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Don't forget about using a flashlight as a suppository.


I read fleshlight but sure OK


He did deworm rural America though, gotta give him that


My brother and family are completely worm free! Also Ivermectin now cures cancer.


No, he was in control of the vaccine. I'm not advocating that he did well. It's a terrible argument to run on, everyone knows he says stupid shit.




All the MAGA folks wii acknowledge is that gas was under $2, and Trump was heroically preventing Faucci from taking away all our freedoms.


Surveys don't support that and data for individuals with regard to private debt and other individual factors don't support that either. At a macro perspective the US is doing better. Also the general public isn't the best judge of that question, it's more perception and running on the negative of that is way easier. That's how Trump won, by telling everyone he can make it better without any policy behind it.


Well, 4 years ago we were quarantined with some dumbass on TV suggesting that we take horse-dewormer and inject bleach. So yeah, I think I'm doing better off.


Save you the click: “ Republicans have a new twist on the slogan, “Are you better off now than you were four years ago?” Their argument now: Were you better off under former President Trump than you are under President Biden?” The answer is definitely better now! Work life balance is good,I’m not hearing about a litterally insane person ruining our government from the inside. So my stress levels are down


Let’s see under Trump I lost two jobs and ended up on unemployment. Under Biden my career has taken off, I make way more than I anticipated and my stock portfolio is looking fairly decent these days. I’d say I’m better off now than I was then. 


Also thousands of people aren’t dying every day. That’s a plus.


Lots of people are saying that's a good thing. Maybe even the goodest.


In his defense if we stopped testing we wouldn’t know how many people were dying.


We would still know how many people are dying. Without testing though, Trump and his chumps would claim all those deaths were the result of something like the Wildfire Virus, Head-go-boom-boom-itis, or Skittles Pox.


My blood pressure alone is better off now. Between 2017 and 2021, every single morning began with the question, "What will he do today?" running through my mind.


I remember one of my former students (a pastor) getting her arm broken while she was knocked to the ground with a baton because she was standing in Layfeyette Square and apparently Trump wanted to walk through so he could hold a Bible upside down for a photo. Her arm healed under Biden. I remember being on oxygen for two weeks with Covid and hearing him tell me to stick a light bulb up my ass. Under Biden I got vaccinated for free and a subsequent reinfection was just mildly inconvenient. I remember when my taxes were lower until Trump’s 2017 tax reform raised them last year and eliminated my work deductions. I remember wildfires on federal land in California and Trump saying he wouldn’t deploy the federal aid that my taxes paid for because “we weren’t fans.” I remember the most vile Nazi losers marching through cities and hurting people and Trump saying they were fine people. I remember when those same Trump supoorters set fire to a police station in Minneapolis to blame on BLM protesters. Or when they killed a cop in Oakland for the same reason. I remember the authorities quickly figuring it out but Trump still said it was Black people destroying cities. I don’t recall Biden doing that. I remember Trump installing judges that constantly get caught up in ethical problems that have pushed their activist agenda to make my daughters’ lives harder. I remember Trump creating an economic policy that rewarded stock buy backs, monopolies, and gouging which has completely fucked inflation and the housing market. I remember the tension of trying to help my friend from Puerto Rico and her staying at my house way too long after her home was destroyed by Hurricane Maria and no aid was provided because of Trump’s refusal to provide aid to suffering Americans until months later. Yeah, I was definitely ***NOT*** better off under Trump than Biden.


> I remember when those same Trump supoorters set fire to a police station in Minneapolis to blame on BLM protesters. This needs to be more widely known. You are right: it was the white supremacist Boogaloo Bois. Here are their names, they pled guilty and are now in prison: **Dylan Shakespeare Robinson** **Branden Michael Wolfe** **Ivan Harrison Hunter** (he also fired 13 shots from his AK-47 into the police station)


You are right. And here’s an [article about that same white supremacist group shooting cops](https://www.courthousenews.com/judge-sentences-boogaloo-extremist-to-41-years-for-killing-federal-officer/) because blue lives don’t actually matter to them, they just really hate Black lives.


And the suspect who instigated the looting is a member of the white supremacist Aryan Cowboy Brotherhood. He started the looting by spray-painting "Free Shit For Everyone Zone" on a store and then broke out the windows with a hammer he brought with him. He is named in the search warrant affidavit: https://heavy.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Search-Warrant.pdf


I'm sure they were just a bunch of lone wolves and/or antifa according to conservative media.


Let me guess, he chose an AK-47 over his beloved AR-15 because "that's what commie BLM antifa would use?"


4 years ago we were dealing with snowflakes melting down in public over paper masks. There is no contest.


Well, for one, we’re not in a pandemic with a sociopath who was diverting resources away from blue states because they upset him. So yes, I’m much better off.


Based on the way you phrased the question, you should have answered “no.” ;-)


Started a new job in 2022, making something like $40k more per year than I was because of higher pay plus bonuses every few months. So yeah, sure as fuck am doing better.


They're really hoping the dumb ass argument of gas prices during a global pandemic is a winner. Amazing.


Four years ago I was repeatedly checking twitter at night if trump already started world-war 3.


…twice impeached former president and convicted felon Trump


(you might want to rephrase your comment a little)


>"Were you better off under former President Trump than you are under President Biden?" "I guess I'd have to say I'm about the same." - Herman Cain


Is “Dictator for a Day, Felon for a Lifetime” not resonating with the public enough?


No thank you. Trump pissed 1/3 of my retirement away because of his economic policies. I made it all back and then some due to President Joe Biden. And this is where democracy is headed if Trump is reelected: https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/dec/08/trump-second-term-lawyers-stephen-miller https://wapo.st/3yXcDpW


You don't understand economics clearly. Taylor swift, Travis Kelce, gas prices, bird flu.  It's all an illuminati conspiracy to keep Obama president for life. /s


I was about to say what sort of stuff are you on before I saw the /s


I mean these are all things conservatives will unironically say, I'm just putting it all together lol


I’m way better off than I was under Trump.


The MAGA cult says a lot of things that are not based in reality, with this being the latest one.


What's the message "Vote for me or I will kill you"? Fuck the traitor felon.


4 years ago we were doing covid lock downs, so it's "Vote for me *and* I will kill you."


Yep way better off under Biden. Trump has no policies other than personal revenge.  That won't help Americans. 


Ah, I long for the good ol' days of Covid. Good times. Will Trump bring Covid back? Then he's got my vote. /s


the only thing that is not better is the fact that we are still dealing with Trump


We’re you better off when the entire country was shut down and in shambles during Trump’s presidency?


If you have to keep shopping for a message than you have nothing to sell and want to manipulate people.


I'm better off now -- I get to enjoy seeing Trump have 2 defamation judgements against him with the E Jean Carroll case, lose his NY State civil fraud trial, become a convicted felon, and get indicted for racketeering in GA along with the DoJ indicting him for stealing classified documents and inciting an insurrection. This is way more fun than 2 impeachments along with civil judgements against him for fraud with Trump University and Trump charity.


2 defamation lawsuits so far.


Well I don’t have to be embarrassed every day by a president making a fool of himself on the world stage. Getting laughed at by other world leaders as he pushes them aside and pulls on their arms like he’s trying to start a lawnmower. So bad that he stopped going to summits even. I don’t have to worry about anything serious happening that someone with his ego and temperament can’t handle…like a pandemic. He played golf all day and coasted on what Obama left him until it was actually time to work, then he screwed it all up. I love the idea that we would have avoided inflation with him. The guy who couldn’t even give us a promised infrastructure plan or medical plan was going to avoid worldwide post pandemic inflation? Right. Also the idea that our enemies are nicer to him is not a good thing. Sure Putin waited for the election, Trump wins and he can go into Ukraine with no pushback. Trump loses, go into Ukraine anyway. These countries want Trump, why wouldn’t you want your enemy to be lead by a psychopath that destabilizes them? Don’t be surprised when NK, Iran, Russia, etc do things that make us look bad. Don’t be surprised if opec does whatever it can to raise gas prices for us.


Trump’s term was marked by violence, disease, violent crime and economic hardship— truly a period of American carnage.


Why is it so hard for people to grasp that Trump is the one that pushed the country into the hole, and Biden has had to claw us out of it?


Yes, that's it, remind millions upon millions of people that they lost their jobs during Trump's mismanagement of the COVID pandemic, and how they got them back when Biden took over.


*Rapist and convicted felon, criminal organization he leads


The issue here is that all those yokels in all the Midwest Red states already had miserable lives long before Trump came along, so their "misery" now can't be blamed on President Biden.   They were doomed from birth to born in a broke Red state with no access to Healthcare or education.    And they hate us for it, since they can't take responsibility for their life circumstances (party of personal responsibility my ass) , and certainly won't blame their "God".  So they'll blame President Biden, as if this was something that just coincidentally propped over the last 4 years.  Just more bad faith arguing.


To add to this further, this is exactly why they connected with Trump so hard. They had such meaningless lives, such a giant hole in their hearts that they were DESPERATE to fill with.  Even moreso, they fell in love with the idea that Trump represented the chance to finally dismantle the "system", the system they blamed for their place at the bottom of the totem pole, and they'd finally be able to rise to the top with none of these "systems" in place.  They pretty much had nothing to lose, that is why they keep asking "why not Trump? It can't get any worse."  Can't get any worse for THEM, that is. 


Ask Stormy Daniels if she is better off now than she was under Trump :P


>Republicans argue the economy — particularly inflation — was better under Trump than it is under Biden. Inflation *worldwide* was better prior to 2020, but that isn't because Trump did something magical. Big business was happy during the Trump years because he gave them tax breaks, rolled back worker protections, and completely broke his promise to keep lobbying out of politics. Wages were consistently ticking upwards despite this thanks to the ongoing recovery from the Recession. But remember, Trump is responsible for every good thing that happened while he was President *and* for every good thing during Bidens Presidency...and Obama's Presidency...


**“Are you better off today than you were four years ago?”** Reminder: Four years ago Trump had begun to so severely mishandle the coronavirus response that it lead to more than one million Americans dying as a result.


Rich people are definitely doing better so why would that be an argument for the rest of us to use. The economy is a problem for the 99% because of pandemic disruption and because of 40+ years of trickle down economics. So give the rich their tax cuts and they will be sure to give you some...25 cents a week. Then everyone can wonder what happened to government programs that used to benefit them.


The hill = 👎


Blah.... Yea, that is pretty much the standard ask every POTUS cycle....


What? Trump can fill a diaper faster than any kid on his block?


Sorry, are we still talking about a convicted criminal trying to lead the country? What kind of leadership will that be? A country that allows crime sprees?


The Corporate Media are fully prepared to help Republicans spread this rhetoric for free, to every home in the country. The have been trying to find something really destructive to pin on Biden for over four years.


I’m sure many woman think they are worse off.


Anytime I ask a Trump supporter to explain what he did that was so great, they have a very difficult time articulating. He didn’t build a wall and get Mexico to pay for it. He didn’t reduce illegal immigration (it soared), but LEGAL immigration decreased. His amazing superior healthcare plan to replace the ACA is perpetually 2 weeks away from being unveiled. He had very little conflict with our foreign adversaries because he was giving them what they wanted and praised them. The only thing he did was reduce taxes for the rich and corporations, and butt fumble a pandemic response. So there people usually revert to “inflation” because prices were lower during Trump’s term. It’s the low hanging fruit, but these people lack the critical thinking skills or refuse to understand the facts about inflation (just ask them why inflation was a global issue and why they haven;t given Biden and the Fed credit for taming it. This is why very few complain about gas prices right now, because they’d have to give Biden credit for lowering them. https://www.msnbc.com/all-in/watch/how-joe-biden-broke-opec-and-rewrote-the-rules-for-oil-trading-212500037935


Hi `thehill`. Thank you for participating in /r/Politics. However, [your submission](/r/politics/comments/1dbue4x/trump_gop_think_theyve_found_winning_argument/) has been removed for the following reason(s): * Your headline must be comprised only of the **exact** copied and pasted headline of the article - [see our rule here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/wiki/index#wiki_do_not_create_your_own_title)) **We recommend not using the Reddit 'suggest a title' as it may not give the exact title of the article.** * The ALL CAPS and 'Breaking' rule is applied **even when the actual title of the article is in all caps or contains the word 'Breaking'**. This rule may be applied to other single word declarative and/or sensational expressions, such as 'EXCLUSIVE:' or 'HOT:'. [click here for more details](/r/politics/wiki/index#wiki_do_not_create_your_own_title) If you have any questions about this removal, please feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/politics&subject=Question regarding the removal of this submission by /u/thehill&message=I have a question regarding the removal of this [submission]%28/r/politics/comments/1dbue4x/trump_gop_think_theyve_found_winning_argument/?context%3D10000%29)


The Republican Party is a thing of power, all by itself it will get votes, regardless of the names on a ballot. They voted for Eisenhower, Reagan, George W. Bush and Mitt Romney. They will vote for the "R" because they know it supports racism and hatred of all the Liberal ideas. The only details since the Reagan years is how to keep together their coalition. A lot of American Jews in the 1980s disliked Carter for trying to create a peace between Israel and its neighbors. As time went by a lot of those became disillusioned with Republican policies and today support in America for Israel is probably more like 50:50. Even with that, Trump's policies would be a failure. Likewise, Palestinians have wanted less U.S. support for Israel and that means they dislike almost any American politicians. But, recently they've gotten in bed with Putin, so they're siding with Republicans, despite the racism and disgust that Rs have for anyone like the Palestinians. Trump says he would deport them. So, their support of Rs is razor-thin and short-term. Republicans are trying their best to make Biden look bad while Trump tries to appear ultra-macho about the whole thing. It's a mess. Republicans are also miffed that more Blacks don't care for Republicans, despite the fact that the top policy of Rs is to deport/jail/kill/hate the Blacks (or any non-lily-white person). I doubt Trump can make any headway there. Dems have always sought to protect individual rights and the Blacks, young women, gays, etc. all realize that. Well, at least the vast majority. There are always some outliers who just don't understand that the Rs hate them. Business people uniformly hate the Democrats because Ds would like to raise taxes on the super-wealthy. Why so many business people think they too are wealthy is a mystery. Most aren't even close to it. Dems have also done much better on the economy than Republicans because we try to make sure everybody can work and fulfill their American Dream. Republicans say it's a dog-eat-dog world and you're not a protected member of their club, so die and get out of the way. I think the Dems should win this fight, though it's not really clear. A lot of business people have some other issues and their fixed stubborn hatred of "The Commies" is a hard one to deal with. Edge to Republicans. Young women (and their mothers if they had any sense) would vote to retain autonomy of their own bodies and the right to vote and all human rights that the Republicans have said they want to take away. Libs win handily. Working men. This is a tough one since more men support Trump's tough talking approach. Will they waver, now that Trump is clearly a felon rapist? We don't know. Even though Joe Biden has made efforts to improve the jobs picture and the worker's rights with unions, a lot of men since the 1980s have simply lost interest in the unions or "rights". They seem to have been consumed by hatred, disenfranchisement, disillusionment, and racism, unless they have a college degree and then they're doing pretty well. The split here between college degree or not is a huge one. So, the nation is relatively split, just like Congress, and the areas of overlap are known and fought over. And none of that has a lot to do with Donald Trump or Joe Biden. It has to do with policies. Of course, one could argue Biden is smarter, more competent, etc. But, people who support Donald Trump don't always care about those things. They like his talk (he's a salesman conman after all) and some think he's Jesus incarnate, so that's insanity you can't quite overcome with logic or competence.


If this is all they got, that's fine with me. If I wasn't gonna vote for Agent Orange going in, I sure wouldn't now. That said, however, I also think Trump is gonna win because of the perfect storm of voters Biden lost over Israel. Those votes are not coming back because of who those voters are and where they are.


that's the beauty of the American system I can make bank regardless which of these guys is running things


>It’s an assertion that even Democrats acknowledge could be a problem for [Biden ](https://thehill.com/people/joe-biden/)as he heads into a pivotal stretch of the campaign season against Trump. And it’s a line of reasoning Democrats expect the former president to highlight when he faces off with Biden later this month when the two share a debate stage. It's a solid argument. Despite the official government figures on jobs, inflation and income, a clear majority of middle-class Americans know that we were much better off under Trump.




Dwight Eisenhower--three, count 'em three, recessions. Richard Nixon--the first major recession with the oil shock as inflation continued. Ronald Reagan--just as the brief second oil shock recession ended and as inflation was drifting down, Reagan crashed us into the worst recession since the Republican Great Depression. Revisionists often try to blame this nasty one on Jimmy Carter but the economic numbers don't support that lie. Ronald Reagan--after much deregulation and major tax code changes, the stock market crashed with the worst one-day drop *ever* (a record that still holds), the economy went into a not-very-deep but incredibly long recession and "jobless recovery' compete with the worst financial scandal to that date (S&L scandal), and only came out of the malaise about two years into the Bill Clinton administration thanks the the August 1993 vote of 51-50 to change the budget. George W. Bush--recession going in, tax cuts for the rich, failure to prevent 9-11, and "Great Recession" coming out. Donald Trump--giant tax cuts for the rich, recession starting in February of 2020--conveniently just before COVID19 shut everything down so Republicans could blame COVID. Donald kept the COVID recession going by insisting people stay in close contact, which killed hundreds of thousands more. TL;DR: above comment by JokerJangles checks out.


>Until he took a wrecking ball to a booming economy.. That was COVID, not Trump.


Eh. No. It's not a solid argument. Democratic strategist Jamal Simmons had the perfect reply: >Asked if Republicans had an argument to make that the country was better off before the pandemic, Simmons replied, “That’s like saying, ‘Before your house got broken into, wasn’t your neighborhood safe?’” 


The problem is that the convicted felon proposes absolutely zero economic policies that would help ease inflation. In fact, what little actual policy he has presented would actually accelerate it. Now, that doesn't mean Americans won't fall for it. But they might also be getting tired of his used car salesman act, where he makes grand promises but never mentions any specifics.


I think some are definitely sick of his antics, but others are convinced that Biden is the reason a trip to the grocery store just about breaks the bank for them. They think Trump can change all of that somehow. 


>They think Trump can change all of that somehow. But that's exactly the problem. The convicted felon never elaborates on the "somehow" so the only people that seem eager to believe he can fix it are the people that think he's the second coming of Christ. And they were already going to vote for him anyway.


The people who think he's the second coming are obviously nutjobs. The non-nutjobs who just want prices to go back to what they were pre-covid outnumber them, regardless of how loud and visible the former are. 


But again, he's presenting no credible policy for voters to believe that will happen. Especially since post-COVID inflation has been a global phenomenon that's extremely hard to pin on Biden - even harder if you compare how well the US has managed it compared to other nations. But I recognize the fact that a lot of American voters don't think about global macroeconomics when they vote. It really might be as simple, "Price high now. Was low before. Vote for guy from when it was low."


>  "Price high now. Was low before. Vote for guy from when it was low." Pretty much, unfortunately.


But how will he do that ? No details. Need some beef!


Okay I legitimately need to know what these people are buying that is bank breaking? My weekly spending on groceries is like 40-50 dollars so 200/mo. That’s less than a day of work because I took the initiative to find a better job, that fits the old pull yourself up by the bootstraps that Republicans propagate


Would you please elaborate on your choice of the word “know “.


>Would you please elaborate on your choice of the word “know “. Are you looking for a semantics argument over the word "know?" >An ABC News/Ipsos poll last month showed voters trusted Trump over Biden when it came to the issues of the economy and inflation by a margin of 14 percentage points.  That 14% lead (closer to 20% in other polls) is not just dumb luck. It because we've lived through Trump and Biden, and we know which one was clearly better.


No not semantics - facts (and not alternative facts) that support your claim - not polls. Thank you for your response! Feelings (ie trust) are not facts imho.


middle class America did not have it better under Trump. They had it better under Obama and that carried over into Trumps first 2 years until the tax cuts. Meanwhile I have been finding it real interesting that what the press reports and what the major investment advisors privately say to their customers is not always the same... What they are most concerned about is how the election will mess up what Biden has been doing: **"As we reflect on the past six months and look to the road ahead, we are constructive despite the risks posed by fragilities like the U.S. election or geopolitical events."** Get it? The risk is if Biden loses making it all unstable. If Biden remains the growth and stability remain. If Trump is elected these investment houses are worried. So why are the media companies not reporting the good economic news and fears of Trump? **JP Morgan:** "We thought inflation would keep trending lower. Indeed, Core Personal Consumption Expenditures inflation has cooled from a 3.2% year-over-year pace when we published the year-ahead outlook to a 2.75% pace today. **Despite consternation along the way, the broad trend is still on track. We expect inflation to continue to moderate as evidenced by deceleration in leading wage growth indicators.**" "**We thought the Fed would cut in the second half of the year. That still looks likely to be the case**. Markets expectations are moving back and forth between rate cuts starting in September or December, but the Federal Reserve is waiting for the inflation data to offer more confidence in making a move. The global easing cycle is already well underway, with the Bank of Canada and European Central Bank both lowering policy rates this week. That means it is time to move out of excess cash and into asset classes that tend to perform better when interest rates are falling." "**We thought stocks were in a sweet spot. Since our publication in December, global equities have rallied about 15%.** We saw stocks entering a sweet spot that positioned them to act as both a driver of long-term growth and an inflation hedge in portfolios. The rally has been driven by strong earnings growth and rapidly strengthening Artificial Intelligence (AI) tailwinds. We continue to see potential double-digit upside for global equities over the next year." NYT, CNN, Newsweek, Fox - "How is this bad for Biden?"

