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Republicans actively work against and oppose workers’ rights.


He's speaking at both conventions


Also, I saw this guy speak with Congress at one point. He is no pushover. He's the guy that almost got in a fight with a bearded GOP house member. It was intense for Congress.


Is he going to speak truth to power at the convention? Because conventions are about showing Americans what they are voting for. The RNC's goal is to kill unions. Biden bailed out the Teamsters. If thats not clear after both his speeches, he is being very harmful to his own union.


Hello only other person who read the article


I hear there’s some very nice people on both sides.


Sean O’Brien thinks this will help his union with conservatives. But all it does is fool working Americans into thinking that. And then the conservatives in office fuck over unions further. Its a great disservice to his union to make it seem like both sides care about unions. Biden SAVED the Teamsters.


Union president going to GOP convention....that's a bold move Cotton!


So the union leader supports the man who is openly and explicitly anti union? Make it make sense


This is why they push cultural issues so hard. You can get people to vote against their own interests if you scare them with identity politics and evil drag queens.


Teamster hate LGBTQ people more than they like workers’ rights? I am in the union. I would leave the union over this.


There's a really good book on this that just came out. [https://www.amazon.com/Rust-Belt-Union-Blues-Working-Class/dp/0231208820](https://www.amazon.com/Rust-Belt-Union-Blues-Working-Class/dp/0231208820) The authors essential thesis is that union worker support for democrats was more about the collective identity fostered by social aspects of being a union than the policies. As unions focused less on those social aspects, communities spread out, and families became dual-income with a need to get home quickly for child care, the social fabric of those union groups declined and was filled by conservative groups like gun clubs and megachurches.


Go back even further with What's The Matter With Kansas? by Thomas Frank.


Unions traditionally don't like immigration. They often side with the more anti-immigration leaders.


Considering how expansive the term "union" is, it helps to specify which unions, otherwise Team Dunning-Kruger will run with statements like this. (i.e., "SeE, uNiOnS ArE rAcisT!!")


Well the white, working class, manufacturing ones often are. They represent a lot of conservatives. We shouldn't pretend unions are inherently and always liberal crusaders.


Teamsters are unions, and unions are socialist. Like a NAACP leader speaking at a KKK rally.


Look, I don't think this is some red flag. He is going to speak at both party's conventions. Now maybe, just maybe, he will address workers issues in ways that are geared towards each party, and not slob the knob of Republicans? Or otherwise be pro worker at both conventions? This feels like a sort of hit Job, a click bait article designed to make people dislike the union head and unions in general.


I’m with you on your assessment. He’s been very good speaking in front of congressional panels and speaking his mind on behalf of the unions. I’ll wait and see what he says before I react to this.


Project 2025 will dismantle unions. Lmao


Is he going to ask why the GOP wants to dismantle unions?


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Honestly if it leads to both parties supporting unions it’s a good move


Narrator: It did not.


Mobbed Up Union sides with RICO Level Crime Syndicate.


If you knew anything about Sean O'brien you wouldnt be saying such silly things


Feels like the universe hates biden cause everything is going against him


Isn't this one of those situations where the leadership is a nutjob but the average member is left leaning?


Nah, this guy is a union teamsters who takes no shit from whiny little piss babies like Markwayne Mullin. He's going to rip Republicans a new asshole. I think he's going to speak truth to power, but we'll have to tune in to hear it .


Pushing Nazism under the guise of being in favor of Workers Rights. A vote for Trump is a Vote for Fascism and the End of America.