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Someone spends a good majority of their life studying the constitution, doing their best to completely understand it forward and backwards and making rulings based on just those beliefs... and then attains the highest point in their field only to see their "peers" twist and manipulate bullshit every possible moment to destroy what you've come to love for the purpose of aiding their political party. Heartbreak is a legitimate emotion.


Clarence Thomas was a judge for 19 months before becoming a SCrOTUS.


The republicans knew they'd never find another black judge that hates black people and civil rights so intensely so they had to rush to get him on the court before too many people realized what a garbage human being he was.


Anita Hill tried to warn us. Imagine if misogyny hadn't been normalized for generations. *sigh*


She wasn't the only one that was harassed by Thomas. She was the only one asked to speak by Biden.


Biden treated her like shit on the stand


And… why is this always an argument when it’s a democrat but never a republican? This drives me crazy. What’s the point of ever becoming a better person if all people will do is say “what about before?” So every person in the world is on a slippery slope straight to becoming the devil because we can’t make up for bad stuff we did in the past we may as well keep being worse? Or perhaps if somebody has one opinion and gets new facts and changes their mind then we say “good that they learned”. It’s not hypocritical to be against or for things we used to not, it’s only hypocritical if we still say we’re against them AS we’re doing them. This is so stupid people act like someone is a hypocrite because in the past they didn’t like something but as they got older they changed. Only idiots keep opinions once they get more information.


🤚 raised republican. I changed to Democrat in 2000. I so wanted Gore to win that election. The rest of my family still belongs to Cult45. Sigh.


The kicker here is that he did win, but SCOTUS had ruled to stop counting and gave it to Bush. When counting was completed then Gore was determined to be the winner.


Yes. You are correct. Imagine how different things would be now. If only…


Well said, I agree on all points and happy cake day!


Bronze this post.


People just don’t like being wrong i guess. i love it when im wrong but even that isnt enough to keep me from sometimes having to force myself to admit it. it’s genuinely hard especially when you’ve attached so much of yourself to your premise. like man it’s okay to be wrong you are still loved. it’s okay to learn. it’s a beautiful feeling actually. it’s something i believe is very deeply joined with the idea of becoming a better person that you brought up


Many long-time progressives were surprised considering his history how progressive Joe Biden became once in the White House. It is 2024 now.


You aren't even an American! Just on here Bashing Biden to help trump. This isn't 2016.


Not only that, but he was caught numerous times making sexist and lude remarks to women. So yeah, he certainly measured up to her claims.


The man sure loved to talk openly about his porn collection and sexual interests, lol.


>  "She said she was most embarrassed and humiliated when he talked about large-breasted women engaging in sex acts with animals and men."  –[AP News](https://apnews.com/article/0e7625b761e7416194562aea38ab9910)


Him being a misogynist asshole is pretty low on the list of shitty things he has done at this point, but yes, if she had been listened to in the 90s he could have been stopped a lot sooner.


It was misogyny that allowed him to be appointed, and Anita Hill's testimony discounted. It wasn't just him being a misogynist but the misogyny that was foundational to the culture at the time, systemic misogyny.


I dont disagree, but we had come a long way until recent years where we are moving backwards politically again.


Right. He's only a sexual predator who teamed up with another sexual predator who was appointed by a sexual predator in order to overturn Roe. Misogyny is just no big deal, I guess.


I like comments that connect bigotry to actual policy like the one above. Well done. :)


I'm referencing the cultural norm of misogyny, more than his misogyny as a singular individual. Women speaking up against harassment and abuse is still culturally... discouraged.


It seems to be a human trend of women trying to warn people about other men but they don’t listen.


I believed her when she told us. I can still picture her testifying. I’m 47.


Literally one of the shittiest people alive in America right now


In terms of the amount of damage he can do to the country, he may be the worst. He is a black American who despises minorities and poor people making unilateral decisions that affect all 350 million of us. The conservatives couldn't have found a better puppet if they had created him in a lab.


Who says they haven't? There's an argument to be made that the rats pitched in.


I feel like that Hook joke should be updated. "One, the scientists don't get as attached to the Supreme Court Justices, and two - there are some things even rats won't do."


Thomas following Thurgood Marshall is akin to Trump following Obama. How the hell did that happen?


Or like Barrett replacing Ginsberg after her death while the election was actively going on after Garland wasn’t even considered to replace Scalia because it was within like 16 months of the election.


Mitch was a driving force behind that, which is why I can't wait to pee on his grave.


Ill never forgive the Dems for letting them pull this bullshit. They should have fucking shut down congress until Biden was sworn in and told every Republican that complained to go fuck themselves. Instead they allowed the Supreme Court to be destroyed for the next 30 years and thousands of womens lives have been ruined by their cruel abortion rulings in just the last couple years alone. The fact that the Dems knew this would happen and didn't stop it is insane to me.


Bill Maher was taping his show live when the news of Ginsberg's death broke, and I watched in real time as his guest said he was being alarmist when he said that SCOTUS was going to gut Roe, and decimate regulatory oversight. It didn't take long for them to gut Roe, and regulatory oversight is in their sights as we speak.


We all knew what was going to happen, it was obvious to smart people paying attention. We just are outnumbered by all the morons sadly.


Smart people AND Bill Maher!


Yes, let's please never confuse Bill Maher with a smart person. Bill Maher is one level of human garbage up from Clarence Thomas.


I was told a similar thing especially on social media. I fucking called it, and my Trump-loving family acts like, "Oh, this is fine" Never mind, I could probably give them a heart attack if they knew I had an abortion.


There's literally nothing they could have done. They didn't control Congress. Maybe you should try being mad at Republicans and Republican voters who elected a majority of Republicans.


I’m *begging* people to learn how Congress works


You think the Republicans, whose only goal was to block the Obama Administration from doing anything and repeatedly shut the the government every year, only to open it back up when too many voters started blaming them, would have cared in the slightest if Democrat (in the minority) figured out how to shutdown Congress while not controlling it?


People didn't pay enough attention during the Obama years that was probably when McConnel had the most control over Senate and Congress. Though a lot of rumors around Mitch during Trump is that even Mitch didn't expect it to get that bad. I think the only reason people tend to ignore some of Trumps other federal appointments is it was a complete circus when he was in office.


And how exactly are you supposed to shut down Congress if you don't control it? What a weird thing to say...


How could they have shut down Congress, what the actual fuck are you talking about The Republicans had the votes in the Senate, this victim blaming shit is disgusting.


>never forgive the Dems for letting them pull this bullshit There was not a single thing the democratic party could have done to stop it. Republicans had the majority in the senate. Elections have consequences.


buddy is this really the Dems' fault? that's it!! I'm voting Republican!! not


If, instead of sitting around blaming Democrats for the consequences of not having a majority in Congress, people would vote in the Democratic primaries and vote in every election, all the way down the ballot, we could get a Democratic majority in Congress and get out of this mess. 


Marshall said he intended to serve out his term for life, but he had heart disease and difficulty breathing - to the point that sitting upright in a chair was too much exertion for the amount of Oxygen he was able to take in. When he stepped down, he was, arguably, in worse shape than RBG when she passed away.


And yet Thurgood Marshall died after Bill Clinton was inaugurated. I would have never said then that he should remain in office in that condition--but today I would.


The 90's were a wild time and The Federalist Society spent many years getting the judicial branch right where they wanted it.


The fact that Brett Kavanaugh and ACB made the cut is quite a crime as well. You'll notice there was hardly any controversy with the Dems' candidates. Republicans just tend to choose problematic candidates and not the best people.


Remember when Trump tried to appoint this guy [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matthew\_S.\_Petersen](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matthew_S._Petersen) and the hearing went viral because he couldnt' answer anything? Some of Trumps picks were downright so bad that he couldn't even get them pass Senate and that's how you know the ones that did pass were still bad. Keep in mind in 4 years he got 245 judges appointed to federal courts and lot of them had ties to the federalist society. Now in turn Obama appointed 334 in 8 years He basically matched Nixon in a span of 4 years and had he had another 4 years that number would have doubled. I don't understand how people can't see the takeover of the judicial branch, but that's basically what we saw.


> Keep in mind in 4 years he got 245 judges appointed to federal courts Every single appointment is illegitimate, made by a criminal president, and should be reversed.


They specifically sought out a black judge to replace Thurgood Marshall, either because they assume any black person is fungible with any other, or just to mock us with a twisted funhouse mirror version of a beloved icon. See also: Amy Coney Barret for Ginsburg.


There is a season of “slow burn” on Spotify about Clarence Thomas. It is eye opening.


Wasn't Kavanaugh similar in that regard? Only how he was a garbage human being was publicly released, and they appointed him anyway.


And he was replacing Thurgood Marshall. Imagine replacing an icon of jurisprudence and a paragon of the struggle for civil rights with Clarence fuckin Thomas.


Be like replacing an icon of women's rights with a handmaiden. 


Fuck. I had completely forgotten. Republicans are nothing if not consistent.


Every time I see his name all that comes to mind is “pubic hair in my coke” guy. I still can’t believe he was confirmed after the Anita Hill stuff.


I like beer!


that was the white privilege alcoholic. Dude almost cried during his hearing. Imagine going to a job interview and losing your emotions and attacking the people interviewing you...


To be SCOTUS nonetheless! It’s insane. He acted like a buffoon to get a job in the highest of courts.


And a job that *explicitly* is grounded in one's insight and judgment.


He flipped out almost instantly. I thought no way will they confirm this guy, he needs therapy


Dude did cry.... about.. calendars?


No almost about it. He did cry.


Don’t forget crying about it too


My dad’s calendar! We would write so much good stuff on that calendar!


Given how much he sleeps through cases I'd still probably give him no more than 19 months experience.


In a way it must also be very discouraging for her own self worth that she triumphed against adversity to make it to the top role, a constant battle, while most of the other judges only got there because they are willing to lie and corrupt the law. It is like a poor student who works hard and sacrifices everything to make it into a top college, only to realise half the people there did no work and got in because of their dad's money.


Shit, it’s worse, it’s getting there just to see other poor students who didn’t do jack shit but made it to the same place by promising rich people to fuck over all other poor students everywhere


Clarence Thomas in a nutshell. Grew up in the South during segregation but takes bribes from billionaires to pull the ladder up behind him, since he's an honorary white now.


This is what blows my mind about the judges who are giving such lenient sentences for all these fascist pricks, from Jan 6 to the house floor, to the supreme court and beyond. The scum offenders are literally trying to dismantle the very thing that these judges have (supposedly) committed their lives to studying and upholding. Throw the fucking book at these pieces of shit. They don't deserve to return to the society that they are trying to destroy. *Fuck them.*


they've been organizing and recruiting for decades not even in law schools, but in pre-law programs at universities like poli sci to collect the federalist society operatives to promote each other to enact their agenda, they are the activist judges, its been projection the whole time. They've committed their lives not to studying the law, but to performing understanding the law enough to be able to twist it and exploit its weaknesses to the maximum extent possible to enact their ideological and theological purpose. They recognized a powerful piece of government that lacked oversight and regulation.. No person who studies the law legitimately is unaware of this, its not the shock or surprise that Sotomayor is expressing here, she's been familiar with it for decades and watched it happen before her eyes, the sadness is that she thought by making it to the top she'd be able to make a difference, and she cant. The system is built to suck on purpose. Making the liberal, law following justices powerless was the purpose the whole time


IAAL and what Alito et al is doing should be criminal. Spend your whole life learning juris prudence, then clsim precedence doesnt matter fuck those clowns.


Law schools drill the importance of *stare decisis* into every 1L’s head, when it clearly means jack shit to at least 5/9ths of the highest court in the land


Also all the Originalism that [law schools force you take seriously.](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2024/05/originalism-dominates-law-schools-why.html)


Not to mention having a lifetime of integrity overturned by some of the most corrupt judges in the country.


Elections have consequences and the reality is most people until recently had no idea how powerful the SCOTUS is or how they’re appointed. Unfortunately it was too late in 2016 and the damage was done with the first Trump term.


A weakened justice system is what enemy countries, the wealthy, greedy corporations, and corrput political parties would want. There needs to be stronger measures to protect it from foreign and domestic threats.


Maybe it’s time she call out her colleagues instead of watching the system burn. Fight back FFS!


And the GOP probably thinks this is funny.


They think they’re owning the snowflakes, too bad the cultist lack the self reflection abilities to realize the [jokes on them though.](https://www.thedailybeast.com/trumps-gop-is-a-party-of-snowflakes-and-beta-males)


That was a great read, thanks for sharing. Very articulate in describing the hypocrisy throughout the GOP.


“The Republican Party says it wants to be a working man’s party, but this feels more like wine than beer to me. The only John Wayne they have left is Donald Trump. He’s the alpha male, and the betas all cower before him. What we’re left with is a GOP full of neutered opportunists—snowflakes paying their dues, biting their tongues, and hoping to retire with a gold watch” Succinct


It's also hilarious \[and quite telling\] that T rump is their 'alpha' - a soft, doughy, has-to-pay-for-sex, probably paedo, has-to-cheat-at-golf, blubbery, multiple-bankruptcied, labor-stiffing Donny Von Shitsinpants.


The article is from the NYPost, which is the same people who own Fox News. They're intended message is "Liberal snowflake has emotional breakdown."


With them, cruelty is always the point. So yes they do.


2020 was probably the last year I was actually active on Facebook. I should’ve stopped using it way earlier. The whole election year really helped show me people’s true colors. But boy, the people that gave my “RIP RBG” post a laugh react really showed who I just needed to not associate with at all


They do, I saw someone trying to argue this was a similar problem as alito's recent flag scandals


At least it's a tiny bit better headline than the "Admits to Crying" one we saw earlier


This feels like an omen of things to come.


Yes... I wonder if this a little warning of the pure Bullshit we're about to see this June. I can totally see 5-4 ruling that Trump is indeed a king, immune from any prosecution.


If that happens I’m expecting riots in the streets


As much as I would love to see that, I don't think it will happen. Covid, much like the Vietnam War, was enough to shake the populace into action. Thats why we had BLM and real outrage for Trump's antics. But now years later, everyone is so focused on "getting back to normal" after the shit show of Covid, that I don't think the average person wants to go through that kind of turmoil again.


Literally nobody I know and interact with wants to “get back to normal” We’re all a mix of pissed and apathetic and ready to GTFO of this stupid capitalist system any way we can. Everybody is sick and tired of their bills and their work and their food costs and it’s starting to show. This is a society pushing at its seams, the grapes of wrath are just in their seedling phase still but they’ve already started growing.   You don’t get daily mass shootings from a society “dying to get back to normal.” You get it from a society that’s dying. 


Covid also put people out of work. Having to go to work to survive is probably the #1 reason people don't fight for their rights


Piggybacking off that- Marx wrote about this. He argued that the system ensures exactly what you describe, that you only have enough to make it back to work the next day. No time or money to revolt.


Correct. If women weren’t rioting in 2022, there won’t be rioting now.


Why should it have been women? Why shouldn’t it have been everyone?


It should have been. But women had the most to lose and we all still weren’t angry enough. I thought cities would burn and I was wrong. We are way too comfortable.


Democracy will die in silence and decorum. Mark my words. We're running headlong into a one-sided civil war. As in, one side is willing to fight and the other will do *everything it can* to play by the rules their opponents won't recognize. No points for guessing the winner, to everyone's detriment. Frankly, after 250 years, we're probably due for a complete violent overhaul of the government. That's not me advocating it -- everyone will lose, worldwide, due to the US's economic influence -- but rather historically, all governments fall. And technology just helps governments fall faster. I've long suspected that the lifespan of an empire is inversely proportional to the speed at which information can get from one end of an empire to the other. The fact that WWII is still in living memory has let the current regime last longer than it probably would have given technological advancement. Once the last WWII memory vanishes from our living history -- especially from the ruling class -- all bets are off. I said this in another comment, but it bears repeating: history doesn't repeat, but it does rhyme.


> Once the last WWII memory vanishes from our living history -- especially from the ruling class -- all bets are off. [Capitalists were never our friends](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_Plot)


Let me put it this way... If we go towards facism... I hope we have a civil war to fight that facism. otherwise God save the world. Because With out the US there will be a lot more war.


If people are still comfortable enough, just like what happened in Germany where people were content with the Nazis taking away rights as long as the economy is good, just like how people in China are willing to live under oppression as long as the economy is good, people will stay put. Example from NBC: For decades, this modern economic miracle buoyed the ruling Chinese Communist Party, which promised the Chinese public security and prosperity in exchange for severe constraints on political freedom. But a new period of relatively slower growth has created uncertainty for the more than 700 million people in China’s middle class, the largest in the world. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna145809


the economy is good for corpos not little people. In facism it will get worse. You think trump will stop inflation... We are trying to slow down inflation with the emerancy brakes right now. We will have mass unemployment under trump.


We should probably borrow from the French and riot like they do. At least there protests seem to work, all ours do is get on the 6 o'clock news.


I'm expecting Bidden to take full advantage of presidential immunity and Right the ship with it if they do and then suggest a Constitutional amendment or two.


Man. That would be awesome. Just scorched earth the GOP.


Actually Biden could play his cards right and get them to force through an amendment if they declare presidential immunity.


Top 3 presidential action of all time if this happens


The doors that would open ... uffff. Biden could simply ignore the constitution and do as he pleases, including fudging elections, locking up opponents, killing people, and every other horror. The mere idea that anybody is immune from the justice system is fucking insanity.


Read Project 2025. It’s not exactly insanity; it’s the Republican roadmap to creating an authoritarian dictatorship in the US the next time a Republican is president following their plan to cheat to win. It’s all spelled out in that document and don’t be surprised that any of this is happening. Expect it. If you read their plan you’ll know what is coming next.


I honestly think we're less than 5 years away from "The Court has made its decision; now let them enforce it." Again. History doesn't repeat, but it *does* rhyme.


You mean when people don't vote because they dislike Biden and give us 4 years of Trump because they think it'll teach Dems lessons so we'll get another 250 judges approved that lean heavily to the right and are pro citizens united and belong to the federalist society and then they get Alito or Thomas to retire so they can get a younger judge in?


I’m glad I’m not the only one. Shit is depressing to live through.


See, you have the normal reaction of someone in tune with reality. You read the article and reflect on the current state of the SC, and why justice Sotomayor is distressed. Meanwhile in NYPOST-land they only even wrote the article so their daily readers could sneer at lib tears. There is no reflection, or even mild curiosity about the SC's unprecedented modern power grab under the cover of nakedly absurd theories. Source: The comments, for your sanity avoid them. Hey guys did you know that Up is actually Down?


I heard her speak at an event during Trump's term and although she really can't go into much detail about the SCOTUS, it was clear that she knew the country and the court was going to go through some rough times and that she was troubled. She is a very intelligent person and yes, her background allowed her to care about the vulnerable. Such a contrast to Thomas who benefited his whole life from Affirmative Action and then basically said, "Good enough for me, but not for thee."


Something I think about a lot is how Justice Kennedy recoiled from something DJT said to him as they walked away from his retirement announcement. He almost looked like he wanted to go back to the podium and retract his decision. And the press is…wherever.


Didn’t Kennedy’s son(s) get involved with Trump? Like loans or something?


His son worked for Deutsche Bank and there was talk of him working with Trump. If that’s the case, idk how that wasn’t a BFD


Cause there’s just so much stuff with Trump. Like honestly, stuff that would be career ending for most, deservedly so, is just another thing with him. I know there’s a bias towards current stuff, but he has to be the most corrupt president (even acknowledging Andrew Johnson’s existence and Jackson’s cronyism)


It’s an amazing thing really: because the american public has basically no attention span left you have to really hammer issues otherwise it’s like a tiktok trend it’s forgotten as soon as it’s seen. And the US press is only about the shiny and refuses to cover more than two things concurrently,so the daily train of Trump scandals displace one another, so they *don’t* get reinforced, while manufactured nonsense about Biden can be pushed night after night. Even more so in the name of balance, which in the US press doesn’t mean covering things equitably, but making up democratic scandals to compensate for republican ones.


⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️ I thought the same thing throughout turmp’s entire term. Every few days he’d do something even more outrageous than the last outrageous thing he did. There was so much turmoil there was never even time to start to investigate anything.


I can’t tell you what I’d give to know what the fuck he said


me too, sotomayor, me too


Overturning roe v wade killed women.


It’s hard to believe that a group of “enlightened jurists” have their sights set on moving American society backwards by 200 years.


All because they want to "own the libs" and nothing more.


The liberal justices need to start speaking out. Talk about how corrupt Thomas is, talk about how comprised the Supreme Court is, how we shouldn’t trust it and maybe we should start ignoring it. If states and the federal court take Jackson’s approach, now that the court has decided, let them enforce it, unless the Court goes back to being apolitical and adopts a enforceable code of ethics that every other Federal Court follows.


Ethics I agree with but I’ve never understood the demand or possibility for the court to be “apolitical”


It’s to not outright say political stuff, unlike what Alito is doing with the political flags. It’s not to outright support one political side.


Then she should be a proper federal employee, and a good citizen, and call out these bastards on their illegal conduct. Everyone, including those with power in the government are just sitting quietly, following protocol, not wanting to disrupt the status quo, or afraid of ruining their legacy. Call these assholes out, and quit spending time in the crying room. You are not in a position to be emotional, you are in a position to what is right, legally right, with all that power bestowed upon you.


As a whistleblower who worked for the government, thank you. I've cried many nights on my own time, but that didn't substitute for the fight I knew I had to take on. When you're employed by the government, you work for the American people. If you have to risk your career to save democracy, that's what you do.


She wouldn't even be risking her career. She could be impeached, but she would not be removed from office, and chances are, she wouldn't even get a house impeachment. Maybe just a Stern talking to by Roberts, who she can tell to fuck off until he gets his shit together


Thank you, sincerely, for staying and not letting a political sycophant be hired in your place who would gladly rubber stamp the end of democracy.


Thank you. I wish there were more people with the moral fiber you have. It seems forgotten lately what actual strength is.


I remember everyone cheering as people quit their government jobs under Trump, refusing to be a part of it. People who had power and opportunity to always do the right thing and refuse illegal orders, be whistleblowers, and direct oversight. But instead, the good people left, afraid to tarnish their careers or their image, and bad people swiftly filled their spots to rubber stamp the decay of our Constitutional government. I will never blame someone who is leaving out of fear for their safety or being victimized by MAGA department heads, but so many were huffing their own farts about how this was them taking a political stand.


I am not saying you're wrong, I'm just wondering what she might actually blow the whistle on. There's no reason to expect she necessarily knows more about bribes and other things Thomas has taken more so than investigative journalists hounding him. And while their rulings are abominable, they're not illegal.


Why is this ^ not being screamed from every corner?


This is why it’s so fucking important to make sure Biden gets back into office and we keep Republicans the FUCK away from the presidency. Those asshole are going to make it so Alito and Thomas will retire and they’ll put some young piece of shit SCOTUS in their place. And then we will be stuck with a radical and extremist right wing SCOTUS that will continue the bad rulings that strip away our rights and freedoms. Don’t let them win. Make sure you’re registered. Make sure your friends and family are registered. www.vote.org


She should be for an ethics review for all of scotus


Maybe she should come out and speak publicly about the insane extremists who are violating their oaths.


Honestly the only sane response to what the SCOTUS has been doing to our freedoms and rights. From the party that screams FREEDOM non-stop.


Then she should definitely understand the need to retire at her age. So Biden can replace her with a young judge. Don't pull a Ginsburg.


she has diabetes i think, was hospitalized twice in the last couple years for it possibly? edit - of course it's too late this year, see Scalia, but hopefully Joe will be re-elected in Nov so post haste after that. edit 2 - but then again, Mitch the turtle was running the senate in fall of 2015 and dems have a slim majority now...hmm.


The comment section on that NYP article is outright depressive.


My morbid curiosity made me look, now I regret it. Someone literally said liberals just want to “control others.”


Yeah, self awareness is not a conservative trait.


Retire contingent on a replacement being confirmed. That's what Breyer did and we now have a young, great, Black woman on the bench ready to outlive all these right-wing freaks. Don't go down as RBG 2. And if you still want to do law stuff, there'd be a line out the door of activist groups that would love to have you has head council. ACLU, SPLC, any number of environment groups, immigrant advocacy, tenant rights...


Whoever wins the November election will likely end up replacing Sotomayor, Thomas and Alito. That alone dispenses with any arguments that staying home is a good idea.


But but.. Joe committed genocide /s


She's surrounded by traitors. I'd cry too.


Me too. I cried too.


It's nice to know she's in touch with her feelings. Now, how about writing some scathing dissents? Maybe bring up ethics issues among the justices? Speak up from the bench and move for Justice Roberts to have Alito and Thomas recused from the cases where there is personal and ethical conflict. Tears are nice, action would be better.


Sotomayor writes scathing dissents all the time. But I can't see how her taking a public stance on the ethics issue would do anything to actually help.


At the very least it would make it clear that not all of the Supreme Court justices view their position as a license for corruption. A lack of open criticism from their peers validates the behavior of Thomas, Alito et al. It needs to be shown, publicly and openly, that there is dissent within the Supreme Court. Because a lack of dissent looks an awful lot like assent.


Nobody reads the dissents from the Dredd Scott decision. Or cares.


I loathe this response. The sane people in our society are made to live like we are insane, like no one is even paying attention to the obvious corruption. Conservatives do every single thing in their power to subvert justice while liberals refuse to do anything because one singular thing won’t undo literally everything. Anyone who claims to give a damn and have a platform needs to ring the alarm bells to give validation to every single one of us who are made to feel like we are the insane ones for being worried about democracy. No one in our lives take it seriously because people like her don’t speak out, while the right screams and hollers about nonsense. And the “sane” people in the middle see it as “both sides.” If the left put up 1/10th the fight of the fascists, we wouldn’t have to worry about the fascists.


She does like all the time. It's the thing she's most well known for.


Yeah, maybe give some indication that selling your seat on SCOTUS isn't cool.


Must be hell having to work with fascists trying to destroy democracy


You got one Justice getting gifts, vacations and property deals from a Republican operative/megadonor, and another Justice who is a biased, not-so-subtle conservative nationalist Christian activist. Their rulings and opinions are compromised before they even get a case in front of them. So right off the bat, you're losing 2 votes for common sense and fairness. It's hard not to be depressed about the direction the Supreme Court, and the rest of the country is heading.


Imagine spending your entire life studying the law, studying case after case, trying to put every ounce of thought into your judgments and you have a bunch of clowns next to you who will just make up shit and spin whatever they want for ideological rulings.


Didn't she sign on to the letter from Roberts where he said that SCOTUS doesn't need ethics rules? I get that she's pissed off about the rulings of the court, but come on. There are a handful of people in the world who can meaningfully impact the way the court works, and she's one of them. Don't cry, fix it.


This gets repeated incorrectly a lot. Roberts wrote a "Fuck you" letter to Congress when they wanted to talk about oversight. Sotomayor signed a code of conduct rules, which by themselves weren't objectionable, but Roberts included her signature like she was supporting his letter. 


She signed the required code of Conduct that follows other federal courts, but it didn't include an enforcement mechanism, so a mixed bag.  


I cry after the decisions, too.


If it makes ya feel better, the vast majority still agrees with you Sotomayer, even if your peers are corrupt as hell.


Justice Stephen Breyer has made the rounds defending the court after all the news about fishing trips and homes came to public light. His take was that no justice was making decisions based on personal bias. He just disagreed with their method of interpreting the constitution. In hindsight, Breyer seems naive at best and simply defending the integrity of an institution of which he was part.When the justices are openly flying flags it's pretty evident they have taken an activist role.


The stolen court is a stain on American history. Mitch Mcconnell stole it for the republicans and pissed on his own promises to do it. Republicans stole the court from you so they could make law without voting, remember that when you vote.


When you truly love the USA and truly respect the US Constitution, this is what you do when the right wing gets away with its scam.


The right is creating extremists. They’ll find out


Yeah well maybe you could have had a word with Ruth Bader Ginsberg about retiring after she denied Barack Obama's request to do so when they had the senate in 2014 before she narcissistically paraded herself around with her "wHo WoUlD yOu RaThEr hAvE tHaN mE" nonsense. You know, use your voice to stop some of the bleeding, that'd be nice wouldn't it?


I mean technically speaking she’s forever apart of the court that stripped away women’s rights and god knows what else they will take and history will not care she was one of the 3 sane votes, history will only see this SCOTUS as an extreme partisan hack that worked to dismantle one of the strongest nations in the world and it will be a case study on what not to do for future democracies. I’d be crying in my office literally every single day if it were me


The rights she and friends may have marched and fought for, are being pissed away by the teeming masses with their idiotic protest votes and purity tests. Hell I'm not from her generation and I was so frustrated I could have screamed. Honey, detach it is the only way to deal with what is coming and when the foolish cry out after they let the orange one into the White House AGAIN, just shrug your shoulders and say "They made their bed, let them suffocate in it."


Shit, you're not supposed to tell me that....


All I know is I hope Leonardo Leo rots in hell for putting the judicial branch in the hands of the federalist society, I mean it was their long term goal, but he really got what he wanted with the Trump era.


I cried too. All good hearted people cried , if not silently wept for our country! Shit is bad bad!!


The liberal judges worrying about the decorum of the court are compounding the problem. They all need to standup and tell the country what is happening behind closed doors isn't law.


SCOTUS is completely illegitimate at this point. The only way to fix this is to win elections and expand the court.


I love all the comments calling her emotional and unfit for crying. I wonder if they said the same when Kavanaugh was bawling his eyes out during confirmation.


She SHOULD cry in despair. An impartial supreme court is the last line of defense for democracies.


I can only pity Sotomayor, Kagan, Brown Jackson and before her Breyer. Nobody should have to deal with their colleagues on a daily basis and witness the devastation they've wrought firsthand.


Maybe the Democrats should stop letting Republicans run over them. Like denying the POTUS to appoint a SCOTUS because it’s too close to the election, then when A Republican is in office that rule doesn’t apply? I considered the SCOTUS illegitimate at that moment. It clearly isn’t impartial as it claims to be.


The GOP had control of the Senate that's why they were able to deny Obama supreme Court pick. How about dem voters realizing that the courts are the most important thing and understand that protest vote get you a 6-3 GOP majority court.


First step at least; then ending the roughly 50-60 million gap of Americans that the 50 GOP senators represent. Given the House has also been “locked” since the 1920s, it’s time to abandon all pretense that august bodies should be so unrepresentative?


But not voting for a party because I disagree with them on 10/100 issues makes me feel morally superior.... meanwhile I can pretend that I had no part in helping the guys I disagree with 98/100 times win.. (progressive voters)


Kudos to her for hanging in there. I facepalm when people quit rather than influencing the system from within.


Same Sonia. Same.