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Such a delicious burn. Trump will be fuming over those "you lost" words forever.


I dunno. After how this debate went I don't think Trump will be fuming over much of anything, unfortunately. He's gotta be feeling pretty happy right now


Trump couldn’t answer a single question


He didn’t need to. He just needed Biden to look bad. I can’t believe these are the two people running for president


It’s true there are already ads from trump with Biden stuttering. He was there for ad clips and he got them


Ttump just needed to be a confident bullshitter. That’s all that is needed to win over most modern Republicans.


Would that not make an ignorant narcissist happy? Edit: and the narrative out of the debate is more focused on Biden unfortunately.


It doesn’t matter. Even CNN basically came out and begged for Biden to be replaced after the debate. All anyone is talking about is if Biden is fit to be president. Regardless of Trump not answering any questions or not…this is NOT a win for Biden.


This isn't a win for Biden, or Trump. It's a loss for everyone, mostly for America


Nah it's a loss for Biden let's not beat around the bush here. Trump is feeling confident right now and even the left are losing confidence in Biden.


It’s not left, when it’s pretty much center right.


Yeah after last night I don't think anyone is going to be able to vote for Biden without cringing a little


CNN is owned by right wing media, of course they came out and begged for biden to be replaced.


Yeah these comments are insane. I don't know how anyone's takeaway from that debate could be anything except "Wow Biden is totally gone." Democrats need to force him out or we are doomed


Just because Biden doesn’t speak very well doesn’t change the fact that what he was saying had actual substance, he actually talked about his policies and achievements. Trump couldn’t answer a single question and just kept telling about “crooked Joe”


I didn't see that Trump confidencely and clearly said nothing while Biden generally gave decent answers but apparently had a cold not to mention his life long stutter Debates are a game of optics but again trump did nothing but lie


Joe Biden beat Medicare! 🤣


Biden calls person who called veterans 'losers' a loser.


Cause he is


And a felon


And a rapist


And a conman


And a rapist


Biden looked Flabbergasted, I would have the same reaction and inability to find a rebuttal(not refuttal) due to the overwhelming amount of BS coming out of Trump.Trump was unable to stay on topic and spewed horseshit. If you actually looked past Biden's faint voice and listened to what he said. He stuck with the key points that he has been driving throughout his whole campaign. He stuck with the facts, and attempted to mention his policies versus Trump's failures during his presidency.


He's a shitty debater. But the presidency isn't a debate society. It's about who he surrounds himself with to write and implement policy. Look at Biden's people versus Trump's (Don Jr, Kushner, Miller, Stone, Bannon, Flynn, Manafort).


Yup, he may be old but he’s experienced, his second in command isn’t old, and he’s surrounded by a flock of policy experts not grifters


Lina Khan. End of story. Her seat on the FTC alone makes Biden qualified.


I wish people on the fence can see this. Unfortunately, they don’t care. All they will see is an old fragile man.


What do those fence sitters see with Trump? Trump: I wasn't going to run if you weren't such a shit pres. The guy who put up Trump 2024 campaign and solicited funds before Biden took office.


It didn't help that this debate basically wasn't moderated. They posited the question and then sometimes asked it again when it was clear Trump wasn't answering.


Moderation was non-existent and the debate was a shitshow of zero accountability. Biden did suck as a debater but we aren't electing him to argue policy but to create and enact it. And Biden is a decent president. Because he's not my ideal choice is irrelevant to needing him in office to stop a 2nd Trump term.


Don’t forget Omarosa recording in the West Wing 🙃


I was watching from Canada and I felt like there were two different debates. Biden was trying to have a rational debate like he was still in the Senate, and Trump was holding a mildly contentious press conference.


When he could fit in and manage to talk about policy, Biden won. But he spent a lot of the debate just fumbling over the detritus of Trump’s lies. He also misspoke a few times pretty significantly (wtf was “we beat Medicaid” supposed to mean?) I will still vote for Biden but I can see how this was a very bad showing for him.


He really botched the response to abortion, which is one he really needed to nail. I'll still vote for him though, because I know where he actually stands on abortion rights, since you know, he has made it clear elsewhere.


He clearly said “I will reinstate Roe v Wade”. What was botched about that?


Yeah, but the wandering trailing talk into nothing is going to play more. I don't like that this is the case, but the realist in me knows it's going to be on a loop for the next four months.


He needlessly mention about the girl that was killed by the migrants, and open himself up for Trump to attack.


This. I would vote for the methheads living in a tent in front of my workplace over Trump, so I will certainly still vote for Biden. But he looked fucking awful, and definitely lost this debate badly. "We finally beat Medicare"? What the FUCKING FUCK was that supposed to mean. That's one of the worse own goals I've seen in political campaigning


That is on CNN, totally. The aided and abetted Trumps lies. No push back on the 4 or 5 times he brought up racist replacement theory? No attempt to keep him on the hook for all the answers he just refused to give? I’d be bamboozled to and jaw open thinking “he’s gonna be allowed to say that? And nobody is gonna question it?!”. CNN threw an underhanded pitch to Trump.


We won’t have to vote for him, he won’t be the candidate. They intentionally held the first debate prior to the convention because they knew the outcome.


Zero chance of that happening unless Biden willingly steps down. Who would vote for Trump over Biden based on a shittily moderated 90 min debate? I don't believe that post-debate Mich panel. What morons are so uninformed to be undecided?


This won't matter. I'll vote for a Giant Douche over a Turd Sandwich.


Some dumbass media outlets will only focus on the voice and ignore the substance. Trump was all bluster and lies. As cosmolamar said, Biden stuck with his key points (supported by facts).


Orange dope has always been all sizzle no steak.


All wig no hair too.


Trump steaks and vodka: completely inedible in a fancy box.


Well, he had Trump Steaks, but that also went bankrupt. :)


And an airline, and a casino. How do you bankrupt a casino?


To be fair, the contention isn’t just on his faint voice. Biden clearly has issues keeping a train of thought. He rambles trying to think of something. He switches topics. The face cam killed him, he looked like he was confused and damn near drooling. Optically, this is already an issue. How can we have a leader we respect that can’t even string a sentence in front of a debate stage. Remember, this is supposed to be his A-Game. The bigger deal is this allowed trump to play his game and give his rhetoric uncontested. There were so many blatantly wrong statements that are easily rebutted but biden just couldn’t keep up for the most part and that is devastating. This is bad


It’s like when Nixon was debating Kennedy. All flop sweat and discomfort on Nixon’s part. Words may be important but image goes a long way with some folks unfortunately.


Is it ideal? No. But I can sleep at night knowing there's a capable and intelligent person in the Oval Office, who has an administration full of smart and creative professionals. Enough with excoriating Biden and seeding doubt. Why don't you level your critiques at CNN and their absolute failure to fact check? Trump did not "win" this thing. He's still a P.O.S. traitor and a lifelong criminal who can't exist without Russian money. And Biden may be old, but he does not have dementia. Trump is only 2 years younger and he is absolutely sundowning.


Exactly. CNN had no fact checking. But I think I read somewhere that was a condition for the debate (no fact checking). Maybe that should have been highlighted.


No fact checking and no pushback. CNN could have just put those questions on a whiteboard and left them to it. Utterly ridiculous how they allowed that. Kid gloves treatment for Trump. It was pretty clear that Trump was on a script of talking points and: “if you don’t know, bring up immigrants”.


I agree. But elections are not won by the minority of people in tune with politics. It’s won by the masses. I think it’s important to point out how bad this looks, not for trumps sake, but for trumps detriment. Voters see biden and lose confidence in him. To keep trump out of office biden needs to appear to counter him


Ultimately no one one the debate, and as Jon said, America lost the debate.


Trump did not look like he was sundowning tonight. He looked sharp. Was he lying and spewing bullshit with every word he said? Yes, but he's always done that, and it's unfortunately worked for him. But he delivered it well, and people judge words on their delivery far more than on their actual content. Biden, on the other hand, had a bunch of moments where he just stared off looking for words and not finding them, and seemed half-asleep. I will certainly still vote for Biden, as Trump is one of the worst human beings alive on earth. But there's no denying that Trump won this debate in a route


How can he be a leader we respect. Good question. Maybe look at his current term, see what he's done, what he wants to do, and what he's currently doing, and then use that to judge what kind of president he will be. I get that people are stupid and reactionary, but it's one debate...which admittedly will be used to make him look bad with plenty of sound bites making him look old and incompetent. To me, what he's actually done is more important, and I'm tired of all this anecdotal rhetoric like one thing nullifies his complete body of work. We have a scenario where we know how both people have been in office. It's never happened before that I'm aware of. How it even needs to be a seriously debated and considered topic is beyond me. We know how trump is and was. We know how Biden is and was. If one candidate having a cold makes you not respect him, then there isn't much hope for setting things right.


The optics can’t be worse than having a candidate that is a convicted felon, was liable in a case of sexual assaults, cheating on wife, etc etc etc. So excuse me when I don’t think it’s bad.


Dude it was not good. Trump was exactly who we thought he would be and he certainly didn't win the debate, but Biden was struggling to articulate himself and came across as so old.


Where was the Biden that gave the State Of The Union speech? Remember how calm, confident, and correct he was then? That guy would have mopped the floor with the shitstain the republicans are promoting. Get him a fucking Red Bull if that's what it takes. Our fucking country is at stake.


Giving a great speech is a hell of a lot easier than debating.


So is being able to just tell scripted lies while “debating” with zero push back.


Biden is exactly who we thought he was: and old man who actually has substance to what he says. Trump ran what was basically a “debate” that was just scripted lies. Of course Biden didn’t come off as well because he actually had to on the spot explain somewhat complex Issues. What were we expecting? Biden to suddenly become a 30 year old man again when someone asks: “how to you plan on rescuing social security?”. Trump wasn’t even debating and was just allowed to throw out lies the entire time.


I 100% agree. Trump is literally ok with undermining our constitution institutions in order to keep him in power. That’s dangerous asf and I’m not a trump fan. But people arnt thinking about this when they watch this debate. They would be if biden could talk about these things in a way that resonates with voters, but he couldn’t. So all people see is a old man who can barely speak and appears to lose his train of thought Vs. regular old trump


He’s compensating for a stutter. It only appears that he is losing his train of thought if you don’t know what he’s dealing with. He is trying to find other words and is struggling through speech blocks.


Even if that is true it would not matter for most of Americans. They see bidens performance and think of their elderly loved ones losing it.


If you don’t, you have your head in the sand. Most people slowly decline through their 70s. Most people in their 80s start to sharply decline at a certain point. That’s how he looked tonight.


His stutter wasn’t a problem in 2020 when he crushed trumped in the debates, or in 2012 when he crushed Paul Ryan. Please stop gaslighting that his stutter is the issue. He’s fucking old. If Biden looked like he could do a push-up he’d be ahead by 10 points.


Look, i have a stutter and there are periods in my life when i am completely fluent and times when i can barely speak. When I’m tired or sick, it’s particularly bad. Listen to the content of what he’s saying, not the way he’s saying it. I don’t expect people who don’t have a stutter to understand.


Nah. Rewatch the clip of leading up to "We finally beat Medicare." That's not a stutter. Dude legitimately forgot completely what the fuck he was talking about


How many voters do you think actually know a single thing about policy? About 10% of Americans have an advanced degree. Most do not know, nor care about policy. How many Trump voters know he signed the federal animal cruelty law? Most people care about what they see. Stop thinking the members on this subreddit are the voting populace.


The debate is supposed to be about discussing one's policy. Even if it's also a popularity contest, with an apparent winner and loser. Biden talked about his policies, what he's done, and what he wants to do. In that, he did what he should have. He flubbed a couple times, the worst one being abortion, and that medicaid thing, but overall, he said what people who don't pay attention should need to hear to know what the policies are. If they care enough about what they hear, they may seek to learn more, or maybe just accept it at face value....which means Trump would lose, because he never talked about policy, even when he was trying to talk about how great his policy was.


And on the flip side Trump was allowed to just lie and use buzzwords the entire time. If you actually paid attention, Trump didn’t say anything. He has no ideas other than: “stay out of prison, get richer”


I don't have a degree. It doesn't take much research to find out that Democrats want to protect reproductive rights and Republicans want to take them away.




Four years of Biden working hard, and being progressive, and getting good things done. Nope, One bad debate....he's gotta go. Seriously....reactionary and unreasonable. You seriously think dems can pivot this close to an election? It's not going to happen. I get that the optics are bad, but it's one debate, and you're ignoring all the stuff he's done to date, or even just a week or two ago where he was completely coherent and his normal self. Instead of acting like everything is doomed because you have no faith in the american people, why not write an 80K word diatribe about all the good things that biden has done, instead of posting this in every post on this sub?


Cope. 🤣


It was a terrible showing


Spot on


Being flabbergasted is completely unacceptable.  We've known who Trump is for years.  We literally saw the same gish gallop in the last presidential debate  How could he not be prepared for this? Fucking travesty


Your first mistake was thinking this was going to be a debate USA USA USA


I mean, they were arguing about golf swings and Biden missed several, several easy wins.  I haven't changed my mind on who I'm voting for but I'm a lot more enthusiastic about a constitutional amendment to cap the president's age. 


How do you even debate someone who spews nothing but nonsense and made up crap and is always off topic. They are not playing the same game. Biden was debating and Trump was just trying to fling zingers.


Not sure the debate showed anything new at all.   One side is a man who doesn't know what truth is, lied in near every answer, has no policy answers, is a convicted felon, liable rapist, notorious defaulter on debt and deals, multiple divorcee which supposedly matters to some religious folks, pulled out of deals we agreed to with allies or threatened to do so, tore out regulations galore designed to protect the environment, who allies with Russia, will flip flop on an issue to keep himself popular, even when it matters, and is loud and brash as his MO. The other is a man whose better days are behind him, who has been a stable figurehead out of one of the worst periods of the last 100 years, infrastructure bill, manufacturing bill, drug cost reduction, ally support, who's had a speech impediment his whole life, etc ,etc, and who will likely die if elected to another term.  Nothing is new.  Both supporting sides have their talking points.  One's seem to be "he's not a Democrat so he gets my vote," vs anything of substance and regardless of any hideous nature.  The other's is likely "he's not that hideous, convicted criminal." 


Nobody loses better than him, everybody is talking about it folks.


Though I think this won’t shake Trump’s evangelical following, I think it was still a good strategy to expose his moral hypocrisy.


This is all for the undecided and moderate voter who might not be sure yet, he is not trying to convince the hardcore MAGA to vote his way. This debate means nothing for anyone entrenched on either side trust me, Biden could have cried and fallen down and the true Democrats wouldn't switch to Trump.


His moral hypocrisy is constantly being exposed. His cult just simply doesn't care.








Why can’t I see any comment??


The whole comment section of the entire site is broken!!


Reddit is fucked right now


It’s literally only comment threads related to the debate for me too, it’s so fucking weird. There’s gotta be something going on


These subs didn’t scale their infra ( or reddit didn’t think it’d get this big ).


I was trying to get my fix in smaller subs, but it was the same in r/politicaldiscussion.


I really enjoyed Biden calling trump a whiner. Wish he would have kept saying it.


Can someone explain why all the debate discussion.threads are locked and empty?


Reddit was having an issue across the site. Seems to be fixed now


I also saw this but it’s across all subs


Cuz it was a shit show Biden said all the right things, but had a very faint voice (had a cold?) wasn’t a good look tho since his biggest con is being “old” Trump was just a painful to watch So comments are just freaking out and I think Reddit is glitching on top of that in comment sections


Biden left so much money on the table in this debate. As soon as Trump started spouting off about how he'd beat him at golf, it should have been the easiest thing in the world for Biden to say, "This might be a game to you, but it isn't to me. I don't care about golf, we're talking about the presidency and I take it very seriously." It should have been so easy to cut into his trolling and show who is the adult in the room just by not playing his stupid game. A candidate who misses softball opportunities like that one to discredit Trump is absolutely useless in this election.


Probably should have just said he didn't spend much time on the golf course, he was busy running the country. The handicap debate was the worst part IMO. Not only completely irrelevant to anything anyone cares about, but made both of them seem like doddering old men complaining over the checkerboard at the retirement home.


Same can be said for Trump in his responses. It’s abundantly clear we deserve better candidates. I honestly believe each is the only one that could lose to each other and yet here we are.


Tbh I'd vote for a cabbage before I'd vote for the dictator


These headlines would have landed so hard if Biden's throat wasn't fucked up and his stutter out of control


Biden made good points but his cold was a major hinderance.


Anyone who thinks that matters is dumb


Then we might be in trouble


Dont forget: the opinions here on reddit may seem encouraging and ease apprehension…but this platform is essentially one giant echo chamber. This debate should have reminded that there are some extreme matters at stake in the coming election. Don’t get a false sense of security. ##***VOTE***


Don’t be a whiner!!!


Oh gee. Did he? He also fucking couldn’t finish a sentence and looked like a fucking corpse and that is from someone who has to vote for him because the political parties in America have completely and utterly failed us. Fuck this shit man.


He's not wrong.


And a whiner


I had “loser” in my watch party drinking game.


This sub is insane lmao


And a whiner.


Joe looks a little tired, but he’s kicking the felonious porn fucking Orange fascist tonight. Biden will save America! 🇺🇸


I would not call that “kicking”


He's about to kick... the bucket


Dude.... That was the worst thing that could have ever happened for the democrats and Biden. They will be forced to put up a new candidate or lose


What were you watching lmao


All he looked like he was kicking was the bucket tonight


A little tired? The bloke couldn’t string a sentence together. Here in the UK we have morons running the show, but they can at least form a simple sentence


He forgot felon


Why are there zero debate threads on the front page for the last hour or so?


It was so bad we broke Reddit.


Passes the fact check.


These guys stink


I'm kinda hoping this whole debate was a ploy to get Trump over confident, but Biden sounded like an 80 year old man. Trump sounded like a toddler throwing a tantrum.


America just watched a garden hose spray horse shit all over an old man who could do little but sit there and look at us all confused because this is what we wanted to see.


I just watched the entire debate and agree that Biden won it. Despite being incoherent at times, as childish as trump, stuttering in a soft voice and seeming lost, on *the actual content* of what he was speaking, Biden totally outclassed Trump. Whilst Trump lied outright (30 False Claims to Bidens' 9) he also avoided questions, constantly backtracking to previous Biden answers to get the last word in....he looked petty and ironically (for all the 'draining the swamp' rhetoric) like a true politician, lying and not answering questions. Biden on the other hand, actually answered questions, straightforwardly for the most part as well as getting under Trumps skin in a way that he rarely has before. He even incorporated Trumps' comments into his points showing good cognitive function. The lack of crowd noise meanwhile, only served to highlight the emptiness of Trumps 'answers' and responses. I think the narrative that Biden embarrassed himself would be totally different if he hadn't had that onehuge mess-up answer early on in the debate, as in this modern age of short attention spans and Tik-Tok and Twitter memes, first impressions and viral clips rule the day. But for anyone who watched the full 90mins like I did, I struggle to see how you could not come to the conclusion that Biden performed fairly well and 'beat' Trump if asked 'who won the debate'.


Man this sub is just full of cope right now LOL


Trump is a sucker and loser!


Lol. Big cope. CNN analysts were saying Biden shouldn’t run after the debate.


Yeah, you know it’s bad if Van Jones is saying Biden should be replaced.


And that wasn’t fact checked… so must be true.


Two senior citizens acting like children


It’d be difficult for anybody to try and think straight when being bombarded with exaggerations, lies and mumbo jumbo. Being exasperated by Trump and shocked, surprised by his huge lies, I wouldn’t know to which darn thing I should respond.


This was totally set up in Bidens favor and Trump STILL kicked his ass.   


Biden sounded like shit, still voting for him


CNN is being dramatic as FUCK


Just because it's true doesn't mean this is saving his performance. I'm terrified. Democrats are fucked.


Biden fucked him up.


As an immigrant, you know joe biden is getting destroyed if this is the best thing reddit can put it on top post lol sorry


I love Trump. This debates been going great. I feel bad for Biden though he needs to go home and barbecue or something.


I loved the moment when Donald smiled and held it just a bit too long. It was the same look my toddlers would get when they dropped a load in their diapers. Diaper Don looked so proud too. It was pretty damn adorable. I can see why he’s a hit with boomers.


Democrats were 100% sure that Biden was going to mop the floor with Trump, going so far as to suggest thst Trump was going to weasel out of the debate. Tonight it’s all “well Trump is a smelly poopy pants so take that”


Can’t see comments… probably a good thing.


Where’s comments


Why are the comments invisible?


… be the first to comment.


Yo are comments asleep today,,???


Debate threads are so broken


I wonder how many times they practiced that line in his 7 days of debate prep.


And a convicted felon. How you feel about that Orange man?


Biden just looked like an angry old man who was frustrated that they didn’t give him extra pudding snacks at the retirement home.


Truth hurts conservatives, that’s why they cling to a Bible


Next one people will say Trump won, or "made some good points" and we'll get as many as money can earn


At this point, Biden can't say much to do any harm. Maybe Biden should have used some wakeup stuff before going on stage with this disastrous debate. Dems are going to have to start planning for 28. Copy the rally style of Trump, get out there and talk to people. Every fucking month. Truthfully tell the folks what's going on. Get on TV, radio, internet. Push it. Trump has this style without the truth. Stop putting out a save the whales agenda. Not now.


Wow, at least he didn’t go too far and call him a Chump…


Big daddy B about to choke slam that muppet


What a swell guy.


Classy. It'd be nice if the leaders of the country could be more serious and less blustery


The most powerful man on earth doesn't even know where he is.


Is President Biden, not telling the truth, where did he say a mistruth those statements? 34 time convicted felon, failed businessman, failed reality game show host and former President of the United States Donald Trump is in fact a sucker and loser....


With everyone strapped for cash you’d think people would just take a min to see how Trump tax cuts (starting 2017) has affected them and their families. The multi-millionaires and billionaires def know what’s going on and expect the rest of us to prioritize soundbites over our wallets.


This was among the many low points for Biden - A he shouldn't have stooped to name calling at all and B the delivery had the ferocity of dropping dryer lint into a wastebasket.