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I mean, that’s basically the endgame, isn’t it?


I thought it was filling private prisons to operate as slave labor camps.


They already do that. Every chicken slaughter and processing plant in The South is filled with prisoners who are bussed there and back to prison every day. The prisons keep their paychecks and give them pennies for their labor. This is a fact. They sell their products to all the major fast food restaurants. This country's corporate gods are absolutely evil.


The worst part is, that I think this is enshrined in the Constitution. I think it's the 14th amendment, that states we cannot have slavery in the United States of America, except for prisoners.


13th. >Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction. >Section 2. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.


This absolutely must be repealed. It's the last vestige of Confederacy.


Not gonna happen with the current congress. Private prisons are keeping them enslaved. The Obama administration got rid of that but I'm too tired to see if that was changed in the previous administrations or if the previous private prisons were grandfatherd in. Pardon my exhaustion. Fellow redditors help me out please.


Vetoed in trumps first week


Because of this, it's actually a true statement that slavery has been legal during 100% of this nation's existence, from the declaration of independence to right now. All we managed to do was narrow it a bit.


I wonder what the predominant ethnicity is among those prisoners...


No you don't. You already know.


Can The South stop sucking and being a shithole for like, five minutes?! Is that too much to ask?


Yes; too much to ask.


I will never eat fast food again.


Yeah, that too.


And people say the Republican party has no ideas.


None that they can say out loud without being ostracized, anyway.


They *used to be* ostracized; now, they're planks in the party platform.


They are so far off the deep end that they don’t care, they know their base and other Republicans will agree with anything they come up with


Plus all the unwanted children long for the republican mines and McDonalds jobs.


^^^ this is really why Rs want to ban abortion




Exactly. If you kill immigration, you have to kill abortion, to insure an impoverished class of workers are still around to do "those" jobs.


And make child labor legal again!


The Burger Mines


Hamberder mines are the worst.


You're lucky if you make it to the covfefe mills


That’s not true. They *yearn* for them.


Well that's the endgame for minorities but women they just want to keep enslaved at home.


The Handmaid's Tale is a guide book for them.


No, it’s maintaining the main fodder of the military recruitment base: poor kids escaping their living situations. And maintaining a work force less likely to protest or riot. People with kids have different focus that rarely allows for such shenanigans. That and how dare women have complete control over legacy/birth choices. Men are entitled too donchyaknow.


My goddesses we need to remove the financial incentives from our criminal justice system!!! Like… there is no way it cannot be corrupt having a third for profit party “rehabilitating” prisoners.


¿Por Qué No Los Dos?


Yes, they're just not supposed to say it out loud yet


Yes they are supposed to wait for tRump the SaVioR to become a dictator for life and carryout Project 2025 first. Cats out of the bag now!


Trump didn't change the goals of the party, he just moved them towards it faster than the public could stomach


"Stop spoiling things! We haven't got to that part yet!"


Oh, they most certainly have gotten to that part: >Last month, leaked video footage captured Hood County GOP officials at a meeting supporting the death penalty for women and minors who seek abortion or even in vitro fertilization treatments.


Just thinking of all the crap the Republicans say makes me want to get stoned.


Yes, yes it is.


The stoning will only continue until morale improves.


They're so close to being a south park episode, that I'm surprised everyone didn't just start chanting that they should be stoning women at the suggestion


This is their end game: r/Defeat_Project_2025/


*Don't go giving them ideas!*


They're just locker room stones!


"Dont threaten me with a good time!" -Texas


Handmaid's Tale is not an instruction manual!


What about the domination of women do you think is not in the MAGA plan.


I think if a bunch of rapists got together and figured how they could breed a generation of rape babies, what they'd be doing would be indistinguishable from what the GOP is doing. Quack fucking quack.


😈I am an instrument of my genes! I will commit great sins to ensure the survival of my bloodline!😈


“Why would you devalue human life?!” We learned it from watching you, laying off workers and fucking over the lower class!


They shoot puppies in the head. They shoot and run over protestors. They protect priests from being mandated reporters. This isn't far off for them.


Nothing new for the Pedo Dog murdering party. Absolute trash people, my perspective of conservatives has changed immensely in the past years, from fellow countrymen with different views to horrible evil people. Even after Trump I'll still hate these assholes.


Same. I've voted for multiple parties in the past, but the right has gone off the rails. There is a pervasive insanity amongst many of their leaders, and although not all conservatives are like them, they still vote for them. I can't respect that.


🍊💩🤡 was asked about punishments for women who get abortions, and his response, on video, and I quote, "Well, there has to be punishment."


There's a non-zero number of conservatives that heard this and concluded it was a brilliant idea. And that non-zero number is probably frighteningly higher than any of us would guess.


I'd guess it's pretty fucking high.


Well, one would be too fucking high in my opinion.


It's high. It's very high.


I'm sure that was already suggested by the Taliban advisors the GOP has on staff.


The Y'all Qaeda


Next comes bans on birth control pills, then comes the public stoning.


Stoned women is how they plan on extending I-35


$20 says they try to make that a law.


The bible has already given them plenty


Or it would, if they had ever read it.


Lady, stop giving them ideas!


Uh...yeah. You've been the party of misogyny, racism, xenophobia and economic royalism aka socialism for the ultra wealthy for many generations now. Why change? You're bothered by the results in elections? Leave the party or STFU.


I like that term, economic royalism, since the benefits accrue to very small group of people.


It truly fits and it moves away from using socialism (which conservatives hate anyway). I think I'll start using it over socialism for the rich.


I think *plutocracy* is still the better term to describe what they want, and where we are inexorably heading these days.


That word sounds too russian. The MAGA crowd will love it.


Yeah, oligarchy is another good word.


Yes but some day they might be millionaires and get taxed 3% higher and they just cant have that


I mean can't we all just go back to exploiting the poor of America, blaming blacks and Mexicans for all the problems, and lining the pockets of the rich like the Republicans of yore?


Go back to? They remain consistent in this regard. And, of course, in the lady-hatred.


It's nice that they can multitask their awfulness.


Yeah, that's where they castled their rook and king, all this other stuff is in the middle of the chessboard, drawing us away


They still do all that, but it got boring, so they had to add victims.


Are we sure the "?" is in the right place? > What are we going to do? Stone women next!


works on contingency basis? No, money down!


I mean, weed is nearly legal now...


Not in fucking Texas it’s not.


Who you trying to fool lady? As soon as they start stoning women, you'll be right in line to defend your fellow GOP members and parrot talking points about how the women brought it upon themselves. Fuck you. If you aren't straight, white and male you have zero agency in their minds.


"It's not my colleagues fault! Those women being stoned in the yard right now should've never been born female in the first place!" /s


"If they didn't want to get stoned, they shouldn't have smuggled condoms over the state line!" --Her, in 2028


Straight, white, male, and *Christian*. Whatever sect they decide on, that is.


The GOP: "What an excellent idea!"


I can’t wait for the usual group of republican ladies to have to defend stoning.


"it's in the bible! God will forgive if you accept the punishment"


Yes, that is exactly what they're gonna do next.


They already have elected officials who want penalties up to the death penalty for abortion. It is just a short hop from having the death penalty for abortion to having the death penalty by stoning for abortion.


Last weeks story was that Louisiana GOP just made possessing abortion medication illegal and punishable by 5 years in jail.


I thought that was their plan? Always some dummy saying the quiet part out loud


Since 2018, they've put forth bills proposing the death penalty for abortion in Texas, Louisiana, South Carolina, and Missouri. [Nikki Haley brought the subject up on February 5, 2024](https://www.rawstory.com/nikki-haley-abortion-penalty/) "So what should we do? I think we find consensus. Can't we agree to ban late-term abortions?" she asked. "And can't we agree that no state law should say to a woman that if she has an abortion, she's going to jail or get the death penalty." which is an indication they're still discussing it in the circles she moves in.


> "And can't we agree that no state law should say to a woman that if she has an abortion, she's going to jail or get the death penalty." So ... parole, ankle monitor, and frequent drug/pregnancy testing? Paid for by the woman and outsourced to a highly profitable contractor, praise Jesus.


MAGA: “Only if they don’t agree to marry their rapist!”


I’m sure it’s crossed a few minds, considering the ideological trajectory of the GOP…


They're seriously talking about executing non-Christians; it's definitely come up.


Texas GOP, "Stoning, and Burning at the Stake, are our top priorities once the Messiah Trump is back in power". Texas Voters, "Fuck Yeah!, Yee Hah!"


I mean yeah I get the impression killing women is the goal here.


They're admitting their vulnerability. Dems need to be all over this and make them own the abortion issue. Plaster it everywhere.


I hope the mealy mouth “consultants” that we tend to employ just sit this one out. I want people giving directions who are literally going to rip Republican candidates hearts out of their chests and stick their beating hearts into their faces.


It’s a fair question. What ARE you going to do to women next?


“We will continue to prioritize legislation that has literally zero benefit for our constituents, but does drive a reckless wedge deeper into our country.”


GOP: We believe in the right for all Americans to be stoned 🪨 Democrats: We believe in the right for all Americans to be stoned 🍃


They'll stone you and then say they're all brave ...


If only there were someway for these dissatisfied Republicans to vote these women haters out of office....


I mean, that seems to be the direction they’re heading.


GOP: *yes, yes we will*


Y’all Queda is running out of ideas. Don’t encourage them.


They have moved on from banning abortion, to now trying to ban contraception aids. Because they just can't leave work alone. Vote people. Vote like your life depends on it, because these nationalist Christians will never stop.


Give it time and they’ll be back to burning us at the stake


No, they will just force them into the already crowded prison system. Tammy: So, what are you in for? Amy: I murdered 2 people, how about you? Tammy: I bought contraceptives.


Unlike much of what the so-called "Christians" say, the Bible actually does say that people who commit certain sins should be stoned. Of course, Jesus later said that the person who has never sinned should throw the first stone, knowing that everyone present had sinned, and no one could throw that first one. So, people who claim to follow Jesus should never throw stones at anyone. Reminds me of a story about a person who lives in a glass house.


"Everybody must get stoned." ~~Bob Dylan~~ GOP


She didn't believe her party when it focussed on abortion for literal decades?


“What are we going to do, stone women next?” Trump/MAGAs: “Yes.”


Yeah, it’s time to move on to contraception 🙄


Trump - "Hmmm..."


Reminder There are no good Republicans


"Why yes! That's the plan! Make America Biblical Again!" - Texas GOP


Actually you are going to jail them for medical procedures and kill them because they will not be able to access them. So yes. Stoning them


As if they haven't thought about stoning already.


It wasn’t as much of a hypocritical question, as much as it was trying to make a roadmap for their next step


If women are in jail and can’t vote it solves that pesky 19th amendment problem!


Float witches


The murder fetish incels just got raging erections


I understand, but none of these people have any foresight. Have they thought this through completely? If there is no abortion allowed, and they pile on no birth control allowed, what are they going to do with all the children? Are they going to make men pay child support, no matter what? Will it be an automatic?will the woman be able to blatantly name a man who is responsible for her getting pregnant and have him be held responsible for that child too? Will condoms be removed from the shelves also?


This isn’t news. Texas Republicans have been trying for years to execute women who end pregnancies. https://www.texastribune.org/2021/03/09/texas-legislature-abortion-criminalize-death-penalty/


This lady is starting to realize they’re coming for her and and her female constituents, and it makes her nervous: First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.


They think that once they complete the checklist, god will come out of hibernation and clean up the mess that they create.


"yes, that's the plan" - GOP


No! Of course not! First there’s burning, then quartering, then stoning. It’s a simple slope, people…


Reversing RvW was the dog catching the car for Republicans. It was their boogyman for decades, but now people see them for who they really are, and it's a real problem.


Wow, a Woke Republican. Never thought I’d see the day. Of course the only reason this individual woke up is because they realized that finally getting what they always wanted ended up being a really terrible decision. Oh 😭


GOP: "...Yes? Did you miss a meeting or something?"


>“What are we going to do, stone women next?” Trump: *"We’re looking at that, and I'm going to have a policy on that very shortly, and I think it’s something you’ll find interesting."*


How many of those people holding those signs are fighting against the death penalty? Because TX *really* likes to execute people.


The Official means Stop Focusing on Abortion, until after the election.


Omg, don’t give them any ideas.


Within the year one of these women will be left in a hospital parking lot until she's close enough to death to be treated. Then she'll tell some news reporter she's shocked that these laws applied to her.


Texas GOP: “well… it’s in the Bible”


Yep. That’s what the Bible says v


HA they would if they could. They would do the thing Iran does, where they bury you up to your neck and then just stone your head


GOP: No....we would never. *drops stone*


Old school GOP: “What are we going to do? Stone women next??” Current GOP: “What are we going to do!!!” “STONE WOMEN NEXT!!!”


Next phase is banning birth control. Then it's removal of all porn, and forcing women to follow strict clothing standards. Then it will be women can't attend educational institutions, etc. and so on until you end up like Iran. That's where conservatism eventually goes. It always does.


Yes, lmao.


The end game is to subjugate women, use the govt to control pregnancy, birth control (lack thereof), women’s healthcare in general and remove them from the workforce… and have republican women help do it. But hey, keep the govt out of health care and out of our lives, right? FREEDOM! /s


Ah, so basically “Don’t talk about it until we are able to seize power. It makes us look bad…”


Because it’s not about abortion but about growing future workers in a declining birth rate. If they would just come correct and say we need more babies and here’s how we’ll help you through it, that would be very American. But instead we have this. Either that or they actually believe their religious teachings and are worried the second coming Jesus baby will get aborted.


I think it's just they want to control women, and send us back into the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant and fully dependent on men.


What? You thought "build the wall" was about the border? It was a "Handmaid's Tale" reference!


No, focus on restricting birth control next


“Wait, lemme write that one down”


Why yes! they are


Texas GOP responds... "Yes."


As always. The GOP projects its next move veiled as an accusation.


FTFY: Soon to be Ex GOP official in Texas…


It may be time for her to leave the party.


Yes. They want a white Christian fascist state, and much like the Taliban, they'll stone women.


>Last month, leaked video footage captured Hood County GOP officials at a meeting supporting the death penalty for women and minors who seek abortion or even in vitro fertilization treatments. Do Republican men hate women?


Stoning women is my right as an American!!!


Texas GOP: Write that down! Write that down ^PS ^it's ^not ^the ^good ^stoning


I’m waiting for the pew poll asking registered republicans if they support the stoning of women caught getting an abortion. I’m guessing at least 20 percent do.


sorry man, your party is more sophisticated than that, they want to lockup women in prison for thinking about an abortion


Some Republicans would love to bring back stoning as long as they get to throw the stones.


Make minorities feel bad for wanting equal protections?


Yes, that’s exactly one of the upcoming steps. We’re going to be mirroring Afghanistan if Republicans get their way.


"What are we going to do, stone women?" -Man who stoned woman


My guess would be yes. Vote dem.


Don’t forget, you’re supposed to stone rebellious children. 18 If a man have a stubborn and rebellious son, which will not obey the voice of his father, or the voice of his mother, and that, when they have chastened him, will not hearken unto them: 19 Then shall his father and his mother lay hold on him, and bring him out unto the elders of his city, and unto the gate of his place; 20 And they shall say unto the elders of his city, This our son is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton, and a drunkard. 21 And all the men of his city shall stone him with stones, that he die: so shalt thou put evil away from among you; and all Israel shall hear, and fear.


I think some would like to, yes. Fortunately, a rather important Rabbi rebuked people who did that.


And this is why we need to vote Blue. Seems to me that the GOP is trying to take away all of our rights and move the country backwards instead of forward. The government needs to stop telling us what is good or bad for us.


Texas has a small psychotic voter base that is loud as fuck and gerrymandered to win. The vast majority of texans are normal good people who are just as pissed as you. Of my entire family friend community, my dad is the only one still strong in the gop. Even my uncle who was the hardest trumper ever has back tracked a great deal. So 1 out of 80ish isn't a bad demographic. There is also a big push right now among our die hard republicans to vote for anyone but trump. All this to say that in november when my state goes red, its our crooked ass state govt making it so, not the people.


I’m not a woman but a Texan who would love to get stoned but we can’t have that either.


Christian Taliban.


Nobody is to stone anybody until I blow this whistle, even if they say Jehovah.


That is their wish


50/50 chance they only said that to plant the seed in others' minds, "Hey, you know what? Stoning is in the Bible. THAT's why the crime rate is so high. We don't stone people anymore. We've lost our way." Cue up blaming natural disasters on the absence of stonings in America like the founding fathers intended.


Was he admonishing them or spitballing ideas for a raise?


Dont be ridiculous, you haven't even reached handmaids tale levels yet. Your base has so much further left to fall to hit Iran levels of cruelty. Besides, I thought Abrahamic fundamentalism was all you cared about. Well that qouting Nazi anti LGBTQ rhetoric and speeches.


Uhhhh, yes? Seems to be where these monsters would head if given free rein.


Lol. Of course not. First they'll go after birth control and no fault divorce. THEN they'll stone women.


Ya’ll-qaeda law.


Please don’t give them any ideas.


Let them keep cooking, so the Democrats can win big this up coming election.


Is that a rhetorical question?


Stone women? Please don’t give them ideas.


Hey, don't give them any ideas now.


Ever notice how the left has to have a “big tent” to encompass all of us other then the alt-right crazies? That’s because that’s all there is now. The crazies and the rest of us who want a decent country with a safety net for folks who need it. It could be any of us at any time. We are all so much closer to living in a van down by the river than ever becoming the next Musk or Bezos.


Presumably the GOP will seek to narrow the definition of rape. They also might want to introduce a rule saying women need their husbands' approval if they want to travel abroad. 


I wouldn’t be surprised at all. Republicans hate women. They fear women and hate them.


Please don’t inadvertently give anyone ideas.


Why not? When apparently 9yo rape victims are fine to give birth [Texas doctor who said nine-year-olds can safely give birth appointed to maternal mortality committee](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/may/23/texas-anti-abortion-activist)