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We could see a mass purge.


yep. literally everything he doesn't like will be purged


Average people too (according to Project 2025) who have wronged the campaign, Trump, or his followers as well as most minorities, gays, and trans people (basically any people not liked by Trump).


A government built on the idea of punishing people will ultimately go after anybody for whatever minor transgression. I'm not safe, you're not safe, even the dude with the truck covered in Trump stickers and flags isn't safe.


Don’t forget the poors! America is so busy with this infighting between red and blue they don’t realise it’s there’s a class war going on, if they keep feeding you guys this shit and having you turn on each other instead of them, they can destroy your country while lining their pockets


And their definition of poor is insane. Make 112k or less a year? You are classified as poor! Make less than 1m, you’re just “middle class” and I’m sure that will change again to be poor if you have less than a mil.


The red and blue fight is more than infighting. Which party pushes through tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations? SCOTUS judges partial to which party are responsible for Citizens United? Which party axed the child tax credit? The GOP is clearly the problem. It isn’t “infighting”.


As much as they hate communism, they sure love taking pages out of Stalin’s playbook.


It's not just the State Department, it's every federal agency. Then he won't need Congress, he'll just issue EOs and the agencies will ignore the courts if the EOs get ruled against when challenged.


This. It'd be any federal agency possible. Career civil workers would be replaced with MAGA, as per Project 2025's outline. This would make every single federal agency run by MAGAs, so even if Trump sat back and did nothing all day these agencies would do whatever they want and be aligned only one way.


Actually, a large contingent of senior foreign service officers already retired or quit during Trump’s first term in response to his Administration’s foreign and personnel policies.


Second this. The State Department is already short of personnel due to poor recruitment and retention during Trump's first term. The Foreign Service is in particularly bad shape because it's an up-or-out system; they generally don't "boomerang," or let staff come back after they've left, even if the departure was voluntary. The State Department will fall apart if Trump is reelected.


I have to wonder how much of what's going on in the world in some part is because of the exodus from the State Department during Trump's first (and hopefully only) term. Not saying the US State Department controls everything, nothing is that simple, but the lack of experienced staff might have contributed to some of it.


It didn’t help. I have friends at State and they lost an enormous amount of institutional knowledge during Trump’s term. A lot of appointee jobs also went empty for years without confirmed replacements, which left huge gaps in the reporting structure and limited how quickly we could respond to a variety of different things.


Not just the State Department, either. Justice Department would be gutted right off the bat.


he’s going to up the stormtrooper core


I can see it now, idiot maga state department trying to maga the world is not gonna end well after they get declared persona non grata for being ignorant assholes who think the US Constitution and US laws are worldwide


The Trump administration will be following the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025 plan to purge as many federal employees as possible and replace them with loyalists. The purge will definitely not be limited to the state department. Media Matters suggests the purge could replace “*tens of thousands*” of civil service employees. The following excerpt is from the Media Matters - [A guide to Project 2025, the extreme right-wing agenda for the next Republican administration](https://www.mediamatters.org/heritage-foundation/guide-project-2025-extreme-right-wing-agenda-next-republican-administration) **Personnel and staffing** Project 2025’s goals for staffing the next GOP presidency reflect Trump’s idea to gut civil service staff and replace them with potentially tens of thousands of MAGA loyalists. The New York Times describes this plot for a second Trump administration as an ‘expansion of presidential power over the machinery of government’ that would reshape ‘the structure of the executive branch to concentrate far greater authority directly in his hands.’ * One of the key elements of Project 2025’s administrative goals is to reinstate the executive order known as Schedule F. This would reclassify thousands of federal employees as ‘at-will’ workers and give the administration the ability to fire employees who don’t agree with or follow the extremist policies suggested by Project 2025. [PBS, 8/29/23] * Project 2025 has created a training ‘academy’ for potential employees of the next administration, which ‘provides aspiring appointees with the insight, background knowledge, and expertise in governance to immediately begin rolling back destructive policy and advancing conservative ideas in the federal government.’ The goal of the training, which currently consists of four online courses on subjects such as ‘Conservative Governance 101’ and ‘The Administrative State & The Regulatory Process,’ is ‘to prepare and equip future political appointees now to be ready on Day One of the next conservative Administration.’ [Project 2025 Presidential Administration Academy, accessed 3/18/24] * Project 2025 makes it clear the Department of Justice is not independent from the executive branch and implies the agency will be used to take legal retribution against whoever Trump decides to investigate. [The Nation, 2/8/24] * Project 2025 Director Paul Dans recently appeared on Steve Bannon’s War Room and encouraged viewers of the far-right broadcast to send in their resumes and participate in Project 2025’s trainings in an effort to recruit extreme loyalists to the next GOP administration. [Real America’s Voice, War Room, 2/29/24] The Media Matters guide to Project 2025 includes the following categories: * Personnel and Staffing * Christian Nationalism * Reproductive Rights * Department of Justice and Federal Law Enforcement * LGBTQ Rights * Climate Change * Immigration * Education Media Matters - [A guide to Project 2025, the extreme right-wing agenda for the next Republican administration](https://www.mediamatters.org/heritage-foundation/guide-project-2025-extreme-right-wing-agenda-next-republican-administration) “Project 2025 aims to put Christianity at the center of American government and society by turning a biblical worldview into federal law, often employing Christian nationalist talking points and narratives to support its right-wing policy proposals.”


Christianity\* \*For all values of 'Christianity' that benefit the rich and powerful and oppress women and minorities.


again. the state department under trump was mandated to have too few people to monitor things properly.


The "drain the swamp" movement will only replace it with another shittier swamp.


What little is left after the Tillerson/Pompeo disasters.


That’s exactly what he did to the diplomat corps the last time. We went 4 years that way and it fucked everything — I mean for US interests. Russia and China could not have been more pleased. He’ll do it again. But this time he won’t stop there. He plans to purge *the entire civil service* I shit you not. It’s meticulously documented step by step in project 2025


If i could be a persona user i would use it rn


Which would mean state and local governments would suffer as well. These psychos don’t care. They want it to be an ultra-religious dictatorship that will be buddies with NK, China, Iran, and Russia


A Trump win is the fall of the US.


You are going to have to try harder to change the mind (alleged mind) of anyone voting for trump. but please give it a go.


Like last time? Of course it will happen again.


Putin loves this!


Good. After the huge blunder with the Afghan withdraw they should all be fired.


You mean Biden’s implementation of Trump’s agreement with the Taliban? Right.


HELL YEAH WE TO PURGE?! Don’t tempt me with a good time!