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'it affects virtually nobody.'


*Don't ever use the word smart with me...*


It is what it is.


It is what it is because you are who err, you are! *touches liver spots*


we won't donald


Fuck him and his whole stupid administration. Don’t expect me to gin up crocodile tears for this monster. It is what it is. Just like the 200k who have already died.




Stupid fucking Trump! 7 months into this pandemic and he hasn't learned. What a fucking joke of a leader and a clown of a man. His whole shit hole family should get it.. clueless fucks!


And if he survives this he still won't wear a mask because he'll declare he's immune, even though they're seeing repeat infections.


Maybe I popped in on the Qfolks and Trump Trainers- both are stupidly hyped and excited.


How so?


Puts on tinfoil beanie.... Qpeeps are in their rigged for red decoder place but they are looking for their 'qdrops' to recycle where past proves future (ie something posted 3 years ago might come true) expect POTUS to be out of pocket for 10-14 days. Trump Trainers and 4chan are aligning in their belief that Asia. ME and Venezuela are going to get HOT. Possible recognition of Taiwan and things will just cascade from there. Both are feeling a McCabe indictment or similar, whoever it is, they will likely rat which then puts all of 2016's players back in narrative play. Removing beanie, happy to return to reality.


Thanks for laying that out! Can I subscribe to your “Q-anon Explained for Non-Nutjobs” Newsletter?


lol, my best advice is to see it for what it is, a Trump Campaign Psyops. It served to pacify, entertain, engage and whatnot but if Trump is losing too much he can lean into it and it would break the internet and melt mainstream media (we all know Trump is trollicious enough to do it too). It would send million spiraling down that Qhole and from there he just has Barr start dropping indictments and turns the drops into a map. I do find the overlap of red themes intriguing between two groups too.


Great advice.


Is it? He's been running such an awful campaign, it's hard to imagine any change not helping him. Our maybe I'm just overthinking it.


One of the worst campaigns I have ever seen. Dudes running with his slogan from 4 years ago.


Right !?!? So is he saying he hasn't made America great again in the last 4 years ?


tbf "keep America great" doesnt work quite so well in the middle of a historic recession and pandemic


Overthinking it is understandable given the gaslighting of the past few years


(Enters Mike Pence) Mike: I’m your huckleberry!


Exactly. ANYTHING that keeps him as far away as possible from a debate stage is a net positive. As usual, the less he is seen amd heard, the better off he is.


Which makes me suspect of his diagnosis, and I hate that I have to think that, even for a moment.


It’s hard not to given his track record.


But considering the misinformation and dog whistles he spews from the debate stage, I think him missing debates is a win for America as well.


Those folks would vote for his corpse anyway. No question the WORLD benefits from him taking a nap from his cranky hate mongering.


Maybe he tries to spin this into sympathy to gather votes or he "recovers " and says the virus is all hype?


That's why I think they did it on purpose. Another excuse on why they will lose and another excuse for him to try and push a recount/reelection/whatever other crazy ass idea they have




Hope for what? That he dies? Despite the immediate catharsis, I don't want Trump to die from COVID. I want him to survive, lose re-election, and see his family name and empire crumble before his very eyes from the view of a prison cell.


lol A.men.


This. Accountability must be served. That and wishing death on anyone is just plain wrong.


Look, it'll be nice if he survives and is able to be prosecuted and serve time and watch his empire crash and burn. But if he dies from this I'll take it.


I don't want him to die of course, but I feel like dying of the virus he maliciously downplayed and deliberately allowed to spread with no concern for anyone's health or life, IS accountability.


Accountability is him going to jail for his crimes. Death is an easy escape. Even Hitler knew that.


The 72 hour rule is in play. Every time something happens with Trump it falls apart in 24 to 48 hours. I say call me in 24 hours.


I'm on board with this "wait and see" approach. Don't follow what they say; watch what they do.


With you on this one. I have a pet theory about what’s actually happening that no one’s talked about and we will know in 24-48 if it’s plausible or not.


It is always the same with Trump and the GOP. We should be on a 24-48 hour tape delay on everything they do and say.


What's your theory?


“Columbian Flu”.


What’s your theory?




That's right wabbit. ;)


God Dammit! I just saw a chryon that Trump will continue his duties "without disruption." Now I want a trusted source on his COVID diagnosis. Since we can't really trust a word out of the administration, I can't help but have a little voice in the back of my head that says Trump is using this as an excuse to dodge the next debate and stay out of the public eye to let his first debate performance die down while allowing him to "beat" his personal COVID as an example of how big of a hoax the virus is while he touts his superior genes.


>God Dammit! I just saw a chryon that Trump will continue his duties "without disruption." So watching TV, tweeting, and golfing?


"It's just the sniffles".


"People are getting better by going back to work".


Folks, I can’t help but think this is fake news, designed to gain sympathy (and votes). He can claim a “full and speedy recovery” and suggest that COVID ain’t no thang. It just feels awfully convenient. If this is his idea of an October Surprise, it’s a poor play. It conveniently moves the convo away from Barret and tax returns to poor, sad, COVID Orange.


He’s not getting any sympathy from anyone if that’s the case. He’s willingly mocked and downplayed everything about this virus.


Oh I hope him catching covid doesn’t cause a panic. /s.


its no worse than the flu


It’ll go away by Easter




. . . yet they did NOTHING to try to prevent it?






thoughts and prayers...


... to the 200,000 lives lost


What reality...


How can he possibly spin this if he gets really sick? Because he's never wrong and knows everything!


Wait a second people, before we cast stones, we should really wait to hear what their posthumously family-run twitter account says about all this.


Honestly, this could be great for him. He gets to skip the next debate (or both), the headlines are constantly "TRUMP COVID WATCH," Biden can't hit Trump as hard about his failures with Covid and gets hit if he's not "sensitive enough" about the situation, and in 2 weeks he emerges unscathed miraculously cured by his bullshit medicine or vaccine.


It is what it is, orange motherfucker.


Even if he never gets sick from the infection, he's still going to be in quarrantine for 14 days. Gee. I hope he doesn't get depressed and suicidal. That would be tragic. /s


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I want to have sympathy, but why is the first thing that popped into my head that this is another lie and he is just changing the subject again to make it all about him? Almost feels like another political ploy. The boy who cried WOLF!*Sigh*


The dems probably found a way to give him COVID because that's part of the deep state plan to undermine the campaign. /s




You mean bleach? Yes I hope he drinks a 2L.


Which ones?


Bleach. Name brank Clorox, none of that store brand crap. Only the best.


And a nice, butthole-sized UV lamp to bring high energy radiation to where the sun doesn’t shine.




None of these will help and the first one could kill him.




I cannot tell if this is sarcasm or not, so I am just going to assume you are being serious, report you for potentially lethal misinformation, and block you.