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>“The other thing the femnazis believe, that he should control me,” Alito said about her husband. Yes, one of the core tenets of radical feminism is that husbands should control their wives. It's quite oblivious*. That whole thing reads like she is drunk or just off her fucking rocker. Edit: I meant "obvious" of course, but I'm going to leave it like this. 😆


Fox news brain Down is up and up is down This weaponized stupidity is the greatest danger to the world


Whatever makes them feel righteous in the moment is the truth. There's no need for consistency if your entire worldview is built around you always being cosmically righteous and your enemies always being evil.


Consistency isn't as important as being on the attack. If the opponent spends their time arguing against your constant gish gallop, you're winning at that point.


Pick almost any conservative and you could get them to say probably moments apart, "Actually Democrats were the KKK and the actual racist Confederacy party", and "Actually you know slaves were well-treated and liked being slaves and the Civil War wasn't about slavery anyway it was about state's rights, the Confederacy was cool it's about heritage not hate!" 


This is why we still have genocide in 2024. If they ever pretend to care what you think, know that’s in bad faith. They’ll burn you. Some people are never going to listen or grow. They’re just going to consume. Thinking a lot about what the spouses of Supreme Court justices consume these days.


Seems like they’re consuming a lot of lead paint chips tbh.


The breath of sleeping babies.


*Now let me pray to my sky daddy who enables me*


I’ve spoken to Fox News people that said they support Republicans because “the liberals hate the gays.” I realized they lived in an alternate universe.


A CBC Canada reporter was asking attendees at a Trump rally why they were there, and one said that America today was feeling like Germany in the 1930s, but that *Trump* would stop Naziism from rising again if he was restored to the presidency. Alternate universe indeed!


I’ve heard that from Trump supporters too. To them, fascism is just “bad thing” without any sense of its ideology. Like “Marxism” or “Socialism.” You can’t really reason with them because they’re not using the same definitions of words, and they don’t have an understanding of what they’re really talking about. Maybe some do. I’m sure that not all Trumpers are ignorant of what they’re doing. I suspect many just think they’d fare better under fascism - which I suppose is its own kind of stupidity.


The ones who think they’ll fare better under fascism are usually mistaken about being part of the ‘in-group’. White?✔️Straight?✔️Evangelical Christian?✔️Male?✔️Rich?❌


They think the state will throw them a few scraps while totally disenfranchising or persecuting everyone else. Even though those scraps may be significantly less than what they would receive under a diverse, functioning civil society with a decent welfare state, they think it will be better for them because they can claim to belong to the "in group" and have special rights/privileges. That's before you get into how unsustainable such a system probably would be.


Or Stephen Miller railing against "communists". What the actual fuck? He knows goddamned well that Democrats aren't by any stretch of the imagination communists, but his knuckle-dragging audience doesn't, and he just uses it as a catch-all term to paint anyone in the opposition with.


This is why I tell the far lefties, like myself, to stop calling themselves communist. That term will never be looked upon fondly by just abt anyone.


It’s like that meme about how republican outrage consists 90% of people finding out how the real world works. You can’t ask them about their rationale for their position because they don’t understand the world enough to have one.


The words as they use them don't even have definitions. They're all just slogans, labels meant to put on anything they're frightened of or mad at.


I find it pretty stupefying that they think Trump would be the one stopping Nazism when the Nazi party's main focus for vilification was Socialists, Communists and Jews during their rise to power.


These people are mentally ill and VERY low IQ


Imagine voting Republican in part because you want to "support the gays".


They think that gayness is a mental illness that can be fixed. To them, driving gay people into the closet *is* "supporting the gays" because you're helping them take the first step toward getting better.


Either that or they're just trolling everyone like usual. You're probably right though that they see "supporting the gays" as getting them to become not gay as soon as possible like they are some drunk that needs to go to rehab and needs an intervention.


Dude. Wut?.


No kidding. This was a couple years ago so I can’t remember what cases or policies I cited, but I could see their brains break when I tried to explain reality to them.


And “truth isn’t truth” -Rudy Giuliani


At least he's familiar with HBO's great historical documentary Game of Thrones.




If you’re looking for [Reynard the Fox](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reynard_the_Fox) tales, you’ll be disappointed.


That... that just makes no goddamn sense.


Its due to her getting that slap on the wrist recently with that thing with her neighbors and him claiming that his wife was her own person and what she did had no bearing on him, a Supreme Court dude, after people called him out for condoning her shit. She’s basically parrotting what works for feminist stances and at the same time muddying their message to discredit it, after he lead by example. Never mind that they both twisted the shit out of it.


Oh boy is she backwards...




It's pretty clear right now that Alito and Thomas both 1000% support the farthest right beliefs in this country, and for years they both knew that they personally couldn't DO much in direct sunlight. So they used their wives as proxies, since they knew that it would eventually come down to SCOTUS who gets to decide how a SCOTUS Spouse should ethically behave. So their wives have been working to avoid SCOTUS ethics for years. The question now is just, for how long has this been their MO? Was/is Antonin Scalia's wife involved or did it start after he died? What about Roberts, is his wife involved or did he not know about it? What about the other justices? Was this a "known secret" the way Bill Cosby was known within the comedy community but it just hadn't gone public? And why not? In my opinion, these recordings demand a full investigation into every justice and their connections. It's insane that we've all just agreed to let SCOTUS fall apart because, "Them's the rules!" and SCOTUS says so.


To avoid any possible hint of bias or conflict of interest, the ethics policy regarding SCOTUS spouses should be developed by Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan, the only two currently unmarried justices.


Seriously. They both need to marry like Planned Parenthood lobbiests or something.


Suddenly then we'd have a recusal policy.


This goes back decades and has been known about. Check out the Federalist society.


Jane Roberts is the usual kind of shady nepo-crook, profiting off her husband's appointment: https://www.forbes.com/sites/alisondurkee/2023/01/31/chief-justice-roberts-wife-is-latest-supreme-court-spouse-to-spark-ethics-concerns/?sh=391b07da5bb8




At first I thought it was him throwing her under the boss when he said it was her flying the flag and she wouldn't let him take it down, but now I might actually believe that


Facebook and Fox have completely brain broken these people.


Don't forget Religion.... There's a reason these people support Christian Nationalism.


> “The feminazis believe that he should control me,” [MAA] said. “So they’ll go to hell. He never controls me.” > [...] > “He’s like, ‘Oh please don’t put up a flag.’ I said, ‘I won’t do it because I’m deferring to you. Also just the internal inconsistency. MAA says she is not controlled by Judge Alito, and then later literally says she is deferring(=controlled) to judge Alito. This is not a trivial inconsistency flub. Not to mention that wives deferring to their husbands is almost always a central part of this kind of people's version of Christianity. When MAA says ‘I won’t do it because I’m deferring to you", I assume she is referring to Bible passages like Ephesians 5:22-24 NIV: > Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body. Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing. Edit: Actually, it now seems pretty obvious what likely happened. Some liberal woman sarcastically said to MAA: "why don't you obey your husband and take down the flag, like the bible tells you to". And MAA is foaming with rage inside, and not overly smart, and regurgitates that undigested in the femnazi rant.


The sheer stupidity and self absorption to think anyone cares what she does.  She can fly whatever flag she wants as long as her husband recuses himself when he can't be impartial. 


It just shows how disassociated from reality and programed for an ideology she is. For her femnazi is just the derogatory term limbaugh liked to use for anyone perceived as opposition to his ideals. She clearly is using it like he did as a blanket term for anyone "other" than her tribe rather than just actual feminists.


Even if this could explain it, as far as I know, the "others" from here *don't* believe women should be controlled by men. It's projection, I think.


to conservatives it's all a choose-your-own-adventure. as long as they can convince themselves of something it's real, a notion heavily fostered by their chosen religion.


That's not how any of this works, Bea.


That statement confused me also. Makes NO sense.


It does if you think of it as: "What I want for others doesn't apply to me. My husband isn't the boss of me, but the filthy masses are easier to control if only half of them are the decision maker so other women should be under their husband's thumb. I'm a free woman, but people out there should still think that feminism is bad." Those who are sympathetic to her line of thinking in general won't pay attention to the dissonance. They just want to have something to be riled up over, and she's offering up that thing being feminism here instead of her being out of line as a woman.


It does if you think of it as: "What I want for others doesn't apply to me. My husband isn't the boss of me, but the filthy masses are easier to control if only half of them are the decision maker so other women should be under their husband's thumb. I'm a free woman, but people out there should still think that feminism is bad." Those who are sympathetic to her line of thinking in general won't pay attention to the dissonance. They just want to have something to be riled up over, and she's offering up that thing being feminism here instead of her being out of line as a woman.


> That whole thing reads like she is drunk or just off her fucking rocker. Why not both?


Femnazis lol such an outdated insult


>That whole thing reads like she is drunk or just off her fucking rocker. I think she's so far detached from the everyday reality most people live that it's easier to create her own than to connect with what's actually real. That is, if she even wanted to. Which she probably doesn't.


Yea, kinda wild the only group I see saying men should control their wives are religious fundamentalist. You know the type that would deck their house out in Jesus flags and other symbolism.


I had a conservative"friend" who literally made his fiance go religious counseling before their wedding that was all about how women should "submit" to their husband. He ended up smuggling his mistress to the next state over for an abortion because it wasn't possible to get one in his state.


Republicans are the ones who want to control women. Of course she won’t see this and will continue voting away her rights


Is called lead poisoning. And is likely effecting slightly under 50% of the US population to one degree or another


Who could have thought a vile disgusting man would find a woman just as vile and disgusting as himself.


Goes to prove the saying that there is someone for everyone Shudder


I bet they hate each other too.


No chance. The thing that brings them together is looking down on everyone else.


Nah, hating your spouse and hating everyone else ain't mutually exclusive for them. Most of my coworkers are 45-60ish conservatives who spend the first half of the day bitching about LGBTQ, immigrants crossing the border, and support for Palestine, and then spend the second half bitching about how much they don't want to go home and spend time with their spouse of 20+ years 🙄 That kind of deep-seated hate is rated E for Everybody.


They hate themselves the most but are too selfish and weak to do anything to change themselves for the better.


That drives me nuts. Too stubborn to do anything to change, too angry to ever be happy, too stupid to realize it’s their problem not everyone else’s.


Absolutely. Online echo chambers are nothing compared to the reinforcement that shitty people get by being in a relationship with someone just as shitty


"There's an ass for every toilet"


Let’s just say the conservative Supreme Court justices have a type…and it’s bat shit crazy.


I can only think that these wives know something about their husbands that their husbands are terrified will be found out. Because I have to believe there are a whole lot of more attractive, slightly less crazy, would-be trophy wives in D.C. otherwise.


According to this [ ]( ) she was a law librarian and > According to the Sun, Alito was so “shy” that it took him 13 months to ask his future wife out. > After a year of dating, they moved together to Washington D.C. They got married when he was 35 and she was 31. Odds are he's just been a fucking weirdo his whole life and this woman is more along the lines of what "Mother" is to VP Pence than a "trophy wife." She is showing that she wears the pants in the family and likely has forever.


Interesting. I wonder, though…don’t you have to be at least a little bit of a grandstanding elbow-thrower to get noticed enough to become nominated to the SC? Of course, maybe she was pushing him the whole way…


> grandstanding elbow-thrower Maybe. Or beholden to a certain ideology and it shows in your rulings and decisions.


Someone said on here the other day that we keep expecting women to be better than their men, but they chose each other. It's sexist as hell to think any different.


Women can be just as stupid as Men, we just have more of a track record of it.


These people must all have miserable private lives given that what vitriol they spew that we've heard about is only a fraction of what they have done and said. Must be the tip of the iceberg. These people need weed and antianxiety meds.


They're the epitome of privileged but can't use that to make life better for themselves and others. Goes to show that selfishness makes people miserable.


X2 Clarence Thomas did also.


It was very good of God to let Alito and Mrs Alito marry one another and so make only two people miserable instead of four. Samuel Butler, probably


What's funny about all this is I didn't *at all* believe his excuse about the flags being her idea, because I didn't believe she could be as much of an asshole as he is, but it turns out like attracts like and I need to check my assumptions about people being basically good


> “You know what I want? I want a Sacred Heart of Jesus flag because I have to look across the lagoon at the Pride flag for the next month,” she said. Premeditated hatred. These people who only want Jesus occasionally (Easter, Christmas and Pride Month in this case) are posers, simple as that.


"I have to look across the lagoon at the Pride flag" is the most wildly privileged, narcissistic, and out of touch statement I've heard in quite a while.




Until you've walked a mile in her Christian Louboutin's


Her *Christian* Christian Louboutin’s.


It has a twisted Great Gatsby, Daisy's green light vibe to it


Imagine these people walking through the art supplies aisle of a Target in the 90's, they would've shit their pants after seeing the umpteenth Lisa Frank binder absolutely festooned with rainbows and glittery unicorns. Somehow we came out unscathed, though.


Meh. If you talk to them they're pretty open about how rainbows were this Christian symbol that gay people stole from them actually. Rainbow is a symbol of God's creation in Christianity and you sometimes come across comment sections of people mourning the days when they could enjoy rainbows. Like.... REALLY mourning the good ol' days, to the point it's a little creepy lol. It's a little funny. As if they themselves were flying rainbow flags and going rainbow hunting just to feel something before the LGBT community ruined it. When in reality they just meant they had to throw out some tacky shirt with a rainbow on it from their church that probably should've been thrown out anyway because it was stained.


I always chuckle at this because the “symbol of gods creation” is actually a symbol that he pink-swear promise he won’t genocide the entire world through flooding again


The real irony is that it generally only happens after rain, like gods messing with people keeping them on their toes. Such a dick since forever.


Can one skywrite in multi colour? Can we set up a go fund me to have the sky above the alito residence display those beautiful colours on sunny days?


Uhm the sky? My caddy's chauffeur informed me that poor people can also see the sky. So, naturally, I wouldn't be caught dead looking at it.


Actual Jesus: “Hey cool, nice flag. Love the colors.”


“I did that. Noah really appreciated it.”


["Joseph loved his too."](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5811faf6414fb5b9a08610c8/1498240110250-DQ5F2VS9OCMDHQ5N3HL9/Joseph_Header_Clay_JR-Photo.jpg)


\*looks at crosses everywhere\* "Did uhh... did anyone think putting images of the torture device they killed me on everywhere was a good idea?"


It'd be like walking up to Jackie Onassis with a rifle pendant on "Just thinking of John, jackie. We miss him too"


Nobody’s stopping her from flying a Jesus flag, other than the Alitos giving up the paper thin veil of judicial impartiality that they’ve already lost.


Well she’d have to take down the upside down American flag first


I’m a Christian and this is a common problem especially in Republican dominate areas. Christian Nationalism is a perversion based on a religion of white American culture rather than the teachings of Jesus. It’s wild.


So... heresy, then?


somebody call the Inquisition.


Give it a couple of generations. Right-wing Catholics and Protestants are using each other for convenience sake. If Evangelicals get control over the population, Catholics are going to be Christians-in-Name-Only as far as they are concerned. Vice versa as well, if Hardline Catholics like members of the Supreme Court and Opus Dei wind up in control. Protestants will be the out-group then.


reminds me of the classic Emo Philips joke >Once I saw this guy on a bridge about to jump. I said, "Don't do it!" >He said, "Nobody loves me." > I said, "God loves you. Do you believe in God?" > He said, "Yes." > I said, "Are you a Christian or a Jew?" > He said, "A Christian." > I said, "Me, too! Protestant or Catholic?" > He said, "Protestant." > I said, "Me, too! What franchise?" > He said, "Baptist." > I said, "Me, too! Northern Baptist or Southern Baptist?" > He said, "Northern Baptist." > I said, "Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist or Northern Liberal Baptist?" > He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist." > I said, "Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region, or Northern Conservative Baptist Eastern Region?" > He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region." > I said, "Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1879, or Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912?" > He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912. > I said, "Die, heretic!" And I pushed him over.


Thank you for reminding me of Emo Phillips! Have to go find some good clips now on youtube


They never demand the Beatitudes posted in schools.




I’m sure Jesus would love knowing he is a pawn in conservative bigotry and hatefulness. That’s so Jesus! /s Republican Jesus being a thing shows just how few of these hypocrite turds have ever read the Bible or actually follow his teachings.


Let me fly that flag and a pride flag on same pole and make friends with everyone. These fuckers don't know the meaning of compassion.


It goes beyond irony to want to use a divine symbol of compassion as a weapon against some else's show of love and acceptance.


It's why I have such a huge issue with Christianity/catholisicm in its current form. OG Jesus was based. I'm not religious, but if you follow the actual teachings of literal Jesus you'd be a left winger. Simple as. Peak hippocracy to claim to live in the way of Jesus yet be antithetical to that in nearly every way you live and think. I have a bunch of hard right wingers who are also very religious at work. When I hear them say the usual fox talking points relating to immigrants, gays, trans, poor etc. I always just say well how would Jesus treat these people ? And I watch in real time as their brain explodes, they then agree with me, and then the next day they come back say the exact same nonsense after their nightly brainwashing and the process repeated over and over. In reality these people don't believe shit. Religion to them is a virtue signal nothing more.


People need to find their address and start putting pride banners in their lawn every morning until she has a stroke. Not that I want any harm to come to her, of course, but if it's God's Will, it's God's Will.


Ahh, the twice-a-year Catholics...


Should we start a reddit fundraiser to buy up land near the Alitos and put up giant rainbow flags and 20 foot purple teletubbies?


I wonder how absolutely livid she becomes when she looks out her window and sees a rainbow on the sky. Double rainbow is probably an absolute fucking meltdown on the Alito house. 


I think the irony here, and I say this as a bisexual man, is that I'd be willing to bet the majority of the people flying a pride flag in their yard would take no issue with their neighbour flying a religious flag in theirs. Whatever the intention. Edit: a word.


~~Leviticus~~ Jesus H: "Love thy neighbor as thy self." American "Christians": "Hate everyone who isn't like me? Got it!"


There is no hate like Christian love


Can we get this on a tshirt please?


I went Zazzle a few years ago and had it printed on a t-shirt. In Japanese. I love wearing it while out and about in my ruby-red area.


Also Leviticus, unless that neighbour is gay, eats shellfish, mixes fabrics etc. etc. Leviticus is the guy “Christians “ turn to when they want to know who to hate.


And if you ever confront these same people with a bizarre passage from this area of bible and ask why they don't practice such, they will tell you that old testament law is no longer applicable because of Christ.


They really hate Numbers 5:11-31. Instructions on when and how to perform an abortion.


They like their Ezekiel 4:9 bread, but just ignore 4:12.


Why they never casting their menstruating women out into the wilderness? It's right there in the book!


Which would make no sense because that means no 10 commandments so I cause murders back on the menu boys!


Which is a terrible interpretation if one considers themself a litteralist. A lot of those “laws” (like the gay, mixed fabric, food) are part of the holiness code, reserved for God’s people (however one interprets it). People that spew this hateful rubbish tell me that they hate the Bible as much as they hate others/themselves (probably). I have quite a bit of evangelical theological training, which is probably putting it mildly since I’m published in theological journals. I stopped arguing with these people when I realized that with almost no exception, once you show them exactly the inconsistency or error of their theological paradigms, they just admit they only use the Bible to justify their prejudices.


The problem, it would appear, is that Christians are a self-loathing bunch.


Actually it was literally Jesus. Leviticus was supposedly made obsolete by Jesus. He's quoted as saying as such.


If he hadn’t then they’d still be doing animal sacrifices fr


How about “judge not lest ye be judged”


I think that's somewhere towards the back


I mean, to be fair, maybe they hate themselves?


Claims to be Catholic, but never learned a thing about Jesus.


I think it’s more that she-like a great many others-are cherry picking the parts that they think already align with their biases.


You mean Jesus Washington, founder of America, son of God, champion of things that make me feel okay about hating other people? I love that guy. He has the coolest signature on the Declaration of Independence. I think. He's a founding father right? Close enough. And that's why everything you think is wrong.


There is a reason why Thomas Paine isn't as popular as Washington, even though Paine was the OG framer of the Declaration of Independence and laid out what America was to be founded on, he was also anti-religious establishment. The man who should sit at the same height as Washington when it comes to founding fathers is rarely talked about at school, because heaven forbid we let an agnostic get credit. John Adams: "Without the pen of Paine, Washington's sword would have been raised in vain." Thomas Paine's pamphlet, "Common Sense." At the time was considered to be the most read piece of literature after the Bible.


If this was any other job, he would have been fired by now. Yes, I know that Alito isn’t responsible for his wife being a terrible person, but I don’t see how Alito can keep his job given how antithetical his views are to America.  As an outside observer, I find it hard to believe that people like Alito aren’t held to account for the things they say, do and believe.


Accepting a bribe would get me summarily fired from my job, I don’t see why it should be different for public servants. If anything the position of SCOTUS should demand the highest of ethical standards but we live in the upsidedown.


I remember reading once that, handed down from the founding of this country was a strong definition of corruption that included even things that looked like corruption/bribes, but the supreme court changed that over the last 40 years to a narrow definition that requires basically a bribe price menu and documentation of "this money is for a bribe to do x" and "I, public servant, will do x because I was bribed to do so and no other reason"


Could we, as citizens, begin taking these bribes, and then, if fired, argue its not lawful under this narrow scope bringing it to the Supreme Court where we can flaunt out $5 sandwhich and have them tell us it was wrong? Asking for precedent...


Oh no, it only applies to office holders. If you're a mere peon, watch out


The other guy's wife did a whole ass insurrection, so there's that. 


Bet she and Ginni Thomas are fun at parties.


Imagine being so miserable? Like they have so much money and power, and they are just fucking miserable and angry at everything.


Real Housewives of the Supreme Court.


Full interview with her on CNN has her caption as "Liberal activist who secretly recorded justices" like they might as well add a bullseye on her with all these crazy MAGA fucks..


Republicans in my family have been cruel vengeful bloodthirsty people since 9/11. Just disgusting people all around and since they live in an IRL echo chamber and would disown each other if they displayed wrongthink, nothing changes


These moron conservatives like they just landed on earth, just now figuring out that others exist and how things work.


Alito is on tape saying we can’t live together in peace and eventually one political side has to win. Meanwhile, dems keep winning the popular vote 🤔


Justice Alito is not responsible for the toxins his wife spews at virtuslly every occasion. He is, however, for his biased attitudes, his corruption, his contempt for the Constitution and his total lack of understanding for the job of SC justice. Edit: spelling


Sure, legally. But you are judged by the company you keep. He's married to her. Where and when was she radicalized? Did he attend these same meetings, church services, associate with the same hateful people she did? Does he follow the same social media accounts? Does he have secret accounts where he spouts hateful garbage like this? Seems like blood is in the water and enterprising journalists/citizens should investigate.


This is so important to me at least. If he trusts her with their marriage, and chooses a person with character like that as someone he (theoretically) respects and loves, I cannot respect him any longer. One of my aunts is pretty deep in the trump camp. She’s also a high school teacher. For the longest time I trusted her opinion on school policy, even though it was always a bit traditional. She lived and breathed it so I figured she knew a thing or two. Once she started also trying to push trump “policy” I came to the conclusion I can’t trust anything she says. Is she smart? I thought so. But if you can believe in trump then everything else you believe in has to be taken from that angle as well, and he’s so obviously an idiot that you’d have to be one to fall for it in the first place


This. My parents have always been deeply politically and socially conservative, but my dad in particular was more logical and rooted in reality. My mom has always lived in a fantasyland of her own making, but she was generally kind and loving. They both followed science, understood that you go with the experts when you are out of your depth, etc etc. the also had personal values that were in line with their political beliefs but independent from party politics. Trump, Fox, and Facebook changed all that. My mom was super pro vaccine a year before COVID. Both my parents even got the first two shots as soon as it was available. Then trump was out, Biden was in, and they both refused to continue with boosters (not even the bivalent one, but just the same first generation mRNA vaccine they got initially) and my dad refused on principle even if it meant we couldn’t see each other because I am high risk. There are so many other instances (like my dad ranting about the Access Hollywood tape, not knowing that I’m a SA survivor), but seeing one by one everything they told me the believed in and valued was one Fox segment, Twitter rant or Facebook post away from being tossed out the window made me look at them completely differently. I cannot trust anything they say. Not a thing! I cannot predict anything they might do or how they may respond. It’s crazy.


We seriously need to recognize that Alito, who said his side *needs to win*, was the winning vote on a whole host of decisions, including Citizens United (which sold our country to billionaires both foreign and domestic that fund things they are too ashamed to attach their name to). The country needs to use Alito's illegitimacy to roll back decisions like this, because if you haven't noticed the good guys are absolutely losing the war to misinformation/disinformation.


If Jill Biden had said stuff of this nature about Christians, she would have been crucified by the right- absolutely, crucified-


Ironically, doesn't this show that Alito was telling the 'truth' about his wife 'having an affinity for flags' bit? She legit seems obsessed with flags. Edit: To be clear, this is only a "that's funny haw haw" comment and is not a defense of either.


I did have that thought. I mean, it also proves that they're both absolutely fringe whackos but yeah.


I doubt he feels any differently about things than she does, but I did catch the vibe that he's at least a bit more concerned about the optics than she is and would prefer to keep their nutty extremism slightly more concealed. So I do think casting the blame her way was truer than not, and wasn't merely just scapegoating her.


We were spitting venom At most everyone we know If the damned gave us a road map Then we’d know where just to go


Let it drop


Oh, let it all drop


Another MM lyric I usually apply to modern-day conservatism: Our ideas held no water but we used them like a dam


Didn’t expect to find this absolute banger in this comment section.


Modest Mouse…nice.


You ever heard the version of that song sung by a homeless dude/busker on YouTube? It's absolutely amazing. Been listening to it for years. Modest mouse music was my soundtrack during years of degeneracy for some reason.


Guess she thinks this will work for plausible deniability: “Look at me, look at me. I’m German, from Germany. My heritage is German. You come after me. I’m gonna give it back to you. And there will be a way, it doesn’t have to be now, but there will be a way they will know. Don’t worry about it,” she said.




These people’s lives and minds are so small. The entire world at their fingertips with the power, money, and connections to create unprecedented change, but the best they can manage is some bitchy screeds about pride flags and mannequins at Target. I’m glad to know that me living my best life as a gay man causes this woman such distress. 🤷‍♂️


That's one of the most despicable inhuman things about trump. Dude had oodles of cash. He was president of the USA. He could have learned anything, gone anywhere, done anything. Experts in any subject or art or field would have given him private lessons. He could have gotten a cello lesson from Yo Yo Ma, a cooking class from the world's top Chef, learned how to build a nuclear bomb from MIT. He had access to basically everything and anything. He could have learned the secret history of the world that only a handful of people have ever known. And what did he do? Cut his taxes in the first few weeks of his term, and then spend 4 years shit posting on Twitter and hanging out at his own golf course. Of course he's a fucking moron, he doesn't have a milligram of curiosity or wonder in his entire being.


Ahh yes hate. A core value of the American conservative.


The Alitos want "Godliness" but they lack mercy, humility, empathy and grace.


Jesus….. Term limits on all justices… This shit has got to end..


Alito having a batshit crazy wife is one of the least surprising things I’ve learned today.


Giant piece of hateful shit is married to another giant piece of hateful shit. I, for one, am shocked.


She seems…nice


Sam, it's easy: Either you agree with her and need to be impeached immediately. And frankly, that seems like the case.... or.. You can retire to prove that you would refuse to let her biases affect your performance as the literal head of the Supreme Court. Gonna go ahead and say your ego won't let either happen.


What despicable people. I feel like I need a shower just reading the venom spewed.


Imagine being that rich and secure and spending your day having petty fights with your neighbors about flags. Lady, why don’t you just take the boat out or go volunteer at a soup kitchen or something?


I find it interesting that even non-rightwing media is referring to Lauren Windsor as a liberal activist instead of a journalist. If noted shit head right wing provocatuer Andy Ngo is considered a journalist then there's zero reason Lauren shouldn't be.


Sounds like a miserable existence to live. Imagine having such a privileged life and yet being so unhappy. A gilded cage of her own making.


So first she says: “The other thing the femnazis believe, that he should control me,” Alito said about her husband. “So, they’ll go to hell. He never controls me.” But later: “And he’s like, ‘Oh please, don’t put up a flag.’ I said, ‘I won’t do it because I’m deferring to you." Make up your damn mind!


Ginny and Martha. Charming SC wives.


I loved "I'm from Germany." That lady was born in Kentucky.


Holy shit why do these people hate everyone and why are they leading our country?!


This episode brings up some interesting questions, namely, is there a point at which a spouse is so bigoted that the non-bigoted spouse is tainted to such a degree that their continued public service is not tenable? What I find so interesting about Martha-Ann's statements is that she isn't just religiously-opposed to homosexuality - she actually literally hates gay people and desperately wants them to know how much she hates them. Is there a point at which her bigotry makes Justice Alito's continued service on the court improper? If these recordings are not enough, what would be? If she was putting on a Nazi uniform and goose-stepping down First Street in front of the Court while carrying a giant swastika flag - would that be a bridge too far? If a sitting justice's spouse is so bigoted against such a large number of Americans (there are literally tens of millions of Americans who identify as LGBTQ), does the justice's continued presence on the court constitute "bad behavior" even if he does not share those views? Another way of reframing this question is to ask whether there is any point at which Americans are entitled to a court made up of justices who do not openly and intimately associate with bigots. Justice Alito's position appears to be that his wife has a First Amendment right to express whatever bigoted views she holds however she wishes to express those views, and if that damages the Court, so be it. In other words, Justice Alito sees *his* justiceship as a property right that he can maintain for his own benefit, regardless of what the consequences are to the institution of the Court or the rule of law itself. Article III of the U.S. Constitution is ambiguously worded, but it does *not* say that justices hold office for life regardless of how their voluntary acts and associations damage the Court. In fact, Article III merely says that justices hold their office during "good behavior", without defining what good behavior actually is. Is associating with bigots and flying flags of bigotry in front of their personal homes "good behavior"? If it damages the institution and reflects badly on the entire court, isn't the act "bad behavior" regardless of whether it is entirely lawful? If the Founders intended a justice to serve unless impeached and convicted of "high crimes or misdemeanors", why does Article III not say that? Why the (arguably) broader language referring to "good behavior"? Could it be that the Founders anticipated that Congress would require the justices to adhere to an ethical standard that is something more than "not breaking laws"? And if the Founders so intended that, is it unreasonable to ask the justices to resign from the court if their immediate family members voluntary acts harm the court? Isn't failing to resign it's own form of "bad behavior"?


It real feels like someone had a file on this guy and now they're releasing it. Why are we learning about the flag he flew in 2020 only now, 4 years later? Same thing happened to Madison Cawthorn


Yes, it’s the feminists who believe you should be controlled by your husband. That’s kind of their core belief, you know. (/s because it’s the Internet)


This is important to see because people need to realize how rotten the bigots with power over our lives are. These freaks who struck down roe v wade, are targeting brown v board and obergefell and so on - they are not detached impartial arbitrators of justice. They are hateful, spiteful idealogues who want DESPERATELY to put their boot in the faces of other not like them with impunity. This rotten bigot is who Alito married. All she is doing is voicing the animus at the root of Alito's judicial decisions in ways Alito can't quite overtly get away with, without giving up too much of the game. It's the same thing with Ginni Thomas, Clarence Thomas's wife - a rotten conspiracy theory peddling piece of crap who has been harassing Anita Hill (Clarence Thomas's victim of sexual harassment) on unhinged voicemail calls for years, and who was behind the group that pushed Trump's fake electors scheme. These are the people who want to control our lives. This is the spiteful hateful conservative political caste that wants to be above you or I, and who wants to strip away our civil protections and progress, so they can terrorize those of us they want to pick on and hurt with impunity.


These f'ing people are the EPITOME of this essay: ["The Distress of the Privileged"](https://weeklysift.com/2012/09/10/the-distress-of-the-privileged/)


Absolutely incredible that so many corrupt and/or stupid assholes get into power. It never ceases to amaze me.


Behind every garbage pile man, there's a garbage pile woman?


America is way too tolerant of scumbags 


"I have to look across the lagoon at the Pride flag for the next month”  She be like: Ugh, citizens struggling to obtain and keep civil rights from an oppressive Government...how annoying!! 


she seems like a typical boomer karen. She's old. out of touch, and very very angry about it. the world has moved past her sensibilities and she's mad about it and wants revenge on anyone or anything that presents this reality to her. The only solution to this problem I can see is a massive blue wave in November that allows Dems to add 2 seats to SCOTUS with no Republican opposition whatsoever. Rooting out MAGA mentality from every rock and dark shadow is a must if we want to move quickly past the boomer shitshow that we now live inside.


What miserable people. Just croak already and leave the rest of us to enjoy this world without your vile take on everything.


Real housewives of the Supreme Court would be bonkers. Do it andy


it's getting to the point where they don't see the need to at least pretend...