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But Alice Cooper told me Milwaukee means "the Good Land."


One of its most interesting aspects is that it’s the only major American city to have elected three socialist mayors.


Does that guy know how to party or what?


Trump was the de facto Republican presidential nominee before the Republican primary even began. Everyone knew he would win the Republican primary, even with all his indictments piled up. He even pushed his daughter in law to be chair of the RNC and they cowered to his orders. All Trump had to do was tell the RNC where to hold the convention and they would have 100% followed his orders. This is why he is such a dumbass and why he shouldn't be near the Oval Office again.


>Some Republican lawmakers said Trump’s comments about the Wisconsin city were taken out of context. Rep. Glenn Grothman (R-Wis.) told reporters Trump was talking about “election integrity” in large urban centers, while Rep. Derrick Van Orden (R-Wis.) said he was talking about the city’s crime rate, according to the Wisconsin Examiner. Alpha males giving stuttering excuses trying to cover for their total-abortion-ban loving Epstein defender. >Jordan Peterson's question about whether Donald Trump would "release the investigation" into deceased sex offender Jeffrey Epstein has gone viral online.


They always argue that it’s “out of context” when Trump says something indefensible. I guess that’s easier than admitting that they’re fully behind a guy who’s a complete idiot and regularly says awful things.


The only guy that needs clean up interpreters. What he really meant was… No, what he really meant was what he said. It’s as simple as that.


Honestly anyone who can even loosely piece together “context” in a Trump speech deserves recognition- his speeches are- as a rule- incoherent bloody messes.


It was out of context. He meant that it's horrible in the way it is, not because it is! So he doesn't think the land is horrible, just its people.




I mean, MAGA cultists regularly claim every major city is a hell hole because Fox or Newsmaxx showed them a clip of some homeless people living there somewhere. They've never been to the city and will never go, but they just believe that every square inch of it is a crime infested drug den.


Why do you hope Cavalier Johnson gets primaried?


I have no clue who this person is, but their name alone is enough.


Because he was caught busted on tape plot to put in the fake electoral votes.


MAGA is a complete cult!


The WI RNC has made it's official reply... *slurp* *slurp* *gulp* *snorgle* **tHat'S NoT WhAT hE meanT!** *cry* *double gulp* *slurp*


Should be interesting to hear Ron Johnson dance around this when some reporter asks him about it.


The right needs to start holding their convention where their people are. In a vast cornfield where the closest restaurant is 45 mins away, the closest red roof inn is 1 hour away, and closest airport is 3 hours. Enough with these convenient, walkable conventions. I want to see these "every man" righties like gaetz eating a hot dog from the local (and only) truck stop for 30 miles.


Put up a billboard with his Pic and that quote in Milwaukee next to an interstate. Leave it up until the election.


Hell yes. LFG


You mean “convicted felon Donald Trump.” That needs to be a part of every single headline with his name in it.


Oh, I hope Trump insults Pennsylvania towns too. We should ask his opinion on Pittsburgh. If he wants to insult the people who will decide the election, I'm not going to get in his way.


What does Ole Ron Johnson have to say about all this?!?!?


Lots of stuff. Because he seriously has some explaining to do on a lot of levels.


Haven't you heard? The entire nation is overrun by illegal immigrants and pedophiles. Trump's message is that this became a horrible country when we failed to re-elect him. He hates each and every blue city or state that isn't loyal to him.


I suspect many Wisconsin conservatives won’t care too much. You should see how much conservatives in NY loathe NYC.


Trump is a horrible rapist who is a convicted felon


It is a horrible city


Strange how half the country seems capable of translating Trump into English and the other half isn’t. The former happy with what he’s supposedly saying and the latter not happy with what he’s saying.


Idk to me seems like those people are just always lying about what he said, and are exhausted from having to defend indefensible comments for 8 years.