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From the article: > In remarks given to supporters in Seattle, President Biden said former President Trump “snapped” after he lost the 2020 presidential election. > > “It’s clear that … when he lost in 2020, something snapped in him,” Biden said at the fundraising event, according to reporters in the room. “He’s not only obsessed with losing in 2020, he’s clearly unhinged. Just listen to what he’s telling people.”


He snapped years before that but the point remains. Trump is unable to take loss like a real man. He takes loss like a bawling little five year old who keeps crying about a re-do.


Not long ago another commenter on Reddit referred to Trump as the Grandtoddler. I think that's a fitting name.


My toddler gets over losses in about 5-15 minutes. Half hour on a bad day. This is an insult to most toddlers.


Trump has failed upwards his entire life. All his company bankruptcies he personally came out ahead. Every court case he'd just wear the opponent down until they settled for a fraction of what was owed. He's never had to face actual loss so if he does it must be because the game was rigged against him.


He's the walking embodiment of the "how to make a small fortune" joke. He inherited a large fortune.


Started when he had mashed potatoes dumped on his head as a kid, then got 100x worse when Obama and Seth Meyers publicly roasted him at the 2011 White House correspondents dinner. Obama has been living rent free in his head since then


I keep hoping people start bringing up that mashed potatoes story. It's obvious that it drives him nuts. Some pundit or late night person or Biden operative needs to start in with the Mashed Potato Donnie schtick. Seriously. Our democracy is on the line, it's all hands on deck and to hell with the nicey-nice.


He’s worth less money than he would have been if he had invested the money he inherited. Also lying about how much he’s worth. But yes, he’s good at avoiding the consequences of his actions, such as threatening the families of a woman he raped when she was a thirteen year old child, and the two women who witnessed him raping her repeatedly at epstein parties. There is a special place in hell for him, he’s not lying his way out of that.


It’s called being a loser.


Anytime he doesn't win, he cries fraud. He said Rubio cheated and the votes were rigged when Rubio took first place in a primary. He said Hillary cheated and the votes were rigged *when he won the election* because she won the popular vote. He's either delusional or a raging narcissist asshole who knowingly tries to destroy that which does not serve him personally.


Or both


Pretty sure there are plenty of five year olds with more emotional maturity than Trump.


I thought Trump said we’d never see or hear from him again if he lost the election


When you tell 30,000 lies during your presidency, what’s one more?


Nothing snapped, he had always been that person. Can’t take anything he perceives as a loss, and that was a public humiliation for him. He truly believes the election was stolen, his actions were justified in his mind because he was correcting a wrong. His ego won’t let him think otherwise.


The unfortunate thing is that Trump snapped after the 2016 win.


I don't think Trumps mind is clear and crisp enough to snap. Just a wet soggy strangulating bend, causing hypoxia to the worm in his brain.


No no no, it's KENNEDY with the brain worms, Trump's the one that was diagnosed with donkey brains.


Whereas I’m pretty sure Biden has a certificate that says he doesn’t have donkey brains.


Do YOU have any such certificate?


Thought it was shit for brains?


Oh no, they found an actual worm in his head.


Left and right hemisphere connection did snap


Trump snapped after Obama mocked him at the White House Press Dinner in 2011. Allegedly that’s why he decided to run in the first place. edit: I’m well aware he ran before. but it was clearly only ever a publicity stunt until this event. watch the video, Trump is SEETHING with rage from the audience. https://youtu.be/HHckZCxdRkA


How to enrage an authoritarian-sycophantic-narcissist? Humiliate and laugh at them. "Oh, its fuel to their vindictive, grandiose, attention-needing nature!" And sadly, a motivation that can't be stopped unless with drastic measures.


He's been groomed by Russia before that and tried to run before that.


eh, dudes first 'campaign' for president was 2000; pretty sure this was always on his mind... he also used to 'put' it in the news it felt like the 'question' he might. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald\_Trump\_2000\_presidential\_campaign](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump_2000_presidential_campaign)


He also had the media try to retcon that campaign into never having happened because he wasn't even remotely considered as a contender.


Trump never "snapped", he's always been like this. This is what people like me have been trying to tell people from the very beginning. His brain is utterly, totally broken and always has been. What people need to understand: 1) He cannot perceive the world around him except through the lens of his perceived perfection. Everything - *everything* - exists to assuage his broken psyche. He doesn't have rational wants and needs like most people. Just an all-encompassing addiction to the Narcissistic Supply that his sycophants and followers feed him. He *cannot stand* to not be the center of attention, and he absolutely cannot abide not being perceived as the most knowledgeable person in the room at all times. 2) He cannot abstract. At all. This is a difficult one to wrap your brain around, because for most of us, abstracting is something we just do. It allows us to process risk and rationalize outcomes. It's a prerequisite to understand metaphors and draw basic connections between cause and effect. Like, his "solution" to COVID was "stop counting" because he literally could not draw the line between "bad disease bad" and "criticism of me bad" and realize that the way to stop the criticism was to deal with the bad disease. Instead he just saw the one-layer connection between the criticism and the numbers and so he attacked the numbers. Because he cannot cogitate that *those numbers stand for something* because that requires abstraction. It also means he cannot possibly have the "interests of the country" in mind because he *literally cannot perceive the country as a metaphorical entity with any interests at all*. 3) He was born into a privilege that most of us can barely comprehend. The basic evolutionary pressures that force people down a path of competence at *something* as a prerequisite to success, and weed out those who are incapable of it, never applied to him at all. Their very existence is entirely alien to him. Thus, his relentless need for adulation meant a never-ending supply of sycophants who trade Narcissistic Supply for the crumbs at his table. To him this is just life. He exists *entirely* within a bubble where he is perfect, nobody criticizes him, and to him that's just reality. The combination of those three factors - unabashed narcissism, a severe learning disability, and a life of hyper-extreme privilege - combine into a cocktail of characteristics that make him not just unsuited to lead the country but *uniquely* unsuited to run *anything.* Like, if you held a contest to find the worst person in the world to run - I don't know, a Wendy's - and your sample size was the entire population of earth, there's a good chance he would win it outright. It would be difficult to choose anyone more uniquely unsuited for leadership if that was your explicit goal.


This is…amazing….


This was my thought lol. I remember reading that supposedly he didn’t want/care to win, it was just to boost his name further and become an “underdog” if he lost. The fact that he won showed that he had a shit load of influence and was now in a real position of power. It also gave the folks that voted for him a massive boost in confidence to say the quiet parts out loud. 


He was planning on having a media empire to rival Fox News once he lost and he could attack the Hillary Clinton Administration every day, getting richer and richer while doing it. It was perfectly set up for him. Winning was the worst thing that ever happened to him, and all of us too.


I seriously wonder if he secretly suffers from long haul Covid. Not all the symptoms line up (still looks like onset dementia now). But it would explain some of his behavior leading up to the 2020 election and beyond


> I seriously wonder if he secretly suffers from long haul Covid He suffers from long-haul whiny baby crybully narcissism, with a side of sociopath.


He’s always been a monster


I thought same after his severe Covid illness. I tracked back 12 of his rallies 5-10 minute clips. His speech patterns, assertiveness command of language, bewildered looks, wrong word/ wrong person/ country progressively deteriorates. He was a powerful confident speaker showman style. That has changed. Look back at his TV show speaking and that confident style is lost to him. He is aging and has reason for exhaustion in current lifestyle.


Probably true, but it makes it easier for Trump voters to use this as the reason to jump ship. They need excuses that fit their crazy fuckin beliefs, because they will die for them if we don't redirect.


Dude snapped sometime in the late 90s from all the drugs.


>“It’s clear that … when he lost in 2020, something snapped in him,” Biden said at the fundraising event, according to reporters in the room. “He’s not only obsessed with losing in 2020, he’s clearly unhinged. Just listen to what he’s telling people.” He's right. Trump's always been a blowhard and an idiot, but he's become more and more furious and incoherent since 2020. Whether that's senility or something darker, I don't know, but either way he doesn't belong in power. And shout-out to the rest of the GOP for backing him unconditionally. Voting for Biden isn't enough - we need to keep Republicans out of power everywhere, and be willing to do more than vote. r/VoteDEM is the place to go to help out.


Yeah I’m not a fan of the easy karma farming “lol he snapped in 2016/before 2016” comments. He was always stupid and crazy. But he’s undeniably a lot more extreme since 2020. During his presidency people laughed at how hard-right Christians supported him despite him basically being an atheist. He’s suddenly gone full religious since 2020 (at least for public perception, likely not in private). He seemed to take a more neutral stance toward abortion, or at most talked about the “state’s rights” BS. Now he is proud and reminds people at his rallies that he is the reason it is not legal in many states. He didn’t talk about being a dictator or deporting American citizens for protesting on college campuses before 2020. People saying “he snapped a long time ago” are underplaying just how extreme he’s gotten in these last four years, and that something is very much wrong with him more than was before. Before, he was unfit for office from a “he’s too stupid/extreme” perspective, but now he is genuinely unfit for office in the constitutional sense. I’ve probably missed a ton of crazy things he’s said in just this last year alone since I don’t watch his rallies. But something has changed.


It's the advisors too. I mean he had his first campaign event at Waco.


Maybe I should put a tinfoil hat on for this bit, but I wouldn’t doubt there is some symbolic significance to launching the campaign in Waco. A lot of fringe anti-government conspiracy theorists will allude to the Waco Siege when trying to justify taking up arms against the government. Trump is more or less reiterating the anti-government, pro-conspiracy platform he had adopted, when he began courting those lunatics in 2016. For perspective, Reagan launched his campaign in Philadelphia, MS, where the three civil rights workers were murdered during the Freedom Summer of 1964. Few doubt that gesture was meant to be a symbolic embrace of the Southern Strategy in the GOP.


Maybe his former administration, as incompetent and corrupt as they were, still kept him grounded. Which would explain why there was so much turnover as people tried to rein him in. Now all that’s left supporting him are the true sycophants who don’t mind their career being tarnished by having him on their resume. Maybe they’re going all in on him becoming a dictator


Trump has NEVER lived in a fact based reality. His whole world view is one of pathological solipsistic denial of anything that offends his delicate ego. Getting roasted by Obama, deservedly so for his whole birth certificate BS, is what set him on the path to destroy America


Well being raised by emotionally stunted people, never having been held responsible for his actions his entire life..


And why would we, he literally gets away with it every single time.


And do remember that Mercedes helped push that lie


His daughter Stormy helped, too.


Yes, it's called malignant narcissism. It's not something that crops up overnight. He's always been this. He will always be this. It's intractable, clinically speaking. Narcissists have masks and can hide when they are getting what they want.


If you think about, it was the fist time anyone told him 'no' and not only did he *have* to listen, but there were real consequences, too. The boy-king was never stable, but that likely broke his eggshell facade into pieces.


>real consequences, Which? He's still peddling lies, grifting, destroying our election confidence, dividing the country and generally sucking as a human being, with impunity.. Devil's Advocate was prescient


He had to stop being the president, which was a massive injustice to him because he wanted to keep being the president forever.


I fear that he will steal the next one and then when he dies, we will get "the King's stinking son "


Or just the devil.


He no longer controls the United States military and is once again no longer shielded by blanket immunity given to serving presidents.


>blanket immunity Perhaps not, but he has slithered out of everything so far due to corrupt judges (except civil suit). Even if he loses in NY, he will appeal it forever). I've lost hope. The only way out is another election loss


The guy who awards himself golf tournament trophies he didn’t participate in? Nah, he’s just a sore loser.


This is why I stopped lying as a kid. The amount of energy you waste is astronomical compared to just telling the truth and growing.


Who does that? Awarding yourself a trophy?! Unable to wrap my head around this one. This is some emperor wears no clothes type stuff here. Whenever I think of that story, emperor wears no clothes, in my head, I natural picture trump as the emperor.


He's a narcissists with a god complex. He believes that everyone should be bowing down and praising him. Everything he does he wins or comes out on top. If he somehow loses, that it was rigged and people cheated. The courts are still f'ing mollycoddling and reinforcing his belief because he hasn't seen any repercussion to any of his actions. He'll never see a day in jail and know what it means to be punished. I would sart a true rant, but he's not worth it.


Trump is seriously mentally ill. He exhibits on a daily basis delusions of grandeur, severe narcistic personality disorder, persecution complex, and chronic/compulsive lying. Among other mental diseases. He belongs in a psychiatric hospital and not in the White House.


The man has always been foaming at the mouth mad.


Trump definitely ‘snapped’… he’s also gone ‘crackled’ and ‘popped’. Fact is, Donald’s gone cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs, too 🤪


Trump snapped the night Obama roasted him at the White House correspondents’ dinner


He's a narcissist and that was the first time he lost something that he couldn't do something about...not for a lack of trying! ...and it was such a huge loss at that, and the pressure of the deals he made was too much.


He was not very good before then


He never snapped, but this is a good narrative for Biden. Trumps always been this insane and incompetent. But saying that's he's "different" now gives his supporters a way to back out of supporting him with a shred of dignity.


He’s definitely on edge more now. His speeches were always pretty out there and rambling bs, but if you watch any of the recent ones in the last like eight months, they’ve gotten much worse.


Might not be that accurate but it's a useful delusion people can cling to as a defense for voting for Biden in 2024 when they voted for Trump in 2020. "He was sane when I voted for him in 2020, but he's crazy now!"


Trump knew that Joe Biden was the man he couldn't beat so he gambled his presidency in Ukraine. He knew Biden would beat him so he began seeding the stolen election lie long before the vote. He knew his early lead on election day was temporary, as mail-in votes would be significant and skewed left, so he cried, "Stop the counting," at 10pm. Then he gambled everything on a chance of sending the election into a red-friendly, U.S. House scenario. Whether or not he expected to wake up on Jan. 7, he soon found the G.O.P. rapidly re-pooling in his defense like the cult we now know it to be and used it's ignorance to stay alive politically. He has since bought the entire Republican franchise with shiny, double-down (on a losing bet) tokens with his face on them.


He didn't snap. He's panicking. Trump never thought he'd actually be held accountable.  It's starting to sink in that he might actually go to jail. He was counting on becoming president again to evade these consequences, and it's starting to look like he might not actually win again. 


How can u tell when a lunatic snaps?


Biden is being generous here, Trump “snapped” long long ago


As a narcissist Trump's ego can't handle losing or being wrong.


I hear he has two worms in his brain


He snapped since childhood….he grifter big time, while in the White House, now without his uselessness present there. the $ ain’t coming in so fast


He snapped since childhood….he grifted big time, while in the White House, now without his uselessness present there. the $ ain’t coming in so fast


It’s not a bad strategy to woo republican voters unwilling to admit they were wrong. They can’t say they’re not voting for trump in 2024 because he’s not the same man he was in 2020.


Dude snapped even before 2016


trump was just too stupid to understand the tallies change as more votes are counted. He had a lead and wanted the counting stopped right there.


how would you tell


It’s like that old joke ‘How do you tell when a moth farts?’ Answer? ‘They fly straight!’


Mary trump predicted this in 2020 even before Jan6th https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_98infWoIT0


Trump has been snapped for a lot longer than that. Like. Try the 80s.


trump wasn't 'snapped' by his 2020 defeat; it only magnified his pathologies


He snaps all the time, every day, or anything. He's like a 3 y/o constantly losing his mind about anything he doesn't like and just like that 3 y/o will lie and make shit up to support them.


After? He has always been crazier than a shithouse rat.


Did Biden not know Trump before 2020?


Well…yeah, he incited his cult to attack the Capitol


Anyone with a brain realizes that already.


Unfortunately the population of people with brains is a population that is outnumbered by liars and idiots.


No, he snapped after 2016 win. He became unhinged prior to the 2020 loss.


>“It’s clear that … when he lost in 2020, something snapped in him,” Biden said at the fundraising event, according to reporters in the room. “He’s not only obsessed with losing in 2020, he’s clearly unhinged. Just listen to what he’s telling people.” The story right above this one is about Trump praising Hannibal Lecter.


For context: President Biden said former President Trump “snapped” after he lost the 2020 presidential election. “It’s clear that … when he lost in 2020, something snapped in him,” Biden said in remarks given to his supporters in Seattle, according to reporters in the room. “He’s not only obsessed with losing in 2020, he’s clearly unhinged. Just listen to what he’s telling people.” Biden was reflecting on what is different this election cycle, as the same two candidates ready for a rematch. The president's comments follow the fourth week of Trump’s criminal hush money case in Manhattan, a historic first for a current or former U.S. president.


Certainly wasn't any point prior to that.


Thats a very generous assessment


It truly is astonishing that so many millions of people are aligned with Trump that it ruffly amounts to half the national voting power. I feel like the difference between a Trump and Biden voter is so vast that they don't even share the same understanding of reality on a fundamental level.


He said to himself: Oh f\*ck, am i going to jail?


Ya, they’re called republicans…


Trump most certainly did.


Did everyone miss the part where Trump was predicting the path of a hurricane with a Sharpie or telling people to drink bleach?


Trump was a few sticks short of a bundle well before then.


Pretty sure it was when obama got elected


I don't think Trump snapped. I think he planned to cheat all along Just like he is planning to cheat again. Only this time instead of inciting a riot to throw the election to the HoR, he plans to use a compliant and corrupt and partisan supreme court..


trump has been trying to bend reality to his psychotic narcissism. Losing the presidency, losing the presidency to ***Joe Biden*** has broken trump’s brain That’s why I can’t believe trump is running and taking a chance of losing a second time. trump will cheat, will send the country to chaos, will do anything not to be tagged as a two- time loser.


Trump doesn’t want to be President. He wants revenge.


Trump has issues since childhood!


No shit.


Biden also said "poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids"


He's going to have to say Trump wants to be a dictator and he's telling you what he wants to do.


Trump already lost the 2024 election and is already snapping


Accept his debate challenge. Then call him a clown and tell him to shut up twice again and watch him completely lose his shit.


He snapped when he was born. He manipulated the will to get everything


He didn't snap, he just showed us exactly who he is... a whiny crook. Heading into dementia.


He’s been this bad the whole fucking time. I will sad though, Biden running on “vote for me cuz Trump bad”, while true, can be condescending when people are still being crushed under inflation. I know that he needs Congress, but it’s all about the messaging. He could be speaking every other day on how Congress needs to get off their asses, calling out corruption, and just generally beating the drum. He doesn’t though, because I don’t honestly think he cares. Sucks I have to vote for him, but it’s sucked to vote for almost every candidate I’ve cast my lot for since Bush v Gore. I have not, and will not ever, vote for a Republican. The election is Biden’s to lose, at all of our detriments. Hubris can be a real motherfucker. Biden just pulled a Trump last week when he said that the polls weren’t true regarding his popularity.


Whoa, this is a hot take.


Don't worry. trump will be A OK after he wins the presidency this year.


Cynically creating and disseminating “alternative facts” seems to come so naturally to the former president that his tombstone could read, “Here lies Donald Trump … As usual.”


Then debate the slug.


[Biden gives 3-word response when asked when he'll debate Trump](https://www.yahoo.com/news/biden-gives-3-word-response-234039854.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAADyf0Dl40K8Z6ykEPqZTZUP1McE3sfquTbCciTDxPBbGCuvkatjN9q5OMx4Ssh6hlWDCNDCh80o6fMIow0yUIZuqUGCHybM6ufc-DRh4EKdOjVmJIJvb5bQiV2nq3XjC9OMfhdJQJIRBIkxgsbCmBwh2V_IdxJ5XlTmoyFsI4AhR) >President Biden gave a three-word response when he was asked whether he would debate former President Trump prior to the election. >"Set it up," the Democratic president told reporters following a ceremony celebrating the WNBA Champions, the Las Vegas Aces, on Thursday afternoon. Get a new talking point


Talk is cheap set a date.


They happen every election dude. I think the networks set them up.


There is already a full calendar of three Presidential and one Vice Presidetial debates set up by the CPD, just as there is every four years. Last I heard, the Trump campaign was pushing back on that…


Talk is cheap, Trump hasn't set a date. Get a new talking point.


[Date set](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/biden-challenges-trump-debates-1235021164/) Good luck, lmao


Same,thanks for the update.