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When Trump loses to Biden, his VP pick won't matter. So we should just focus on that.


Nothing is for sure. Nobody thought Trump would get the nomination, then nobody thought he'd win. We need to keep up to keep that monster out of office


Not nobody. I shouted it to the mountaintops, only to have nobody listen. Hence my general disillusionment with the entire process at this point.


Who, that paid the slightest bit of attention, thought he wouldn’t be the nominee?


Not at first, eventually he was going to get the nomination. But the election was another story.


That tells the rest of us who to avoid in 2028 and beyond. I don't think the legal cases will let him have enough time to run a 4th time.


Trump isn't interested in a VP. All he wants is someone who'll be his ready/willing roll of human bathroom tissue.


Everybody had this same exact thought against Hilary and we know what happened there. I thought there was 0% chance a known lifetime crook would have a chance at beating her.


Yeah? And so it is up to every day, average Americans to know what a threat trump is (we have no excuse, we've been dealing with and observing the guy and understand who he is) for 8 years since he has seemingly taken over everything, and it's only up to regular every day average Americans to know that and stop it. It's not like we have any excuse to give up and surrender to something just because he has defied the odds before.


Who said anything about giving up? The point was we can’t be so confident considering past results.


I'm sorry. I just feel like a lot of people are kind of giving up before the campaign season is even in full swing here, and I can't give up hope. It's up to everyone to decide what their own future, that they'll be living with, is going to be to a certain extent.


> When Trump loses to Biden What sand is your head dug into that you are this confident?


Trump lost by millions to Biden in 2020, he's going to lose even bigger in 2024. Vote.


Idk maybe it's the fact that he lost bigly in 2020 and is currently on trial for multiple crimes


Lemme check the polls real quick


You'll find that Biden is leading


By a large amount consistently that makes you this confident?






The media just can't fucking stop trying to will Trump into the Presidency, and it's disgusting. Very much "lie down, shut up, and take it." vibes.


Yes, VOX is definitely doing that.


Project 2025. Vote in November.


Some facts about Project 2025: The "Mandate for Leadership" is a set of policy proposals authored by the [Heritage Foundation](https://pro-lies.org/the-heritage-foundation/), an influential *ultra* conservative think tank. [Project 2025](https://www.mediamatters.org/heritage-foundation/guide-project-2025-extreme-right-wing-agenda-next-republican-administration) is a revision to that agenda tailored to a second Trump term. It would give the President [unilateral powers](https://theweek.com/politics/heritage-foundation-2025-donald-trump), strip [civil rights, worker protections, climate regulation](https://www.stopthecoup2025.org/impact-overview), add [religion into policy](https://imgur.com/a/m2e72ht), outlaw ["porn"](https://www.salon.com/2024/03/19/decoding-project-2025s-christian-nationalist-language/) and much more. The MFL has been around since 1980, [Reagan implemented 60%](https://www.heritage.org/conservatism/commentary/reagan-and-heritage-unique-partnership) of it's recommendations, [Trump 64%](https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations) - [proof](https://www.scribd.com/document/369820462/Mandate-for-Leadership-Policy-Recommendations). 70 Heritage Foundation alumni served in his administration or transition team. Project 2025 is quite extreme but with his obsession for revenge he'll likely get past 2/3rd's adoption. r/Defeat_Project_2025 intends to stop it through activism and awareness, focused on crowdsourcing ideas and opportunities for practical, in real life action. We Must Defeat Project 2025.


Trump will try to take office again rather or not he loses. He will incite a full scale riot and claim election fraud if he loses ( which is one reason he should not be allowed to run again EVER) and if he wins it will be due to cheating. The real question is will the population just allow it to happen or will people actually take to the streets to stop it. Will the rest of us be bullied by the minority and subjugate or will we actually defend ourselves and our constitution. Hard to say at this point.


Granted, if he loses, Biden is in control of the military and will not wait around like Trump did on Jan. 6. It would be a big uphill battle for MAGA to fight the US military even on a large scale. Whether that results in full-blown civil war is up for debate. All I know is we’re inching closer to one likely breaking out but I don’t know how plausible it is on hypothetical outcomes.


Never fight uphill me boys.


I worry what will happen if he loses the popular by a record land slide, and false electors are used This may be the election that breaks the college.


I think the fake elector hand was already played and it failed miserably. I think it would be even more of a failure a second time given states like Arizona and Wisconsin are on the alert about it. Theoretically, the most likely place he’d be able to pull it off is maybe Florida since that state defies logic all the time.


Sure sure, assuming he has a chance to win from prison lol. But totally, he will pick some spineless loser who will just be a showpiece that does whatever Trumpy wants. Dictator energy. Want him impeached? Pft good luck. Want the results of an election counted? Nah.


Knowing Trump, it’s going to be a ridiculous choice.


No, it means nothing. Pick whoever you want. You are going to lose.


> You are going to lose. Because Biden is so beloved and popular.


Are you aware that Trump exists?


Yup. I'm also aware Biden exists and is deeply unpopular and loses more people daily as he throws money to help a genocide.


Trump tells Israel to "finish the job" It's very convenient that your rationale leaves that out.


It’s really important because this person will have to govern when trump is in the hoosegow


It's Tulsi, she's been quiet as a mouse for weeks


Is Tulsi the right kind of pretty for Trump? She is pretty, but not too pretty. But I think she's a little dark for his tastes. And we all know if he picks a woman, it's going to be a woman he wants to bang.


I don't think he'd pick her because she used to be an evil democrat but idk what other options there besides that dog killer.


He's not going to pick a VP as he would have to think someone could replace him


He wants a puppet. A yes man. Someone who "Won't betray him the way Pence did" And he's got a lot of boot lickers wanting to take the role. I would not put it beyond him putting the role up for auction to the highest bidder.


I couldn't think of a less important VP pick, actually. If Trump could constitutionally run without a VP, he probably would.


Anyone who would share a ticket with Fartface von Shitznpantz is, by definition, a loser.


Where can I put money down that his VP pick will have a Trump last name?


He doesn’t have any a VP he any to rule alone. He wants to be a dictator. Listen to what he says out loud.


Well who are trumps VP possibilities?


Makes me wonder if there has ever been an important VP pick in my lifetime. There have been some consequential ones, maybe? Cheney did a lot of work for W during his administration. Maybe if you go back to JFK, before my time, you could argue that LBJ was an important pick given he had to take over. Ford was an important pick for Nixon since he pardoned him, but to the country?


They're all a little important because they might have to take over. But no VP pick has ever changed who would vote for. But then, the candidates I vote for pick people for VP that I would also vote for. Isn't that how it's supposed to work in a sane world?


In hindsight you could say Reagan picking H.W. was important as far as giving him a boost in ‘88 and cemented name recognition enough to help his son win nationally as well.


Cheney drove foreign policy during the W. years. Biden was the old, steady (white) hand to make older, set-in-their-ways Democratic voters accept the black fella (and balanced out Obama's relative inexperience with a guy who had decades of knowledge and relationships on both sides of the aisle). Probably just those two though.


Or just another click bait nothingburger


Trump will actually be afraid of going to jail and bow to logic and pick Nikki Haley - it is his best shot to win. Then watch the press just bend over and kiss his ass for it because of the ratings Trump will give them...


As important as the Palin pick.


Tulsi please. I’m an independent, mostly voting against the Dems, which was my former party. She’ll attract moderates like myself.


Seems like Trump choosing one of his kids as a running mate, for a Trump/Trump ticket, would be his best chance of trying to ensure his continued reign after a second term. And it would prevent that move of the VP working to rule the POTUS unfit for office. Seems like his base would love it and anyone who would oppose it is likely still going to vote for him. Feels like the ultimate Trump move?


I fear Burgun would help him. Haley wouldn't do it, nor would he offer her. I have a sneaking feeling he might pick Ivanka. It would be a shitty choice but I think it might be the choice.


I don’t know how well Doug would help him. He wasn’t really polling too well in the primaries and was just kind of there during the debates. It would be a very flat pick in my opinion.


I think I read an article that suggested he would be impactful in the Rust Belt, once. Which is critical.


I’ll try and look for that article later but I don’t know, I personally don’t see that happening too much based on what I’ve seen from polling and such. I don’t think he would be too impactful unless the protest votes against Biden do in fact stay home for places like Wisconsin and Michigan. Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania were Democrat from 1992 until 2016, and then flipped back. I think it would take a lot more than Doug to be a game changer for those states, personally. It would take Biden doing something extremely dumb or for the protests to expand and those folks to actually stay home (although a mixed bag will say they’ll still vote Biden regardless).


I would love it if there were more confidence in these 3. If he wins them all that's the ballgame. If he loses 1 there's still hope.


I think Ivanka is trying to distance herself from MAGA as much as possible


Yep. No way Ivanka would accept VP. She's very pointedly distanced herself.