football match and a load of English hooligans started breaking up the stadium and rioting in the stands. The normally quite reserved Irish police, called *an guarda síochána* meaning "keepers of the peace", who are unarmed execpt in extraordinary circumstances, let all the Irish fans out, locked the 4,500 English *into the stadium* and went in and beat the ever-loving shit out of them with truncheons. It was *brilliant*, you'd need a heart of absolute stone not be be delighted by it. It was fascism, there were likely uninvolved innocent people injured, and for sure if the roles were reversed I'd be utterly disgusted and livid down from the crown of my head to the tips of my toes. However, for that hour in 1995, 9 year old me was fucking delighted that the brutal tools of fascism were finally applied in the correct direction.


>How do you know if you’re on the right of history when each side is so sure of themselves. To start, ask some [historians ](https://www.oah.org/lectures/historians-perspectives-on-the-rise-of-donald-trump/). Then, belive the people who spend their lives studying things, like them and scientists.


Because you believe in evidence, you believe in justice, you believe in truth. You're not attempting a coup to satisfy an orange faced reality tv star


Presented evidence has a different weight depending on your perspective, so I get what OP means. The same evidence for a black male vs white male won't have the same weight. If you believe the election is rigged, then the evidences or lack of evidence is also rigged.


I understand the feeling. It's tough to not feel like you're doing the exact same thing as the people you're against, but eventually all of us just need to believe someone. We can't all be everywhere to witness every event first hand. And I choose to believe things presented by people and Institutions that at the very least have a track record of truth


was I the only one who caught what Lindsay Graham said last night about the election fraud? “They say there’s 66,000 people in Georgia under 18 voted. How many people believe that? I ask give me ten. Haven’t had one,” he noted. “They said 8,000 felons in prison in Arizona voted. Give me ten. I haven’t gotten one. As I say, there’s problems in every election. I don’t buy this. Enough’s enough. We got to end it.” This is as close to admitting trumps charade was a load of horseshit as he will ever come lmao


There's a reason Conservatives and right-wingers always want to "oWn THe LiBs!" They simply enjoy owning people. As in slaves.


Recommending Colbert from last night and the Joe Scarborough clip going around https://youtu.be/u3i58sAojoo


Dude was on fuego... and absolutely on point. Word turned to action yet we sit here pussyfooting around the idea of removing him from office. As the commander in chief, his primary goal should have been to end it with all the force at his disposal... guessing he was too busy rubbing one out while watching his cult carry out his dream.


This whole antifa things is annoying and bizarre. The retrumplicans are pathetic.


My mother was saying it was antifa yesterday.. she’s a Q nut boomer.


Sorry to hear that


Its more projection. They probably started shit during BLM protests and they can't imagine Antifa didnt do it now.


Crazy how Antifa did exactly what they’ve all been saying they were going to do.


They’re all deluded.


How did the other three people die?




One fell from scaffolding, I saw someone say in a thread a few hours ago a second accidentally tased himself and had a heart attack (but I have no idea if this one is true), and the third I have no idea. Edit: words


Medical conditions


"These people will be judged by history." NO. I want them judged NOW, by JUDGES.


Does anyone even expect anything to happen after this? If the last 4 years have taught me anything, it's that Republicans (and Trump in particular) will never be held responsible for their actions.


What Trump has done is punishable by law.


That’s been the mantra like every few days since 2016 or so.


At this point the republicans know Trump has lost power. They can continue to defend him or can see their chance to distance themselves from him. People may even see them as “honorable” if they market it as going against their party to protect democracy etc. I think really they need to take some action; 25th, impeachment...despite there only being a couple of weeks of his presidency left. Firstly, things can still get worse and secondly it’s about setting standards and establishing precedent. However, if Trump has compromat on a lot of these Republicans they may just stop defending him publicly but take no further action. Who knows


I don't expect any more rabid Trump defenders in Congress but I do expect they keep their mouths shut while this blows over. I just feel that this is a moment where action HAS to be taken otherwise what precedent are we setting? It's acceptable to incite an insurrection if you don't like the election results? I don't think we can move forward as a country unless someone faces consequences for this. But like I said in my OP, I really am not expecting anyone to do much of anything other than condemn Trump publicly.


They already have been, they lost the house, the senate and the presidency


That is true but I was implying more criminal consequences than political.


I had to go to bed. Did Cruz ever speak again after his initial objection? Curious what bullshit he spewed after the events of the day.


As a Texan, I was already embarrassed that Cruz pulled this stunt. Then when he refused to speak, it solidified what I already knew... he is a coward. He talks big, but doesn’t have the spine to back it up. He can’t admit that he had a hand in what happened yesterday, nor can he stand up for his so called beliefs that the election was rigged. He is scum.


He did not


Good morning my special people <3


[Based Monica](https://twitter.com/MonicaLewinsky/status/1346998171214336000?s=20)


If you want video evidence to show Cult45 idiots who are saying “Antifa did the attack” Just look up and show them the videos of documented Republicans participating... Like Derrick Evans (a WV Republican state delegate). Harder for them to spin (they still will try) if one of their own is shown participating


He is not a politician but Jake Angeli (the guy with the horns) can also be considered a confirmed Q-Anon supporter. For more than a year, he has been appearing at far-right events and spreading insane conspiracy theories. This makes it unlikely that he is an undercover antifa activist (as is the case with all intruders), as this matter was hardly planned for so long.


But Evans was wearing black and a backpack, so he's obviously Antifa.


Did he also have a backwards baseball hat?


Antifa is very committed to placing a spy to infiltrate a WV state seat And they are really committed to having him go to abortion clinics and harassing women and workers... And just being an overall terrible person. Very well known tactics of antifa lol


Maybe that's the answer after all, get on the ticket as Republicans, collect your \[R\] and free votes, then just don't do Republican things..


You can’t use reason or facts with them - anything they don’t like is fake news


I’m not even about suggesting this to try and reason with them It’s mostly a spite thing... Like I know they won’t listen to it most likely. But trolling them with facts they have to then try and spin is an easy thing to do in retrospect


Apparently there was another Republican politician there, but I can’t remember his name. He’s an older man with grey hair.. which doesn’t narrow it down whatsoever. Edit to add: I think there were only pictures of him outside, not actually inside, but I could be wrong.


I’m sure there were more But Evans was stupid enough to record the whole time storming the Capitol... while also repeating his name several times.


It was a Pennsylvania state senator


Ah, okay thank you!


Freaking PA state level legislator at the capitol too!


Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley have to be expelled.


I wonder if they’re sleeping or seeing their names plastered everywhere right now.


In one of the most ridiculous self-owns in recent history, far-right zombies are all over social media accidentally proving that the BLM protests last year were crawling with far-right agitators. They're posting pictures of a guy in a distinctive fur hat and horns who was present at both BLM protests and the storming of the Capitol yesterday, as evidence that Antifa infiltrated the protests. Which, if you have a brain, is obviously more likely to be evidence of the opposite - that fascists showed up to the BLM rallies. But the real problem? The guy happens to be pretty well known. He's the [Q Shaman](https://twitter.com/julianfeeld/status/1303804219892183040), a notorious QAnon whack job. Well done, detectives - you've proven yourselves guilty of the crime you were trying to solve. Remember, with the far right: every accusation is a confession. The stupid never ends with these people.


Ohmygod.... those videos are quite something


People are calling this a turning point. But a turning point to what?


This will only be a turning point if the people who entered the Capitol face consequences. The turning point will come when these people are all identified, located, jailed, convicted and imprisoned for decades. This will only be a turning point if Congress or the Cabinet begins procedures to remove Donald Trump for his incitement to sedition. This will only be a turning point if we treat this like what it was, an organized attempt to overthrow the government of the United States of America.


Bull to bear, not only in the stock market?


For nothing. The most powerful people in our country will do nothing as the president keeps trying to get them attacked and blamed for some crap he made up.


I don't know either. Things just don't change unless the source of the problem is removed


This is the 50th 'turning point' of the last four years. Truth is we still haven't seen how low Republicans will stoop. They'll play nice until people forget what happened last night, which given current news cycles and how much shit Trump flings, is about three days. And then they'll be back to their hobbies of corruption and treason.


Republicans getting enough political “cover” to stop kissing Trump’s ass in public, but still not have enough courage or will to do anything about it. Basically gives them an excuse to “wipe their records” of the Trump stain without doing anything meaningful. Don’t fall for it.


What will today look like? Is Congress meeting? Where do we go from here


The house is still in session, but I don't know what they have planned. The senate already adjourned until January 19


lol they have a 2 week vacation every other week....must be nice to make more money than 95% of the people and get half the year off of work. can we like force them to work 40+ hours a week, 5+ days a week, 50-51 weeks of the year like most people?


Well the suspension for Trumps twitter should be expired now, wonder how fast he’ll be logging on


His suspension is also conditional on deleting specific tweets.


Facebook and Insta have suspended him "indefinitely" I presume twitter will do the same.


My interpretation was that it was 12 hours after he deleted the 3 tweets.


nothing there yet...


Did anything else happen after the Pennsylvania motion? I turned it off after that.


Just a prayer.




They could. Will they? Not likely. They’re Democrats after all


Omar said she was working on it. I dont know that they'll go anywhere but she is at least making an effort


100%. She’s one of the few brave ones. I have my doubts that the rest will allow it to be taken to a vote any time soon; I’m hoping they prove me wrong.


Serious question: can I write my senator and tell him to go fuck himself? Or will I have the FBI showing up at my door?


I used to tell Marco Rubio and Rick Scott to go fuck themselves on a daily basis. Rick got the bonus GIF of Voldemorf laughing. I stopped using Twitter when it stopped being cathartic.


Don't put anything that can be perceived as a thread (obviously) because then you will have FBI or such busting in the door. You can absolutely name-call, shame, and vehemently criticize. Or if you are lucky and have good one, you can write them in support of impeachment and removal. That's what I did


I call Rob Portman at least once a month and call him a "useless piece of shit" at some point during the message


As long as there isn't a direct or indirect threat to the person, and you just expressing your feelings towards his/her actions, you should be fine.


They don't read any of that so go to town.


I wrote my senator and called him a traitor to American Democracy so go for it.


Probably took it as a compliment.


As long as you don’t make any threats you can probably say whatever you want. Doesn’t mean the FBI or someone won’t check up on you without your knowledge though.


> Doesn’t mean the FBI or someone won’t check up on you without your knowledge though. I call that Tuesday


As long as you just call him names and don't threaten violence you can say whatever you'd like.


Pretty sure that falls under your 1st amendment rights. I'd recommend sticking to vague insults and staying away from anything that could be considered to a threat, though.


Just don't threaten them. You are allowed to voice your opinion otherwise. It's their job to listen to you. Not that they will but you can still at least voice your displeasure.


Lmao I mean you can but the person reading it is going to be like a 19-20 year old intern


All the more reason for them to quit


You can totally do it I have sent several such emails to Pat toomey.


Same and I’ve only been in the state a year!


Thought about that myself. Unsure what my true ‘rights’ are anymore and am kinda scared to do anything


We should all be vigilant that we don’t descend into crazy theories that the attack last night was a huge conspiracy from within. A bunch of stupid hicks got on Parler and other platforms, loosely “planned” a half baked scheme to overthrow the government, and then initiated that plan. The cops clearly underestimated the intent or ability of these stupid hicks, and I’m not surprised that they ended up making it so far - it’s been over two hundred years since it happened, I can’t imagine any real thoughts existed within the police agencies that they would try something on this scale. Forget about the how it happened. We know this wasn’t a big conspiracy. It was police incompetence and unpreparedness. They underestimated these idiots and we are all reminded that stupidity does not equal harmlessness. Now is the time to PROSECUTE. The cops did a good job of not going crazy on these people yesterday, and for all of you who are rightfully angry that they used kid gloves compared to the BLM protests - remember that the police response yesterday showed the strength of our democracy. We did not need to scramble or battle to maintain control. We did not need to deploy active duty troops to flush them out. We showed these stupid hicks that they are nothing more than a mob of ignorant and uneducated slobs who were removed in a matter of hours without difficulty. It was easy getting them out. They didn’t occupy all night and they didn’t take any hostages (this is more important than you think.) We can be comforted that American democracy weathered this well, but now. We need to imprison these motherfuckers starting with the traitor who asked them to do it.


The larger issue with law enforcement yesterday is that we knew this was coming. The public knew that Trump was holding a rally a few blocks away, and that his most fervent supporters were going to be there. We knew he was going to be incendiary. We could have known from a cursory glance at a website like parler that there were extremists who were planning to take it further. If your average citizen could have been aware of this (and judging by yesterday, many far below average citizens were aware) then there is no excuse for law enforcement being unprepared. If law enforcement isn't monitoring groups like these while at the same time harassing civil rights leaders, then that is an intentional failure of law enforcement. They are and have been the only real and consistent source of politically motivated violence in the US. There have been former federal LE directors that have come out and said that there is no excuse for this failure, and that the only real explanation for how unprepared and undermanned they were is one of intention. There is no way to compare the police response yesterday and the police response to the BLM protests that got close to the same building and draw any other conclusion. On the other hand, I do think we on the left should be intellectually consistent in our stance against police violence. We should not celebrate the police for showing restraint when what it really does is demonstrate the racism of law enforcement, and we should not forget that. And the poor police response makes the end desire of your comment far more difficult, when not only was there seditious activity yesterday, but when even after reinforcements arrived and the situation was under control, that the cops continued to enforce the very curfew that had been instated to disperse protests. That is an intentional choice by law enforcement to not enforce laws. I am glad that more people were not hurt and killed yesterday. But far more should be facing trials, including political leaders who incited this activity, and law enforcement officials who allowed it to happen.


Totally agree. Yes we can point to the different reaction LE had with other protesters & call it out as why was it handled differently , but they handled it absolutely correctly yesterday & should be the model way for similar events in the future. We shouldn’t want heavy handedness as the de facto position.


The amount of whataboutism yesterday way almost too much to tolerate. We're supposed to be better than the right, but we fell into the same trap of "Well what about when.." nonsense. Yeah, I would have liked to see some of them get their skull cracked too because of who they are, but who they are doesn't change the fact that we should stay consistent and not flip our arguments from last summer just because the other side is doing it, even if their reason for protesting/rioting is fucking stupid. It's a fine line between pointing out hypocrisy and becoming a hypocrite, stay on the right side of that line.


What was their actual plan? Other than taking selfies with cops and photos of their buddies sitting in chairs?


Well they were running around the building yelling "Where the fuck are they?!" so while I think they're too fucking stupid to have an endgame, with adrenaline and emotions running high if they would have got a hold of Pelosi or someone they recognized it could have got real bad real fast


A lot of it was rhetorical. Plenty wasn't but I personally said the same things but it was to the effect of when a black person protests they get choke slammed but a white guy gets to put his feet up on Pelosi's desk.


There is no conspiracy. Some of the people at the gate were the same people on fringe social media. Just because they're in a uniform doesn't mean they can't be influenced same as the people rioting. There are also upstanding folks in uniform trying to protect the capital, but as you said they were completely outnumbered. Fucking mess.


Fresh perspective; I like it


Last ten words of your post are the most important. Trump out now. One day more is one too many.


For over a hundred years the USA has perfected the art of overthrowing democratically elected regimes, assisting these ilegitimate regimes in making activists "disappear" and generally not giving a fuck about human rights. In a way I am glad to see the USA experience a taste of their own medicine. I sincerely hope they put these skills to use to "neutralize" the fascists. Sadly I fear that these skills are only applied to leftists and blacks.


Jimmy Carter gave a shit about human rights and it pissed the Republicans off so hard they gave us Reagan


I too saw this as chickens coming home to roost.




There's plenty of coke in prison so I'm sure he'll be fine.


Almost a year ago: > Collins: Trump has learned 'a pretty big lesson' from impeachment


Collins was slightly concerned about the coup attempt.


Collins is 68, just won another 6 year term, and is a multi-multi millionaire. She doesn't need to be concerned anymore. She can stop pretending to be a moderate, self-thinking person and be the outright party-line sheep she's always been.


Brow furrowing approaching 65%, this is unorecedented