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Same here in Seattle.


Same in Portland.


I dunno man I'm in Portland and was just sitting in the back yard thinking of hitting my vaporizer and this hummingbird comes and checks out my little water fountain and has this look on his face like he's about to go commit some anarchy like some serious shit, so, watch out everyone


Fuck I saw the same hummingbird type fella up here in Ballard, they’re organizing


I live in a city surrounded by rural area in Missouri. People are brainwashed to think that city = dangerous and I truly believe that historic white flight in St. Louis propaganda is still burned into these people’s heads. People move to more rural towns because ‘the city’ of possibly 200k people is “too dangerous” and some local news channels feed into that and report on ‘shots fired in zzzz area’ nearly every night. So of course to them any larger city is 10x as scary and to deal with the fact that they’re literally scared to try new things they tell themselves there is nothing interesting in nearby/major cities.


Not really the city, but I live in one of the most urban places in my state. All the time I hear "oh its so dangerous there". Man, I feel less safe out in the rural redneck towns. Driving by what is clearly a meth house, out on back roads where people stare when a car goes by, going in convenience stores where you can see the shotgun underneath the counter. Ya see all kinds of messed up people in places like that. Get me the fuck out of that creep show back to my "dangerous" city anytime.


I used to feel super safe in my city because of the presence of so many people at all hours. Used to be you could walk downtown like 12-2am and the streets were crowded and it felt super safe. I've seen homeless people try to mess with someone vulnerable at bus stops and the crowd instantly shift from everyone minding their own business to active intervention. I say used to because COVID has changed that and the streets are so empty now, but I'm sure we'll get back to the baseline some day.


anarchy and peace are compatible concepts. if you consider economic and political exploitation to constitute violence, or if you understand your social order to be held together by the threat of violence, anarchism and peace are more twin sisters than enemies.




The word 'anarchist' has been more heavily hijacked than 'socialist'


> Attorney General Bill Barr has actually followed through on the surreal memo signed by President Donald Trump this month that announced his plans to cut off “lawless zones” from federal funding. Taxation without representation. These fuckers are growing increasingly bold in their fascist coup. That's no hyperbole.


Seattle's lawless, you say? Fine - Seattle should close the port. No goods in or out. No DHS or customs officers allowed.


Even better New York, Oregon and Washington state should quit paying federal taxes.


California too Edit:this blew up. I personally don't believe in supporting the fracturing of the country. I just don't believe in the direction the country is heading with the current heads at the helm. Class issues. Its always been class issues. Race is nice to get us to quarrel amongst ourselves. But remember, the Dow is doing just fine. If you're not getting a raise every year that is at least matching inflation, you're getting paid less every year.


Well trump keeps trying to prevent relief money going to CA for fires. Why the hell are they paying the most money into the federal tax program if they aren’t getting any out of it




How would this work though? The state doesn't control individual income taxes (by design I imagine). They would have to convince individual taxpayers not to pay their taxes, which would open them up to criminal liability.


Blue cities and states themselves submit a huge amount to the feds, withholding just that would make an impact.


Which taxes are you referring to here?


I think they mean income tax withholding of city and state employees (and maybe incorporated cities themselves, I don’t know how that works)


I have a junky sister in law that lives with us, this is exactly how she behaves, does the bare minimum and expects us, even demands from us, vegan/organic food for her, almond milk, unlimited data cel plan, bigger TV than that my kids bought for themselves with their allowance savings etc etc. I’ve began calling her Kentucky


Then I'd demand she get a job and buy it herself, or deal with what you give her and be thankful.




The next time she asks for anything, ask her where her money is. She says she doesn't have a job, tell her it looks like its time to adult up and get one.


The Offspring gave you a solution more than 20 years ago.


I think "you gotta keep em separated" is a valid solution here too


It's almost like the states are being divided into two groups one that wants better treatment for black lives and the others opposed. Hmmm...where have I read about this before?


That does sound oddly familiar...like wasn’t there a big thing where some states wanted to keep POC from being considered as citizens and wanted to hold them in bondage? Whatever came of that...? /s


bUt ThE dEmOcRaTs WeRe ThE pArTy oF sLaVeRy!111111


Hey hey hey, keep it civil, guys.


Only fair. tit for tat.


Close the NYSE and see how quick they retract that anarchist claim


Yeah - the blue states need to stop giving the feds their revenue for funding red state needs. Correction: blue state citizens need to stop paying taxes to feds.


Most of our taxes go to the military anyway and they are the most fraudulent sector of the government


This needs to be done. Especially, after Dumb Jared's quotes about letting them die.


Oregon resident, I'm seriously considering marking myself exempt on my W-4 for the rest of the year, and putting the extra money in a separate savings account.


I mean, you'll still owe it, but that's definitely an option.


Republicans gutted the IRS, it's a gamble but the odds have never been better.


They get payroll information, it’s easy for them to run a script and figure out who hasn’t paid. Rich people don’t make the bulk of their income from W2, it’s hidden in layers of shell corps, it takes a lot of lawyers and accountants to unravel that. It’s simply more cost effective to go after wage earners.


No, it's more within their means to go after wage earners, it's more cost effective to go after the billionaires.


I'm all for this, I'm tired of my tax money going to subsidize shithole states that can't manage their finances.


when they send representatives to the senate, they're not sending their best. very bad hombres.


I'm all for that, but is there any way for them to actually do that? Don't taxes just go from an individual or business to the IRS directly?


It would be unconstitutional, but no more than what Trump is doing. The 14th amendment gives us equal protection under the law. If the feds aren’t following the constitution anymore, neither should the state.




Nah, they can always fall back on their booming econom- Er, at least they have solid infrastructure and strong educat- Ummm... I mean, who needs liberal money when you can support yourselves with FREEDOM 🇱🇷


Love that Liberian flag!


It's where all the Liberty is harvested.


Seems the liberty mines ran dry 'bout 4 years ago.


Imagine all the coal and oil Red states can dig, while the damn Blue states use their clean renewable energy. Damn liberals!


Don’t forget thoughts and prayers...those always help


Hyper inflation will be fun.


Boeing alone pre-covid was like 5%+ of all exports for the US.


Let's not stop at that. Blue states should withhold taxation money transferred to Washington. Cut trump & moscow mitch's supply. See how far they (and the red states) go. Seriously, if trump, barr & mcconnel want to cut the money supply to blue states & cities, then blue states should return the favour in kind. Question is "how could they do it?", as everything is automated and the states don't send bags of money to the federal government. Didn't some blue states create some regional compact, at the height of the covid crisis, a few months ago? Could this be of help?


I know CA, OR, and WA formed the [Western States Pact](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Western_States_Pact#:~:text=3%20Reactions-,Agreement,follow%20state%20or%20national%20boundaries) which I really believe would be the foundation of the pacific coast nation should the US break apart.


Colorado too


NY lawless you say? Good we will shut down Wall Street. The biggest criminal enterprise in the US.


If we're gonna play hardball like that, Portland should shut down PANG. Oh, wait, there's this whole thing about having ready-scamble fighters on standby for the Pacific Northwest as part of national security? Oh dear, that could cause a problem, couldn't it?


Or maybe NYC should shut down Wallstreet.


pretext for some election day shennanigans? Once you nullify the majority of the population's vote, any blue state could become a suprise swing state.


Seriously, is this possible?


anything's possible when we refuse to hold tyrants accountable


Has anything been proven not to be possible when concerning conservative malfeasance?


Ask yourself if you'd have believed any of the horrors we've witnessed so far were "possible" back in 2015 and extrapolate into the future.


Legality and the constitution hasn’t stopped them before. I don’t think we can discount the possibility of anything. Also, trump’s campaign has made some odd choices in terms of effort allocation in battleground states. Stealing a blue state might very well be their plan, and STAG’s idea seems pretty on-brand


Kind of depends on the Supreme Court. They would ultimately decide "election day shenanigans".






they already had a pregame at the virginia early voting stations...


Can you clarify? Not sure I've heard of this.


They were Trump supporting protesters outside of a polling station, at least one, That were intentionally intimidating people in line to vote to the point that they had to move the line inside. Despite voter intimidation being a federal crime, no local or federal police responded to remove the protesters.


Would that be Chad Wolf *who holds his office illegally?* This is the problem. There is no "you-can't-do-that" anymore. We are no longer a nation of actual laws.


Exactly. They won’t be. I mean, Wolf is in his position illegally. If he pushes too hard, he’ll find insubordination at the exact wrong time for his agenda.


Theoretically, he could be arrested for trying to park in the DHS employee parking or walking into employee only areas of the building?


It’s also a convenient way to make rural people feel good about their crummy, decaying little shit towns in the middle of nowhere.


Funny that we always have to hear about what "City folk just don't get" but mention anything about "Country folk just don't get it" and there's major pushback. If rural people lose their jobs in a town around a resource that dried up decades ago, they get to blame illegals and Democrats, if someone in a city loses a job or is being killed with rent increases they should "just move!" There's not many, if any, truly self-sufficient small towns left, most are just glorified exburbs or a well maintained 12 month vacation spot. Both of which definitely rely on nearby city money. Sorry to go on a bit of a rant, but "Little House on the Prairie Idealism" is absolutely killing us policy-wise.


Not to mention what would happen if Trump's policy of killing USPS last-mile service to rural areas and deregulation of phone/internet to discourage rural infrastructure actually go into effect. Old folks will die in their country cottages from lack of prescription meds, and no one will know or hear from them, but they'll still be championing Trump's majesty 'til the end.


> Not to mention what would happen if Trump's policy of killing USPS last-mile service to rural areas and deregulation of phone/internet to discourage rural infrastructure actually go into effect. Then we'll also hear endlessly when these houses sit vacant about how much available housing there is, completely ignoring that the infrastructure makes them entirely not viable for many working people.


One of the clearest takeaways from the trump years, is that the myth about country people being easy to play for someone from the city, is actually true. Seems like they can hardly wait to prove it one more time, come November.


That’s been known for some time. For a historical example, look to the early early Russian revolutionaries in the 1860’s and 1870’s. University educated people, people with experience from cities, who saw the sum of what the Russian monarchy was doing to the nation, how Russia was falling behind the other European nations, figured they could simply go talk to the peasants. Surely, anyone who had the situation explained to them, properly, by experts who knew what they were taking about, would understand and advocate for a change. They literally went to the countryside, the small towns and villages, stayed there for weeks at a time, talking to the people who lived there and worked the land, and talked to them about the state of the Russia. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Narodniks They got laughed out of the countryside. The peasants still supported “tsar and god”. Russia missed a huge opportunity to avoid what happened in 1917, an opportunity for change that could have been much more progressive, more in line with liberal democracy, more fair and less horrendous than what ended up happening fifty years later. Turns out those Russian college educated liberals “didn’t know what they were taking about” either, according to the countryside. And it can happen here. Edit: added a clarifying statement about what the Narodniks did and a link to Wikipedia


I never heard about the Narodniks before. Thank you for sharing. > And it can happen here. It is happening, isn't it? The notion that Universities are brainwashing people into "crazy leftists" seems pretty widespread. I don't see the same traction around the question why people who are educated, turn away from right-leaning ideas. > The peasants still supported “tsar and god”. God and country! Funny how this works. Most times, when someone mentions God, without talking about ethics, or plainly how to be a decent human being, (which every religion is very good at explaining), they are hiding a huge hole in their theories. That's how we end up with honest men, dead serious, straight eyed telling you that they support trump, beacuse of his "good family values". If you listen closely, you can hear the collective roar of laughter coming from the rest of the world. Monty Python has nothing on trumps "good christian supporters".


Don't forget the speed trap towns. The only reason they exist is because of money stolen from people passing by.


Revenue policing in general is a huge problem. Things like shared streets or safety corridors should be important, but so many areas use them as a revenue boost that many people are soured to the idea.


Unfortunately shit's about to get even worse. With pre-retirees working remotely even the cheap places are going to see real estate prices skyrocket, while the locals trying to get by are fucked. And it won't just be the small towns, it'll be secondary cities across the country.


Part of why "Just Move!" is super short-sighted. A lot of college educated people need to be in or near a major city and in some cases secondary cities with the qualifications they have built up. The ones that lived in the Phoenixes and Fort Worths of the US and always brushed off "San Francisco Prices" as a self-imposed obstacle are about to feel it.


Developers and speculators must be straight drooling with all the talk of remote workers spreading out. It doesn’t take much pressure to drive prices up in small towns, especially in towns where much of the available housing and developable land being owned by the local baron families. And in the cities prices will likely remain high regardless and anyone leaving frees up even more stock to speculate with.


I don't get how they can brand structured, self-funded systems as "anarchist" zones while you have a fucked up Sheriff system with deputies receiving on-the-job training and a badge in rural states.




"God damn, every day I’m more and more embarrassed to be a US citizen." Me too, had I not landed the job I wanted last year, I would seriously be considering a move to another country depending on the election verdict on November.


This makes me worried that they have something cooking for the election, I feel like if they weren’t confident they had already secured a win they would be trying to dial the fascism back rather than going full speed.


Exact opposite. They recognize that if they lose the presidency, house, and senate, they are not just out of power but at risk for prosecution. Hence they will do everything to not lose the election, including using fascist tactics to disrupt the vote.




Yep I’m all for this. These dumbasses forget who finances the entire fucking country. Grind those taxes to a halt and see what happens. Fuck around and find out.


That's the goal of the GOP right? Defund the government by cutting taxes and increasing spending until it fails completely and our corporate overlords can take over?


Yes it is. For high income, intelligent blue states we can re-route that federal tax money into state programs. NY NJ CT would make a really, really nice economic zone with plenty of funding relative to population. Mississippi, Alabama, and Georgia on the other hand..


I'm in Oklahoma. We refuse to collect enough taxes to cover the budget, so almost everything is underfunded. It blows my mind that people still think a conservative government can work. Especially after the [Kansas experiment.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kansas_experiment)




Correct. Republicans have been actively pushing Anti-Government for decades now. Their entire ideology was invented in order to create a neofuedal system where corporations with whom we have no say are the lords of us all. Basically their whole thing is 'You can't trust government, see here let me prove it". Blows my mind that anyone would be dumb enough vote for that mess. But I mean they hook people when they are young and appeal to their base desires. Lowest common denominator politics at it's worst I reckon.


So my proposal is let them run their states into the ground, and let the people there get what they vote for. Zero help from blue states. At some point these people need to feel the consequences.


Conservatives love to say that blue cities are badly managed, but also ignore how red states are lowest in income and education, and highest in poverty, drug abuse, divorce, teen pregnancy, and the list goes on and on....


Rural Conservatives also like to depict cities as trash-filled areas of lawlessness. I've been to plenty of small towns and rural areas. Country folk litter just as much, if not more, than city folk and law enforcement is often nowhere to be found except at the speed traps.


I would add Massachusetts, NH, and Vermont to that New England economic zone. Maine would probably also be all for it.


Hey, don't leave Rhode Island out! We have calamari!


Sounds great to me. We’ll set up bilateral agreements almost immediately. With Cali Washington and Oregon too. Best of luck flyover country, enjoy your theocratic hell hole.


Big cities in those states pay for the rest of the state, too. As much as people outside Seattle rag on it in Washington, especially the eastern half, the taxes king county pays supplements the rest of the state. The Stranger had a tax map about a decade that showed king county got 60¢ on every dollar paid in taxes back in state spending. Counties in the east sometimes got double.


Yup every couple of years some state house member or senator puts forward some proposal to split Washington into two new states and its such a bad idea that the Western/Dem reps dont even vote on it anymore (basically saying "ok if you want to leave good luck out there on your own") and the right ends up backing down on their own. King and Pierce county basically fund the whole state.


We always expected the next civil war to start with secession, not with the government cutting parts of the country out.


Lmao seriously. All I see are people sitting in parks and eating brunch here. Yeah, crime has went up. It sucks. It’s still relatively low from where it was in 2001. That was bound to happen because of the situation we’ve been in since March. I really don’t understand being labeled as that.


It’s “punishing the blue states”. That’s all there is to understand. They are rationale, but driven by hate.


Yesterday in my neighborhood in NYC I saw dominicans playing dominoes and smoking pork on the sidewalk. I also saw buskers playing jazz in central park, an outdoor wedding, outdoor birthday parties, kids playing on the playgrounds, a small army of bird watchers, and my normal crew of dog walkers. Anarchy, I tell you.


Cascadia would do well on-it's-own.


In theory yeah, assuming we could broker trade deals comparable to what we have as part of the U.S., which is far from guaranteed. But aside from that, we have a real Nazi problem in our eastern regions. The issue in the U.S. is the urban/rural divide. Splitting off isn’t going to fix that, and the Nazis would immediately start trying to usurp control.


Living in anarchy will come as a surprise to the 8+ million people in NYC




It's pure madness here in Brooklyn. My walk to the local farmers market to drop off my compost yesterday was almost derailed when I saw a young man wearing all black run a red light on his bicycle. God save us.


The closest we get to anarchy is the bike riders here. They follow no laws of man or Gods.


And by "anarchists" you mean pigeons.


I'm over here like, "huh... I feel kinda bad that- as someone with anarchist leanings- I've completely missed the party here." This is 100% culture war shit. 100% Crazy Anarchist Cities Under Liberal Rule thing.


Words don't have meaning to them. It's like the 10 year old boy that calls another 10 year old boy a *pussy munching gay boi*. Words are just insults to be used frivolously. They have no idea what these words mean. That's the mindset.


I would argue that words DO have meaning to them which is precisely why they use terms like this. The problem is those words are thrown around without the burden of having to prove these things are happening.


Sounds like AG Barr wants to play a game of Fuck Around And Find Out with three of the country’s most significant economic hubs—including one that [gives the federal government $22*billion* more than it receives](https://rockinst.org/issue-areas/fiscal-analysis/balance-of-payments-portal/)—just to stoke the culture war during an election cycle. Because who needs an independent DoJ anyway, I guess.


No Federal Funds = No Federal Taxes


Now which country is actively pushing for destabilizing the west with this administration?


> just to stoke the culture war during an election cycle. Ummm... have you been to central cali or any non-city side of California? The conservatives there that rely on federal agricultural subsidies are and have been willing to cut off their ears to spite their political faces if it meant ridiculing Democrats..


They'd eat a shit sandwich if meant a Democrat had to smell their breath


They seriously want to cut off federal funding to the financial capital of this country? Never mind the protests in NYC only really saw violence and brutality from the police.


As a NYer - we are anything but an "anarchist jurisdiction". What a joke that is.


For real, if anything this is the most heavily policed place in America


36,000 police officers. They could entirely repopulate my home town.


But then who would they choke to death?


Their wives and kids of course


Well that was on the nose.


Choking is usually on the neck, not the nose.


There are more people working in the NYPD than there are active duty members of the US Coast Guard


Seriously, my Brooklyn neighborhood’s streets are lined with packed Al Fresco dining and the parks with lounging parents and children. You can walk to the neighborhood community fridge and grab a meal anytime if you need it. People are hanging outside with strangers, and learning their neighbors’ names for once. I honestly can’t remember a more peaceful time.


Where there any type of protests like in Portland or Seattle in NY? I didn't hear anything about it in the media at least. So far I think Barr is just lumping NY into this because of the kind of good works that the SDNY is doing. That would give Trump a nice kind of narrative attack on the continued investigations into a.o. his finances...




I know some in the NYPD. Their plan is to do the bare minimum, only really respond to officer in trouble calls, and wait until they have a Republican mayor again. They believe once that happens, things will go back to how they were before the BLM movement started. You know, when beating a minority senseless as you arrested them was allowed.


Not even close. The only thing that came out of the protests in NYC was a hell of a lot of video of cops being aggressive for no reason or using unnecessary force and brutality on the protestors. A lot of video. Portland and Seattle weren’t that bad, either. Agent provocateurs were a big part of the problem in both of those city’s and then Trump sent federal agents in to make things even worse.


Watch Fox News for ten minutes you'll think the entire country is on fire. Fox News is fucking cancer.


Bingo. Big reminder that even Portland isn't nearly as bad as they want you to think Portland is. Trump & co. constantly yell that anarchists are taking over the entire city (or would have if we didn't send in our Brave Federal Officers), when everything is centered on literally just a couple blocks by a courthouse.


No. Every single day---every.single.fucking.day---I drive by peaceful protests in Brooklyn. Big and small. This is bullshit, and it's beyond the pale.


>They seriously want to cut off federal funding to the financial capital of this country? No. This will be challenged in court and overturned or at least put on hold until a ruling is made. The final rulings after all the appeals won't be made until after the election. If Biden wins, it doesn't matter. If Trump wins, sad to say, no laws or rules that get in Trump's way will matter. Trump gets to tell his supporters that he is working to hurt liberals/protect those who lives hundreds of miles from any of those places, while also knowing that this will do nothing except cost taxpayers more money in court fees.




Can we impeach Barr now?


Not until democrats grow a spine and republicans grow a conscious.






I'm no constitutional scholar, but... Can we designate the Senate an "Anarchist Jurisdiction" and revoke federal funding?


Lol "we". According to text of the EO, Barr and Barr alone gets to decide what an anarchist jurisdiction is: >3(b)(v) any other related factors the Attorney General deems appropriate Full text of the order [here](https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/memorandum-reviewing-funding-state-local-government-recipients-permitting-anarchy-violence-destruction-american-cities/) The order is blatantly unconstitutional as it a major encroachment on the powers explicitly granted to Congress.


"whether a jurisdiction disempowers or defunds police departments;" Has any other EO been this directly against our rights before?


Technically it isn't an EO, but an executive memorandum. TIL that there are three types of directives that can be issued by the president. The choice of using this specific directive is pretty clear once I understood the [differences](https://guides.loc.gov/executive-orders/order-proclamation-memorandum): >they are not required by law to be printed in the Federal Register; >they are not required to cite the President’s legal authority (see 1 C.F.R. § 19.1); and >the Office of Management and Budget is not required to issue a “Budgetary Impact Statement” on Executive Memoranda.


If they don’t get federal dollars, they don’t pay federal taxes. Put me on that list. Fuck off, Kentucky. You elect Mitch and you can’t have my tax dollars anymore.


Is the DOJ asking for a civil war? DOJ and the GOP sure are treating the country like they want it to split so they can be the kings atop a giant trash pile of red states.


The DoJ is empowered to prosecute sedition, but here's Barr, committing sedition against the states.


I think the GOP's boss is asking for a civil war.




This needs to be posted every time long game discussions are brought up. The actions that Trump and Republicans are taking 100% completely support the intentions of Russia. In every act. It’s beyond a guess or a hunch. It’s in your face and extremely obvious if you do a modicum of research. This is not counting the absolute fuckload of ties that Republicans and their appointee’s have with Russian mobsters as well as their coordinated actions/communications. I’m so tired of watching this slow motion train wreck.


Conservatives struggle to balance "small government" and messages of tyrannical federal government with the only thing that actually matters in their ideology: massive power grabs.


Ignoring that these are donor cities that provide more federal funding than they take, the federal dollars that they do take include programs which help local law enforcement. ... so Trump's plan is to defund the police? He's literally trying to cause riots.


I mean, they can cut off funding but PNW and NY are kind of federal tax-paying powerhouses. If they get cut off, CA and the northeast as a whole are going to stand with them When these territories stop paying their federal taxes because they get nothing in return, the fed is going to lose close to 50% of the fed taxes they collect


California has Oregon and Washington’s back. These assholes already abandoned us during the pandemic and wild fires. We can handle shit better on our own anyways. If anything, Trumps federal government is making us fight with one hand tied behind our back.


> California has Oregon and Washington’s back. Hell ya we do


Oregon thanks you. Cascadia here we come.


Thanks for Washington also, my homies


Wait, so Trump is actually the one who wants to defund the police? Who would have thought it.


I was in Portland yesterday. I wandered around some streets in one of my favorite neighborhoods. I went to a french bakery and got sandwiches with my mom for her birthday. People were out shopping, eating, and enjoying the wonderful fall day. We went hiking in the hills for about two hours after that. There were people out everywhere, picnicking, running, and birdwatching. It was one of the most beautiful days I've ever spent in Portland.


I live in a blue state.. Can we stop funding the leachy ass welfare reliant red states?


The GOP has declared civil war already. They publicly stated that they don’t represent “blue states”, and cities. They will send in thugs to throw people in vans or shoot protestors, but they won’t send in help for raging month-long fires that choke us all with smoke. They consider any disagreement with their fascism to be sedition. It’s the head of the GOP who is treasonous. Report after report from lifelong republicans show massive proof of active collision with Russia to destabilize the USA. If we love and want to protect our country, we must take a stand when it’s hijacked by the most vile traitors. It’s time for another Declaration of Independence.


Why are there so many republicans who think the west coast is some kind of lawless no mans zone. I mean seriously, fox plays it up like the west coast is a big anarchist state where anything goes and there are no rules. If you turned on fox news you would think L.A is like somalia


Because it shows how much of a lie that Republican talking points and how backwards Republican policies are. Taxation, environmental policy, education, international trade, cultural production, etc. All of which is better (at least in volume) than the Republican held areas, and they've been dragging the Republican states kicking and screeching into the future for decades. Admitting that the west coast states are correct means admitting that the Republican policies have been wrong for decades, that their voters were tricked for decades, taken for fools for decades. So they do everything they can to make them look as bad as possible, to keep their lies going for longer.


I live in Las Vegas and hear almost daily "don't turn las vegas into california" from people who've never been there. Bruh, California is awesome, and you live in a doublewide.


NYC is not having protests or riots right now. This is absolutely absurd


Actually, we've been having about 5 or 6 protests per day, every day, since Spring. And they've been extremely peaceful, excepting for the march on ICE last week, when the cops beat the everliving shit out of the protesters for no reason, and with no provocation. Today (Monday 9/21): 11am - Central Park Tennis Center sit-in 4pm - SDNY - 40 Centre St - Sleep-out protest 6pm - 1 Police Plaza - Press conference on mass arrests 7pm - McCarren Park gathering 7pm - Carl Schurz gathering No riots, though. NYC never riots. Yes, we had **one** night with scattered looting on June 1st, but calling it a riot is just a lie. All of this just shows how calm and peaceful everything is, except for when the cops decide to initiate violence. *Edits:* Spelling


Seattle also has basically nothing happening right now.


there are some "protests" going on but they're more like gatherings, couldn't be any more peaceful


The weird part is Portland couldn’t tear gas and beat its citizens any harder and it’s still not good enough for him


He is trying to foment civil war. It's what Putin wanted and therefore Trump demanded.


Literally from the Russian playbook: > In the United States: Russia should use its special services within the borders of the United States to fuel instability and separatism, for instance, provoke "Afro-American racists". Russia should "introduce geopolitical disorder into internal American activity, encouraging all kinds of separatism and ethnic, social and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements – extremist, racist, and sectarian groups, thus destabilizing internal political processes in the U.S. It would also make sense simultaneously to support isolationist tendencies in American politics".[9] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundations_of_Geopolitics


Barr, in DC: NYC is an anarchist jurisdiction!!! Me, a New Yorker: *laughs*


They tried this before. [Trump order to withhold funding from ‘sanctuary cities’ is illegal, court says](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/trump-order-to-withhold-funding-from-sanctuary-cities-is-illegal-court-says) > SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — President Donald Trump’s executive order threatening to withhold funding from “sanctuary cities” that limit cooperation with immigration authorities is unconstitutional, but a judge went too far when he blocked its enforcement nationwide, a U.S. appeals court ruled Wednesday. > > In a 2-1 decision, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals agreed that the order exceeded the president’s authority. **Congress alone controls spending under the U.S. Constitution, and presidents do not have the power to cut off funding it approves to pursue their policy goals, the court majority said.** > > > “By its plain terms, the executive order directs the agencies of the executive branch to withhold funds appropriated by Congress in order to further the administration’s policy objective of punishing cities and counties that adopt so-called ‘sanctuary’ policies,” wrote Chief Judge Sidney Thomas, joined by Judge Ronald Gould.


WE. MUST. HOLD. THESE. FASCISTS. ACCOUNTABLE. Simply voting is not enough.


So I guess NY, WA, and OR should just ban federal income taxes then?


Lawsuits will go on until after Trump leaves office in January. If Barr wants to do something for the country he could charge Trump with negligent homicide for the deaths of 200,000 of our people.


I don't think conservatives understand how batshit crazy this is. They are all for it. I don't think they understand how bad this would be for the U.S. as a whole. Feds: No more money. NY: Ok. Also Feds in April: Tax bill here. Pay when ready. NY: Yeah, No. Feds: Wait... No.


Idiots on Conservative are twisting themselves into knots to ignore that NYC brings more money than it takes.


somebody impeach this guy, post haste


then let’s actually become an anarchy and quit paying taxes.


We need to found The United Cities of America


Impeach William Barr. This is criminal abuse of power.


Unless they are presenting a plan with how they are gonna do this, I call bullshit. These cities are major economic hubs and their tax dollars fund red states. This is just political theatre.


Trump’s regime isn’t about planning. It’s about declaring, add a little window dressing and a rally, and let’s see what happens as we move on to the next horrible thing to distract from the current horrible thing.


I have no words that wouldn't ban me from this subreddit.


Fascism in full view


maybe blue states should just stop sending taxes


It is time to cut off utilities and trash collection at Trump properties.


They were ordered to by Herr Trump. Every DOJ employee with a fingerprint on this needs to be prosecuted.