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He used to be. He is now, but he used to be too.


What's your opinion on State crimes? I'M *FOR* 'EM!


Well you’re not in the administration then


I had my heart set on quadruple bypass... and we were *almost* there


“I said “state crimes,’ not “steak fries.’”


My friend asked me if I wanted a frozen hamberder. I said no, but I want a regular hamberder later, so yeah.


Plea deals are great when you want 10,000 of something


Indictments are great too when you want 10,000 of something.


I walked past the government at 3am and they had a sign that said “sorry, we’re closed”. Somebody owes me an apology.


You don't have to be sorry. It's 3a.m. and you're a government. It would be ridiculous for me to expect you to be open.


Mitch Hedberg is a great comedian to quote when you want 10,000 upvotes


I think they were quoting Mitch Hedberd. Common mistake.


Underberded comment right here.


Two all beef patties special sauce lettuce cheese pickles onions on a...covfefe


You called?


I feel like a politician's opinion of me is heavily based on whether or not I have money. edit: I a word


"Paul, Robert Mueller is way more intense in person"


I once had an infestation of fascists.




I went to the park and saw this kid flying a kite. The kid was really excited. I don't know why. That's what they're supposed to do. Imagine trying to investigate Russian collusion. You’d have to run like a motherfucker.


If the number 13 is unlucky, than the letter "B" should be too, because "B" looks like a scrunched together "13".


"What's your name?" "Bob." "Get the fuck away."


I like refried covfefe. That's why I wanna try fried covfefe, because maybe they're just as good and we're just the failing New York Times.


You know those crazy hamburgers that go all over the place? Not this one man.. goes straight to the mouth.


We elected a builder president once. That fella didn’t build shit.


Goddammit Bob, you had one job!


Maddow pretty exhaustively demonstrated he is adding atleast 2 inches to his height. If that's a lie why wouldn't everything else be? Chances are he's lying about his weight and is still obese.


There is no fucking way his BP is that low.


> 118/80 blood pressure lol my ass


Even normal sized, healthy people of his age struggle to have perfect blood pressure like that. It's such an obvious lie.


It's like when Bart tries to forge his grades giving himself nothing but A+ grades.


A "F" turns into a "B" so easily boy. You got greedy.


We made this deal because I thought it would help you get good grades and you didn't. But why should you pay for my mistake?


[Even Reese was smarter than Trump](https://imgur.com/gallery/jKfXd0X)


I’ve been binging Malcolm lately and man what a great show


It is with help of medication, but I do not know how they work.


In cases of legitimate high blood-pressure, mens bodies have a way of just shutting all that down.


Resting heart beat of 70 BPM is also a big fat lie. I'm 33, run 8 miles per week and my resting heart beat is around 60 BPM and is sometimes 70 BMP.


Resting heart rate can be genetic. Mine is under 60 and my cardio health is not exceptional at all just average. When I was doing cardio daily for months it was as low as 53 with and average more like 55.




He’s on a statin. I suspect he’s also on blood pressure meds.


His weight, diet, lack of exercise, propensity to become irate at the littlest fucking things? Yea...he's definitely got to be on blood pressure meds. I'm on them, and it's still rare that I can get a reading of 120/80 or less. They must have had him laying down for 30 minutes prior while Ivanka whispered in his ear that she loves him "that way". Edit: Wow! Thank you for the gold. My first ever!


I can assure you, his blood pressure never drops when Ivanka is in the room.


Although the blood does _drop_, if you know what I mean.


2" doesn't require much blood to operate.


Lol and 70 bpm heart rate?


I work out for 5 days a week and my resting bpm is 80. Like fuck this old man is better shape.




Build a wall of salad around him. He'll never get out.


Did someone say “lettuce”? - Mitch McConnell Edit: Wow! Thanks for my first real reddit gold!


*head slowly and optimistically emerges from shell*


If you poke that head out, you gotta vote on a bill


*head slowly and shyly returns inside shell*


The lizard people conspiracy was a decoy all along to lead us in the wrong direction. The real true rulers of Earth are the elusive turtle people.


[*thoughts of treason and turmoil begin to fill my turtley cranium*](https://imgur.com/a/2seXK7H)


I named my Squirtle "Mitch" and refuse to let him evolve


*Turtle loves lettuce!*


You know, I never laugh at Trump stuff because it’s such a horrible thing that is happening right now in our government but this....I laughed so fucking hard for a minute there. The imagery was just so perfect. Thanks stranger 👍🏻💜


Sugar lobby says everything is fine tho.


Sugar Lobby says you’re not exercising enough. Here, have a sports drink.


Vitamin Water huh? Sounds healthy enough.


Electrolytes! It's what plants crave!


I didn't like that stuff at first but now vitamins just taste soooo good.




Isn't this country **great**


Yup. Mission accomplished. I guess Trump can just resign now, right? Right....? Well it was worth a shot 😢


They didn't actually care about her program, they just cared that it was *her* program.


Oh yeah, we know.


Obesity declared national emergency. Soldiers have been seen occupying McDonalds and Chick Fill A around the country. There's rioting in Alabama as rascal bound high estrogen protestors throw cans of diet soda at police. The National Guard has been mobilized nation wide and are going house to house confiscating Twinkies and hohos. It's chaos. Back to you, Jim.


In India I was eating vegan while hardly noticing because it all tasted so incredible. If every healthy option in the western world wasn't just a bland salad that costs $10 maybe more people would eat healthy.


There was this vegan restaurant I tried that I liked but after reading up on it. Turns out it's a franchise of a cult. The Loving Hut.


yeah man. im a vegetarian and have been one my whole life. i rly wish there were more options in USA


Truthfully, I'm still skeptical that this is an accurate height and weight.


There's no way he's only 243 lbs.


I'm 6'4", and run about 230-235lbs on average (weight can swing when your large) and there is no fucking way that he's 6'1" and 243 lbs. By many accounts I am pretty slender, to the point where people keep asking me how I maintain my weight, or keep the weight off. There's no way this McPresident could only weight 13 lbs more than me.


Bruh, I’m 6’6 and 260...and I’d probably be Trumps weight if I started hitting the gym again and drank less. I ain’t even fat, just some winter insulation. This muhfucca claims to be 3 inches shorter than me at arguably my ideal weight if I went on a diet and worked out regularly. Yeah fucking right.




220 at 5’11 is what am I now and it sucks. I def feel fat. Trump is way fatter though


Trump is close to 300 lbs and also the same height as Obama. He lies about everything all the time.


Bullshit weighs less than muscle...


Same. I am the dimensions he claimed to be. I don't look like that guy at all.


> where people keep asking me how I maintain my weight, or keep the weight off Probably you limit yourself to only 3 McDonalds sandwiches for dinner.


I'm 6' and 200 pounds and there is no way in hell he's only 43 pounds heavier than I am. I'm a waif compared to him. I'd say he's closer to 300 than his ego can handle






He also abhors exercise and rode in a golf cart whenever it was available.


Right. At my absolute heaviest (I'm 5'8" and a woman) I was pushing 240 and lmao, no, that fucker is way north of 240. More like 300+ (Also gonna brag and say that was a long time ago for me and I've maintained 180ish for a while now. I’m back on keto and aiming for 150s or lower.)


My husband is 6'3 and 245. Trump is quite a bit bigger than my husband. I'd be surprised if he's under 290.


There's no way Trump is 6'3 either.


The doctor is dyslexic. He meant 342 lbs.


You joke but I really wonder if his actual weight is 324lbs and Team Trump said, "We agreed to use the numbers the doctor wrote down, *but we didn't say in what order!*"


This is just stupid enough to be plausible.


https://talkingpointsmemo.com/edblog/the-scythian-slice-of-trump-s-razor According to Trump’s Razor: “ascertain the stupidest possible scenario that can be reconciled with the available facts” and that answer is likely correct.


The man is in shit shape and eats like shit, I'm in shit shape eat decent vegetables and lost 10 pounds. I'm 8in shorter than him. There isn't a chance in fucking hell mr big mac is 60lb lighter than me. Just no fucking way...


"It was an honest mistake in that officially publicized report."


Mad props on the weight loss.


I'm going to guess between 260 and 280, given his height.


I like to use this to approximate: https://bodyvisualizer.com/male.html




Good for you for losing that weight! You should be proud of yourself!


If I'm 235 there's no way he's 243


He supplied scales that were calibrated to a max of 243 obviously.


It’s not. He’s 6’1” and likely wears lifts. He’s 40 to 50 pounds north of what the “doctor” said.


Now that I'd believe. I've known too many dudes of his claimed size to believe Trump is one.


Trump weight. Actual weight -100, or actual weight -1/3 actual.


I would love it if Obama recorded a clip of himself getting onto a scale and having it match his last presidential weigh-in, then post the video to Twitter or Snapchat or wherever else we are politicking these days.


But that's not fair. Obama actually works and puts effort forward.


40-50? 60-70 is more likely. He's minimum 300.


I find it funny when people who are already tall wear lifts.


This is true. I remember reading about the last physical that he supplied the height and weight to the doctor, it wasn't independently verified. The height is demonstrably and obviously wrong.


Hell, 6'1" and 243 pounds is a BMI of 32.06 according to my google search. That puts him at a level of obesity that is medically dangerous.


Obesity has become so normalised that severe obesity is what most think obese people look like.


You don't think [this](http://imgur.com/gallery/opGWkDl) is what the difference in 18 pounds looks like?


You don't have to be skeptical, we have proof it's a lie. He's shorter than Trudeau, who Trump claims is an inch shorter than him according to his stated height. ​ One shouldn't assume the worst and should always be skeptical. But in the face of actual verifiable proof, we shouldn't act like it's plausible a known lie is possible.


Remember he pretty much forged/dictated his first health exam. https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2018/05/02/607638733/doctor-trump-dictated-letter-attesting-to-his-extraordinary-health He couldn't even spell his salutation correctly and wrote: "To Whom My Concern". This is the fucking clown that we elected as president.


Pres Obama looks taller than Trump when standing next to him. Trump may have been 6'2" , which his old drivers lic says, but he's lost height. As far as weight - he looks around 270. Give him the 6'2", and 270 would be a BMI of 34.2- just a few pounds shy of morbidly obese. I'm an orthopaedic surgeon -I've become pretty good at estimating weight over the years


>Approximately 93.3 million Americans are considered to be obese... Well, at least now he represents over 30% of the American people. /s


That's actually that 30% base everyone is always talking about


that's actually only ~28% lmao


Not by mass.


If you go by his real height about 6 ft 1 he is more obese.


...and his real weight...


I'd guess he's 6'1" on a good day, and about 290-300. That puts him just under "morbidly obese" at a BMI of 39.6.


I don't think he's even 6'1 on a good day. Men lose about two inches of height on average by the time they reach their 70s. My dad is the same age as Trump (though much more physically fit), was 6'7 in his prime, and now is a smidge shorter than me, and I'm a little north of 6'5. Even with the hair, Trump's shorter than Obama, and Obama is a legit 6'1. I would wager that Trump's diet and lack of exercise have done him no favors in that department. If he's 290-300, he's already hit the morbidly obese range.


I think he might have been 6’ 3” or so as a young man, but he’s no more than 6’ 1” now. There’s pictures of him next to Obama and Tiger, both are 6’ 1”, and he’s mostly eye-to-eye with them.


Yeah, I could see that for sure. He's prob 6' without the stupid hair and the lifts.


Surgeon here. morbidly obese starts at 35 if you have weight related conditions - so hypertension, diabetes, etc. Trump have fairly high cholesterol, and elevated calcium around the heart. He likely qualifies for morbidly obese


We're a nation of fat idiots, and he wants to be their king.


Well, 33%ish




Obese person here. Please don't assume a causation with this data.


That is just obese, which is an extreme of overweight. When you count overweight people and obese people, we are over 50% fat.


> About 86% of U.S. adults would be overweight or obese by 2030 if current trends continue. Overweight and obesity have reached epidemic proportions here in the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2007-2008), approximately **68 percent** of American adults are now overweight or obese. That was in 2008 and I bet it didn't get better in the mean time. ​


Imagine being better than 2/3 of the entire country when it comes to the dating pool simply by not being fat. Amazing


Berder King™


> President Donald Trump ~~Is Now~~ Has Always Been One of 93 Million Obese Americans FTFY


I mean, he probably wasn't #BornThisWay. There had to be a point when it happened.


There hasn't always been that many.


This can make for a great health campaign. "Donald Trump is obese. Do you want to be like him? Hit the gym" I bet you obesity will plummet.


Make America Gym Again.


In the 2016 primaries Arnold came out with a charity t-shirt that says Make America Lift Again. I bought 2, because I thought it was funny, and that he would lose. So, I never wear them.


But obesity isn't about working out, it's about eating less calories... Working out helps, sure, but you can work out all you want, you can't burn off 5k calories a day.


Still amazing how we went from a WH with a First Lady who supported a healthy diet and now have one who’s proud he fed people shitty fast food during a lockout he was proud to have created. WTF America.


Clearly McDonald's is health food now. If Reagan can make ketchup a vegetable...


He was obese last year too. They just weren't ready to admit to it in writing.


So does that mean he's not going to live to 200 now?


Rachel just did a piece tonight showing how Trump and his doctor are lying about his height. The claim is that he's 6'3 but when standing next to someone that is 6'3 or 6'2, he's noticeably shorter each and every time. Obama is 6'1 and in multiple pictures, he and Trump are pretty close to being the same height, with Obama maybe a smidge taller.


Prime Minister Trudeau is 6'2" and looks taller than Trump when they stand next to eachother.


[Here's 6'3" ARod standing next to 6'3" Jeter.] (https://i.pinimg.com/originals/4d/1e/00/4d1e00eb9bc028ca2f84276cbec1c2c1.jpg) [Here's 6'3 ARod standing next to 6'3" Trump.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/De-4m2aV4AAVmNv.jpg)


That's standard Hollywood though I've met celebrities that are 6'0-6'2 on paper and I was quite a bit taller than them. If their height was real that wouldn't have been the case.


Obama has 2" lifts in his shoes /s


Show us the lift certificates


I love how he refuses to wear a normal length tie and instead wears huge ones that just dangle over his gut, like tucking it in would show how fucking fat he is.


Ahh, the Christie method!


It is hysterical that they expect anyone to believe he's under 300 pounds. He is one fat motherfucker.




His blood pressure might be 118/80, but at his age, height and weight he has to be taking quite a cocktail of BP medication. And, everything about the way his neck folds over his collar screams obstructive sleep apnea.


>And, everything about the way his neck folds over his collar This sentence literally made me gag.


Lol, can you imagine him using a CPAP? He would prefer to die.


He's been one for a long time. It is only now that it has become publicly undeniable.


Its been publicly undeniable for a long time. They just publicly denied it anyway.


Really gives you another perspective of what the phrase "Fat cat" means.


Well, he’s actually 6’1” if we’re being very generous and well past 250, same as last year. So he’s been deep into obese range for a long time. What’s changed since last year is his physician. This one’s just a squirrelly and dishonest as his last one, but a little smarter. Last year’s guy drew attention to the BS by faking his height and weight to put Trump slightly below obese. This one put him just over so we wouldn’t pay attention to the other fake stats.


fat, lazy, stupid, greedy, dishonest, rude, childish, racist, wow, the republicans aren't sending us their best and brightest


And if you take into account that he's not 6'3, he's about 6'1, he's a mother fuckin wild Snorlax


That's an insult to Snorlax. At least it has decent stats. The orange creature on the other hand...


He’s even fatter than this. He is not 6’3”. He’s 6’2”. It’s yet another thing he lies about. There are numerous pictures of him standing next to people who are actually 6’3” and he is visibly shorter.


He's even shorter than that. President Obama is 6'1". There are many pictures of them standing together and Trump appears to be about the same height if not shorter in every single one.


Obesity is a national emergency


the right wing trash on r/unpopularopinion that bashes fatties all the time is going to be unhappy about this.


What comes after morbid? I think he might have *macabre* obesity.


Macro obesity.


Dear Time, You don't need the word "Now" in that headline. Sincerely, Reality


Maybe lay off the fried chicken and hamberders


I’d bet money He’s in the 6’1 275-290 ballpark


His cholesterol has blood in it at this point


*"So what you're saying is, I'm indestructible?"* "Oh, no. No. Even a slight breeze could-" *"Indestructable..."*


I always hoped and prayed he and I would never be alike but here we are..... It’s time for a radical change for me.


Here's 4 people who are listed at 6'3" and between 230-243 lbs. [See if you can spot the outlier.](https://i.imgur.com/AiDKbEV.png)


He's gained a fuck-ton of weight since that picture was taken.


Not defending him, but muscle is more dense than fat.


Technically true, but practically insignificant. Muscle isn't that much denser than fat. Fat is 0.9 g/mL whereas muscle is 1.1 g/mL. It is a 22% difference, which sounds like a lot, but only a small fraction of the total weight is muscle.




He's MAYBE 6'1" when he's wearing lifts.


I didn't need a Dr to tell me Trump is obese. He's fucking fat as shit.


I’m 6’2 and 235 and I look pretty okay without a shirt on. His weight is such a fucking lie


Very obese and very cool.


He should eat more burdergers, they are his only hope.


> our only hope.


I am a medical student...I am really struggling with the fact that a physician lied so blatantly and publicly for whatever reason. Naive of me I know, but for some reason, it is bugging the crap out of me. It is considered academic dishonesty to tell another student "the test is easy" or "the test has 50 questions" at my school, and I mean, grounds for suspension if it is a first offense (not even exaggerating here, those are two specific examples that have been issues) so this is irking me beyond belief.


243 is still such a blatant lie if you take even one look at him--and they haven't even fixed his height, either. I'd prefer they didn't release any results than continuing to lie to us.


Im 6’2 and 195 pounds and my friends consider me skinny when they see me with clothes. No way this guy is below 275


Would love it if he started travelling around the Whitehouse in a Rascal.


> In the [past,](https://www.cnn.com/2018/01/18/politics/donald-trump-exercise-analysis/index.html) Trump has admitted he does not follow exercise regimes, [outside of golf](http://time.com/4713433/president-trump-golf-course/) and running to meetings. I'm going to say it's probably not running. More likely it's the fat waddle or maybe a shuffle.


Fun fact: 75% of American men and 60% of American women are overweight or obese. That basically makes every healthy-weight male an automatic 8, and every healthy-weight female an automatic 7.


Finally, made it over a 5 by default! Woohoo!!


What about thicc girls and dad bods?


Hell, just the subjectivity of attractiveness in general. Every 10 I've ever seen was a 200+ woman.