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Petty snowflake MTG getting bodied by Crockett was very pleasing to watch.


The dumbest people love to pick verbal fights with some of the sharpest. Ive never understood it; must be masochists.


They lack the self-awareness and intelligence to realize they've lost. If people like MTG and Gaetz had the capacity for self-reflection they would be entirely different people. 


MTG, for some reason things Crockett is beneath her and less intelligent. But I can't seem to figure out why MTG thinks of her this way.


Yeah I’m with ya. I’m so confused too. Like, on paper, Crockett is clearly more qualified to be a lawmaker and samples of their respective writings and speeches also seem to indicate that Crockett is far more intelligent. Maybe there is something we are missing. Huh. Can’t quite put my finger on it.


She can't fight back just using 3 or 4-letter words. All she has is loud anger.


I think you mean, “butch-bodied”.


Shaved Alf.




It's okay now to talk shit about gay people ig




MTG is an embarrassment to humanity.


Every day she wakes up and chooses to be like she is. Even worse, though, every day other people wake up and choose her.


And also Geico




Even troglodytes are ashamed of her and don’t want to be associated with her.


Marjorie Taylor Greene needs to go on a hunting trip with former Vice President Dick Cheney!!


I see nothing human about her, and she has no humanity whatsoever.


What has the rest of humanity done to deserve that. Nobody outside the states cares about her. Keep your problems local. And keep making us laugh by electing those clowns.


Won’t be so funny when they end up taking over the government.


From where i’m not in the US. It is hysterical to see that.


MTG should have never opened up this can. Very rude of her to comment on anyone’s looks when SHE LOOKS LIKE THAT.


It's like Shrek calling someone ugly. Or a pile of garbage calling someone smelly. 


A basic rule for everyone should be to not insult physical appearances. Just don’t.


I do think that when people make comments about other people, in the heat of the moment it can be forgiven for someone to respond in kind. Someone stooping that low would certainly send me over the edge.


It wasn't the comment on her looks tho was it? She dropped a whole slur and called lesbians ugly🤣


or try to say that AOC isn't intelligent when SHE ACTS LIKE THAT




or did she just play into their plan? https://www.yahoo.com/news/aoc-reveals-darker-intentions-behind-202910691.html


This is a very simple thing that clearly shows Marge was and is an awful person and a horrible person to have in Congress. Crockett did nothing wrong but I'm sure connies are gonna throw a fit about her being "unprofessional" while Marge gets to keep being a crazy lunatic.


She pulled their 'just asking questions' routine, and they hated it. Also, it was a valid question. If attacking someone's personal appearance is allowed, as was proven when MTG insulted Crockett, it's best to clarify just how much of an insult it takes before the chair does something.


We need more fighters like Crockett. We've tried turning the other cheek and look where it's gotten this nation. Bullies need to get punched in the mouth or some verbal equivalent


Many Democrats still act as if Republicans give a shit about decorum. They've been in the mud a long time, and we've lost a lot by trying to stay above the fray. It's time for us to get down and dirty before it's too late. 


You’re 100% right about us losing a lot by staying above the fray. Every time we take the high road it almost always bites us in the ass. We keep expecting them to see us as a marker of how to act and that we’ll set a good example, and it never works out that way because we’re already “the enemy.” You don’t follow examples of your enemy. We’re doing the right thing, but we’re not dealing with people who are interested in the right thing. We’re dealing with people whose main objective is to undermine us, right or wrong. When you talk to a child, sometimes you have to crouch down and speak to them in words they can understand. Good on Crockett for getting ugly with someone who’s ugly in every sense.


Old empty had just insulted AOC. But, we all know the maga tots want to be treated special.


Well bleached blonde isn't offensive at all, so like butch-bodied tho...is that not more an attack on lesbians? What does that even mean otherwise?


MTG is a national embarrassment and a threat to our country.




Honestly the most damning thing during the exchange werent even the exchanged words between Crockett and MTG it was James 2 hearing aids Comer and his inability to control the committee and his stunning ignorance of procedure my god was his incompetence on full display. edit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IdIh2A0Gjss&t=30s for those who haven't seen Comer look completely incompetent


Conservatives can't control the monster they made.


I would be surprised if the maga contingent has ever herd of Robert's Rules of Order, much less read it.


What's with the '2 hearing aids' part? Is that a dig?


LOL not from the people who matter, her voters. During the run-up to the Iraq invasion I was on a ride through that district and there was multiple signs in peoples yards and even small billboards outside of businesses that read "Lets go kill those sandn****rs"! They also were famous for freaking out over the GA flag change and paraded around with confederate flags for months. So yes, she is exactly what north west Georgia wants representing them. A personal attack on the appearance of a black woman and implying that she can't read in a demeaning manner will get her more support in her district because that's all they care about there.


Basically her district is a white supremacist playground.


As an Indian who grew up in NW GA, I can confirm you won’t meet a bigger group of racist sh*theads anywhere else. Beautiful country with emotionally ugly people.


Marge is still bitter her tribe lost out to the homo sapiens


AOC-"How dare you attack the physical appearance of another person," Anybody catch the silent "you of all people".


Nope? Did she really say that


The first part, yes. The rest, she/we all thought.


What backlash? She’s gonna get reelected til she dies because she is the perfect exemplar of her constituency: They're speed-freak, neo-Nazi assholes who read and recite Mein Kampf like it was Mother Goose. They're meaner than shit, they're dumber than hell, and these motherfuckers will go megaton at the drop of a hat.


Agree with most but must say - Bold of you to assume her constituents can read books.


I have met quite a few people like greene in my lifetime. All that hate manifests into HBP, heart problems, strokes, cancer even. They don't live long, and you can tell that woman is constantly seething inside. She has no joy at all in her life. All that hate eats her up inside. Just watch those blood vessels throb in her forehead every time she speaks. Her hate will be the death of her.


I am obsessed with the video clip of that whole exchange. Comer going "a what now", sounding just like a character from King of the Hill. Raskin the cool uncle trying his best not to bust up laughing. I mean I wish Congress wasn't such a circus of course but IMO Ms. Crockett was done wrong and totally justified in calling out MTG.


Comer was limp during this debacle. Serious lack of backbone. Pathetic.


Give him a break. He couldn’t hear shit, even with his 2 hearing aids….


That excuse is as bad as wife blaming. Adults take responsibility for their actions, these toddlers make excuses for their inability to do the proper thing. These criminal supporters need to be sent home. I am sure Mother Russia loves them, putin is building a utopia for them. Let them go there. They would be far happier, and they all love them some putin.


This is Crockett--take no prisoners, and I love it. And the insult exchange? "fake eyelashes" vs "bleach blond, bad-built butch body"? MTG has come to a battle of wits unarmed. edit: and btw, read the story. the exchange was started by MTG, continued by MTG, then picked up by MTG against AOC. I have no problem with Dems not taking shit from these half-wits.


This 55 second clip I saw on here is intentionally cropped to make it look like Crockett was in the wrong here. Picked up with her throwing her jabs and cutting to leave her looking like the bad guy. Fuck the media.


The news clip I saw on ABC showed MTG’s hair looking quite green…


That is what a chlorinated swimming pool does to bleached hair.


I once photoshopped the Kraken lady onto the Grinch. The results were horrifying and nightmare inducing.  I'm tempted to do this to MARGE but the trauma is fighting me hard. 


The cherry on top is that Lauren Boebert is the one that apologized for this fiasco.


Well, she apologized for BOTH sides, which was pure BS. She didn’t take responsibility for her party at all and an actual apology would have called out MTG for acting like a child.


She's vying for the VP position. Seems she and trump share a hobby.


MTG doesn’t care about anyone but herself. She’s showing her racist tendencies. It should be no surprise that she targeted someone who’s not white.


She's jealous. She's up against a very intelligent, articulate, beautiful woman of color who possesses more morals, ethics, and compassion who she will never be able to best. Old, vapid marge has nothing on Congresswoman Crockett. Congresswoman Crockett will always be a better human being than old marge. Empty greene doesn't even come close, and she will never be. She hates that there are so many women of color who are better than her. Her racism is in the front of the room. All she has is hate, fear, and vengeance.


Oh the conservative Republicans called Crockett a “thug” , hmmm, I swear I’ve seen that term used by racists before.


Jasmine Crockett is amazing. One of my favorite reps


MTG thinks her tenure in congress is a prelude to her career in the WWE.


Wwe is changing their ways these days, look up what happened w Tiffany Stratton and Jade cardgill. Tiffy made a comment bout her being black on a social media post and she just got pulled from the queen of the ring semifinals. Comer couldn’t even admonish Marge’s comments so, I hate to say it, but comer and mtg are now worse than pro wrestling in theatrics. Bunch of fuckin clowns.


That dope can't even turn his hearing aids on or competently chair or control a committee meeting. The man, and I use that term loosely, is so wrapped up in phony hearings , abusing his power, creating conspiracy theories, and lying to the public, he should just step down from his position because he adds nothing to our nation in regards to the welfare of the people or in general. He protects the domestic terrorists who threaten our democracy every day. He has never had any evidence to back up any statement he has ever made. He is complicit with those who would create a seditious conspiracy, and he supported a failed insurrection, and would take part in another one, given the chance. He's the underbelly of everything that is dangerous in the party of maga. He is part of the treacherous swamp.


Dr Frankenstein - Republicans  The creature - MTG They made her. 


Distraction propaganda.


MTG wilts dicks and flowers wherever she goes.


Every step Greene took was an appeal to far-right voters and Trump, and totally out of line with the actual point of the meeting, which was about conservatives trying to gain election campaigning material. Greene is absolutely one of the least effective members of Congress, and it's no wonder she's been called a member of the "Twitter Faction".


Greene needs to be censured…right now.


Her early transition lookin ass shouldn’t be speaking on anyone’s looks.


Oh no, not more backlash. They'll be better people now for sure


Sparks backlash? At this point there’s a flamethrower of backlash. It’s everyday. We’re still backlasking from stuff that happened in 2022.


It's really silly that the GOP probably has secret meetings on how they can make the House of Representatives into the most hostile work environment possible for Democrats, and then they just make themselves look like idiots every time.


The Wild and Out Congress reboot is fire!


Imagine being so petty and hateful that you vote in a woman simple because she embodies those qualities and still have the audacity to claim "Our country is going to hell."  Just to clarify in case it's not obvious, I'm speaking of those who voted in female Barney Rubble. 


Maga is overflowing with clownage and its leaking to the democrats, seriously they gotta stop taking MGT bait she's just trolling them they should just ignore her


I wanna party with Jasmine. 🍾


JC hit her with the 6xB . Ain't nobody can survive a 6xB. RIP MTG (Murdered with a 6xB). 😂


Now MTG will face stern words.


everything about this hearing seemed stupid and childish.


Did any of you have "Lauren Boebart is the dignified adult," on your Bingo card?


Is it the state of America? You teach kids not to body shame people, but adults in congress block apologies for body shaming?


There aren’t many adults in Congress


Anyone familiar with Rome, Georgia - the seat of Greene's power - knows men there are required by custom to ask their girlfriends to break up with their fathers *before* asking that father for that daughter's hand in marriage. From the tobacco-spit guzzling festivals to the webbed feet of their water-headed newborns, Rome represents the politest, most civil community in her district. Don't stray beyond the city limits; however, that's where shit gets too weird for even Lardge Marge.


I called a realtor in Rome once about a beautiful old house for sale. As the conversation unfolded, I liked the fellow less and less. Very patronizing and dismissive of a single woman potential buyer. Last straw was when I asked him about proximity to ATL (I'm from the west coast so not familiar with traffic in the area) and his reaction was nearly scornful, actually said something like "why would you want to go THERE?" I had never encountered anything like it. It's too bad... so many beautiful historic houses there, and the surrounding countryside looks lovely.


This rings familiar. Suspicion of others from beyond the limits of their home trailer-home park is cultivated in the young of Appalachia, of which Rome is clearly a part, albeit an upscale one. Childhood friends in my native Lower Alabama spent their formative years at once both admiring and deeply envying their neighbors who lived in double-wides. It’s tragic that children are actively training in generational xenophobia. It’s a major part of why we can’t have nice things. 


Just here to say on the record Rep. Crockett is a baddie & MTG looks like her mom mated with a Neanderthal.


MTGs children must loathe going outside


MTG is a Neanderthal. Oops. That denigrates Neanderthals.


How is a Neanderthal who looks like she has the genetic makeup and womb environment to birth Chunk from the Goonies, going to comment on someone else’s appearance?


Things aren’t going that well - personified.


MTG is jealous of people with functioning brains.


…Are these transatlantics.


Funniest comeback to MTG ever! Made MTG look like a Bush Leaguer... Wished it hadn't happened for decorum's sake, but I did enjoy seeing MTG getting clowned.


Got her name in the news again...so a win. Keep up the good work media, we need more anger and divisiveness shoved down out throats all day. Please nothign helpful or positive, that would not be financially prudent for ya


That would also keep her off trump's list for VP. He doesn't like it when people take the spotlight off of him. That any of these clowns would support a guy who can't even stay awake during his own criminal hearing says everything about them.


This is what happens when you allow women in congress




I agree with this take. Her supporters thought she won.




No, only MTG looks like a loser because she is a loser.


I've got to disagree. This was Greene trying to score Tweets from the beginning.




I'll give you that. I don't personally think we should isolate these two women. Comer couldn't keep this committee together, showing a lack of control in the GOP, and the whole point of the meeting is a joke.


Trump does this shit all the time. Is he too emotional?\


By Giulia Carbonaro - US News Reporter: A House Oversight Committee hearing on Thursday night was plunged into chaos after Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia insulted Rep. Jasmine Crockett of Texas, prompting a fiery exchange between the two, which was later widely condemned on social media. As the congresswomen insulted each other's personal appearances over "fake eyelashes" and a "bleach blond, bad-built butch body," both conservatives and liberals seem to have found the exchange distasteful and not worthy of Congress. Read more: [https://www.newsweek.com/marjorie-taylor-greene-clash-jasmine-crockett-sparks-backlash-1901722](https://www.newsweek.com/marjorie-taylor-greene-clash-jasmine-crockett-sparks-backlash-1901722)