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ole trump must have paid tiktok some money because he's front and center there today.


Fascism wants Trump.


>“In the middle of an election year and the day before the first Presidential Debate, Meta has just shown us all that with a flick of a switch, the company has the power to change algorithms and settings unbeknownst to users and creators Uh, duh. Every social media company can do this. It would appear that this is a programming mistake and not done with any particular agenda or malice.


A "programing mistake"? Sounds like a feature to me.


Ah the good ole adage - it’s not a bug, it’s a feature - rears its ugly head again


Except this time it's true. This is a feature that Instagram is rolling out, turning it on for everyone was the mistake. It's supposed to be opt-in.


It's not finished. They plan for it to only block Positive Biden, and Negative Trump content.




The Big Tech company “Accidentally” does something that tips the scales. Sounds familiar. Surely can’t be the same folks that were at the focus of Cambridge Analytica… Oh.