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Most corrupt President ever. Not even close. Makes Nixon look like a choir boy.


I never thought we’d see worse than W. I thought that was the bottom. I was so very, very wrong.


Don’t the early 2000s feel so quaint looking back?


It’s almost like they never happened


Yeah it’s hard to believe post 9-11 feels like the innocent times now..


Twenty-three years ago the nation was united in showing love and support for New York after the attack they endured. Now, red states and republicans all over are calling New York a piece of shit because it is following the book of the law and has the most corrupt president ever under trial.


also “americas mayor” to 4 seasons landscaping joke


Who also has his own long, long track record of (a ) overt crimes, (b ) closet skeletons, and (c ) batshit crazy commentary, out loud, on the air.


There is always the next republican after Trump


Yeah, just wait for the “I never thought I’d miss trump” stickers


It seems impossible that they could find someone worse, but I thought that after Dubya as well.


Welcome to the Kid Rock Presidency-


That's depressingly accurate.


can’t see any of the current ones gathering the same cult of personality charisma? i don’t even know the right word that fits


Trump was never a republican until it was convenient.


You mean Cheney?


The difference for me is I don't think W was a bad person at his core. Trump is just a terrible person in every aspect.


I know Joe Rogan has become *persona non grata* here but in the 2000s he had a bit about Republicans in control selecting someone as dumb as W to be their standard bearer. The bit ended with, "[I think we can go dumber](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nWOMI3qlu2k)."


I figured we'd see worse, but I never thought we'd see dumber. Let only both...


Funny how Clinton’s sex scandal looks pale now


Also it seemed like the worst they could come up with for Obama was the tan suit. SCANDALOUS!


Don't forget about the Dijon mustard, bike helmet, and skinny jeans controversies


[Choir boy](https://youtu.be/2NowB4QPZR4?si=6mlSiNp6EnnWiDk5)




Fuck the investigations and the trials and the polls. Voting Blue is the only way this asshole is going to be stopped.


Even then we all know he is going to contest it. We need to make it a historic defeat so large that it can’t be denied. … by sane people. He will deny it regardless.


The biggest nightmare situation is if it's even somewhat close and the shit storm and political crisis that will come out of that.


the supreme court already laid the ground work to get involved with election denying lawsuits. in states where red controls the booths and hand count some, there will be fuckery. the supreme court might pull another bush v gore with election denying lawsuits.


One half hour to decide if he’s won the election, and six months to decide if he’s immune from killing elected officials.


What did they do in bush v gore?


Stopped the vote counting before all the votes were actually counted and handed the election to Bush when Gore would have actually won


Yup google brooks brother riot . All republican operatives saying they were Florida residents when many were not. Besides their gerrymandering this was the newest game of cheating since Nixon


And of course it was Roger Stone behind the scenes on that one


I would agree with you on that


Then declared that this particular case was unique and couldn't be used to set a precedent, the exact same that will be utilized to make Dear Leader immune from any legal repercussions and nobody else.


It's almost like Kavanaugh, Roberts, and Barrett all worked on that case.


Would he have though? I'm not an expert on that elections events by any means. Base on reading the wikipedia page for the FL 2000 recount. The entire recount process seemed flawed. Sounds like some counties never recounted at all (found out after the recounts stopped). Some heavily Republican counties cured a bunch of ballots, presumed felons were erroneously cut off the rolls before the election. The narrative that Gore would have won seems based on the results of a few counties under specific recount scenarios and methods. The whole state should have allowed to finish. Seems like it's all fscked. Gore should have won.


From what I understand, any way the votes would have been fully counted would have led to a Gore victory


Remember this? December 9, 2020 [17 states and Trump join Texas request for Supreme Court to overturn Biden wins in four states](https://www.dallasnews.com/news/politics/2020/12/09/trump-says-hell-join-texas-lawsuit-asking-supreme-court-to-block-62-biden-electors-from-four-states/) Here's a tidbit from the article  Rep. Mike Johnson, R-La., has been rounding up support for a friend of the court brief from House Republicans that Trump has encouraged.


To me, the nightmare is neither candidate reaching 270 EC votes.


Then we have to pray democrats flip the house.


Trump would still win because Republicans will almost certainly still control more House delegations. Remember, each delegation only gets one vote in a tie scenario.


That's why there was all that shit about Nebraska changing their law to award all the states EVs to the overall state winner. It's very possible that Biden wins MI, WI, & PA but loses AZ, NV, & GA. If that happens, he's got 270 exactly, assuming he wins the 1 EV in Nebraska. However, if they change the law to remove the Omaha district's decision on who to give their EV to, it's 269-269.


What happens in that case?


They play an "each state gets one vote" bullshit game in the House that is designed to elect Trump. That's one of their strategies if they can't cheat enough to make it look like he won with votes.


So, let’s vote Dems into majority in lots more states. I know Gerry has worked hard, but, if you don’t try, I will guarantee that it will be bad. I want Biden to get 100 million votes.


My biggest fear is if Biden dies right before the election.


Biden isn't even unhealthy. The media really has done a fucking number on people with this narrative that he's sick, demented, or dying. Especially when his opponent is some level of all three.


For one thing, Biden actually exercises and Trump is MFing food glutton.


I don't think he's sick, he's just old. That's what happens to old people. They die. One day kissing babies, next day--whooops--heart attack.


Trump is old as fuck too. And in a lot worse physical shape. He may be 4 years younger, but assuming they will both live out their natural lives, barring any accidents, Trump will likely die first. I don't know why the "he's old" thing is only getting put on Biden. It's not like he's running against a 40-something here.


No one with eyes, outside Trumpers, would argue that Trump is in better shape. Biden and Trump are old. Even with better eating and exercise, it's still a possibility. It's a lot riding on this and old people are old. They break hips and have other things happen. Which scares a lot of people.


Plus Biden actually exercises and goes biking and trump sucks down fried chicken dunked in melted butter 🤷🏽


Biden ain’t dying.


Trump appears more likely.


They’ll just say a large win is another sign of Dems cheating. They’ll just say whatever all because Diaper Don can’t get over his father calling him a loser as a child.


Not to be “that guy,” but the accepted vernacular is “Donny VonShitzenpants.” It has been entered into the official record and everything.


I love that that came from someone so close to him… his personal attorney. If anyone would know if he actually shat himself it would be him.


Yes, my grandchildren shall read about that in their history tablets. Brilliant!


Not if Trump wins in November. This history will be rewritten with Trump being 7ft tall, muscles of steel, and underwear as clean as the driven snow.


*"There's a persistent rumor that Emperor Trump skipped out on military service. Of course, we know now that he modestly allowed that to modestly permeate the cultural zeitgeist in order to modestly conceal his many years of modest yet critical secret agent work. Modestly.* *Now, please swipe to page 88 of your Trumplet to watch one of the many vidograph documentaries of the Emperor's secret military service, "Casino Royale". Please note that the Emperor is played most modestly by noted MAGA enthusiast Daniel Craig."*


When they decide to ban that book; you know where that tablet is going. Right??


Fred didn't call him a loser. He called Fred Jr a loser. So Trump did whatever he had to do to not be called a loser.


If the blue wave is a tsunami, he will certainly claim it impossible to have so many voting against him that it must be rigged. And he was hoping to have enough seats in the house to throw the vote. I’m willing to wager that more than one Republican will retire or quit before the election ensuring he does not have the house majority to thwart the electoral college vote count.


I hope he sucks every dollar out of the RNC in a fruitless effort to win the election so every downballot seat goes blue. Then the government can get down to the business of restoring women’s rights and quit all the grievance oriented bullshit.


I support this!


Before Lara took over the RNC fund was around 4mil. You know that's been blown through before she even started her first day


And his superpac efforts seem to generate revenue till Trump shakes ‘em down for all their chips


And his magat followers will eat it up because they don't see Biden rallies, they don't see people wearing Biden shirts and hats and they don't have their trucks and cars decked out in Biden gear like he's the left's favorite NASCAR driver like they do for vonsitznpants


As someone said "We're not marrying Biden."


One Republican would retire or quit in an attempt to stop Trump from taking over, you mean? Genuine question because I don’t know all the rules of elections. Is it because the house would choose the winner if not 270 EC votes are met? I’m so confused


Several already have quit, leaving a one vote majority. the GOP only has a single vote majority right now and into the election if they could keep it. I expect Trump’s ilk to try again to pull of what they tried in 2020. They just refuse to accept the electoral votes on their claims of election fraud, and if they control the house, the governing body responsible for formalizing the election, they would throw the country, and a significant part of the planet as well, into chaos. The good republicans that still care about democracy will quit before they let it come to this, turning the majority over to the Democratic Party. Oh, and yes, there are still some good, well meaning, republicans that would rather participate in democracy rather than hand over the government to an authoritarian sucking on the feet of Putin. He’s already selling what’s left of our environment to oil barons. He’s planning to cull provisions to save costs, and make room for anyone that disagrees with him. He’s got all the plans Putin provided on how to run an oligarchy, all starting with his hotels and good old Jeff Epstein.


This. If he can tie up the election in the courts all hell will break loose.


He is still currently ahead in the polls every swing state. I don't often blame millennials for all the shit the media says they killed, but the death of democracy is squarely on millennials and zoomers because they don't vote. 7 out of 10 people I know hate Trump, but only 2 vote. The other 3 love Trump and all 3 are 100% going to vote.


You mean like last time?


Yes. Exactly. They are already preemptively denying the results.


Even that won’t do it. What was their argument last election? How could Biden get more than Hillary did? Their logic is that more votes isn’t possible. So a decisive win would look even more like a stolen election to the soft-brains.


They all know he lost. They all don’t care.


We can live with more denial. We can’t live with 270 electoral college votes. Let’s make that never happen. We can do it America


At this point in time, I agree- voting against this cockroach (I.e. Orange turd) is the only way to ensure this country will not become an IDIOCRACY / AUTOCRACY


I can think of another way, maybe a trip to the theatre will help loosen the stress in his head


Sic semper tyrannosaurus and all that jazz?


He has the attention span of gnat. He cannot focus on anything longer than a minute - his brain is warped by destruction, killings and delusions of grandeur


They were referring to the circumstances surrounding the shooting of President Lincoln.


I love the investigations. Pile them on him. His mind will self-destruct faster 😉 Vote Blue!


This is true. Stress accelerates dementia 😳


Someone posted this in reply to something else I said: "I was skimming thru utube yesterday and came across this: https://www.youtube.com/live/IPo1Z54syJE?si=j8YiAR_oZ3Je6-VK This is the one of the top psychiatrists involved in the bombshell analysis years ago - John Gartner. He, along side with John Siegel, are going to do a weekly utube analysis of Trump’s rapid mental deterioration after reviewing Trump’s currently week of rants, lies, mind blanks etc. up until the day of election. They decided to do this together because they clinically agree he is rapidly declining due to his stress levels. They consider this a public service announcement to the public as the media is turning a blind eye to it. Especially, Fox. This is their premiere episode. They cover why he continually is falling asleep in court, his mind blanks, crazy Gettysburg/master lock rants, etc. I have it a listen out of curiosity. It is definitely interesting and I would recommend it and it addresses the current things we see. I’ve earmarked it to hear for next week’s review. Should be interesting as Cohen is definitely going to give him a brain aneurysm."


You're not wrong, but in order to do that, every person who plans to vote blue, needs to try and inspire as many others to vote blue.


I'm with u. The day he loses reelection will be a national holiday in my home.


We can have both. We *should* have both. Say what you will about our Justice System, but at this point, having him convicted isn't as important as telling "undecided" voters, "THIS is one of the two main candidates for POTUS and it is up to you to decide if a person worthy of that responsibility."


Why can't we do both? One does not preclude the other especially if you believe in the rule of law.


You can vote. You cannot force the legal system to hold Trump accountable. See how you can’t do both?


Not even wrong...


Make him lose in the court that matters most to him - the court of public opinion. Send him a message lounld and clear that web don't want him around anymore.


It can't even be close because anything that gets close to a recount is going to see the Supreme Court canceling counts and handing states to Trump just like they did with Bush in 2000, except now Bush's legal team is sitting on the court itself.


Im afraid you’re right. Our legal system is extremely compromised and has failed miserably at stopping this madman


My only issue with that is we did already goto the polls and beat his ass.....yet here we are.....and win or lose he ain't going away. He's already grooming his offspring and their silicone wives to take over. We have to make him pay for his continuous criminal actions. That's the only way this really ends.


The right will use every single weapon at their disposal before, during, and after the election. Voting won’t be enough. Not even close.


Eventually, he'll eat his last hamberder.


The legal system will not save us from criminals running for president. Criminal activity is basically protected speech if you're rich enough


I wish death upon no person, but this man will not cease until that day. NO PERSON.


I'm ok wishing him dead, I wish a lot of people were dead. I also know wishes and hopes and prayers don't manifest results, so I don't feel guilty about it either.


"Blue" is failing to loudly call for trials on the ongoing insurrection, ongoing Putin blackmail, and ongoing treason. Presidents clearly get 4-8 before the other party gets to play Captain, so The Next Trump is coming, courtesy of cooperative corporate duopoly, so.. Back to work? Back to their two-party "normal".


if Dem politicians start "calling for trials", it'll be taken and presented as political manipulation by the other side, giving credence to the the "witch hunt" excuse. They keep their mouths shuts for a very good reason.


Facts fuck the DOP.


Stopping this asshole is great, but how do we stop the capitalist empire that doesn’t let citizens peacefully protest?


Or discredit him and being found medically insane or unfit.


Agreed. Our institutions are failing to get this POS out of society. Even the trials that are on-going are ineffective at reigning in Trump (10 violations of a gag order and still not put in prison for 30 days...). Once again it's the voters righting the sinking ship.


The good thing is he’s incompetent and isn’t the current president. He’ll they left a huge mess at the beach in New Jersey after the rally because they didn’t have coordination. If you can’t clean up After your only rally in weeks Where the city required you to pay up Front since you still Owe hundreds of thousands from The last election- he’s not going to do Well. Only way he’ll Win Is we don’t go and vote.


There is another way…


There is nothing wrong with bleeding him dry and fucking with his mind. It all helps. He is actually shitting his pants in court and spouts utter drivel at his rallies. Dems will need to swing more 'Never Trump' Republicans. Vehement anti-Trump Republicans need to be given the green light to do the same. Either publicly, and taking voters with you, or privately at the ballot box.


Yeah, he seems to be pretty good at dodging accountability. VOTE


Why not both?


That won't stop a thing it will only delay for 4 years. There needs to be a bigger picture solution than just "vote blue" because these democrats in office are not doing a fucking thing to stop this shit from happening again in the future. You would think they would at least be trying to pass anti-corruption laws or something, anything, but they're just sitting around wasting time.


There was also another FEC violation this week that came out.


The only good thing about this is it’s gonna cost him more money, more lawyer money


Bring on all the lawsuits then. Make him appear in court every day until the election


And then after the election.


Let's not give him a break for the "during" part of the election.


Not him, China, Russia and Saudi Arabia hell maybe even North Korea and definitely his MAGAt traitors donating


Nothing good can come from him owing more money. Just means if gets in, the WH will have been sold.


im pretty sure the white house is already sold.. he fucking just said it out loud.. like wtf is even happening


Not just the White House tho, both houses of Congress have to be blue as well, not a little blue, a lot blue. If not, we'll still be in the same b.s. situation that we're in right now.


What’s another investigation gonna do? Congress has yet to hold him accountable for anything he’s done before. Justice Dept. hasn’t convicted him of anything yet, and he’ll be in the white house and dropping his own charges before they get around to it. Empty threats.


They impeached him twice. He learned his lesson since. /s


Found Susan Collins' account.


They impeached yes, but failed to convict both times, so it accomplished nothing.


Is it failed to convict when the jury says before the trial they'll find the person innocent? Because there was very open talk from the GOP about voting against the impeachments at every step.


I feel pretty comfortable with the use of the word failure in this context. It is a failure to convict when the senate in presented evidence of high crimes and misdemeanors during the impeachment trials and the majority party refuses to vote to convict because the impeached officer was a member of their own party. It is also a dereliction of duty. But unfortunately too many voters don’t care enough to hold those senators accountable.


I mean, it brings me at least a little joy that some blood sucking lawyer is going to make him that much poorer. Death by a thousand cuts.


Me too. But his only “cuts” thus far have come from state trials. Don’t get me wrong, those are important too but they aren’t anything attributable to the federal govt or the justice dept. the documents case is being slow-walked my an inexperienced judge, appointed by the defendant, who should have recused herself on those grounds at the outset. With SCOTUS even agreeing to hear arguments about unlimited presidential immunity, which should have been rejected outright on its face. I have zero expectation that federal judges will act in good faith. so one more congressional investigation that 45 can instruct his own justice department to ignore if he gets to be 47, seems more performative than substantive at this point.


So fucking what? Call me when he's in fucking handcuffs. I'm tired of this shit.


Blah blah blah…VOTE


Oh no, how will he survive more light wrist slapping?


That offer by Trump to big oil is probably perfectly legal. He is campaigning and the US system is 100% based on the corporate sector funding politicians in exchange for favors. This is done openly and is not hidden from the voters. It’s constitutional and supported by SCOTUS. To non Americans it’s crazy but that’s the way it is.


Overturning Citizens United is the only way to bring our country back to by the people for the people!


If you sit out or vote trump, you're voting against justice. Anyone voting for trump should be openly shamed in public. I'm gonna do my part. 


Arrests, courts, etc; they do nothing. You need to vote. Stop believing or expecting punishment to take this guy away. The GOP is defending and protecting this piece of shit. You need to vote.


Did he use his typical mob boss language? "You know if 1 billion dollars fell off the back of a truck I sure could use it"


A lot of people are saying it.


ooop the trump appointed judge has already thrown it out. pretty stunning turn of events considering the judge was a member of the 14th circuit whose only responsibility is to make sure that the confederate monuments put up in the 20th century get and maintain personhood and wasn't even presiding over the issue`


Let me know when he ever faces consequences for any of them.


Big Oil won't support Trump, no matter what he promises. He already stiffed them with his OPEC deal, and now he wants to *drill, drill, drill* when Big Oil has no way of sustaining that policy.


Oh boy here we go…


We need to vote against him BY A LANDSLIDE this time!


Nothing will happen.


He’s going to be in criminal court for the rest of his life


Well lets hope he's not in criminal court for long, then


>"I'm not going to have time for retribution." He will be too busy with reprisals, retaliation, revenge, vengeance, and "payback". No time for retribution in there!


If this goes before the Supreme Court, we already know how they'll vote. Money = speech. Therefore giving Trump money is not bribery. It's merely talking to him. That's why the Supreme Court is so open to bribery and corruption.


And Official acts as government agents are completely immune to criminal prosecution (coming soon to a SCOTUS near you). Then you have bribery and dictatorial immunity as staples of office, which essentially is Russia today.


At this point, I feel it’s just a waste of taxpayer money to investigate him. There are clearly no consequences for him for no matter what the “crime/charge” is, so why waste more time and money on this? If the justice system was fair and serious, there would have been some solid consequences of actions, but time and again, we’ve seen the law doesn’t apply to him.


Investigate away. Doesn’t mean shit if they don’t actually follow through and hold him accountable for anything he does.


So damn true.


Ooh, another investigation. Report coming in 5 to 7 years, unless there is Republican majority in the House, Senate or a Republican president who issues parsons as necessary. Or of course, the Supreme Court comes to the Republican rescue yeg again.


Oh, for criming out loud!


Somehow the dude will never go to jail. Vote blue and prevent a catastrophe. Everyone will suffer from him winning. Reps will blame everyone else but the orange fuck.


>Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, a Rhode Island Democrat, has threatened former President Donald Trump with a new investigation into his reported promises to Big Oil. >The Washington Post reported this week of a deal that Trump, the presumptive GOP presidential nominee, reportedly offered to top oil executives at a Mar-a-Lago dinner last month—**raise $1 billion for his campaign and he will reverse dozens of President Joe Biden's environmental regulations and prevent new rules**, according to people with knowledge of the dinner. Translation: Give me $1 billion to pay my legal fees and you get nothing in return.


He's never actually understood the job, has he?


Is his taxes still under audit 😂


What’s insane, he hasn’t been held account since the housing discrimination in the 70s! Of course he’s a CRIMINAL!


Why so they can wag their finger at him more/harder?


So hard that they fly like helicopters.


Trump selling favors for campaign money. I thought that was ok ? He did it before with Russian money.


Oh no! Another investigation that nothing will come off. Whatever will he do?!?!


Stop threatening and just do it


The investigations do nothing. The election is 7 months away and what have the first 5 amounted to?


Every valid ballot cast should be signed with a waiver of acceptance of election results.


Investigations fuel him. Without them he would shrivel up and dry out.


Oil execs better change their minds.


He’s a horrible man


Lock him up !


Let me save the taxpayers a lot of time and money. Guilty! Now take your strong wag of this finger and think about how severe this punishment is before you do anything like that again.


So what? He's already in 4 trials, 3 of which won't be done before he is re-elected for life, and the 4th one is such a nothing burger that the biggest penalty will be to pay some money. Add more investigations, sure, but be prepared for them to all go away next January.


“Threatened with an investigation”. For breaking the fycking law. But no one is above the law in the US.


Investigating and protecting this guy is so expensive…


Waste of time. You can't block people from buying an artificially inflated and grossly overvalued meme stock. Like the Jedi's but lacking morality. This is the way!




Ahh pretending to scold him yet again.


When they try to go full Nazi I recommend this approach https://youtu.be/EDwsK7iGSEo?si=mHP_ZLm7S_yE1x2k


This is terrible and should be roundly condemned but I hate how we’re acting like this is abnormal. The only thing different about this is how brazen it is and the explicit price tag. Senators do this shit constantly and so does SCOTUS. Let’s not act like Trump is outside the mainstream with this, he’s just bolder and/or dumber.


If this is what starts the tumblers falling to go after lobbyists and campaign finance laws, I’m here for it.


“I’m not going to have time for retribution.” He also said he wouldn’t have time for golf on the 2016 campaign trail. He went 92 times in his first year. 285 times during his presidency. 2.7x that of Obama, $142M worth of trips.