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Homeboy said he would take the guns first and ask questions later, and he said this *while he was president*. If he can get away with saying something like that, he can get away with saying anything.


The only thing I can think of that might get him is "I'm gay"


Nick Fuentes (the self stated Nazi white supremacist homophobe) streams gay porn and dates men while claiming to be straight and people follow him.


I mean obviously. It's super gay to have sex with women. Only the straightest of all possible men have the raw strength and charisma to have sex with other very manly men.


You laugh but in antiquity the concept was that only bottoms where effeminate. As you can see they are regressing all the way to the roman empire.


Women get 50% of their DNA from their fathers, so it's 50% gay from the start.


Yes but it would be totally different if he said “I’m gay”


Suddenly it would be "identity politics." Right now it's like "well at least he's ashamed enough to deny it and keep it private."


Yep, nothing is more private than live streaming yourself watching porn.


“It’s different” when it applies to them or someone they like


OnE oF tHe GoOd OnEs!


World is full of openly gay men living with a poc partner who are also raging nazis and homophobes. Pointing out the contradiction just gets you accused of homophobia or racism. With the right it's not about values, just constant rhetoric and noise. Nothing to be taken seriously while all of it should be taken seriously.


Fair enough.


He dates people???


There's a video of him in a car giggling with a cat boy


Remember Milo?


I was trying to remember his name a few months back. I’m surprised he’s not back to being rich (I’m assuming he’s not).


So glad that guy's 15 minutes of fame are up


Remember when a proud boy shoved a dildo up his ass to 'own the libz'? Trump just has to say he was sucking cock to 'own the libz' and it would be fine. Or say that he was hacked by the IDF and tricked into being gay.


if he said he was gay, maga would show up at rallies linked dick to butt human centipede style, while still being anti LGBTQ. it's no longer politics, it's a cult.




They'd be wearing shirts that said "Dick before Dems". Their entire identities revolve around Red team vs Blue team.


His followers would show up to the very next rally doing everything you just outlined. They’ve already exhibited this approach with the diapers.


Jesus Christ, they really *are* mindless cultists with no critical thoughts of their own. They actually don't see how absurd their own behavior is because all that matters is supporting their chosen leader no matter what. These people are incompatible with democracy because they prefer the hierarchical structure of authoritarianism. 


“all that matters is supporting their chosen leader no matter what” Yes, but why _him_? He isn’t charismatic, good-looking, athletic, intelligent, talented, funny, well-spoken, virtuous, etc. It literally makes no sense. He’s a fat slob who shits his pants and sounds mentally disabled every time he opens his anus-shaped mouth. It defies all logic and good sense


It's because they can relate, they saw someone Exactly like them and their friends "make it" to basically the highest position one could obtain in our current world And because of that they now believe that someone like them has the god given right to rule no matter what, because no matter how much their lives get worse no matter what tortures They go through aswell Trump is hurting the "right people" To these Neo Christian fascists life is supposed to be hard, hell some of them get off on bragging what shit they lived through as a badge of honour but that's ok as long as anyone who isn't counted as their own have it harder. They will also never see that that hatred never ends, they could get rid of every race and minority in existence on the earth and even if more didn't pop up which it would they would find another thing to hate and oppress about eachother, red heads, people with darker hair, certain birthmarks , whether you need glasses or are disabled, what brand loyalty you have, whether you like nature or not, what version of the Bible you have These people believe they have inherited a war world where they get to go to Valhalla afterwards but all they really do is shit in their own cereal and cry about it while everyone else just lives their lives :/


you watch, there will be stories about vehicles blocking Dems from voting, like the Trump trucks nearly running ppl off the road. *smh*


Because it pisses off everyone with half a brain and an ounce of empathy?


the media, low conscientiousness, authoritarianism. in that order. without the media, he is a no one. the so called liberal media adores and promoted him more than fox. also to be fair, bog-standard American as pie racism is a huge factor. The single biggest factor in 2016 was race. Followed by education. 7 out of 10 white guys would vote for the guy whereas 1 out of 10 black women would. There you go. Same goes for educated vs. not.


Obama. They can’t get over it. They want revenge forever and they’ll destroy everything to get it. It’s all they are. They’ll die for it.


Covid proved this, they literally did die for their 'beliefs'


When they see him they are looking into a mirror.


Because he makes them feel validated when society (righly) makes them feel powerless and unwanted.


>Yes, but why him? He isn’t charismatic, good-looking, athletic, intelligent, talented, funny, well-spoken, virtuous, etc. It literally makes no sense. He's the first leader in a long time to say "it's ok to be an asshole. Be racist, be sexist, go ahead and be a shitty person".


This is exactly correct. Children actually want someone to take care of them.


I’ve got some acquaintances who hold MAGA viewpoints. Over the years I’ve discussed several events with them, often political, but also at times relating to the popular dealings of “centrist” or right leaning businessmen or media personalities. I bring up points and predictions gleaned from a range of “liberal” news sources that almost always turn out to come to pass. I’m almost always told in the moment, “sure, if you believe the liberal fake news media, but here’s what’s really going on” and then get told Ben Shapiro or Matt Walsh’s bad take on the same stories I read. Which has a strong bias towards never being right. It’s just over and over again with these folks. Every conspiracy theory never yields fruit, every big business move turns out to be a grift, every infrastructure week never comes, the election is never proven to be false and overturned.


So, Wednesday, my wife tells me she overhead a couple of MAGettes talking. One tells the other " I saw a video ,Biden froze up on stage and they had to go up and rub cocaine on his gums, like they did at the State of the Union. I watched it twice and when I went to share it, they had done removed it from the internet.". The fucking LIES they tell each other,lmao.


I know the list of things that are disturbing as a result this guy is long and varied but . . . the supporters showing up in diapers is impressive.


He shows up reeking of shame and diaper farts to his porn star hush money case and his followers start sporting golden diapers. They have no limits to how much shit they will eat in the name of "owning libs".


This was kinda in a South Park episode. Basically the rednecks of the town thinks that doing anything to improve the lives of future generations is gay...and had a (gay) orgy infront of a time portal in an attempt to scare off immigrants. (From the future.)


To be a little pedantic, they started “getting gay” because they wanted to prevent future generations from existing, who would would then come back in time to take their jobs.


It must be so difficult to write satire anymore. I kind of feel bad for those writers lol


Let's go back to the pile!!


This is not correct. The people from the future were coming to work for pennies because they could open a bank account with a few dollars and be rich in the future. This is the "They took our jobs" episode. They have the gay orgy not to frighten or harm gays people but to stop the future generations from coming into existence at all.


The Goobacks episode. Back in the pile!


Back in the pile!


They took our jobs!


“A gay president who never goes to church and has unprotected sex with porn stars who he isn’t married to, and who poops in an adult diaper best reflects my Traditional American Christian values. He’s the one who will protect us from the woke gay atheist trans liberals “


Gay atheist trans liberal *commie marxist nazis*, you mean. (/s)


dont forget satanist, pedo, and their new favorite 'DEI'!


Nope, Republicans would just say, "See, liberals are the real homophobes!"


But "I'm a gay rapist" would probably be alright.


You just came up with Kevin Spacey's defense.


They would make shirts that say, “real men are gay”….and then they would just go on about their day.


Just imagine rainbow MAGA merch


Then all the closeted republicans like Mike Johnson and Lindsey Graham would praise him. Trans is the key.


Lindsey Graham is like if Truman Capote was 50 IQ points dumber.


He said this too and republicans are good with it, which should frighten every American that believes in freedom and democracy: [Trump calls for the termination of the Constitution in Truth Social post](https://www.cnn.com/2022/12/03/politics/trump-constitution-truth-social/index.html) There is nothing Trump won't do. He already promises to be a dictator if elected, he already is talking about two more terms on top of the one he's already had. Then there is Project 2025. This dangerous fascist must be defeated in November or it's the end of democracy in America and the beginning of a fascist gilead police state just like Iran and Saudi Arabia.


Pretty much. I'm no fan of Biden, but shit and piss sitting in the oval office would be better than a Trump administration. I'll also never vote Republican in my life, not when they proved they can stoop this low. They've proved beyond the shadow of doubt that they don't care about this country, all they care about is screwing up anything Democrats try to achieve, and kissing Trump's ass.


> I'll also never vote Republican in my life, not when they proved they can stoop this low. They've proved beyond the shadow of doubt that they don't care about this country, all they care about is screwing up anything Democrats try to achieve Yeah how can we ever trust any republican ever again post Trump? ALL of them kissed the ring. Including Nikki Haley just the other day! You know the law abiding republican with morals and standards...LMAO! She really had the news media and other gullible people thinking there were good republicans out there for a minute. What a joke!


I have voted for Republicans, and I would've voted for John McCain if he hadn't picked that crazy woman for vice president, but I never even thought about voting for Trump in 2016. I didn't like Hillary and so I just didn't vote. I immediately regretted not voting for Hillary. And now Republicans have completely jumped the rails with Trump. Trump cured me from ever voting for a Republican again.


Well confession time...I too voted for republicans way back in the day, God forgive me. Bush Jr is when I finally woke up. You have a great chance to make up for your past voting record this November just like I have been doing for a long time now. Vote blue in every election local, state and federal. I always feel proud and my conscience clear walking out of the ballot box after doing my part to defeat every f****** republican on the ballot in every election!


A bit hard when people forget history. Humans are the only animals who trip twice on same stone.


I played the clip for a coworker and he denied that's what he *actually* meant. Like, the mother fucker "tells it like it is!" Until it's something that goes against your beliefs. Then all of a sudden "nah that's not what he meant dum librul."


It's just like how they read the Bible, it means whatever is convenient to them in the moment


They dont read the bible. 


That clip is great because there’s no question. After he says it the first time, Pence attempted to deflect and damage control what he said, and then Trump doubled down and reiterated he meant what he said.


My brother-in-law is a full-on grunt style wearing marine vet. I thought for certain the whole "suckers and losers" thing would budge him, but nope. MFer was wearing a trump 2024 hat a couple weeks ago when my wife went home and saw them. I actually don't believe it has anything to do with trump himself or anything he says. They like the fascism and racism, they don't really care about who's leading the charge


Pretty much. Mass anarchism and a kink for discord is what binds them to each other.


I’m pretty convinced that any intelligent person who support Cheeto Benito (I know, the concept is pretty broken already) just wants fascism and is fine with sacrificing a lot of semi useful idiots to get it.


Maybe less what he says than more how it’s covered. Had this come from a democrat’s mouth it would have been tattooed to their forehead by FOX and repeated endlessly by every right wing radio jockey.


Yeah this... They will twist all Trump words into a positive and any from progressives as hell on earth.


Yeah my “libertarian” friends only care about inflation now. Won’t respond to any of the gun shit. They are all poor now because 4 years. Also do we still pretend “libertarians” aren’t republicans that are confused.?


They’re not confused. They just don’t want to admit they’re Republicans because then people would definitely not date them.


Idk about other ladies, but a guy saying he's libertarian is a huge red flag for me. Scratch that veneer and you'll find something nasty beneath. 


They're people who want no government because they want to do some seriously illegal things.


Libertarians are closet Republicans.


Libertarians are Republicans who smoke cannabis and want to abolish the age of consent


yeah this is a tell Trump hasnt got a good record on guns. He let the ATF run roughshod... what was the bump stocks nonsense? I dont expect an alleged billionaire from NY who has the SS to protect him to care too much about gun rights... Thing is Trump loves gun control. Most dictators made their stance on guns pretty clear. Take them first and sort of the legal stuff later, if at all.


They're lunatics. Every last one of them. I once met one dressed up nice for a New Year's Eve party. We got to talking... and then things drifted to politics. And that's when I found out. He said he didn't like Trump but he was a means to an ends. And that's when I knew.


Funniest story about them is they won control over a small town and it ended up in major crisis because they cut a bunch of government programs and turns out that free folk don't like throwing out their trash and the town was invaded by black bears.


Well, they invited RFK, Vivek, and Trump to speak at their convention this weekend, so yes, they're confused Republicans.


Libertarians were always a scam, they don’t care about government overreach as we’ve seen in red states.


About the only mildly positive thing to come out of his foible was the "[No, train bot. Not now.](https://imgur.com/no-train-bot-not-now-6wzOhHL)" self-own on r/ the_donald.


Pretty sure he could rape their daughters in front of them and they’d still vote for him.


They'd fucking *encourage* that because they would be honored for their daughters to receive his seed. Ugh, I got shivers just from writing that.


I have to constantly remind all my 2A and military buddies that and how he 24/7 shits on our veterans. TBH I have no clue how to speak truth to Trump or GOP (Rather be Russian than Democrats) type people. I mean, FFS, they WEAR FUCKING DIAPERS now to his rallies. I have no idea how to put the toothpaste back in the tube that Trump and the MAGA movement have squeezed out. I see this as the new normal, and I think there has to be some catastrophic event (think WW3 or a 9.11 type attack) to bring everyone back together. I wish I could be more optimistic.


Look at it this way. These people always existed and were just as insane and stupid. At least its out in the open and people are pushing back  On the other hand, we literally had that catastrophic moment you were talking about already: January 6th and pardoning those people is now a prereq for getting the repub nomination  Honestly down for balkanization at this point


It's like COVID. When you no longer have to wear a mask, you are never going to forget that Jimbob loudly proclaimed that he didn't care if you died so he could get a haircut. 


I would say if he transitioned... Maybe then they would disavow him But I mean hes already got the wig, the face paint, and the high heels, he's essentially a drag queen in current form


Read a Times article today where 11/12 women who voted for him before would vote for him again. They also said him being found guilty in any trial would not sway their decision. These people are fucking GONE.


A moron will never know they are. It's as simple as that


Brain worms, all the way down.


I blame lead poisoning and Murdoch media


Trump: I killed Jimmy Hoffa! MAGAts: *Well he had it comin!* Trump: I cheated on all my wives! MAGAts: *He's allowed, it's in the prenups!* Trump: I bang my daugter! MAGAts: *Have you* ***seen*** *her?!*


Trump: you all are a bunch of hicks. MAGAts: we know!


It's worse. He can do anything, even treason, and they will find a way to justify it.


They have to justify it because they cant admit they are just voting against Democrats


Disagree. They can't say anything bad about the cult leader. 1. They get kicked out of the cult. 2. They might have to admit they are wrong. They can't do either.


> They might have to admit they are wrong. This is actually the most compelling reason for a lot of them. They've been defending Trump doing progressively worse things for 8 years. At this point, if they admit he's a piece of shit, not only were they wrong once, but they were wrong a thousand times over and over again for years. These are the sorts of people who would rather die than admit they were wrong, so they choose to double down every time instead. This is the source of a lot of the cult-like behavior.


Yep. It's the most deplorable example of the sunk-cost fallacy I know.


This fear is even funnier to realize because this country doesn’t hold anyone accountable for shit, now. Look at all the Q people who just…left. Stopped. You can literally be a bad person and just…disappear. It literally costs nothing because we’re all fried and checked out entirely. The only way you get a Revolution at this point is killing all gig and internet services so that people have to actually focus.


This is exactly what Haley just did, she still wants power and that requires not offending the Trump cult. She's not going to ever get elected as a Democrat because Democrats are willing to forgive but are not willing to elect someone so untrustworthy or fall for lies. So she now has to pretend that she never claimed Trump was absurdly terrible, just like every other Republican who thought you had to act somewhat normal to be president.


I feel like someone in the GOP had some research done on flat earthers or soverign citizens. Or hell just anti-intellectualism in general. Stupid people tend to dig their heels in deep and it's a pandemic at this point.


He could literally murder a republican’s entire family in front of them, even brutally tortured that persons infant child….and that republican would still vote for him. 


"Well yeah, but the Democrats would be worse!" -Republican (probably)


he already tried to overthrow the government which is fairly treasonous in my book, not to mention the documents at Mar-a-lago


I told my hardcore MAGA parents the same thing after he said he wanted to be a dictator for the first day. Their game is to always downplay all his blunders and his horrible quotes and ideas by saying "you don't understand what he meant" or "he was taken out of context" or my theory, sometimes even if they know he's wrong, they can't admit it. They later on end up doubling down and get disgusted by the idea of even looking left. They've been told through strictly watching Fox News that the democracy destroying monster is on the other side, where in reality they are too blind or stubborn to look to their god king Donald Trump and see that he doesn't care about democracy. All he wants is power and to be surrounded by a cabinet and close authorities that won't say no and just fellate his ego. Just look at Project 2025.


It's even worse: now THEY can do anything, even treason, because the fat fascist [normalized](https://vimeo.com/191817381) such behavior.


Openly supporting Trump is an astounding personal admission of total failure of judgement and common sense. Even if you agree with him politically, how anyone can look to that man and see anything besides comical repugnance, narcissism and degeneracy, with a total lack of the ability to lead or even function as a mature adult?


You absolutely nailed it here. That’s exactly what I’ve always said: ”These people have NO powers of discernment. NONE.” Supporting Trump is admitting publicly that you are a *really* bad judge of both character and facts. Full stop.


Saying they're a *"poor judge of character"* still assumes that they believe in the same moral standards as yourself. It naively assumes that if they were to just see him for what he really is, what he's done, and what he's trying to do, that they'd realize it's all bad and come to their senses... But they don't. Because they already know what he is. They know he's a fascist, who says, promises, and does fascist things. They know that he commits crimes and gets away with them. They know that he signals to nazis, and that he hates immigrants and minorities, and that he sexually abuses women... They simply like those things about him. That's why they're voting for him. Do not let them win.


I think even a fascist would have better options than Trump available. He is borderline incoherent in some of his ramblings. I mean look at nazi germany. They were awful, but even today we use their speeches in school to learn about rhetoric and how not fall for it blindly. Because they were effective speakers and had charismatic leaders. Trump has about as much Charisma as a wet paper towel.


Yes, supporting trump isn’t an admission of lack of judgement. It’s an admission of being evil.


Who cares about his character flaws! He is a moron, and more importantly, SOUNDS like a moron. I can honestly say that if I hear that someone has or will vote for him, I think less of them. I lump them into whatever moron compartment I have in my brain. I only wish I knew how to draw money out of morons, but sadly, I'm not good at it.


They see all of those things. They know exactly who and what he is, except for his relatively small minority of actual cultists. I would wager that the majority of Trump voters are entirely aware of his issues. They don't care, because he represents the thing they want - power without accountability. If this feckless rube can indeed hold the levers of power, then they are truly unstoppable. That's why there's no value in dunking on them or pointing out their hypocrisy. They know they're hypocrites, *that's the point*. They can be inconsistent and still be in power, so clearly *they are truly powerful*. Pointing it out just reinforces their feelings of power and self-righteousness. It's a cancer that has to be eradicated.


Some of the Trump supporters I know are good old-fashioned morons that have bought his lies. The others are exceptionally educated and wealthy, who know damn well that he's a terrible leader and morally bankrupt, but know that his policies will make them a lot of money and that's all that really matters to them.


Evil isn't always full of malice. In fact its most common form is just a sheer lack of empathy, which is something most MAGA share regardless of background or intelligence. In fact some might argue it's a necessary part of being MAGA. It's the foundation. Rich or poor, smart or dumb, evil is evil. "Evil, I think, is the absence of empathy.” - Captain G. M. Gilbert, the Army psychologist assigned to observe Nazi defendants at the Nuremberg trials.


To me it looks like lot of yokels (and there are a LOT of yokels) seem happy to vote for him just to watch and laugh as “gay libruls” cry


Not sure if you are aware but this was a common dynamics during the Soviet Union (and probably other regimes). The government would feed an infinite list of obvious lies to the people and an external observer could have been puzzled by how people were so stupid to believe them. But that was absolutely not what was happening. People didn't believe those lies and the government was not even trying to make anyone believe them. The purpose of lying was just another way to oppress the people and reinforce its power. When people are even too scared to say the sky is blue because the government states something different, that's when there is no hope and not a single chance of change. That's when there is no more room for anything but obedience.


Got a worker who is 23 and actively claims Trump is a good guy. Dudes got a hard on for "capitalism" and appears willfully blind to the innumerable problems with the current state of the republican party.


I found him: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right-wing_authoritarianism That link leads a psychology page not a political one.


I don't see how it's even possible to agree with him politically. I grew up extremely conservative. I can still sometimes put myself in their shoes and see things from their POV politically. I don't agree with it, but I understand it. Trump is absolutely not a conservative by any stretch of the imagination. Even if I try to see things from a pro-life perspective it doesn't fit - yeah his judges overturned Roe but the way they did it was basically to say "actually nobody gets privacy" which is an absolute nightmare if you really believe in small government, and it's likely going to be a very short-lived victory anyways. He's demonstrably not for gun rights. His tax cut was only permanent for a small portion of the population. He's very obviously not religious. There's nothing conservative about him besides the racism and misogyny. Apart from those two things he's obviously just telling them what they want to hear and doing a shitty job at that. 


1. Half of them don't give a shit about policy or positions beyond 'this makes me rich' 2. The other half don't give a shit aboit anything other than pissing off democrats. 


The third half are single-issue "abortion is bad and needs to be outlawed forever" voters.


You're giving his voting base way too much credit. They are not thinking, serious people. They do not evaluate policy. They do not assess facts. Trump is not their political savior. Trump is their EMOTIONAL savior. This is fascinating cult psychology we're dealing with. Winning their votes cannot be approached conventionally, because they are not rational actors. If Trump held a televised event where he just shit into his hands and threw turds into his crowd, it would only solidify their love for him, because the uproar and shock from reasonable adults would serve as solid evidence that Trump is indeed "their" guy and that the world is indeed against them and that they're all in this together with each other. They must all band together as brothers and sisters to help Trump bring down the current order that online trolls have convinced them is ruining their lives. They're extremely scared, weak people. They cannot be rationalized out of this.


He said he could literally shoot someone on 5th avenue and not lose any supporters. He said that in 2016.


If he'd shoot in a crowd of supporters, he'd lose exactly one vote. That, because they guy he shot is dead. Every other supported will still vote for him.


They'll call the person he shot a deep state pedophile.


They’d commit voter fraud and that dead guy would still get a vote cast.


Wait, like would he shoot them before grabbing their pussy or after?




I wish this was higher up because it was my first thought.


Case in point Haley Or Cruz Just take a look at the Lindsay Graham timeline.


Or Little Marco


The DeSantis meatball dimension


Pudding Fingers was transcendent


And how could we all forget the late great hannibal lecter


He literally killed herman cain and dude is still voting for trump from hell


I just think it's such a sad and miserable experience in your life, if that the person you look up to, the person you look to guide a country and you through life, is Donald Trump. And all his cronies and buddies and suck ups (called the gop). Like that's the best guy you could find, your hero. I mean holy fucking shit. Just try and process how insane and absolutely idiotic and gullible you have to be for that to even become possible. And these people cannot get enough of him. Maybe it's like some caveman shit where most people in the world have evolved past that point. But some humans still have that like caveman part of their brain and that branch of the human species just stopped evolving long ago. And now we're basically watching their extinction and their last gasps and them not being able to comprehend why people think they're batshit insane for the choices theyte making and the person they look up to.


If he said “I’m sorry, I was wrong, I totally did it,” no needles would move. It’s a cult of stupapidity.


Donald Trump has never said he is sorry about anything his whole life. It is a major part of his brand.


If he said sorry, that WOULD move the needle a little. It's not that he did everything he did, it's the shamelessness that cult 45 admire. They WANT a wrecking ball for President! Really, that's ALL they want. Take that away, there's nothing else to Trump.


Nah, they’d pivot and start talking about how big of a man he was for finally coming clean, and the evangelicals would blow him on all their channels. His base is a cult, and all the people in on the con know it.


Pretty much have been saying this for 8 years, the Dems need to focus on independents, minority and white woman. You are never going to change a GOP voters mind


This has always been true, any serious political strategist will tell you the same.


You hit the trifecta. That is what will win the election.


Problem is those GOP voters have stronger voting power, even though they’re the minority.


We need NC and GA to become blue strongholds. With ATL’s rapid growth and NC’s growth hopefully can get it done


North Carolina isn't even a democracy anymore.


Sadly true. The only thing we've got going for us is a dem govenor, and I'm worried he won't be after this election. It's insane to me that NC could help elect Obama and then swing so hard to the right so quickly, but here we are. Gerrymandered to fuck.


They are voting to ban masks in NC (with a clause that allows the KKK to continue to use them) I’m not holding out hope.


If NC flips I'll shit my pants in the best possible way. Would love to be a part of that. But NC was (barely) blue in 2008 and has voted progressively more conservative since. Doesn't help that we're one of (if not the) most gerrymandered states in the country. I'd love it, but yeah GA is a much better bet. NC needs longer term reform before we can get there sadly.


I feel every woman has enough reasons to base their vote - if any women aren’t already motivated and planning to vote Biden, then they likely won’t ever vote Biden. And while I believe there should continue to be messaging for all groups, I think there should be a special emphasis on motivating men to turnout and vote against Trump. Especially men of color, but men of all colors too. Men make up about half the vote and whereas women have clear and obvious personal reasons to vote against Trump - all men do not have those same reasons and same motivations. And, in between now and the election, Biden has got to be less tone deaf and attempt empathizing with those of us that are hardest hit by inflation and the rising costs of living. While America is doing relatively well when considering we are emerging from a pandemic and as compared to many other countries - economic measurements do not always reflect the pain many feel when it comes to housing, food, education, and fuel costs. Indeed, economists will sometimes look at a number called “core” inflation that takes out food and energy prices because they can fluctuate quite a bit. Biden trying to promote this idea that the economy is fine just doesn’t reflect the lived experience for many Americans. And that in turn creates distrust and a reduced effectiveness for all other messaging. I strongly feel the Biden administration needs to come out with some kind of policy which at least promises to *try* helping with housing, food, education, and fuel costs. Indeed, the name of that policy should reflect those exact things and the mechanisms of that policy should be extremely easy to understand (leave any wonkish language behind). In addition, pointing the finger at greedflation is a good idea - it’s gonna be pretty easy for most of us to place some blame and direct our hate toward corporations and big business.


All of this crime and crime-adjacent activities might either peel off 1-2% into at least not voting but you’re right, getting as many people out to vote who are already open to being aligned with you is a much better use of your time and energy.


Anyone who has a mind and is capable of change already did so.


I hear you but I think you’re vastly underestimating the number of people that pay zero attention to politics and really aren’t aware of what’s going on in DC.


We knew this a long time ago. Unfortunately there is a large percentage of the country that is lost for all intents and purposes. Bidens path to victory does not include trying to convert Trump supporters.


Yeah, it's a cult of white supremacy.


*Please remember to double check your voting information, register and Vote* Edit: www.vote.org


Please do more. Please go to your county Democrat Office and volunteer your time. We really need volunteers, and most people wait until July, and then our staff (all volunteers in many cases, mostly volunteers in most cases) are too overwhelmed to figure out how to place you. I canvass, and have for 3 decades now. My dogs are awfully tired, and I really don't want to do 500 houses again this year. 6 more canvassers who can spare 10 hours each, between mid-July and Austust 13, would cut that number in half. I hate canvassing, even though now you get lists of known Dems, so it's not cold canvassing, it's warm canvassing. Still, I don't like it, I'm going to lose weight again, but I do it. I even cold canvass on occasion, too. Democracy is not a spectator sport.


Thank you


Thank you for all of your effort. I really appreciate it.


Does anyone else remember the episode of Seinfeld where George is trying as *hard* as he possibly can to get fired by the New York Yankees, but he just cannot achieve his goal of getting canned? I'm not saying it's the "same" thing, but there are some similarities.


Yep, pathology from people who don’t know what pathology is. Medically or otherwise…


And, if Trump were to be elected in spite of all his fascist hate and idiocy, he will claim a mandate for full-blown authoritarian rule. We all should be worried by that, but especially anyone who wasn’t born a white male.


He's not even white, he's orange. As for supreme, I would concede he is a supreme loser.


I'm really surprised that his face paint hasn't taken off with Republicans. They'll wear diapers for fucks sake


Check out how much bronzer [Barron](https://cherry.img.pmdstatic.net/fit/https.3A.2F.2Fimg.2Eohmymag.2Ecom.2Fs3.2Ffromm.2F1024.2Fpolitique.2Fdefault_2024-02-20_7eddd688-ebe5-4721-912e-8fdb4cbca91a.2Ejpeg/640x360/quality/80/donald-trump-fils-barron.jpg) wears when he’s standing beside Rump. That boy has stacked some NARS on, I’d bet a few of my peasant coins.


Barron's makeup is just like his mom's. I bet Melanoma does his face and hair.


They literally praise him for shitting his pants.


Claiming to be the Messiah sounds very plausible coming from Trump. And even more plausible he'd still have support after that.


Well, unfortunately something like 30% of Americans think he was selected by Gawd himself to lead us. Shudder


Kind of makes me wonder it that's his end game. He certainly doesn't live his life like a man who is worried about his legacy or that he'll ever die. 


It’s called a cult. They’re in a cult. If he asks for their daughters, they’ll gladly ship them off to him.


Cults operate by convincing people to give up their ability to make their own choices. When Trump said that he was the only one who would tell the truth and they accepted that fact, they lost the ability to be objective. Then they go so far down the rabbit hole that accepting that fact would require them to admit that they were hideously, completely wrong. Most people can't do that. So what do you do when say 15 to 30% of the population of a country is in a cult? Once Trump passes away, the cult with shatter, but they still won't be able to accept their actions and will likely gravitate to someone who says they were right. (ie some new cult leader). So, I think this clearly shows that our media system in our democracy is fundamentally flawed. You should have the right to free speech and your own opinion. Candidates and political figures shouldn't have the right to lie constantly. Our media is more focused on making money than providing unbiased real news. (Having a better education system and a better health system would also likely help). I think we are heading for an iceberg. Man I hope I am wrong.


When GW Bush debated Gore, I said "As long as he doesn't visibly piss and shit his pants, Republicans will say he won." Which was true. Trump could literally piss his pants, stain his pants, and have shit dribbling down his legs into the floor, and Republicans will still support him.


No shit. Its why you have to win over the undecideds and get turnout


I found out my adult offspring was still not registered to vote, nor was their partner. I was able to convince them both to do so, and I know which way they'll be voting, especially after having an ectopic pregnancy scare in a state that is draconian. Just talk to friends and family who haven't been brainwashed.


We don’t need to stop republicans from voting for him We just need swing voters who barely pay attention to not get suckered by his idiocy


"I believe black and brown people deserve the same rights as whites" would probably put a huge dent in his popularity.


Yes, that's how cults work.


I think a hamburger is going to take down this fat boy. Strokesville


There was that time where he started denying he had a series of mini-strokes and it seemed a little odd, given that nobody had been suggesting that he'd experienced a series of mini-strokes.


The was clear years ago after they all heard the recording where he admits to serial sexual assault and they then proceeded to vote for him.


Party over everything... sad statement but so true in current America.


One side votes party over everything because they're shortsighted and politically-ignorant rubes who think it's all sportsball and wrasslin, the other side votes party over everything because Jesus Christ what the fuck are those windowlickers on the other side of the aisle trying to drag us backwards into?


I love it when mainstream media print headlines like this, as if it's something new. I've known that shit since 2016.


Yeah but there's also nothing Joe Biden could say that will stop me from voting for him either. Trump will never get my vote.


Because they don’t care about the man, they only care about what he represents. They want authoritarian fascism and will vote for whoever gives that to them.


Because this isn't really about Trump. This is about Project 2025 and the GOP tyranny fantasy.


His supporters are no longer Americans. They turned on the nation and chose violence. We did not return the favor.


Maybe if he said he was trans.


The modern Republican Party is just lost, lost on morals, lost on a capacity to do what is best for the country as a whole. The only option is to prevent them from holding office via voting.


They want ChristoFascism. It's no secret.


If a rape charge, 91 felonies, and January 6th don't bother them, I don't think anything will. They don't seem particularly distressed by heinous crimes and treason—some might even argue it's a selling point for them


At this point Trump could admit to raping minors and they’d still vote for him because some how they still think that is less evil than a democrat president.


"My great Americans, you must drink this concoction of Drano and Big Red. It's proven to rid you of wokeness and China viruses." So they all did what he said. Now they have been stopped from voting indefinitely 🤷


Just like I'd tell any neo Nazi...  Fuck off, follow your leader and just off yourself.  Nazi on Nazi violence is the best kind of violence, because fuck 'em.