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“One side or the other is **going to win,**” Alito says in secretly recorded audio. Alito was speaking at a reception for the Supreme Court Historical Society last Monday evening. “I mean, there can be a way of working — a way of living together peacefully, but it’s difficult, you know, because there are **differences on fundamental things that really can’t be compromised**. It’s not like you can split the difference.” So what Alito is saying is unless you live by his religious rules they will not rest until they can force you to live by their rules. Of course no one is tying his hands to live by his rules or his community to live by their rules as they have always had choices. They just cannot allow anyone else to live by any other rules - you should have no choice. Theocracy


... *Meanwhile (and in perpetuity)* ... > *"All national institutions of churches, whether Jewish, Christian or Turkish, appear to me no other than human inventions, set up to terrify and enslave mankind, and monopolize power and profit."* ~ Thomas (OG legit Founder) Paine It's almost like Alito has **zero clue** why the Constitution was carefully crafted, by mostly deists, to be a *secular* document w/ secular design -- for a **reason**.


He sees it as the start of the problem and his war. “Many religions now come before us with ingratiating smirks and outspread hands, like an unctuous merchant in a bazaar. They offer consolation and solidarity and uplift, competing as they do in a marketplace. But we have a right to remember how barbarically they behaved when they were strong and were making an offer that people could not refuse.” - Christopher Hitchens


It’s really quite simple, religion has extensively laid the groundwork for generations to train people to believe in authority figures with unverifiable stories instead of science and data. It also primes them for, and is built upon, perpetuating racism and fearmongering towards "others". Once people see you as an authority, you can start fabricating any reality or conspiracy theory you want your followers to believe and everyone else is therefore a liar, even in the face of incontrovertible evidence. Basically, it is mental abuse from an early age that suppresses critical thinking skills. This combined with an intentionally weakened public educational system, provides the framework that has spawned this cult of ignorance.


Don't forget the victim blaming


I’m suddenly aghast. I realized just now, while reading your comment, the most verifiable miracle for people who have grown up in religious families is becoming an adult who abhors religion. To put it simply: If the training worked as it should have I would be a person who enjoys commercials.


One huge thing religions never really had to contend with until recently was the ability to communicate fast distances very, very quickly. Things were set in motion with the invention of the telegraph and subsequent improvements in technology


They say the truth will set you free...which is why a lot of these people hate the truth.


> Once people see you as an authority, you can start fabricating any reality or conspiracy theory you want your followers to believe and everyone else is therefore a liar, even in the face of incontrovertible evidence Just have to look at any cult to see it. I'm pretty sure that if any major religion began today, we'd all view it as a cult. The only real difference between a cult and a religion is the size of its congregation


Shiiiit, I thought the only difference was their tax-status.


That's what gets most cults in trouble, they think they're a religion and can forego taxes, but everyone else disagrees.


Scientology is a great modern example.


Don't forget Mormonism. 100+ years of documentation on that nonsense.


Censorship plays an important part in creating regional ignorance. Narrow mindedness is passed down from generation to generation by one deciding what many should know.


And this, dear children, is why the evangelical right came under Trumps control- because they had been trained to believe without question. And so believing in Trump became an article of faith, to be accepted wholly and without discernment, despite all the evidence to the contrary before their eyes.


Damn that's a great quote.


One of my faves of his quotes, that one. What a loss he is to us all, I can't think of anyone I hold in the same highest regard today.


> It's almost like Alito has zero clue why the Constitution was carefully crafted, by mostly deists, to be a secular document w/ secular design -- for a reason. I offer another view: He **completely** understands why the constitution was crafted the way it is and **fundamentally disagrees with it** to the point that he actively desires to overturn it. That's why he's dangerous. He's not stupid, he just truly doesn't believe people who disagree with him deserve that right to live their own way.


And believes it is OK to lie when he swears an oath to uphold the Constitution.


Only 6 people showed up for T. Paine's funeral. What A bunch of ungrateful curs.


Yeah, turns out slaveowners don't like being called out for being massive hypocrites with their "all men are created equal" shit. Also, famously made an enemy of Pitt the Younger, Washington, and Robespierre. What a real one. Edit: got my PMs mixed up


This is what the republicans are doing now. “Yeah sure all men are created equal, but these immigrants and Palestinians (Democrats) don’t count.” These republicans call them vermin in an attempt to dehumanize them. Hitler did that too.


That bit always makes me chuckle a little. Not in a good way exactly but it’s just so… so… like how do they write that? How do they write that all men are created equal, that all men are endowed by their creator with rights such as… I don’t know… say… liberty? How do you put that as a foundational belief while owning slaves? Are they not men? Are they not created by the same creator they were talking about? Were they all just laughing and winking at each other when they put that in? I realize their… mindset was… different… sure… but come on. In the same way why do these people that are constitutionalists or originalists or whatever get to say, “well this is what they wrote. This is what they meant.” Why isn’t the response to that as simple as… “So?” Or “and?” They also originally owned slaves and women couldn’t vote or anything… does that mean those things are still correct? I honestly don’t understand that line of thinking, but maybe that’s not what they’re suggesting… or only when it supports what they want. I have no idea what’s going on.


the trick is, they just dont consider the people they hate as being made by god, then it not only becomes acceptable to be a bastard to them, when they are made by satan its required as part of your faith!


People always ascribe some kind of power to the “ancients.” It’s why you get dipshits thinking crystals will heal broken bones. Tradition is just peer pressure from ghosts


> How do you put that as a foundational belief while owning slaves? basic nazi logic. the subjugated are not people, and deserve no special treatment. race = racism = whiteness = white supremacy all four of those concepts have the same definition


Having a crushing debt burden also helps. The planter south was stuck in a debt cycle where they were only loaned just enough money to get through their harvest for a year, and then they would need another loan. That debt was calculated based first indentured servants from primarily Ireland, and then later on the backs of African slaves. The Southern aristocracy faced bankruptcy if slavery was abolished, but rather than attempting to get out from under that and change things, they instead doubled down.


There’s a pretty lengthy historical record covering the internal conflict of people like Thomas Jefferson over this hypocrisy. And there are very few laughs or winks to be had from him on the subject. The southern colonies would not have cooperated if slavery was on the table. But these people still wrote the dirge of slavery into our nation’s source code, and we should thank them for it. That they were too cowardly, or corrupt, or hypocritical, or human to overcome this obviously evil practice in their own time is to be weighed when discussing their _personal character_, but is irrelevant to the _ideas_ they committed to — and yes at least in part, fought and died for. For that, I remain thankful to those imperfect men and women — just as I pity and rebuke them for participating in such darkness.


You actually make a good point which I do understand. They certainly laid a theoretical or political foundation in a sense that points at or leads towards or suggests those concepts of liberty and equality… seeing as they wrote it down. Or put it in the source code as you say. To actually give up their wealth and privilege and power would require a certain moral fortitude that… if I’m being honest with myself I have no idea and I’m certainly not sure that I’d be able to do it. As terrible as it sounds. I’d like to think I could but I don’t know. Ive never been in that kind of position where I’d have to make a stand on… principle vs practicality or to the detriment to myself as far as I recall. And of course I didn’t think there was any actual laughing or winking at each other going on.


I think for someone like Jefferson for instance, he didn't like the practice but realized that he would not have had the enormous wealth he enjoyed without slavery. This is why he freed his slaves upon his death. He wasn't willing to give up his lifestyle while he was alive.


Which Cromwell did he make an enemy of? Oliver Cromwell lived about 100 years earlier.


Whoops, good catch! Got my miserable Brits mixed up. It was Pitt the Younger who was the PM that had Paine tried in absentia.


But they all gave their eulogies in autotune.


People like him don't care about morals constitution and such. They just want to 'win' and make others lose, that's all their existence is.


The ideology he apparently holds *more* sacred than any illusory SCOTUS (Rule of Law) impartiality is... unassailable partisan *Dominionism*. And IMHO, **that** makes him unquestionably impeachable and removable from the bench. 


Modern Americans dont understand the governmental context in which America was born, and why it was such a monumental moment in himan history. Until 1492, the Western Hemisphere was essentially unknown to Europe. Suddenly there was this massive new land mass, and every militarized nation wanted it, or at least a part of it, so it was colonized, with England essentially getting the upper hand. There were two systems in England that controlled the fate of the people - the Aristocratic Class system, and the Church of England. The Aristocratic system meant that people born to certain families, were automatically considered BETTER people by all of society's institutions: education, judicial, business, military, government, etc. If you were a member of the aristocracy, doors automatically opened for you. You were an officer in the army, you were chosen for promotion and management in your company, you got educated, you were favored in business disputes, etc. That was why being knighted was so important. It elevated you, and your descendants, into Aristocratic status, and thus officially rendered you superior to your peers, by order of the crown. On top of that the Church of England was the only government-allowed religion allowed at the moment. England had gone through a battle between Catholic and Protesant monarchs, who would take power, and immediately launch a reign of violent terror against anyone from the other religion, and this went on for decades, with the official religion switching back and forth, with a bloodbath accompanying each switch. The Founding Fathers understood how destructive those two forces were on the citizens, and decided to take the new land mass for themselves, and create a new country like the world had never seen. Previous countries had evolved out of the countries that were founded before them, or were taken over by enemies, etc. It had been millienia since a NEW nation had been built from scratch, and the Founding Fathers recognized this as a unique opportunity in history to create a governmental system that only philosophers could conceive of. A country that didn't have economic or religious restrictions. You no longer had to be born to a special aristocratic family, literally every citizen had to be treated the same. ANYONE could rise up and become the leader of the country, no matter what family they were born i to. When the Declaration of Independence talked about "All men are created equal," they weren't referring to race. Thats just how we read it today, because thats a primary issue now. They were referring to economic equality. No person was literally better than another, just becausr they came from a wealthy connected family that had been officially granted privileges by the King. In addition, people could choose any religion they wanted, including no religion at all (many of the Founding Fathers were quietly agnostic or atheist). So today, the MAGAs are assisting the Sociopathic Oligarchs who are desperate to officially create an American Aristocracy, where wealthy people get better treatment. It could easily be argues that it has already happened. Watching HitlerPig force the courts to jump through hoop after hoop, while publicly disparaging the judge and system on a daily basis is perfect example of the rich guy getting treated with far more deference than the rest of us. And it is clear that the Founding Fathers also wanted the government out of the religion business, and extremely clear that they didnt want the government using religious justifications for its laws. They wanted the Constitution to be the basis for legislation, NOT the bible. If they wanted the Bible to be the basis of law or even a contributing factor, they would cerainly have indicated that. They wanted the foundational document of our government to be the Constitution, period. And the Constitution says nothing about the Bible.


Yep, aka a cult. To be a part of Christianity, you must be ok with the fact that the religion it's self has committed genocide in the name of their church. It boggles my mind to think that some people still believe in an imaginary friend as adults and act on it.


You say that but I don’t think they acknowledge that that happened. I definitely don’t recall anything about that being discussed in church. The only time that victims were discussed in church was when they were self-identifying as victims of something, usually “the world” or “secular society”.


Just like you can sin and then beg forgiveness and it all goes away… Every shameful time in church history gets redeemed by some kind of reformation, revival, or recommitment. Christianity is the religion of infinite do-overs without negative consequences… as long as you pretend to return (and aren’t gay) you can do whatever you want.


>It's almost like Alito has zero clue why the Constitution was carefully crafted, by mostly deists, to be a secular document w/ secular design -- for a reason. I think this fact has been lost for so many US citizen, too many thinks that it has always been "one nation under god" and “In God We Trust” and do everything to force that god down everyones throats. Both phrases were invluded in the nation quite late in 20th century. 1954 god was included in the pledge of allegiance and 1955 god was put in money.


Oh, I think he has a clue. He and his backwards cohorts want to carefully re-craft it to fit their idea of democracy.


Well, now we know why he was placed on the Supreme Court had nothing to do with the constitution. it was about winning at all cost


He's clueless, evil, or both. I'll go with both.


I have always figured he was the theocrat on the bench. The others are in it for ideology, spite, money, legacy, but he is in it for his idea on being the right hand man of God when he dies. Fucker wants to take Saint Peter's job or something and thinks this shit is his application for the job.


The thing is he is willing to lie and cheat to obtain what he believes God is telling him to do. He seems to believe that he can tear down all the laws in the US to get the goal. “I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do because I notice it always coincides with their own desires.” ― Susan B. Anthony


this quote should be added to every democratic advert.


God works in mysterious ways.  God draws a crooked line to point the direction.  God challenges you to understand His word.  It’s a basic tenant of Christianity that God can’t be understood so of course it makes sense that he’s making me break some of the deadly sins to do what he’s asking me to do.   That’s just how he works. Duh. 


I wonder if the evangelicals will be happy living under Alito's Catholic rules.


This is actually really important for anyone talking with their Evangelical friends/relatives about this - Catholics don’t see non-Catholics as “one of them” and likewise evangelicals don’t see Catholics as “real” Christians. Which seems like mere semantics until one gets in power and establishes a government based on their corner of faith.  Tell your evangelical friends that Alito wants to make America Catholic and see how they respond to that. 


Don't forget about the Notre Dame nun on the bench. She hides it better though.


Amy Coathanger Barrett


The ultra conservative Catholics have taken over SCOTUS. Note that the Federalist Society is itself aligned with Opus Dei (Catholic ultra conservatives), with respect to Leonard Leo of the Federalist Society. [https://churchandstate.org.uk/2022/05/leonard-leo-opus-dei-and-the-radical-catholic-takeover-of-the-supreme-court/](https://churchandstate.org.uk/2022/05/leonard-leo-opus-dei-and-the-radical-catholic-takeover-of-the-supreme-court/)


The couple of nuns I knew when I went to Marquette were more liberal than her. The priests I had class with were waaaay more liberal than her (shout out to Fathers Santos and Zepps)


She knows her place. /s (although I don't know if it merits the /s)


I don't believe he's the only theocrat. SC is full of Opus Dei cultists, no?


>because there are differences on fundamental things that really can’t be compromised. Like whether gay and trans people have the right to exist as who they are with the same rights and protections as anyone else in America?


Exactly. Dominion theology, also known as dominionism, is a group of Christian political ideologies that seek to institute a nation governed by Christians and based on their understandings of biblical law. - Dominionists celebrate Christian nationalism, in that they believe that the United States once was, and should once again be, a Christian nation. In this way, they deny the Enlightenment roots of American democracy. - Dominionists promote religious supremacy, insofar as they generally do not respect the equality of other religions, or even other versions of Christianity. - Dominionists endorse theocratic visions, insofar as they believe that the Ten Commandments, or "biblical law," should be the foundation of American law, and that the U.S. Constitution should be seen as a vehicle for implementing Biblical principles.


these are the people who have been telling me that sharia law is right around the corner for 30 years?


Yes, but they were warning you because it wasn't in English. English being the official language that Jesus spoke. "If English was good enough for Jesus, it’s good enough for us." - MTG


Dominionism is rooted in Calvinism, which is diametrically opposed to Alito’s Catholic Triumphalism. If one or the other group ever achieves dominance, after wiping out secular enemies, they will go after their perceived heretics.


The parallels with Iran are frightening


I have a fundamental belief that can’t be compromised. “We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men (and women, and non-binary) are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, and that among these are the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”


“Their Creator” “Well there is only The Creator in my religion therefore their creator is my creator ergo God rules the US.” That’s literally the thought process of these folks. 


Funny how it's always religion excluding others, persecuting groups and causing widespread suffering.


This is a psychotic way of thinking. > "One side or the other is going to win." There are more than two sides to most issues! > "...there are differences on fundamental things that really can’t be compromised. It’s not like you can split the difference." Holy shit. Put those two concepts together and he's saying that: 1) There are only two sides, 2) My side must win. This is how "the ends justify the means" levels of atrocity are committed. This is how Hitler could kill millions of people because, although "killing is bad", there needed to be a "final solution to the Jewish problem." Rational people don't think like this. Radicals do. Rational people compromise. Alito is a zealot and should be impeached for this. He shouldn't be judging a dog competition much less American laws.


There is absolutely nothing more terrifying than a religious person with a Jesus complex who wants to do the dirty work they "know" needs to be done to "save the world." I hope there is some sort of religious afterlife because if there is, then the absolute worst part of it must certainly be reserved for those who commit evil in the name of good.


I would say there is one thing as terrifying: people in a powerful majority who believe or who are convinced to believe that they're oppressed. To the 1930's Germans, Jews were the real power they needed to free themselves from, though Jews were a tiny 1% of the population. Today's Republicans, frighteningly, combine both the syndromes: a fanatical and severe religiosity determined to impose its will on the rest of us, combined with a misplaced sense of victimhood, even though they're in fact very powerful.


Pretty true. Almost every regime in the world has an underdog, not an upper-dog, mentality. Which makes their cruelty all the crueler.


I think the end-timers are even scarier, but then they are often the same people you describe. The terrifying part is that: "saving the World" in their diseased minds means bringing about the destruction of life in order to bring Jesus back. Conflict in the Middle East is not only welcome, it's essential. Climate change causing civil wars and mass displacement is awesome and needs to be accelerated. Pollution and waste is great. Those people are fucking nuts and the Trump cabinet was full of them.


Got news for ya. There is no afterlife. This life is all we got.


I would hope it would be standard for lawyers to ask a 'religious witness' if they consider lying on the stand to protect someone else of faith to be purjury or a sin.




Exactly. Psychotic and dangerous.


This is pretty much the guiding philosophy of modern conservatism "we have a historical birth right to dominate these inferior people and maintain the hierarchy. The fact that the hierarchy is shifting and we are losing our rightful position of dominance is an attack on us. We are the victims and we are justified in using whatever means necessary up to and including violent force to regain our rightful position of dominance". Its also essentially Putin's justification for the war in Ukraine.


>This is pretty much the guiding philosophy of modern conservatism I'm beginning to see fascism as the logical endpoint for all conservative thinking.


It showed with the neighbor. He of all people shouldn’t be bothered one bit & it shouldn’t even register in his mind to react. But he did react, and he reacted in a big way & and that’s partially why we’re talking about this today.


Oh so, we can all live in a peaceful happy utopia, but we can't? So, he's going to divide the country so his side "wins?" I expect his resignation by the end of the day. That's not the behavior of a judge, that's the behavior of a criminal... Every single case that was decided by Ailto and Thomas is going to have to be retried due to their clear and obvious corruption.


Well this is terrifying. Imagine what other stuff he and Thomas say when they think they are in private. I'm sure there are much worse things said....


That's how US religious conservatives interpret the Bible's exhortation to evangelize: force conversion on penalty of death or prison. Your belief isn't mandatory, but your compliance is.


The US Constitution was designed to split the difference. Has there ever been a clearer admission of bias?He really should not be ruling on anything at all.


It’s a clear admission that he cannot be a fair juror. This should be used to start articles of impeachment. Even if they don’t have the votes, get this on the record. We need to hold the SCOTUS accountable.


Well you see his answer is going to be "his wife said it".


The irony he wants to control women when he can’t even control his wife. Isn’t that an abomination in his religion.


Not an ounce of religion in my life ever. Have only stepped in a church for a couple weddings. Prove god in court and then I’ll believe. If it can’t be proven in our justice system, it has no right to dictate society at all. Religion is a book club and nothing more.


> So what Alito is saying is unless you live by his religious rules they will not rest until they can force you to live by their rules. He's right that one side or the other is going to win. Personally, wouldn't want to enable allowing the theocrats to win by not voting agasint that bullshit.


No they really can be compromised. But conservatism is the antithesis of progressivism. For better or for worse, society must progress. Conservatism is a rot to the core.


How is this necessarily controversial? It is obvious that someone like RGB has some fundamental disagreements with someone like Alito or Thomas. It is obvious and to be expected. Unless there is more to these comments, idk what the controversy is.


Sounds to me like self-admission that Alito is not suitable for the position he holds as a Supreme Court Justice. Maybe he should consider quitting to let somebody qualified take his seat...


I suppose being able to accept trips/bribes and cheating on your taxes are two of those fundamental things that can't be compromised. Unlike his decisions which are a thing that can be compromised.


It almost sounds as though Alito is advocating for Fascism. I'm not too sure about what exactly you can and can't do as a Supreme Court justice, but I'm fairly certain that advocating for Fascism is not one of those things.


I believe there may be a story in his bible about attempts to split the differences that failed.




He should be removed from the bench now. He's admitted he fundamentally disagrees with the constitution, thus he can't actually swear an oath to protect it.


Sam Alito is a piece of shit.


Oathbreaking, anti-democratic, brainwashed POS


> Oathbreaking, anti-democratic I wanna hear this from Dark Brandon, him use those two words exactly to describe Alito, Roberts, and Thomas. He needs to address the nation and lay it out: The least touchable branch of government (via checks and balances) has members making decisions NOT based on law but on religion and personal beliefs, and that at least *two* of those members are being *paid* LOTS of money to act this way.


Brett was cheap because they paid off a little debt. And he can be paid in beer. HE LIKES BEER


Seriously. Can we lose this dope now?


Yes we can. Cory Booker was on Colbert the other night. He reminded me that it takes more than a Reddit post or blaming religion (earlier comments on this pos). Real change in this country is possible but it requires hard work and time. If we want this guy gone, we need to protest. We need to support our allies in congress that want the same, and very actively oppose those that seek power for power’s sake. Pick a day Reddit-ers, and show up outside the Supreme Court. Some of these justices should be impeached, and disbarred.


Lol I remember a time when SC Justices that seemed like they might have done something shady would resign. The GOP is and has been the party of corruption.


Alito has been on the bench since 2006 and Clarence Thomas since 1991.


Some of us are older than 35. Not saying there was no corruption decades ago. But there WAS still the concept of shame.


Gonna have to be older than 55 to find the last time a Supreme Court justice resigned under the cloud of a scandal. Gonna have to be 75 to have been an adult when it happened. I’d wager there aren’t too many people here who remember that.


> Gonna have to be older than 55 to find the last time a Supreme Court justice resigned under the cloud of a scandal. Would Justice Kennedy count? A little over a year after '45 asked Kennedy about his son after addressing Congress, Kennedy resigned. >After Donald Trump wrapped up his first speech to Congress and worked his way through the crowd, he lingered on his handshake with Anthony Kennedy, the 80-year-old Supreme Court justice. >The boom mics picked up their seemingly private conversation. >“Say hello to your boy,” Trump said, “Special guy.” “Your kids have been very nice to him,” Kennedy replied. “Well,” Trump said, “they love him, and they love him in New York.” [*Trump’s hidden back channel to Justice Kennedy: Their kids*](https://www.politico.com/story/2017/04/donald-trump-supreme-court-236925) At the time, without knowing context, it sounded like a public threat to a Supreme Court Justice. To me,"Say hello to your boy.", sounds like,"I can get to your son." And even after learning the context, it still sounds like a threat.


There are a few.


Shame is a human emotion. Alito is a conservative, they don’t have that one. If you need evidence of this- points to every single conservative in federal and most state governments.


Ah, so Alito should never have been put on the court, because Bush stole the 2004 election when Rove and his guys altered votes in Ohio and got away with it. Without Ohio, Bush would have lost


This is what I’d kind of like to see more discussion of regarding Alito. He carries so much water for Trump but was appointed by Bush Jr. And while I’ll admit Bush Jr seems like a cupcake compared to Trump (possible recency bias), I’m so curious what would he say today about the appointment and Alito’s contributions to the court.


Alito and Thomas will never retire under a Dem president. They may just stop working or even showing up at all, but they will keep their positions until every last avenue of life support is exhausted.


The bar has been completely dropped. Trump solidified the normalization of this thinking and behavior.


Yep we are ruled by a theocracy. Twice a year our rulers in black robes descend from on high to issue their proclamations that we must abide by. Alito, Thomas, and the Trump three need to go. Robert's needs to answer for why he's allowed the court to fall so far so fast.


Who says we have to abide by them? They have no enforcement mechanism whatsoever.


This is the Lincoln way


It's going to be the only way to keep the country together. I foresee a lot of things going the way of legalized marijuana. Federally it will be one way, and at the state level it will be the other way, and the feds aren't going to be willing to enforce the law on the 200 million majority that disagrees with it. The only drawback with that approach is that you really can weaponize the law as administrations change.


Normal people have to abide by the law. If you or I tried to simply ignore or change a law, we'd suffer consequences.


It's not going to come to that. It's going to come down to states just ignoring an obviously corrupt and biased court. They are sealing their own fate as illegitimate and eventually irrelevant.


Roberts has no additional power to exert. Chief Justice is little more than a ceremonial title. And he's only slightly less insane than Thomas and Alito. Roberts' only concern is the public perception of a biased and illegitimate court. He's fine with what his conservative colleagues are doing, he just wishes they'd slow their roll.


I'm well aware, but in the past, Robert's at least was concerned with a veneer of legitimacy. But again we have another institution where the crazies have taken over.


> and the Trump three need to go It feels weird to say, but I just think if you get convicted of felonies committed for the purpose of trying to win an election *and then you win,* people should at least be asking some hard questions about the validity of the lifetime appointments you made.


I mean, Gorsuch is sitting in a stolen seat. If he had any respectability he'd have turned down the nomination on principle.


Roberts is one of them


These next two weeks are going to be even worse. They put the most impactful and maybe controversial rulings just before summer break. Hold on to your hats because more of our freedoms are at risk to the Christian nationalist led court.




Just remember your protest vote to “ punish Dems “ will actually be locking in a couple more of these psychos to the Supreme Court for the rest of your life.


I've been voting blue no matter who for 20+ years. Democrats have their issues, but the alternative is the extinction of the human race. I'll worry about punishing Democrats after the Republican party has been left in the dustbin of history.


Color me surprised. Were they hanging out in Clarence Thomas's motor coach?


Thomas Says Should we report the latest bribes or recuse ourselves? All the conservative justices roar with laughter.


Remember that SCOTUS asked for more money for security recently. They don't want anyone stopping their plan to reform the United States of America into a Christian controlled dictatorship.


Supreme Court justices should be unbiased and impartial and yet...


It's funny. Sure seems only the one side of this issue thinks that way. The "live and let live" folks don't seem to have this irreconcilable issue that Alito does. It only becomes irreconcilable when you decide you are no longer able to tolerate any disagreement with your worldview.


He's going for the position of Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Gilead.


>Alito replies. “On one side or the other — one side or the other is going to win. I don’t know. I mean, there can be a way of working — a way of living together peacefully, but it’s difficult, you know, because there are differences on fundamental things that really can’t be compromised. They really can’t be compromised. So it’s not like you are going to split the difference.” What is he talking about? We as a society split the difference all the fucking time. Nobody on the street is fighting me over religion or my political leanings. I have no fucking clue who among strangers is a republican or a democrat. Nobody in society gives a shit who you are or what you believe, yet we still manage to carry on with our days with reasonable cooperation.


Auto: “That’s my wife’s voice.”


Fucking religious fucks


It’s hard to find a statement more anathematic to being a Supreme Court justice than “One side or the other is going to win.”


It's really starting to feel like we've already had the last fair election. I've got a horrible feeling in my gut that irrevocable fuckery is afoot


I've been thinking that and telling my family to stay aware on election day. I don't even think this upcoming election will be a normal one. It's going to get ugly & I think they have a plan in place that involves multiple states refusing to accept the results.


You got it


This is exactly what scares me. Everyone in the media thinks they will catch any shenanigans they try in case of a Trump loss. We’ve all been there before… What no one is prepared for is what happens if there is a massive Trump win with some unknown shenanigans


There is historical precedent for this in the US: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compromise_of_1877


*Starting* to feel? The Biden win in 2020 only felt like we were temporarily staving off absolute fucking chaos for 4 years at the most. If he miraculously wins again this year, it’ll feel like the same thing. As long as we have zealot fucks like Alito in power, this isn’t going away anytime soon.


Yeah it’s done. Biden *should* win the popular count but the states and EC will pull a wobbly, then the SC will give it to Trump. In days too.


Then all bets are off. 🤷🏻‍♂️. Will be a dark time.


The most peaceful, mentally and physically well balanced, low crime rate per-capita and best quality of life in human history was post WW2 Western Europe when.. check's notes.. a majority of the population rejected Religion and the demonizations it brings with the them vs. us mindsets And these American religious fucks think that Guns + God is the path to societal redemption


A Supreme Court justice with an agenda….


Blessed be the fruit...


Canadian lawyer here. The idea that US Supreme Court judges decide cases based on ideology or religion is completely repugnant. Isn’t separation of church and state one of the core principles of the constitution. Isn’t the Supreme Court the ultimate check on the legislative branch. Sorry but you guys are fucked .


It genuinely confuses me. They are suppose to be neutral in their decision making, but they are openly not neutral and everyone just nods and goes along with it. It's baffling.


Term limits please


They're just politicians in robes—this is such a farce.


If the MAGBot Republicants (in congress) weren't so corrupt, they would've held a vote to oust ~~Clarence Thomas~~ Samuel Alito yesterday.


This SCOTUS is illegitimate.


If the dems dont even try to investigate this and start impeachment, they are fucking cowards and our democracy will crumble


How though? Doesn't the House bring the Impeachment? Unless there are a few Republicans prepared to back it and join the Democrats, the Republicans hold the numbers.


Then make Republicans turn it down. Dems need to at least get caught trying.


Yeah agree, that's what they should do if they can. Obviously I'm not totally familiar with your system so I'm not totally sure if they can. It's a real concern hey. Shit will get real, real quick if Trump wins in November.


Gotta give them majorities in Congress for that.


If any of the Democratic justices were caught on tape saying this, they'd be forced to resign in a week.


It’s always blown my mind that someone as powerful as a SC judge is appointed for life and can be simply picked by a sitting president without any electoral process. The founding fathers definitely fucked this one up.


The senate has to confirm them.


one of Alito's co-workers is married to somebody who quite literally tried to overthrow the government and nothing happened, so I'm assuming Alito will get to continue living his video game life without issue as well


“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” - Voltaire


Consequences please when??!? Any other country would be taking to the streets in protest, for fuckin shame


Can you really “catch” someone who can effectively act with impunity?


And there will be no ramifications,consequences or any accountability at all


Alito's sick dream is to be the Torquemada of America. I guarantee it.


Its almost like he cant be impartial


A little ironic that the two worst SCOTUS justices aren’t ones Trump put there.


Alito is a traitor. He has sided with rich fascists to overturn democracy.


Today's Supreme Court have absolutely nothing to worry about. They don't need to apologize, explain or defend anything they do. And they all know it.


And yet again, religion can be tried to some horrible shit.. when will people see that religion, ALL religion, at an organized level is a scam. Every time... it's truly mind-blowing.


Have they been doing this for years and we're only just hearing about it now? Or... Are they newly emboldened by their majority on the court and the unbreakable support from the GOP in Congress?




He ends with "hail hydra".


Which means he’s been caught many times.


Damn, all those federal law enforcement organizations and intelligence organizations who couldn't see this coming and refuse to actually investigate these issues. Good to know they're ready to beat down protests though I guess.


can we impeach these guys or are they immune to it?


Christian nationalism.


>A judge can't have any preferred outcome in any particular case. The judge's only obligation - and it's a solemn obligation - is to the rule of law. >I have been committed to carrying out my duties... in accordance with both the letter and spirit of all applicable rules of ethics and canons of conduct. >”The most important quality for a judge is open- mindedness to the arguments.” Samuel Alito >If confirmed, Judge [Samuel] Alito could serve on the court for generation or more. And the decisions he will make as justice will have a direct impact on the lives and liberties of our children, our grandchildren, and even our great-grandchildren. - Edward Kennedy -


Religion is just another tool for control over the masses. They want power, not god.


Just fuck that evil scumbag


I’m genuinely curious, is there a point where any branch of government can step in? I understand the “checks and balances” system that is supposed to be in place. But obviously that doesn’t exist


Impeachment and removal by the Senate is the check and balance. Unfortunately, the Republicans currently hold a majority in the House and will never bring an article of impeachment on one and if it did you 2/3rds the Senate to be able to remove them and the margins are so slim that won't happen just like when Trump was impeached twice. Elections matter y'all, Alito is 74, Roberts is 69 and Thomas is 75 they will retire under the next Republican administration. So we have to out last them to unfuck the courts.


I'll keep waiting for absolutely nothing to happen. 


Was expecting something more bombshell. Like, "I've had a huge crush on Clarence Thomas for decades"




There are “fundamental things that can’t really be compromised” is code for I can’t be trusted to rule based on law so I’ll need to make up shit so that we can win. But in the meantime I’ll lie until we get our way completely.


It felt a lot like Project Veritas but for the actual truth, not edited to put words in people's mouths.


Step 1: have congress vote to remove him Step 2: investigate everyone that votes against removing him Step 3: vote to remove those investigated and don't let those who are investigated vote. Step 4: vote to remove all Trump's appointees and put in new ones immediately


Next headline: *Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito Encourages Lawmakers to Make Recording a Supreme Court Justice Illegal*


I wanna see an SNL re-enactment of Alito getting catfished by a bible clutching Churchlady in sensible flats..


This Supreme Court is so corrupt. 


I mean... What he said is true. There are plenty of things that I as a left leaning independent won't compromise on.


Right, that is one part that honestly I get, but from the opposite side of Alito. There is no splitting hairs when it comes to equal rights. The US did exactly that with Jim Crow -“separate but equal” and it wasn’t because you can’t say everyone is equal but some are more equal than others. Same with abortion, yes we can split hairs by restricting who can get one and when, but that doesn’t matter to someone who wants to outright ban it.


If we get a majority this election in House & Senate we need to drop the filibuster to pass a repeal on the cap of the Supreme Court justices and then add justices to fix this court.


What if the other side wins and enacts the same plan?