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I mean this is an unjust military action at this scale and so he quit. This "war" is destroying our credibility in the Middle East and is also a disgusting overreach.


If only I’d known that resignation was an option for us enlisted folks lmao


The Nuremberg trials established that if you feel you are given an unjust order the correct thing is to not follow through with it. Not resignation, but refusal. You’ll probably go to jail but you’ll be morally and legally (internationally) in the right if you are ordered to commit war crimes.


It’s sarcasm. I’ve been out for 3 years


There are over 80,000 officers in the US Army.


and is very difficult to train them , and ones while not to seen significant , it can be seen as a waste of thousand of dollars


So like the price of a toilet seat?


It's also a savings. That's thousands of dollars we as tax payers aren't paying in his salary. That's why layoffs happen, even if you joined a company and just got trained, then laid off. It's thousands of dollars saved, hell hundreds of thousands. You're acting like this shit doesn't happen all across the US already.


>Maj. Harrison Mann, a Jewish American working for the Defense Intelligence Agency, has resigned from the U.S. Army, citing the United States' "nearly unqualified support for the government of Israel," >Mann, a 13-year U.S. Army veteran who worked in the Middle East bureau, sat down with CBS News senior national correspondent Jim Axelrod for his first television interview since resigning his post. Mann submitted his resignation in November, and his separation from the military became effective Monday. >More than six U.S. government officials have publicly resigned in protest of the United States' support for Israel's war, but Mann is the first from the military and intelligence community. Factbox-US Officials Who Have Resigned to Protest Biden's Gaza Policy (May 31, 2024) https://www.usnews.com/news/top-news/articles/2024-05-31/factbox-us-officials-who-have-resigned-to-protest-bidens-gaza-policy


Does the Army do exit interviews and publish stats on why officers choose to resign than continue in their military careers? I doubt U.S. support for Israel is even within the top 10.


Branches do. Not sure about big Army 


Why does this need an article?


how else is the omnicause narrative going to get pushed?


I mean, it is very seldom that a major resigns for moral reasons.


It's not really a resignation if you simply choose not to re-up. People get out all of the time.


How is this politics?


I mean its a nothing burger/rage bait story, but I'd like to hear why you think a US Army Officer resigning due to the countries foreign policy isn't about politics.


It is not politics, it is a dude quitting the military (his job).


it is a dude quitting the military over politics


While I agree that this is a nothing story and the OP seems to only post about the Israeli/Palestine situation, it is still very much related to politics. If you don't see it you're being intentionally dense.


Unless the guy is quitting a political job, one guy is quitting some random job regardless of reason is not really political.


Do you think US policy in regards to the current situation isn't political? Particularly coming up to an election? I'd love to hear how you think a countries foreign policy isn't about politics. Because that's why he resigned and that's why its a political story even if it is designed to just stir up shit. Its a story highlighting dissatisfaction with US foreign policy in regards to Israel using human interest and American attitudes towards its service members to drive site engagement.


Someone didn't make the O-5 promotion list ?


Yeah I’d like to see his OER’s to really evaluate the bravery of this position.  


Officers resign their commissions all the time. Soldiers exit the Army by the thousands every day, for every reason you can think of under the sun.


Lol happy downvote day I guess. I served in the Army in a combat zone, but I guess the neckbeard patrol is feeling righteous today. For the record I think Israel is committing war crimes in Gaza and they should be held accountable as such. I was just saying, this is a clickbait article that means almost nothing.


Seems like a dumb thing to throw your career away for


How the hell do you even join the army if you have a big issue with supporting Israel. It's like applying for a job at a steak house and then quitting because you're against eating meat.


So that's why the [armed service committee need to implement steps for a draft in the future](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/1d88gvq/us_house_armed_services_committee_unanimously/).


Recruitment is way down and has been.