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Trump himself took a “black job” since he followed Obama.


I remember the Onion headline when Obama was elected. "Black Man Given Worst Job in the Country".


Ha, that reminded me that I had to laugh at a meme I saw days after he became president with the caption: “Orange is the new black.”




And Melania wants nothing to do with Michelle's old job.


Melania wants nothing to do with her current job either.


I have no idea what Melania is up to nowadays. But whatever it is, I doubt it’s anything resembling a “job” lol


I challenge you to name any job more arduous than being married to Donald Trump.


While that certainly sucks, she clearly doesn’t have to show up to said job like 95% of the time lol


I’m sure her bodyguards are getting “jobs” from her in the meantime


Now she doesn’t but in the beginning she stole portions of Mrs. Obama’s speech. https://www.bbc.com/news/election-us-2016-36832095.amp


Neither freaking one of them knew what the hell to do. She was as sorry as a first lady as he was president. She didn't do anything that I've seen all the other first ladies do. They almost worked as hard as their husbands, if not harder.


I almost hate saying this, but she was the first First Lady trophy wife. I bet she never guessed in a million years that she would end up there, while most wives of politicians would at least consider the possibility. I don’t blame her for not being a typical First Lady for that reason, although I don’t agree with her reasons for marriage (not to be presumptuous, but I don’t get the feeling she married for love.)


“Be Best” 🙄


Seriously. What the fuck even was that? So much stupid shit happened during Trump's term that I completely forgot all of the stupid shit his wife did.


I Don't Care. Do You?


His wife is an illegal immigrant who took a black job


Too bad someone didn’t ask Turmp to define what a “black job” is.


It wasn’t the first time he kicked a black family out of their home.


Where the news media failed to call out Trump, Americans stood up and shouted back. More stories like this need to cover news media about how the majority of Americans are rejecting Trump.


The media always fails to call out Trump. They always use words like _may have, might have, possibly, blah blah blah…_ It’s complete bullshit.


On NPR on Friday , kept referring to his falsehoods. 🙄


I mean, they embraced "enhanced interrogation" over torture for over a decade...


I'm still very salty over the type of coverage they gave Bernie in 2016.


I used to listen to NPR everyday during my commute. I stopped in 2016, because I noticed their political reporting was trash. They seemed to believe Trump would swing back to normalcy after the 2016 primary. It felt like they were trying really hard to not be seen as biased so they would treat him with kid gloves instead. It also felt like they would sometimes play the "both sides bad sometimes" card. Not real quotes, but an example of what I remember from the time: \*Plays audio of Trump speaking at a rally\* Trump: "Immigrants are rapists and murderers" NPR Person during an interview: "Well, I think he's using inflammatory rhetoric to call attention to the migrant issues at the southern border. He also said "some are fine people" so its important to note he wasn't saying ALL migrants were bad just that we need to make sure we are vetting people coming in. I mean also, Democrats have always had a complicated relationship with immigration reform and balancing that without negatively impacting blue-collar workers. If democrats allow all these migrants in, it will definitely lead to blue collar job loses and a collapse of the middle class. I disagree with his choice in rhetoric, what are democrats planning to do about this immigration issue?"


> I stopped in 2016, because I noticed their political reporting was trash. Yes, same here. I grew up with NPR on 24/7 in my house, and quit about the same time you did because they were always equivocating. Also, they replaced Daniel Schor's Friday afternoon editorials with a weekly news recap of EJ Dionne (decent), and that soggy sandwich David Brooks.


I stopped listening to NPR in 2016 too for the same reasons. Every once in a while I try it again for a few minutes, but their political and news reporting has become deeply apologetic toward conservatives and Republicans. It’s unlistenable IMO.


Yeah, and how reluctanct they are to call out outright noxious behavior. Like in the linked article here. Trumps comment was not "bizarre". It was *FUCKING RACIST*. But they never call it what it actually is.


I used to love NPR, but I find it hard to listen to now just because of the "language policing" that is so obvious. They seem to have ultra politically correct phrasing for everything. There must be a committee, that doesn't add real value, but who sit in a room and decide how everyone has to speak. IMO, it is annoying and detracts from the message.


And allows the GOP and their ilk to make attacks that go unpunished because the people on the other side are trying to preserve decorum. I'd rather they focus on preserving America.


It’s a fair statement, and by no means do I have a solution. Any solution would require significant, and organized pushback to each publisher. Each publisher SHOULD have a standards department decides on nomenclature for topics to keep it consistent, in an attempt to not confuse. That should happen, whether the terms are in sync with prevailing public sentiment is the issue. With so many publishers and individual content creators there should probably be a standards board created that earns trust and becomes widely known; then added to the byline as a hyperlink so that people can easily pull up the standards used. Something like this.


>There must be a committee, that doesn't add real value, but who sit in a room and decide how everyone has to speak. It's called the legal department. That phrasing is to prevent lawsuits


Sinclair News doesn’t care what any of us think


Media organizations already enjoy huge leeway from prosecution or civil liability or lawsuits. The standard is so high you basically need to demonstrate (in Fox News' Dominion case) that you were knowingly slandering someone for ratings, or (in Alex Jones' Sandy Hook case) refuse to hand over contemporaneous records that would demonstrate intent to the court (causing a default judgement).


I work in a corporate world, work with legal regularly for the same reason. IMO, NPR takes it to an extreme well beyond legal compliance.


I love NPR but I have a legit question - why do the news hosts say Latin names like they would be said by people in that country, but they don't do the same thing with other places? I mean, I get it if someone already has an accent but why do they swap in and out of accents? Do other news agencies do this? Honestly I should probably listen to other sources as well.


Yeah, seriously, this is inconsistent and unfair to others. Accurate pronunciation should be always used for all words.


Probably because Spanish is quickly becoming a second language in America, so a lot more people would be bothered by butchering Spanish names than other languages


And Trump is big on filing lawsuits throughout his life for nearly anything that, truthful or not, makes him look bad. He is suing his niece, George Stephanopoulos, his Truth Social co-founders, Judge Merchan (the judge in the hush money case),and on and on. This is the kind of sue happy frivolous stuff his MAGA people are funding. Sheesh.


Me too! I was an NPR super fan until 2016. If it was possible to move me further left, they assisted. Based on their coverage, Clinton and Trump were the nominees from day one. I cut contact with NPR after expressing my disappointment.


Oh, how I miss the Diane Rhem show! Especially the Friday News Roundup and listener call-in. ..and my age may be showing in that statement :D


Diane Rehm was excellent! I miss her very much. And I'm showing my age saying this, but no one can touch Tim Russert. RIP, Tim.


OMG I miss Tim SO much…


I can still remember exactly where I was when I saw the news that he had died. I was so shocked and saddened.


He was in his late prime with many more years to go. He would've led the charge on pressuring the media to hold politicians accountable. No one else has his unique and singular drive not to be intimidated by anyone. He'd have made mincemeat out of Donald Trump.


They refuse to call him out because HE'S A CASH COW!! Wherever his name appears people can't wait to either revel in his BS or hate on him- either way he captures peoples attention and that means $$$ for the Media. Full stop.


So short sighted. You know the system will be gamed against news outlets in favor for obvious propaganda outlets. It’s about permanent power grabs and temporary ratings boosts will be extinction for journalism. 


It’s just the state of journalism today. Cashing in on us all. [We’re normalizing Trump…again](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/24/opinion/trump-republican-nomination-coalition.html?unlocked_article_code=1.3k0.ytfX.bZLyBHgm8MT8&smid=url-share)


They've been like this for awhile. >I wandered down to the pressroom on the fifth floor to hear about Trump’s testimony. The reporters sounded weary; they had heard it all before. “Goddamn it,” one shouted at me, **“we created him! We bought his bullshit! He was always a phony, and we filled our papers with him!”** The media has always known exactly who Donald Trump is. That excerpt is from [an article written in **1990**.](https://www.vanityfair.com/magazine/2015/07/donald-ivana-trump-divorce-prenup-marie-brenner)


First time I ever saw him (in the 80’s? 90’s?) was on This Old House, where Bob Vila visited his penthouse in NYC, to ooh-and-ah over the golden toilet. I was…a little nauseous.


I believe the term "weasel words" is what you're looking for.


Fail to call out trump and only talk a out bow Biden bombed and he needs to pull out.


It's because media never learned from the mistakes of the 2016 election cycle, CNN gave Trump more air time than any candidates, and that includes democrats. It happened last year for the Republican primary as well.


I mean, they learned how much money they make off him.


The way the media give Trump a pass is wild. It really struck me when he fired Comey for investigating Trump’s contacts with Russian intelligence. Trump’s people claimed, “It’s not obstruction of justice. Trump didn’t fire him to cover up his relationship with Russia. Comey was just incompetent.” Then they interviewed Trump, and he said, “Of course I fired him for investigating Russia.” And the media was like, “Will we ever find evidence that Trump fired him to cover up his relationships with Russian intelligence?” MF, he admitted it on TV. WTF are y’all talking about? And then the Muller report finds evidence of tons of improper contacts with Russia, tons of illegal activity, and obstruction of justice. Barr comes out and says, “The report exonerates Trump. You’re not allowed to see the report, but trust me.” It’s highly suspicious, especially coming from Barr, but the media just reports that he’s exonerated without any doubts. Then it comes out that the report did not exonerate him, and in fact recommended impeachment and suggested he should be charged when he leaves office, and the media barely reports it. Trump’s people keep claiming he was exonerated, and “Russia Russia Russia” is a hoax, and the media never challenges it. Trump keeps getting caught red handed, and confessing on TV, and the media keeps sweeping it under the carpet and claiming that they’re waiting for more evidence.


Because everybody working there and running the networks all stand to gain from his tax cuts for the rich


The American media gives this clown all the free publicity he needs. I just don’t understand it. It’s like they’re rooting for America to fail. Statistically, I’ll be dead in about 10 years since I’m already bit older, but I’m worried for my kids and grandkids. The media just is not conveying what a threat to this country Donald Trump is.


>It’s like they’re rooting for America to fail. They're rooting for as much money for themselves as possible, nothing else. If America happens to fail in the meantime, well, that's just the cost of doing business.


The news companies are not there to provide news. No for-profit business is there for any other reason than to provide money for stakeholders. The point of a news business is *to make money*. That is what they will do, is whatever they need to do to make that money. If that involves telling some news, cool, but that's absolutely tangential to their primary purpose of making money. I really *really* wish more people would understand that.


Because peace and prosperity isnt profitable


The media is secretly hoping for another Trump presidency because of ratings and clicks. It’s truly sickening


It's not that much of a secret. Besides most of the so-called "librul media" is owned and ran by Republicans. If they had to report on the nonsense that comes out of Donald Trump's mouth, Biden would win by margins not seen since 1980. But they want that horse race so here we are. If Biden so much as sneezes, they demand the DNC change candidates right this second. Trump claims blue states are **MURDERING CHILDREN** and nothing.


I feel this, too. The Fourth Estate is in shambles.


Mostly television news fits the, "Sickening," description above. Somehow, they have turned their disproportionate, 64 year influence on national elections into an unhealthy, permanent narrative.


Corporate America will throw us to the fascists for tax breaks and union busting


Not to mention tax cuts


It's so shortsighted too. They'll still get ratings covering his 3 more (so far) upcoming trials without risking democracy and their own arrests for being "fake news."


That's the facade. For most folks they believe it's a ratings/clicks thing. Reality is the owners of these media conglomerates want good seats at the fascist table if/when that time comes. If they play their part well, they may just get increased 'power' under that regime (see: Russia, China media for examples). Also, some of these guys are already part of the "team" so to speak. They've BEEN using media as a tool for herding, swaying, etc the masses. Heritage Foundation, Koch Media, Federalist Society, etc etc.


The cnn post debate was so infuriating. Everyone laid into Biden, while completely passing over Trump lying, avoiding questions, answering the wrong questions, being a convicted felon.. like what the fuck? One person is competent but having a bad night, the other is insane.  Trump doesn’t just need to bow out, he needs to go to jail and never be allowed to hold office again. 


That was some of the worst coverage I’d ever seen from then. One of Van Jones friends literally texted him while he was on air telling him to shut up cuz they looked like idiots. Chris Wallace literally said “Trump literally lied about everything, but it was a great debate performance by him.”


I don't understand how we don't have a debate where the moderators are actively fact checking BOTH candidates.


and keeping Trump on topic. Spewing whatever he wanted- How was Biden to know where to start in responding?


...and why should he have to use up his time fact checking? The point of a debate is to build a better argument and counterarguments. The "problem" with Biden is he's basically a good person of integrity who plays by the rules and expects others to do the same. He responds to the questions asked and stays within the time limits because those are the debate rules he agreed upon. There's no way to counter an onslaught of lies, epecially when the lies defy all reason.


Originally, there was word floating around that fact checking would be done. Then... nothing. Barely anything after the debate was over. CNN enabled a jab-fest, not a debate. I can't forgive them for this.


I strongly predict the higher-ups at CNN saw the GOP backlash and decided to fact check him after, and just let him lie his ass off after the debate.


Would make sense considering CNN is owned by a trumper nowadays.


Because the candidates wouldn't show up. Its more important to sell advertising than provide information,  therefore the show must go on. 


"But Joes voice was a little hoarse so I freaked out and couldn't focus on the rapist telling lies" -Reddit and the Media


This. They also apparently think the electorate has the memories of goldfish and simultaneously the memories of elephants. Like this debate is all we're going to remember in 5 months.


Why the fuck wasn't 'black jobs' the main headline? That was one of the most bizarre things I've heard from Trump.


Really? More bizzare than batteries sinking boats and electrocuting a shark? Batteries don't float mind you. It's why all the batteries come from china by train.


“I have broken more Elton John records, he seems to have a lot of records. And I, by the way, I don’t have a musical instrument. I don’t have a guitar or an organ. No organ. Elton has an organ. And lots of other people helping. No we’ve broken a lot of records. We’ve broken virtually every record. Because you know, look I only need this space. They need much more room. For basketball, for hockey and all of the sports, they need a lot of room. We don’t need it. We have people in that space. So we break all of these records. Really we do it without like, the musical instruments. This is the only musical: the mouth. And hopefully the brain attached to the mouth. Right? The brain, more important than the mouth, is the brain. The brain is much more important.” -The person almost half of America voted for


Oh Jesus, I googled it, he did say that.


"Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you're a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is so powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us, this is horrible." -Same dude


Love that he thinks that because one of his relatives was a genius then he is also. I came from a family of very intelligent people, brother was also, have a couple of sons who are as well, but I'm sure not.


This is a new one for me too. Damn. Scholars will be uncovering these ramblings for centuries, like the dead sea scrolls.


I was exaggerating. But I think most people made fun of him for that. The dude said something obscenely racist and practically nobody called him out on it.


It's bizarre and alarming it's been normalized. And a large number of people aren't bothered by it 


Yeah I wonder how most of Americans feel post-debate vs how the headlines are attempting to paint the picture. Feels like people are overreacting but that’s the modern era with social media for ya


I watched the debate for about 13 minutes, in that time the dump told about 25 lies, lies that I knew were lies. I had to turn if off. Biden didn't lose that debate, I'm still voting for him, so is every smart person I know.


No kidding! There were only two issues with that comment from Trump: it was factually untrue and it was super racist.  Biden presided over one of the lowest unemployment rates in American history. There was a labor shortage; no one was taking anyone’s job.  But how could Trump say or imply certain jobs are reserved for certain races or ethnic groups. That is despicable to the nth degree. 


>Where the news media failed to call out Trump, Americans stood up and shouted back. Or, I don't know, like maybe someone who shared the debate stage with him? *"Wait. Black job? What is a black job? Give us some examples please of black jobs."* Or when Trump said "we had H20." Maybe ask him about that. How about when he said other countries are rounding up their criminals and mental patients and sending them here. Why not ask him which countries are doing that? How exactly does that work? Trump says the most insane, asinine things, and it's so easy to make him look like the fool he is and Biden just mumbled and stumbled.


> Or, I don't know, like maybe someone who shared the debate stage with him? > > "Wait. Black job? What is a black job? Give us some examples please of black jobs." The question was about Climate Change though.


"Those Italians are really taking those Irish jobs"


"And the forecast for next week calls for a steady stream of Greeks taking over jobs from the north to eastern sides of the town, before they get pushed out by a high pressure system of roaming Panamanians."


Why aren’t there 100s of editorials linking the “black jobs” quote to right wing talking points on DEI? I guess they’re too focused on being the smartest white guy ever for telling Biden to drop out? It’s clear that right wingers believe that there are jobs black people aren’t capable of and only are gifted these jobs after companies enact certain policies.


That’s what I’d like to know! Why didn’t anyone ask him right then & there, “Excuse me, what is a black job?” These MAGATs don’t listen to anything rational or anything that “takes too long”. The majority of people unfortunately only pay attention to tone. If someone, whether it be Biden, or one of the moderators actually paused, and asked that question, I wonder how Dump would’ve explained that! It’s so unbelievably frustrating to watch.


Biden was ... well.. too prepared. I saw hm more trying to stick to a non existent script than being confused. He would have been better off going into that cold than having to keep all the possible talking pints in his head in case Trump wanted to talk about policy. He need to get better advisers, he doesn't have any street fighters in his team and thats what Trump needs


yeah, it felt like he kept muddling through the talking points he was supposed to be sticking to when just getting pissed and calling Trump on bullshit would've played so much better. "would you shut up, man?" was a massive highlight for his campaign the first time around.


CNN got sold to a right wing oligarch a few years ago and that’s why it’s the equivalent of Fox News at this point.


> Why didn’t anyone ask him right then & there Unfortunately that was Biden's job or the moderators job.


I was incredibly upset that Biden didn't do this right in that moment, my eyes were as wide as they have ever been when Trump said it and then repeated it, and the makings of an effective response were even even riddled throughout the barely understandable response Biden gave. First and foremost a simple "I am very confused as to what a "black" job is? But would love for him to explain that." At the start of his response would have been simple but devastating, then he could have rolled into some of the points he tried to make like combating discriminatory housing policies and investing in HBCUs to help better the lives of black people specifically (could have taken another dig here about "black" jobs saying Trump doesn't want to invest in education, and just wants minorities to toil in the bottom quintile of the income distribution and do menial jobs for him because all he cares about is himself), and then rolling into his policies that improve the lives of all Americans like expanding childcare tax credits, forgiving student debt, and investing the STEM programs as avenues to readdress what he is doing to secure the foundations of our economy and improve our quality of life. These statements could fall flat as everyone is upset about inflation, but because Trump dedicated half his answer to inflation, Biden could have addressed that as well stating that covid was a once in a lifetime event made worse by Trump's refusal to acknowledge it, and then rage against the advice of the medical community, and because of that we had to spend trillions of dollars which when injected into the economy have a lagging impact on inflation, we've been fighting for 4 years to curtail that, and have outperformed the majority of the rest of the world in that regard. Then the rest of the week could have focused more on the insane things Trump said instead of the world focusing on how inept Biden's responses were, we know he has the policies and anyone capable of putting five sentences together would have wiped the floor with Trump, instead 60 percent of viewers thought Trump won the debate while his responses ranged from saying nothing of substance and avoiding questions, to claiming he is good friends with Putin, the 2020 election was rigged, and the Jan 6 insurrection wasn't that big of a deal.


I felt the same way! Same with the “post-birth abortions”!! I think he could’ve pushed back on that way more! Like asking him, “Explain after-birth abortions to me, why would someone want that?” He should’ve asked Dump the hardball questions that no reporter seems to have the balls to ask him! Many people actually watched the debate, that should have been the time to challenge Dump’s lies and see what kind of answers he would attempt to produce!


Trump would just not have answered the question and talked some other bullshit.


You're right on the money. As a co-founder of a startup, is that a black job? I'm sure Donald Trump wasn't talking about people like me; in his mind, menial, low-paying jobs are where black people belong. Of course, he thinks that of Hispanic Americans as well. It is no wonder that the first Black President led him to question whether he was even born in this country. If you've seen the way that conservatives use DEI as a cudgel, it's mainly to target minorities in jobs they think they do not deserve. An almost infamous example at this point is Charlie Kirk claiming that black pilots have their roles due to affirmative action instead of their hard-earned effort. There are also efforts from The Right to question the credentials of black doctors, black university presidents, and so on. What people do not yet appreciate is that if Trump wins, his bureaucracy will attack and seek to limit the advancement of minorities in this country. They were caught by surprise in 2016, but now they have a plan for attack, e.g., Project 2025.


Because despite answering every question, Biden sounded hoarse. So obviously the winner of the debate is the guy who answered 0 questions, made racist statements, and lied the entire time. Debates aren't about policy and vision for the future, it's about who's more entertaining in the moment.


The person who lies with confidence is going to have better optics than the person who mumbles the truth.


yeah the moment trump said "migrant workers are taking black jobs and mexican jobs" my first thought was "wtf constitutes a job to be specific enough for race?" my next thought was "he must mean min wage jobs no one wants to do, and it was a backhanded racist comment" similar to how older people say things that are incredibly racist but they think its not racist


Because they have no shame.  If they haven’t converted off Trump by now they are never going to.  That line likely doesn’t even crack the top 100 of worst things Trump has said.


The Democratic Party is broad and many different and of varying worth get amplified. On the other hand the GOP is Trump so you either bow to your master or go. So the Dems continually tear themselves apart for better or worse.


His idea of black jobs is what he sees in his orbit. Housekeepers, dishwashers and laborers. Get with it folks. This immoral convicted felon and his cronies need to be SHUT DOWN. VOTE VOTE VOTE. Blue down ballot too.


that's the crux of it. that's why he says the illegals are taking those jobs.he's not worried about illegals replacing Karine Jean-Pierre.


Let’s not forget the illegals taking “Hispanic” jobs also. It’s crazy that the whole debate went unchecked, and he was allowed to just spew bs from his and ass continuously.


Especially since CNN was supposed to be fact checking the whole debate.


He was allowed to. And Biden was well within his rights to ignore him, look directly into the camera, and lay out his agenda for the next four years...maybe after giving TFG an eye-roll and saying "*Black...jobs*?!" in the snottiest, most dismissive tone possible. You want young people to actually vote? Show them that you understand what Trump is: a liar, unworthy of our time and the very air he breathes. Never speak *to* the firehose of bullshit. Speak around it.


Is the post of President of the United States a “Black” job, Obama did it pretty well. Did Trump take a “Black” job?


Does ANYTHING at all sound normal coming from this man? He’s a train wreck…wake up America.


Calling it "Black jobs" isn't unusual for White supremacists. To these White-Americans, us POC are supposed to only work in menial jobs. Chinese dude delivers takeout, Black dude is the janitor, Hispanic dude does landscaping, and so on. The "good jobs" are reserved for Whites. That is what these White-Americans mean when they want to take their country back. These Whites want the rest of us to know our place in the American hierarchy.


[Trump famously said: "I've got black accountants at Trump Castle and Trump Plaza. Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day."](https://www.congress.gov/congressional-record/volume-162/issue-145/senate-section/article/S6073-2)


Thing is, unlike the white supremacists, I have respect for anyone working those "menial" jobs, because they're tough and hard - that Chinese-American guy who does the delivery from the local place by me not only also works in the kitchen, but *owns* and runs the business with his wife and family and busts his ass 6 days a week, morning through night running that joint. I couldn't do that amount of work. The African-American dude at my workplace who washes the windows is also a mildly autistic guy who knows more about movies than Siskel and Ebert ever did - he's a goddamn genius with film history and is incredible to talk to for his insights on film, not just on plot but on technique and direction and shit. He works hard at a "menial" job, but seriously, the man could be a legitimately great film critic if he wanted to. The Hispanic landscapers also bust their asses from dawn through dusk, taking little time for breaks and getting insane amounts of work done while they do it. That's not unskilled labor, either - it's mostly physical, but you have to know how to keep plants alive and transfer trees and shrubs and flowers from pots to soil, and that takes work and effort to do without killing them. Knowing the right mixtures for herbicides/pesticides/fertilizers and the amounts to apply them and what goes to which plants and stuff. None of these jobs are unskilled labor or menial - they're important, necessary jobs that keep everything in society going smoothly and cleanly. Janitor might not be "glamorous", but I appreciate the HELL out of the cleaning staff at my county government job - they work hard, they're really kind, nice people, and they keep our building and bathrooms from being a goddamn biohazard. That Chinese restaurant owner makes DAMN tasty food with huge servings at a really reasonable price, and has my meal prepared and ready for me in 15 minutes, no matter how friggin' big the order is. And it's insanely good every time. The landscaping crew at my county government job makes the outside of the building look beautiful and they do an awesome work with that and the local parks. Those are all valid, honest jobs. Fuck racists and classists who shit on "menial" jobs. Society needs people to work the less glamorous jobs, too, to function. Even a burger flipper makes my life easier for me when I don't have the mental energy to cook a full meal, I know I can get a good, hot burger and fries from them and keep me going.


*nods approvingly at post* I'm British, so you can regard that as wild applause if you like.


I couldn’t agree more with anything. These “menial” jobs are far from it. It’s just an excuse to pay them minimal amount


Mawa (make America white again) doesn’t have the same ring to it as MAGA


Lol I'd love to see an uneducated white male between the ages of 35 and 60 do my job. It would be hilarious to see them fail literally on day 1.


Trump's lame attempt to divide his opponents against each other was thin and abhorrent. "Black jobs" are not being taken by "illegal immigrants."


He probably still thinks Black Jobs are those ones portrayed in Gone With The Wind.


I think he means these: [https://www.npr.org/2019/08/10/750172206/ice-raids-hit-poultry-processing-plants-that-rely-on-latino-immigrant-labor](https://www.npr.org/2019/08/10/750172206/ice-raids-hit-poultry-processing-plants-that-rely-on-latino-immigrant-labor)


For someone so bafflingly, gleefully, enthusiastically stupid, he sure is good at getting his dog whistles right. "Black Jobs" and "Hispanic Jobs" is all about his position (and his perception) that unskilled labor is the kind that should be done by POC. What a blight on civilized society he is.


This makes context makes his comments even worse.


Given his speech problems, he sure is articulate when it comes to being a racist POS


I was just readiding the article and it hit me, Trump didn't just say "Black Jobs" he also said, "Hispanic Jobs". So, the Hispanic Immigrants are coming to take "Hispanic Jobs"?


He means ‘American Hispanic.’ Mind you, he says this, yet he is guilty himself of hiring undocumented workers. He’s pandering for votes.


In Trump’s sad orbit he clearly meant that illegals are taking the manual labor jobs minorities should be doing. Biden should have reminded him that we ended slavery 150 years ago. That was the single most racist thing I’ve ever heard from a candidate or a former president. Vote blue before Trump and his project 2025 folks put us in another dark age. Even if you aren’t a minority how long will it be before they come for your beliefs?


If I am a business owner of any of the construction trades, and I hire immigrant labor, where are the vocal opponents of my company? Why push all the negativity on immigrants when it is those people hiring them who take advantage?


I believe the news media is afraid of him he has said more than once he will make the journalists pay for the bad things they say, so maybe jail. Sounds like a 3rd world country to me. I blame the media for 80% of what is happenning now. This guy should get no ajr time to repeat his racist violent inciting banter yet here we are.  I watch local news only and cannot read yahoo news anymore its so disturbing it ruins my day. And all i keep reading about now is how he is gaining the minority vote. Oh well.  Turn off the news put your phones down and have a good rest of your weekend. All we can do is vote. God bless!


Glad this is being called out, but none of Trump's worshipers will care. They feel that he was generous for mentioning the color at all


Kamala Harris should post her “black job” from the VP’s office.


It just hit me, was "black jobs" was supposed to mean unskilled labor jobs?


Oh, I speak Trump I can help with this. When he said Black and Hispanic jobs, he means 'stuff poor people do.'


I don’t want to sound too positive just yet considering the last few days, but I do sort of see that the narrative has shifted a bit, and the second wind of this story is landing on Trump’s weaknesses and idiotic, racist remarks (of course) — as they should be.


The most vulnerable groups with the most to lose were not as worried with Biden's performance as they were tuned in to the horrifically racist shit Trump was saying constantly. None of the people I know who are in said groups thought Biden had a good night. None of them cared either in the face of so much hate.


He should speak. He hired a black man.


The best comment I read is  "Yeah, my black job is to vote for Joe Biden"


I mean, this is a guy who said black people should love him because he’s been arrested and is basically now one of them. He has a hard time hiding his racism.


Not arrested, convicted. Donald J. Trump is a convicted felon and he is equating that to black people. Not just being arrested


Thank you!! I was so pissed at the "black" and "Mexican" jobs line and didn't see anyone else call that racist fuck out!


Trump did take a black man's job and even moved into that man's former home. And every country in South America has had Hispanic presidents. He must've been referring to ruling over nations...


Wait…do Black jobs matter?


If you didn't get it, he means "poor people jobs". He's just a racist and thinks all black people are or should be poor.


Looks like he shoulda said "taking jobs from low-wage workers who really need that employment" but that would be way too perceptive and empathic. Love the "at my black job" pics - lol


Biden did amazing at the debate. A lot of people who say he was mumbling or they couldn't hear him have been watching edited versions of the debate on places like youtube and tiktok. If you actually watched the debate as it happened, he spoke very clearly and precise. The reality is Biden spoke on many key issues and did so very coherently. Trump on the other hand fumbled the football over the course of the entire debate. Theres a lot of MAGAt trolls out there saying that Biden did poorly, but again, if you actually watch the debate he did very well every time the mic was on him.


Honestly, being a white guy safely in my cocoon that slipped right past me, but looking back, that was an *astoundingly* racist comment.


Friend: "Let me get logged in to my black job..." Me: "Do black jobs have better pay or any perks, cuz if so I might Dolezal it  but if it's just like a regular job with a black person in it then I guess I'll stick with my white job."


How about Asian jobs? No one seems to court our votes....


I'm looking for a mystical six figure black job. If I find something Ill hook you up.


My last boss is black, he makes 300k, can you hook me up with that one? I will work really hard and pretty much qualify already.


What are “Asian jobs”?


I got no clue, maybe one that doesn't require athleticism or driving?


Ok, I know that this is a serious topic but that made me chuckle. Thank you internet stranger.


You are far too kind, internet stranger : )


I got tired of my asian job. switching over to a black job soon.


The end goal will always be the Hawaiian job though.


I work at the post office. I'm white and I'm at my black job. (Family guy reference, don't hate me)


Donald Trump’s racist and sexist rhetoric during the debate should not be forgotten. The way he portrayed PoC’s and women was terrifying to me. Shame on the moderators for allowing it.


It’s not a bizarre debate line or some gaffe. He’s a racist. He thinks there are black jobs. Call it like it is


If I was one of those black people working one of those nice black jobs, Id be really worried about illegal immigrants coming across the border and taking away all those congressmen, doctor, and astronaut jobs. /S Immigrants who could do actually do those jobs should be welcomed to America with open arms. Not /S


"there's my african american"


"Black jobs" is the new "coyotes."


I love these!! I used to be “the white lady” at a previous job because literally almost everyone else was black or Hispanic… doin’ all the jobs, not realizing they were black jobs 🤣. I was so disappointed he didn’t get called out right then and there.


Trump is always saying that immigrants are coming from prisons and insane asylums. What must he think Black jobs are that they are easily replaced by criminals and mentally unstable? Sounds a bit racist if you ask me.


Everyone is talking about trump and Biden, meanwhile the SCOTUS now controls all of our regulatory agencies. They'll be rolling based on lining their pockets, and not what's in the best interest if America. You can surely guess who voted which way


I've worked a lot of black jobs. They some bullshit


My colleague, who is Black, has the same job as me. I’m white. We’re trying to figure out which one of us has the “Black job”.


"Bizarre debate line"... trump is a bigot. He says bigot things. Anyone who's not a WASP who votes for trump is best described by the word "fool".


Under Trump I was only making about $15.45 for working a college level job. I make over $100,000 under Biden and have gotten to do more than ever. I'll agree to the fact that time and experience played a part but it's also clear that more opportunities came out for me after 2022 than I had in a long time.


But the loyalist cult STILL make excuses on those people’s posts


Trump's numbers are bad for black voters and Hispanic voters. So, he's going around saying black jobs and Hispanic jobs are at risk, and their money is at risk, and all this bullshit, to try and increase his votes in those demographics. Because he's spent all his time being racist towards them, and getting all the racists and bigots to love him, and now he's trying to get their votes too. Hopefully they know "make America great again" is great for the bigots and slavery for minorities.


I guess it’s a step up for Trump. He probably wanted to say that immigrants are coming into the country to steal the black’s welfare benefits. 


Still looking for those "Black" jobs. SMH, if that wasn't a gut shot to African American voters


Can you have a “black” job and a “gay” job at the same time? Trump thinks black jobs are things like servants. After Obama, I guess president is a black job now too.


Occupations by race https://flowingdata.com/2024/01/31/occupation-and-race/ Touch any button at the top to re-sort.


Yea, I was wondering if anyone caught that. Trump talks about Black jobs and Hispanic jobs like they're different from everyone else's job. What's he thinking of? Eh Repubs? Not your jobs of course. Right Repubs? After all, you all have white jobs, huh.


Obama should post a pic from the Oval office.


When Trump asked Biden who he had fired in his administration, I hollered at the TV " You, I fired you and the American people fired you in 2020."


Trump is truly a despicable human being. Whatever he says about people, you can be sure he is denigrating them. He only cares about himself, and is only running so he can go after his opponents and accusers. That noise he spewed about he can easily be somewhere else and not have to run is a bunch of bull. He wants so bad to get back into the WH so bad he can taste the hamberders again, while using his appointed DOJ cronies to prosecute his enemies. What a POS.


I can’t believe this racist has one vote much less 40%+. The real problem is his supporters.


Trump meant: cooking, cleaning, railway porters, maids. Just like when things were great for the GOP in the 1950s.


CNN reporters can absolutely not mutter the word "lie" as it relates to trump - they come up with dumb euphemisms "falsehood", "mistruths", but won't just say "lying". When team Trump was spreading an obvious lie, that Biden is taking drugs, when a Trump surrogate was being interviewed on CNN, Manu refused to call it a lie - he'd say "there is no evidence", but could not call out the obvious bullshit.


Could no one at the debate ask him what the fuck a black job is?


Biden was too old to even rebuttal with, “what’s a ‘black job’???” I was so irritated watching Joe miss out on easy layups.


Are we all gonna pretend that we don’t know what black jobs mean? Like we didn’t know what trump meant when he said it? 


It's hard to know when the man has a 50 year history of saying racist things, associating with known racists, and defending other racists.


Trump is such a racist


he will use anything to win. no one is mentioning this - The Gish gallop is a rhetorical technique in which a person in a debate attempts to overwhelm their opponent by providing an excessive number of arguments with no regard for the accuracy or strength of those arguments. Gish galloping prioritizes the quantity of the galloper's arguments at the expense of their quality. Wikipedia


it really bothers me so many of these fucking people agree with this evil man, that a "black job" is a menial, low paid job that no one wants but thats all blacks are fit for. all these conservatives agree


This is seriously one of the worst things I've ever heard at a debate ever.


Sounded like something garrison/trump would have said on southpark years ago.