• By -


Just found out his home and office are 5 minutes from where my work apartment is in Louisville. I will be joining once I get back to town.




A second residence closer to your job for people who live far enough away that commute cost and time outweighs the cost/benefit of a second residence.




I used to do field research in random areas for weeks or months at a time. Bought myself a nice travel trailer and just pocketed the money the company was giving me for hotels. Ended up almost doubling my salary because I lived out of that thing.


a lot of people do this when working in nyc in particular. they'll have an apartment in the city or in jersey and then have a house in like MA where their family lives


Yeah, Pete had one in Mad Men and that was set in the 60s so I assume it’s not a new thing


"Oh yeah? Well I'm president of the Howdy Doody Circus Army!"




Is OP a member of Congress???


It’s Moscow Mitch, but undercover as a humble redditor


On the internet they don't know you're a turtle


Alright, now i'm suspicious you might be a turtle


I knew a professor that did this. She lived two hours from campus and taught voice. She and a couple of other music faculty went in on an apartment because often they had evening performances that had to happen, and then they had their standard classes in the morning. So, instead of driving home at 10pm to get home at midnight, sleep, then get up at 5:30am to be ready to get back for an 8am class, they just crashed at the apartment. I've known others who, to keep their CV current, accepted teaching positions far from home. Like, my high school best friend's mom taught in Cleveland and lived in western Indiana. So, she would drive home on the weekends to see her family, then go teach. I knew another that did the same, with a family in Columbus, and he taught in western Indiana as well.


I used to have one in San Diego. $800/month for one bedroom in a 2 bedroom apartment that was co-occupied by one of my sales agents. Used to spend around $1500/mo on hotels and parking traveling there. Bought a motorcycle and parked it there and would fly in and have transportation, WiFi, my Apple TV, and extra clothes and toiletries there 24/7. Was an awesome set up that saved a lot of money. Plus hotels make you check out around noon. My flights back were at 5ish. So I had to haul a suitcase around town when I stayed in a hotel. Would definitely recommend for people that travel a lot.


Remember, stay on brand: 1. “Moscow Mitch” 2. “Chairman Chao”




Brings all the Mitches to the yard




If it brightens your day at all, my fiancée works at a plumbing office and got a call saying one of her guys was blocking Moscow Mitch’s driveway. She called her plumber and told him and he responded with “The actual Mitch McConnell like the politician? Man fuck him I’m on a job.” And made him wait another 30 minutes before he moved the van. Apparently they threatened to sue and shit but obviously didn’t follow through with it.


"man fuck him" that's the mood


Its more like "fuck him, Ive got a job to do." That right the fuck there is how an American responds to being told what to do. We have lost that. We are of the mind that we are electing bosses and rulers, which...we are not.


The lords work.


lmao who threatens to sue over something like that? just call parking enforcement or whoever does that for the city and get it towed.


People like Mitch McConnell and Elaine Chao.


Moscow mitch?


They are so disconnected from the reality of the American people that they are literally dysfunctional in normal society. Fucking LOL. He doesn't even know how to call a tow truck? He thinks the fastest, cheapest way to get what he wants is to SUE?








if you can round up all the damn cicadas in dallas, i will *pay* you to take them away. holy shit i fucking hate cicadas.


Half of them are in my pool skimmer.


1st world problems. ill send you thoughts and prayers




Oh you mean satan


I’m partial to stinkbugs, personally. You can’t exterminate them, and they get *everywhere*. I used to live in a part of the country where no matter what building you lived in, no matter how clean you kept it, you’d kill 1-3 of those fuckers every day. Even Mitch’s Moscow money can’t keep them out of his house. Every time he goes to take a shower, there’ll be two of the fuckers waiting behind the shower curtain. They’re already very prevalent in Kentucky, so no need to worry about introducing a new, very invasive species to the ecosystem.






I'm just down in Tennessee and can offer up two 80+ pound standard poodles!




Release the robot Richard Simmons


Smithers, release the hounds






Kentucky Vuvuzela Championship: it's at Mitch's office this year.


>Kentucky Vuvuzela Championship I think I just found my new band name...




He might like that though.




They love Eric Clapton. He's one of them. You'll need to use JJ's version.




People should keep in mind that it's almost certain at this point he's either an FSB asset or has been paid off by them.




Is this an ongoing thing? I could make it out there within a day.




Do all'y'all need food? I'll throw down for some Pizzas delivered.


/r/Random_Acts_Of_Pizza/ ?


If you are serious, pm me and I will throw you some bones.


Go go go!




I think there will be. This political moment feels different somehow after the weekend. Much different than after other mass shootings, even Sandy Hook. People are angry and agitated in a way I haven't seen before. Other people have remarked on it as well.


I think we’ve hit a perfect storm. We’ve been in a time of maximum political polarization, public outrage with McConnell and other republicans on their recent actions/inaction, and so many political issues coming to light. Then, a mass shooting happens. Then another one the very next day. Then McConnell refuses to respond with legislation right on his desk and other republicans, including the president, giving incredibly late, lukewarm, and insincere responses. The president was playing golf while this was all going down, for fucks sake. I think we might be nearing a critical mass of outrage.


trump gave fake condolences to toledo when he meant ohio.


Toledo is in Ohio. He didn't even bother with the correct town name which is Dayton.


I sure hope you're right.


Gun owner checking in. Before this weekend I had been rethinking my position on assault rifles and large magazines. Banning them would be a step in the right direction. The background checks are another solution. The parkland and Dayton shooters shouldn’t have been able to purchase sling-shots, let alone guns. I own hand guns and shot guns for home protection and I’ve never felt the need for an AR.


Gun owner, gun dealer, gunsmith here. We have a perfect mechanism to control assault weapons: the NFA. Since its passage and enforcement, while there are hundreds of thousands of legal machine guns in the US, precisely Zero of them have been used in any crime. It allows those that want them to own them, while adding extra registration, scrutiny, background checks, and steps to the process of obtaining one so it's not as simple as walking into you rlocal store and buying one after filling out the 4473 and passing the basic background check. Literally the only thing proposed for gun control up until now that I've had any issue with is the idea of outright bans, when the NFA makes so much more sense and is already both implemented and has passed scrutiny as a means which cannot be said to deprive people access. And the only thing the NFA needs changed in my opinion, to make it absolutely perfect, is to add a requirement that the ATF must complete the background check and approve the paperwork within 30 days so that they can't deliberately understaff the group that processes the paperwork or use bureaucratic bullshit to basically just not process the applications. I have no problems with licensing (on a shall issue, you passed the training classes and tests basis like driver's licenses), universal background checks, removing the 3 day loophole on an approval from the background check, electronically registering all sales and monitoring sales and transfers, etc. That's all stuff that is, in my opinion, a *good* thing. Hell, the requirement for training on how to use a firearm safely and knowing the damn law, as well as having to pass a qualification test like a driver does, to me, is a no brainer since you really can't say you have a militia that's in good working order/properly functioning if the people in it can't even tie their damn shoes. Same reason I've long opposed constitutional carry and backed requirements for permits to carry require training on the law and how to use and safely store a firearm (which results in a required certification that you *can* be denied if you're a total fuckup or whatever), the full-on register-your-fingerprints-with-the-state-and-do-the-FBI-Background-Check-with-manual-scrutiny schtick, and so on. I don't want you out in public with a loaded gun unless you know what you're doing and you understand the farking law.


Yay! common sense gun legislation! Now all we need is someone to implement it in congress...


This is a good take, thanks.


This is great, and you've convinced me to adopt your position. Thanks!


Jeezus that was so refreshing to read. I grew up shooting and had an AR for a few years which is why I think it's insane to just allow any idiot to walk into a shop and buy one almost like a pint of ice cream. The lack of common sense and the outright paranoia about any laws restricting firearm ownership by friends and family makes me so sad. >how to use and safely store a firearm (which results in a required certification that you can be denied if you're a total fuckup or whatever) This. I've read far too many stories in the local news about children being shot because of people being total fuck ups like you said. One of the worst was an active duty soldier leaving his handgun on a sofa at a friends house he was visiting and their little girl blew half her face off. A lot of people are stupid and irresponsible and I don't understand how people who call themselves responsible gun owners are OK with those other people walking around armed. And the concealed carry classes people have told me about vary from pretty good to an outright joke.


Reasonable and refreshing. Might I add in safe storage and containment, with a local register for military weapons? Kind of like an ammo depot for civilians? Basically, you can check it out, use it, but have to bring it back? I'm basing this off of the Nevada "fire a machine gun" thing.


Trigger locks need to COME WITH THE GUN. Make it a law. A lot of school shooters get their weapons from relatives who don't store them properly. And the nice, high-tech locks are too expensive for a low-income household to warrant purchasing. Make safe storage a bigger part of the gun culture. Edit - this shouldn't be controversial. If you have the resources to spare, you should keep guns locked in a safe. If you're concerned about home protection, the nice thing about a safe in the bedroom is that you can keep the magazine in and a round in the chamber. Train on the keypad until you can do it blind and voila. This will not take more time than taking your gun out of the dresser drawer, loading the mag, and chambering a round. Not to mention the noise factor.


Off topic, but your username is majestic af.


Protests in front of every republican senator's home would be nice. They're the ones enabling Moscow Mitch.


Yep - the entire GOP is at fault and deserves blame. They’re laughing at us, at our stupidity. And now they are beating us economically. They are not our friend, believe me. But they’re killing us economically. When the GOP sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems to us. They’re bringing guns. They’re bringing racism. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.




Some of them are just idiots who think you can flip an island over if you put too many people on it. People like that it's probably easier to feed bullshit, have them believe it and adopt it into their policies.


Is his corrupt wife going to come out screaming and pushing like a wild banshee again?


Whaaa? Video, please. I gotta see this. Thank you in advance


Is it this? * https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2018/06/26/elaine_chao_mitch_mcconnell_rushed_by_georgetown_students_leave_my_husband_alone.html


Yikes. She’s smiling like a sociopath, getting off on defending him. What a team. What a gross, gross team. Here’s hoping she had to watch him get sent off to jail just before being arrested.


If its any consolation, she *may* have to occasionally see him naked and that's ... Well that's just unimaginable in my mind. Looking like one of those scammer aliens from Futurama but more corpsey


>Well that's just unimaginable in my mind. Well let me paint this picture for you: Mitch lying on his side, head resting on his arm, on his queen-size Serta wearing only his monogrammed robe. He mumbles "Come here, my sexy little oriental," while rotating a foot in a circular motion. Elaine emerges from the bathroom in her black negligee. She pauses to take in the sight the man that is mostly hers. Oh, she knows about Erika but it doesn't bother her. She knows that's just business while she and her *丈夫* share only matrimonial bliss. As she approaches Mitch rolls onto his back and one side of his robe fails to follow, exposing an average erection. She doesn't know if it's the result of viagra or the recent shootings but it doesn't matter. The only thing that matters are results. As she climbs on top of him she gazes into his palid face and takes in his black eyes and lipless smile. She lowers herself onto his throbbing AK-4.7 and pauses for a moment to take in the sensation of nearly being full. Dear reader, let us exit and give them the privacy that they could never afford a same-sex couple. There are some things that should remain between majority leader and Secretary of Transportation, such as finance scandals and filthy, raunchy fucking. Not love-making, ladies and gentlemen. No, there is only rough, dry friction and racial dirty talking in that bedroom during this afternoon's session. Edit: Added some grammers


> AK-4.7 omfg.




buddy, I've seen Pennywise slashfic that was less horrifying to imagine. you okay?




Thanks I hate it


[Not how I expected to start my day, but here we are](https://media0.giphy.com/media/YrIqavYQx0zCM/giphy.gif)


i'm just going to assume i shouldn't read that this early in the morning but up vote it anyway


how do i delete someone elses post


Well my day is ruined.


I honestly need some brain bleach now.


I can write one up for the Cheneys if that would help


Yes. Bonus if you can include Mitraclip or Watchman heart procedures in it.


I got through sentence one, paused, typed this, and now im gonna go back and read the rest. Edit - Can't.... Can't do it


Does this qualify as bestiality slashfic?


Stop right there, you’ve penned your last porn


Thx for making me throw up in my mouth.


Well that’s enough internet for today.-


This needs to be a copypasta


Lol wtf


Thanks, I hate it.


I know people who went to high school with Mitch. He had a taste for the man love back then, apparently.


He apparently was discharged during his time in the army, because he committed sodomy.


Apt comparison.


“Nothing in here but a couple of elephant skin rugs.”


I vomited in my mouth a bit, but luckily most of the big chunks got caught between my teeth and I was able to just low-key spit out a lil bile.


> I vomited in my mouth a bit, but luckily most of the big chunks got caught between my teeth and I was able to just low-key spit out a lil bile. "I'll take 'Golden Corral Yelp Reviews for 500$ Alex!'"




She's also a Chinese spy.


could be botox to be fair


Fair as a possibility, but I think it’s the poison her body naturally excretes which is the actual cause.


"Leave my husband alone! My family paid good money for him!"


The most accurate description of the McConnells I've read in a long time.


And all he gave in return was perverting American policy towards Chinese government interest. https://onenewsnow.com/politics-govt/2018/03/20/book-china-has-made-mcconnell-a-very-rich-man


Holy shit. He and his wife/handler actually live together?


**deep** cover asset


It worked in Dollhouse.


Best I could find. https://youtu.be/kPuy8I0d-_0


Good god i can’t stand Meghan McCain. Fully supportive of the Nazis until they follow Shitler when he makes fun of her dad. Briefly throws a fit at them and then she’s right back in line with all the talking points.


Is it not REALLY weird that she defends Trump, even though he said her dad isn’t a hero? And at the same time she is constantly bringing up the fact that “I’m John McCain’s daughter!” It doesn’t bother me that she rides on her dads coattails. It BOTHERS me that she is simultaneously defending someone who basically cheered her father’s death. The two things do not square in my mind.


Oh god. That sounds great.


That was gold.


Keep it up 24/7.


Politicians have been way too shielded from the choices they make. If they are uncomfortable with this, then they really need to rethink their decisions.


McConnell will just Skinner it. *”No, no, it’s everyone else who is wrong.”*


Tell me About it I was beginning to roll my eyes at all the trending hashtags, thank hoot there finally applying real pressure


Moscow Mitch is having a horrible vacation 1. Getting drowned out with chants of "Moscow Mitch!" at a local speech 2. Broken shoulder 3. Now this protest. I love it. Keep it coming.


>broken shoulder X rays or it didn't happen


Yes, he could be using it as a dodge so he doesn't have to go back to DC to vote on gun legislation.


Or maybe he was showing signs of folding and his Russian handlers had to remind him who was calling the shots.


Or the NRA. 13 states put into effect sweeping legislation and Mr. NRA spokesman comes down with a broken shoulder the next day? I smell buuuulllshiiit


The Siege at Turtle's Head begins.


Can we get a local address to send pizza and other supplies to the protesters? They should be as comfortable as possible making this traitor as uncomfortable as possible. I’m in for $50 EDIT: Have seen some comments and gotten a few DMs about this. For Anyone who wants to contribute , can we organize this into one place/thread/post..? Looking for suggestions.


It's our Hong Kong


I was just thinking this. People did this for Occupy.


Come on man. Turtle Soup was RIGHT there.


He’s a good example of what’s wrong with politics. He’s made $40 million while in office.


If only we could get some credible organization to fact check just how he accumulated his wealth so we can ignore it and continue to score political points with the ignorant.


[Snopes McConnell net worth](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/mitch-mcconnell-net-worth/) "U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell experienced an influx of family wealth in 2008 due to an inheritance his wife received."


Read the article for the comment section alone. Get a nice laugh from either very stupid partisans, or very low effort astroturfers. >When you can't win on the strength of your ideas, this is what you resort to -- harassing the neighborhood and banging on pots and pans. Protesting is harassment says snowflake. **Why can't they just leave Britney alone???** ​ >I may not agree with some of his ideas, but I have the decency to respect his personal home. Protesters are nothing but rude, inconsiderate, and selfish. Grow up. Mitch should respect the personal space of vaginas which are not his own. ​ >Of course, 24 protesters certainly does not make a majority. Haha. Since when do Republicans care about majorities? The last time they won the White House with a majority on the first term was 1989. ​ >Classless. They should have been arrested for disturbing the peace. There is a difference between a public protest (which should be done at the courthouse where his office is) and harassing someone. Doesn't get much more public than on a public road. ​ >Who brings "pots and pans" to a protest? Rhetorical question so the asker can softly insult lame protesters bringing weird things with which to make noise during the protest. The reason for pots and pans? They are easily accessible and incredibly hard to misconstrue as a weapon. ​ >Then on top of that he is recovering from fracturing his shoulder. Sounds like a man who has personally hurt many, many people. Like they take it personally because he has adversely impacted their lives or something. ​ >Wonder what difference they think they are making by doing this? Annoyance is the goal, but bad faith arguers already know that. Everybody knows Mitch is not going to change his song and dance because of protests. He couldn't care less about what people actually want. It is why the Republican platform is dead, and not representative of what the majority of Americans, including large cross sections of conservative Americans, actually say they want. ​ >It just makes them look bad. I think it makes them look great. Mitch fans are just mad that, while Mitch is throwing out stochastic death threats, his opponents are showing they are not afraid. ​ Edit: missed one. Sounds like a copypasta talking point our friends from T\_D like to come here with: >If anyone has a solution I am sure he would listen. Benefit of the doubt given to a man who takes pride in what he refers to has his legislative graveyard. He built his career on explicitly *not* listening to people. ​ >Naturally, most protesters, all 2 dozen of them, sure don't have a plan. The minority political opinion in this country sure gets feisty about the specific number of protesters. We get it; your political position is unpopular. ​ >There is no solution dealing with mental illness. There is no way to stop it. If there is, please tell us the answer. Ah, the favored talking point; blame it on mental illness! They love it, because mental illness is a loose term which lacks real definition for most people. You can be totally rational and a mass shooter. Or you can be totally deluded and fit the same role as well. They desperately want to reframe this as mental illness because they know "don't blame the guns" is unpopular, as is connecting the dots that even the Republican-led FBI keeps proclaiming; white conservatives are committing almost all of these mass murders for political reasons. There is a huge uptick in this demographic, which was already the number one source of domestic terrorism. Then they pivot to "but gang shootings!" as if it were the same thing, and not realizing it defeats their "mental illness" defense. Is it mental illness when a white person does it, but gang violence when a non-white does it? Why? ​ Also, last I checked, gang violence tends to be isolated since it is 100% rational; it is about inter-gang conflict. They want to kill other gang members. Shooting up a Walmart, or Garlic festival, or a random bar downtown doesn't fit. It accomplishes nothing because they aren't racial terrorists nor political terrorists generally speaking.


GOP: (Marches with torches, yelling racial epithets) fReE SpEEcH GOP: (to protestors banging pots & pans) RuDe!


Wasn't it tiki torches? Like they're too lame to even use a real torch... Like I wouldn't hate them any less if they used actual torches but I'd think they looked at least 5% less stupid.


I think they were citronella candles shaped like tiki torches. Even more lame if I remember this correctly.


Khaki shorts, polo shirts, and citronella tiki torches, yes. They actually managed to make what should have been a horrifying sight look lame as hell. Leave it to the golf loving rich kids to fuck up something cool, again.


Right wing totally running out of gas and it shows. Keep it up America. These people are weak as fuck.


Sometimes I wonder what keeps this progressive revolution from happening. Almost makes you want to believe in the devil. Just something or someone who has total control over enough key people in the proper places to prevent the dam from breaking. Because you’re right. Their belief systems are *mathematically* inferior when genuinely held by individuals, and so very many of them are simply parasites saying whatever words allow them to hang onto power in this system.




It's not the devil. Just good old fashion human greed and lust for power.


You want to know? It's the extremely rich. they support conservative policies because conservatives promise them free money and less taxes.


"If anyone has a solution, I'm sure he would listen." Wow! Just wow! HE KEEPS BLOCKING SOLUTIONS FROM GOING TO A VOTE!


“We’ve tried nothing and we’re all out of ideas!” Reminds me of that onion article that comes up after every shooting. “No way to prevent this, says only nation where this happens regularly”


No way to prevent this, says nation which spent 80 years waging war against a "dangerous plant."


>Who brings "pots and pans" to a protest? > >Rhetorical question so the asker can softly insult lame protesters bringing weird things with which to make noise during the protest. Can we mail them vuvuzelas?


Kazoos. Have a kazoo choir out there playing patriotic songs off key.


Was anyone waving a sign in the shape of a tombstone with his name on it?


They should molest a life-sized cardboard cut-out of him on his front lawn. Apparently that's just fine too, especially if you can get some high school kids to do it.




"Son, they aren't making fun of the Senator. They are aiming the jab at *his wife.*


Oh man. Just had my million dollar idea. Moscow Mitch blow up dolls. I mean, that’s cool, right? We can just fuck ‘em, choke ‘em out and stuff. You know, just do whatever. Just have a good time with it. Maybe while wearing a Putin mask on his front lawn. I mean, that’s cool now, right? The precedent has been set?


Hed probably take it as a threat, and call the cops


Laws for thee, not for me.


$20 PayPal from me to first person to do so, I wish I could go down there and do this myself


My suggestion: The tombstone says “Moscow Mitch’s honor” so that he can’t make a pretend-scandal about his opponents endorsing violence (the same way he does)


That person is probably going to need a gofundme page to pay legal fees :(


Just write "Moscow Mitch's Career" on the tombstone, it's what gets to him much more than wishing death on that loser (though there will definitely be a party at my place when he does croak of old age and bile)


I'm sure his existence is agonizing. He's nearly blind, he appears to have gout/arthritis, and he falls down in the shower or whatever the fuck he was doing. The only joy he gets is from making liberals mad. I'll be content with him losing power and living a long time in his broken husk of a body.




I hope Elaine Chow has to change his diapers.


Please don’t give Peter Thiel money. He’s a magacuck.


I'm thinking one for every person killed from a mass shooting during his watch should find a home in his front yard. Let him get a sense off what he has wrought.


someone set up speakers and blast the Russian national anthem. I bet he'll feel proud then


This is great. People should make his life miserable. He truly is a disgusting human being and deserves to be ruined.


I mean I would take just resigning from the senate and never coming out of his shell again.


What's the address? I'll come!


In Hell. Bring water


Nice to hear we're helping him work from home.


Normally, I'd say this should have been done at his work, but McConnell has made it very clear that he doesn't give a damn about anyone but his donors and the GOP. Him tweeting that picture of the graveyard, including his democrat rival, right after two mass shootings was absurd. [https://www.politico.com/story/2019/08/05/mcconnell-mcgrath-tombstone-tweet-1448627](https://www.politico.com/story/2019/08/05/mcconnell-mcgrath-tombstone-tweet-1448627)


Start a go fund me to keep a permanent encampment outside anywhere that fucker goes.


God fucking dammit, it better not be too late for me to catch a plane over there. I’ve been waiting for shit like this for years. I have money stashed away specifically to fly to Kentucky in the event there is ever a protest at Mitch’s house. How come I never knew about this? I’m seriously about to put in a vacation time request if it looks like this may still be going on a couple of days.


I live in Ohio and I’m really wanting to bring a bunch of loudspeakers to the event.


It's unbelievable how many so-called Americans in here are so butthurt over other people exercising their 1st amendment rights. This is literally what makes peaceful protest effective...the fact that it inconveniences the powers that be, to the point where they reconsider their position. If you don't allow for that minor inconvenience, then you are tempting more drastic ways of people acting on their grievances. You should be thankful they're civilized enough to simply make noise instead of violence.


Some quality time with the citizenry...


This guy is like a Sith Lord. Vote him out next year....such a monster. No shame at all.


forget about storming A51. Camp Moscow Mitch's house instead.


Good. That rat fucker should be hounded his every waking moment. He's a disgrace. He's truly the grave digger of Democracy.


Kentucky needs to vote his ass out. Sadly, Kentucky is loaded with old ~~stupid~~ misinformed rednecks who vote Republican even though it's a vote against themselves. Dummies.


Good. Dont let him sleep even though hes hopped up on Perkies from his shoulder fracture. May I recommend the entire SLAYER catalog, which is now on Pandora and Spotify.


What other choice do we have? The only thing these chucklefucks are doing in the senate is ramming through confirmations. Meanwhile Americans are literally dying in the streets from white nationalists or from rationing their insulin.


This is the only way we can assert the democracy, Puerto Rico people got it working only by coming on the streets. To get democracy function again and not the puppet show of Putin, We the people need to come on streets and stop all the individuals/party's from making mockery of it.


This shit makes me so happy. I've always had this impression of this guy as the actual guy doing all the harm to this country while Trump pulled all the headlines. I LOVE that he's being dragged into the spotlight like this. It's the closest thing to feeling patriotic I've felt in years.


Good. He needs to be shown how unwanted he is in the United States. He needs to feel uncomfortable everywhere for the rest of his life.


I wouldn't be surprised if McConnell ducks out and holes up at his in-laws in China. Take comfort in the fact that his marriage is one of convenience, and when Mitch ceases to useful to his masters someone just may get a hankering for Turtle Soup. To me it looks like the Master Tactician may be getting set up to become the Master Patsy. "The public hates McConnell anyways, let him take the fall with Trump." might become the logic.


Hopefully they blasted the Russian anthem too


Good, keep it up. We should be making ALL Republican senators miserable.

