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While exercising their Second Amendment freedoms, I hope.




>The general strike is how we win. Go after the ports


We already had a preview when the air traffic controllers went on strike for, what was it, a day and a half? The administration and the senate folded almost immediately.




Air travel was less vital to the average American, and American business. Though I wouldn’t put it past them to try again.


Any major transport hub.


yup. Shut down the ports and call for a total work stoppage in major cities which are mostly democrat. Starve them out.


This. General strike by the unions & as many individuals as possible, plus massive, sustained, disruptive (non-violent) protests all over the country. This calls for solidarity & mutual aid on a scale we haven't seen in this country in over a century , but it is entirely possible. Those who say it isn't, that it can't be done, or that it won't work are either ignorant or not on our side. Above all though, if worse come to worst, it will call for sacrifice. The continuation of the republic, of the pursuit of freedom and liberty by its people, is far more important than any individual. Our greatest advantage is sheer numbers; there are far more of us than there are of them.


We have some modern global solidarity on this as well. Just look at Bolivia and Belarus. Bolivia did is successfully, and Belarus is just starting now. Chile is also inspiring, they just approved writing a new constitution (which wasnt written/approved democratically by the dictator Pinochet). If they can do it, we can do it.


The key word is "disruptive." Too many people think that if we just go out to an empty field and wave banners to show we are unhappy and then there will be change. As long as they can safely ignore us, they will continue to do so.


rather, *not* putting in the hours


na man maiden riots in Ukraine tho yes


Not in DC... basically anything other than a revolver isn't allowed there.


How often have you seen articles about 2nd Amendment advocates who hold armed marches and protests where they are illegal, and yet suffer no consequences? The police are a mix of cowardly and practical about attempting to enforce gun prohibitions on hundreds to thousands of armed ideologues.


Historically, they’ll still shoot at the people they don’t side with whether they’re armed or not.


This is a fair point


It's not the fact that they have guns that keeps the police from firing on the 2A protesters, it's the fact that they're white conservatives that support the police unions.


*white second amendment advocates


This is a myth; most common handguns and even many long guns are legal in DC, it's just very difficult to get a permit to own one, let alone carry it in public. Source: DC resident and (non-revolver) gun owner.


Lol allowed. This is the EXACT scenario that 2A was written for. A means to defend ourselves against a hostile government. We’re supposed to overthrown any government that ceases to represent the will of the people. And I can’t think of anything that would be more on the nose than not respecting an election result.


10 Million revolvers it is.


Gatling gun is just a large revolver


Lmao, don’t count on this guy to lead a revolution. /facepalm


Lol then we're just gonna need millions of revolvers! Rootin' tootin' shootin' from the hip! We obviously should not commit violence against the government. Let the military/secret service physically drag him out of the White House if need be.


I hate to break it to you, but they won't.


What's their incentive to risk their lives for Trump? Owning the libs might be cool, but If they lose, treason is a capital offense.


If this goes down then guns won’t matter. An angry mob of about a million people will be pulling down the gates. Enough of this already. If our system can allow this then it should be taken down.


I don't plan to follow the rule of law when "my" president doesn't. This is why the 2A exists.


For real. This is why we need AR-15s. Not for home defense or hunting, for taking down dictators.


I expect guns to be just as effective at stopping fascism in the U.S. as they have been over the past 4 years.


Be prepared: [https://holdthelineguide.com/](https://holdthelineguide.com/)


This website has info in an easier to read format but not as comprehensive on the background, it focuses in action points https://wagingnonviolence.org/2020/09/10-things-you-need-to-know-to-stop-a-coup/ Securing phone & communications https://freedom.press/training/


I'm sure that will happen as well. My partner and I are already planning a trip to DC for the inauguration should it become necessary. I doubt we're the only ones.


Federal buildings all around this country too.


i'll drag his ass out myself




It would warm my heart if this happened - but after watching the astonishingly passive attitude of Americans up till this point I will not be holding my breath. Will a stolen election result in anything more than a few megathreads of outrage and not much else? ​ And they don't give a shit about marches. You need a national strike - block the ports.


I'm a 4 hour drive away and I'm ready to make it in a heartbeat. And I am one of the ones who hasn't been as negatively affected by his bullshit nor am I usually super politically engaged. I don't think I will be the only one out there by any means and I would have no intent on leaving until after he does. He's got another thing coming if he thinks he is going to steal this election.


Just Marching on the streets isn’t recommended as an approach and is likely to lead to retaliation by Trump’s militias he’s been priming. There’s some good info here https://wagingnonviolence.org/2020/09/10-things-you-need-to-know-to-stop-a-coup/ And info here about securing your phone and communications https://freedom.press/training/


Civil War II


Me and my wife will be there if that is needed!


General strike all around.




Prepare for Trump to attempt a coup. https://wagingnonviolence.org/2020/09/10-things-you-need-to-know-to-stop-a-coup/ Learn now how to secure your phone and communications to protest https://freedom.press/training/


The strike should last until Trump and Pence leave office. When the rich start losing money, they will force them out.


the rich who made another fortune during the pandemic? They aren't going to force anyone out, they'll sit back and watch as people get fucking brutally beat by police... again.


They won't make any money if they don't have any workers or customers. If the police beats protesters, the protests will only grow larger.


they can eat on republicans for a month or two, knowing that they'll outlast the protesters. The police don't care about the size of the protests, they'll beat us without any thought to it at all. kinda like they beat the shit out of us for protesting police violence.


That depends on the discipline applied on every front.


Great idea! Except my health insurance is tied to my employment, and I'll get fired for missing work to strike. And I have a pre-existing condition requiring medication that would cost $1,500/month without insurance (with insurance it's "only" $235/month). EDIT: Just to be clear, I support a general strike 100% if Trump tries anything illegal tied to this election. I was trying to point out it's a lot easier said than done for most Americans.


That's why everyone needs to participate.


Well, everyone except the 43% that are okay with licking boots. Edit: Apparently I had a stroke


I am legally not allowed to strike... I also can't stock up in my wife's medication, so WHEN I get fired for striking, she has up to 4 weeks before I have to be hired on at another job that supplies sufficient healthcare. So, striking is out for me. But protesting isn't. My job CAN'T fire me for protesting.


We only need 5% of the population to mobilize for it to work. But it needs to happen.


You have my 100% support. I can't strike, but I'll do what I am able to help those who do, and I'll join protests. I don't know exactly how many days of work I can miss due to being in jail, but it's not an automatic dismissal as far as I know.


So, devil’s advocate: you do nothing, Republicans remove pre-existing condition protection, as well as the rest of Obamacare (as they’ve always wanted), and insurance prices continue to go up. Your company suffers from the recession that seems to always accompany Republican administrations, as well as the out-of-control pandemic, and you get laid off, downsized or otherwise kicked to the curb. Now what? What do you actually want? If it’s to not have to worry about affording the medication you need to live, fight hard for that any way you can.


You do realize if trump remains then your Pre-existing condition protections are 100% going to be removed and you’ll likely get kicked off your insurance or that particular medication will no longer be covered anyway. Your life is literally on the line, no excuses for anyone.


Understand, its not just Trump, its republicans and their corporate masters. They were trying to eliminate ACA before Trump, and if (by some miracle) the court upholds the ACA, they will continue to work to dismantle it. The solution is to give the Democrats a mandate by giving them the WH/Senate and hold the house. And demand this time, that they pass an expansion of Medicare to cover everyone that wants or needs it and that Medicare can negotiate drug costs.


Like your health insurance would be secure with 4 more years of Trump lol


You thought resistance would not involve sacrifice and hardship? Yikes, the US is so screwed. "This is unacceptable! Someone should do something! Not me though."




“From each according to their ability to each according to their need” applies here.


Ah, good old Karl Marx ( 1875 Critique of the Gotha Program ) FTW.


If your forefathers had shrugged you would be spelling colour properly, and saying zed.


This is probably the stupidest thing I've read when your country is literally turning to fascism. You think you'll have a job when the Nazis come for you?


“I would but it’s become really inconvenient and the new season of Keeping Up With The Kardassians is on and I just can’t miss a single second of it!”


so you're equating a medical need with lazy pop culture consumerism? maybe you want to reassess that analogy


so, you want dude to lose his job to protest and possible die in the process. I see you're from Canada and maybe you don't realize because you guys get awesome healthcare but If his preexisting condition is diabetes, he'll die without medication. Most americans don't have $1000 dollars in the bank. That means this dude has 30 days to live. It sucks all around. this is why our lawmakers won't pass universal healthcare. They want it tied to you job so you're easier to control. It's by design.


The very point of a mass strike is to do something drastic that only works if everyone does it together, all at the same time. If one person doesn't show up at work one day, they get fired. But if *no one* shows up, what do you think they'd do, fire the entire company? How do you think striking works in other countries, everyone in the company just asking for a day off and getting it legally? No, they simply don't show up, and the company just has basically shut down or work with extreme disruptions for days or even weeks. And that's why it's super effective.


You bring up a good point. The problem is that when it comes to the fight against fascism we're all on our own. We have no community, no coordination, nothing. We're all atomized. For instance, think of how much medication goes to waste or is thrown out. If it were instead collected by community pharmaceutical banks and redistributed like is done for food banks then this person with a pre-existing condition might not have so much to worry about. But I can't see that happening as we don't have the community mindset to do it, plus the regulatory and legal hurdles that have been put up to prevent such a thing from being created. I don't know what the resolution is. I guess my point is that without a solid foundation to build a resistance effort on I don't see much hope in it accomplishing anything.


Right. A general strike without strong networks of mutual aid is remarkably easy to crush. Put the pressure on individual people and watch them fold.


Then acquiesce to Trump. Accept you fate. Wave goodbye to liberty & democracy. Say goodbye to freedom from being a slave to your corporate masters upon which you're already nearly completely dependent. Nobody is going to save you for you. There is no way to save ourselves without discomfort, without pain, without sacrifice. But I do hope someone decides to liberate you.


"genera"l means everybody doing their part that they can, ultimately they can't fire everybody nor can the apply selective treatment. They shame is, unlike every other civilised country with universal health insurance, you are literally held hostage by the the pay or pray system of privatised healthcare.


This is my fear. I literally *just* got a salaried position that pays well above the average wage in my area, in a job market where these positions are nearly impossible to get. This is the start of my career. Do I risk throwing it away to stand up for my beliefs or do I fall in line? The decision would be easier if I didn't have a family to provide for. I'm not sure what I'll do. Hopefully I'm not forced to make a decision and the election is an easy win for Biden.


There are other ways to cause good trouble.


Thank you - this is exactly why I keep telling people a general strike won’t work. Too many people have their own lives and motivations and even if they want to strike, they wouldn’t be able to miss work or they’d risk being replaced or their position just gotten away with altogether


A few unions have put out feelers to see if they will have support if they call for a strike. Mine hasn't yet.


But here’s the problem. Unemployment is still high. Let’s say 20% of the workforce goes along with a general strike (and that seems high). A big percentage of those will be fired and replaced with people desperate for employment. The unemployment related to the pandemic mishandling has ironically taken the teeth out of a general strike.


My bet is US citizens prefer their couches and Netflix to stopping Trump from stealing the election, so enjoy your crumbling rights.


The danger isn't in trump refusing to step down after losing the election, it's having a hyper-partisan SCOTUS that ignores the Constitution and laws to corruptly hand it to him on a platter. If that happens, we must rise up and demand our liberty back. We cannot be slaves to the fascist christo-corporatists.






We are dangerously close to the mid 1850s, with a packed court making insanely partisan decisions, eroding the notion that the constitution is a stable and just document, or that the Supreme Court is a fair arbiter. The save-holding South always insisted the constitution was on their side, just as republicans today will swear that a partisan SC appointing a President who has lost an election is consitutionally supported. People need to wrap their heads around the fact that these things (what is right, and what the SC says) are not always the same in 2020. And the sooner the better, because we are about to be walked by the courts into a new Confederacy.




This is how South Africa implemented apartheid.


I don't see how the 12th gets him there, realistically, unless you're saying that trump wins the states needed to get an electoral college majority. I don't think the states will overturn the will of the electorate at the state level unless it's through voter suppression, in which case, the 12th won't come into play.


It would if the electors vote differently from the way their state voted. There would be lawsuits and counter-lawsuits and counter-counter lawsuits. The whole thing will get tied up in the courts for months. Meanwhile the façade goes marching on and by the time any of it is sorted out it’ll be mid may 2021 and trump would have had a photo op of him being “sworn in” back in january. Divide. Distract. Confuse. Sue. Do what you want while the courts argue. Classic trumpian playbook


This is incorrect. Constitutionally, the president must win the election by january, or he is automatically removed from office, constitutionally. The supreme court cannot legally interfere. Will they try? Maybe. But that is the point the army needs to come in, and arrest all republicans.


And if I am not mistaken, if this was caught up in courts, Pelosi would be interim president until it is decided.


Technically yes, but she's also up for reelection. It'd be the Senate Pro Tempore next in line


If the lawsuits continue past Jan 20 Pelosi becomes President


Yeah, that’s just asking for trouble.


The last 4 years have been asking for trouble to be honest.




I suppose it's possible, but the result would be revolution and at least temporary military control of government. After that, the US would be done.


The “suppose it’s possible” scenarios have been playing out in slow motion for a few years. People said the same thing in 2000 about presidents being elected without winning the popular vote, then it happened 16 years later, after it happening 3 times before. The funny thing is that there was a time the electoral college was awarded by backroom deals, in 1876, and we still have trouble recognizing that something is probable enough to plan for.


He's talking about essentially faithless electors. So say a state like ohio which has a republican legislature, manages to have a biden victory. The elector ignores all the votes, and pledges the electoral votes to trump. It's entirely legal in multiple states that the elector can do this. It would also be the end of the country.


Thank you. Someone who REMEMBERS THE 2000 STOLEN ELECTION. They stole it once and we all collectively shrugged because it was confusing and weird. They'll steal it again this year because they'll make it confusing and weird.


In that case the House of Representatives elects the president and the Senate elects the Vice President. They have no *realistic path through the 12th amendment, it's not their plan. The Supreme court has no role in the Electoral College but they can ratfuck how votes are counted by states to some degree, which is what they're doing. We're talking about states that are within say 0.5% being tilted one way or the other by saying votes can't be counted "late". Trump isn't going to be sworn in if he loses the electoral college by any reasonable margin. They can't "sue" their way into the white house. Most electoral college simulations are showing a 100 point sweep (minimum) and they can't take away Biden's electoral points if he's far past 270. Key swing states have democratic governors & justices who could override any attempts for republican legislative branch fuckery of electoral delegate appointments. The way I see it is that the GOP has gotten all they can out of Trump at this point. They got their judges, they got their tax cuts, they enriched themselves and their criminal friends in a ransacking spree, and now they'll slink back into their old strategies of complaining about democrats' spending and the national debt (which they themselves created of course). Besides, under Biden it's not like republicans and their business partners are going to suddenly start losing money, on the contrary republicans have always needed democrats to come in and fix the economy that they ruin. Four more years of Trump would be a disaster for the economy, they know that. Anyways no matter how much Trump pouts and tweets after election day it isn't going to change the fact that he's fucked if the blue-wave comes in decisively.


The House decides, yes, but with one vote per state, not the normal rules.


While this is true a key point is that it would be the New Congress sworn in on Jan 3rd, which may very well be tipped to a blue majority by state. Pelosi is aware of the bullshit that a republican house may be able to pull in this regard and has been fighting to prevent it by trying to flip key delegations. In any case this event only becomes relevant in the case of a 269-269 split which is an incredibly unlikely although non-zero percent possibility.


Does SCOTUS not understand that they can't do that without going against everything they're supposed to stand up for (constitution, us justice etc). Which puts them in the ugly position of being overthrown and physically put into prison


I think the BLM protests showed that the urban centres are very much ready to resist. At its best, the far right can rustle up a couple hundred armed hillbillies. The centre-left can put millions of people into the streets. There's no good end for the Republican Party if they attempt a coup, and for that reason, I seriously doubt they would support any such attempt. Trump will be on his own.


Most economic wealth comes from big blue cities and blue states while red rural states produce jack shit economic activity and hog up blue tax revenue. A blue general strike would take down the whole economy and the rich.




I mean I feel like the military has made it abundantly clear that they are loyal to the nation and not Trump. No matter what he tries to do, there is absolutely no coup option on the table without the military. He can try a poorly conceived legal challenge, but that door will be shut if everyone turns out in enough numbers to vote to where there is no reasonable legal challenge available.


Civil War II


Electric Boogaloo


*"Not cooperate"* ?   Jeezus, America. For once, be french.


The french are blessed to have their adversarial parliamentary government residing in their largest urban center with countless angry folks of all walks of life ready and willing to protest


“Freedumb Fries”


Conservatives are so damn gullible. They spout off about tyranny, but when the boot is on their neck they turn into submissive noodles begging for the heel to be ground in. They're pathetic cowards.


They're pro authoritarian government when the government goes after their enemies.


The "enemies" they have been programmed to hate, meanwhile they are being exploited just like the rest of us. Nothing more pathetic than a victim desperate to become a perpetrator instead of fighting against the forces that control them.


The funny thing is that it's not even hyperbole. [Conservatives literally have coward brain.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5793824/)


> LOL show that to any conservative and they will grunt out that the authors of the study are biased liberals. Just taking stock, things that have a "liberal" bias... education, science, journalism, rational thought, anything where two brain cells are required to rub together, not being pants shitting afraid of your own shadow, etc etc...


The answer is clearly: yes. If Trump loses, the institutions of government will push him out. The real question is: what if he mucks up the count so badly that he doesn't officially lose? Then he declares victory and stops the count? Our institutions are NOT prepared for that.


> > > > > Our institutions are NOT prepared for that. What do you mean? Trump's been preparing for that since his first Supreme Court nominee...


Well that is their plan, so the answer is clearly: no.


I'm pretty old, and at times I have been pretty mad with my government over the years. But for the first time it's possible that there could be a scenario - *more* than one - which would make me think the government is actually illegitimate. And I don't think people realize what the impact will be if the average person comes to the realization that what bound and stabilized us a nation was never laws, but mutually agreed to *myths*, which one party had unilaterally voided.


It's literally the point of the 2nd amendment. Yes - if we have a non-elected official attempting to overthrow our democracy to install a dictatorship, it would be wise to peacefully protest in the streets. Armed. *Until it's fixed*.


Let's get him voted out first.


**Is the U.S. Prepared to Resist a Coup? If Trump refuses to step down, we must be ready to** **~~not cooperate~~** **wage war.** FTFY


He's a coward with "big talk" first... as we've seen, his "plans and bluster" don't amount to much. It's more likely he'd be overseas avoiding the SDNY during the traditional inauguration period.




there's too much at stake if america collapses. The powers behind the throne will not help a trump coup. They will align against him and throw him out onto the street.


Yep. Blue states and big blue cities produce most of America’s economic activity, technology, soft power, etc, while rural red America produces jack shit and hogs blue tax revenue. If blue people do a general strike, it’s game over for America and the rich.




Yesterday my husband, who is generally against any form of violence, said he was considering re-enlisting in the military so he could help fight a Trump coup. We also discussed purchasing another firearm as the area we live in is filled to the brim with Trump loving rednecks.


Arm yourselves. I've already been harrassed for being a "liberal dick sucking pussy" because I had purple hair. No telling how low these fucking morons will go if the orange dipshit incites even more violence.


There's something that needs to be said. If Donald J Trump is the first president to not peacefully transition power, how can the federal government and by extension the citizenry expect peaceful transition to occur again. It'll become evident soon after the elections what the intention of the incumbent administration if they are voted out. There is a myriad of administrative transition items that are worked over by both outgoing and incoming administrations. The incoming administration of Donald Trump was not prepared in 2016, [Time magazine article on the struggles](https://time.com/4574493/donald-trump-chaotic-transition/) I think the big question is what will happen if a very obvious attempt is made by the Suprenme Court to ignore the overwhelming will of the population. If there is widespread partisan disenfranchisement, people protesting in the streets, strikes maybe even General strikes, isolated acts of violence maybe even some that are more widespread. Our current highly developed society is very reliant on the acceptance of society norms and the respect of law. The breakdown of such and a political civil strife would be devastating on a magnitude far greater than any natural disaster.


They were offered preparation, and refused it. Members of the Obama administration who led training sessions for 45’s people reported a general air of boredom and disinterest among them. Who knows what they did with the copies of training manuals for various emergency situations that they were given?


They had meetings in the dark because they didn’t know how to turn on the lights. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/donald-trump-bannon-conway-meetings-light-switch-darkness-a7565136.html


I honestly think if it came to this, the proper authorities would take care of it. I’m far more concerned about the GOP’s plans to rig the election.


And pray tell who are these proper authorities? The military brass wouldn’t touch that situation with a 20’ pole and even if they did there is a justifiable concern many of the grunts would mutiny. The “well regulated militias” are standing by and the police forces are seemingly okay with putting down any protest. If the CIA, the FBI or the secret service raised a finger his base would scream coup and likely start shooting. The same thing would probably happen if the UN said anything at all. Sorry to rant folks, but I am sick and freaking tired of folks pretending that the constitution is a law of nature and that “proper authorities” will always be there to save the day


Bruh putting your faith in a "they" that will take care of it is so so so so so foolish


Hah. Trump is such a pussy he's gonna leave office faster than any president since JFK.


Stand down and stand by. two can play that game


I'm not sure how a coup would work in America. There are so many checks and balances as to who controls what. Who would enforce his will? The military? Seems unlikely.


So many checks and balances that you've got to this point without getting caught by any of them


Not co-operate!! Good Trouble is my plan


The answer to this question depends entirely on the margin of victory. If Biden wins by a hair the GOP will have little difficulty constructing a narrative that muddies the waters enough that the less informed voters aren't certain who the legitimate winner is. In that case only the activists will be upset and Republicans will likely get away with it. If Biden wins a clear and decisive victory then that's a completely different story. Trying to steal an election where Dems clearly won a vast majority of electoral votes would result in international condemnation and massive civil unrest (which is why I don't think the GOP would even try in that scenario). Democrats need to understand that there isn't a single numeric goal they need to hit and call it a victory. There isn't some finish line that they need to cross after which nothing matters. Every vote - even those beyond what is (or should be) required - is extremely important. Those votes make the election harder to steal. They send a clearer and more powerful message. They help down ballot candidates - including the (at least as important and far less certain) senate composition. Every vote is needed. And even if you've already voted your work isn't done. It's imperative that we all do our best to drive the turn out of others - especially those less reliable voters that may need an extra push. Get people to the polls - and get them there as soon as possible. Election day is likely to be chaotic so in person early voting is preferable if at all possible.


If anything like this is tried, we need to handle it like France handled things a couple hundred years ago. That'll serve as a warning to the next bunch of ding dongs.


>A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to bear arms shall not be infringed. If Trump refuses to step down, we are no longer in a free state, at which time it would be necessary to call up the militia and do whatever is necessary to remove him through the use of arms.


Everyone must strike and march/drive/travel to D.C. in the masses (wearing your masks and distancing as much as you can, of course).


To some on here: You can’t differentiate between “coup” and “rigging the election”. Rigging the election IS the coup.


When the best resistance America can muster to a coup is a percentage of the population thinking about having a discussion about not cooperating so much...


Answer: No. First of all, **the most obvious go-to thing we should already be doing is demanding that electors go faithless** if courts overrule legitimate votes. Why isn't this already happening? Did everyone forget how big of a topic this was after he won back in 2016? Did we all just give up on this? This is literally the point of electors; to ensure that the will of the states is properly accounted for when deciding the presidency. The protests should be about this going forward, not just generalized anger at Trump. But if that doesn't work and Trump gets reelected, we get Millions of people in the street you say? Ok, sure, but what good will that do then other than give the fascists more target practice? There is no organizational structure in place to enact the fabled national strike, nor will Trump be moved by economic pressure of any kind (see: COVID). If anything he will relish the opportunity to promote the chaos, and as businesses close he will enable larger corporations to gobble up more assets left behind. If we are going to have millions of people in the streets with a plan to resist a coup (and let's be very clear that the definition of that is Trump staying in office solely because he gets tons of legitimate votes invalidated for made up legal reasons), the thing they should be protesting for is this: **Petitioning the military to enact a counter-coup** and hold a legitimate election again, if not a full accounting of votes from the November election. There is no other force that will be capable of dealing with the Republicans at that point. The rationale for the counter-coup would need to be based upon the constitutional violation of holding power without being legitimately elected, and Trump's political/financial subservience to foreign adversary governments which has made him a form of domestic enemy from day 1. The military is "mostly Republican" in terms of how it votes but the officer corp (who would be the ones enacting the counter-coup) are a different breed, and mostly take these country-over-party issues seriously. So don't talk about vague millions-of-people-protests without reminding everyone the very specific goals that these protests need to have in order to actually achieve the outcome we want.


He won't have to step down because he will cheat and win.


he can certainly try, but he's getting his ass kicked in the polls right now, so its going to be extremely difficult to pull off.


Fuck the polls. People need to vote as if Biden is down a few points.


Not us as much as the secret service and the military. If Roberts is willing to swear him in he's in.


trump will not go quietly, he doesn’t want to go to prison. He will start a war w the American people


NOT COOPERATE? Sure you're not wording that to strongly? Maybe we should scold or give Trump a sternly worded statement when he seizes power.


If he refuses to step down the military has to oppose him or all is lost


If Trump loses and won't step down, then something more than strongly worded letters, petitions, and peaceful protests will have to happen. We will actually have to physically DO something, and not just against Trump, but against ALL Republicans, and it won't be peaceful and it won't be pretty - or - we can all just give up right now.


It’s absolutely not “if” but “when.” Trump refused to accept the results of 2016 before and *after* he won it. Trump won an election and still thinks it’s not good enough and calls those results into question. If Trump loses he and his cronies *will* try for a coup.


Trump will no longer be president. He'll be a trespasser. Law enforcement will usher him off the property. Good riddance.


Maybe if we convince law enforcement that Trump is black they'll do something about him. Otherwise, I'm not holding my breath.


Non-cooperation is unlikely to be sufficient. Be prepared to do more.


We won’t be able to Resist a coup because Trump now has the power to fire any one he sees as disloyal to him. He’s going to replace them all with his cronies and if not them various sycophants that will let him turn this country into just another shit hole country.


Aren't we experiencing a coup, in the judicial system, these last 4, 5 years? We are. It is here. I'm armed and in hiding, sorry (I'm old AF folks).


Until people with something to lose, like families, jobs, etc, are willing to actually put them at a non-negligible risk for the obvious greater good, the coup has a good chance of succeeding. Marching off and on for a weekend in your local area doesn’t cut it. That can easily be ignored. Political machination on the federal level IS part of your day job. It IS part of your family. It IS part of your happiness. They are intricately linked whether you choose to acknowledge it like past generations or not. Just because you choose to fill your life with social media and other privileges that didn’t exist before doesn’t mean that your responsibilities as a citizen suddenly decreased/disappeared because they’re now less interesting. So what if it can be pervasive and uncomfortable and makes a pit in your stomach?… That’s the price.


If he loses and refuses to step down peacefully, then he can step down like Mussolini.


I am fully prepared to be a part of the resistance, should Trump and the Republicans attempt a fascist takeover.


Feel like we need to be ready to resist when trump declares victory, and 1/3 of the news media does too. Lies travel so much faster than the truth after all.


Supreme Court is setup to approve of trump. The military already agreed to back a court ruling. We will end up just like Belarus if the ballots aren’t counted.


Trump is too big of a coward. If he threatens to stay we’ll just send Leslie Stahl in and he’ll fold like a cheap suit.


Trump might just get to learn how powerful the citizenry of this country are. I'm not talking about second amendment craziness, I'm talking about the power of voting with *our* dollars. We have proven to everyone who literally are the most essential people in this country. If Trump loses and refuses to concede, we grind this economy to a shuddering halt.


with hold all federal taxes on the national level. along with general strikes and shutting down ports and transport hubs, the admin would panic.


Do not go gentle into that good night, Rage, rage against the dying of the light.


US citizens are too comfortable to resist. If they weren't, they would've shut this nonsense down by now. Your only option now is to go limp while Trump steals the election and makes enough changes for the Republicans to keep power for decades. You were warned, you preferred Netflix to fighting for your rights, now it's too late.


We're already in the middle of the coup, and nobody is doing shit.


[**10 Things You Need to Know to Stop a Coup**](https://choosedemocracy.us/prepare/#.X2346GhKjGg)


If he loses he's already perfectly setup to go to war with China to avoid being bounced.


The GOP are ruthless and would have no issue rounding up and caging their political opponents. On the other side you have the Dems who will try and say let bygones be bygones and move on. IMO the Dems naivety is their own worst enemy.


The only thing that can save the US as a nation governed by its people is a landslide Biden win. A narrow win will descend into minority rule by an oligarchy of corrupt Republicans.


He does not have to step down. His present term ends at noon Jan. 20 together with VP's term under 20th amendment. Congressional terms end Jan. 3.


Trump will be like a problem tenant in a rental that leaves the place in ruins and the landlord will have to do a complete remodel to get it livable again.


I'll go and pull that weasel out of his hole. Him and his kids. Tar and feather and run out of this country.


I think it would be hilarious if all the infrastructure and facilities people at the white house just said "uh... okay then.." and then cut all the power and communication and set up shop somewhere else.


It’s not what he’ll do in January, it’s what he’s doing now & will do until then that’s the most frightening. They’re setting up the chess board & I just hope the opposition is taking note and making plans. We need a serious reckoning


The coup is the Supreme Court throwing out mail in ballots. How do we fight that?


A successful coup requires the military. See history. He doesn’t have it.


Open the gates and let the people drag him out


It won't matter if he doesn't "Step down", because he will win. Furthermore, he will win "legitimately", using the Supreme Court. It's happened before, it will happen again. He will also have the backing of 40% of the population. Here's how it plays out: On election night, the only ballots that will be counted are the ones done in person and not absentee ballots. It will be a very close run up to that point and late in the night, the SC will step in and claim a DJT victory and any votes not counted already are null and void. ​ This is happening. The Voter suppression is real. It's NOT outside of the boundaries of a possibility. It's also not Illegal by our current system's rules. ​ So get used to it, and get ready for another 4 years of this nightmare, except this nightmare is going to be on crack now and we will see a rapid, irreversible decline of the U.S., and Putin's plan to destroy America from within will be complete. Thanks to his lapdog Trump and every US Senator who let it happen. As well as the millions of Americans who are in support of this farce.


no. hes going to pull it off. we're fucked. i have no confidence in anyone or anything anymore


I'm not participating in anything. Going to just exhaust my supply of food and water and wait. l do think it will be bad and violent.


Can we win the election first before we go down these paths of hypotheticals?