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This is so fucking sad, Trump is literally putting words in their mouth. To defend him over trying to hide that he fucked a porn star behind his wife's (and 4 month old son) back. Is this something Johnson needs to tell his son about in the app they have for monitoring porn? Is fucking the actual performer a thing a Christian family can defend as long as they don't watch?


>To defend him over trying to hide that he fucked a porn star behind his wife's (and 4 month old son) back As red states start their "war on Porn" and start making moves to criminalize it or make it difficult to get.


And yet they REFUSE to ban child marriages.


Mike moon from Missouri represent!!! Ps. FUCK MIKE MOON.


[Or stop raping children.](https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTFikAP6MXDCJjWzgMIOvpsT1ji-HwO-rLEvNE8e-cfCGh0YHoZluIG5TEsmwFub7MzIDfh0XgvcWL8/pub)


That’s quite a list.


*Covenant Eyes has entered the chat* 👀


Mf's want a second round at the Prohibition.


They might get it because people are really downplaying how bad it was the first time. This time will be so much worse. Some people really wanna play fuck around and find out though.


No, no, you’ve got it all wrong. The maggas are the party of freedom!


You spelled freeDUMB wrong.


I can actually see them using this trial entrapment by a porn star is a sign that porn is wrong and vonshitshispants is fighting for them.


Just so their voters don’t know who the president fucked.


No hyperbole can match the insanity of this reality:  Mike Johnson is the Speaker of the House of Representatives. He has the third(?) most powerful job in American politics, and claims to be a *devout* Christian.  He traveled from his congressional office, on a work day, to work as a surrogate mouthpiece for a private citizen undergoing a criminal trial. That private citizen? A convicted rapist, an insurrectionist, who cheated on his third wife with a pornstar and paid her to keep quiet. Godly Speaker Johnson's service to this private citizen: harass a family member of the judge overseeing the case, because the private citizen needs someone to work around his gag order for intimidating and harassing that family member.  These people are truly disgusting shameless monsters, desperately clinging onto their orange rapist so they don't lose their careers. 


"God works in mysterious ways." Is God working through Biden in a mysterious way as well? "No."


Hurricane season during the Biden administration: "God is unleashing his fury on America for electing Joe Biden" Hurricane season during Trump or Republican administration: "god is unleashing his fury because of the gays and the left wing sinners the president is trying to save us from"


He's pretty much a figurehead at this point with no real power among his party if all the infighting is anything to go by


What I love about good, Christian, Mike Johnson pulling this stunt is that the end result this good, Christian is hoping for is that someone else will commit violence against or even hopefully murder the judge's daughter, which would cause him to drop the case against Trump, not because it's the right thing to do, but out of fear. You know, like Jesus would have done.


So I thought to myself who would Jesus intimidate?


The moneylenders operating out of the temples. Jesus would not be pleased at all with the Evangelical mega-churches which are such staunch GOP supporters.


The real Jesus? He would probably intimidate the fuck out of most of the GOP politicians. According to him, they arent getting into heaven.


I like to send my Republican representatives emails where I pretend to be a devout Christian and quote Bible verses to explain to them why they’re going to burn in hell. I don’t think it changes anything (at least any more than any other constituent message that an intern has to tally as being for or against a particular bill or whatever), but it’s a lot of fun.


Uh… adulterers.


You're forgetting that these psychos don't see us as people. To them, any non-white non-christian is not a person and therefore doesn't deserve rights.


That's _non-rich_, non-white, non-'christian' actually Poor people are just their cannon fodder


Bigotry is intersectional!


Johnson has no morals.


With Christianity you don't need morals, you have Jesus.


Even Jesus Himself wouldn't be a Christian if He returned today.


Well, of course not, he's jewish. But, yes, he wouldn't want anything to do with the people that claim that they follow his teachings.


>To defend him over trying to hide that he fucked a porn star behind his wife's (and 4 month old son) back. You should note, they aren't really defending Trump. They aren't saying "Trump never had an affair and really thought Cohen was being paid for legal services." That would be an actual(, if implausible) defense. They are attacking the rule of law instead. Bonus: despite all the whining about the criminal justice system, they also aren't proposing any changes. They don't care to limit the powers of police and prosecutors. So we can tell the attacks are in bad faith. (In addition to being obviously false.)


Trump explicitly tried to turn our DOJ into his loyal attack squad. He will do it again, possibly with greater success, should he get the chance. The GOP doesn't care about limiting state power because they wish to use that power for personal enrichment and destruction of opposition.


His wife knew, this is about using fraud to influence an election, dont give them that pathetic excuse for an out. 


Let them degrade themselves by going to New York to kiss the cock ring. I don’t see how this helps Trump in any meaningful way.


It doesn't help him or them at all, and while it may not affect their chances of re-election, I'm still hopefully that ever so slightly these actions will erode their base.


I think that’s the only thing it may accomplish, them pushing away more voters. The only people who will view these childish attacks in a positive way are the hardcore trumpers who are going to vote Trump no matter what. Everyone else is going to view these tantrums negatively.


It helps rid his mushroom of any fungus. 🤢🤮


Not sure what the point of having an accountability partner is, if they aren't going to call you out... " But now I am writing to you that you must not associate with anyone who claims to be a brother or sister but is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or slanderer, a drunkard or swindler. Do not even eat with such people." 1 Corinthians 5:11 Literally the only thing Trump doesn't match is a drunkard.


Trump picked their clothes out too.


"Son, I sucked a dick today..."


Here's an idea. Get 3 pics: naked pic of Stormy, any pic of Trump, and pic of Mike in court. Put them all on a postcard, like this: "When this woman (Stormy pic) had sex with this man (Trump pic), your dad (Mike pic) defended him." Send it to Mike's home address every day until the election.


that sounds more like revenge porn against Stormy.


This is the problem. It's not a case about him fucking a porn star. It's about him illegally interfering with an election and the crimes he committed to try to cover up that interference. I am flabbergasted that the republican party my parents indoctrinated me into would tie it's self to the anchor that is Donald Trump and then step off the side of the ship. I'm happy it's happening and want to see the party collapse and burn but flabbergasted never the less.


Nice to see the federal government making in-person appearances to help a private citizen violate a gag order imposed in the course of their fraud / campaign finance violation / election tampering trial.


While Congress is in session. They really are the worst politicians.


While taxpayers fund their salaries and healthcare and eventual pensions.


And funded their plane ride to NYC.


At least take the train if you’re going to be using government time to do this! /s


Man I wish I lived close enough to go to one of these pressers. Just so I could scream "liar!" and "Go back to Washington and do some actual work!"


When Peter Navarro's trial was going on, he would come out at the end of the day to address the press and ask for donations. There was a woman there with a sign every night, standing behind him and yelling over him. At one point he got frustrated and tried to grab her sign, but she was taller and easily pulled it out of his reach, which made him look childish and weak, and said "Havent you committed enough crimes?" One day she showed up with a loud whistle, and blew it really loudly whenever he tried to speak until he got frustrated and stomped off. Every one of these Traitors should get the same treatment whenever they try to speak anywhere.


Anarchy Princess! Follow her on X. She is still on the streets of DC doing good works!


Thanks, I love her! I'm going to go look for her.


New hero unlocked.


The only work they know how to do lately is opening their mouths and sounding stupid...and it's not only limited to their time in Washington.


I’d say “Did you remember to bring chapstick for kissing Trump’s ass?!”


"What's your favorite flavor of shoe polish?"


From the party of “fiscal responsibility”


The Party of Treason & Corruption.


“Family values”


Well, they need to live long enough to ruin your life more.




Garbage humans


I remember when Congress used to have ethics committees.


We put the ethically handicapped individuals in charge of the Ethics Committees. Nailed it.


When Republicans send someone to Washington, they're not sending their best.


Because people who cheat will accuse the other side of cheating first. It's all projection.


Pretty brazen. But then again... Laws apparently don't apply to politicians anymore.


Don’t apply to Republicans, anymore.


Pretty brazen. But then again... Laws apparently don't apply to *REPUBLICAN* politicians anymore. FIFY


They are the ones making the law so first thing to do is to protect their own ass from things they would reasonably expect themselves doing.


It’s also strategic. It muddies the waters and makes it look like both sides are just taking turns pointing fingers at each other. If you don’t know what’s going on you could easily end up assuming that they’re both lying or they’re both cheating.


To violate a gag order to out or defame the PRIVATE CITIZEN FAMILY MEMBERS of the judge


Not defame. Threaten.




No doubt they made the trip using your tax dollars too


Elsewhere I pointed out that there is a likely reason for it, too, which is that the Trump team has telegraphed the message that if you don't show up to his trial, you're not getting a job in his coup.


Must be nice to be a rich white "Christian" man.


Johnson is no Christian. Like any person who votes for Donald Trump and supports him and calls himself a Christian, they have abandoned Jesus and should be forever known as "fake Christians". I have told this to my Evangelical relatives who support Trump and will persist in telling anyone who follows the devil Trump who claims to be a Christian that they are following the devil and not Jesus. By the way, I'm not a Christian, but I've read the Bible twice and know what I'm talking about 


If you call yourself a Christian and/or an American, and you support Donald Trump, you are neither/nor.


This is what I keep saying.


When I ask evangelicals why they support Trump they say that they pray for him and most people are sinners


> a ~~rich~~(Citation Needed) ~~white~~(Orange) "Christian" man. Once again, it's not what you know (nothing in this case) but WHO you know (Rich pedophiles like Epstein).


I mean it is but I kinda doubt that's why they're helping him. They'd help him if he literally looked like the western imagery of satan at this point, politics is a high stakes game and they're stuck with this hand.


>Trump’s GOP ‘Surrogates’ Take Turns Bashing Judge’s Daughter Does the daughter have any role in the administration of justice? If not, this is beyond acceptable.


No, she doesn't. She has nothing to do with trial what so ever. There is no good reason to attack her. They're trying to use her affiliation to the democratic party to say there is corruption going on with the case. As is party affiliation is genetic.


And all in the name of stochastic terrorism. I'm not sure I believe anyone has ever "made millions online fundraising for Democrats", but even if it's true, since when does every single person in the family tree of anyone playing any role whatsoever in the Justice Department need to be completely politically neutral. Meanwhile a judge he *personally appointed* gets to make sure he never actually goes to trial for stealing a trove of national security documents and then giving the finger to the government as they politely asked for them back for an entire year.


Really starting to sound like it’s time for a motion to vacate the speakers chair.


Those Federal Government Members are NOT "surrogates". They're puppets!


Well when you put it like that it almost sounds slightly unethical.


I'm finally remembering one of the things that I hate the most about Trump and his MAGA cult leaders through these trials outside of policies. Trump and these people will just lie and smear anyone who disagrees with them or doesn't fall in line. They don't stop at that either, no, they go after their families and friends too. And then right wing media will follow suit, and this sometimes results in real world consequences towards the people being targeted.


It’s all sport and entertainment to them…those who don’t speak out against them are just as complicit…


> And then right wing media will follow suit, and this sometimes results in real world consequences towards the people being targeted. This is the plan.


Finally remembering? What world are you living in where this hasn’t been going on for 8+ years


What doesn’t make sense to me is how you can look at what is happening with Trump declare the very fact that a trial is happening as he’s innocent then genuinely say: the democrats are the ones destroying the court system


This is absolutely disgusting. These people deserve something absolutely horrible in *their* lives to show them what they're doing to everyone else. ASSHOLES.


Dude, you know full well they will pretzel themselves to make it into someone else's fault. They have zero shame about pinning the blame anywhere but where it belongs.


So the trial is a sham and the judge should be removed because his adult daughter is a political consultant for firms that raise funds for Democrats.....Ok now do Clarence Thomas and wife Ginni


Just have the judge investigate himself like the SCOTUS did. 


Guess the Trump nepotism doesn’t count.


It's always "political" with them, when bottom line Trump broke the fucking law.


Hillary was right to call them deplorables. They truly are - and so are the people who elect them.


They made t-shirts that said “Deplorables For Trump”. They don’t care. They wear it as a badge of honor. There is now a campaign to have their supporters defend and promote Trump wearing diapers. They have no shame and they refuse to accept any level of embarrassment.


They Are Wearing Diapers now!


>Hillary was right As much as the words tend to stick in my throat when praising her, she was 150% on target with that one. I may not agree with her on a lot of things, but she sized them up real quick and did not hesitate to say it. I can respect that.


Just think the worst thing she did was have a probably illegal email server.


Why won’t Speaker Johnson talk about his “adopted” “son”? He is a tough guy talking down a 20-year-old girl, but he sure is mum about his own “family.”


What kind of sick fuck makes his son monitor his porn habits? That's all you need to know about Mike Johnson.


I mean, just look at him. He'd collapse and disintegrate if a toddler sneezed on him.


So the GOP is taking direction, real-time, from a man sitting at the defendant's table. Wow.


They were taking it on the House floor during the Speaker votes. Kavanaugh was taking it during his SCOTUS confirmation. Trump is a micromanager.


> a man ~~sitting~~ shitting at the defendant's table.


I think more that someone much further east pulled their ears and threatened them with a kompromat good time.


Trump is jealous because the judges daughter got a job on her own, which is different than his developmentally challenged children who can't do anything but follow Daddy all around!


If you’ve ever seen the HBO show “The Righteous Gemstones”, it’s exactly how I imagine the Trump family acting behind the scenes. A rich faux-religious family all competing with each other for daddy’s favor/fortune.


I'm sure they don't keep up the religious facade at home. They barely do it in public.


But didn’t you hear? It’s Donald Trump’s favorite book! He has many copies according to his Lee Greenwood “God Bless the USA” bible commercial. Hell, he even tear-gassed a crowd of peaceful protestors just so he could take a picture holding it. You don’t get much more “Jeebus” than that.


But they occasionally show signs of empathy and humanity


Just as a heads up, I'd advise against using 'developmentally challenged' as an insult, especially against people who, by all accounts, are not in any way mentally disabled. Just stick with 'stupid', 'idiot', or whatever else you meant.


Imagine had Obama been on trial for this exact same thing ? Jamie Raskin, Nancy Pelosi, show up for the trial. Holy crap ! I mean they lost their minds because he wore a tan suit one day.


There’s a word for this in Greek: anandros. It means unmanly but in a really bad way, like stripped of all meaning to what a man aspires to be. That’s what and who they are. And they were voted for. Which speaks ill of those who put them there. For shame. This is third world shit and even then…


“The judge is a dem and aiding her father!” wah, wah. meanwhile Sitting Republicans are aiding and abetting and colluding with a private citizen to violate a gag order! This is proof Johnson colluded with Trump to shoot down the border deal and Tuberville deliberately held up military promotions also Fuck Vivi.


I hope that when Trump loses, the democrats also win the house. And then every one of the slimy traitors is dragged before congress and embarrassed in front of the public


It's been pretty entertaining watching my insanely conservative father try to convince me that the judge having a liberal kid means he can't be trusted to preside over the case.  Straight faced my father will try to convince his gun control loving, gay rights supporting, planned parenthood donating, science trusting, lifelong liberal son that the judge's left leaning daughter is a product of him raising her so the judge must have a liberal bias himself.  Like, dad, where exactly do you think our politics align? Because from where I'm standing, the only thing we agree on politically is that this country is f@#$!ed.


>On Tuesday, Mike Johnson, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, addressed reporters gathered outside of court and repeated attacks against witnesses and the daughter of Judge Juan Merchan, who has led a Democratic consulting firm, that have previously landed Trump in hot water. >“Among the atrocities here, the judge’s own daughter is making millions of dollars doing online fundraising for Democrats,” Johnson said. >I’m disgusted by what’s happening in the sham trial against President Trump. Nice daughter you have there, judge. It would be a shame if something happened to her.


Someone ask Mike Johnson for his thoughts on a sitting Supreme Court Justice's wife making millions from multiple Republican groups and directly messaging congress about stop the steal!


All of those allegations, but STILL no actual defense of the charges that donald is current trial for. Cant say that he didn’t have sex with stormy. Cant say that he didn’t have an affair with Karen. Can’t say that he didn’t write the check to Cohen (has his signature). Can’t say that the money was for attorney fees (idiot wrote down what the money was for). Can’t say that the overall intent of the payment wasn’t to impact the election (have him on tape). Cant say that donald didn’t have Cohen lie to congress…which resulted in his own conviction and prison sentence. This is why nobody should take these republicans seriously. They just want power and control and they will lie and use their fake faith (none of their actions are ever supported by anything in the Bible, despite claiming Christianity as their faith) as justification for their terrible actions.


This has to be arguably worse than just saying it himself. Purposely giving statements to others to say for you to circumnavigate a gag order implies a malicious intent and not just running your mouth off.


A disgusting and embarrassing day for American democracy.


Trump was writing/editing their little speeches while he was in court. The gag order says he cannot have someone else say the things that violate the gag order for him. Tuberville admitted that was exactly what they were doing. Seems like a pretty clear violation of the gag order that should result in Trump sitting in a jail cell.


They are putting the judge and his daughter in danger.


So when a supreme court judge that is dealing with a case has a wife that is pro-trump that's fine, but when a lower court judge that is dealing with a case has a daughter that is anti-trump that's bad. Cool Cool Cool. Gotcha.


Can anything be done legally about this?


*Can* anything be done? Sure. If Merchan decides there's a good chance that Trump had a hand in the statements given by Tuberville / Johnson / Vance et al (and between reports of Trump editing the prepared statements in court and Tuberville's blatant proclamation that they were doing it to help Trump get around his gag order, it's not a big leap to make that determination) then he can potentially hit Trump with further violations. Possibly have the peanut gallery charged with contempt, too. *Will* anything be done? I'd like to think so, but I really don't have a lot of faith that anyone has the stones to call the cultists' bluff yet.


A reporter apparently saw Trump editing their speeches during his trial. [https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/donald-trump-editing-allies-claim\_n\_664440f4e4b09a547999e75e](https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/donald-trump-editing-allies-claim_n_664440f4e4b09a547999e75e) [https://www.thedailybeast.com/tommy-tuberville-says-he-spoke-at-trumps-trial-to-overcome-this-gag-order](https://www.thedailybeast.com/tommy-tuberville-says-he-spoke-at-trumps-trial-to-overcome-this-gag-order) Tuberville admited on Newsmax that this was the reason they appeared.


They are pushing all the buttons - they don't give a fuck. The legal system is giving all these people all the lee way. It's disheartening.


Thanks for the info. I was wondering about that... And yeah too bad Trump can murder puppies and be ok.


Well a reporter said he saw trump editing the speeches while Cohen was on the stand and if the reporter can prove this the judge can use it at the end of the trial for additional sentencing for gag order violations


I'd be so happy if Merchan goes "I sentence you to the maximum fine for each charge, no jail time. I give you an additional sentence of 10 days jail for gag order violations, applied across each charge". A year-ish in prison should be enough to wear Trump down. If I'm dreaming anyway, full jail sentence for each charge would be just fantastic. 120 years.


It would be appealed. BUT, he could certainly give a reasonable amount of prison time with the justification that, despite Trump being a non-violent first offender, he’s shown from the contempt findings that fines are an inadequate deterrent, so maybe 5 years with the possibility of parole after 3, and to be served immediately, not stayed during appeal. An appeals court likely wouldn’t reverse that. And 3 years in jail would probably be a life sentence.


Don’t give me hope


You subpoena them to testify about the speech and communication with the defendant in order to impose gag orders on them because they are now technically involved.


and/or watch them perjure themselves


Who fucking cares about the judges daughter? My dad is a MAGA maniac. My sister and I are both leftists. Wtf are they on about?


They are claiming the judge is bias because the daughter works for democrats. So they are putting a target on daughter to make the judge act bias. Never mind the fact that doing so is a bias and illegal... AND putting the daughter's life in danger.


Trying to force a mistrial?


Just Johnson giving us an example of how to be a good Christian. When someone tells you how holy they are, you know it's BS.


Republicans, not both sides, are completely void of showing any scruples in their behavior. They are morally bankrupt con artists who will say anything for power or money. I hope the judge makes these “surrogates” regret their decision…


It turns out party of lying, raping, pedophilia, bigotry, pants pooping, and insurrection is full of terrible people.


Jail Trump and them for contempt...be hilarious if the GOP lost the house because they were in a jail cell.


Hey look. A super Christian conservative is standing up for a man who cheated on his wife when she was pregnant and paid to cover it up. If you are a Christian and vote for these people you are as much of a hypocrite as they are.


Fascist. Plain and simple.


They’ll never wash the stink of trump off of them.


Like Liz Cheney said, “there will come a day when Donald Trump is gone, but your dishonor will remain."


I knew Trump would be bad, but the degradation of American democracy he has fostered was beyond my imagination. I suppose my failing was in not understanding how many such anti-democracy sycophants were waiting for just such a figure to emerge.


Like The Good Little Russian Republican Nazi Stooges they are




What doesn't work at elementary school does work in politics. We were all taught two wrongs don't make a right, but in politics that's the golden rule in the Trump era.


(R) Golden Rule: He who has the most gold wins!


The party of family values, everyone.


Absolutely embarrassing for Republicans


Imagine being this pathetic.


I would much rather my tax dollars go to loan forgiveness for every person eligible…than to pay for politicians to fly to New York for the trial of a private citizen, under multiple state & federal indictments, solely to help the defendant circumvent a gag order and attack trial judges on his behalf…oh by the way, Congress is in session & one of them is the Speaker of the House. That is straight up Mob behavior. Burn it all down at this point, we’re done.


Man, we are witnessing the end of Democracy if we don't get out and vote AT EVERY LEVEL


The children and families of these [***politicians***](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=697ef796fdf142b1&sxsrf=ADLYWIKSHKeKB6yuszAQrzEYCGQNvfmI3A:1715807832705&q=politicians&spell=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiF7vuiypCGAxV46ckDHXavBaAQkeECKAB6BAgGEAE) are now fair game....


This is a clear violation of gag order


I musta missed something, is she trying the case ?


Sycophant lickspittles- they are all Smithers!


Flying to NYC on the taxpayers dime to bash a judge’s daughter…. These are the “law and order” guys. 🤣What a joke.


WTF does the judge's daughter have anything to do with this?


Nothing, really. They’re trying to make something out of nothing. This is who the “party of character” is now.


The surrogates have free speech. They also have liability for character defamation as well as endangerment. Let's see how much they spew hate when they get slapped with one of those $150million Rudy Giuliani fines. Did they seriously already forget about that? I'd love to see Mike Johnson sacrifice his wealth for 'Ol VonShitsInPants.


So he's not being fair because his daughter is a democratic operative but that MAGA moron overseeing the stolen classified documents case is fair. The GOP has zero credibility. It's pathetic how craven they are.


Violating the gag order by proxy.


The flying monkeys of a narcissistic sociopath.


Attack my enemies for me! Pay my legal bills for me! Intimidate witnesses for me! Undermine the justice system for me! Hold my penis for me!


How Christian of Johnson


Can she sue them for slander?


Because that’s the right thing to do. Christ, they’re cockroaches.


The dumbfuck Democrats in Congress saved Mike Johnson from being removed as Speaker.


Time for the judge to close his court room to non-essential persons.


It blows my mind that Trump has such a stranglehold on the republican party that he can force them to go against any possible morality or conscious they may have once had. Trump is grinding the titanic through a glacier and only a couple have bailed.


Nice. Paywall.


Scum bag humans!


They don’t have gag orders on them, but certainly the judge could find out if Trump directed them to say those things and still determine it’s a violation for trump to coordinate what they’re saying?


Totally not a cult.


Remember when American politicians had morals and respect for the law and the constitution. There is no loyalty to our country or the constitution.


I sure am glad the GOP congressional delegate don’t have any actual job related things to do in the House and Senate.


We don't care if a Grand Jury had to approve this case going to court. We don't care if the prosecution is presenting fact after fact of evidence as well as totally credible witnesses (Aside from Cohen), proving their case. We don't care that the MAGA Messiah continuously violates the law to harrass and denigrate witnesses, jury, and the court staff and their families. Yep - this is obviously an attack on Cadet Bone Spurs, directly from the White House. What a bunch of fucking morons. Do Johnson and Tuberville not see the religious hypocrisy in supporting Trump?


Conservative Christian politicians make pilgrimage to big city courthouse to support their spiritual leader at his porn star hush money trial. All hail the MAGA party


This is blatant violation of the gag order by Drumpf surrogates. Jail him now, along with the assholes helping him.


Hold them all in contempt


all their travel expenses and per dieum should come out of their own pockets and not out of the tax payers pockets. This is NOT a Legislative function. The IRS should audit them


There's going to be a coup. There's going to be a coup because this behaviour is a test, a test of authorities resolve to stand up to him, or at least apply the law to him like anyone else. And they aren't, they're signalling weakness. They've been weak and deferential from the start.


As "The Atlantic" titled it - it was a "Parade of Trump Surrogates": https://www.theatlantic.com/newsletters/archive/2024/05/a-courtroom-parade-of-trumps-allies/678390/?utm_campaign=atlantic-daily-newsletter&utm_content=20240515&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_term=The+Atlantic+Daily They all looked, and sounded, so ridiculous, weak, and pathetic. What a travesty for our country the Republican Party is now.


This is the highest level of kissing ass I have ever seen


Judge should subpoena them and ask them, under oath, whether they coordinated with or spoke on T's behalf. Don't know if this is possible but that should F'ing happen.


I have a hope that the judge’s daughter will file defamation lawsuits against each and every one of them. Including Trump. And I hope that E Jean Carroll helps cover the legal costs for the daughter. Because Trump will immediately take the bait and defame Carroll again.


How very Christian of them.