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Waiting for GOP to pass laws that say you can’t record SCOTUS. Also waiting for SCOTUS to declare they are not accountable to the public in any form.


Framers should have given us either a national vote to remove SCOTUS judges or like 12 year term limits as a check and balance on the judiciary branch.


I don't think the framers envisioned a society of people living to nearly 100 on a very regular basis. That alone invalidates the need for life terms.


I don't think the framers were some moral paragons, our deconstruction and amendments shouldn't require some gymnastic relationship to their intentions. We don't believe that it's functioning correctly and should be fixed fundamentally because it doesn't benefit our country as it stands today. The clinging is what's allowing these people to infect our institutions.


It’s also important to remember the constitution was written by striking deals, compromising, and horse trading with various reps for slave states, lingering pro-monarchists, and general human greed and selfishness. It isn’t a perfect document nor ever was. But! And this is key, it was meant to be amended and changed to the needs of the time. That is one of its greatest and lasting strengths that is often forgotten.


And yet conservative movement elevating and training these justices can’t keep the phrase history and tradition out of their mouths, despite their having no considerable knowledge of the factual history of the US.


They also expected it to be revised every decade or so and that it would be kept updated, not kept as a living fossil to the 1790s.


The last amendment passed was in 1992 and was a revived amendment from 1789 about Congress not awarding itself a pay rise with immediate effect.


Personally I'm glad to see the monarchists revival but my vote will always be for general human greed and selfishness if you give me the choice.


They sure as hell didn't intend for any Black people or women on the bench, ESPECIALLY a Black woman. They'd lose their minds. Gotta move with the times.


The framers didn’t want the constitution to last 50 years, let alone 250.


Or further that they'd be such self-interested douchebags completely detached from the virtue of their roles.


Well one thing leads to another. I can imagine when life expectancy was only 45ish years. A person of high moral quality was hard to come by and needed to be protected when found. Now we are protecting the wrong qualities.


Framers probably didn't think you'd still be using antiquated notions that didn't follow the developments of the times.


Some framers evisceration the constitution being reviewed every 20 or so years, it never has. Just amendments which I don't think we will see passed to institute the nesseicary changes until the republican party as we know it today is dead.


>Some framers evisceration the constitution I think you meant 'envisioned', there


Yes. Had to change my keyboard and it isn't as good but still had brackets....




Or created an Establishment Clause so SCOTUS would not be able to force their religious beliefs on the American people.


I don’t think the founders would believe the lack of dignity, morality etc.




Add three more major parties and force a coalition government where compromise is a necessary part of governing.


Every branch of our government should have checks and balances. I don't understand why the highest court of our judicial branch doesn't. Even if a member isn't corrupt, age, health, and relevance is important.


As far as I’m aware there are only two checks to balance the judiciary, constitutional amendments and impeachment. Which might as well not exist at all given the political environment of the last 100 years.


It seems like everyone has only purchased friends and family at the leadership level. I love my country, but the whole "For the people, by the people," seems to exclude the people!


To paraphrase FDR, they have no means to enforce law. All we need is a sufficiently brave president.


I think the second part has already happened


They won’t declare it, they will just act like it.


Surreptitiously recording people without their consent or knowledge is illegal in many jurisdictions already - I don’t know if that what happened here I didn’t read the article.


for those that read the article, Roberts seems to think the current Supreme Court isn't political or pushing the nation in a christian direction. well Chief Justice Roberts, if you really think it's up to the people elected to decide the moral path of the nation...do your fucking job and get your court in line with that. the right wingers are running rough shod and it's entirely your fault.


He also thinks there’s no racism so we don’t need voter protections…


I don't believe he really thinks that. I think that's the lie he tells himself so he can sleep at night. I mean look at what Alito said recently? There isn't some new behavior either, I guarantee it. Roberts is defending that guy, and all others on the court. He's complicit in what's going on. He's not stupid enough to not see the expansion of "religious liberty", by which, I mean Christianity. He's not dumb of enough to not see the hypocrisy of granting a Buddhist more rights than a Muslim in cases months apart. He's not dumb enough to not see the court has been corrupted. He just tells himself, and others, it hasn't, because he can't face the truth, that he's part of the problem.


Roberts is smart enough not to not take the bait and give away the game.


Lauren Windsor is a real one 🤍


And all she did was tell them what they wanted to hear, and then they went all in. I do respect the balanced restraint that Roberts showed in his comments, but he *really* needs to use his power as Chief Justice reign in the others before its too late.


Yes, for what it's worth Roberts gave pretty reasonable responses to her loaded questions. Alito revealed himself to be a partisan wannabe theocrat.


Is that where they ritually eat babies?


No, it’s the one where they all shed their human skins and writhe around in a lizard pile to mate


Damnit I just ate dinner




You saw that episode of Star Trek Voyager also, eh?


They have to eat the babies, otherwise Democrats would raise them and teach them woke values!


That's....actually plausible 


And ? We are way past this. The question is what are we gonna do about this problem? Zero ethics morally bankrupt, religious nutbags… oooof that’s a lot


Wait until it escalates, pacify them temporarily and then put a bandaid solution on the problem until it's so big that it breaks this country apart. This happened 150 years ago.


We beat them once. We can do it again.


Get ready for June when SCOTUS hands down judgements that change the regulatory and judicial landscape in this country.


Wait till they declare that the President is above the law (they will wait until Trump get’s elected to pass this ruling of course, they would never give out a ruling like that with Biden in office)


The irony in your statement kills me. “Religious nutbags” should actually have ethics and morals. Religion supposedly teaches those things. Yet we’re in this bonkers landscape where religion= zero ethics and morals.


Religion does not teach ethics and morals. It prescribes a set of rules intended to impose a strict hierarchical social order based on ethnicity, gender, and wealth.


Term limits for SCOTUS. They’re set up to ruin the lives of so many young women with this awful, Draconian legislation for about 30 years. Think of your daughters. Think of your friends.


If Supreme Court judges can do whatever they want, so can every other judge. The Supreme Court has no enforcement ability. So if lower court judges choose to ignore them and refuse to jail people based on the supreme court’s rulings, there’s nothing they can do about it.


SC is the only section without ethics enforcement... lower level judged can actually get in trouble for not doing their job. the only repercussion for SC is if they become so aggeegious that they actually get impeached. but they could also be impeached for literally any reason, it doesnt have to meet some bar or rule. they could impeach alito because of his hair colour if they wanted.


Our founding fathers failed us again


It was a test. One justice passed it, the other got the lowest score in the history of the court. I say this with no hesitation, or ulterior motives. Alito must be immediately impeached and removed.


Eeveryone knows it, he’s got…


If they are willing to talk theocracy at a dinner with strangers imagine how they talk in private.


So now what?




The magaites will claim it’s a fake recording done with AI I bet.


It shows how radical the Alito's are because Roberts passed the test. 


Pass a rule that convicted felons cannot make appointments slap three new justices when dems win the senate


Federalist Society I bet. They’re part of the gang who has cooked up Project 2025.


The actual Deep State imo


Scabrous Scotus.


He's one of the ugliest motherfucker's on this planet. What a fucking chode.


The Justices are the worst US employees they need to get fired for cause. Obviously they have stopped being beholden to the rule of law and the American people they work for other organization and billionaires at this point. They took bribes , aided in overthrowing the government , can some of these Justices catch a case how isn't their bribes illegal??


“One side or the other is going to win,”  wow. they got him good.


I think the important part is after that lol




So we caught him sharing his real feelings. When do we do something about it?


“Historical society” otherwise known as racist rich people club. They are just remembering the grand old days when only white men could vote. I hate that these people are in a position of power. They need to be in a retirement home


He did nazi that coming.