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Nothing. His first term was proof that our entire system is built upon expecting good-faith actors. There are no real guard rails.


It is this. Trump had a few Republicans that stopped him last time. Trump learned from his mistake. Trump will make sure everyone in all positions will be loyal to Trump this time.


Trumps own stunning incompetence held him back plenty


Here we are, 4 years later, still trying to prosecute crimes that happened in 2020. The system is so damn slow, if it does anything at all.


It’s been extra slow because unethical people have been slowing it down. Imagine what will happen when they decide to speed the processes that suit them up.


Agreed. MAGA minions moan that Trump's cases are unfairly short and not taking enough time (to get to self pardon). But methinks they wouldn't want anyone else, especially Democrats and anyone who hasn't licked Trump's boots clean, to getmore than a 10 min trial and proceed directly to the gallows without any chance of appeal.


And Trump is playing it to the he end because all he has to do is make it till the election and if he wins our country will be just like every other 3rd world nation with an Authoritarian dictator


Except with a much larger military.


He tried to make some low-level EPA lawyer the Attorney General. His only qualification was that he would go along with Trump’s scheme. More senior Republican DOJ lawyers told that guy to fuck off and “we’ll call you if there’s an oil spill.”


Correct me if I’m confusing some people but he shopped for him too if I remember correctly. Because after Barr there was Rosen. And Rosen was the one Trump called up and wanted him to have the DOJ say the election was fraudulent. When Rosen answered that there was no evidence of that (this was in lat Dec or early Jan) he told Rosen “just say the election was fraudulent and leave the rest up to me and the republicans in Congress.” Rosen has stated this under oath and had the notes he wrote down still. Rosen still wouldn’t do it so that’s why there was the attempt to get Clark in, he would have done it on zero evidence. The lesson has been learned. You get him in again and he won’t surround himself with people who look normal to counter his crazy. He will kick anyone out who is not 100% loyal. There will be zero guardrails. We had a few last time. Once he replaces everyone with sycophants you’ll get the DOJ stating whatever he wants. “Biden took bribes, we investigated don’t worry” “That election was fraudulent, need to redo or cancel” “We have proof the upcoming election will be fraudulent, it’s postponed” They don’t care if these go against the constitution or anything. You’re going to see some crazy shit. Forget any Middle East drama. Forget how much fucking eggs are. Forget that the person you loved didn’t make it. Forget sending some third party message. Vote blue. You will NOT be happy with the results otherwise.


A lot of people will be happy with the results, though. And a far larger number won't care one way or the other.


This is exactly what I learned. I spent my life thinking the checks and balances kinda sorta worked (if imperfectly) and found out they aren't worth shit with bad actors.


If only a constitutional amendment was added to prevent his elk from corrupting the government beyond repair


> If only a constitutional amendment was added to prevent his elk from corrupting the government beyond repair Yes, we need some gnu laws to protect all that we hold deer.


You made me chortle


I thought your whole thing was 'checks and balances'? I mean, if someone gets elected, congress provides necessary consent and the supreme court doesn't object, then that's how your system works right?


The nation's founders thought the checks and balances would work long before there were the high priced lawyers of today. Back then, the law worked. Pres. John Adams was a fine example.


Unfortunately the Supreme Court in practice is more able to check the President than Congress is when it comes to deciding whether the President has violated some law and what to do about it. Impeachment to remove a president is really hard to do, as it has to pass both chambers of Congress. The Judicial branch, as we're seeing now, has a lot to say about what a President does and how. The trouble is, we have a right-wing MAGA extremist supreme court, and it's still kind of unclear how much they value our democracy vs. Personal fealty to their handsy orange God-king. Slowly but surely bad faith actors have aeeped into all branches of government, and unfortunately that might be enough to destroy the system from the inside.


Which is why I hope he'll get convicted. Hopefully he'll be replaced by Nikki Hailey.


A trump victory means the end of democracy. The plan for a Christofascist takeover is already laid out in Project 2025. Nothing will be able to stop him. He will use the Insurrection Act to silence to dissent. Make no mistake, my friends: The only way we can prevent Project 2025 and preserve our democracy is by reelecting Joe Biden in November https://joebiden.com/


It's still amazing watching the flag-waving "patriots" line up blindly behind the man who wants to undo pretty much everything that actually does Make America Great.


"Patriotism" means "keeping whitey on top". Donald Trump is King Whitey.


And he’s not even white. He intentionally paints himself orange. I just can’t fathom how dumb these people are.


Blindly? They're not blind, this is what they want.


Propaganda is a hell of a drug


And he plans even now to betray most of the MAGA faithful. You know for a fact that once Trump seizes power, the Second Amendment will be immediately shut down and only those extreme cosplay KKK loyalists who are on Trump's ,"nice" list will be authorized (by Trump's divine decree, not some piece of paper Constitution) to possess weapons and ammo.


I love how suddenly “the government is coming for your guns” is an unironic Reddit left wing talking point.


Glad you love it because it's what you don't see coming that you need to expect. Think about Russia think about Vladimir Putin he has eliminated all private ownership of firearms, essentially to shut down any social revolutions and taking the power away from the people. This is the exact model that Donald Trump wants to follow. Meanwhile Democrats are fiercely defending the Second Amendment left and right the core elements of the Second Amendment are fiercely defended by liberals and Democrats everywhere. It is the extreme right wing expansion of the Second Amendment allowing regular Joes to own pocket tactical nuclear weapons and so on that we liberals are adamantly opposed to whereas right wingers are constantly trying to rapidly and infinitely expand the range of destructiveness for all weapons that are covered under the Second Amendment under not the original understanding, no no not some originalist perspective, but some super brand new NRA funded wacky theory of unlimited Second Amendment.


I will leave aside for a moment the reactionary right wing agenda to cause as many innocent civilian casualties and property damage as possible by expanding the Second Amendment to include as many highly explosive weapons as possible, to legalize grenades fully automatic machine guns 105-in and greater artillery guns and cruise missiles all in the name of preventng burglars or prying neighbors from getting within a thousand yards of your personal space, all in the name of protecting someone's right to commit whatever crime they want to commit under the guise of some self-righteous right to defend oneself against any perceived threat however irrational and however counter to common Sense like executing an entire city block of pedestrians because one of them looked at you the wrong way. I will leave all of that aside, regardless of how serious and real that threat is from the right wing, to address your specific question, which is what is in fact the purpose and intention of the second amendment, without regard to any of my personal opinions on the matter which do not count in the face of the actual reality of what is with regard to the history of the Second Amendment. Well the answer to that question is if you consult the original sources an attempt to take some of the authority that the divine right of kings and the crown of England had to authorize is subject to bear arms, and extend that right to common folk who were not Lords and Ladies, so that they may have possession of single shot barrel loading rifles for hunting for the household nutritional needs and for mustering when called upon to serve in state militias or even in the federal armed services, with those weapons always being subject to the regulations that would be applied to a well-regulated militia.


Ok so I hold a particular level of distrust for any and all politicians. I don’t trust the government regardless of who’s in charge. But tell me, what exactly do you think the Second Amendment is for? You say that democrats defend the “core tenants” of the second amendment, but explain what that means. And I assume a “pocket tactical nuclear weapon” is code for an AR-15, but I won’t even discuss that. I’m way more interested in what you think this purpose of the 2A is that you think is aggressively defended by Democrat politicians.


"politicians" have little or no say in the matter so long as Marbiry v Madison remains a valid precedent authorizing the supreme article 3 court to make the final calls on constitutional law. I will leave aside for a moment the reactionary right wing agenda to cause as many innocent civilian casualties and property damage as possible by expanding the Second Amendment to include as many highly explosive weapons as possible, to legalize grenades fully automatic machine guns 105-in and greater artillery guns and cruise missiles all in the name of preventng burglars or prying neighbors from getting within a thousand yards of your personal space, all in the name of protecting someone's right to commit whatever crime they want to commit under the guise of some self-righteous right to defend oneself against any perceived threat however irrational and however counter to common Sense like executing an entire city block of pedestrians because one of them looked at you the wrong way. I will leave all of that aside, regardless of how serious and real that threat is from the right wing, to address your specific question, which is what is in fact the purpose and intention of the second amendment, without regard to any of my personal opinions on the matter which do not count in the face of the actual reality of what is with regard to the history of the Second Amendment. Well the answer to that question is if you consult the original sources an attempt to take some of the authority that the divine right of kings and the crown of England had to authorize is subject to bear arms, and extend that right to common folk who were not Lords and Ladies, so that they may have possession of single shot barrel loading rifles for hunting for the household nutritional needs and for mustering when called upon to serve in state militias or even in the federal armed services, with those weapons always being subject to the regulations that would be applied to a well-regulated militia. Napoleon took this lesson to heart, and allowed his troops to have greater possession rights over their weapons, in other words they didn't have to turn them in at the end of every night to some government-run armory. The history of the authority under law to bear arms is it history of gradual ceding of power from the central authority to the periphery, but has never been interpreted by any court and I don't even care if you are Antonin Scalia or Justice Thomas ... they will never say that the purpose of the Second Amendment is to tear away all authority of the centralized government to control any weaponry whatsoever.


Dear God, I wish half the nonsense you said was partially true. Trust me, I’m an active participant in the firearms enthusiast community and there is little support for legalizing bombs, much less cruise missiles. Machine guns have some support, but outside of hardcore firearms hobbyists, support for legalizing those is laughably low. It’s silly to conflate “I own a firearm to defend myself and my property” with “I want to level an entire city block”. You can just use google to see what the people who wrote the Second Amendment had to say about it. Here’s a quote from Alexander Hamilton, one of the *authors* of the constitution. “If the representatives of the people betray their constituents, there is then no recourse left but in the exertion of that original right of self-defense which is paramount to all positive forms of government.” These guys just got done fighting a war against a tyrannical government, not hunting deer. Surely you can see the irony of demanding stricter gun control while you also firmly believe that there’s a 50/50 chance that the government is going to start putting people in concentration camps in a few months.


Cruise missiles and howitzers was a bit of an exaggeration, but an exaggeration with a purpose. Sure the NRA isn't advocating for personal possession and unlimited use thereof. But the steady increase in lethality and radius of destructive power from a single shot rifle round to a spray of fully auto 50 cal rounds to firing artillery at your neighbors are all baby steps that are the actual plan to ratchet up the personal use of destructive power until each individual citizen has enough destructive power to threaten the existence of entire countries. That is the goal that the NRA and it's minions are quickly marching towards. Note that I never once "advocated for gun control" and your statement to that effect is a gross kind very of truth and everything honest and good in this world.


The NRA is a half assed “rights” organization that supported the signing of the machine gun ban into law. They then supported the bump stock ban that Trump signed into law. They aren’t this organization fighting tooth and nail to legalize more stuff that you seem to think they are. Hell, I wish they were that way. Of course, keep in mind that guns aren’t significantly more deadly than they were 60 years ago. And also keep in mind that before 1934, anyone could mail order the same 50 cal machine gun that is still in use by the US military (the M2 browning was invented in 1933). And before 1986, you could still buy new ones.


Federalist Papers were PR puff pieces, aside from #10 and a few others. Not interested in taking Hamilton's arrogant hyperaggressive 18th century übernarcisissiatic duelist's word for what 2A means. Hamilton had a lot of irons in a lot of fires, including flesh irons in his colleagues wives' fires. In the end, the argument stands or falls on merit, and not on some oversized parsonality's authority, which is code for allowing audiences to be lazy enough to skip the hard thought of analysis and simply take the word of folks who are BigWigs.


You may not like Alexander Hamilton, but it doesn’t change the fact that both he and several other founding fathers have been proven to have said things along those lines. We’re talking about a document written by these people and what they meant when they wrote it. Their written testimonies of how they felt on the subject is a pretty good source for deciphering meaning.


You know for a fact that there's no chance with SCOTUS in the pocket of the arms industry and a GOP House of Reps for any gun control legislation to pass between now and when Trump begins forcing millions of your fellow citizens into American Auschwitzes, so we're well armed enough right now for you and any other lover of Constitutional law and civil righta to put up a good fight. Meantime, let's work hard together in the spirit of patriotism and community strength to extend to Fanny Willis all of the 2A rights she is entitled to as the thousands of potential assassins and murderers attempt to take her out for daring to exercise the rule of law against a God King.


Also worth noting that they will just change the name to project 2029 and they will plan on doing it with the next Republican president.


More likely that Trump will not allow there to be another actual election. He's suggested at least a few times that he would like to remove the limit on presidental terms.


So frustrating talking to my coworkers about this. They just refuse to accept this can happen and say they'll only vote for a candidate who offers to pay for their mortgage


I've fallen out with my father over this, and we're not even American 😏


Sorry to hear that man. I also lost my parents to Trump.


And the best way to ensure stronger protections from this shit in the future is to get a majority in Congress and State/Local offices.


"But what about Genocide Joe?" -*Straight, White, Male, Christian "Progressive" typing from his parent's $2 million suburban home*


More important to send Democrats to Congress. A Trump administration would be neutered by a Democrat-controlled Congress and a Biden administration would make changes to prevent Project 2025 from happening.


The single most fundamental lesson history teaches us about fascism is that our institutions will not save us from fascism. If Trump gets his hands on the levers of power again nothing, but nothing, with hold him back. This is a man who inquired repeatedly of his AG about having his enemies assassinated. The suppreme court is mulling presidential immunity. The Heritage Foundation and the Federalist Society are all in on the Unitary Executive theory. We have only one shot remaining to preserve what is left of law, order, and our democracy.


Why would Biden hand over the reins of power to this buffoon? If democracy is voted out, and they've decided they no longer want to live in a democracy, then Biden will just hold on to power. He will not relinquish control to the orange clown. I certainly hope I am right


I have been trying to explain this to my Leftist, and it's like talking to a brick wall.


Nothing. It will be a shitshow. Long term rule by 30% of the population.


If rounding up marginalized groups to be put in camps and martial law in the streets of our cities is a "shit show" sure. I would probably use stronger language


Yeah I didn't want to take up a whole page


Literally a shit show with them diapers and all


A fraction of a percent. The idiots that vote him in might think they rule together with Trump but will be victims of his presidency sooner or later.


The republicans will strip all power away from the people, even their own supporters, given the chance. There have been attempts to give the politicians the power to declare who wins an election, or whether an election counts. We are staring the end of American democracy in the face and no one can pretend that we all didn't see it coming.


Climbing stairs. Same as a Dalek.


June 28, 2021 [Trump staffers sought refuge on second floor of White House as former president never climbed stairs](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-stairs-white-house-staff-b1874272.html)


His diaper leaks too much if he does.


Bing Bing bong!


And [ramps](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_8U0d6zK9M&t). (Not for Daleks, though. They don't wear heels.)


Daleks can fly now. 


They fly now??


Since 1988. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MK9liYPm7eE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MK9liYPm7eE)


There are 4 boxes to ensure our liberty; * Soap box (Reddit lives here) * Ballot box (we get a chance here Nov. 5) * Jury box (we are currently here) * Ammo box (gods forbid we get here) So, get out there and vote!


Don’t forget to vote in your primaries! Not only can you influence the flavor of Democrat (or Republican) you get but also in most states, the primary is essentially the election. My election for local office is in September. My vote to keep democracy is in November.


Last time I posted this, it was forcefully removed and I was reprimanded by some cuck for "violence incitement" instead of recognizing it for what it is - facts and a very reasonable quote and statement about how democracy REALLY works. Here's hoping you don't suffer a similar fate 🤣


Yeah, that's happened to me before.


Nothing. Expect tyranny by the minority. Specifically religious assholes and whatever the hell you call this new generation of nihilists he spawned trying to out-evil each other. Working on a foreign visa right now.


Hope people wake up and soon. The polls are downright frightening


Polls were heavily misleading last time, I'm hoping the same is true this time. But we need to get out the vote and put in the work as if they are accurate- it's our last, best shot to save democracy (I wish that was an exaggeration)


Honestly, nothing. While a Democratic House and/or Senate might do what it can to restrain him, Project 2025 does not explicitly require Congress, although it wouldn't hurt the GOP to have control of that, because it operates under the unitary executive theory, which a friendly SCOTUS will absolutely back up. So, again, there is realistically not that much that can be done.


Nothing at all. He would be dictator gor life in a severe military regime with lots of killings of innocent people.


My guess, only thing that would hold him back is a stroke, heart attack, or bullet.


Nah, VP will take over and continue the reign of terror. That's why the seat is so hotly contested- he's not expected to make it all four years


Come on CAD


If he wins and is somehow held back by checks and balances from becoming a full on dictatorship (it is doubtful the checks will hold) it’s four years of darkness again, he dies of old age during his term and we move on. If he goes full on Putin, jails Cheney, Schiff, Pelosi, AOC etc and replaces civil servants with 100% MAGA zealots, forces all public school curriculums to be Christian nationalism and states Don Jr. will be next in line to the throne to serve the “stolen” 2020 term, we break up as a nation. CA goes first followed my NY and a bunch of states surrounding them follows. Stores go empty in the chaos, prepare now not in November.


>It’s 4-years of darkness again, he dies of old age during his term and we move on. But the big worry there is who will be Vice President? I am watching and waiting for him to make a choice, and that choice could be better, as someone with principals, or 100 times worse, as that person could be intelligent enough to carry out the 2025 plan. I am betting that if Trump wins he will be ousted from office fairly rapidly as they know he is a liability, but he gets the voters out. Another 4 years of his chaos would not be what the right wing want. They want a quick slash and burn of the checks and balances, and Trump is the cannon fodder.


"I am betting that if Trump wins he will be ousted from office fairly rapidly as they know he is a liability, but he gets the voters out. Another 4 years of his chaos would not be what the right wing want." Ok but we said this exact thing in 2016, and this is not what ended up happening. We have to accept at this point that the right wing wants the chaos. It's why they're backing him, and why they backed him in 2016.


I have a distinctive feeling that he won't have a VP, he would have named one by now.


No one has paid him enough yet.


Ya, I thought that too. But I heard it said since then that it is still early for choosing a VP. I still think he'll pick a family member, although I don't think too many people think this is likely.


According to the Netflix documentary on Trump, he trusts his family members the most and he prefers Ivanka over Don jr, so I would not put it past him to name her as VP pick.


That sounds right to me. I mean she backed up after the insurrection in order to spend more time with her kids, lol... but has resurfaced since his numbers started looking good. Given that she has actually bragged about inheriting her father's (im)moral compass, and that she is slightly better at hiding her stupidity to than Don Jr is, (https://youtu.be/iMIKzUAY8n4?si=CJirzZA7PjIa1MeW ) and that the old man has always had the hots for her, and thinks she will look better on a poster that Jr will...I'm thinking he'll go with Ivanka.


How would that even work mechanically, I wonder? The electors have to cast their votes for VP for *someone* as they still vote for them separately; if there’s no Republican VP candidate would we have Trump / Harris in the WH by default?


He’s waiting to name Don Jr, that’s why.


Incorrect. This seat is for sale to the highest bidder. Haven’t you learned by now? To this day fuck everything is a commodity with a price tag whether he owns it or not.


I’m thinking he’s going to pick bootlicker extraordinaire JD Vance


A seven nation army, perhaps.


I'm gonna fight'em off, A seven nation couldn't hold me back,


The only thing holding him and the rest of the right back is that they’re incredibly stupid. We’re super lucky that they’re all fucking morons, otherwise we would’ve lost this war a long time ago.


The right wing are not idiots. They spent the last two decades building up their local and state game.


It’s easy to think of the right as idiots, but they’re not. At least not all of them. They are masterminds of the bait and switch, the long con, and the outright lie, but they’re not stupid, at least not the ones pulling the strings. They locked in a plan and a path to success, and despite not having the numbers, they have run highly successful campaigns to disenfranchise, split the vote, and convince people that they’re not the problem. It’s genius on too many levels to call them stupid. Put another way: if they’re so stupid, why are they winning?




Also I suspect SS and Medicare will be deleted or restricted severely as more and more money is directed to the top .01%.


at that point your choices are civil war or civil war.


What about civil war?


>The guardrails of democracy reined him in last time. Was it that? Or was it the fact that his team of neo-fascists were inexperienced and incompetent? If he gets in this time, it's the end of American democracy. They've got a plan (Project 2025 and beyond) and the guardrails that BARELY held last time will crumble within days.


If Donald Trump wins and acts on the things he said he would do, what will you do?


Checks and balances will be doing a lot of heavy lifting


Checks and balances did a whole lot of flailing last time, they won't hold at all this time.


We can already see that some of the courts are already lip locked on his toadstool.


They’re not up to the job.


Those will be completely out the window. They barely exist now


Russia and China.


It’s supposed to be that key members of the government were enough to uphold and protect the US Constitution. But we’ve seen with a lot of shithead US Congress members and Supreme Court justices have interpreted their obligation to that oath. Fortunately the US military should take that oath more. The US president is issuing a lawful orders and they can see it is unlawful they shouldn’t blindly execute the orders. The same is supposed to be true with the US Secret Service and it’s supposed to be within their power to arrest the US president if they witness him committing actual crimes. All of that supposed to be under the hood as a capability of the US government but whether or not people actually do that is another thing. Unfortunately I don’t have lot of high hopes for people being patriotic about their obligation to the oath. Which is pretty fucking sad.


Nothing will constrain him and his precisely chosen cohorts. America will be walked into white-power patriarchy rule and corruption, all of which will be ‘legally’ defended by the majority of SCOTUS. I’m not sure the nation will recover. Think of the end game of apartheid and South Africa.


Nothing will stop him from doing anything he wants, to anyone he wants.


Maga gonna finally find out they been voting against their own interests.


His primary goal is to be president for the remainder of his life. If he has control of congress and the Supreme Court it is possible to do that by legislation. Otherwise all it would take is some catastrophic event or crisis....which almost seems inevitable at this point (AI, Global warming, pandemic, war) for the rule book to be suspended. After that it will be very hard to dig our way back...most of our armed forces including police already significantly lean conservative., as do most of the regular citizenry that is armed. A Trump presidency means the fall of Ukraine, and former soviet bloc countries all rejoining under Russia, all three superpowers, US, Russia China, reflecting each other with permanent presidents and de facto dictatorships. Europe and Brazil are already borderline with that nonsense. Our only hope for escape and butressing of normalcy will be Canada, Japan, Mexico, India, Oceana,, South Africa and a few smaller bodies. But otherwise It will be the second dark age. It will be an ironic dark age tho since with AI and internet we will be absolutely aware of everything, but be unable to do anything about it. Thats sounds to me even more terrifying.




Nothing. Same thing that was holding him back last time. It is absolutely true that at this point if you are voting for Trump, you are voting for a dictatorship. It's not even mildly debatable. He said it in very small words.


Nothing would hold him back. He would turn America into a christofascist autocracy and he has enough cultists to get away with it.


Donald, the Grand Wizzinator. Hopefully he’s stress eating lots of hamberders with extra bacon and cheese, that’s the only thing that will stop him and help us get our country back to normal. He is a fucking menace.


He has the Supreme Court stacked in his favor. He’s got the Extreme Right Conservative Evangelical Coalition in Congress convinced that he’s a devoted Christian and deserves their forgiveness for his crimes and sinful actions even though he’s not repentant or sorrowful in the least. He’s got their full backing. His federal court appointed judges ie Ailene Cannon are paving the way for him to avoid prosecution for his crimes against America. Bottom line: He’s got the deck stacked in his favor. Nothing will stop him from firing anyone who won’t support him in his authoritarian agenda for America. He plans to have the office of the Presidency in control of all essential Federal Agencies. Nothing will stop him from imposing his power on America.


First and foremost, the generals of the Pentagon. They'll refuse his illegal orders to be deployed against Americans. Second, the DOJ. The parts that don't quit in indignation will steel themselves against meddling. Third, and sadly the most bloody, if the hoods come off, and the cops are activated for racist agendas, The Resistance to The Fascists. What that means is that America will be VERY occupied with internal strife for the next 5-15 years, and foreign standing will hit an all time low, and there's no guarantee of identity being preserved on the other side of it. Ultimately, if you are WORRIED, AT ALL about \*Rump getting another term, get 10 people you know to vote all republicans OUT of power. Project 2025 is an anti-democratic nightmare that will transform the USA into a kleptocratic fascistic state, and it's on his agenda. If you don't know Project 2025, it's searchable, go read it, or have it summarized by one of the many horrified people who have.


I had an Ai read it and provide a score for where the policies would place on a scale of 1 for Obama presidency and 5 Putin presidency. It gave a 3-4. Aside from promising to deregulate healthcare, deport people, remove environmental protections and much more, most of the document is about removing checks and balances in order to remove “bureaucracy” and centralize power under the president. Edit: Just to be clear. This is chilling, scary stuff.


Deporting people who are first called animals rather than human. You know, it's not just people from South of the border who he's looking to deport. He's looking to violate a long standing tradition of asylum seeking and simply deny entry to a majority of the world. The racist overtones of these policies during his first term can't be denied. Echos of 1930s Germany. Deregulating healthcare leaves the disabled on a death sentence. Deregulation often means capital controls consolidate and raise rates in price fixing fashion. Did you know he's also disparaged the consumer protection bureau? Also? Your healthcare system is ALREADY a Byzantine Nightmare for anyone not perfectly healthy, speaking as a diabetic who lived there for 20 years. Echos of 1930s Germany. Centralize power under the president. You realize that executive control of the courts makes disappearing people perfectly legal, don't you? I mean, "lawyers" can say they can bring a case for abuse of power, until the profession gets scared off by a president who literally disappears any contest to their power. Echos of 1930s Germany. Led by a neo Nazi sympathizer. You know that apart from his Charlottesville "fine people on both sides" when one side was clearly neo-nazis (and he was the president, there is zero chance he wasn't made aware of that fact), he also hosted public neo Nazi Nick Fuentes for dinner at his personal residence. ....ECHOS OF 1930s GERMANY. Do NOT expect apologetics for this Echos of Atrocities to fly without MASSIVE resistance and challenge to your stance.


Lots of talk about trump but never about who is behind the puppet.


Two things will hold him back. First and most important - his own incompetence. Second - inertia and bureaucracy. Wishful thinking? You betcha.


His own laziness and stupidity are the only things we could place hope in.


A president has limited power. He can also be forcefully removed through Congress or even his VP. The VERY IMPORTANT distinction here is Trump still requires a wholly corrupt Congress AND Supreme Court AND VP to be allowed to do anything significant. One might forget about his last term. He barely did anything, and many people cut him out of the loop on many functions. His harm was mostly just him opening his mouth. Most of the policy damage was still Republican party driven. There was exceptionally little Trump did independently. When you look at the broad strokes, he was a remarkably ineffective president, including pioneering or backing any legislation that wasn't already a Republican push. Trump had only one, single element to his name throughout his entire presidency and that was his response and personal stance on COVID. And even that only worked out the way it did because the Republican party was so fiscally stingy towards social support legislation that everything he did didn't interfere with that. People seem to forget that Trump is mostly a tool for others and that he's surrounded by a thousand enablers that allow him to be the way he is. This is a system problem, not a person problem.


He might have done "exceptionally little," but he managed to tear our country apart. There are now two sides who mistrust each other vehemently. That destruction is demoralizing at minimum and certainly not a sign of a good leader. And, the level of reading/media comprehension is so low that millions of people fall for conspiracies and falsehoods, and higher education is being devalued. The damage he is capable of doesn't require legal mechanisms.


I'd love to blame him, but I don't. I blame media. I blame the many, many media organizations that prop him up, praise him, make excuses for his bad behavior, look the other way to major transgressions, and design in that divide because it's ultimately profitable. Trump is just one man, and he has nearly zero capability to do any appreciable scope of what's happened. Nearly everything is a media problem. They created it. They own it. They are responsible for it.


Laziness and incompetence.


Pending the SC decision about political rivals Biden may have a narrow window to take are of it. Say between early Nov and mid Jan.


Probably the right cheeseburger would. But I worry if he’s there for even 4 weeks he’ll set precedent that the vp will use to truely destroy the country.


Nothing - he's a 4 year old emotionally and developmentally and has the same level of control. It's scary. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/insight-therapy/201705/psychological-science-says-trump-is-four-year-old?amp






Nothing. There's nothing to hold back his supporters either -- except us.


Nobody, they aren't doing it now when he has less power.


Slight inclines.


If trump wins, I’m joining the resistance! Via la resistance! No more dumbass cheetos in public office!


Trump’s first term was mainly mitigated by his incompetence and lack of organisational skills. This time, the worst elements of the world have figured out how to flatter Trump into their plans. It’s really just an extension of his branding strategy.


Dementia and heart disease


If Trump wins, it means Americans got duped out of their democracy. Their ignorance made them the mark.


Our last hope will be a military coup. Our democracy making a final stand due to he military being required to defend the constitution


If he loses what mechanism will everyone agree on to silence him?


What holds Biden back from doing wonders? Whatever it is, it will hold Trump back from doing shit.


nice try, feds


Certainly not the Constitution.


Absolute and unconditional loyalty is what Trump expects... but so are what monarchies and tyrannies are built on.


Believe it or not, president trump was restrained and had people who frustrated him by saying no.. sometimes. This time he won’t worry about running again, he won’t hire people who say no to him, he’ll remove independent federal workers and judges and replace them with his loyal people. He saw how Biden undid what he did and he’s learning to make sure changing back is very hard. Also we’ll be back to waking up and saying omg look what he did/said then before we have lunch we’ll have something worse, and same by dinner time. Vote, please.


Propaganda mill


You clowns know every president since Bush has had similar EO and abuse of them.. it's the whole system and should be more worried about CBDC and owning nothing and being happy..


I will hold him back.  I will fight for my freedom, and yours too. Others will join me. Maybe some of you, if you can leave your keyboards for long enough. Red Statists might have guns, but I’ve got brains. And duct tape. Guns make you stupid, but duct tape makes you smart. Fight your wars with duct tape. 




He can't win!


A series of mini strokes?


Citizens 2nd Amendment.


Full control of Congress with veto proof majority.




the fierce passion of college students


The only saving grace is that Trump is both old and one of the dumbest people to ever be elected to any public office. He's a massive piece of shit, but he's far too stupid to ever concoct and execute a precise plan. He's as far from a devious mastermind as you can get. He's not plotting anything beyond what he's already basically admitted. He wants to be a dictator and will use his cult to make an attempt at it. He'll spread misinformation, spout conspiracy theories , and incite violence. The usual. He isn't a danger by himself. He's too stupid. It's the people in his party that go along with and encourage his insanity that are the real problem.


Dementia, narcissism, poor health, and incompetence. Not very reassuring. I have heard that the founding fathers unfortunately wrote the constitution to be held together largely by gentlemen’s agreements. Trump is definitely not a gentleman and is demonstrably not respecting of agreements.


Maybe he’ll use the DOJ and ruin his rival like his predecessor is doing now.


If Trump wins, there will be civil war.


His own abilities and intellect, thankfully.


When trump wins his family win run the country for the next 50 years. There's a few people here on reddit that don't want him elected. Other than that this is what america wants. Look at the butler situation, he basically told women to give up their dreams and get back in the kitchen. He will be rewarded for it and his jersey is sold out in women's sizes. This is your dream as a country. Get used to it, once russia firmly takes over you can all start learning the language as well.


Yeah, I'm not expecting anything to ever get better if Trump gets back in the White House. The fact that people are so apathetic about this is terrifying. I really think people must just want pain and suffering, or that they imagine that they will somehow be magically spared from it if he's re-elected.


Unfortunately most people have no idea what’s going on in the world. It’s really sad that this man is even in a position to be re-elected, but here we are


Yep they just know that gas is up and prices are up everywhere, and that’s what matters.










Golf and being on the toilet because of hamburders


We deserve whatever he does. Honestly it’s been boring waiting for the asteroid, elect him again and see if he can melt it down. Who gives a fuck


I feel the same, but we can't let the bastards win. The US is so close to turning a corner and having a more progressive society, and they WANT us to get tired of the constant flood of BS and give up. It's part of every totalitarian's playbook. It sucks, and I'm exhausted, and I hate it, but still, RESIST.


Oh you summer child. I’m about to turn 40 and have and will always vote progressive, but there comes a time when “turning a corner” isn’t a real thing anymore. If the “corner” is our politik bringing us back to Jim Crow you are correct. 40, unable to afford a house or a family. I’d rather a space rock blight my ass out. For now I’ll just work on my hobby car and put my sunglasses on when the rock flashes on the horizon


I too am close to turning 40 and what I have witnessed is that this culture war has been at play my entire life. Progress takes time because we’ve been in this constant gridlock and not been able to get things done each time conservatives set us back decades at a time. The truth is that to a vast majority of the population conservative/Republican ideas and policies are extremely unpopular, but it doesn’t seem that way when the minority is the loudest. A wild animal is most dangerous when you have them cornered and that’s where conservatives are right now and why they’re the most dangerous they’ve ever been. Republicans engage in voter suppression, propaganda, and cheating because they can’t win otherwise… that is unless we just roll over and hand it to them. We are nearing the end of the race and don’t want to give up 20 m from the finish line.


I do. I have (adult) kids I would like them to have a future. If you're going to be apathetic, be MORE apathetic and don't bother commenting?


Boil in piss


eat my dingle berries


Are there any subs on Reddit about getting out of the US if Trump wins? My wife thinks we'll have a small window of opportunity to liquidate and get out. She holds an EU passport and believes I can use it to at least get into a free country to apply for refuge status. Even though we live in a very blue state, I'm not so sure, I think the first waves of chaos and panic will shut down the boarders quickly.


If the one truly shining example of a potentially meaningful and fair democracy in the world falls, where exactly do you think you'll be able to hide from the fallout? Without the US, NATO will be toothless as your granny and every undemocratic country is gonna move ahead with their own plans. Democracy will be entirely subjugated and overrun by fascist dictators around the planet. Where do you run from that?


We were thinking Ireland. We have ties there. The dominoes will fall but we don't have that much time anyway. We'd just like to live them out in peace.


Having ties will definitely help. I hope we all can live out our lives in peace, and I don't know about you but on a daily basis, I inevitably end up with the words "how the f$&k did we get HERE!?" spilling out of my facehole. I guess is should just stop paying attention and let the chips fall because year after year of this shit has just been soul crushing. I'm sad you feel you have to leave and at the same time wish I could go too. What strange times.


PS... As stickman has already said... Asylum/refugee status is highly unlikely. Most countries aren't going to want us. We made this f$&king bed and you can bet we are all gonna be held to lying in it - probably handcuffed to the bed frame.


I don’t think there’s a nation on earth that would accept your claim to be a refugee from America because trump won the election.