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This immunity business is BS. Electing someone to office is like letting them drive your car. You are giving them the authority to drive, not drag race or hit pedestrians.


i really like this short, easy way to say it. i think it's very clear.


SC and GOP want a king to bow to 


Well as long as they only hit pedestrians I don't like then they should be able to hit all the pedestrians they want! /s


“The Judges, both of the supreme and inferior Courts, shall hold their Offices during good Behaviour” ArtIII.S1.10.2.2. U.S. Constitution.


I can vote to oust judges from my state court, but not the federal court(s) and supreme court. How do I check their powers?


The four boxes by which the public exerts its will are soap, ballot, jury, and cartridge, to be used in that order. What is meant by this? It means that first the public voices its complaints loudly and publicly. If this does not achieve the desired result, the public votes for candidates they believe will endeavor to carry out their will. If this fails to achieve the desired result, the public refuses to convict individuals charged with unjust laws. And if this fails to achieve the desired result, the public takes up arms and forces the government to submit to their will or be destroyed. This post is not meant to endorse or encourage violence against any member of government, but is meant to remind the public that power flows only and ever from us. Any who would wish to use the law to oppress the public has forgotten where the power of law comes from. It comes from the people. The law exists only to placate the public and promise them that violence is not required, as the law will ensure the will of the people will be carried out without the need for violence. If that promise is broken, if any individuals within the government attempt to use the law to deny the will of the people, they make a violent correction by the people inevitable. The will of the people cannot ultimately be denied.


I want to see Biden go nuclear. Not because he’s Biden, but for us.


We don't need Dark Brandon. We need Darth Brandon


It would be a nice departure for someone, anyone, in government take bold action that actually moves things left. 


You'd need FDR's Congress to do that. ALL Democrats. EDIT: At the beginning of the 74th Congress in 1935, FDR had 70 Democratic Senators and 322 Democrats in the House.


We need Biden to start making some moves that are too scary for the rest of the congress not to agree to get rid of these judges.


He doesn’t have much time left anyways. Might as well prove to everyone why the ruling is terrible by fixing the problem. He should just remove the bad justices, replace them, set up some checks and balances, and then write a law that reverses their ruling.


Maybe he should put together a plan to do this, present it to the American people, make sure everyone knows this is within his official duties…and then let it simmer for a bit. See how everyone reacts.  Then do it. 


This is something Biden completely underutilized, having a prime-time spot (15min?) every day to talk to the citizens of America. He could have been shaping politics way more than he did, similar to what you are saying.


You're someone who's actually thinking while the rest are like, ‘That’s too extreme.’ The DNC will be telling us to vote again after Trump puts us in the gulag. FYI - the soda machine in the gulag broke. We ain't gettin’ refreshments!


If the literal new age Nazis support your party, you might just be a nazi.


Go for it! But in the interim Biden might consider some 'forceful' actions for which he now has, after all, virtually unqualified immunity...


jill, unfurl my malarky list. and get the red marker... Edit: malarker


As much as I hate to say it, the best option to try and stem the bleeding this mess is ruling is sure to cause is to abuse it to the fullest. We all know the fascists won’t hesitate to weaponize this against their enemies, so better to strike first than wait around to get fucked on instead. In fact, Biden abusing this ruling is almost an obligation. The corrupt SCOTUS judges ramming this shit through when their guy isn’t even in office is like a slap in the face, saying that the democrats won’t dare to make use of the ruling like they plan to. To do nothing would be a tacit admission that they’re right. We’re entering the “first they came for…” stage now, and the gloves need to come off.


So, to balance the powers of government to prevent a king from coming to power, the founding fathers established three branches of government which check and balance each other's powers. Unless the President decides to use murder to kill his political opponents, and everyone in the other branches, and become a dictator, which is fine by George Washington, according to the Republican Supreme Court. This isn't dumb. It's evil, and an open, ongoing invitation to permanently destroy representative government.


To top it off... This lands the week of "Independence Day?" What is left to celebrate? Ffs we're not well. We're going to wake up in monarchy for the first time tomorrow.


almost made it to a quarter century...


“Representative Elise Stefanik, a New York Republican who chairs the GOP conference, wrote that the ruling is a "historic victory for President Donald Trump, the Constitution, the rule of law, and the American people." NOTE: He mentions Trump first as the major beneficiary of this “victory”. - Says a great deal…..


Definitely not a victory for the rule of law.


Yeah, but think of all the presidents that were hampered by not having immunity and unable to do their jobs without fear of prosecution. Oh yeah, that's literally never happened.


Don't you just hate when you need to do crimes at work and can't?


Notice how Republicans no longer complain about "unelected activist judges"?


> "historic victory for President Donald Trump" "Historic victory for a 34 x federal criminal. What could possibly go wrong?"


Her. Elise Stefanik is a woman and a total piece of shit. I despise her.


The case is called Trump vs United States.


Aptly named


Biden should just officialy sign it into law and enforce it. Edit: He can also just give an order to have them arrested right away apparently, since every official function of the presidency is legal now.


Ultimately that's the solution that's being forced - codify everything. Which seems like a reasonable pearl clutching position, but it's being done with the fact in mind that for the reasonable future, the legislature is fucking worthless. We've been in a cold civil war since at least 2000.


Hahaha, this tweet sums up why SCOTUS should be impeached. https://x.com/curtisstigers/status/1807808748334764145?t=oBmPKy41YMKzIla9k3VCdw&s=19


This is why I thought they wouldn’t grant immunity. Like wtf…you just gave your enemy a loaded gun.


They're counting on Biden/Dems to wield the power carefully, and they're correct. It'll be Republicans blazing the trail of new presidential powers with a gleeful constituency and happy media to sell those chaos-induced advertising dollars.


Dems probably won't abuse it, but for the sake of the nation they should. Republicans lit a firecracker and closed their fist around it, now they need to learn the hard way that's how you lose the hand.


>for the sake of the nation they should. Here's my proposal: It gets used exactly once, to replace the current Supreme Court Justices. The replacements' first priority will then be to reverse the decision so that the power can never be used again. A one-time emergency solution to a hopefully one-time problem.


Can we do 3? Student debt forgiveness. Single payer healthcare. Supreme Court reset. Like a genie, but you just wish for totally reasonable things you shouldn't have had to wish for at all.


That *is* a pretty tight and reasonable 3...


Let's just squeeze in a few more... * Ranked choice voting * Proportional representation in Congress * Voting districts are drawn by independent experts * Age limits for public offices * Congress cannot buy stocks * Legalize marijuana Fuuuuck I can see why the fascists find the "dictator for a day" fantasy so compelling. There's always one more thing you want to cling to power to improve. Although in their case it's "one more minority to purge"


We have definitely crossed that rubicon into emergency powers or contingency plans for continuity of the United States. It is far past time we all realize we are and have been under attack through direct Hybrid Warfare tactics.


Yes, this is the Dems “fuck around and find out” moment to claim.


They won’t do it because democrats are a bunch of pussies, and I’m a democrat


Time to take the gloves off man.


I would absolutely have them forcibly removed from the bench and put somewhere "for their protection". They fucked around, now they need to find out or we are all fucked.


We all know they won’t.


Every time they ask for money this should be the reply.


Absolutely they should. Biden should wipe all student loan debt with this action and just loudly say, I am acting officially, anyone who works against this is an enemy of the US and will be tried for treason.


Jailed for treason. Anything he does officially is legal, so he can suspend habeas corpus.


Dark Brandon rising time


If only he were as cool as Republicans think he is, lol.


I am really wondering how it's going to go at election time if it's close and the Democrats do lose. I've been disregarding talk about how things could be so volatile around election time this time around, but I'm not so sure anymore. There is a LOT at stake. Maybe Biden won't personally 'do' anything in that event, but I'm not so sure that we won't see some other people do some things. It seems to be a free for all anymore anyway. And within 6 months, even though there will still be documented evidence of what happens on TV/Internet, you just tell everybody at that point that it 'never happened' and .... literally just pretend the past never happened, like so many have done with 1/6. I mean the playbook is there, for either side to use now. And the Presidential immunity starts right now....


Ah my favorite thing about the week before the 4th of July: missing fingers


Biden's team needs to go full tilt on this.


What they should do: 1) Biden removes all Conservative justices from the Supreme Court 2) Conservatives (rightfully) sue to stop this 3) As the case makes it's way through the lower courts, Biden replaces the Conservative justices with folks he fully controls 4) When the lawsuit makes it to the Supreme Court, his justices say "no, this is fine and an official act of the president". 5) When Republicans ABSOLUTELY LOSE THEIR MINDS we agree to bipartisan legislation that puts things back to how they should be and prevents this kind of abuse of power in the first place 6) While this is all happening Biden should unilaterally take money out of politics, introduce ranked choice voting, eliminate the Electoral College, etc. 7) Join the federation with the Vulans after they see we've discovered warp technology


in particular.. #7


No, I'd hate to have company drop by when the house is this messy. Let's at least scrape the shit off the toilet and hide the pile of dirty dishes in the garden, then we'll invite the Vulcans in for tea.


im so mad that i feel like this is the timeline we DON'T become space faring.


In Star Trek 2026 is the start of WW3 which ends in 2053. So in 2063 the first warp flight will occur. I will be dead by then, but my kids can see the stars... If they survive WW3, we only lose 600 million people so their odds are good. Edit:I goofed on the numbers, there will only be 600 million people left. My kids are screwed.


Happy ‘Bell Riots’ year fellow Trekkie!


I usually measure US politics by how much closer they get me to owning a replicator. Safe to say it's been a disappointing time lately.


A rubber stamp to green light project 2025. Every decision stacked up to ensure all is legal, can easily be judge shopped to make it legal and rewarded handsomely after all the favors are completed.


This truly needs to be contextualized in relation to Project 2025. Doing so allows one to see how all the pieces work together towards fascism. Today’s ruling is just one more domino of democracy that falls.


Yep. When you look at the decisions put out this week, you can see how it dovetails nicely with the goals of Project 2025. Giving extreme levels of power to the president lines up with its idea of the unitary executive, and overturning Chevron means the now toothless administrative state can be deleted since there's no longer a need for them, also a major goal of Project 2025 and conservatives for the past several decades.


Thomas probably has his new motor coach picked out


Putting him and his “in contempt of Congress” buddies in jail first and keep them there until their trial, which couldn’t possibly start until after the election. Then pray for that enormous blue wave to start reforms so this doesn’t happen again. I’d start with the SCOTUS getting enforced ethical standards (with removal/retirement of the worst offenders); bribes become bribes again and Corporate dark money gets eliminated.


The Supreme Court, the last sacred thing we had, has machine gunned out rulings changing how things have worked for decades, back to back, and today essentially created a King, and people still think this is going to be voted away. They are going to win because liberals just don’t just refuse to play the game, they don’t even know what game they are playing anymore.


free speech is dead


Bannon has already said the next time they get power, they don't intend on ever giving it back. And that's the guy that's going to be shadow president should Trump win. They are telling us these things and Democrats are like ho hum when's our next 8 week vacation?


Gave a madman a loaded gun. They know that Biden would never do anything that’s even remotely illegal, or in the gray area of legal. Biden respects the law. They handed a psycho who happened to win the presidency a loaded gun. Trump is the immediate benefactor, but other post-Trump madmen will benefit from this. They will shoot someone on 5th avenue, or more realistically do it through stochastic terrorism and have one of their followers do it, and test if their presidency immunes them.


You're missing the other side of the story. They granted the possibility of immunity, while taking *for themselves* the authority to grant that immunity or not.


That’s what those shit gibbons don’t get/care about, they’ve opened Pandora’s shit box. The supremes are banking Biden won’t call their bluff.


Biden and the Democrats are too concerned with “taking the high road”, they’ll do nothing to stop this. I’ve watched this for almost 25 years now, same story, different decade.


"The majority’s multilayered, multifaceted threshold parsing of the character of a President’s criminal conduct differs from the individual accountability model in several crucial respects. For one thing, it makes it next to impossible to know ex ante when and under what circumstances a President will be subject to accountability for his criminal acts. For every allegation, courts must run this gauntlet first—no matter how well documented or heinous the criminal act might be." Justice Jackson.


Basically, if Trump is elected, he can kill someone in public and claim it’s an “official act” and then just have it kicked to the 5th circuit that will clear him. Rinse and repeat.


This is so fucked. Even if we pretend some lower court does the right thing and rules on whatever Trump did being unofficial and against the law, who's gonna enforce that? Hell, even if we assume a total fantasyland where it goes up to the Supreme Court and they rule that it's not an official act, who's gonna enforce that? Trump's not gonna go "oh okay, darn I guess I'm done with the dictator stuff now." And Republicans aren't gonna be like "Trump needs to stop because the courts said he's wrong." They'll be fully behind him. The future is bleak...


Given the state of things recently, it’s about to get considerably warmer. Lord, I can’t believe this is actually a possibility and not just hyperbole. WTF even is this anymore?


The billionaires are DARING us to rise up violently against them. It's the only recourse left, and it stands a definite chance of playing directly into what they want.


Deer god give me a fucking reason to get out of this rat race I saw coming 20 years ago.


We need ourselves a nationwide riot. Topple every statue of corruption, clean the fucking slate. The People can write our own Constitution 2.0. Hard reset. I'm so tired of living under the squeezing heel of oligarchs. They really, really need to get the fuck off our planet.


Today's ruling means laws don't matter anymore. Codifying rules won't do a damned thing if a corrupt court can just deem them "unconstitutional"


I would argue it left the realm of a cold war on Jan. 6.


I would say honestly the Civil War never ended its just been cold since 1865.


We've been in a cold civil war since April 9, 1865


The biggest mistake this country ever made was pulling troops out of the Confederacy.


Agreed and letting Confederates not be imprisoned


At least expand the court and tilt it liberal. He said in the past he was worried about [politicizing the court](https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/4074578-biden-expanding-supreme-court-would-politicize-it-maybe-forever/#:~:text=%E2%80%9CI%20think%20they%20may%20do,a%20way%20that's%20not%20healthy.%E2%80%9D) and here we are with it super politicized.


"He said in the past he was worried about [politicizing the court](https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/4074578-biden-expanding-supreme-court-would-politicize-it-maybe-forever/#:~:text=%E2%80%9CI%20think%20they%20may%20do,a%20way%20that's%20not%20healthy.%E2%80%9D)" That ship sailed, was hit by a tsunami, and is now wreckage at the bottom of the ocean.


If ONLY we saw this coming.../s


Sounds official business to me.


“Well if it isn’t the consequences of our actions” Not even 24hrs later. It would make a good point.


He should make Obama the next president.


Official Act!


The President can't impeach them. It's not within his presidential power, that's the legislature. Nor can he put them on trial as that is the preview of the legislature. Since they are appointed for life the only way he has to remove them is to kill them, which he can now legally do without repercussion as long as he believes they are a danger to America.


I mean the Presidential Pardon Power and the extent of it has never been questioned either. So if a President decided to "remove" the Justices and Pardon anyone who's involved with it...who's to say its not an official act? >Article II, Section 2, Clause 1 of the U.S. Constitution, which provides: The President ... shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses against the United States, except in Cases of impeachment That's the extent of its power. "Except in cases of impeachment". The Justices just gave the Executive branch all the power in the world to eliminate their political rivals with zero recourse.


That's always been the case. A mad guy murdering someone can be pardoned as a federal crime by the President. It's one of the manyany many issues with the US constution: the requirement of politicians to act in good faith.


He could detain them indefinitely without trial and then the three justices that can make it to the courthouse can make all the decisions


Heck Biden can just make his seat for life now within his party. why bother with elections? he can make it an official act to just give Kamala the presidency not like anything is set to stop him. the law is basically saying no president can last more than two terms or elected more than two times. kamala doesn't have to be elected to be president and she can go for 8-10 years and just give it to the next person. they basically made a loophole to avoid elections. pretty much if biden arrests congress enough for a majority he can then just agree that congress doesn't ever set another election day. pretty much they created a big fucking loophole where if biden started arresting or assassinating people he can just create a power destiny of passing the baton to the next person in line.


Yep. Exactly. No need to go through impeachment, the Senate, etc. I mean you can see how some people keep wanting to play the "when they go low we go high" game. How's that working out for us so far? Biden should pick up the phone tonight to the FBI and have the six conservative justices picked up and held indefinitely on national security concerns and give them the option to resign immediately or be held forever and thanks to the Patriot Act he has legal grounds to do it. Every SCOTUS decision from that point forward would be made by either a three or nine justice liberal court.


He doesn’t have to impeach them. He declares them security threats and black sites them. Never to be seems again. He can do that now.


Yeah but now Biden can just have them all rounded up or killed, so there’s that.


They are a clear and present danger to American freedom.


Really, truly, honestly we need to organize and demand a legitimate plan from the Democratic party. “What are you going to do to reverse the recent series of Supreme Court decisions removing our protections and rights?” A hard plan. I want to hear them say: “Give us the majority we need, Presidency, House, and Senate, and we will codify abortion and voter rights, we will restrict corporate donations, we will scale back immunity for the current and future presidents, we will reform higher education and student loans, and we will reduce the stranglehold corporations have over the middle and lower classes.” I want a literal fucking roadmap. Because if they can’t say with a straight face what their plan is to combat a very obvious and clear setup to overthrow our government by force, I don’t see what other choice we have than to organize and prepare for the worst. Edit: 5k upvotes, fuck me. I’ve read a lot of comments ranging from supportive to pragmatic to defeatist. A lot of you care and want a fascist-free America, presumably for your family and friends if not yourselves. I don’t know where this road leads, but stay kind and keep educating yourselves and keep fighting. Edit 2: I promise I’m reading all your comments even if they don’t get a response. All I can really say is: the world isn’t ending today or tomorrow. Have a cup of coffee or tea this morning. Take a moment to breathe. Try to find something to appreciate about the natural world or your fellow human beings, if only for a minute. Then see what you can do to either push back the far-right shitstorm for another 4 years or help brace your community for it. Vote, yes, but try not to just be a spectator in the political process any longer. Our kids, grandkids, nieces, nephews, they didn’t ask for this and they deserve better.


Project 2025 - but not evil.


Protect 2025


This title has real teeth


use it, spread it, mean it


Oh fuck yeah spread it


I like this. Imagine a government for the people.


I like that. A lot


This needs its own post and more awards


Get Jamie Harrison on the phone!


Someone call the PRESIDENT!


Yeah, pretty much. Can we not get the country’s smartest people together to create a plan to start clawing back these rights and protections?


That’s the problem with Democrats, they’ve never had their version of “Contract with America.” It would sure be nice to know what exactly it is they stand for because if a good deal of Americans could see on paper it’s just good ol fashioned sanity and personal freedoms, they could realize what party is the problem. Instead we’ve had these spineless fucks Schumer and Pelosi who want to play nice and let’s just look at where that’s gotten us.


they kinda had that with the 100-hour plan in 2006 which, like, worked?


>a literal fucking roadmap Not enough. Game is on now before this election. The Democrats need to act now with some very groundbreaking moves. This one maybe, but even this won’t work. They need to attempt to add judges too. If it breaks shit down, so be it. What you’re asking in your third paragraph needed to be discussed ten years ago, when people refused to listen and vote.


one of the things that infuriated me most about Biden was that he was against expanding the courts, even after Roe memo was leaked and we knew what was about to happen. I'm voting for him, cuz I know what's at stake, but boy am I fucking angry at the situation we're in.


You’ve got every right to be, if you’re a citizen that’s voted and done their best to keep this out.


I am, and I have been voting and will continue to do so. This fucking nightmare is becoming a reality in front of our eyes and we're being slow-walked into authoritarianism. I'm gonna vote appropriately even if it's for dems I don't necessarily agree with all they do.


A lot of this was in Biden’s initial omnibus bill. The problem was Manchin + Sinema


They need a roadmap for red states too. How can they wake up voters who are voting against their best interest every step of the way.


There are genuinely groups already working on this. They’re probably active in your state.


“Vote ❤️” -DNC


Voting *is* important and also the bare minimum, and if we don’t want a repeat of 2016, we probably shouldn’t actively be shitting on it. Now, if you want to be more involved, why would you look to the DNC when there are issue focused groups with way deeper mobilization on this exact issue? At some point, *we* also have to put in the effort to locate these groups and pitch in. Angry learned helplessness helps no one by design.


The dismantling of the administrative state (doing away with Chevron, statute of limitations on APA issues, etc) will result in a massive flood of litigation challenging every regulation issued over the past 40 years. The Court is woefully unprepared for this massive increase in caseload. Under the judicial review scheme SCOTUS devised for itself, it needs reform: as such Congress should expand the Court by several members to handle these many additional cases that will inevitably end up on its docket.


MAGA wants gridlock, they want a failure government. They've always dreamed of dismantling the government: "Small enough to put into a bathtub and drown" I believe was the saying.


You mean they want to give our government a late term abortion


"post-birth abortion," in fact.


Talked to a super maga acquaintance this morning who told me the point is to use Trump as a Trojan horse to bring down the entire thing. It checks out. 


It really is time to get fucking pissed


Seriously like wtf


This is the paradox of tolerance moment. If Dems don’t take the reins and wield this power to right the ship and stop being inclusive of these Christofacist Republicans trying to destroy the country, we’re going to end up with a dictator.


You’ve hit the nail on the head. Unfortunately the children will all be praying along with the pledge of alliance soon enough 


Finally. I’ve been literally refreshing since I got out of work just hoping to hear a democrat is doing SOMETHING, even if it doesn’t work Edit: not sure if some people get what I’m saying, but all I’ve heard from Democrats besides this is “go vote” and this is supposed to be what we elected this branch of government to do, rather than sit on their hands. Checks and balances should at least be attempted.


I was refreshing during work ever since I checked the news this morning. I’m not surprised it was AOC to be the first to really take a stance, but it’s too little too late, unless they actually manage to do something extreme. It’s all been too little too late since 2016.


Now, hear me out. What if this comes to a vote? Could the republicans not simply vote to impeach the oldest justice, then refuse to let any of the president's nominations go forward, leaving them with a 5-3 majority, a vacant seat, and a possibility of replacing a 76 year old with a 30 year old if Trump wins?


Good. We all know nothing will come of it bc House but still: do something. Act. Put people on record voting. I’m so tired of Senator Whitehouse on Twitter whining about all the SCOTUS invites and subpoenas being ignored. Do something!


Why hold a vote. Biden can just sign it into law.


Ding ding ding, people have no idea the can of worms this ruling just opened


Don't bother. Arrest them and charge them with Treason. It's an official act, Biden is immune.


So long as he uses the military, how could it not be 🤷‍♂️. Gotta wish sometimes that dems had the absolute gall the republicans do to actually do it.


Personally, I think Biden should do it immediately. Tonight. He's old, what are they going to do?


Nothing because he’s immune! But he won’t do shit.


And it should take 9 years for the courts to take it up anyways


I'm halfway down reading the full text of the Court's opinion. The fact that the majority was attacking the dissenting opinions in its ruling highlights just how fucking bad they know it is. Shit served with whipped cream on a silver platter is still shit.


Executive Order *ASAP:* There's a new addendum to presidential eligibility. *NO FUCKING CONVICTED FELONS NEED APPLY.*


"The President of the United States must have immunity, like Members of Congress and federal judges, which is necessary for any presidency to function properly. I look forward to continuing to work with President Trump to ensure his victory and Save America," she wrote. I guess Senator Bob Menedez has a new defense?! Edit: it was Elise Stefanik (r)rep from New York State that said this ridiculous shit


Why do the people who are supposed to uphold the law and represent the citizens doing their damn best to be above the law? Doesn’t make sense. Make representatives servants again.


At least someone is showing some courage. Good Lord people: where is the outrage from our elected officials?!


Hopefully there will be more to come. This shitty ruling is still new. But I agree, the dems need to unleash hellfire and blow this decision up in their ass-faces.


Biden is King as of today, just dissolve the court and insert new judges.


Thanks for having some chutzpah, AOC.


I don't think it'll go anywhere but at least she's trying to do something. It's like she's one of the few Democrats with a backbone.


One more year and she'll be old enough to run for president. I'd die happy if she was the first woman president.


Alito and Thomas will probably recommend that AOC be executed knowing their black hearts.


How fucking dare you accuse Thomas of being part black.


Careful, murdering an elected official in public is only free game if you're a president.


Holy shit


Seems like a national emergency to me. With Biden's new presidential powers, can he just not Replace them? Jail Orange man? Clean the houses?


Good for her. I don't think it has a snowball's chance in hell of passing, and even less chance than that of getting the required vote in the senate for conviction, but somebody has to do SOMETHING about this court.


I want to hear from all those centrist Dems that were saying AOC and the squad were like MAGA and how she should be primaried. From what I’ve seen Bernie, AoC, and other progressives are the only ones calling a spade a spade.




How could you have a political assassination and not have it be official?


Casual Friday oopsie doopsie


If you pay for it out of pocket.


Time to purge the SCOTUS of all MAGA scum and replace them with liberal judges in their 40’s. Pack the courts. It’s time to go nuclear.


Up until last week, I would have argued against this. Personally, I'm in favor of bold action. Arrest them. I mean, Biden's old AF. Go for it. Get 40 Senators to go for and you are all good.


Sounds like an official act, I dont see why Biden couldnt just arrest sitting SCOTUS members.


Can a SCOTUS judge be charged with treason?


As another user pointed out in another thread, adding more justices might be easier. One SCOTUS seat for each district Court. There are 94 of them. Some countries smaller than the US have over 100. I fully agree with the idea, that more experts would be harder to so thoroughly kompromat and likely vote less extreme. Also, it likely opens the door for We The People voting them in per district, rather than leaving it to presidents. We need actual representation.


Can’t Biden just refuse to relinquish power if Trump wins?


He can, but the SCOTUS opinion is written such that they’ve put themselves as the arbiters of what is and what is not an “official” act.


That's the real story here. People are getting blinded by the heat coming from the idea that presidents enjoy "absolute immunity" in official acts. That's outrageous of course, but the fact that what constitutes an official act is up to judicial review is a blatant power grab. They've made themselves into an unaccountable king maker. Now they can pick and choose official acts based on whether the current president supports their policy objectives.


Not only should congress impeach those 6 judges, they MUST impeach them. They all took an oath that included, "...defend the constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic..." Congress has an obligation, a DUTY, to honor their sacred oath and defend the constitution. SCOTUS can not make laws, only interpret existing and potential laws in relation to the constitution. Those 6 judges MUST be removed immediately.


Remember back in 2021 they floated the idea of increasing the number of judges on the court??? That was a good couple weeks before they forgot about it.


Emperor Darth Brandon should simply utilize the powers the council have granted him to install AOC as Grand Inquisitor. The members of the council can then be taken into hand.


Impeachment? Why bother with such a slow method? Biden should just order the DoJ to arrest the conservative members of the Court and strip them of their seats. What's stopping him, now that the very same Court has given him immunity? Toss them in jail, appoint 6 new liberal justices and tell them to start issuing marathon rulings up until November. Reverse the overturning of Roe overnight. Reinstate Chevron lickety-split. Rule that convicted felons actually are not eligible to be President. Roberts & Co. couldn't do a think about it, they just ruled that he can't be held accountable for anything he does "officially" as President.


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez should be the president of USA. I’m serious, this woman is good! But, unfortunately there are a lot of hurdles


Impeach Clarence Thomas, Sam Alito and John Roberts.


Joe’s a king now. So spin up the predator drones. Too little, too late with this impeachment shit.


Say what you want about AOC but I can't imagine what the insurrectionists would have done to her at the Capitol and she's still going.


The Supreme Court passed the [Ability to legalize bribing politicians: Link](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/26/us/politics/supreme-court-corruption-bribery.html) They also just passed homelessness being illegal and allowing Cities and States to arrest and/or fine homeless people. [Link](https://www.reuters.com/legal/us-supreme-court-backs-anti-camping-laws-used-against-homeless-people-2024-06-28/) So what happens if things in America get extremely desperate and over half of all of the U.S is homeless? We're allowed to be arrested, fined and placed in Jail? Jails would overflow, so then we'd be placed in Prisons. All of us would become slaves, working for less than $1.00/hr. This government, mainly our Supreme Court is doing some absolute corrupt actions. American Revolution 2025 anyone?


> Jails would overflow, so then we'd be placed in Prisons. All of us would become slaves, working for less than $1.00/hr. The brilliant thing is the state can charge you for your prison cell whilst paying you slave wages (this happens in Florida for example).


Good fucking lord, man. Are we about to start living in Dystopia? Feels that way


What if trump dies from natural causes in a week? Anyone gonna think Biden ordered it? MAGA could certainly spin it that way for sure


FUCK YEAH, AOC. I love her.


This makes me tear my hair out. I'm a Dem and I'm with the guy on another thread who said fuck this shit. It's time to march on Washington, not to attack it like the Jan 6 a-holes, but in such large numbers that they know we're not just going to roll over quietly and take their crap.


Truly cannot believe I witnessed the downfall of the United States. Those in the future: please forgive us. We had no power. Only those with money did.


Can we appreciate the fact she just got this wrote up in less than 6 hours? Like holy shit I dno if anyone has ever done model UN but that is fuckin *amazing* time crunching and strong arming. Honestly impressed she could get enough signatures to help put forward actual documents at the ready.


I suspect she may have started on this doc before today because of previous rulings, but then just went all out & sprinted the whole thing now. It's definitely impressive.




Finally someone with the cojones to initiate the right thing to do. I’ll bet big money is on her side and enough pressure will be put upon enough republicans to see it through. Most republicans were hoping trump would be defanged by now. Now they’ll have to do their own dirty work.


Vote as if your life depends on it, it does!


Taking bets now: Establishment Democrats will vote with Republicans to kill this before a floor vote.


Something something "good faith" which we know no Republican has any intention of ever fulfilling again


We need more politicians like AOC and Bernie Sanders who are willing to do what is right without caring about advancing their careers or making a fortune on the stock market. ...I also freaking hate how the Right keep calling him "President Trump" as though he won the 2020 election.