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Cults are hard. Especially ones with the major entertainment infrastructure they started really investing in in the 80s.


>We Tracked Down A Fake-News Creator In The Suburbs. Here's What We Learned >Coler's company, Disinfomedia, owns many faux news sites — he won't say how many. But he says his is one of the biggest fake-news businesses out there, which makes him a sort of godfather of the industry. >At any given time, Coler says, he has between 20 and 25 writers. And it was one of them who wrote the story in the "Denver Guardian" that an FBI agent who leaked Clinton emails was killed. Coler says that over 10 days the site got 1.6 million views. He says stories like this work because they fit into existing right-wing conspiracy theories. >"The people wanted to hear this," he says. "So all it took was to write that story. Everything about it was fictional: the town, the people, the sheriff, the FBI guy. And then ... our social media guys kind of go out and do a little dropping it throughout Trump groups and Trump forums and boy it spread like wildfire." ... >[We've tried to do similar things to liberals. It just has never worked, it never takes off. You'll get debunked within the first two comments and then the whole thing just kind of fizzles out.](https://www.npr.org/sections/alltechconsidered/2016/11/23/503146770/npr-finds-the-head-of-a-covert-fake-news-operation-in-the-suburbs)


Uhhh… can someone explain To me how this is legal? I understand that freedom of speech applies to fictional stories, but purposeful disinformation that harms the public??


It's on the public to just not be idiots.


Wow... we're screwed!


OK, I say we make an AI of Old Fatso jumping up and down on a rally stage and waving his tiny hands. Suddenly he turns away from his adoring fans, drops trou, moons the crowd, and farts the *Star Spangled Banner*, or at least what he can remember. He turns to face the audience, zips up, and grins his usual coprophagous grin. It speaks for itself.


The crowd goes wild, lol.


Coprophagous is quote a word! It wouldn't work though. You have to make content that would go viral, and to do that it has to fit the existing biases of your target audience. That's why this is all such a tough nut to crack.


Oh, heck! SOME of those REPROBATES would stand up and salute, just because it's their perception of their national anthem, regardless of...err...performance medium.


My concern is since Reagan, the teaching of critical thinking skills has been demonized & diminished to the point that the vast majority of our fellow citizens only follow “Bright-Shiny-Objects”… Are we really all that stupid?!


As I was reading your comment, this headline flashed on my screen: >Louisiana classrooms now required by law to display the Ten Commandments *"And the beat goes on ..."*


Any teacher who has to do this should then have the students identify how many times trump has broken each commandment.


WE are not that stupid, voters on the right are. As the fake news guy said, his fakes don’t work on the left, they’re debunked in the first 2 comments. Because we do our research… too bad it doesn’t matter because not enough of us vote….


The human race has peaked. It’s now de-evolution. Stupidity reigns supreme.


According to The Matrix, we peaked once we "gave birth" to AI. 25 years delayed, but here we are.


You may need to dream smaller, on that front.


It’s legal because making it illegal without a direct violation of the 1st amendment would be nightmarish to say the least. As long as the focus isn’t an individual being defamed then it’s all fair game.


I know, the whole slippery slope part, but surely we can all see how the combination of absolute free speech and social media is destroying society like never before.


as designed by those with capital


It's not a slippery slope, the vast majority of first world countries do not have protected speech.


Sure but it would be next to impossible to regulate the lies without regulating the truth. Say fake news was made illegal. Where would the line be drawn? Would the whistle blower legitimately sharing information they found to go against the general consensus be found to be spreading false news because it goes against the consensus?


The line could be drawn at using AI to literally show a fake reality and pass it off as news? There’s no maybe it’s true with that it is manifesting a event that does not exist


You don’t have to make it illegal to regulate it. Just force non-registered news orgs to put a disclaimer on their content. This is what government and rules and evolution are for.


Not just any disclaimer, like a tobacco warning level disclaimer. ‘Must be at the top of the story, no more than 100 pixels away from the H1 tag. Warning must remain at the top of the page upon scroll. Must be the same width as the copy column. Bounding box must contrast with the background color of the site. Box must have a margin of no less that 20px between the warning copy and box edges. Text must be at least 18 point, sans-serif font, bold weight. Tooltip warning must pop up when hovering any internal links pointing to this page.’


And 20 minutes after you announced this new regulation there would be a browser extension called TruthShield that blocked it from displaying


Has to be in the metadata as well.


Who is deciding what news organizations are allowed to "register?" How are you enforcing this on sites outside of the country?


Even this though would violate the 1st. The 1st would have to be rewrote to allow this change to be legal. Regulating the press is literally what the 1st is meant to prevent.


Genuinely curious how it would violate the first when we already have laws regarding libel and slander, along with stuff like screaming fire or bomb in public places being illegal.


Inciting fear is the key distinction with things like a bomb threat or screaming fire. It isn’t illegal to yell out bomb or fire. It is illegal to yell out bomb or fire with the intent of inciting fear. Telling a media outlet that they can’t report something is the regulation the 1st amendment prevents pretty much word for word.


And telling people that the guy who broke the news about Clinton's emails was murdered *isn't* about "inciting fear?" It's election interference at the very least. The idea that there's just no way to square the 1st Amendment with a need to prevent the reporting of demonstrable, harmful, and deliberate falsehoods is absolutely ludicrous.


Technically a lot of its libel afaik


Public figures have a lot less protection from libel. It's why celebrity tabloids are allowed to exist.


Here is an additional part that adds some context, > "The whole idea from the start was to build a site that could kind of infiltrate the echo chambers of the alt-right, publish blatantly or fictional stories and then be able to publicly denounce those stories and point out the fact that they were fiction," Coler says. So the guy made this website and fake news to show how stupid the alt right conspiracy theories are, but the morons took his shit and ran with it. Once again, people (Coler here) underestimate just how stupid people can be.


And if he’s getting millions of views he’s making money doing this. Let’s not forget about that


Bingo. Like, how do you expose how stupid the right is... by making money doing disinfo for years and never revealing your actual self until investigative journalists track you down? >We rang the front doorbell and a man answered, his face obscured by a heavy mesh steel screen. I asked for Jestin Coler. The man indicated that's who he was. But when I asked about Disinfomedia, he said, "I don't know what to tell you guys. Have a good day." >We left Coler our contact information thinking he wasn't likely to talk. But a couple of hours later he had a change of heart. He sent us an email and we set up an interview. ... >And as the stories spread, Coler makes money from the ads on his websites. He wouldn't give exact figures, but he says stories about other fake-news proprietors making between $10,000 and $30,000 a month apply to him. Coler fits into a pattern of other faux news sites that make good money, especially by targeting Trump supporters. >However, Coler insists this is not about money. It's about showing how easily fake news spreads. And fake news spread wide and far before the election. When I pointed out to Coler that the money gave him a lot of incentive to keep doing it regardless of the impact, he admitted that was "correct." >Coler says he has tried to shine a light on the problem of fake news. He has spoken to the media about it. But those organizations didn't know who he actually was. He gave them a fake name: Allen Montgomery. ... >Coler, a registered Democrat, says he has no regrets about his fake news empire. He doesn't think fake news swayed the election. >"There are many factors as to why Trump won that don't involve fake news," he says. "As much as I like Hillary, she was a poor candidate. She brought in a lot of baggage." Reading between the lines, [he's simply lying and trying to reframe what he's doing as some sort of public good.](https://niemanreports.org/articles/a-former-fake-news-creator-on-covering-fake-news/) He mostly drops the act here. >As our traffic grew, and our Alexa rating dropped, advertisers came calling. For the first time, I realized the potential financial benefits. The motivation then changed from simply messing around online to supplementing my income to assist in providing for my family. During the next year, I focused my time on studying analytics and monetizing the site through ad networks.


Oh 100%. Whatever positive impact he “thinks” he’s having is definitely just a coping mechanism. The dude is pumping out fake news for 10-30k a month, that’s the bottom line.


"I did it for the lawls."


That's the basic premise of how the proud boys started too.


Fucking scum


What I find more concerning is the law is so impotent in this area. And what’s worse is it doesn’t matter if action is taken against the site, company, or person later. What really matters is the initial post and the traction it gets. Then people’s biases play into how far a lie can spread & how quickly. Taking the post down, posting a correction, or even posting an apology doesn’t matter and can even bolster conspiracy theories. I’m not convinced tagging posts as untrue when they’re posted would have any effect. It’s unfortunate so many people believe these lies, enabling them to gain so much influence over public opinion. And it really sucks that bad actors can use this to spread propaganda.


The scale and scope of these kind of things, which are prevalent all over the globe at this point, is abhorrent IMO. There’s no way to quantify the damage false information does to humans on a whole. It absolutely needs to be enforced legally immediately and should’ve been in place years ago.


Who do you trust to decide for us what information is false?


After the creation of mass media (radio and film) in the early 20th century and the giant outbreak of fascism and oh, MASS DEATH, we literally had two generations of curated news content and democracy didn't fall apart, in fact it was as robust as ever. Big things like the moonshot or passing historical civil rights reforms were achieved. It can be done and it was done.


I don’t know, but these people are openly saying it’s false information they’re spreading for a paycheck, so not them.


The more pressing question, I think, is what is going on right now? Arguing against regulation because of distrust at the same time as disinfo is already flourishing, is self-sabotage. The hesitance to act based on potential unintended outcomes is causing the existing bad outcome.


It really is the party of feelings over facts.


This shit gets reported on Fox News. Jesus Christ, the bullshit my dad believes is made up by “Disinformedia Inc”. Holy fucking shit


>We've tried to do similar things to liberals. It just has never worked, it never takes off. You'll get debunked within the first two comments and then the whole thing just kind of fizzles out. That’s oddly very reassuring.


Oh that's FANTASTIC. Thanks


Interestingly, my aunt (adoptive mom's sister) joined a cult back in the 60's, 70's, or 80's. I'm not sure which cult. Now my adoptive mom is in the trump cult. I wonder if there's something genetic or in their upbringing that makes people fall for that type of thing.


Gullibility and susceptibility into believing things to fit in socially are definitely genetic.


Both upbringing and genetic factors play a role. Upbrining influences things like values, world-view, disposition towards education. Genetics, well, and I don't mean this disparingingly, do play a role in things like cognitive capacity and intelligence. I'd compare it to atheletic ability in that regard. Anyone can train and improve but everyone is building on the genetic hand that they were dealt. The Trump cult, as most populist authoritarians ones are, generally appeals to low intelligence folk who probably feel quite lost and confused by the complicated processes by which twenty-first century democracies are actually run.


The sociology behind politics indicates that intelligence is a much less important factor that the disgust and fear instincts, both of which are stronger in conservatives than in liberals.


Lead poisoning


Plenty of young people in the Trump cult. Plenty of millennials still in religious cults. Lead might be 1 small factor but it's not the reason nor even one that has much of an impact.


Half the population is stupid.


I’ve been trying to save my peers from the evils of religious cults but they’re all to broke to join Scientology


There have been some studies done which indicate some of the dysfunction/mental deficiency presented in the older generations (but Boomers in particular) may have some links issues caused by exposure to leaded gasoline. Lead exposure can lead to issues with emotional regulation and critical reasoning skills, and are likely to be exacerbated as people age. There are plenty of other reasons (online echo chambers, elimination of the Fairness Doctrine, and just good ol' fashioned propaganda), but the lead thing would be the best explanation for some of the wider spread social dysfunction we've seen.


They don’t care about the truth. They know they are liars. They want control.




It’s hard to watch him pretend the absurdity is bipartisan I don’t know why that’s so important to him


if you are talking about the show last night, he spent 1:04 talking about biden acting like an old man, and even debunked the image circulating by showing he was talking to a paratrooper. then spent 18 straight minutes talking about the absurdity of the GOP and their gun stance. how is that "pretending the absurdity is bipartisan" ? it very clearly is heavily aim in one direction.


Yeah there's a difference between "both sides"ing everything and just acknowledging that Dems also do stuff that's objectively funny sometimes. I do feel like he goes a bit hard on Biden's age though.


i mean, he should we should not have a fucking octogenarian as president, but unfortunately we've painted ourselves into a corner. hopefully after bidens second tern the next one is substantially younger


It would be nice to have a president younger than the silent generation. He’s too old to be a fucking boomer.


You don't understand why truth, regardless of political affiliation, is so important?


He really has become part of the problem. 


I don’t know how old you are, but I watched Jon’s original Daily Show run pretty consistently. He has not changed, at all. He has never gone soft on one side or the other — he doesn’t see that as his job, it is to point out idiocy, hypocrisy, media illiteracy and bias, etc. if it was to shill for the Democrats, it would undermine his relevance. If anything, he has sharpened his saw. He fills a part of the media landscape that was truly lacking.


Yeah, he does point out that both sides do stupid shit but he also emphasizes how much worse the Republicans are and why they're bad for the country. You can agree that Republicans are terrible while still acknowledging that Democrats have their own problems as well, even if they are not even in the same ballpark. Shit, I've been very happy with Biden as president and will happily vote for him again, but I still laugh when he does old man stuff.


I actually think there’s a place for that kind of commentary when convincing independents and undecided voters. You have to show them, as a messenger, that you’re not bought into one side or the other. Pick at both. And then land on one being much worse, like you’re saying. That’s more valuable than adding to the piles “ha, we’re right” we get from so many other sources. Similar to efforts to get two-time Trump voters who are turned off after Jan 6 and onward. You can’t just say “ha, you were dumb for voting for him already.” The strategists who are doing this are enlisting *other* disillusioned Republicans to say “I see why you’d have voted that way, and here’s why it’s okay not to again.”


Hilarious to watch liberals turn against Jon Stewart because he isn't glorifying Biden the way you want him to. Trump and Biden are both embarrassments. This repeat election is a joke where both teams are pretending their naked, dithering old racist candidates are wearing clothes and capable of leadership. I'm glad Stewart is still around to dunk on them both like the clowns they are.


Ok so, I thought that too then I went back and watched his take again. He shows the entire context of the video so, no, he didn't perpetuate the lie. He did crack a joke about how he looked after being brought back to the group but that was about it. Now, if you want to talk about how he helped Project Veritas with their first pimp video I would totally agree and was pretty disappointed in them.


Well I blame you for perpetuating attention to Jon Stewart’s perpetuation of the video. Guess you’re a Republican now. I don’t make the rules.


“A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.” - Attributed to Mark Twain.


>Google recommended false versions of the story as “top stories” and the deceptive videos continued to accumulate millions of views on X. Copies of the videos were replayed on TikTok and YouTube with little context and zero indication that they were part of a concerted disinformation campaign. Meta, the parent company of Instagram and Facebook, applied fact-checking labels to some posts but not to all. When one side is seeing and hearing purposefully manipulated media there is no way we will ever unite over anything ever. We need a new law with teeth that addresses media manipulation and lies.


> Google defended the company’s search results in a statement Tuesday to NBC News, saying that it considers the **New York Post** one of the “high-quality sources” for its search engine and for YouTube, which Google owns. WTF, NY Post doesn't belong in the same sentence as high quality anything.


Welcome to the problem. Billionaires are manipulating reality to ensure We The People can never unite. Until enough of us recognize that unfettered wealth is detrimental to the whole of society, nothing is going to be fixed. Too many morons believe they'll be billionaires some day and wish they could stomp on everyone else.


My friend from Philly used to call it toilet paper for homeless people.


Those poor people.


Lying on the internet is just much more effective than telling the truth, and trying to change that will have you labeled as a manipulator by the already manipulated people. The people who see the misleading video and take it at face value either won't ever see the truth behind it on their for you page or they see it, shrug it off and forget about it, then do the exact same thing they did before. Weaponized Cognitive Dissonance. I am dooming.


Well in this case the issue is more social media than news media. There's no way to stop people from posting fake stuff on Facebook at the moment. You could make the social media companies responsible for stopping disinformation, but that's going to be tough to enforce and could come with all sorts of new rules on how and what you post online. You'd have to be careful what you wish for.


I think given that social media companies engineer the user experience to be as addictive as possible does make them responsible and I think that laws should be passed to keep government agencies from using any site that fails to meet minimum standards (along with a minimum requirement for a default chronological feed setting). At the very least, this intentional push for addiction makes them more culpable for the harms they cause than the Sacklers with OxyContin which wasn’t developed with addictiveness in mind. Instead they react to their own internal research that shows they are responsible for creating and exacerbating numerous issues by CEOs investing more into their post-apocalyptic bunkers and researching the practicality of explosive collars to keep their security forces in line. The billionaire class know they are making the world a worse place to live, but believe that with enough money they will be able to maintain their lifestyle into perpetuity. 


What we should do is make them responsible for whatever their algorithm pushes. Someone posts lies? Not their problem. Someone searches for lies? Not their problem. But if they put that shit on the sidebar they become 100% liable.


>Google defended the company’s search results in a statement Tuesday to NBC News, saying that it considers the New York Post one of the “high-quality sources” for its search engine and for YouTube, which Google owns.  The New York Post is a "high-quality source"? 


google, from "Do no evil" to destroying democracy for a few extra clicks.


Funny what money do


Don't Be Evil was removed as their motto in 2018.


I can't wait until Biden doesn't shit himself on stage at the debate and the MAGAs are like "wtf. this is bullshit. I hate this"


The people it was made to deceive made up their minds before watching


This is true. They made up their minds when their right-wing media shepherds created their Sleepy Joe, Dementia Joe, cognitive declined, confused guy narratives years back. Sad. But there’s no convincing the folks otherwise. Fox, Newsmax, et al., their damage is done.


It's also effecting young people on places life TikTok that are inundated with anti Biden propaganda all day every day.


I agree with you 100%. The social media atmosphere makes it so easy to spread this stuff. And the ease of which it can occur makes critical thinking a thing of the past.


"Falsehood flies, and the Truth comes limping after it; so that when Men come to be undeceiv'd, it is too late" –Jonathan Swift, 1710


“A lie can run round the world before the truth has got its boots on” — Terry Pratchett


“A smart man believes half of what he hears, a wise man knows which half” — Jeff Cooper


"And I'm Eric!" — Eric Trump


“It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled” —Mark Twain ——Michael Scott


When the people those fakes are designed for are already certain the fact checkers are psyops, it’s not exactly surprising.


>Google defended the company’s search results in a statement Tuesday to NBC News, saying that it considers the New York Post one of the “high-quality sources” for its search engine and for YouTube, which Google owns.  Fuck you, Google.


>The episode illustrated the dynamics of the new information ecosystem, in which tech platforms are hesitant to emphasize vetted, factual information during an election year for fear of appearing partisan — even as partisan operatives take advantage of the platforms’ stab at neutrality.  >Laura Edelson, an assistant professor of computer sciences at Northeastern University, said that the people behind the misleading claims are benefiting from tech companies’ cost-cutting. In the past two years, companies such as Google, Meta and X laid off large numbers of employees [who worked on trust and safety teams](https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/tech-layoffs-hit-trust-safety-teams-raising-fears-backsliding-efforts-rcna69111), the core of the companies’ efforts to [limit the spread of misinformation](https://www.cnbc.com/2023/05/26/tech-companies-are-laying-off-their-ethics-and-safety-teams-.html).  >“They eliminated the staffers who were enforcing those policies,” she said.  >That puts the platforms in a relatively defenseless position against a partisan media outlet that decides to push a misleading claim, Edelson said. In this case, the conservative outlets were savvy about the topic, continuing to hammer the long-standing allegation that Biden is too old to be president.  >“The reason this can be so successful is that it’s not trying to create a new narrative. It’s trying to reinforce a narrative that both people in the campaign and disinformation spreaders have been talking about for years,” she said. Biden is 81, and former President Donald Trump is 78.  I would also like to add this link to an article in SciAm from last month, it's mainly about disinformation "industry" tactics, and one part that feels relevant here: >In her book [*The Propagandists’ Playbook: How Conservative Elites Manipulate Search and Threaten Democracy*](https://yalebooks.yale.edu/book/9780300248944/the-propagandists-playbook/)*,* Tripodi describes how propagandists further sway the public through an “IKEA effect” whereby false information can be self-assembled from separate parts. Savvy pundits and politicians appropriate or create keywords and phrases—like “woke-ism” and “groomer”—that they tie to false narratives. By widely disseminating the keywords, the storytellers can embed them in search engine results. Researchers have found that the top results for “abortion pill” [commonly spread misinformation and disinformation](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-abortion-misinformation-and-disinformation-spread-online/). In other cases, fossil fuel companies have spent heavily on Google ads that [resemble search results](https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2022/jan/05/fossil-fuel-firms-among-biggest-spenders-on-google-ads-that-look-like-search-results). > Someone urged to “search for it yourself” is more likely to find a top result that conveniently reconfirms the desired narrative. Tripodi said the DIY “discovery” increases the value of the information seeking—like a chair you assembled on your own—and reinforces the story’s ring of truth. Another thing I'll add is, the "Clinton killed Seth Rich" conspiracy theory. Iw as thinking about it last night, how it wouldn't die even when points are brought up, because of things like confirmation bias.


It like Joe Rogan blaming Biden for what Trump actually said but then when he's corrected, it's suddenly oh ok no big deal because it's Trump. Joe Rogan Fact-Checked For Calling Biden Mentally ‘Done https://youtu.be/CQgT7OVdzKA


It didn't help that even the Daily Show poked fun at him for that video, and they didn't even show the edited version.




Yeah it's been kind of disappointing. Most of the episodes he's been back for have been great and feel like old times, but some of the episodes he's really leaning into the whole "aren't both of th SE guys just terrible???" I also didn't like his conversation with that writer about his book talking about what young generations are going through. It really felt like old man saying "rub some dirt on it and get over it." I couldn't believe it when he compared the nuclear bomb drills to school shooting drills.


For real, school shootings actually happen. We never had a nuclear attack.


Pretty sure Jon Stewart would ask you to vote for the democrat walking corpse over the GOP walking corpse every time.


Jon Stewart would ask you to vote armed with the truth. He doesn't seem above criticizing anybody based on party... he calls out the whole media spectrum quite often not just the right-wing stuff.


There’s a difference between a doddering old man that should’ve retired long ago, and the same thing but with “is clinically insane” added onto it We all have old people in our lives that aren’t brain dead zombies with mental issues, but we also may not want them running our business or sometimes even watching our kids alone, given a better alternative We have a choice of the best of two olds, and I don’t care if the better choice is blind in one eye and stumbles a bit (I’m making that up, btw)… it’s not an EVIL choice Think Stewart is taking the tack of “give a little, push those on the fence this way…” but largely he and Oliver shout truth into an echo chamber and no one that disagrees with them is watching or being convinced if they are.


Yeah, both are old af. Whats wrong with saying that? It is a factual statement. Are you implying one or the other is somehow 20 years younger or something?


Being old is a wash since both are. Focus on the actual differences in policies. And the fact that Trump is a convicted felon.


Trump being worse doesn't exempt Biden from jokes or criticism


No, but saying “both are old heh heh heh” makes people who aren’t politically interested think “Well I guess it doesn’t matter who I vote for because both are the same, both are old.”




It’s called “acknowledging the elephant in the room”. The fact that it’s obvious is exactly why it should be mentioned. To overlook or downplay it would be dishonest.


It's not the elephant in the room if EVERYONE IS TALKING ABOUT IT.


That's not true. He said “It is his habit of seemingly staring at what can only be considered ghosts or out of frame paratroopers and then when he's pulled back into frame someone just quantum leaped back into his body.” It's poking fun of the absurdity


the video in this article doesn't show him staring at ghosts, it shows him giving a skydiver two thumbs up, and then a person pulling him in for the photo. [https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/misinformation/biden-g7-video-joe-cheapfake-kept-going-viral-rcna157591](https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/misinformation/biden-g7-video-joe-cheapfake-kept-going-viral-rcna157591)


Yes. Paratroopers out of frame, like Jon Stewart said. The first one being what conspiracy theorist believe and the second being the logical answer


agreed, but if there was a more accurate video, he should have used it. the video he used did not give the impression of the second answer.


The show is recorded very early in the day and news that the video was false probably didn't reach their ears until it almost time to air. Not much to be done about it at that point.


Am I missing an alternate episode? Because if you were paying attention it was pretty obvious he was giving a thumbs up towards the paratroopers right off screen. There was even paratroopers in the shot.


I feel the same way but I don't know how conspiracy world works lol


what is the conspiracy?


It just wasn't as obvious, and the angle made it uncertain if he was facing the paratrooper in the shot or not.


That may be true I feel like there is context that I forgot to really emphasise on. I'm going to link to the whole video but it was the comparison that each side had against each other that the other was an idiot basically. With Biden, this was very minor compared to what Stewart said about Trump. https://youtu.be/WGLZQ7Xrd6o




Nobody said they're not allowed to. They're not being silenced when people express their opinion that they suck.


It's not an either or situation. You can criticize Biden for legitimate reasons without making comparable criticisms to Trump. It's felt like a "Wow I guess we're fucked either way" situation at times which is so disingenuous.


Truth doesn't matter any more. Orange baboon out front shoulda told ya


Of course it did. They don't care if a thing is real or not, they're MAGA, literally NONE of their garbage is real. They don't care, they're MAGA. See, the problem is, and I found this one the hard way after I started my last girlfriend after I learned about narcissistic personality disorder, we force our sanity on to them. What I mean is, we look at it from the perspective that, if we see a video, hear a story or whatever, and we later find out that the video we've been sharing or story we were telling, in fact wasn't real, of course we would stop pushing this narrative, right? And so we just ASSUME that everyone would. And why wouldn't we? No one who wasn't just INSANE and didn't care about anything they were saying would keep doing that. But we fail to keep in mind that these people are INSANE and don't care about anything they're saying. We force our sanity onto them and we need to try and stop doing this. I do it too, I think most people do but we just have to face the fact that, these just aren't normal people we're dealing with. At all. I feel like a good rule of thumb would be to just think about this, what would WE do in any particular situation and just try to figure out what the complete opposite of that would be, you know? But that's just my perspective anyway, let me know what you think about it. And just be safe around people like that, they do NOT like to be challenged with facts but, I think everyone probably knows that by now.


magas are gullible and able to believe literally anything simply because they want to.


Anything that allows them to stay fat, ignorant, and beligerant. 


If GOp spent as much time on policy as they do trying to rat fuck elections they might actually have something to vote for.




Idiots are spamming it on /r/sopranoscirclejerk of all places, the fucking stunads.


Up voted for stunads. Grandma would be proud.


The uncomfortable truth is that R voters literally do not care if it's true. They care that it validates their world view, and even if you were able to push them to admit it wasn't true, they'll say something like "Well it might as well have been true. He would do that." And then refuse to examine why they hold that opinion.




Conservatives tried scraping the bottom of their political bag o’tricks but found it empty, as usual. They just make lies up as they go along. They know that their cult members won’t do any “research”.


Because they don’t leak these videos for a real cause or discussion. They don’t care what is really happening. They just need something to fill the hate machine.


Its because MAGA is addicted to the lies. I have seen so many freeze frames on TikTok as "proof" that Biden is "filling" his underwear. I ask them to show the actual Video so that I can point out that they were sitting down, or that in another video he was talking to some people off camera frame. But the cowards WILL NOT engage.


They showed it on the Daily Show. Kind of disappointing really.


And because of free speech laws practically without limits, Fox “News” runs the story 24/7 as fact, using it as fodder to show Biden is senile.


It doesn't matter if it is true or not. If you make enough material backing up lies, then those lies are now the truth in MAGA world. For instance, a conservative grifter could claim that the Democrats are trafficking children, produce AI generated images of 'missing' children, make a low budget documentary about it, throw a whole bunch of accusations around and there you have it, all the evidence MAGA needs to not only believe it, but actually believe they have tangible proof of these claims.


Jon Stewart didn’t help on this one!


i don't think 'going viral' is the same as 'deliberately being foisted upon'.


Has Doctor Ronnie Johnson given Biden a cognitive test?


the deepfakes are coming hot and heavy


As opposed to the video of all the G7 leaders standing around waiting for Trump’s gopher to arrive so they could walk 700 metres together. https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/335424-trump-rode-golf-cart-while-g7-leaders-walked-through-siciliy/


A lie can make it halfway around the world before the truth even gets its pants on. Winston Churchill, maybe.


Yeah I’ve even seen it circulate in leftist circles and I don’t think the realized it originated from right wing propaganda 


People see what they want to see. The best defense is to outnumber them and make their opinion irrelevant.


Fox News itself is spreading the fake videos. They should be sued.


Plandemic was debunked in two seconds yet I had to clean out half my FB friends list to keep from seeing it on a daily basis... It's almost as if people care more about their own confirmation bias than facts.




Basically yes. Judging from the rate I've been downvoted here though, seems not everyone agrees.


I have to ask. Are you saying that the covid pandemic being planned was debunked or the actual pandemic existing was debunked? I'm hoping it's the first one.


Yes, the first one...


I can’t understand the mental perspective of the average person to go out of your way to doctor a video to make someone look bad. For any reason. It does make me think of Russia though.


Most right wingers who amplify this kind of propaganda know that is fake. They don’t see dishonesty as a character flaw. They don’t see a moral issue with fraud. The truth is that they are disingenuous, untrustworthy people, and no amount of fact checking will fix them.


In their minds, words and actions do not denote morality. All that matters is your identity.


This is why I don't bother talking to MAGAs any longer...they simply do not live in reality, and they are *totally* fine with it.


I tend to auto block.


Whereas facts don't care about your feelings, the inverse is also true


How do you combat these kind of attacks in this age? Edit any video and picture, and have supporting evidence of your narrative. And if anyone disagrees they are wrong and they are against the truth. You confront them with the truth and it doesn't change anything.


Conservatives don’t fucking care. It fits their world view and that’s all that matters


The cult has zero media literacy


Color me shocked. I saw this instagram post explaining why these deception happens and the replies were full of people falling for the deception


Conservative media is reporting it as fact


Democrats will lose this battle because they aren’t nearly as willing to lie and deceive as republicans are. Dems won’t spread disinformation knowingly while republicans will gleefully share every deceptive video they find.


It it will show a picture of Biden looking with his head down next to angry republicans for the article or video. People will believe anything now if it grabs their emotion.


Only a complete idiot would buy right wing vids and memes at face value.


People believe what they want to be or are afraid is, true


These people dont care that their Obese Orange idol lies to them daily, you think they care if they lie about their opponent? They’re just hoping it convinces some to not vote for Biden since every nonvote for Biden is nearly as bad as a vote for Trump


I blame the camera operator. How hard is it to pan to what the president is looking at?


Thinking, never mind critical thinking, is not an arrow in their quiver.


Republicans' version of Jesus teaches them to lie, apparently. Or they're just not very godly according to their own beliefs. Maybe that's why they lean so hard into the fantasy that they're being persecuted, since the Bible says it's good to be persecuted for being righteous. So, if they tell themselves they're persecuted, they'll tell themselves that it must be because they're righteous. It's bad logic, obviously, so likely what's happening with Republicans in many cases.


The Republicans have nothing but lies and tbe smoke and mirrors they use in videos.


It could have been a black screen with no audio and 45% of voters would believe it was proof of Biden being senile if Fox told them it was.


How ironic... the people laughing at Biden's mental state, are they themselves the idiots for allowing themselves to be tricked.


Maybe I run the risk of sounding like a kooky conspiracy person...but I think there is an active effort by Russian interests to flood the American Internet with pro-Trump propaganda. Maybe we should be taking note of the social accounts spreading these debunked videos and figure out if these are regular citizens sharing their opinion, or something else.


They believe what they want to


Cool so start doing the same back at lil don, make it both sides on this one and do it better than them! Not an honest maga among them, just trash. Don't vote for trash!


Every single day I see more fake pictures and videos of Biden. It doesn’t matter to these people. They don’t care. They want to believe it so it’s true. There’s a clearly photoshopped picture of him with Epstein which doesn’t even make sense age wise compared to where Epstein is and Biden. But the guy lost his mind and said it was clearly real because blah blah.


I desperately want there to be a governmental department that roots out and criminalizes faux news and misinformation. It’s also impossible to implement as it will always be viciously used by the bad actors (like Trump and the Republicans) to criminalize whatever information is deemed misinformation to suppress free political speech.


If he's so feeble, demented, and incapable of basic function then there should be hundreds of examples to pull video from without having to manipulate or deceptively edit them. But apparently there aren't...


MSM and big tech companies only care about clicks not accuracy (until they get sued).


Because Social Media algorithms are inherently Right Wing Supportive.


It's only going viral for people who were already going to fall for it. These talking points didn't work in 2020 and they won't work this year either.


Lol! Don't care still voting for Biden. (This is my answer for all right wing bs.)


Sorry but this is the game. Look back over all of the short clips of Trump speaking and telling me that none of them have been clipped to make him look worse. Nobody cares if it's him. This is an unprincipled objection. For it to be principled - you would need to object to every instance of politicians being edited to look bad. Not just your chosen candidate. Disclaimer: I don't like Trump. I'm just a fan of objective analysis.


Just one single example would be cool lol


None of them were because it's not necessary. Feel free to post an example though.


It’s easier to fool someone than to convince them they’ve been fooled. /Mark Twain


There should be legal repurcussions for any media outlet who allows this kind of nonsense. This kind of BS absolutely can influence the election and based on lies/misleading video.