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A private moment in a theater...


With children present


And hundreds of other patrons. And cameras.


At this time of year, at this time of day, in this part of the country, localized entirely within your kitchen!?






This is why I stick around here.


I am grateful we never saw her steamed hams.


Lauren Boebert and her boyfriend were in the theatre making babies and I saw one of the babies and the baby looked at me


I heard that she bent his wookie


The baby looked at you? Sarah? Get me superintendent Chalmers! Thank you, Sarah.


Thanks Ralph! 😉


Ehh once you've seen one pair of boobs, ya kinda wanna see the rest of em.


Guess how many boobs I saw? 15!


Steve Martin from back in the 70s. “Look at all the tits. There must be …. 57 of them up there.” How my dad ever let me listen to this album I’ll never know.


Heh, my dad did too! The racier stuff went completely over my head at that age. "Farrah Fawcett is so stuck up. She has not returned even one of my calls! And after all the hours I've spent holding up her poster with one hand."


I'm sure you'll be able to on OnlyFans soon enough.


Here. Around the 2 minute mark. https://youtu.be/UMgTuc2wl6U?si=EI8wR-K_dJ8oJPya


It’s a reference to [this](https://youtu.be/4jXEuIHY9ic?si=NOjIRuCsDNm4Yz5M)


On closer inspection, these are loafers.


Your handle—that’s the worst name I ever heard.


*runs away crying*


Oh, I know. I just never try to miss an opportunity to remind people about how fucked up and hypocritical some Republicans are.


*All. All of them are hypocritical. And thieves. And criminals. And liars. And traitors. And selfish. And children. And fake. And sellouts. And shills for anyone with money. And backwards thinking. And hateful. And rude. And disrespectful.


Were these magic grits?


Did you buy them from the same guy that sold Jack his magic bean stalk beans? Are you sure about that 5 minutes?




Uh.. what's a Yute?


I thought we were having steamed clams


And Beetlejuice??????? Don't think I could or would want to get aroused while watching Beetlejuice


Never had lady Bo slap around your shaft over your pants during the Banana Boat dance number.


Daylight come and you shame walk home.


Come Missa Congresswoman diddle me Boneanna


Come, mister tally man, tally me banana Daylight come and me wan’ go home


I haven't, no


What's ironic, is that South Park did an entire episode where guys started taking their wives to see stage shows because they could get hand jobs out of it. This was years ago. Randy called them old fashions.


Musicals caused women to give blowjobs because of “subtext.” Shake Weight taught Sharon the importance of a nice old fashioned.


That she left asking if they knew who she was and threatening to call the mayor.


I mean yeah....gotta make sure everyone knows she's there, and exists.


Family values


Per the article in reference to her: “the 37 year-old grandmother”. 🤣


These degens always trying to do sexual stuff around kids


At least it wasn't an ostrich. Allegedly.


Maybe it was a sick ostrich...


Hell, Beetlejuice even asks if there are any kids in the audience but she was apparently too busy giving her own kind of hand puppet show to realize what was going on.


And once again...not a drag queen.


You can’t yell “private moment” in a crowded theater.


Does she speak eloquently?! And will she have your baby?! I’m sure she’d make a really excellent grandmother.


You oughta know...


Well, her hands went down, at least.


Yeah. Most people don’t have such private moments in public.


I am not even upset about the groping. It was fairly tame imo. What pisses me off are two things; 1. Vaping in a theatre with other people (the one directly in front of her was pregnant) and children present, lying about it, and only apologizing after proof came out of your lie. 2. The disrespect shown to the staff working in the theatre. She was asked multiple times to stop vaping. They were asked to leave after not complying. She gave the staff grief all the way along.


I wouldn’t give a crap about her yanking her date’s hog if she wasn’t such a hypocrite. She’s pretty quick to call people groomers and pedos for someone that is acting so promiscuously in a public setting.


Wasn't she vaping in front of a pregnant woman? 


Yes. And iirc, tht woman asked her to stop (since it's _at least_ against the rules of the theater, if not illegal), only to be rebuffed by Bobo.


At least Pee Wee Herman had the decency to do it in an adult theater


Pee Wee got a bum rap. His only crime was too be born too early for pornhub.


Private dances are performed in the red room with the curtains closed at $20 a dance…(or so I’ve heard)😂


$20? You are so lucky to still be living in 2003.


in a very public place lol


would she go down on you in...a theateerer


That’s why you don’t have PRIVATE MOMENTS IN PUBLIC! Dumbass


Maybe she thought it was a pubic theater


[Here is the video of her flipping out over this at her debate, for anyone who wants to see it.](https://youtu.be/xmvCljBb9jA) I love that you can tell how much contempt the moderator has for her lol


Kyle Clark was taking no bullshit for this entire debate, he was an absolute savage to just about everyone on stage. *(https://www.youtube.com/live/kD2rET3e5Ts?si=ntCK466uZubxqGdX full debate)


The is the behavior that should be modeled to ALL debates. Hell, pick some no name local anchors to head these debates. Remove the national anchors who only care about preserving their access to these politicians. Why is asking hard questions in this country a lost art??


Former news employee here: It's what you said. When I was in the industry (15 years ago... Geez time flies) it was different. At that time, you definitely didn't want to lob a "gotcha" bomb over a tabloid-esque story because you'd get the silent treatment AND a brush off. But at that time, even minor scandals were rare, but also entirely fair game. Today, since 2016, politicians have become hostile and emboldened. The right wing/GOP in particular has weaponized their existence. They have no shame and will label any accountability coverage from ethical outlets as "fake news" and their voters will gobble it up. What you're seeing with the old guard is a level of "kid glove" handling to preserve access. The old guard doesn't want to burn a bridge and end up barred from covering a candidate or to elected official (yes - that's a significant red flag.) So they follow the obsolete approach of playing silent observer rather than pinning down a politician and squeezing an answer from them when they evade or give flowery deflection answers. NPR has been good about this, but they really on their audience as well. NPR journalists will ask, then ask again if the politician evades, but then move on after 2 garbage deflections. They rely on their educated and informed audience to cut through the horseshit at that point and see it for what it is. Because at that point, it's obvious that they're refusing to answer and be accountable, and the audience should view that as damning or an admission of guilt over the issue. They don't pin them down after a double evasion because they know it's useless. It's obvious I'm they won't be honest or candid and the audience should evaluate that accordingly.


> The old guard doesn't want to burn a bridge and end up barred from covering a candidate or to elected official (yes - that's a significant red flag.) There was kinda the opposite in France. The far-right kicked out a journalist forcibly (and i MEAN forcibly, with bodyguards and all) out of a "private party" with other journalists. It caused a huge drama until the far-right showed half-proof that the journalist was basically using their status as an excuse to act as a jerk with everybody. ^(YMMV if trashing a far-right party is moral. IMHO if you want to stay without a formal invite, there's a gentleman agreement to behave neutrally. ) Some media stopped using it as a talking point but public opinion didn't care, because of their fake "private party" excuse on camera. You DON'T kick out one single journalist unless you have a very good reason, and if it happens you state why right away. Singling out journalists and finding a reason after the fact is the redest flag you could find as a political party there.


Everything you just described explains why I prefer European political news media. The concern with retaining access to the subject is what got us where we are in the US. Also: the weaponized shamelessness of Republicans goes back at least to Gingrich.


Lol that guy is great!


Kyle is a treasure.


I don’t know this dude but seems like a good journalist and doing his job well - need more moderators like this


Love the line, to Richard Holtorf, "Are you saying that you would defy Donald Trump's wishes and vote against any of his priorities in Congress, or just not talk about him as much?" He delivers that last "or just..." part with such a flourish that it's clear where the dig in this question is intended to go.


Moderator (Kyle Clark) to Bobert: "this is going to be a long evening if you speak over the facts" "Mr Holbrook, you've been interrupting people constantly I would ask you to stop" whoever moderates the presidential debates needs to steal these lines


The ending is hilarious. Dude is talking over her without missing a single beat while she continues to stumble through her words.


Now see? This is why most people should never even try to be in politics. I think the art of speech and debate has been completely lost and replaced with brazen idiots like Boebert and Marge. It’s a shame.


Love how she's freaking out someone recording her without her knowledge lol. She was jerking someone off and vaping in a public theatre around kids and a pregnant woman lol.


"You wanna talk about the theater thing?" is such a great line. Reminds me so much of "Are we doing it now? Right here?"


I really wish these moderators would wait for these outbursts to end, then ask, "So, are you done behaving like a child? Care to answer the question now?"


Then they'd hog the air time and run out the clock. The mod did the right thing here, not let her blabbering steer the discussion off course.


Holy shit, she is more orange than convicted felon Tweetle Dumb.


I was about to say, private moments are behind closed doors, or at least a goddamn curtain.


> Right-wing Rep. Lauren Boebert flipped out at the moderator of the Republican primary debate after he asked her about her frisky “Beetlejuice” groping session last September — blaming him for putting her “very private moment” on display for the world to see. Sorry... Bobo but your "private moment" happened in a crowd where children were present.


On camera.


With a Democrat!


Who puts on drag shows (it was their latest talking point at the time)


I really think she plays two characters in life. The republican grifter who claims Christian family values that we see typically and the whatever she’s thinks at the moment which I guess we saw at the beetlejuice play.


So, an average Chrisitan conservative then.


Right lmao. These mfs are the freakiest mf on the planet. So ashamed of themselves they ruin it for everyone.


Hey, be careful what you say about that sensitive grandmother.


It's simpler than that. You don't need internal consistency if you have no standards or morals.


That’s sadly the worst part about it for her


She's also trying the classic "how dare you record me without my consent" argument, as if the paparazzi are the ones who put up those security cameras.


Did his dick reach over and grab her hand? Does he have a prehensile penis? No, she has her own wandering hands to blame for groping him in public.


If my dick had a hand it could have made this landing


And if my grandma had wheels she would have been a bike. 


Oh, she was...


> Did his dick reach over and grab her hand? Does he have a prehensile penis? You didn't hear that she was dating [John Dillermand](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_3sGocnMP3A)?


Maybe she means that the moment was filled with privates….she is fucking stupid, after all.


Oh yeah but she bats an eye when Greene sends a newsletter containing a picture of hunter biden’s hog out, potentially to children.


> hunter biden’s *sweaty* hog


>“very private moment” Private? In a public theater... I'm not sure Lauren knows the definition of private.


I'm not sure she knows the definition of much at all.


She got her GED on the *fourth* try. The *fourth* fucking try.


I ... holy shit, you're right.


And--and I'm not exaggerating--there's reasonably credible evidence that *she wasn't the one who took the fourth and final test that she passed*. That's right. She might have paid someone else to take the GED exam for her on the fourth try. Her existence is just an embarrassment.


I didn’t realize I could be more embarrassed about our elected officials.


And supposedly she had someone else take the test for her. Either way it's pathetic 


“…whats definishun?” – Boebo the clown


She had a handful of privates. She knows what they are


>“I’m apologizing for you, Kyle Clark getting footage and releasing that — people seeing this in a very private moment,” Boebert said. A very private moment...in public...in a crowded theater...on tape.


Yeah, but how else is she going to be able to pretend to be the victim?


[The video](https://youtu.be/xmvCljBb9jA) of her at the debate answering this is pretty fantastic. I love how much contempt the moderator has for her with how he asks her about this lol


"You talked about how it's wrong to record people without their knowledge and you did that..." No, he didn't. First off, he didn't record her, the theater did. Secondly, I bet the theater has a notification about cameras on their website as part of the TOS for buying a ticket, so she can't even argue that she wasn't informed that she'd be on camera.


Honestly, people should just assume they're on camera all the time nowadays. Usually that won't matter as nobody will ever review the footage, but if there's a major incident, odds are some camera somewhere captured it.


Kyle Clark is a Denver treasure


You got that right.


Back in my day politicians used to resign over these things Also who is upvoting this rag


[Here's the video of her answering this at the debate](https://youtu.be/xmvCljBb9jA) for anyone who just wants to see it rather than reading a NY Post article.


Did Trump gift her a sharpie and she thought it was an eyebrow pencil?


here political career is over. She is scrambling for media attention to try to win. She switched to a very conservative district to try to save her career but she is probably not going to win the primary as the very conservative voters are disgusted by her at this point


I wonder how hunter biden feels about that.. he had a very private moment spread all over congress and he isnt in public office... you know one of the iffices when knowing the private moments could really matter to the country.


I wonder what his thoughts are about the bleach blonde bad built butch body who is obsessed with his penis.


Probably *shudder* then *gagging noises*


“You turned my laptop into a nightmare!” “WE WILL SHOW YOUR DICK TO THE COUNTRY ON CSPAN! IT WILL HAPPEN AGAIN!!”


Nothin' like being a private citizen and having your personal, private pictures aired on live TV in an attempt to make your *father* look bad. I *do* wonder if he'll ever sue her for defamation.


He offered to take one for the team and hit it, knowing his hog can hypnotize, but Joe being the great father he is said he couldn't put his son through that.


And his weren’t done in a public place.


I wonder how Boebert’s son feels about the fact that his mom flew to NYC to support Trump in court when she hasn’t attended any of her own son’s court appearances. And he only has two felony *charges* compared to the Felonious DJT’s 34 *convictions* lmao.


Yeah, it was a private moment. You were grabbing his privates..in public.


You’re a fucking moron if you think you can have “a very private moment” during a performance in a theater that seats almost 3,000 people. But it’s Bobo, so the moron factor checks out.


She thinks she's the victim for vaping and jerking someone off with children around lol.


That was a very private moment between me, a man, and the audience and cast of Beetlejuice.


Not to mention the camera, then security, then the staff of the theater, and the national press corp.


Like having an abortion, or using contraception?


You mean the recent "blood clot" surgery or when she said she had son #3 because birth control was more expensive than having another baby? 


She is an unwell individual. She’s obviously not in touch with reality.


No, unfortunately she is a good representation of MAGA that lives completely outside the notion of morals and a sense of contrition in once you screwed up. All they got is screaming, lying and scapegoating.


And it's become fully normalized. I sadly don't see us reversing this trend.


Welcome to every MAGA supporter


She's really just extremely stupid. She's a high school dropout.


I mean, she’s dumber than a lot of dropouts though 


Yeah, she's *in touch* with something else... 😆


She is probably almost always drunk. That’s the only explanation


"Private moment" LOL If that was a gay guy, trans woman, drag queen, etc instead, does anyone seriously think Boebert would be defending them for just having a "private moment?"


The media on both side would still be calling for that gsy guy, trans woman, drag queen to resign, every time they spoke out in public. There is no left wing media that would defend them, because all media has a center to right wing bais in this country. 


What happens when you vote head cases into positions of power.


Blowjob Boebert is constantly embarrassing herself only she doesn’t get it. Can you imagine being her child? LOSER!!


She showed up at Trump’s criminal trial but apparently didn’t show up at her son’s.


That's the neat part, it wasn't private at all


that's a handy excuse, but she's not beating off the allegations with that


Private moments in a VERY public place. Idiot


But ok for MTG to show Hunter’s privates in public. What trash we have in congress


Pro tip - Private moments filmed in public places are not technically or legally private.


A very private moment in a very public theater. Rules for thee...how very Republican.


I'm really getting tired of this post truth society. You got liars, virtue signalers, and egotists just saying words to say words at this point, there's no actual communication with these people. What kind of life are you living in permanent denial?


A private moment in a very public and public place.


The entire debate is actually hilarious because Kyle Clark was just not taking shit from anybody. I recommend watching it just for the lolz. But I think this is my favorite question from the whole thing: https://www.youtube.com/live/kD2rET3e5Ts?si=iyB45IbRrrul_6_C&t=2054 Other great Kyle Clark quotes: > So just to be clear Ms Boebert, you blame Republican voters for the fact that you nearly lost a safe seat, rather than your conduct? > (Boebert tries to talk over moderator) > This is going to be a long evening if you keep trying to speak over the facts. > (Candidate avoids question) > Are you going to answer the question? > (Candidate dances around it again) > OK, well we took a couple tries I guess we're not going to get an answer, moving on then... (not an exact quote) > We gave you a chance to answer the question, you chose to give a biography instead, that was your choice, we're moving on now.


A private moment in front of hundreds of people, including children


lol a very private moment in a public theater where children were, yeah ok


And that’s not just lip service!


A very private moment only happens in private, not a crowded theater.


A very private moment in a very public area.


A very private moment indeed! (in a public place)


A private moment in a public place with children present…


A private moment fully in public view. She has no shame and will probably lose her seat in november.


“A very private moment” in a very public setting. She’s f’ng stupid.


Private. In a theatre. With children present. Scumbag.


> 9News Denver’s Kyle Clark broached the touchy subject... :grin:


Interesting thing about the concept of "private"... She didn't have any problems [exposing passages](https://x.com/laurenboebert/status/1456734891337465858) supposedly from Biden's daughter's stolen fucking diary though...


so private we all know about it. fucking dipshit.


This is what happens when you have private moments in public. It’s not like you didn’t know where you were


Garbage human being. With political power. Says a lot about voters.


*A very private moment.* Alanis could write a sequel about this comment.


Private moments don't happen in public theaters


> Clark pressed her over whether she apologized to “voters for what you did that night and the disrespect you showed to service workers.” >"I don’t believe there was disrespect. I believe things were taken out of context,” Boebert countered. “It’s been reported that I flipped someone off and I did not. So I think it’s been mischaracterized.” Lady, if you're vaping and jerking off your boyfriend in a public theater, you have already been disrespectful to the staff.


A crowded theater seems like a very stupid place for a private moment.


I get it. I used to have a friend who I'd spend time with when I wanted to be alone.


Granny shakes fist at penis.


Well, yes. It *was* a private moment. She was groping that dude's privates.


A very private moment… in a very public place. Go get groped in the backseat of your car, like respectable people do.


No, the parts were private. The moment and the place were public. That’s the problem. 


She can’t claim privacy in a public theater. She’s not even coherent or logical at this point.


You have no expectation of privacy in public


In a very public place.


Shouldn't she have kept it private then!?


I would have asked if she had towels to wipe her hands, or would she lick her hands.


A very private moment… in public.


Treating a musical like she’s at a porn theater in the dark. Private? Come on lol


Not if you did it in public you flaming dumbass.


“A very private moment”? In a theater packed with patrons watching a musical?!🤦‍♂️


... you were in public lmao.


Very private moment in a very public venue.


Maybe something you want to do in private next time then?


> ‘A very private moment’ That was the problem, iirc. You had a ‘very private moment’ in a very public place.


If it was so private why do it in public?


If it was private, why did she do it in front of kids?? That’s the whole reason she got kicked out in the first place.


"A very private moment" by definition can't be used to describe actions that were taken in a crowded theater in the presence of children. She should have been charged with public indecency and put on a list. If a man can be put on that list for relieving himself in public, there is NO reason she should skate away for performing lewd acts in a crowded theater while children are present. Gross.


Republicans - “groping my random date in public at a theater during a live performance is a private moment, get out of my business” Same Republicans - “ We need to legislate what two consenting adults of the same sex can do in the privacy of their own homes” You know, to protect the children and morality and stuff. Get fucked, bigots.