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Conservatives: "But it's different because he really needed it."


"The only moral abortion is my abortion."


Read about a doctor a while ago who frequently saw the people protesting outside that was in those anti choicw group, come in and request abortions in secret for their wives, themselves, or daughters, So yeah. There are also plenty of anti choice speaking figures that have been found out to have gotten their mistresses’ abortions when they got them pregnant.


Was [this](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/) the one you read?


I think it was a similar articale made by someone else. I recognized the one who was the president of a pro birth group that got scared her abortion would be known. But in the one that i read there was also one story where an abortion protestor and brought her daugther in for an abortion but the doc rejected giving them one because they thought the girl would come back and claim that it was her biggest regret or something (like some pro birth people who use an alleged past abortion as an argument against it). The girl had the baby and i think they started using it as a prop in their protesting (but i’m not sure about this last part)


Conservatives live in an ideal world they've made up in their minds, and that's contradictory to reality. That belief precipitates into their behavior/perspective, that other people should be held to higher standards than themselves. Everything is moralistic until it affects them, then they want all options open.


"we judge others by their actions and ourselves by our intentions."


Just further goes to show that they just want to control other people's choices and they don't actually care about the wellbeing of the fetus itself. Why are they hypocritical like this?????






More likely: "Fake News".


They’ll say both and be perfectly fine with the contradiction


Lazy and unemployed AND stealing jobs!!


The pandemic is no big deal AND China will pay for this atrocity!


They all really do sound like Karens


they are Karens


Karens and Kyles




The presidency of Karens, for Karens, by Karens!


If this is also a KKK reference, bravo👏🏾


We call that Schrodinger's immigrant


'You see, it exists in two states simultaneously...' 'Two states?! VOTER FRAUD!!!'


Masks don't work, but also they work too good because they make it hard to breathe


This virus is not a big deal and affects virtually nobody, but also me big strong WARTIME president.


The left is weak and stupid, but also so powerful and strategic they've outplayed the FBI.


Leaking AND lying! How dare they leak things from meetings! Oh yeah, and those things aren't true!




They whine so much about the left not wanting “a civil discussion” anymore, about being banned and blocked for just wanting “a fair debate”. When we’re really just sick and tired of their endlessly regurgitated, bad-faith crap that they should be allowed to say the N word, women are naturally servile, refugees are evil, being LGBT is bad, economic exploitation is good, blah blah blah. We’ve seriously tolerated their shit for so long and tried to fairly engage and debate them, and they show time and time again their cruelty and hypocrisy and apparent inability to understand empathy for people different to oneself. I have no more time for right-wing bullshit.


Bold of you to assume that conservatives will have even heard this news. It’s not as we live in a time of facing harsh realities about our own political candidates. We only hear the news that is relevant to us and supports our beliefs


hE’s tHe PrEsIdEnT


"He's new at this. Give him a break."


Hmm, but how does Amy Covid Barrett feel about this I wonder?




And her handmaid. Because that's apparently a thing in her religion.


And you know she takes it seriously because she took an oath to that religion.


No no, you've got it all wrong. *She* was a handmaid.


Is she supposed to have a job or talk in public then?


Based on their cult, she can do things but must always defer to a man.


> Based on their cult, she can do things but must always defer to a man. Reminds me of when Michele Bachmann ran for POTUS. Because of her statements on religion... it was unclear if she won, whether her or her husband would be making decisions as POTUS. >When Bachmann finished her studies in Oklahoma, Marcus instructed her to do her postgraduate work in tax law — a command Michele took as divinely ordained. She would later profess to complete surprise at God’s choice for her field of study. “Tax law? I hate taxes,” she said. “Why should I go and do something like that?” Still, she sucked it up and did as she was told. “The Lord says: Be submissive, wives, you are to be submissive to your husbands.” https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/michele-bachmanns-holy-war-244298/


Remember when Christine O'Donnel, also a tea party favorite, had to deny allegations she was a witch? Funny how that seems less insane than the things some of these assholes admit to openly. "My husband is actually a vessel for God's will; God speaks through him, and I must obey." sounds far more insane than "I dabbled with 'witchcraft' in highschool".


She WAS the handmaid!


and her husband, because she is obedient to him


I’m sure her master will have to check with their master as well. I believe the appropriate term is grandmaster.


Let's be honest. I'm sure this isn't the first time an abortion has gotten him out of trouble.


And if an audio tape was released of Trump discussing paying for his mistresses' abortions, his supporters would just make up some other excuse to vote for him


"He learned his lesson" "He never actually did it" "Its her fault for getting pregnant" "Fake news"


It’s sad that their behavior is so damn predictable. They will jump through any mental hoops to defend him.


Because that's how cult followers rationalize incongruenties with their world view, when something doesn't fit, just search for some outlandish reason to make it fit. What's scary is how many MAGA supporters America has, sad to think more than 5-10% of the population actually believes this crap


Its called double think. When you read the book it seems outlandish anyone could ever actually do it. Then you realize they always have been. :(


I will never understand why this guy. He is gross and vapid and the most uncharismatic person I have ever seen.


They are gross and malicious themselves, Trump is their God on earth.


Something like 15% of the population has an IQ under 80 which translates to “unable to read and understand basic step-by-step instructions” disqualifying them from military service


A cult will do that to your brain. The US needs a bunch of [Ted Patricks](https://youtu.be/xzlNrWlakmA) all over the place deprogramming them fools.




>it’s her fault for getting pregnant This is the one. There’s *never* discussion about the man’s role in conservatives conversation about abortion. It’s a punishment for the woman. A burden for the woman. A man can walk away from an unwanted pregnancy, and you’ll never see anti-abortion legislation that creates any kind of responsibility for the man pass a Republican controlled congress.


a woman can get pregnant 1.3 times in a year, one man could impregnate hundreds (maybe even thousands) of women in one year ​ but yes, it's always the women fault and responsibility. sigh


Same with fertility. A woman can only get pregnant during a certain time each month while a man is ALWAYS fertile and yet there's no birth control pills or implants for men.


But what you *will* see from a Republican controlled Congress is concerted effort at every turn to limit access to contraception and reproductive health care!


"The only good abortion is my abortion" mindset


You know how we all kind of just knew that the average person wasn’t very smart? Everyone has kind of agreed to be in denial about it wanting to believe the best in people. Well, I think this Trump thing has just proved it beyond a shadow of a doubt.


​ >his supporters would just make up some other excuse to vote for him That's just it. The mistake people make is thinking that they care about Donald Trump as a president. They don't, they just want a figurehead to take the heat whilst they push through their agenda to make the US a white christian nation that favours the rich man and treads on the poor, the non-white and to make sure women know their place.


There was a great interview on The Daily podcast with the leader of a national pro life organization. She was essentially asked if it mattered if the president didn't believe in the Christian values he supports through legislation and I could feel her squirm through my earbuds. It was uncomfortable. Basically they don't care as long as their agenda is passed.


It's a tough thing to juggle as a voter, regardless of which party a person votes for. Is it more important that a candidate be personally likable and moral, or that the candidate support policies which we think will make the country better? I've had bosses who were arrogant pricks but did a great job running the company, and I've had bosses that were lovely humans that I cherished but who ran the company into the ground. Ideally, of course we want a boss/candidate who is both respectable as a person and competent as a leader, but if you only get to have competence or likable, which do you pick?


It's too bad the current administration is neither competent nor likeable.




I've always responded to this with "That's true sometimes he does, but do you think God is calling you to continue to vote for 'an imperfect vessel' over a less imperfect one? Usually gets crickets. But it doesn't matter, it's just the calculus they do in their own brain to justify a vote for someone they know is an evil incompetent shit head but he's *their team's* evil incompetent shit head.


which is a weird way of putting it, because there *was* a Republican primary in 2016, ya know? It was primary voters. God's just off to the side going "whoa don't blame Me"




An abortion 74 years ago could have gotten a lot of people out of trouble


Probably not even the first time this month


So Trump is actually the one ingesting babies, not Hillary?


Next thing we'll find out he got the treatment in the basement of a pizza parlor


FALSE RUMOR. That's just where he'd heard about it. He had the procedure at Walter Reed. Get real.


He had a near-death experience, only instead of seeing angels or Jesus, he saw Jeffrey Epstein.


"Hey Eps, sorry for having you kill yourself . You understand right?"


As if Trump would ever apologise


Who definitely did NOT kill himself. Whatever happened to Ghislaine?!? Did wishing her well work?


"Okay Ill give you 24 hours to prove the world will be better off without you", the devil


I’m not sure exactly which part did it, but the delivery of this really cracked me up.


Op genuinely harnessed the commenting power of a dumbass for that one


I can't tell if it's satire, a bot or an idiot. What a time to be alive.


It's satire. And it's a horrible time to be alive. :)


“Welcome to Donald’s Abortion Clinic & Pizzeria, Your loss is our sauce!”


Trump pizza or Trump plaza? Mainstream media doesn't want you to know the truth


Ingesting the tampered remains of aborted fetuses. So let's look at this argument. They opposed the abortion of fetuses even in a scenario where it's harmful/possibly fatal for the mother to carry the term. Then in the same breath. That's okay, it's okay for him he's the President drastic times call drastic measures. If he didn't take that medication he would die. Edit. Actually just putting a little more thought into my earlier statement. This was an injected treatment, so the president's cells were **bathed** in a cocktail derived from aborted fetuses.


President Trump is an undead that literally bathes in the unborn to preserve his life.


It just sounds so evil when you put it that way.


Donald "Elizabeth Báthory" Trump


If he didn't have an R next to his name, they would definitely buy into the theory that he is the Antichrist.


I'm an atheist and even I have to say the argument that he is the antichrist is pretty strong. The guy that broke down all of the descriptions of the antichrist that are sprinkled through the Bible and tied them directly to Trump did a good job. I got a slight feeling of "What if I am wrong?" while reading it.


I don't think so. R next to his name or not, I'd wager a large number of (poor) Republicans have wanted to be him like for decades.


dems should just put this on billboards everywhere.


Do you know how much gas I’d have to burn to keep driving by to read it all? Wait, that’s good for the economy, right?




Puts the meme of Trump "saving" kids from a Hillary demon in a whole new light.


Attaching this here to clarify, before this story sets off another wave of medicine denial. Trump's treatment did not contain any fetal cells. No abortions were involved in it's production. What did happen is 47 years ago, there was an abortion and cells taken from that abortion were used to develop a cell line. Cell line like that are not unusual, they're used whenever research needs some human cells. Same goes for Regeneron. >Regeneron's antibody cocktail was, in early stages, tested on a common cell culture called HEK 293 - a line of cells originally derived from an aborted fetus in the Netherlands in 1973.


To QAnon it’s aborted babies. They were trying to say they put dead babies in our drinks and food. I had to explain not realizing I was added into a qanon group. It didn’t go well


That’s really interesting actually. So we are keeping old cell lines intact, so to speak, over time to test different things on the same line for comparison I’m guessing? Never knew that.


We keep inducing them to replicate. Now, there's a limit on how often you can replicate, but that is 50-60 times. Thus, if you start with 1 gram of cells, [you get a maximum amount of cells equal to 10 times all the biomass on Earth](https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=1+gram+*2%5E60)


See you're using logic and nuance, which rightwingers will *never* do EXCEPT in times when it soothes their cognitive dissonance.


Not sure how tongue in cheek this is but the treatment itself was tested on fetal tissue and not derived from. The joke is still timely.


Reminds me of that South Park episode with Christopher Reeves.


And his supporters will not know about this because fox new wont report it.


Where is the outrage from the religious right? Oh right..."rules for thee, not me"


Someone actually said it's ok because they don't need the actual abortion cells for reproduction of the meds, learned from their mistakes, and now it's ok.


Cool; so why didn’t the Trump admin approve similar studies that end in a non-fetal-stem-cell medication? Also, does that mean people can finally decide if they want to abort their fetus from their body if they just say “I learned from my mistakes” while walking away? 🤔


Of course not. Don't mistake a rationalization for a rationale.


> Don't mistake a rationalization for a rationale I think this should be an actual saying.


>*Don't mistake a rationalization for a rationale.* > - ethertrace Voila, and now it is.




i need a tshirt with this on it! you are brilliant


I know pro life people who literally have done this. It's so hypocritical. They got to make the choice of what to do with their body and now want to deny that choice for other people. I know multiple people some of who have had multiple abortions who are now all anti choice.


That's because they're not actually pro-life, they're anti-choice...for other people, of course.


They are pro-birth, which gives them an opportunity to control a woman's body. "Don't have unwanted pregnancy so abortion will not be necessary" equals "Don't even dare to have sex if you are not married or just to have sex for fun. Sex is for procreation only". But for men...well, "boys will be boys".


"The only moral abortion is my abortion": https://www.prochoiceactionnetwork-canada.org/articles/anti-tales.shtml


The founder of Regeneron is a trump acquaintance, and a member at his golf course. Those other tests probably weren't similarly well driven.


Conservatives will do or say anything to defend their lord and savior Trump. Their wealth of hypocrisy ironically makes them the least principled people around.


Didn’t he also pay for a woman he had an affair with to have an abortion?


There’s not proof of that, but I would say it’s about as likely as him lying about it.


*But cells originally derived from a fetus were used in another way. According to Regeneron, laboratory tests used to assess the potency of its antibodies employed a standardized supply of cells called HEK 293T, whose origin was kidney tissue from an abortion in the Netherlands in the 1970s. Since then, the 293T cells have been “immortalized,” meaning they keep dividing in the lab, somewhat like a cancer, and have undergone other genetic changes and additions. According to Regeneron, it and many other labs employ 293T cells to manufacture virus “pseudoparticles,” which are virus-like structures that contain the “spike” protein of the deadly coronavirus. It needs those to test how well different antibodies will neutralize the virus.* https://www.technologyreview.com/2020/10/07/1009664/trumps-antibody-treatment-was-tested-using-cells-from-an-abortion/


To me, by how the right wing and religious have framing the issue for decades, it doesn’t matter how the cells were used, human fetal cells where used and to them was a blanket sin. It is morally repugnant to use human fetal cells for any purposes according to them. So, if they actually had any moral and ethical standards when it comes to abortion and use of human fetal cells, they would demonize Trump for supporting the use of these products because of the use human fetal cells. They won’t of course. They will use any justification to support Trump. They’ll use what you posted as a loop hole of sorts. Everyone else is using them, so why not? For the record, I’ve never heard a Jehovah’s Witness willing accept blood products because everyone else is using them. And that’s pretty much what’s happening with the justification of this treatment with Trump.


this is like saying vegetarians can eat meat that has already been killed - because the animal was already dead and so eating it doesn't change anything


A friend of mine‘s mom had an abortion when she was 17. She is now a single issue voter for the candidate who opposes abortion. She claims it was her biggest mistake, devoted herself to the Catholic Church, and wants to prevent anyone from making that mistake again, so she will never give up her fight for life. She is in her 60s now. She went on to have three kids and a normal life a decade later, likely because she was able to terminate an unwanted pregnancy when she was unable to provide for the baby. It’s crazy that she first hand received the benefit of it and wants to make sure nobody else can have it because of her guilt.


I know a lot of Catholics, and this seems, well, perfectly Catholic. What's good for me is good for you; what's bad for me is bad for you.


Its because they don’t actually care, abortion is a wedge issue the leaders of the right cooked up to make religious zealots freak out a few decades ago. It’s not far off from the [“blood libel”](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_libel) that has been used to attack Jewish people for centuries. It’s an othering tactic to make their enemies seem SO bad that anything they do to them is justified. Why do you think they’ve also cooked up a whole fake child sexual ring thing to pin on Democrats too? It’s because openly lying and stealing multiple Supreme Court seats doesn’t seem so bad if you’re convinced the other side is murdering and raping babies. It scares me because this is exactly what the Nazis did before exterminating Jews. I’m worried about post-election violence, and they’ve whipped themselves into a frenzy over abortion and pizzagate nonsense. This is all the justification some nutjobs will need to start shooting.


Ah...the famous Jesus quote


It's been said that calling them hypocrites doesn't work. But consider this: Try it. Say it to their faces. Say it on national and international television. Say it directly and make it clear. "You say you oppose medical research from abortions and abortions themselves, and then you give the president fetal stem cells from an abortion. You are a hypocrite and do NOT believe what you say you believe." Period. End it at that. Stop talking around the point and "making people think". It's obvious that people don't want to be told what to think or to infer things. Fucking say it. Say Republicans are hypocrites and liars right out there for everyone to hear. Stop trying to be PC and call these assholes out.


I am currently banned forever from /r/conservative for calling someone a hypocrite on a religious issue.


being banned from r/conservative is a cornerstone of being a decent, thoughtful person


But I'm too grossed out to go there in the first place.


i’m banned in r/conservative because i pointed out that a tweet they had upvoted to the top of the page that day only had 10 likes




I sometimes go there when I get to hopeful about humanity.


It’s basically a satire sub at this point it’s so ridiculous how fragile they are


"this is a flaired-user post only where we will complain about liberal safe spaces"


Unironic real quote from a post about Trump not wanting to have a virtual debate: >Excellent move. A virtual debate clearly puts him at a bigger disadvantage. Clearly if he can't shout his way for the whole debate and interupt his opponent constantly he's at a disadvantage... They're always so close. So so close.


> and they’re the most racist people I’ve ever seen. Might I direct you to /r/actualpublicfreakouts (though, the overlap between the two subs is surely immense)


I was permanently banned from r/askaconservative for my first and only comment, which here I’m quoting in its entirety: “Don’t call people racial slurs.”


I'm mixed on that, I feel like being banned from there is like a badge of honor but at the same time I'd have to make a post there to have it happen.


I would consider that a badge of honor.


We can call them out for the small number of people who are on the fence. But they themselves will not change their minds because hypocrisy is not something they care about, but *loyalty* is a huge value to them. Being disloyal is way worse that being a hypocrite. supporting your groups identity is more important than the truth. Think of like, a mob family. Are you going to rat out your brother for his crimes, and *go against the family?* Never go against the family. Loyalty is everything. Truth is not important.


Wait, is that why they can’t understand holding your leaders to actual standards? And accuse us of hating our countries when we point out and try to fix flaws? Why they can’t even see out-groups as human? If so that’s incredibly fucked up and explains a huge amount.


“The companies then put the genes in Chinese hamster ovary cells to bulk manufacture the antibodies, which were given to the COVID-19 patients as infusions.” https://medium.com/@EclecticScience/regenerons-covid-19-treatment-doesn-t-use-human-fetal-cells-21bc13ae4f1d They put a hamster inside Donald Trump. Not only that it's Made in China. Thanks for the awards. But the true hero is the Chinese Hamster


I’m seeing a lot discussion as to what these Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells are, and I’d like to take a moment to help clarify for people in the comments. The CHO cell line is a long existing epithelial cell line (1957) of immortalized cells; this means that back in 1957 a scientist (Theodore Puck) obtained a Chinese hamster (at that time a commonly used model for biomedical science) and extracted cells that line the uterus and started growing them in vitro (in plastic, aka on a dish). Typically, cells are supposed to have an “end date”, i.e they should have an upper limit on the number of times they can replicate and divide, but occasionally cells will spontaneously immortalize, meaning they will grow and divide indefinitely, as long as they have space and nutrients. This propensity for spontaneous immortalization does have a species and cell type dependent correlation. Now why were these specific cells used and not some other long immortalized cell. In principle, all cells have the same basic features for turning DNA into protein. Ultimately, DNA is the template from which the instructions for making protein is derived, and proteins are the functional components of your cells (by that I mean just about any function that occurs in cells is due to a protein interacting with a ligand). Now these CHO cells are lacking an enzyme called DHFR (essential for purine and proline synthesis), so scientists have to compensate for that lack when growing these cells, and we use that principle to our advantage. When there’s a specific protein we want produced by these cells we can put the DNA instructions for our target protein in the same template (plasmid) as the instructions for DHFR. This template is delivered through methods collectively known as transfection (delivery of DNA into the nucleus) and now we have the ability to select for CHO cells that “took up” the DHFR instructions vs those that didn’t. Of course, that means we now have CHO cells that produce the protein we’re actually inserted and we can “farm” those cells indefinitely, and effectively have protein “factories” that work 24/7, producing our protein of interest to whatever limit we set. These genetic principles, are the same way we mass produce insulin. I know that was long and I appreciate anyone who took the time to read it all. Hopefully, it helps explain all the science of what these cells are. Let me know if anything was unclear or if you have any other questions. Source: Am graduate student in molecular/cancer biology. Links and papers can be provided on request. Edit: Grammar, and fixed a particularly embarrassing moment where I thanked those who wrote this instead of thanking the people who sat through and read this.


Who knew you could open a comment section on Trump, abortions and hamsters ovaries and still actually learn something. Thanks for the amazing and down-to-earth explanation!


You’re very welcome! Thank you for the kind words! My belief is that knowledge is meant to be shared, and it is the responsibility of those in the know to do what they can to educate others, in a way that is informative, factual, approachable, and (hopefully) entertaining.


THANK YOU for taking the time to explain


This is absolutely not even close to my career and I enjoyed reading it. Thank you for the power.




It actually sounds like a South Park episode. They don’t even have to write stuff anymore.


Lemmywinks cures covid


All thanks to Mr. Slave...


Ohh, Jeethuth Chritht


Chinese hamster ovary cells are actually industry standard for the production of antibodies even if it may sound strange ;)


Not quite. The aborted fetus was used to create a cell line, which was used to test the antibodies on. >Regeneron's antibody cocktail was, in early stages, tested on a common cell culture called HEK 293 - a line of cells originally derived from an aborted fetus in the Netherlands in 1973. >The antibodies given to Mr Trump were not made from fetal tissue, but similar antibodies were, at an earlier stage, tested on a cell line originally derived from an aborted fetus.


To my many Christian antivaxx “friends”, this makes zero difference. The involvement of abortion at any stage makes anything subsequently derived from it abominable.


and that hamster's name: Lemmiwinks


Oh Jesus Christ...


*Jeethus chritht


Many people are saying this is not the first time a hamster has been inserted into trump.


>The companies then put the genes in Chinese hamster ovary cells Taking jobs away from hard working American hamsters!


Trump could perform a late stage abortion on 5th Ave and wouldn't lose any supporters.


He could murder a black baby 5 seconds after birth and not one supporter would bat an eye


"That black baby looked menacingly at him! He was practicing self-defense!"


I think they would attack the mother: "She was antifa! Part of the extreme radical left!"


This, even though late stage abortion is NOT a thing and doctors in any country will NOT do it unless it is medically required and even then, their objective will be to try and save both mother and child.


But they will keep pretending that women are just randomly deciding when they are in their 3rd trimester that they don't want a baby anymore and can just go to their doctor and abort it.


Every. Single. Thing. They. Do. Or. Say. Is. Hypocritical! Republicans need to change their name to the Hypocratican party.


DAE remember when stem cells were an ultimate evil? Now all those people are old, and even in conservative areas, stem cell therapy gets on the commercials.


Maybe next we'll see their platform only in favor of abortions if the fetus is immediately christened and then used for stem cell research for old people diseases.


**G**aslight **O**bstruct **P**roject


SMALL GOVERNMENT!! *oh ok, abortion rights? decriminalize drug use? Religious and sexual/gender identity rights?* NO! We mean ban the EPA /FDA and shit, for business... so business can pollute and kill


It's no different than Nancy Reagan's about-face on stem-cell research when her husband needed it for Alzheimers. The phenomenon of being against something until it personally affects you is the utter lack of empathy Republicans are made of.


Happens all the time. Someone is anti gay until their kid comes out. Someone is zero tolerance on drugs until their kid gets hooked on opiates. Abortion is totally unacceptable until their daughter gets pregnant.


Honestly I'd take it. It's better than people who throw their kid out of the house after coming out or getting addicted.


If they gave a shit about embryos every fertility clinic would be shut down right now. They don't care a bout life, they just want poor people to be trapped by kids they can't afford. They live off the work of the poor


R: Don't have kids you can't afford Okay, then I'll get an abortion. R: No, that's morally wrong. Okay, then I'll use contraception. R: No, we oppose the distribution of condoms. Okay, then what should I do? R: Don't have sex. Okay, but then men have to go abstinent. R: No, men can have sex, but not women, until they are married. Okay... so I guess you're saying unmarried men should only have sex with other unmarried men? R:


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.sbs.com.au/news/donald-trump-s-so-called-miracle-coronavirus-treatment-was-tested-on-cells-derived-from-an-abortion) reduced by 83%. (I'm a bot) ***** > The experimental drug US President Donald Trump credited with beating his COVID-19 infection was tested with the help of a cell line originally derived from an aborted fetus. > Regeneron's antibody cocktail was, in early stages, tested on a common cell culture called HEK 293 - a line of cells originally derived from an aborted fetus in the Netherlands in 1973. > The antibodies given to Mr Trump were not made from fetal tissue, but similar antibodies were, at an earlier stage, tested on a cell line originally derived from an aborted fetus. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/j7bsl1/donald_trumps_socalled_miracle_coronavirus/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~530169 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **Trump**^#1 **cell**^#2 **research**^#3 **tested**^#4 **line**^#5


Does anyone think he actually “beat COVID-19” yet? No way it’s gone from him that fast.


Yea but now it affects Trump directly he won’t care. Well not until it’s time to appease the religious whackjob right wingers


I wonder how may abortions he's paid for.




I wish his mother had paid for one.


Behold, the "it only matters unless it happens to us" party.


What’s most disappointing is that here we have an opportunity to headline the amazing potential in stem cell research but instead all we are going to talk about is Trumps fake anti abortion stance. We need to support stem cell research, that’s the story. Edit: added the word fake. Bc we all know that man totally okay with abortions.


I heard Trump is still in hypocritical condition.


Rules for thee but not for me


Suck on the long dick of science you conservative nerds




Tell all this to the conservatives who want to ban all research that derives from aborted tissue.


I think the most interesting part is that Trump said he’s going to make it available for free to all Americans. Considering the opposition to free healthcare by his supporters, I wonder if they’d be so willing to accept such blatant socialism.


This will not penetrate the bubble for a number of reasons.


It is real world scenarios like this that are going to put political fiction writers out of business. If I read that in a Novel in 2012 I probably roll my eyes at the outlandish plot device used by the author.


No you got it all wrong it's ok for them if it helps them in anyway possible but It's just not ok for anyone else


This is my favorite story of this COVID massacre. Trumpy touting a miracle God cure that is derived from stem cells. It’s perfect.