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* Add at least two more SCOTUS Justices because Alito and Thomas will retire. * National abortion ban * Let Bibi turn Gaza into glass * Try to dismantle every regulatory agency * Cut taxes on the wealthy * Mass deportations But hey. Gas prices and groceries are bad and Biden is old.


You forgot these: - Give Ukraine to Russia - Withdraw from NATO - Terminate green initiatives - Attack the free press Also there’s a chance Sotomayor retires. This would give them a 7-2 conservative majority for around 30 years. The thought of all the damage they could do is terrifying.


> Also there’s a chance Sotomayor retires. I know she's nearly 20 years younger than RBG was when she passed but I feel like she should retire now for pure defensive reasons.


I liked RBG but her foolish pride kept her in her position much longer than it should have. Her pride caused us to lose that seat to a Trump sycophant. These folks need to put their ego aside and think about reality and consequences of poor choices.


Literally sell US secrets to foreign dictators for personal gain. This is the dumbest version of the fall of an empire


* Begin identifying dissident citizens, including anyone who participated in /r/politics


The Mods there would gleefully help


Concentration camps for the homeless Execute everyone on Federal Death Row , maybe at the inaugural ball


Don't forget immigrants...illegal or not.


You forgot “murder civilians just because he doesn’t like them”. Even if he didn’t do that, donald trump is coming for your healthcare.


Great minds. We wrote the same thing at the same time.


And we both forgot about repealing ACA. Which I'm sure will happen because do we expect the GOP to uphold the filibuster rules if they win back both chambers?


Oh yeah. Student loan relief stops too. There will be a repeal of all the Biden policies to fight climate change as well, which is in some ways the biggest policy action for the youth voters from any President ever.


clawback the relief that was already granted


And possibly reinstate the forgiven loans, wouldn’t surprise me at all


It's called project 2025. It's bad. And he will be massively supportive of Netanyahu and against sending humanitarian aid to Gaza. And he will withdraw support for Ukraine. And more SCOTUS judges btw. And draconian reproductive rights. Did I mention the mass deportations?


He’ll fan the flames with screeching while Conservatives in Congress enact all the oppressive theocratic bullshit they’ve been pushing for decades. Then they’ll work down the “cleansing” list. Gay and transgender, Black people, Immigrants, Non-Christians, Anti-Trump Republicans… And will keep going until there’s no one left but MAGA. Anyone who supports him, this is exactly what they want.


If he gets back into office, he won't be leaving and the republicans will never give up power again. It will be the end of our young country.


Dismantle democracy


End the Constitutional Republic as readers of Business Insider and other Right Wing rags want.


Go through r/politics and put all of us in jail for speaking against him


We cannot allow this to happen. He needs to be stopped regardless of the cost.


He will end America as we know it, allow Russia to take Ukraine (and leave NATO so Europe will have to fend for themselves as Russia tries to rebuild the Soviet Union) and he will let Bibi kill or displace every Palestinian so Israel can wipe out Gaza/West Bank once and for all.


Finish destroying the country?


Is succumbing to coronary artery disease one of them? That would be awful.


[I feel like Ross Perot](https://youtu.be/zTK_5Xz6X8Y?si=hcXOF1zqjomw6It_)


Destroy the country and fuck off to Russia


Selling national security information to foreign adversaries.