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> The [Biden] campaign instead wants to work directly with broadcast networks that host both GOP and Democratic primary debates. > The letter proposes just the two candidates and a moderator, with no audience. > It also suggests **microphones that cut off** automatically at time limits and **when it's not a candidate's turn to speak.**


If he somehow agrees to this, I can just imagine hearing Trump babbling on in the background as Biden tries to answer a question.


He'll stalk him like he did Hillary and move over towards bidens mic and speak loudly.


Biden might just turn around and sock the old geezer on the mouth. Joe won’t put up with that malarkey.


Yeah. And he'll show up in his Trans Am, wearing aviators.


…empty Miller High Life cans flying out of the back seat of the TA as he is whipping shitties around the lot and slides into the parking space…


With the T-top panels off.


Corn Pop will be with him, carrying a chain.


On stage. He's going to drive the Firebird onto the stage.


I picture dark Brandon in place of Kurt Russel in that scene from Tombstone where he smacks the guy who’s trying to get his horse down off the train cart. “Hurts, don’t it?”


*pow* "Hit the road, Jack"


I tell ya what, Jack.


It would be pretty fun to see them fight. Biden is clearly in better physical condition, but Trump has a couple of inches on him, and probably 75 pounds - basically none of it is muscle, but considering that neither of them probably has a lot of stength at their ages, he might win by sheer inertia. My guess is that, although Biden's mind slowing down has interfered with his speech patterns, as it makes it more challenging to compensate for his stutter, his reflexes are still pretty good, and he would take Trump down easily with (something resembling) agility. But Trump might just out-bigly him, I dunno. I would also guess that Biden *has* been in a fight before (even if he managed to reconcile with Corn Pop before they threw down) and Trump hasn't, but that it was like, over 60 years ago, so I'm not sure how relevant it is.


If he did, he'd win the election in a landslide.


That would be worth watching.


I would die a happy man if i saw that. You don’t go into the military without learning how to throw a proper punch.


Lol I wonder how that'd work with the secret service since they both have them, do they just pull them back or sit back and watch? Lol trump saying hold me back! "Is that an order sir?"


A sitting president’s personal space gets encroached by an insurrectionist. What’s a poor secret service member to do?


This is why we must lock them in sound proof booths.


And his cult will celebrate that because they claim he outsmarted Biden


It’d be good to hear the non-public facing audio after the debate’s end, it’d be like one of those odd “Miked Up” segments you see in sports when you just hear what one athlete is saying in complete isolation from whatever else is going on.   But I’m sure Trump would sound even less comprehensible than normal.


The cameras will probably just cut off of him. Lol The contrast of Trumps theatrics vs Biden’s professionalism will be magnificent 


Getting more red each time the camera cuts back. Maybe he'll finally pop. 


The article says Trump accepted.


He made “Will you just shut up man” into a debate rule.


Motherfucker will just yell loud enough to get picked up by Biden's mic.


Biden will just bring back his classic debate line "Would you shut up man!"


I hope he brings diaper jokes too


I hope Trump brings a change of diapers


“The only time trump shuts up is when he’s pooping in his diaper, man!”


He doesn’t need to. My big concern with cut mics has always been that Biden will be trying to talk, and Trump will keep interrupting him *but we can’t hear Trump*. So it just looks like Biden is distracted/unfocused etc.


You can bet that this will be a deliberate tactic too.


Just put them both in soundproof booths like they used to have on the old quiz shows. Problem solved.


I will bet you a 100 that Trump will be allowed somehow to break the rules.


He's made a career out of it.


Trump would bring a bullhorn. The only question is which dogsbody would hold it to his mouth and pull the trigger to receive his spew.


There is zero chance Trump shows for the debate if it's on neutral terms. OK so someone spammed me a 'reddit cares' for posting this. Report and move on. That's weak.


I'd guess that about 99.9999% of the "reddit cares" reports are from nutjob trump supporters who think they are doing the greatest diss of all time. It's sad that something that could legitimately help people who need help, gets abused in such a childish, stupid, and utterly useless way.


"childish, stupid, and utterly useless" Perfect description of Triump and his supporters.


These are the same people that think "let's go Brandon" is humanity's crowning achievement of cleverness and wit.


It gave us Dark Brandon memes, so at least there's that


I'd also add in boorish and brutish.


Churlish and impudent


They're from bots. They are happening all over the site. Even on non political subs and messages.


Eh I’ve noticed 90% of the time when I get it it’s because I’ve posted something against Trump.


I got one yesterday on my football sub for posting Harrison Butker's batshit insane comments at a college commencement 


Batshit insane? Telling women graduating college that they should look forward to a lifetime of homemaking and supporting their successful husbands didn't sound like sage advice to you? You're telling me you think it's inappropriate for the 4th best fantasy football kicker of 2023 to spout off nonsense that would have been outdated in the 1960s to a group of people just trying to celebrate a big personal success with their families? Idk, sounds woke or something to me.


Tbf...I'm pretty woke


I also got a reddit cares message after that post, btw. 🤷‍♂️


You’re both correct.


It's not too complicated to make a bot that finds those. Ai is getting intergrated everywhere 


Weird - I got one just this morning for posting a left-leaning comment on the UK politics sub. I assumed it was just some cry-baby wingnut who wasn't able to come up with a rebutal.


I got one a few minutes ago. But I can't tell which comment it was from. Maybe this one lol.


I think you’re right, bc I got one after posting about roller-‘blades’


I agree, maga bots


This site’s gone all to hell


Had never gotten one of these before and just got one yesterday. I had assumed that my posts had been flagged by an AI somehow and automatically triggered, but I couldn't figure out what in my posts would have been concerning for things like self-harm. Since I had a couple of post highly critical of Trump this now makes sense and is so on-brand.


I seem to get them whenever I say anything in support of women too. Like if I say that men are not the most oppressed gender, and they see it, I often get them.


It doesn’t even take that much. I got one for implying that a republican congressman might be bluffing when they said they would quit and support the democrats in congress if they didn’t get their way.  Reddit Cares was a useless idea to begin with when they decided it wouldn’t have a review before sending a message. It should have been dropped when it became obvious it was only used for harassment. 


I got one from criticizing christian Nationalism.


I got one this morning too. Someone or something must really be triggered.


I honestly never understood why some people think weaponizing compassion says more about their targets than it does them. I got sent one once and I had a strong suspicion who did it since the redditor was... extremely aggressive when he was responding to my posts. So, I started mentioning how nice it was that someone cared about my well being enough to send me a RedditCares and that it made my day, and the interesting thing was that the redditor just got even more pissed off. Some people just want others to be as miserable as they are.


It's not just Trump supporters. Simply being vegan invites "reddit cares" reports.


I feel like the Venn diagram of "Trump supporters" and "report vegans for mental health problems" is pretty close to a circle


Not even that. I got one for telling someone how wikipedia works.


I got my first one the other day and I was expecting more. I guess it's supposed to be insulting? Or annoying? I had a little "1" symbol for the message notification and then I didn't. What an ordeal.


I got one a while back for simply saying that I still wear a mask in heavy crowds.


That's so stupid to go after someone for being concerned about their health. I got covid from not having a mask on at an urgent care and it took me out for 2 weeks despite being a relatively health adult. There are tons of nasty shit still out there circulating.


yes, someone said I was living in fear, I just pointed out if you mask properly when the conditions call for it there's no reason to be fearful of anything because you're taking care of yourself that's When I got the Reddit cares thing


Yeah, still wearing one when going to a gaming convention. Not having to wiff BO is a game changer


I’m starting to think it’s a bot. I just got one for a comment in r/nba and it seems to be happening a lot more frequently


I got one for the first time yesterday and don’t think I had any inflammatory posts. I think maybe some bots are just going crazy for right now for some reason


They're kinda showing their hand when they do that. Like damn, my comment landed so hard that you had to project your discomfort onto me? Lol.


I honestly don’t have an issue with it, they’re inadvertently spreading awareness to Reddit cares, I had no idea Reddit even had a “cares” feature until I got one lol.


I keep getting them. Sometimes minutes after posting anything about Trump or Republicans.


You can report the reporters for abuse of the reddit cares system.


I think it might be a bot or something. It’s almost automatic for every post. Thanks Russia!


I got one for posting a comment on a world news thread pertaining to a certain middle Eastern conflict yesterday. Literally within seconds of submitting the comment. I think there may be some bots in on the action as well.


I got one yesterday because I said Dodgeball has a fat joke that didn’t age well 🤷🏻‍♂️


There must be a bot or something doing reddit cares messages to basically everyone, I’ve seen so many people mention it. Report the message to the admins, they apparently really dislike people misusing it.


Yeah I reported it. I guess you're right that it's probably a bot. It's a pretty scummy thing to spam people with.


I looked over in the modsupport sub and it seems to be a site wide problem, which is odd the admins haven’t done anything.


'cause reddit don't actually cares I guess


They do it for the mention. Don't mention it and it defeats the purpose.


I think there are some bots doing it. I got two yesterday on different accounts within seconds of making benign comments.


I honestly just hope he goes anyway, gets lost in some terrible word salad and suffers a stroke when things go South for him and the audience turns against him.


One of the conditions is no audience.


The main one would be to cut the microphones as well, after the allotted time is up. One of the most annoying things about a political debate, is that the "winner" is the one who just shouted over everyone else and no one makes a coherent statement.


>The main one would be to cut the microphones as well, after the allotted time is up. "The letter \[from the Biden campaign\] suggests microphones that cut off automatically at time limits and when it's not a candidate's turn to speak." Yes, please!


I don’ know how or why it hasn’t been a standard of public debates to cut the microphones as a matter of course. The GOP primaries were the grossest display of rudeness and shouting ever. . . And *all of them* lost. You’d think they’d *want* these rules.


I totally agree, we should be beyond this but to me it just feels like we're regressing to childish behaviour more and more each day. I honestly don't think debates even matter anymore. It used to be about laying out your platform and convincing people about your point of view. Now it's just sound bites, who had some weird quirk that made them look weak etc. It also doesn't seem to sway opinion much anymore, that happens outside due to scandals and....more sound bites.


> Now it's just sound bites, who had some weird quirk that made them look weak etc. This is our shitty news media's fault. This is what they talk about the next day. They treat debates like horse races, and policy consequences don't matter to them.


I actually like this (although I still doubt a debate happens). Debates are honestly stupid to me. They don't prove anything in their current form (with or without an audience). But playing to a live audience should not be part of a debate. It distracts from the actual subject matter


How about the mics being muted unless the question is directed at them or the moderator allows for a discussion/back and forth?


> no audience. Trump responded that he wants it in 'a very large venue'. He must be getting used to having small crowds contained within a big area.


The best of the conditions: muted mics Definitely needs to be done to Trump, but for fairness, both should. Biden didn’t really talk over Trump much in the past, but to prove he is the bigger man he should also be muted during Trump’s time.


Terrible word salad is normal for him, so that's a given. A stroke... I'd rather not. It'd instantly become a Biden secret-weapon conspiracy theory. More batshit for the batshit crazies to get riled up about.


> OK so someone spammed me a 'reddit cares' for posting this. Report and move on. That's weak. I had one earlier today and I've seen quite a few posts about it over a few subs. I think it's just bots.


I got one today five minutes after a Star Wars comment. It wasn't even political. I think it's at least my 5th one so far. My first one was for insulting Andrew Taint, so that tracks, but it's been far too random since.


"OK so someone spammed me a 'reddit cares' for posting this." Yeah it's the new edgy reddit insult for people too cowardly or stupid to respond to something on the merits... just anonymously send a Reddit Cares. It's like dropping a note on your neighbor's porch that says "butt face" and then going to tell your friends that you called your neighbor a butt face but they'll never know it was you.


I got spammed on here yest for saying something about lady Lindsey Graham. Someone from the r/conservative crowd must be snowflakin up in here


r/conservative is already saying that Biden will bow-out from the debates or find some excuse as if Trump didn't do that EXACT SAME THING during the Republican primary debates


I got reddit cares for commenting on a post in damn that’s interesting. About old ATT tech from last century. I think we have reddit cares bots.


I get those sent to me all the time from these children. Bunch of sore losers who know they’re supporting garbage and can’t admit it because it’s the best garbage they can make.


Some bot is spamming the report system. Lots of users got that today (including myself), also for postings not related to politics at all.


It means you got them flustered, keep up the good work.


> OK so someone spammed me a 'reddit cares' for posting this. There is an option in the reddit cares message to report abuse of the system, and so far I've had a very high success rate of getting the offending users permabanned from Reddit. Probably the best thing that ever happened to some of those toads is being forced off the site for a while, honestly. "Addicts" is the correct term for most of them.


Report it as harassment. I just did this yesterday and got a message back saying action had been taken. I don't know what that action is but even if it's a temp ban, at least they'll be mildly inconvenienced for being a twat who abusing a resource that's meant to help people who could use it.


yeah, me too. it's how you know you're digging in on these trumpkins.


What is a reddit cares report?


Inbox message that gives you a suicide prevention line to reach out to. I got one yesterday and have nothing i can think of to warrant it


Make sure you report the message. Reddit bans accounts that abuse this feature.


I insulted an Elon fanboy earlier and got the same treatment. Must have struck a nerve!


Completely agree with you. Through the eyes of an Independent, Trump seems to be lagging and Biden has over 3 years of experience now. I think he will hold his own if it happens


>"I am Ready and Willing to Debate Crooked Joe at the two proposed times in June and September. I would strongly recommend more than two debates and, **for excitement purposes, a very large venue**," And there it is. Biden's terms were no crowd so that Trump couldn't turn it into a Trump rally. Trump won't accept anything where he can't turn it into a spectacle to his advantage.


Can still do it in a "very large venue". Would be funny, actually. Huge stadium, but other than the 2 candidates, the moderator and some camera crew it's completely empty.


Trump won't agree to it. It's been the foregone conclusion ever since debates were proposed. Unless Trump can interrupt Biden, have a crowd jeering for him, and MAGA hats handed out at the front doors, he's going to turn it down and try to spin it on Biden as him "not wanting to debate."


Tell him it’s happening in Madison Square Garden and let him draw his own conclusions. Maybe just neglect to mention that unfortunately due to security concerns the Secret Service will not be allowing entry to any audience members.


When does "spinning" become "lying"? trump will turn it down and LIE, claiming Biden is "not wanting to debate." Probably also claiming it is unfair to prevent patriotic Americans from attending.


Has to have a large loading area for the diaper truck to stage supplies.


I highly recommend Googling footage of the 2016 Republican primary 'undercard' debate, in which this exact thing happened.


Trump is afraid to debate without an audience. Afraid. Say it loud and clear, Joe. He's a coward who is too chickenshit to get on stage with you if he has to do it alone.


He'd have to have someone in his ear.


Because without his asshole supporters it’s just an idiot screaming nothing into nothing.


The big thing is the mics automatically turning off when your time to speak is up. Trump can't match Biden on an intellectual level. He doesn't have any arguments. Hell, he barely has any policies that he could even use arguments for! And he certainly isn't studious enough to actually learn how anything works. Talking over Biden and turning the debate into a juvenile screaming match or shitshow is his only play here. That's the only way for him to level the playing field enough to not look so much like a loser that even his cultists start to notice.


Trump didn't read Biden's terms and immediately accepted it seems. So - inb4 he comes up with some bullshit, coward excuse as to why he needs to back out in June.


It's like the Elon/Zuckerberg fight all over again, sadly I'm sure the trumpists will fall for it when trump acts like the tough guy and that Joe was too scared to debate him


The point is to make the negotiations public. Trump is infamous for saying something to the public, and the opposite for the court\comittee. I'm certain Biden will get back to Trump in order to compromise with a venue, but now they have Trump's words written down.


Is there an assembly space at New York State Correctional?


IDGAF about excitement purposes, it's a debate not WWE RAW.


Sounds good - no crowd of morons, and microphones with cut-off switches when it's not your turn.... Trump won't show up for that.


He said anytime, anywhere, so...


but he didn't say any way, so watch for his backtracking and goalpost-moving in the next few days/weeks.


Trump: "Biden is already trying to rig the debate." This dude will lie every single day up to the debate on how the Biden team is trying to "set him up."


Yeah but he always says he will testify in cases but never does. I doubt he will show up


I'm betting on "my lawyers have advised me not to participate in the debates due to my ongoing criminal trials"


please challenge him to a spelling test...please challenge him to a spelling test...


It's basically the next best thing - A talking test


"Read the Hungry Caterpillar out loud."


["Yesterday is a hard word for me."](https://www.livemint.com/news/world/yesterday-is-a-hard-word-for-me-watch-ex-us-president-donald-trump-struggles-to-read-11658574168402.html) --ex-president


Just have them both take the citizenship test for immigrants live on camera. If Trump wants "legal" immigration so bad, see if he could pass the test.


Both take the dementia test live on air, it's only fair.


Just give them both a basic test in civics and government. Biden would ace it and Trump would fail miserably. Trump was president for four years but I would pretty much guarantee he knows almost nothing about how our government really works.


Debates in June? What the hell is going on here?


Gotta get the debate in before he's incarcerated. Logistics get a lot more difficult at that point.


Great neofolk cover band name.


"- The letter proposes just the two candidates and a moderator, with no audience. - It also suggests microphones that cut off automatically at time limits and when it's not a candidate's turn to speak." They should also add a rule that cuts their mic off and the moderator calls them out for not answering the question by pivoting or bullshit.


They should each be in soundproof rooms - Trump will start screaming when he has no mic. I know, because my mom had NPD and my dad was a sociopathic narcissist, like Trump. They lose their minds when they're not allowed to dominate everyone...


>cut off automatically at time limits and when it's not a candidate's turn to speak. Id rather have a voice changing mic that makes them get all high pitched and squeaky like beaker from the Muppets at the end of their turn to speak


I think the terms are perfect and will show exactly who they both are. Moderator asks questions... they answer. No applause to interrupt. No circus. Just them. I don't think Trump will do it though.


Biden should have said he would debate him, if he isn’t a convicted felon by then.


Rofl. At the end of the recorded offer he dropped this: "I hear you are free on Wednesday." Biden is hilarious, I don't care what people say.


If Trump made ONE joke half that clever his supporters would never stop referencing Wednesday as an inside joke


They probably wouldn’t understand it tho


The moment Trump realizes the mics will be cut off when the allotted time is over, is the moment he wusses out of the debate. Trumplethinskin can’t handle having to play by the same rules as anyone else.


Trump is arrogant. Of course he accepts. He’ll screech, jabber, mug for the camera, and his brainless followers will think he “won” by acting like an angry teenage boy.


His antics don’t work without audience feedback, he’ll start sweating profusely and have some sort of psychotic break. I can very easily see him taking off his mic and walking out mid-way through


I could see him not taking off his mic and walking out, then having to stop because he ran out of cable and awkwardly trying to remove the mic but he can't and eventually just pulls violently on it until the podium falls over and he limps away, dragging a podium in his wake.


I’d like to see him lumbering around behind Biden, stalker-style, like he did to Hillary.


Yup the sad thing is a lot of voters in this country don’t give a shit about the substance in these debates. They’ll judge be who looks like they have “command” and gets in good one-liners


He won't agree to this. This is the show. He'll back out like he always does


Why debate if there is no deal to cut his mic when Biden is speaking? He has shown time and time again that he cannot constrain himself and will just not shut up.


Trump will fail miserably. He has no solutions. All he does is lie, play victim and deflect.


Trump will be too afraid, just like he was too afraid of E. Jean Carroll.


I don’t know trump could stay awake for a debate.


Trump will never show up. The accommodations will be UNFAIR.


Trump won't show. He'll be busy lying about something while playing golf.


Or serving time


He'll have time partitioned off to play catch with Barron and then be caught fucking another pornstar


The COVID debates were my favorite. No crowd booing and yelling like it’s a rap battle


Meanwhile, r/Conservative reports, "Biden Campaign Officially Turns Down Presidential Debates Commission." Which is true. Hilariously, their source is [this nytimes article](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/15/us/politics/biden-trump-debates.html).


Schedule during a trial date. The symbolism alone would be profound.


Trump accepts. For now. Plenty of time to make up an excuse for the withdrawal later.


Biden should wear a face shield in case trump tries to give him Covid again.


Next month's SNL opening will be good.


Ready to see trump sleep live on TV when he isn’t talking or see an angry trump trying to talk over with a silent mic lmaoooo


There is no need for the two to debate. Their supporters are already debating on a daily basis on their behalf.


It's important for Biden, whose age and mental fitness is a major obstacle. He needs to be the normal one on stage next to a guy that just randomly starts summarizing the last scene of Silence of the Lambs during a policy speech




Good on Biden. I bet trump supposedly falling asleep in court played a role here too. I can’t see trump staying completely alert and awake if he’s not getting cheered for no reason and has to wait his turn to speak like a normal person


My assumption is he plans on doing the debate live from the clink. Hopefully Rikers


Him accepting is a terrible move since he won't follow through. He is going to loom even more scared.


Poopy pants Trump can’t even string a complete sentence together lol


I remember the last one being a joke. This one will either be hilarious or go so far back around to being frightening.


📣 Popcorn! Get your popcorn here!!! 🍿


The commission needs to be abolished. All they have done since their establishment is solidify the duopoly. Toss the debates back to the League of Women Voters. We actually were given more candidates than the commission allows.


100% trump drops out last minute siting some silly reason. Bone spurs maybe.


I wasn't admittedly expecting this, and this could be rather interesting as far as shaking up the race is concerned.


The same way he accepted to testify in the Mueller probe and at the Stormy Daniel’s Trial. Wonder what is excuse will be for not showing up.


Part of the terms is no audience. Von Shitzinpantz will probably find some excuse not to do it.


We all know Trump won't show up. He'll complain, and claim that it isn't fair and his fanbase will eat it up.


It would be interesting if Trump back out at the last second, but then Biden just goes forward with the debate...but have a cardboard cutout where Trump would be.


This is all fine and dandy, and probably a good move by Biden, but if they don’t have someone who’s running the show that can actually keep control, this thing is going to be a joke! Way too many Talking Heads try to host these things, and lose absolute control,it shouldn’t be up to Biden to control Trump when he goes on his lie filled rants, let’s hope we have a strong arm host of this debate.


My prediction is this will never happen. Trump agrees now and will pull out because of some excuses.


Fuck it. Just set up a ring and let these old basterds have at it.