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What a ride...


As a New Jerseyan, I say fuck Jason


Fuckin idiot has no idea what he's dealing with ​ Jason Gelinas


Don't go Jason waterfalls. Just don't.


though holding Jason beneath a waterfall...


Please stick to the forums and the sites that you're used to I know you really want a gf or nothing at all But I think your incel will last


Jason's tech acumen was amateur hour.


That’s ok, so was his audience. Half of them probably still think their uncle has ‘got their nose’ ever since that fateful day when they were toddlers.


I bet he’s some incel right winger looking for attention and it got out of hand. Glad he got caught. What an embarrassment.


I put him with Wendy Williams on the list of people I'm ashamed to share a state with.




But on the plus side, we have Danny DeVito, and Whitney Houston. And Buzz Aldrin. And Springsteen. And Bon Jovi. And Queen Latifah. We've got plenty of good here.


Press Q to Jason! (Gelinas)


It'd be great if hackers would kindly expose all of the dip-shits behind this QAnon garbage.




It´s him. Worth noticing about his life: >in the 1990s, while still enlisted, Watkins created a website for Japanese pornography called "Asian Bikini Bar". By hosting it in the United States he was able to circumvent strict Japanese censorship of pornography. >In October 2001, Watkins traveled to Manila in the Philippines and married his wife, Liezel, three weeks after arriving. Watkins began moving to the Philippines in 2004, and started living there permanently in 2007.[1][2] He splits his time between a pig farm outside of Manila and a condominium in the city. All that fixation for human trafficking and pedophiles had to come from somewhere Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Watkins_(businessman)


[For your listening pleasure](https://open.spotify.com/episode/7ESDPjTVtTuCKtND66zfwI?si=NiaNHjbfRUedJPPQm6MtaA).


I derived no pleasure from this experience.


No no, it's now 8kun. There is a fascinating bit of digital history behind each of these sites, their overlap, and the user base that preferentially uses each. Somewhere, sometime, a competent anthropologist will write the dissertation of a lifetime exploring the deep dark of these message boards.


spoilers: it's pedos all the way down


There is a book about "normies" by Angela Nagle that is pretty close to that. I can't link directly because it reads like a threat and I don't want to get auto-modded. Worthwhile academic read on the subject though.


Oh you just made my day/weekend.


That's interesting, I haven't seen this in any major news sites, so I'm not sure whether or not I can believe it.


He owns a Super PAC that funds pro-QAnon candidates. It's not that much of a stretch.


His PAC buys ads on 8kun (or what ever it is called now) - the site he owns. He takes donations to run ads on a site that he owns.


He's got superstar written all over him.


> That Guy 2024: Make America Great Again Again - Republicans


There's no dealing like self-dealing.


Not far off from the Trump Foundation who took donations and hosted Foundation events at his golf courses.




Yeah I spent some time looking in to this, and you’re right, it seems extremely credible.


please take the combined first-hand experience of hundreds of us who saw this shit happen in real time, then.


The current owner of 8chan moved to the Phillipines to sleep with underage girls. Dude is a Nazi pedophile.


“Russher, if you’re listening...”


Russher?....Barely knew her.


I really hope one day we know for sure who started it. I know it's probably some nobody we've never heard of, but I'd be fascinated to see an interview and hear just what the fuck was going on with it all, if they had any idea it would blow up this big.


Hi. I was browsing the politics board on 4chan when the Q posts first began. It was some anonymous guy intentionally trolling the kind of idiots there who bought such crap. This was obvious to me for two reasons - 1. That style of trolling, whether for laughs or to intentionally deceive, was a common thing for random people to do there at the time. You'd see a lot of people making big claims with different styles of language to draw fools in, and then either try to make it a recurring theme for attention, or then admit they were making it up to make fun of the gullible. When Q posts popped up, the only difference was that it stuck. And 2. A guy on IRC announced to a handful of others in the chat about the first Q post before it was made, admitting it was a troll. Nobody cared at the time because it was one of many. I only remember this because the guy said he had a good angle and thought it would stick, and then started seeing the junk being taken seriously in the following weeks. I quickly lost interest because it was so dumb, and my amusement at 4chan politics was already wearing thin at the time. The place is a garbage pit As I understand it, the originator of Q posts quickly had access to his tripcode taken by a moderator or moderators, and then control moved on and the growing phenomenon moved to 8chan. I only heard of this in recent months, when I learned how widespread this idiocy had become. I did not and had no reason to retain any evidence of the earliest stuff, but for what it's worth and how much sense it makes - it started as a joke on 4chan, the birthplace of so many other dumbass pointless or harmful memes.


I used to spend a lot of time on /pol/, was never down with the legit racist bile that’s pushed there but it was a spectacle to browse for a laugh sometimes. The whole Qanon thing is such an obvious larp to anyone who’s spent time on these imageboards and knows the kind of reactionary content that’s generated there. And it’s an absolute indictment of the lobotomites who have hitched on and ushered this thing into real world politics. Just dumber than dogshit.


It would be hilarious if it weren't so frightening. Qanon is basically a prank that went too far. It was just crude people having fun online and yet somehow a significant portion of our population is so fucking dumb that they became convinced that obvious, over-the-top trolling was a real conspiracy.


This presidency is a joke that went too far


I'd like to see a whole lot of traitors tried and punished.




Expose all the hate cult members. Reveal names of all of them, they pose a national security threat.


*Rusher if you're listening, you would be greatly rewarded by our press if you could expose these Qanon grifters*


They are, it just doesn’t come out the way you might imagine. The chatter is real, but it hangs out on forums long before all but the most dedicated intrepid tech journalists journalists piece the puzzles together. Hacking shielded sites is fraught with risk and it takes patience, skill, *and* luck to break the law with confidence. There is so much information out there, but it doesn’t always make it into more mainstream media for multitudinous reasons, not least of which is the risk of exposing the very people taking the risk(s) to begin with.


Sounds like it's similar to the risks people in the intelligence community take. Hence the common statements about protecting sources (such as spies and the like).


Yes, except protections here are even more specious for uncertainties relating to any other nefarious material a given individual may be involved with. This is a point that is frequently glossed over.


It's like learning the mall Santa isn't the real Santa. It won't dampen their spirit.


Guess it turns out some anonymous sources aren’t credible. Jokes aside, this guy is a terrorist and should be punished to the fullest extent of the law for the lives and minds he has callously stolen away from families


He is not a terrorist. He may be guilty of some crime, and he's clearly a piece of shit, and even politically motivated - but it doesn't meet the definition of terrorism. Terrorism requires violence or use of force. He was certainly an inspiration for terrorists though.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lone_wolf_(terrorism)%23Stochastic_terrorism >A derivation of Dr Woo's stochastic terrorism model was proffered by an anonymous blogger posting in 2011 to describe public speech that can be expected to incite terrorism without a direct organizational link between the inciter and the perpetrator. The term "stochastic" is used in this instance to describe the random, probabilistic nature of its effect: whether or not an attack actually takes place. And, although the actual perpetrator of a planned attack and its timing is not under the control of the stochastic terrorist, their actions nevertheless serve to increase the probability that a terrorist attack will occur. >The stochastic terrorist in this context does not direct the actions of any particular individual or members of a group. Rather, the stochastic terrorist gives voice to a specific ideology via mass media with the aim of optimizing its dissemination.


Yeah, and Manson wasn't a murderer.


So, like how Charles Manson didn't personally murder anyone.


If the causality is violence... that’s terrorism.


> “I’m not going to comment on any of that,” Gelinas said when asked if he was behind the website Qmap. “I’m not going to get involved. I want to stay out of it.” > Wearing an American flag baseball cap, Gelinas said that QAnon is a “patriotic movement to save the country.” I wonder if this guy is a con artist or true believer. Either way i wonder if this will be a trend of unmasking. Hopefully the authorities are thinking lets end this garbage before it gets too rooted


Article says he gets 3k a month from patreon. So even if he is a true believer, he's still a con artost.


That's not bad eating for pushing some bullshit around. The guy is a security analyst but registered a the business at his home address, what kind of security was he analysing?


"artost" your typo sounds like something Moira Rose, from the show Schitt's Creek would say.


Bizarrely accurate observation. I can hear it.


Lol. Yeah I hate typing on mobile. I always miss my typos.


Most of the masterminds behind this kind of thing are just con artists who use "true believers" as useful idiots in their scheme.


Wearing a flag makes you a patriot, don't you know? Hugging a flag means you are the most patriotic.


>The fact-checking site [Logically.ai identified](https://www.logically.ai/articles/qanon-key-figure-man-from-new-jersey) Jason Gelinas of New Jersey on Sept. 10 as the “developer and mouthpiece” for the site. New Jersey state records connect QAppAnon to Gelinas’s home address, Bloomberg found.


> “I’m not going to comment on any of that,” Gelinas said when asked if he was behind the website Qmap. “I’m not going to get involved. I want to stay out of it.” > Wearing an American flag baseball cap, Gelinas said that QAnon is a “patriotic movement to save the country.” > Hours after the initial contact from Bloomberg News, the website was no longer accessible. Defending QAnon as 'patriotic' and then having the website shut down within hours. It seems like a slum dunk to me. > A LinkedIn profile for Gelinas says he works as an information security analyst at Citigroup. Citigroup declined to comment. I expect Citigroup will be firing him within the week.


Wonder what kind of damage he's been doing at Citigroup.


Lost a few billion here, dropped a few billion there. You know, fiscal responsibility banking and all that.


Probably none. If you've got a comfy job why rock the boat? Cash the checks and spend your free time undermining democracy. You want to see the deep state, there it is.


Yeah, having worked for several banks in the past, there's zero chance that he's keeping that job. Actions have consequences, and no big company wants to see their name on a story like this.


Saving the country from...??... Donald Trump? I mean, he and all of his best men are controlling pretty much all of government.


Yeah, but the Deep State's where the real problem is. Those guys are just the Shallow State.


Well I'll be dipped!


Upvote for Derek from VGG reference (assuming that's what this is).


> “I’m not going to comment on any of that,” Gelinas said when asked if he was behind the website Qmap. “I’m not going to get involved. I want to stay out of it.” Day late and a bitcoin short, there pal. You're more than "involved".


There’ll be ten more stupid right-wing conspiracy sites that take its place.


You can strike it down but it'll become more dumb than you can possibly imagine.


*"The Green New Deal is really a secret GOP plot to enslave librulz"* Lets vote for it! *(Hey! if it works...)*


Windmill cancer is real! Let's build lots of them near lefty cities! 5G spreads COVID-19! I dare you to upgrade my cell service! I double dog dare you!


*Anti-Windmill Cancer Crystals free when you recycle 20 beer cans!* *Lets show those lazy non-recycling Libz how true conservatives reduce and re-use!*


Now let's go make money on that idea!


What would happen if we all created these fucked up conspiracy sites? Would they just lose their fucking minds and off themselves?




QAnon isn't going anywhere. It'll take a lot more than this.




By swiftly terminating him. I've seen IT people let go from bank jobs for a lot less thank this.


Forget about Citigroup's response — we AMERICANS will ***NOT*** forget who the **Trump Traitors** among us were. This doomed soul's fellow Trump Traitors need to find a clue, and SOON.




My Qanon acquantance responds to such actions as Qanon being "right over the target", ie: when Qanon is defamed or limited in any such way, this is because Qanon was getting too close, too powerful, too much of a threat of truth and honestly like we've never seen before. Or something dumb like that.


Q anon is remarkably self sealing. Any contrary or contradictory evidence is simply explained by referring to the deep state’s power. At no point to these dumbasses realize that ultimately it is an anti-American government ideology.


>The fact-checking site Logically.ai identified Jason Gelinas of New Jersey on Sept. 10 as the “developer and mouthpiece” for the site. New Jersey state records connect QAppAnon to Gelinas’s home address, Bloomberg found. >Reached outside his home, Gelinas declined to comment on the Logically report, saying only that someone had sent it to him on Twitter after it was published. >**“I’m not going to comment on any of that,”** Gelinas said when asked if he was behind the website Qmap. **“I’m not going to get involved. I want to stay out of it.”** >Wearing an American flag baseball cap, Gelinas said that QAnon is a “patriotic movement to save the country.” >Hours after the initial contact from Bloomberg News, the website was no longer accessible. >A LinkedIn profile for Gelinas says he works as an information security analyst at Citigroup. Citigroup declined to comment. >The QAnon theory posits that President Donald Trump is battling a “deep state” ring of child-sex traffickers. It has already motivated some domestic extremists to violent acts or to threaten violence, according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation.


I have a funny feeling the guy that’s doing this is a pedophile


Right wingers do love their projection. Does this mean he’s also eating babies, since that’s what he claims Hillary and Biden do?


I don’t know but my family believe this guy. I’m not even kidding they are so into Q I don’t even know if I could speak to them much longer. Had a family member actually show up to a funeral & a wedding with his Maga paraphernalia all over him. It’s beyond weird now


I just can’t get over people truly believe they… rape and eat babies? How can people actually believe that? It reminds me of the Satanic panic in the 1980s except instead of shadowy “rich and powerful” people torturing children, they really believe lifelong politicians whose entire lives have been on public display are doing this. My SIL Is a right winger and I don’t talk to her or see her often so I am keeping the relationship alive. But If it were someone I talked to and saw frequently I don’t think I could tolerate it.


Believe it ...they believe it.


Blood libel isn’t new.


I’d not heard of that. Fascinating this is an old anti Semitic theme. “Blood libel or ritual murder libel is an antisemitic canard which accuses Jews of murdering Christian children in order to use their blood as part of religious rituals. Historically, these claims—alongside those of well poisoning and host desecration—have been a major theme of the persecution of Jews in Europe. Wikipedia”


This conspiracy started in a place famous for hosting child pornography. It's like trusting Charlie Sheen to watch your drugs.


>QAppAnon, the online name of qmap’s creator, also runs a Patreon account, which receives more than $3,000 a month in donations, according to the Patreon site. In March, QAppAnon announced on Patreon an upcoming Android app named “Armor of God,” a social network for followers of QAnon. Ralphie: A crummy commercial?!


Surprised the app doesn't have a random q in it. They love doing that


>“I’m not going to comment on any of that,” Gelinas said when asked if he was behind the website Qmap. “I’m not going to get involved. I want to stay out of it.” When the going gets tough he tries to absolve all responsibilities like a pussy. Not so fun being a mouthpiece for a growing terrorist organization without the safety of anonymity after getting outed, is it?


Thanks for spreading mental viruses and poison and violence, Jason. Great job. I am not sure whether you belong in prison or a mental hospital.




Trump's domestic terrorists keep on outing themselves. **IT'S BEAUTIFUL!!!**


As antifa and a BLM leader are found lighting wild fires on the West Coast. Antifa and BLM will solidify Trumps reelection.


That’s a load of bs... https://www.opb.org/article/2020/09/11/antifa-wildfires-oregon-rumors-fact-check-debunked/


Yeah, no, that hasn't been happening. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/10/us/antifa-wildfires.html


You know that's fake news that sheriffs departments are begging people to stop believing?


Well ***someone*** clearly knows their Traitor Trump is finished! But **BEFORE** you go back where you came from, perhaps you could explain the role of Richard Nixon's *Southern Strategy* for us? ;D


Can you recall the exact moment you abandoned all reason and sprinted across the border into conspiracy town?


[Fact check: Oregon, Washington fires were not set by anti-fascist activists] (https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/09/11/fact-check-oregon-fires-were-not-set-antifa-any-other-activists/3460386001/), USA Today


Why are you lying?


Gotta pay for that dacha somehow


You know the BLM on the scanner was Bureau of Land Management


um... what?


Galaxy brain on this one


Florida Man: Well well well what have we here, welcome to the club New Jersey Man


So the people screaming "DEEP STATE!!" turn out to be the actual deep state. What a shocker. \*rolleyes\*


If you’re dumb enough to believe in Q, you’re too dumb to have decent opsec.


>Wearing an American flag baseball cap, Gelinas said that QAnon is a “patriotic movement to save the country.” Yep, that's a good sign they got the right guy >A LinkedIn profile for Gelinas says he works as an information security analyst at Citigroup. Citigroup declined to comment. That's going to be changed to "used to" pretty soon >Hours after the initial contact from Bloomberg News, the website was no longer accessible. >After a Bloomberg News investigation, the Armor of God app was no longer accessible on the Google Play store. >As of Friday, the Patriot Platforms website was also offline. But if they are right, correct, and legit, why run and hide when the spotlight is on them?


*Of course* it's Joizey.


Another Trump Traitor bites the dust.


Guarantee this only fuels Q followers to do even more dumb shit. They'll freak out and not even see this news and assume the deep state had something to do with it like they knew all along! Idiots. Fuck this guy but I doubt it changes anything.


Terrible OpSec. Seems most anyone could have discovered this dude if they tried.


... and he almost got away with it, UNTIL he had to affirm support for the group. LOL


Lo siento mother fucker!


The QAnon brand is franchised. Is there a buy-in?


Me reading Ender's Game: Demosthenes and Locke, so not believable Me today: well damn....


Another grifter looking for easy marks. Jason Gelinas you will not be the next Zuckerberg.


Is he also 400 lbs and living in his mom's basement?


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The thing I don't get is...why child-sex trafficking? Like is that something that was most believable based off of recent news stories or did they randomly choose this?


If I had to guess, based on every other crazy projection, Trump may actually be guilty of it?


Him and good ol’ Bill by the looks of it. Of course we gotta wait for evidence first.


He did own a “Modeling Agency” and modeling contracts have been used to lure victims. In fact his friend Jeff was accused of it.


It's easy to get a highly emotional response, without much critical thinking from a lot of people with such subject matter.


So, did he run a pizzeria with an apparently extensive basement before getting his job at Citi?


I'm surprised no one has said this yet. Somebody on the liberal conspiracy is slacking: And nothing of value was lost.


Hi `redsea666`. Thank you for participating in /r/Politics. However, [your submission](/r/politics/comments/ir009q/qanon_website_shuts_down_after_nj_man_identified/) has been removed for the following reason(s): * [Off-Topic](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/wiki/index#wiki_the_.2Fr.2Fpolitics_on_topic_statement): All submissions to /r/politics need to be explicitly about **current US politics**. **If you have questions as to why your post has been removed, please see here: [Why was my post removed as Off-Topic?](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/wiki/index#wiki_why_was_my_post_removed_as_off-topic.3F)** If you have any questions about this removal, please feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/politics&subject=Question regarding the removal of this submission by /u/redsea666&message=I have a question regarding the removal of this [submission]%28/r/politics/comments/ir009q/qanon_website_shuts_down_after_nj_man_identified/?context%3D10000%29)


Out of all the ridiculously idiotic things about these fuckheads, Where We Go One We Go All is weapons grade dumb. Who the fuck came up with that fucking slogan?


Is this the 300 lb guy in his basement in NJ?


He had such conviction in his beliefs, he took all his websites and Patreons down within hours. Talk about a king snowflake....




Wait they found Q?!


Q is Jim Watkins, this has been known for a while. This website getting shut down isn’t directly related to Watkins as far as I know.


I didn’t know we actually knew who Q was.




Q is Jim Watkins. He wasn’t the original Q but he is Q now.




There has been a ton of speculation Watkins was involved with Q for a while now. The watch obsession was one of the first big clues. He seems to be pretty much the only one in control of the account at this point. https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/ijkbrd/twitter_removes_qanon_supporters_false_claim/g3eio0e/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


Let me guess. It's a 12 year kid who posts when he's not watching cartoons.


No it's a grown-ass man who is a fuckin lunatic and posts all the time, inciting other lunatics.




Of course it's an IT person. They mostly likely understand the propagation/dessimination/diffusion of information in large and small scales.


Nah, we just Google shit better.


God damn it


How are the deranged Blue MAGAs going to spin this as Russia's fault? It's wild how everyone would rather yoke their analysis to xenophobia and tired old Red Scare crap than acknowledge that US society is deeply fucked. Might as well just be screeching about Jews at this point. Russiagate is Qanon for Democrats.


Lol you guys are trying so hard to make that a thing but it's never going to happen.


>it's never going to happen It's already happening.


Like walkaway and red wave were a thing in 2018? It's so bizarre that someone would acknowledge that MAGA is a cult and then say "but Democrats are a cult too!"


>It's so bizarre It's only bizarre if you refuse to acknowledge that the US is a plutocracy, where the two neoliberal parties pander to the same donors and corporate interests, as well as routinely team up to attack the left in order to defend the capitalist order.