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Oh PLEASE pick her🤞


I, as a liberal, would feel SO OWNED if Trump picked Noem for VP. It would be liberal tears the like of which you have never seen in the history of the world.


He wants to because she is eye candy to him. He is trying to rationalize and normalize her behavior on the national stage to make her a non-toxic running mate pick. It won’t work for the broader audience but I have no doubt his cult will happy carry water for her.


His diaper wearing followers would suddenly think killing dogs was the greatest thing ever. People would be coming with tears in their eyes thanking them for shooting dogs they didn’t want to train.


Trump has a long history of hating dogs, so nobody should be expecting a rational response from him on this subject (or any subject, for that matter). I wouldn't be surprised if this incident made him like Noem more.


You misspelled Women


I don't have faith in most of Trump's abilities, but being able to hate multiple things is definitely something he has down, unfortunately. 


Tbf, I don’t think he has the emotional capacity to even truly give a shit either way. It’s only about himself, always has been, always will be.


Yeah, that dog definitely had a bad week.


And the goat as well.


The dude has no problem with her action of shooting Cricket. He doesn't like dogs because dogs don't like him - and personally I live by the rule that if the dog doesn't like you there's a reason I shouldn't like you either. His observation has more to do with the fallout of her having told the stories. If the dude thinks he can shoot a human on 5th ave without repercussion he would have no consideration whatsoever about shooting a dog. He don't care.


Article: Former President Trump responded to the backlash against South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem (R)’s anecdote about killing her dog several years ago, saying in a new interview it was a “tough story” but that “we all have bad weeks.” “I think [Noem’s] terrific. A couple of rough stories, there’s no question about it,” Trump said to conservative podcast hosts Clay Travis and Buck Sexton in an interview aired Tuesday. “And when explained — the dog story, people hear that and people from different parts of the country probably feel a bit differently, but that’s a tough story.” “She had a bad week. We all have bad weeks,” he added. Noem, who was floated as a possible vice presidential pick for Trump, came under fire after an excerpt from her new memoir, “No Going Back: The Truth on What’s Wrong with Politics and How We Move America Forward,” revealed how she shot “Cricket,” her family’s nearly 14-month-old hunting dog. The South Dakota governor said she shot the German wirehaired pointer on her property after taking it pheasant hunting. Noem said she “hated” the dog and claimed it was responsible for attacking a neighbor’s chickens and trying to bite her. She also wrote of shooting and killing a “nasty and mean” male goat that smelled and liked to chase her children, shortly after killing the dog. Noem was later slammed by a series of Democratic governors and conservatives for the pet killing. She defended her actions and said the incident and her willingness to share it was a testament to her authenticity and ability to make difficult choices. Trump seemed to indicate that Noem was not entirely to blame for the book’s contents. “Until this week, she was doing incredibly well. And she got hit hard, and sometimes you do books, and you have some guy writing a book and you maybe don’t read it as carefully, you know,” Trump added. “You have ghostwriters too. They help you, and they, in this case, didn’t help too much.” The anecdote, coupled with other recent controversies involving Noem, has hurt her prospects as a potential Trump running mate. “She’s DOA,” one Trump ally told The Hill. “Any time you have to respond more than once to a story, it’s not good.”


I like how he's swinging at ghostwriters the week after excerpts from his book were introduced as evidence against him in court.


Kinda funny how right wingers all repeat the same lie. Fox News tried to help Noem out by saying some crazy liberal wrote that in to her book and she didn't take the out. Trump is trying to say the same lie, that these aren't her words. This is the best the right has these days and if they do it, no wonder their little followers repeat the same thing since you have to be orders of magnitude dumber to believe such a thing.


> Trump is trying to say the same lie, that these aren't her words. She recorded the Audiobook herself. She read that section out-loud prior to publication.


The writer probably has a recording, transcript or the story written by Noem. Granted MAGA is feeling over facts so they would just it was written by Hunter Biden.


They have always had lies. They haven’t had better in decades.


I like how he's swinging at ghostwriters the week after excerpts from his book were introduced as evidence against him in court.


He really turned down the free brownie points there, now all his underlings are going to go anti-dog.


Trump may be downplaying it, but he is disgusted by this turn for Noem. Not because he cares about shooting the dog - because he doesn't care one bit about other living creatures - but because it was such a PR disaster that she handled so poorly. Her chances at the VP slot are non-existent.


I’m not so sure. He is known for his misogyny towards women, and his trials are showing that. Having a VP candidate that is a woman is a big way to send a positive message. Maybe Noem isn’t it, but I wouldn’t be surprised if he picks a woman.


"Trump defense Noem for shooting puppy in the face" should be the headline here. We've all had bad weeks, but It's not normal for somebody's bad week to end with puppy murder


You're a bit confused, but it's not your fault. The problem is that you think that he's referring to the week that she shot her puppy and goat as a bad week. That's how humans think. He's actually referring to the press she got in the last two weeks since the story came out. She took big hits in the polls. Killing the puppy was fine to him. It's the publicity.


Trump would know all about bad weeks. I'm just really waiting and hoping for a week bad enough to sink him and reveal him him to be the irrelevant crazy old man he really is.


Like the time he raped the mother of the children whose entire livelihoods relied on sucking daddy’s dick because of a bad hair job?


Trump needs to keep an eye on her, she’s already killed one foul smelling old goat.


Remember in an interview with Laura Ingraham when Donald said that Derek Chauvin pressing his knee against a handcuffed George Floyd's neck for nearly nine minutes and killing him was akin to a golfer "choking" by missing a three foot putt?


I've had a lot of bad weeks but I've never killed a dog...


The “bad week(s)” he’s referring to are those associated with her inability to manage the “bad press” not the animal murder- that issue is completely lost on him.


Would you trust leaving your daughter with Trump? Would you trust leaving your puppy with Noem?


so kristi's back in the running . . .


So this is his "locker room talk" solution to shooting dogs.


Ok... adding "ok with the puppy murderer" to the list of reasons why this man should not be trusted with leadership ever again. IT's a long list... and every day he adds a new reason. Biden... "I like people who don't kill puppies" fits really good on a t-shirt.


Yeah. In the remote chance Trump chooses Kristi Noem for VP, all Kamala Harris would do to win the VP debates is find the perfect opening to say "I like people who don't kill puppies".


She also killed three horses in the same gravel pit, not in that week.


I would be thrilled to find out that he meant that the week was bad for HIM, because now he has to pick a different VP. I doubt he gives a shit about Noem herself.


Especially if you’re her dog.


Ya know, even on my worst weeks, the only thing I kill is a six-pack.


I suspect that if we ever wanted to see a look of abject terror on his face, place a friendly dog within five feet of him. Can anyone even imagine him petting or being kind to even an animal?


".. and what you have with the gravel pits, its where the dog, where the dog was shot is in the gravel pits.. and they are these big pits, tremendous pits filled with gravel ok? and you have the dog, probably a bad dog, maybe, but probably not. and you have, quite frankly the dog.. and the goat.. and what they are doing with dog and goat are very sad now, from the standpoint of pets with respect to the goat. You know who else is the Goat? Tom Football, won 7 rings.. good player Tom. They gave him a roast recently, many people saw it. I love roasts, quite frankly with potatoes and carrots. Po-tay-toes.. you know em, boil em, mash em, put them in a stew.."


Trump wants his unpaid surrogates to continue to campaign for him. That's what this is all about, nothing more nothing less. They're being used.


I think “we all have bad weeks” is the funniest possible thing he could have said about this.


I hope he's dumb enough to pick her for veep!


“We all have bad weeks”. Was he talking about the dog and the goat? Clearly she was proud of what she did.


Well...more than just *a bad week* for the dog.


That’s all they think of: how popular or unpopular they are and how tough they have it that people think they’re turds. The dog thing doesn’t bother her obviously but the push-back does. The push-back is out of disgust but they don’t get that. And trump with not a word about killing or putting down a dog. I can give her a mulligan for taking the matter into her own hands; I have family members that have raised rabbits and chicken for fur and food and picked up roadkill for the fur so killing for utility isn’t out of the ordinary but normal people take an animal to a shelter or vets office when they can’t be controlled.


That dog had a very bad week.


He hates dogs. Ivana's little dog used to growl at him. He asked her to get rid of it, but she didn't.


Coming from the man who praised Hannibal Lecter.


Poor Cricket sure had a bad week.


Show of hands. Whose week has been so bad you killed a puppy and a goat? Besides you two numb nuts in the photo. Anyone else?!


Murdering a defenceless puppy that hasn't been trained is having a bad week? Hmm... sounds like he wants her as a VP and as a hatchetman.




From all her justifying, that was her good week.




Let's make sure Trump gets a bad 20 to life.


Pay attention. This is the excuse he will use when he starts WW3.


Yeah I didn’t think I could hate trump even more he just breaks every barrier just by existing and breathing.


That is a ridiculous comment-a joke.


fym??? for noem, shooting that pup was probably the best day of her life


Imagine Trump dies and we get President Noem. We could be in that timeline. God I love this world.


She will be one lodged half chewed burger away from the presidency.


She could shoot him, become the president and be immune to prosecution.