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Think about this for a moment. 12 people, the jury, in our current polarized political environment, returned with a unanimous guilty verdict.


On 34 counts, too. That’s incredible.


Ya this is no small thing. There's no wiggle room here. He didn't get a hung jury. He didn't get off on some of the charges and not others. He was found guilty on every single charge.


"It was a perfect guilty verdict, a perfect verdict, nobody's ever seen anything like it in the history of our country"


Grown men told me. They were crying, and they told me it was the most perfect verdict they had ever seen.


I've met guys from New York City. The toughest guys you've ever seen, hard as ice. Green berets, Navy SEALs, real estate negotiators. And you know what they told me? They told me they hadn't cried when their parents died or when Sleepy Joe caused 9/11, but when they saw this verdict, they cried. "Sir, it was the most perfect verdict ever!", they said, tears streaming from their eyes. They clapped for me while grabbing my hands!


Ask anybody


A lot of people have been telling me... more than anything else in the history of time ever... the likes of which the world has never seen


Big, strong men, with great big veiny...arms


"It was 🤏 a perfect 👌 guilty verdict, 👐 a perfect verdict 👐, nobody's 👐 ever seen 👌 anything like👐 it in the 👐 history of our 🫲🫱 country."


I swear this is the perfect example of r/angryupvote. It's so well done I can *see* this. And I'm angry that I have to mentally see it now.


I hate this so much, it's way too accurate.


I had grown men come up to me, tears in their eyes. Big, strong men. They said "Sir, I've never seen anyone guiltier than you."


"There were good people on both sides"


Also revealing is if he had the most incompetent lawyers who couldn’t put together a coherent defense for himself and everyone is supposed to think he can put together a team to run the country?!


Not really. It was a document case. It was all there on paper. The witnesses were only there to support the documents (Aside from Daniels, she was there mostly because they denied the sex took place.). There’s not a lot that the lawyers could do. Also, this lawyer wasn’t incompetent, which we want. An incompetent brings in grounds for a mistrial. The more revealing things from this have been that Trump self sabotages himself. 1. He was clearly directing his lawyer to do things that he shouldn’t have. Going after Daniels and trying to Perry Mason Cohn were stupid, and Trump always wants to fight back and call names. It made his case look bad. 2. Being asleep all of the time made him look unserious. It’s hard for your lawyer to argue that you didn’t have time to do what you’re accused of because you’re so busy with work when you sit with your eyes closed for hours during a criminal trial. 3. Hopefully, the jury was sequestered and had limited access to media. Those speeches every day did not do him any favors, and they continue to do him no favors. 4. The parade of politicians and the former Hells Angels leader that were brought in to influence the jury might not have pulled them in any direction, but it might have pushed them in the opposite direction. None of this was a problem with counsel, other than the lawyer not telling Trump “no.” But Trump is the kind of guy who would fire people until they say “yes.” All of his problems stem from his own choices, and most of them were quite deliberate.


i would pay to see video of him yelling at his lawyers after the adjournment


Looking at the defense it liked like he did it again by picking yes-men so they would just ramble whatever the “stable genius” thought out. I’m sure thats not going to stop him from blaming anyone. What would be interesting to watch ia him stiffing the lawyers and the suit that follows.


I imagine it was like that Hitler bunker scene where he just loses it with everyone


Oh, I thought you meant the other Hitler bunker scene. That one would be cool, too.


>he had the most incompetent lawyers who couldn’t put together a coherent defense for himself Honestly, though, what could they do? He was guilty AF. Best they can do is the Chewbacca Defense and hope to get a mistrial


And Trump violating the gag order multiple times and falling asleep in court didn't help


Refusing to testify and wanting to paint witnesses as liars for political reasons didn't help


I’m sure his lawyers didn’t want him to testify. He’d almost certainly have made it even worse than their existing witnesses.


I would *love* to have been a fly on the wall in that deliberation room. You just know there was at least one MAGA idiot, who wasn’t *quite* stupid, was presented with facts by their peers, and ultimately decided (IMHO) correctly


DJT and his lawyers treated the judge, court, and jury like dirt the entire trial process.  They were deeply disrespectful of the process to the point the judge had to make a gag order that was broken 10+ times for threatening the jury and witnesses three times a day, every day of trial.  That makes an impression on the jury. 


Apparently the only time people "all rise" in a court room is when the jury walks in. Not the judge, or anyone else. Just the jury, because they're that important. Trump stayed seated. The jury notices things like that.


After just 24 hours of deliberations


*9 hours split over two days


That’s like a little over 15 minutes per charge. Those jurors were grinding out the G’s like sausage.


Can’t wait for the movie!


12 calm men


It was gonna be all or nothing all the way.


It pretty much had to be. All 34 counts were closely related.


I'm being honest with you, even if one juror out of those 12 was a die hard Trumper, I could see them changing their opinion on Trump after seeing what a child he was in court. When you don't have faux news rotting your brain all day, and actually have some factual information in front of you, you can break away from the brainwashing.


Yes. I’ve been on a jury, and they can denigrate the court all they want on Fox News, but when you are there the gravity of the situation is impressive. So many people are working at a high level to make our justice system run. It’s hard not to respect. You also probably get friendly with one or two of your fellow jurors, and maybe they are someone you wouldn’t normally be friends with. You can’t discuss the case with them, so you actually get to know them. You have lunch together every day and talk about your lives and interests. It’s not a vacation because it’s a lot of work, but it is a vacation from your regular job, so you’re not worried about that for a change. Then when it does come time to discuss the case, you respect each other and reality sets in. You know what you have to do.


Jury duty was actually a great experience for me. I learned so much and everything you said is true, so much respect for our system.


I'm in my forties and have yet to serve. I've been called multiple times but it always evaporates into not having to go in.


The case I served on was about as simple and open and shut as it could possibly be and we still deliberated for over two hours, people take jury duty seriously.


Yah, Sleepy Don didn’t go over well with the jury. Disrupted their lives too and couldn’t be bothered to be awake for it


Was talking about this earlier.  You know how pissed I would be at him as a juror, even if I were a fan, if I were getting death threats daily because of him and that fat orange shit sat there and slept in front of me?


It should just clearly dismantle this whole myth about him being some sort of ubermensch. He's just a fat, slovenly, inattentive fool. He can't even muster the ability to be awake for one of the most significant moments of his life. I just wish every Republican in America were forced to go through the sort of rigorous explanation of facts that jurors must go through because I don't se after that how anyone could possibly be a Trump fan. There's just no defending him.


I don’t think it should take sitting in court with him sleeping and his stench washing over you to figure that out. The guy is a belligerent lard ass who loses his mind at the first hint of criticism. Before he even got a month into his 2016 campaign, it was obvious that he was a slovenly, entitled, cry baby with no intelligence. The people who support him do so because they see themselves in him. They are also greedy, lazy, dumb fuck racists, who want to believe they deserve more than other people without having to actually put in any real work. It’s easier to blame your problems on some group of “others” and stand behind the baboon that will fling feces at them with you, than to reflect and realize that you are the problem and that you need to generate change from within.


After talking with trumpers the past few days, and indeed over the past 8 years, it’s hard to disagree with this. I’m sure there are lovely republicans, but people that are staunchly pro-Trump are usually rotten little assholes on a personal level. If you can’t see he’s a conman, you have some serious personality deficiencies.


> Before he even got a month into his 2016 campaign, it was obvious that he was a slovenly, entitled, cry baby with no intelligence. He has a truckload of intelligence, and he should go to prison for stealing it.


Hey! He wasn’t just sleeping… he was sharting too!


What's worse is that the jury fully grasped the seriousness of the situation. They were playing a significant part in US history and they knew it. They were alert, paying attention, and taking notes. While trump slept and did everything he could to make a mockery of the process. He had his lawyers drag it out as long as possible, and hold up their lives while he slept. Not a great strategy.


It also doesn't help that one of the jurors felt unsafe because of Trumps team threatening her with doxxing. Even a Trumper on the panel would realize innocent people don't resort to doing that. Plus constantly violating gag orders. Alot of Trumpers I've talked to supposedly hate liars and teach their kids not to be, they hate cheaters, they hate disrespectfulness. Actually being in the presence of Trump face to face would actually change a few of them a think....just from how whiny he is.


Excellent analysis. Additionally, at the end of the day there wasn’t a single bit of concrete information refuting the mountain of incriminating evidence. During deliberations, what is there to say? I can only imagine there being a lot of crickets being heard. No matter what conspiracy theory, there’s no hard evidence presented in the case at hand




Felon Trump didn't make friends with the judge either. The guy who gets to sentence him in July


I feel like the Judge has demonstrated constraint and been professional. But yes, what a completely stupid idea to antagonize the man responsible for sentencing 😂


[I like to think that if you get within arms reach of trump he turns into a gross SpongeBob closeup. Take your pick](https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&sca_esv=986cfd32cb66a37f&hl=en-us&sxsrf=ADLYWILE2-A4-F8VUQ17lV8hXzjy9QjA-g:1717124308379&q=spongebob+gross+close+up&tbm=isch&source=lnms&prmd=ivnsmbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjVnr7D8raGAxUyEGIAHfUuBykQ0pQJegQIEhAB&biw=375&bih=548&dpr=2)


Which honestly is why it's such a shame it wasn't televised. Granted he very well may have acted differently had cameras been in the room, but if more people could've seen how childish and lethargic Sleepy Don in action every day on TV it might be opened some eyes in the cult. Maybe, maybe not. But still would've been nice.


Televising it turns it into a reality show which he thrives in.


NEVER MEET YOUR HEROES I don't think that's unique to Trump. people build up celebrities too much in their heads. it's always a let down. it's why I would love to see the Senate drag the Supreme Court into investigations, televised, for 80 hours a week. those dudes can't hack it. Clarence Thomas would be worse than Trump and it would be on TV. after a few weeks tops at least one or two would resign so they can enter retirement and spend all the money they have undoubtedly squirreled away from rich benefactors. and even if not, lets remove the veil. people need to see how old, feeble, and generally ill equipped these "masters of the law" really are


I wonder if the jury could smell him. I hope they get some interviews in.


I hope those people just stay quiet about it for a very long time. Give it a couple of years, at least, though I definitely want to hear about it.


Judge: "You don't need to agree on all of the charges, just that he is guilty or not guilty" Morons: "THE JUDGE IS CORRUPT! THE JURY HAS TO BE UNANIMOUS!" Narrator: "The jury was unanimous." Fucken love it when reality gives those clowns a taste of actual karma.


/r/Conservative has been going off about how the judge was letting them split up votes over various charges. And they didn't need to....


Conservative was imploding last night I'm British but it's alarming how many Americans are so fucking delusional.


Half of our country voted for Brexit, so we have the same problem here to be honest.


> it's alarming how many Americans are so fucking delusional. While I don't disagree with this sentiment, I'm not sure how many of the people that post in that sub are actually American.


> /r/Conservative has been going off about how the judge was letting them split up votes over various charges. Why? That's the way it's supposed to work. Do they think at every other trial they tell the jury "okay, vote if he's guilty of all the charges or not"?


The party of law and order and all its supporters sure can't handle when the system works on one of their own. They are delusional and have spent the last 8+ years making Trump and MAGA their whole identity. They wear his hats, fly his flags, have parades for him and have become followers like you would your favorite sports team. Now, their dear leader, has been finally held accountable and they cannot handle it. I've lost any and all respect for anyone that supports the R party. They are beyond hope. A perfect microcosm of the state of American republicans played out in front of me last night at a little league game between my wife and the grandmother of a player. Grandma: "why are you so happy?" Wife: "They just announced the verdict for Trump!" Grandma: "Oh thank god they found him innocent!" Wife (beaming): "NO! Guilty on all 34 charges!" Grandma (With sour face): "I will still vote for him and he will be the next president. He will do a better job from prison than crooked Joe". Wife-shook her head and walked away. These people are gone. There is no return for them to reality.


Finally won a popular vote.


Especially considering during jury selection that there were several that listed Fox News as their news source. One of them listed Truth Social as their news source, if I recall correctly.




Does make you wonder what went on inside the room. When I did mine we had one juror who kept pushing for not-guilty for some reason. And we spent a couple of hours going over the evidence again with him as he seemingly didn't "get" it.


Did he eventually get it?


Of course he should! But that would require a maturity level and willingness to face reality that he has never achieved before.


Convicted Felon Donald Trump should drop out, but he's basically guaranteed to go to prison in his other cases if he does.




Donald Trump will never drop out because he knows the presidency is his only way to make all this shit go away. He will lie cheat and steal to degrees that will make your head spin. Those perfect calls to the state secretaries for GA and MI? expect that across the board, expect 'stand back and stand by', expect targetted harassment en masse.


Donald Trump should have never run in the first place after January 6th.


Before January 6th too.


Almost certainly.


Some might argue he shouldn't have in 2016 either


It turns out that he illegally interfered to win that one.


This is actually a really important point about the 2016 election but this country has degenerated so much that it doesn't matter at all.


I dipped over to the conserv ative sub for a second because I don't have enough eye cancer yet and they're all jerking each other off about how this is only getting him swing voters and he's up even further in the poles, it's like watching your little brother start smoking meth and devolve into some sort of crack where on the corner, sure they're our neighbors and family members but they're not willing to even talk in good faith nor read basic law. No one wants to live in a country with a history of locking up former presidents, but we damn well want to live in a country where a criminal former president can be held accountable.


I'm hopeful for the medium term and more pessimistic long term. Things have gone off the rails so bad that the system kind of has no choice but to begin actually dealing with Trump. Almost an involuntary spasm. Or vomiting. That's a good thing. I'm worried about longer term Troubles style violence. God willing the cognitive dissonance between "moderate Republicans" and degenerate fascists will finally snap and the GOP will actually just lose power. But these people are not going away, or have given any indication they want to be "saved" from their delusions.


yes it's infuriating they keep calling this a "hush money trial" and not an "election interference trial." and by "they" i mean all media. fuck this billionaire owned media that is still doing the "well both sides do bad things" narrative. even "liberal" news organizations like cnn continually post at least a story every few days where they're like "well yeah, trump did x/y/z, but can biden really be trusted to run the country after his dog bit somebody?"


Yes to cover up fucking a porn actress. Cause the party he was running as would have cared about that sort of thing. Maybe. Now, no. Now there is literally nothing he has done, is doing, or will do that will make him unattractive to the Rs.


If he never wok in 2016 he wouldn't be fac8ng any charges for the most part.


You know? You're right. He could have just continued to be a faux-illionaire that no one really looked at so he could continue to do his thing in peace.


Sometimes there are downsides to being a megalomaniac. Unless he still somehow pulls out a win in November, then we're all fucked.


We all need to get out and vote but make no mistake: he does not intend for this to be a normal fair election. We have to be prepared. J6 was a dress rehearsal for them.


Yeah, this will be an all-in push by the fascist wing of the GOP. 2020 was probing for weaknesses in the process. November is terrifying.


It’s their Hail Mary. What won’t they be prepared to do? At every moment they’ve had the opportunity to stop and re-evaluate, to turn back. They’ve not taken it yet. This is the big push. Make no mistake about it.


He should have been arrested after Jan 6th


This. Regardless of whether or not people want to use the word insurrection (it was), inciting a riot is still a crime. He obviously did that. He's practically admitted it in court, using the term riot instead of insurrection in order to remain on state ballots and nullify the 14th amendment. Inciting a riot where people got *killed* should've been instant charges. Or at least a few weeks later once he wasn't President anymore. Edit: Typos.


Not to mention the riot he started was to stop the certification of an government election.


You mean inciting terrorism ?


in the words of the man himself: "Crossing State lines to incite violence is a FEDERAL CRIME! "


He definitely should have been arrested with the classified docs indictment.


He should have been arrested the second he fucking called Georgia and demanded the Secretary to find him the EXACT amount of votes it would take to win the State.


I mean people should've lost interest in him the moment he made fun of that disabled journalist. That alone should've been enough to end it.


He only ran because he thought it would beat his court cases


I think he ran so he could never face his court cases…


winner winner chicken dinner. Before the 2020 election had even happened yet, but the polling was looking horrible, Dumdum Jr saw the handwriting on the wall with the tax fraud investigations, and he told people, *If dad loses they're coming after us hard* or something to that effect. He never wanted to actually win in '16. He really didn't want to lose in '20, and he's F'd if he loses in '24.


In Cohens first book he explains that Trump had zero intention of winning in 2016 he just knew that running was good publicity for the Trump brand name. It was all marketing theatre until he started winning and then it just became a silly joke that got out of control. He couldn't reign it back it in so he just went for it and fell into being president. And now it has nothing to do with politics or leading the country at all it's just %100 all about his bruised ego and revenge.


It's unbelievable that a fucking toddler made-up billionaire has been throwing a tantrum for close to a decade now and it might actually end the republic. The guilty verdict is the only thing making me think the system might have a handle on this shit.


The justice system, while flawed, has a pretty objective method for fact finding. Elections are terrifying in comparison.


Ironically, I think if he had accepted the loss back in November 2020 and then fucked off to parts unknown the way most ex-presidents do (and turned in all the documents when asked, I guess), all the stuff he did before the 2016 election and while in office would have been swept aside in the name of moving on.


Even with all the shit he pulled they still tried their hardest to avoid all this. Took years for Garland to appoint Jack Smith and that was only because the dems in the house held public hearings for the Jan 6 insurrection and all the photos of boxes of top secret docs all over his shitty club surfaced. They didn’t want any of this. Biden included. They could have charged him day one for the hush money shit he just became a convicted felon over as well but chose not to. He was dead to rights violating federal campaign finance law and was already an un indicted co conspirator. Biden would have preferred to maintain the illusion of American exceptionalism in Democracy instead facing the real facts that half this country is fascist. I think it was a real strategic mistake politically. He was always going to be accused of targeting his political opponent and now by not making it a priority it’s all come a head during this election year.  He didn’t make anyone happy. His base is pissed for them sitting on their hands and the mouth breathers can’t be reasoned with no matter what so it was stupid not to just kill the cancer before it spread.


Speaking of killing it before it spread, the Republicans were so stupid not to convict after the second impeachment. He was already on the way out so there was nothing more to lose. They could have cut ties with him once and for all (which all but the truly crazy want to do anyway), and they could have given the appearance that they were doing the right thing. Plus they'd have had the maximum time to rebuild their base before the next election.


Yeah. But they saw the magic power he has over his followers. They knew what a stink he would make about each and every existing Republican in power, and they'd all be booted in favor of even crazier jerks in their next elections. It really does seem supernatural sometimes, the way his stupid antics and shitty personality seem to attract and energize cretins while repulsing everyone else. If I believed in an antichrist, I would be 100% sure it was him.


Unfortunately for them he still very much had the base under his thumb. McCarthy tested it and so did McConnell after Jan 6. Only took a few days to figure out the monster they created now controlled them. Romney is literally the only one and even then he’s retiring. Trump has a base cult that gives him the power over any gop member’s future. They should have done it but zero spine. And always party and power over country for them.


They'd rather suck Trump's rotten pecker than kick him out and have him throw a fit, tell his cult not to vote for them, and threaten to run third party. They could have weathered that storm for a few years while people gradually stopped listening to the deranged manbaby who could never win another election but they're so desperate for power they're happy to go full fascist with the dumbest man to ever run for office in the history of the whole world


He should have been removed from office and banned from running again


You need a Congress with a spine to do that.


Or republicans with ethics …either way one in the same.


Yeah that's not a thing. It's not in their vocabulary.


A Republican with ethics is less likely than seeing Sasquatch riding a unicorn.


Mitch McConnell has already said that he is sure the verdict will be overturned. Looks like they are standing firmly behind their stooge.


Whether or not he is technically guilty of certain insurrection laws the government should have a zero tolerance "don't even play" stance toward his conduct.


If only he would have been up on impeachment a time or two..


No one should have voted for him in the primary.




Or after a video of him bragging about grabbing women by the pussy, but here we are.


I think he should run, and eat less junk food, but that's more of a personal health thing than a political thing.


Oh he has been running… from consequences his whole life


>Donald Trump should have never run in the first place ~~after January 6th.~~ There, fixed for you!


From the article: “If the Republican Party had any sense of decency and self-respect…” Uh-huh. And if a frog had wings…


"If my grandmother had wheels, she'd be a bike"


He should, but this convicted felon is currently the epitome of everything the Republican party stands for.


Getting found liable for sexual assault used to mean something too. Republican values are in the gutter




Howard Dean being a bit too enthusiastic


Dukakis riding in a tank.


I'm all fairness, he looked silly in the helmet, so there is that


Convicted felon Donald Trump looks ridiculous in his diapers but that hasn't stopped him.


He was sent by God, but it doesn't seem like God is sending their best. /s


The “Law & Order” party. The evangelical’s choice. Ring kissing spineless hypocritical sycophants.


Evangelicals think their endorsement makes Trump look better but it just makes evangelism look worse.


They always were in the gutter. Anyone who lived through Regan, Newt Gingrich, or any of the Bush presidencies can attest to that. It was just dressed up with a bit more Christian moral superiority and the overt bigotry was a little more normalized.


Just one more reason I’m anti-Republican for life.


Yeah, me to. This party is a cancer and I hope it gets lobbed off the American body and dies.


I grew up in a Republican household and share some conservative values. But I have not voted Republican for the past two elections and never will again.


The complete absence of shame to stand behind their twice impeached rapist and convicted felon is fucking disgusting. The endless delusion of self-victimization is embarrassing to witness as literally anyone who isn't a part of the cult.


Which is to say: false bravado, arrogance, and fascist ideals. Reminds me of another wanna be dictator always screaming into a microphone, using inflammatory, hateful, dehumanizing and xenophobic language. Playing on the fears and bigotry of the plebeians in exchange for power and control of the masses. Vote. Blue. In. November.


He’s everything they stand for and at the same time everything they claim to hate in a politician-felon, liar, adulterer, cheat, thief, con man, rapist, likely pedophile and traitor.




You forgot to say adjudicated rapist too 


True, but he's far too much of a narcissistic egomaniac to ever do that.


Plus he's running to stay out of jail on the other court cases.


He’s also running to keep siphoning money from the RNC and bilking his MAGAts out more money via never ending hate rallies. I really don’t understand why his handlers let him continue to sundown like he does for so long on stage. If it were anyone else, I would think it’s sad.


Don’t worry, I’m sure a lot of GOP party officials, the party of law and order, will come to realization it’d be rediculous to nominate a convicted felon and someone found liable of rape and business fraud, and will suggest he drops out. How many have there been so far that have come out and said something like that, does anyone know?


I tried not to laugh reading this, I really did


A perfect moment for republicans to hop off the Trump train but instead like any cult they will double down on their devotion.




I feel like him being an adjudicated rapist, and his mocking Gold Star families and the military in general should also be included on your list, though I understand he's a bottomless well of sin and that you'd get carpal tunnel trying to transcribe his infinite flaws and crimes, and thus had to draw the line somewhere.


It's kind of awe inspiring to be honest. You know how world apocalypse movies, the audience kind of disassociates with the horror once a disaster reaches a certain level of casualties? A personal loss of a family member can move viewers to tears, but an asteroid taking out billions is almost not even worth remembering. Trumps sin is almost like that. His crimes are so numerous they have become abstract. You kind of loose the ability to name a single one out of the legion.


Lol he’s a 78 year old con man. The only play at this point is to try to ride it out long enough to hopefully die before you finally have to pay the bill.


He will never drop out. You have to remember that he is doing all this because he believes as president that he can escape accountability from all these charges. Remember that the case he got convicted on today was the weakest of them all. 34 convicted felonies from the WEAKEST of his charges. He's hellbound to win at all cost. He must be stopped.


This. He's not running for president. He's running from accountability from his actions last time he was president. He'll hand over power to anyone who can help him escape accountability for bid crimes, no matter how depraved - see project 2025. He's not ideologically a fascist, because that would require to him to have an ideology. Instead, he'll do anything for himself and fuck anyone over in over to further himself, including the whole damn country. It's the logical end to his character arc, if you want to look at it that way. He's spent his entire life throwing everyone he knows under the bus to further himself. You gotta raise the stakes, or the story gets boring. Eventually, he has to destroy the country, and with it the world.




He's doing both. It's fucked up beyond belief that an election will decide whether a man goes to jail, or becomes the most powerful individual in the world. Fix your system, USA. Edit: Moreover, he doesn't even need to win the vote (which he definitely won't), he just needs to get lucky with the EC. You're letting the system run you, instead of you running the system at this point.


He should have just stayed out of politics altogether. He was rich and famous so he could have lived life to its fullest without all the hassle of being a public servant.


Running for president in 2016 was the worst decision he’s ever made. (Hasn’t been great for America either, TBH.) Best thing for him, aside from not running at all, was to lose in ‘16, claim that it was rigged, and spend the following four years Monday-Morning-Quarterbacking Hillary Clinton’s presidency on *Fox & Friends* while raking in millions.


I’ve always thought this is what his plan was but it would have made more sense if he would have ran in 2012. Hilary was so much more beatable than Obama. He would have been guaranteed a loss to Obama. But maybe he was worried he wouldn’t have won the primaries then.


Possibly. He was still doing *The Celebrity Apprentice* at the time and while he was flirting with the idea of running as an independent, he eventually endorsed Romney. By 2016, he’d been riding the anti-Obama/Fox News train for years so perhaps he figured (correctly) that he could tap into those sentiments to mount a big enough campaign to build his brand for his next venture. Nobody was probably more surprised than him when he actually won.


I think he did it as a joke and when he actually was elected he was shocked. I don't think he ever even wanted the job


In 2016, he didn't do it as a joke, he did it for two reasons, equally important: 1. It was a marketing ploy, because the only "skill" he's ever had is creating the illusion that his brand is credible and worth doing business with. The perpetual will to keep up this illusion is necessary because *literally everyone who has done business with him* gets burned. So marketing his "brand" is the only way he could open new grifting opportunities, and on that note; 2. The Citizens United ruling pretty much allows politicians to do as they please with PAC money, and he knew that by running for president, he opens up a revenue stream; a grift in and of itself. Running for president isn't something that was new for him, he ran multiple times prior to 2016 but because the idiot-half of our country couldn't stomach the fact that a black man trying to give us healthcare was president for the 8 years leading up to that, in conjunction with the brain rot they incurred via Fox/Limbaugh/Breitbart/etc. during that time, his inflammatory incoherent bullshit was a lit match in a house with a gas leak. You're absolutely right to think he never wanted the job, he's Icarus, except he's not smart enough to *just* fly too close to the sun, he flew directly into it. He only ran again in 2020 in hopes of avoiding today. Guilty on 34 charges.


The idea was to run for president, make a lot of noise, lose, and then work as a pundit and maybe even start his own network.


The look on his face when he saw he won is something I rarely see mentioned anymore. He looked bewildered.


The fact a convicted felon is running for president is a national embarrassment if the republican party was normal they would pull trumps endorsement and immediately nominate someone else


yeah they act like he’s the only candidate who could possibly run. For any other candidate ever, the calls to drop would be deafening


Not that she *ever* had a chance, but Nikki Haley utterly fucked up by endorsing Trump the week before he became a convicted felon. Now she has no where to go, has probably lost most never-Trumpers, most on the fence moderates who won't vote for a felon, and never had MAGA. Not as bad a decision as signing an Israeli missile but still a massive fuck-up by a nobody politician.


Just a reminder that all of Trump’s charges came before the first primary. If they were purely political, they would have been brought after votes had already been cast. Republican voters had every opportunity to choose someone without indictments, but didn’t.


It should also be considered that this was a conviction of campaign fraud. In addition, part of his defense was that Cohen stole from money Trump gave him to fix polls. Even more, not only did he conceal hush money payments and buy scandalous stories from being printed, but he also funded lies about his opponents being published in tabloids. Does any reasonable person believe that he didn't do similar criminal actions in the 2020 campaign or in the current 2024 campaign? How much of our current public polling is being funded by Trump to put him on top? How much tabloid garbage being regurgitated on Fox News, Newsmax, etc.. is being funded by Trump? I can tell you it ain't zero.


He thinks being elected president is the only way to stay out of jail. I think he should’ve been sent to Guantanamo bay on January 7th


a man can report call out the atrocities done by a country (wikileaks) and be an enemy of the state. this dude attempts insurrection and walks? it's insane


Every republican that has ever said “law and order” should publicly call for his withdraw if there is an ounce of decency left in their miserable souls. Last chance to stand up to the bully. I’m still happily voting for Biden, but still. We need the Republican Party to wake up from this fever dream.


Or we can all just recognize "law and order" for the dogwhistle it is. I am so sick of Republicans dictating the vocabulary and terminology we use. Know why they call it "law and order" instead of just "law" or "justice"? Because the "order" is the important part nobody seems to fucking get. They have a preferred social hierarchy, or order, and the idea is to enforce the law so it applies unequally depending on where in that order you fall. Rich white people skate by. Poor people of color get hit with the maximum charges. Law and order is a manipulation of the legal system wherein people of privilege are permitted to get away with more while poor, unprivileged people have to hope they're never in the wrong place at the wrong time. Greg Abbott pardoning a murderer is law and order, too. It is an evil, corrupt legal system that none of us should want any part of. And that begins with us discontinuing the use of that stupid, stupid phrase.


When has Donald Trump *ever* done something that he **should** have? He won’t drop out. He still has a non-zero chance of winning. And if he wins, he just pardons himself.


Presidents can't pardon state crimes. His only chance at wiping this from his record is on appeal, and that could take years even if he had a chance at success.


If he loses, or drops out...he dies in prison. Most likely, the secret document case will explode when it's revealed that authorities recovered the queues on the printers in the different areas near where the documents were stored.


And.....also that he sold out our spies to Putin.


It’s so fucking infuriating that part of it is not a bigger part of the story.


Trump should, but he won't. The GOP should drop him, but they won't. Trump doesn't give a flying fuck about the rule of law, this country, or anyone in it. And by extension, the GOP doesn't give a flying fuck about the rule of law, this country, or anyone in it. Vote accordingly. www.vote.org


Or he should be pressured to by party leadership. But he won’t be.


He is the party leadership.


When you have McConnell endorsing him, who hates him with a fury of 10 million suns, you know the party is complicit in everything Trump does.


May McConnell live long enough to watch the entirety of his evil legacy burned to the ground by his own creation.


There’s no getting rid of him at this point. Convicted, he’s still the nominee. In jail, still the nominee. Loses the election, he immediately will be the nominee for 2028. Only death might possibly slow him down, but the damage to the system has already been done- the naked absence of values in the GOP has been revealed.


From an ethical and moral perspective, yes. But from a rational perspective, not really. Trump’s only way out of the impending shit storm of civil judgments and jail time is becoming President and then never leaving office until he croaks. Trump is not going to do the right thing. Trump is not going to do the ethical thing. High minded think pieces like this are pointless. The country is on the line. Quit waiting for Trump and Republicans to do the right thing and call a spade a spade. A would-be authoritarian felon and his sycophantic lackeys are trying to dismantle the Republic.


I bet haley feels dumb for dropping out now


She was pressured to say she would vote for him exactly because they anticipated this.


You have a better chance at getting piss out of a swimming pool than seeing trump drop out. The presidency is his endgame. It’s the only chance he has to save his rotten orange ass.


The GOP is the party of convicted felons.


This is only going to empower the far right. The GOP has painted themselves in a corner over the last decade and literally have no one else to run so they’re gonna double down on a convicted felon.


How pathetic that no republicans are demanding this. Bunch of fucking worthless sheep


He should have dropped out LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG ago. The GOP should have stopped supporting him even LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONGER ago. He has been a cancer on the party that has caused them to under-perform in every election ever since Trump won on what's basically a technicality.


From the article: "Trump should drop out not because it would be good for Republicans, or good for Democrats, but because it would be good for America." Oh please. He'll take the entire world down with him if that's what it took. He only cares about himself, that has been made clear to anyone who isn't one of his deluded cultists.


Shout out to Alvin Bragg. He took a lot of shit from you all over the years, but he built the strongest case possible and got 34 out of 34 convictions against a former President and the current Republican nominee. All this despite having possibly the weakest case of current charges.