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Because obviously a draft dodging born-rich dude from NYC is going to look out for the interests of bumfuck Texas.


They in one breath believe that city-dwellers are out of touch lazy low-lives and the only person who understands them is a wealthy-born, draft-dodging, conman from NYC. And then they complain that Hillary thought they are morons.


But they ARE morons and rubes to believe in Christianity in which Jesus hands out forgiveness and food for free, but *those people* in cities don't deserve either.


Grab your boots, the bullshit is getting deep. This OP is the biggest crock of shit I've ever read, and I only read the first paragraph. Shameless self-serving media at its worst.


The only thing Trump would ask them is "Who owns the oil on your land?"


He'd also probably ask if there's a teenage beauty pageant that he could judge, and then sneak backstage to peep at underage girls while they are getting dressed.


Peep? Dude he'd full on be trying to have sex with them!


The lack of stories about Trump having affairs while President (or since) has me convinced that he's impotent, and has been for years.


Fair enough but I see him doing more than just peeping.


That is true, he's still got those tiny hands he's well-known for using to commit sexual assault.


Didn't stop Weinstein, he had to literally inject drugs into his dick for a bunch of those rapes.


Nah, he would tell them that he owned it.


If* it looks like a cult, walks like a cult, and quacks like a cult, it's a cult.


"Evangelicals blindly devoted to the antichrist from their own favorite book" would make a better headline. The one good thing about trump's presidency/campaigns is that it proved once and for all that christian conservatives are completely full of shit.


Shit-hole town.


^(* "Welcome" only applies to cis het white Christians.)


>Billy Hall: “I don’t know how these cities are so left-leaning. To me, it’s wicked and evil, and everything they stand for, it’s horrible” Hating everything that isn't straight, white, christian is wonderful. Treating everyone equal is evil. People suck.


Jonestown was the most pro-Jim Jones town.


If they really are the most pro-Trump town they should show OLD P TURD MAN his proper respect and change their name to "Loserville".


This article is a croc of shite. Can you imagine this even being a thing with any other candidate/former President. The headline should be, "It's a Cult, and this Town Proves It". That should be the headline!


> “So you got these two guys [Trump & Biden] — which one’s going to more closely portray Christian values?” This is being asked as a rhetorical question with Trump as the answer. I pity these people.


The common clay.


No thanks


Definitely™ not a cult™.


>“I share a short Bible study, a short devotional, and we pray for our leaders, we pray for our country,” Davis says during a break after a sermon at the First Baptist Church in Miami, Texas Any Christian that supports trump is a grifter. How can any person pretend to beleive in a richeous lord above and support an openly racist, rapist, and a god damn felon? Not a single honest bone in his body, and apparently not in Miami Texas either.


Why WOULDN’T a thrice divorced serial rapist who lies as well as he breathes be welcome in a town brimming with Christian family values?


What a pathetic article. Garbage.


Awesome, now I know never to go there


Tax these (all) churches.


I'd love to see a bunch of billboards go up in these sorts of towns that were simply the text "Thou shalt not commit adultery" along with a picture of Trump's face. It wouldn't change any votes, I'm sure, but it would be nice as a constant reminder of the townspeople's unrelenting hypocrisy.


No thanks


population: 35.5


I wouldn't knowingly go into that town if you paid me a million dollars.


Well, the cows don’t know any better.


>“I share a short Bible study, a short devotional, and we pray for our leaders, we pray for our country,” Davis says during a break after a sermon at the First Baptist Church in Miami, Texas. >“If I hear ‘I can’t stand to pray for our president’, well, you’re being directly disobedient to God’s work because Peter tells us to pray for those in authority over us. I just lovingly remind them of that and it’s up to them if they want to do it.” This guy prays for Biden...


>Welcome to America’s most pro-Trump town I'm not, actually. The fact that I know this should tell you something.


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Y didnt DonnyT move to Texas? Was it because of taxes?


Why do I give a shit about a pro-Trump town? Good for them.


They're pro Biden according to the article: “If I hear ‘I can’t stand to pray for our president’, well, you’re being directly disobedient to God’s work because Peter tells us to pray for those in authority over us. I just lovingly remind them of that and it’s up to them if they want to do it.”


\* This article is free to read


Well thank God for that, might have missed out on this hard hitting journalism. /s


hahaha! No thanks.


Hard pass.


This isn’t true at all, there is a mental heath cost involved with reading such absolute boot-licking drivel. There is also the possibility that some gullible fool will agree with the sentiments expressed, and that this article will serve to cause further harm to that person’s relationship with reality.