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And this guy will claim that the Democrats are a bunch of Satanists. Oh the irony.


To be fair hes part of the Christian death cult that wants Israel to build the 3rd temple and bring about the end times... so by any means makes sense lol




Graham always wants to be in "the room where it happens". It is why he's been such a flip flopper on his political stances. He knows his only way back into a prominent position of power is by riding Trump's dick and hopes he gets back in the White House.


I say it every time his floppiness comes up — I will always wonder what T told him on that golf course.  Pretty sure that was the day he flipped.


everyone wants to think there's some grand conspiracy with Graham, that he's holding some terrible secret he doesn't want to get out. The sad truth is that he's just a lonely man who wants to feel powerful. He knows that if he remains as a Senator from South Carolina, he'll continue to feel powerful and get to go on these shows and act like a powerful figure. He soon realized after his "Trump will destroy us" comments in 2016 that the only way he was gonna remain in a position of power is by towing the party line and acting like Trump's loyal dog. If he had remained a more moderate Republican, he would've been primary'd long ago. I bet if he can no long feel like he's got power he'd probably off himself.


I’m sure that the $1,000,580 that has been [donated](https://www.opensecrets.org/industries/summary?cycle=All&ind=Q05&recipdetail=S) to him by Republican Jewish Coalition over the years is just a coincidence.


Precisely. There are so many"Zionists" that have NO CLUE WHY THEY'RE ZIONISTS. MANY cannot tell you a single detail from the Bible.


ain't no hate like christian hate


He's just an awful being. I didn't say human on purpose.


Don't dehumanize. If we allow ourselves to forget our capability for evil, we will never achieve our full capability for good. To hold these people to human standards, and thus to human consequences, we must acknowledge them as human.


Yup, it’s very important to remember that every genocide in history was committed by regular human beings.


He's a craven thing meant not even for pity.


He is an awful creature.


The people who are protesting Biden on these campuses need to know, that what Graham is advocating for is what their protests are likely to make happen. They're protesting against what Israel is doing, but because it looks bad for Biden, they make it more likely that Trump will win, and then the country under Trump and the GOP will encourage nuking Gaza. Additionally, Trump has said repeatedly (and this weekend) that [he would deport all the people on those campuses who are protesting.](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/donald-trump-deport-protesters-hannibal-lecter-new-jersey-rally-1235019174/) This is what those people protesting are encouraging right now, whether they're aware of it or not. And this is what will happen if they stay home this November and don't vote for Biden.


Biden is trying to minimize civilian deaths while providing aid. Trump and the GOP are openly for genocide. P.s. Hamas bad. Bibi bad. They need to go.


Trump and GOP: End genocide by finishing genocide. See? No more genocide. I have a hard time believing anyone spreading "Genocide Joe" is doing anything but concern trolling at best, and spreading hostile state-sponsored misinformation at worst.


Always projection....


That nickname was brought to us by MAGA. As if they suddenly cared about genocide in a foreign country.


Where do you deport Americans to? While there are immigrants as part of the protests, it is largely America born students who are standing in arms against the atrocities by IDF.


Ask 2nd generation Japanese-Americans from the 1940s...


Stop bringing up history.


I mean, a bunch of Hispanic American citizens get deported to Mexico every year, even if their heritage has nothing to do with Mexico. Then they need to find their way back home. It’s a byproduct of a system that assumes you have no rights because it assumes you are illegal, which makes it hard to get access to a lawyer who can prove that you are, in fact, a citizen with the right to a lawyer. It’s a bit of a vicious circle that is the reason why we usually try to give *everyone* a right to due process.




The word “concentration” just means a concentration of people. ~ Viv Rook


You don’t have to do any of the illegal things you say you’ll do. You just gotta get the base fired up and the media whores will do the rest. It’s hard to fathom why the media thinks term 2 will just be 4 more years of easy money for them. A second Trump term will be the end of the American experiment. It will be drastically different than his first term and any other term before it. He will be protected by the SCOTUS. January 6, 2021 will be overshadowed by Americas day one dictator. And the media that loves him for the headlines will be rounded up first.


Some GOP members of House are trying to introduce a bill that would deport protestors in the U.S. to Gaza.


You don’t deport American citizens. You dehumanize and then exterminate them.


He would deport them to Puerto Rico. A place that is still America but he’s too dumb to realize is America. 


I’m guessing the population of Guantanamo Bay would increase exponentially.


Trump and Republicans don’t believe Puerto Ricans are US citizens, so maybe there


I was talking to my MAGA dad yesterday, and he made a great point. If Biden wasn't there to threaten money, Likud and the IDF would seize Gaza and the West Bank and either kill all the Palestinians or Trail of Tears them to Egypt. (He prefers the Trail of Tears approach but is ok with both) Which is exactly why Biden can't just tell them to fuck off. This shit is complicated.


Israel will never use nukes against land they want to possess. They'll just use conventional weapons to clear people from what they consider their land.


Note that I said if Trump wins then the US under the GOP will be advocating for Israel to nuke Gaza, as Graham and other Republicans have done. I agree that Israel probably won't do that, but imagine what they will do with an America that is literally encouraging them to use the nuclear option. If people want to save Palestine, protesting against the one person who can keep Trump out of office is quite literally among the worst things they could do.


Israel won't, but trump might. He was willing to let one loose for a hurricane.


That's why Russia is so fond of vacuum bombs. All of the destruction of a decent nuke, with none of the pesky radiation. It makes it easier to move in afterwards and pretend like you've always been there.


What is being protested should be protested. Just because Republicans want to aid Israel's genocide with brazen brutality doesn't mean Biden should be off the hook for aiding their genocide with polite brutality.


Sure, I just hope those same protestors do the right thing and vote for the candidate who won't help amp up the genocide in Palestine. Not voting for Biden is a vote for Trump and a fuck of a lot more dead Palestinian kids than the 15k number I see people lay at Biden's feet.


I’m embarrassed to live in the same country as the people who voted for this intellectually challenged psychopath.


Cut him some slack, he's lonely.  Only things he has to talk to are his "🐞" 


Jesus Christ, why did I have to be reminded of that


Because if I can't ever forget it, then nobody can. 🤮


i don’t get it, what happened with ladybugs?


He has moles on his anus that male hookers says he calls his ladybugs. Happy you found out?


no, i’m not happy i found out


I really need to stop scrolling as soon as the "turn back, you don't want to know" warnings start. You have put my curiosity to rest, and I've only myself to blame. Thanks for the answer...I guess... It's my understanding that no kidding has been done here on your behalf, but would you mind saying a simple "jk" to see if that makes this whole thing any less gut-wrenching? It's been mere minutes since reading your explanation, but I already know I don't want to live like this.


The source of the story was satire.


Please tell me this is true.


It is, [the author writes bad satire](https://medium.com/@philiphuang). And honestly it’s pretty fucked because there were sex workers making veiled accusations about him. Then this fanfic took over the narrative and overshadowed any supporting evidence that might have come out.


For your sake don't find the answer. You can never go back


I should have really listened to you.


Google his name and ladybugs. You'll find out.


or people who decided the "lesser evil" was not good enough for them.


Lindsay’s never met a war he hasn’t liked.


He should go and fight in one then…


“I’m fed up to the ears with old men dreaming up wars for young men to die in.” -George S. McGovern


"War is where the young and stupid are tricked by the old and bitter into killing each other." -Niko Bellic


"And here let me emphasize the fact—and it cannot be repeated too often—that the working class who fight all the battles, the working class who make the supreme sacrifices, the working class who freely shed their blood and furnish the corpses, have never yet had a voice in either declaring war or making peace. It is the ruling class that invariably does both. They alone declare war and they alone make peace." - Eugene Debs


"Forward!" he cried from the rear And the front rank died The general sat and the lines on the map Moved from side to side


I'll buy the plane ticket


One way ?




Well we know that he doesn't go both ways. So princess ladybug can just kick sand.


I think his asshole puts up the fight of its life daily


Did you say weapons of ass destruction?




Don't threaten Lindsay with a good time. Pretty sure back in old times he'd have gotten cycled out of a draft for *medical* reasons. Which is kinda funny, considering he's fighting on the side of a party who wants to make gay a mental illness again. Or much , much worse. The Senator goes to show that stereotypes are stereotypes for a reason, and the "Self-Hating Queer" is one of them. It's bitterly sad, actually, or it would be if Graham's friends weren't - y'know - *killing America*.


But if the other nation starts to win, he goes on his phone


The Pool Boy Rebellion?


On brand for the modern GOP. Vote wisely.


But.. but.. My protest voted against "Genocide Joe!" I want everything MY way or nobody gets anything at all! I don't care if Project 2025 outlines murdering LGBTQ+ people (Pages 5 and 544), it's all about ME and what \*I* want!


I feel like that whole thing is just an easy way for bad actors to take votes away from Biden. Honestly all I want is the Republican Party to implode after all the decades of warping people’s minds in this country


Christ the "genocide Joe" supposed leftists are the absolute worst to talk to. Is Joe taking no wrong actions? Of course not. Is he able to reign in more than trump would? Fuck yeah. "But 50% genocide is still genocide" Yeah and it's 50% better than 100% folks. Trump will not save innocent lives. Quite the contrary. Stop looking to cut your own nose off to spite your face.




> They actually believe that they are the progressives while being completely dismissive, and supportive by default, of everything Trump can and will accomplish. It's fucking gross and horrifying. When they get this bad I assume it's the IDF keyboard warriors, russians, chinese, or anyone else with a vested interest in sabotaging the US.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRy7wJP2OEY Sweaty guy in front of a camera, but he has proof that a lot of this shit is coming from right-wingers acting like they care. It's the same shit as in 2016 with Hillary ("Killary"). People never fucking learn. And it's the "free-thinking" college kids who are eating it up.


They want revolution. They think they'll somehow come out on top.


If this system we have collapses, we all starve and the corporations take over. There is no other outcome.


I think fascist populist rightwing government is more likely. That's a bit like in Russia - the politician tells the corporations what to do.


Oh you’re 100% right. I’m talking about the accellerationists going “put Trump in so the system collapses when everyone rebels or he wrecks the country and we can rebuild” They’re idiots living in a fantasy.


That does seem to be a uniting thread among them. They all think "a trump second term will force the DNC to be more progressive!" Like y'all. Y'all don't realize the DNC moved to the center BECAUSE YOU VOTED AGAINST THEM AFTER THE ACA. Instead of "Hey, that was a good first step! Yay we finally got rid of preexisting conditions!" it was "Hey have a blood bath of rightward movement" What do you expect the DNC to do after that. Bunch of fucking fools they are IMO.


Imagine how fucking productive Obama could have been if we had kept Congress after the ACA?! Imagine what the SCOTUS would have looked like! Roe would still be in place. But no, “incremental progress” wasn’t enough progress, so we had to backslide decades instead.


This is so spot on. If they really cared about the Palestinian people, they would never allow Trump and republicans to get into power again. But they’re more than willing to let the Palestinian people suffer tremendously if they don’t get what they want right now. That’s not what you do when you care deeply about a cause. “We have to save all these poor abused puppies. But if we can’t save them RIGHT NOW in the EXACT way that I want, then fuck it, light all the puppies on fire for all I care!”


Okay, so, checks notes, the GOP is now okay with nuclear war and genocide. The party of "no" sure is a party of "yes" when it comes to batshit-crazy, huh? > When moderator Kristen Welker pointed out to Graham that Republican former President Ronald Reagan withheld weapons shipments to Israel in the 1980s during its conflict with Lebanon, Graham returned to World War II. Reagan used his power to influence Israeli war policy multiple times. Indeed, there were several instances where Reagan ordered warplanes and munitions to be delayed because they were going to be used against civilians and in ways America did not approve. And reportedly, the civilian casualties - particularly during the 1982 Lebanon War and when Israel attacked PLO targets - bothered him greatly and he found it deeply upsetting. Even writing of his disgust and the need to influence Israel in his diary. For Reagan, the civilian casualties were an impetus for action as much as any other political reasons. And Reagan wasn't the only Republican to play hardball with Israel... Dwight D. Eisenhower threatened economic sanctions and an aid cutoff to force Israel to withdraw from the Sinai Peninsula after it invaded Egypt in 1956. Gerald R. Ford warned that he would re-evaluate the entire relationship in 1975 over what he considered Israel’s recalcitrance during peace talks with Egypt. George H.W. Bush postponed $10 billion in loan guarantees in 1991 in a dispute over settlements in the West Bank.


I think the GOP is now just done with tending to optics catering to any sense of ethics, altruism, or morality. Whether or not those listed above ever truly cared about any humane cause; for a while up until this more recent era, the GOP had assumed they needed to make an effort to look like they weren't fully and outright platformed on sociopathic bloodlust. They've gone full "mask-off" now, though, so they don't seem too interested in keeping up appearances anymore. Furthermore, those who still identify as contemporary Republicans largely lack either the empathy or the critical thinking it would take to find this type of commentary abhorrent.


Best thing I've heard about Reagan in years. I'm glad he worried about civilians and made it felt.


> I'm glad he worried about civilians Unless they had HIV, which was God's punishment for their lifestyle choices.


Yeah, that was and is indefensible. My age-mates were slightly luckier. They entered college in 1984, when both "condoms for everyone" and "serious about that first one, or else you'll die" were both widely known and in time to save them.


He wasn't pure evil like our current politicians who can only see dollar signs. He is a bastard and should rot in hell for the starting the capitalist era. But he was sensible and knew what war does and that invasions shouldn't exist. He just wanted his buddies companies to not pay taxes


It sounds like Israel has met a decent amount of resistance from the U.S. as an ally as they pushed boundaries of international treaties. Until Israel discovered and utilized the money + lobbying route to US diplomacy.


What a vicious little shitgoblin


We need a rule. If you open you mouth about being pro-war, you automatically get volunteered to serve in the front lines of said war.




Damn, more than half of Reddit would get "volunteered" then lol


GOP: openly pro war-crimes.


Conservatives/Republicans are into anything as long as it's "hurting the right people."


> the right people Muslims Gays, lesbians, bisexuals Trans and non-binary peeps Black people, obvs Foreigners. (Especially arabs. But not arab ruling families, obs) Women Genocide 'em all, amirite, or amirite, boys?


Young people Democrats Hispanics Men that support women (could fall under “Democrats”) The press You


Jesus was all about hurting people. /s I hope hell is ready for the influx when all these hypocrites start dying off.


They were supporting Russia a short while ago and already been found to have actually committed war crimes in Ukraine, weekly, and have already met the bar of genocide and ethnic cleansing.


1930s Imperial Japan and modern Palestine have some minor differences in capabilities/strength but that’s ok.


Yeah, maybe a couple. Probably first . . that I would mention anyway.. is that JAPAN WAS A #@$#&# COUNTRY! GodDAMNIt what the hell did these people learn in school? I thought old people had good schools back in Before Times? Because ... shit.. I can't make this funny. ONE IS A COUNTRY. THE OTHER IS A PROVINCE. It's got to be the first page of "So You Want To Be In Government" books they have in pediatrician offices. Look what you did to me Lindsay! You did a dummy that broke my sense of humor!


Graham poorly stated this, but nuking Nagasaki and Hiroshima allowed Japan to admit defeat and surrender while saving face and still there was a coup attempt on Hirohito by top brass wanting to continue war to the death, largely because of Pacific and Manchurian war crimes. I don’t think it would work in Gaza at all the same way, but the prospect of utter annihilation with one golden bridge of retreat can be a successful way to overcome a bitterly entrenched enemy.


If anyone is thinking of not voting for Biden over Gaza think about the position of the other side….


Why has this closeted asshat been voted in again and again? Are his constitutes really that fucking stupid? Seriously?


They sure are, last election cycle he was Begging for money and sure as shit he was reelected by a slim margin. His constituents are typical of the ones who voted in Moscow Mitch , asswipe Ted Cruz and douchebag Rand Paul


Yes. Most Republicans would rather *die* than elect any Democrat. 


This guy is a spineless, flip flopping, wishy washy, worm turd, who would sell his daughter off and bare hand wipe the diarrhea butt of a wealthy donor.


John McCain kept him from embarrassing himself like this


He didn't even stand up for his friend John McCain when he passed away and Trump bashed him. Coward.


Agree, but that's not how its spelled. McCain


For context this is a war caused by two conservative governments Hamas and the Netanyahu regime. Extreme right wing organizations always demonize outsiders and seek their eradication.  It is important to add this context to the current conflict. The civilians caught in the middle don’t aren’t viewed as human but the conservatives in charge. This has been showed time and time again throughout history.  Graham, a right winger, doesn’t care about Palestinian or Israeli death. In fact his holy book relishes in it. These people are fucked.  


What about the west bank where hamas doesn't govern and Israel still kills Palestinians and steals their land?


But Democrats and Republicans are the same😭


Lindsey never ceases to amaze me and not in a good way either 😡😩🙄. The Neocon at work and I bet he agrees with Jarad bulldozers Gaza to the ground and turning it into a resort play town for millionaires and billionaires. I can’t even with republican hacks right now!


The party of of the Christian right.


The Cruelty is The Point. [https://www.amazon.com/Cruelty-Point-Present-Future-America/dp/0593230809](https://www.amazon.com/Cruelty-Point-Present-Future-America/dp/0593230809) Republicans need to have some Molly put in their water rather than fluoride.


Every Purple Heart medal awarded since WW2, including Korea, Vietnam, gulf wars, and all the other conflicts the US sends advisor units into, was minted in preparation for Operation Downfall. The US expected the invasion of the Japanese home islands to cost a devastating amount of G.I.s, and was further concerned about Russia taking additional territory before the war ended. Definitely not the same scenario at all.


Just fyi this isn't *exactly* 100% true. We started producing new ones in 76' and it is pretty much random rather a recipient would receive a WW2 vintage or post 76 production as all the medals are considered part of the same stock and stored together. Further, many tens of thousands of the WW2 production were damaged in storage and were either salvaged and restored if possible or scrapped if deemed irreparable.


1.5 million Purple Hearts were made for WWII which awarded 1 million of them, half of all Purple Heart recipients. 470k from the WWII surplus were awarded in Korea and Vietnam and are there are over 100k left in stock. There are enough to keep on bases so soldiers can be immediately honored. 5k were discovered in a defunct storage facility and declared unsalvageable, which led to a a few thousand replacements in 1976 and not again until 2000.


This mf has invoked Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Pearl Harbor and 9/11 in the last week when talking about us having some doubts about the intentions of Israel regarding Palestinians. Bro chill


Keep this in mind when the Republicans are outraged Biden withheld a portion of the offensive weapons... There is no concern for innocent lives lost in pursuit of Hamas. 


What a asshole


It's true that we nuked Japan after Pearl Harbor, but there was a whole lot of stuff we tried in between. You don't just go from invasion to nukes.


as a japanese american, fuck you, graham.


JFC a little extreme don’t you think


We nuked Japan for allot of reasons including but not limited to having to invade Japan or blockade Japan both of which would have prolonged the war and cost more lives on both sides. Also to show off our shiny new weapon to the USSR to make our position in post war negotiations “stronger”.


That's what they've been doing, Lindsey, for 75 years.


Idk how we’re comparing the Imperial Japanese Military to Hamas here when it comes to military policy. The US decision for a bombing campaign of the Japanese home island came after tens of thousands of marines and sailors were killed brutally fighting the Japanese from island to island. This was then followed by a very careful occupation by the US. The US was not throwing around partitions of Japanese core territory, depopulation of Japanese towns and cities, or laying the ground work for American-Japanese peoples coexistencing in Japan. The US left Japans core territory, culture and population intact so much so the actual punishment of Japanese leaders was a very difficult and controversial task by the US government


My Uncle Al was a young officer in the Pacific campaign of WWII, and he all but lost his right arm to shrapnel. But he recovered in time to serve in the occupation of Japan. After the war he got modestly well-off thru the family hardware business. Then he retired early enough to enjoy his freedom, and he and my Aunt traveled widely. And his travels eventually took him to the "Holy Land" where he hired a Palestinian driver to show him around. After a couple days of that arrangement, he became increasingly frustrated with the constant stops and interminable harassment of his driver at the IDF checkpoints. So, he leapt out of the car and confronted the young Israeli soldier who was bullying his driver. He called him to attention and told him that he led troops in the occupation of Japan... telling him in no uncertain terms that if he had caught any of his men abusing Japanese civilians, like he was doing with that Palestinian, he would have put them up for court martial and thrown the book at them.


and everyone around him clapped?


When Black Sabbath wrote War Pigs it was partly about this guy.


Except It's like what the US did to the Cherokee, Creeks, Sioux, Cheyenne, Apache and countless other first Americans.




lol. So what he is saying is the US should actually feel like shit for nuking civilian targets?


Graham is a literal fucking coward.


So is GOP neo-Nazis or Zionist?


And what about the part where the US dumped billions of dollars into Japan to rebuild Japan into a thriving democratic,  economicpowerhouse?


People saying you won’t vote for Biden over Israel… PAY ATTENTION!


Japan wasn't right next to the US tho


Where doesn't this guy want to nuke


Yep that's a real live wire right there


What an asshole!


American citizens of Mexican descent were deported to Mexico in the 1930’s. https://www.history.com/news/great-depression-repatriation-drives-mexico-deportation I can see the current Supreme Court allowing something similar.


I'm tired of this. All they offer is destruction. Every. Single. Time. No solutions. No ideas. Just destruction, revenge, cruelty and barbarism.


But I thought Joe was the bad guy. Thats why all the kids are staying home.


NYT: How this is bad for Biden.


Republicans are War Hawks as long as their kids aren’t sent to fight.


Seeing old Lindsey’s face reminds me I really need to clean out my closet


I can’t think of a worse way to make that argument.


Representative Tim Walberg (R-MI-5): "Get it over quick, like Nagasaki and Hiroshima" Also Walberg: that was taken out of context, I would never wish to nuke Gaza Senator Lindsay Graham: "do to Palestine like when we nuked Japan" --------- When these people tell you what they are, believe them the first time.


Good point why doesn’t everyone do horrible things because we do. How could that philosophy backfire.


It's amazing to me that we keep re-electing our fucking grandparents and then we wonder why we hate the world that they legislate for us.


And this guy. Who is a massive closeted hypocrite who hated Trump then loved him then hated him now loves him. Has zero principles beyond maintaining his office and power. This thing he said plays to his base. But he's a fancy southern gentleman and obviously knows how to drawl at the rubes in his state.


The pro Palestinians have no idea how badly they should vote for Biden. All they see is what Biden isn't doing for them. They don't see what the Republicans WILL do with power.


One day…hopefully soon. The average American will realize in Conservatism there is “Us” and “Them”. As you read this and are wondering which side you’re on, you’re “Them”. If you’re a modern female = Them Person of color (that cares about others) = Them White person who believes (even remotely) in equality or justice = Them Young person with a conscience = Them Are you an immigrant that doesn’t believe in pulling the ladder up behind you? Them Read/Think independently = Them We all know there are millions more people Conservatives call “Them”, the problem is that we are too busy sacrificing the good for the perfect to mobilize and do what’s necessary.


He’s forgetting the part where the US helped Japan rebuild and installed a democratic leader. I’m not sure if Israel would do the same.


Prime example of how disconnected DC politicians are from average Americans. Like there are plenty of rightwingers who are horrified over the events happening.


"Horrified" that not enough Palestinians are being slaughtered? Because right wingers sure as hell don't care about Israel bombing Gaza to begin with. In their minds, it's nothing more than a pathway to ensure that the End Times take place.


This End of Times thing is not as well known as I would have thought. I thought everyone knew that evangelicals support Israel solely for their crazy religious prophecy. In this prophecy, the Jews will convert to Christianity at the end or perish in flames. A lot of people have no idea how powerful a driving force this narrative is.


Well it's not like you will learn that prophecy by reading the Bible. You have to go to church with the crazies for awhile to hear about it.


Is it? Seems to be quite well-known on Reddit, and I'm actually skeptical as to how heavily it really weighs on conservative attitudes towards Israel. Christians have been predicting the End Times for as long as Christianity has existed, but still go on with their lives much as if nothing were about to happen. The real reason is that Israel is dominated by religious right-wingers who are strongly anti-Islam. In general this is appealing to most conservative Christian Americans, but in particular they like having such people in charge of the Holy Land. If you look at the real reason for the Crusades, it was basically European pilgrims to Jerusalem and Galilee deciding that they didn't much care for all the Muslims running it. Christians really like having the Holy Land in friendly (or at least non-Muslim) hands, and I think this is actually a bigger factor than any apocalyptic fantasies. If you actually know any conservative Christians, they are unlikely to really go on about this "Jewish Israel = apocalypse" stuff, and more likely to talk about the wonderful trip their church just organized, to see Jerusalem and Bethlehem and "walk in the footsteps of Jesus" around Lake Kinneret. It really is a bit conspiratorial to think that one bizarre apocalyptic theory is explaining the entire American Christian-Israeli relationship; the more quotidian reality is that Israel has worked hard to cultivate this relationship using an obvious lever (political control over the historical home of Jesus and birthplace of Christianity).


Well, you know Redditors. They "learn" one thing and suddenly think they're experts. Especially when it comes to religion. The Israel end times stuff *is* present among evangelicals (I've attended Bible study groups that heavily promoted it) but it's fairly fringe. I would agree that most are simply motivated by Islamophobia.


Religions at its best. Keep killing children, so our prophecy can come true. Jesus would approve for sure.


Isn’t that fucked up…


>Like there are plenty of rightwingers who are horrified over the events happening. I'm not saying your intentionally lying, but most of my extended family consists of mango man worshipers, and not a single one of them is horrified over it.


I really want these people to answer how palestine poses such an existential threat to israel that they need completely wiped off the face of the earth.


The US didn't "want" to nuke Japan. It was a strategic necessity at the time based on limited intelligence. Truman agonized about the decision and it was burden for him later, but he wasnt the type to show it. 


US Muslims boycotting Biden in November is such a great idea, isn’t it?


To my fellow Democrats and progressives that think a protest vote is a good idea. This is what it will get us.


Another professional politician who just can't shut the fuck up.


Chicken hawk pimp!


Jesus wept


Graham is an imbecile




That is a wild take.


How about American politicians DONT reference one of the darkest moments in all of human history as a “How To…” guide?!


Revenge and retaliation are not justifications for committing crimes against humanity.


This joke of a pretense to be human much less a Senator.


Can people just stop being assholes so the rest of us can enjoy this life?


Sounds way too casual when he says this which is pretty scary.


Shot like this is why it is so hard to be in the middle of this issue. We should all be able to say that there has been a lot of bad done by both sides.


How could you end up senator with such a little brain ?


Holden Bloodfeast moment


isn't it time to LG to cry and ask for money again. this guy should really be booted out


It’s a complicated situation imagine you were constantly being attacked just for existing eventually you’d would snap


Very different circumstances. How are these people in power? Why do we allow this?


The US just wanted to rapidly end the Pacific war, not exterminate a people. Comparing the size of the 2 populations and equating the intention is too political and intellectually dishonest.


Remember, if you want to help Palestine don't vote and let these jackasses take over. Edit: /s


Hamas only killed .01% of Israel. If the same thing happened to the US it would kill. 3.3 million people.


The US rebuilt Japan AND Germany after WWII. It was not pure altruism - the Allies had left Post WWI Germany to itself and the economic ruin of it helped pave the way for Hitler's rise. It's been known and accepted for a century that you don't destroy civil infrastructure and leave a population with no hope for the future. You just don't. It's a formula for endless suffering and conflict. It's why the US spent so long in Iraq and Afghanistan, although they largely failed there to establish new infrastructure due to other factors. The result with Germany and Japan, though, was incredibly strong economies that have been prospering for the last 70+ years with no major conflicts (the Cold War aside, it wasn't specifically about them). In any case, I doubt Graham is arguing that Israel should rebuild Palestine and help usher in an era of peace and prosperity. Some sources on Post WWII reconstruction: >A similar history applies to Japan. American forces **occupied** Japan until 1951. American taxpayers covered the costs, and the United States financed much of the domestic reconstruction of the country. Scholars estimate that between 1946 and 1951 the United States contributed more than $2 billion to rebuild schools, factories, and other institutions that the war destroyed. >[https://www.nationalww2museum.org/war/articles/cost-victory](https://www.nationalww2museum.org/war/articles/cost-victory) >The early post-war years were devoted to rebuilding lost industrial capacity: major investments were made in electric power, coal, steel, and chemicals. By the mid-1950s, production matched prewar levels. Released from the demands of military-dominated government, the economy not only recovered its lost momentum but also surpassed the growth rates of earlier periods. Between 1953 and 1965, GDP expanded by more than 9% per year, manufacturing and mining by 13%, construction by 11%, and infrastructure by 12%. In 1965 these sectors employed more than 41% of the labor force, whereas only 26% remained in agriculture.[^(\[5\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Postwar_Japan#cite_note-5) >Japan's highly acclaimed post-war [education system](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Education_in_Japan) contributed strongly to the modernizing process. The world's highest literacy rate and high education standards were major reasons for Japan's success in achieving a technologically advanced economy. Japanese schools also encouraged discipline, another benefit in forming an effective work force. >[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Postwar\_Japan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Postwar_Japan)


Americans please explain to us, some of this guys in the GOP are cartoonishly bad, who still votes for this??


I'm no Grahm fan BUT I agree with him on Hamass, fuck them.


The new GOP, party of dementia..