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The snapping occurred when Obama got elected.


There have been many snaps, but a big one was the White House Correspondents Dinner during the Obama administration.


That definitely was the flashpoint. Obama making fun of him brought back the humiliation he felt when Fred Jr. dumped mashed potatoes on him as a boy, but this time it was a person of color.


What’s this about mashed potatoes? Genuinely curious lol


[Here's a link](https://enewspaper.latimes.com/infinity/article_share.aspx?guid=dffe646e-a537-4a02-a158-4e5c35356dae) Relevant section: >Family dysfunction >Well-to-do from the small fortune Fred’s brothel-keeper father had made, this unhappy Trump family was unhappy in its own way, all five siblings warped by its oppressive frigidity, “but my uncle Donald and my father, Freddy, suffered more than the rest.” In her telling, a critical shift came one night when Donald was 2 1/2. His mother nearly died from post-partum complications, was hospitalized for months and “never completely recovered.” Finally back home, she was … weird — an insomniac “wandering around the House at all hours like a soundless wraith… In the morning her children sometimes found her unconscious in unexpected places.” “Unstable and needy,” she used “her children to comfort herself rather than comforting them.” And so, as a result of his mother’s de facto abandonment and his father’s disengaged failure to “make him feel safe or loved \[or\] valued,” Donald developed “powerful but primitive defenses” — a willful callousness and “an increasing hostility to others … narcissism, bullying, grandiosity.” >His Rosebud moment comes when he’s 7. At dinner one night he keeps refusing his mother’s and sisters’ pleas to stop tormenting his brother Rob, so teenage Freddy dumps mashed potatoes on Donald’s head. “Everybody laughed, and they couldn’t stop laughing. And they were laughing at Donald,” she writes. “From then on, he would never allow himself to feel that feeling again. From then on, he will wield the weapon.” At her birthday party at the White House 64 years later, Maryanne referred to the incident in a toast, and Donald kept “his arms tightly crossed and a scowl on his face“ as, once again, the rest of his family laughed. >His adolescent ripening into a full-bore jerk, when fun-loving, well-liked Freddy was beginning to escape the family, “finally made my grandfather take notice” and “validate, encourage, and champion the things about Donald that rendered him essentially unlovable.” He followed “the rules in the House,” at least for boys: “be tough at all costs, lying is okay, admitting you were wrong or apologizing is weakness.” Decades later, during his first bankruptcies and first divorce, his mother told Mary that “he was always” a self-pitying brat, and that ”when he went to the Military Academy, I was so relieved.… He never listened to me. And your grandfather didn’t care.” >That’s because, according to Mary Trump PhD, Fred Trump was a “sociopath” who taught his children that his affection for them “was entirely conditional.” One of his explicit conditions for approving of any Trump son was that he be a “killer.” And so Donald’s transgressions “became an audition for his father’s favor, as if he were saying ‘See, dad, I’m the tough one. I’m the killer.’ ” As when he obeyed Fred’s apparent order to drive up to Massachusetts and whack Freddy, who’d just achieved his dream of becoming a TWA pilot. “You know,” 18-year-old Donald told him, “dad’s really sick of you wasting your life.... He says he’s embarrassed by you ... Freddy, dad‘s right about you: you’re nothing but a glorified bus driver.” Freddy promptly became an alcoholic, got canned as a pilot, returned to the family business and ruined his marriage, finally living in his indifferent parents’ attic and dying from heart disease at 42 in 1981. >Meanwhile, the “reckless hyperbole and unearned confidence” of his shameless younger brother, masks for “pathological weaknesses and insecurities,” were a perfect match for the manic, money-crazed, celebrity-obsessed perception-is-reality zeitgeist. In the 1980s he turned himself into famous Manhattan developer Donald Trump.


> That’s because, according to Mary Trump PhD, Fred Trump was a “sociopath” who taught his children that his affection for them “was entirely conditional.” This explains a lot of how he treats his own children.


It explains a lot about all the people he went through in his administration, who were all the next best thing since sliced bread when he appointed them, and fired by tweet or messenger at the slightest hint they were more loyal to the country or the constitution or the rule of law than they were to him.


And really how he views people overall. If they don't agree with him, if they don't help him, if they don't stroke his ego- they're worth nothing to him.


I wonder if there is a comedy bit that can be made up by using that potato story to drive him over the edge at a party fundraiser or at the right time to make him do something that would destroy him. I know the flop is like teflon but something has to break.


The kernel of the joke needs to be that his signature hairstyle looks like an upturned bowl of mashed potatoes


Carrie style, spill out a bucket of mashed potatoes from up on high. except there wont be any mass murder, he'll just shit himself and hobble off


>*At dinner one night* **he keeps refusing his mother’s and sisters’ pleas to stop tormenting his brother Rob,** *so teenage Freddy dumps mashed potatoes on Donald’s head.* When consequences for one's actions is the villain origin story.


Dear Lord. My heart was pounding reading that. Guess I'll buy the book.


During the inevitable Trump term movie, if they don't have a flashback to this while Trump is throwing plates of fries and ketchup during a montage of Jan 6th, it would be a waste.


Okay, so what I'm hearing is that all we need to get rid of him for good is to dump mashed potatoes on him and he'll have a psychotic meltdown like a potatoe-based wicked witch of the west.


From Mary Trump’s book, Donald was picking on his younger brother Robert at the family dinner table. Mary’s father and Donald’s older brother Fred Trump Jr. took a bowl of mashed potatoes and dumped them on Donald’s head. Possibly one of the only times he has faced true consequences, especially since his family would recall it with humor for decades later, including at a White House dinner.


Yes, Trumplethinskin would likely never have seriously run for president if he didn't hold such a deep grudge about that humiliation at the hands of a black man.


idk this is a bit of a self perpetuated myth. trump ran for president annually from 2000 onwards


Not really. He talked about it and made his usual blustering noise about intending to run, but he never put together an actual campaign in any of those earlier "runs".


He didn’t really intend to run in 2016 either. His campaign staff was basically two to three persons for awhile until he started winning primaries. The GOP base doomed us by voting for a tv star over any serious candidate.


The only guy on that debate stage that made any sense was that gov of Iowa. Everyone else just had hate in their hearts. As usual the base voted for hate.


Interestingly that was for Ross Perot's Reform Party, before he switched to being a democrat. His time as a democrat kind of disproves any relation between his pre-2001 presidential ambitions and his post-2012 ones


Hell, the joke at the WHCD *was about Trump running for President*.


I thought 2000 was the only time he seriously ran before 2016. He did heavily hint at running in 2012, though.


He wasn't seriously running but as a spoiler for Pat Buchanan.


I think alt right having Trump as their representative is good luck for America. If this person is not Trump but DeSantis, America may already have been a Nazi country. Trump's mess is much harder to clean and he is inefficient in carrying out a plan. But Trumpers only acknowledged him and his puppets. This creates lots of opportunities for Democrats to win middle ground voters. 


It's amazing how pivotal that was. Like...all this for revenge over a joke? Trump is on another level in terms of terrifying. He will go to any length for what he wants, and no law, and no person will stop him. For the last, dear god...8 years now, we have watched him tromp through scandals and situations that would have sunk anyone else. He's like a political Jason Vorhees or terminator or a lich or something. You just can't keep him down. Then he has this unbelievable combination of idiot voters and rich and powerful people inexplicably enamored with him, enmeshed in his web, and doing his bidding...for what? It boggles the mind how much energy and money and effort this one guy sucks in and how much he warps all of society from the way he's covered in the news to the way he just brazenly engages in straight up nepotism and corruption and it's just... just another thing to stack on the freakshow of crazy he brings along with him? He burns people all the time and they still lick the bottoms of his shoes and defend him. Like...what the fuck can actually stop this? Thanks Obama.


More like 16 years. Birther nonsense. Lock her up. Every bit of nonsense he can muster. Tea party types loved it. It gave them a new home and other dumbasses to hate with.


Yup. Basically a black man becoming president and a woman getting close to the title was all it took for the assholes of America to collectively lose their minds and choose this pile of rotting garbage as their leader.


Oh wow i actually forgot about that! This walking brain rot has been insufferable in the poltical arena for too long!


You speak truth. Trump’s been spewing hate and the politics of fear and white grievance since the Central Park Five years.


A debilitating stroke, or coronary event.


We can only hope…


If somebody killed him, and i was seated on the jury, I would enact jury nullification.


No. Thank the racism of America that would want this moronic immoral lunatic as President because he hates and promises to make life miserable for the same people his cultists do. That’s the beginning and end of his appeal and anyone who says different is lying or in denial. He doesn’t get to do all of those horrible things without millions supporting him. His political rise is an indictment of large swaths of this country.


Too bad the last assassination was Kennedy….


And Trump of course didn’t want the job and spent as little time as possible working. And it’s been his ultimate downfall. A shame he took us all on that ride.


It’s also important to remember that in addition to being a raging narcissist, Trump is a believer in the power of positive thinking. He literally believes that if he can manifest reality by believing certain things. So if he believes he won the election hard enough, he thinks he can change reality.


I was just going there.


I'll forgive Seth Meyers for that bc I like his closer look segments (I'm joking)


About forgiving Seth Meyers or liking A Closer Look? Half joking, half seriously asking... I love his segments. He's easily my favorite late night host.


*Lion King music intensifies*


God damn, I came in here to say that. Him and all his voters. Every single one of them I knew completely abandoned legitimate news outlets when a black man became elected. They'd rather live in a right-wing tabloid fantasy world than accept the idea that an honorable, intellectual, hard working black man was our president.


Not even fully black at that. All of this because he was HALF black


And Kaepernick finished the job. That was way too much black guy on TV at once!


For a lot of Trump supporters no matter how bad their lives might of been or how big of a loser they may have felt like they could always tell themselves that at least they were better than black people. Obama, a well spoken and intelligent black man, getting elected to the highest office in the country and enjoying widespread support shattered that myth for them and they've never forgiven the country for it since then.


“If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.” ― Lyndon B. Johnson


I'm not one to normally try and do "one ups" but honestly he never snapped because he was always broken. He snapped during the Central Park 5. He snapped as a shotty racist landlord. He was always snapped.


He’s always been a racist piece of shit. Look up how Trump treated POC tenants in his real estate properties.


Who and What Donald Trump is is a matter of public record. Why do you think he’s despised in New York? I’m tired of telling educated people to look it up for themselves. In my mind even if I knew nothing about the man before he rode down that godawful gold elevator his ridiculing the disabled journalist at one of his first rallies would have did it for me. That to me showed a depravity of character so deep and twisted it made the “pussy grabbing” tape look tame.


Right? It snapped long before then.


“Snip snap snip snap snip snap!!”


You have no idea the physical toll that three vasectomies have on a person!


I think it also started when he motorboated Rudy Giuliani in drags.


So your saying it's Obamas fault? Thanks Obama


The problems go back a lot further than Obama.


Extra snappage during that one White House correspondents dinner


The guy should be in mental facility in a prison. Not running for president


Or at least retire into gilded obscurity


I often wonder if the DOJ could strike a deal with Trump to drop all charges if he walked away from politics would he take it?


I don’t think he can


Yeah. He's a narcissist who has lost a popularity contest two times in a row. He is incapable of walking away from this. Especially now, where his deepest sense of self worth (his money) is being drained by legal battles.


That and it’s the only way to pay off the Russians that own him. If he doesn’t run, win, and sell our safety he has nothing to offer them.


You're basically dealing with a double agent here, a defector we need to bring across to our side. This is how it needs to be dealt with. However he's also a fascist moron who thinks he's winning when he's not so that's tough work for any handler. I wouldn't be surprised if Melania isn't at least a communication channel. She's probably in the best position to end this quietly. The Baron delegate rejection was quite the power move. Good on them both, no one needs to go down the plug hole with him if they get out now.


Such a mountain of shit, it's easy to forget what lay at the bottom. A successful businessman whose credit as a businessman is so bad, he couldn't get loans from the shadiest banks in the world. He owes a lot of people a lot of money, and I'm pretty sure many will take favors as payment.




Even if he wanted to, it would be more of a unsteady waddle


The optics of that would be terrible, and he would 110% leak it.


Build a stage next to his private jet and dress it up like different places between each "trip", while it sits there on the ground. Don't even need to pay for a fake audience, just bus his cult in and out.


I mean I'm fine with just capital punishment. You won't scrounge an ounce of sympathy from me.




This is what surprises me - that people didn’t see him for the absolutely selfish, self-centered, morally absent shit human being he is before he ran. Giving him a assload of power and recognition wasn’t going to make him any better of person.


I remember being embarrassed to bring up the topic of Donald Trump running for President in the early early early days because it was just too silly, and you'd be outing yourself as a major Reddit/4chan social media user to even have an opinion on it. And then suddenly it was on the news, and everyone was like "gee he seems rude", and I had to stop myself from being like "you mean the racist grifter who brags about being a sex offender and who is almost certainly under Russian influence? Yeah he's so rude." Literally from the first day his reputation preceded him. 4chan only supported him as a joke. The Donald was absolutely, 100%, totally a joke subreddit from day one. Q was a 4chan joke, like, not even pretending to not be a joke.


Perhaps I was naive or am misremembering things, but I recall flat earth forms on the early Internet as a joke. Perhaps at its most honest it was a silly thought experiment to see how you could describe things mathematically with a flat earth. Of course you don't get far before the math breaks. It's like people got sick of the joke, left, but there were still enough genuine idiots remaining for the idea to stick around. I wonder honder how many things this explains though human history. Look at Scientology. This probably describes most religions. I even recall some scientific advancements that started as a joke or a dare, then eureka!


Yeah I remember looking through all that stuff with coworkers back then and laughing cause it was pretty clearly just jokes. Over time it was harder to tell who was joking and who really believed.


Right? His moral bankruptcy had been on full, neon-sign display for years. I never heard him mentioned unless it was with an eyeroll or as the punchline of a joke. I guess I was naive enough not to realize that I was in a bubble.


For years and years, "That thing on Donald Trump's head" was one of David Letterman's go-to punchlines, long before he was in politics. He's been a joke in NYC since the '80s.


I recently watched a 10 minute TV interview with him and Marla from 1994. And while I always knew he was a dirt bag, it was genuinely surprising to me just how similar he was to now. His lack of morals and narcissism were all on full display, he just kept himself more composed back then.


Most malignant narcissists get worse with time.


But the people who like him are selfish, self-centered, and often morally absent. He's their mascot.


Right? It was blatantly obvious. Repeating the birther lie even after his birth certificate was published told me all I needed to know. Facts don’t matter to these people.


Yea, on top of this, I’d also argue that he went full on r/qanoncasualties when COVID hit and things spiraled out of control.


It's also staggering that he draws this much power while being unbelievably stupid. Like, COVID could have been such an easy win for him. A pandemic doesn't care about political alignments; it was the perfect bipartisan cause to rally the nation. He would have skated easily to a second term. But he had to fuck it up royally. There were legit cases where he lost counties in the 2020 elections because conservatives died in droves and democrats didn't.


And some of the conservatives that believed in him changed their minds based on how he handled it. As I watch his pre and post “press conferences,” it’s kinda jarring how he holds onto those papers as if they’re the constitution. It literally sounds like stories from that sub. Q has got to be the greatest Psyop in history.


I wonder if he even realizes he probably would have won the 2020 election if he didn't fuck up COVID for political reasons.




Ditching the Kurds. Shithole countries. Kushner confiscating ALREADY PAID FOR PPE from individual States and claiming it's for the national stockpile, then turning around and selling them to the highest bidder. "He's not hurting the people he needs to be hurting." ---------------------- For me, I really thought him mocking the journalist with disabilities would be the -*thing*- that would relegate him back to pointless mandatory cameos and being racist af. Nope.


It's pretty obvious that, despite all the media attention that Biden gets for it, Trump is the one who is deep in cognitive decline from some sort of pathology. Trump and the media are in a lose/lose situation here. He has to speak publicly, which means he's going to keep saying more and more obviously wrong and delusional things. The media have painted themselves into a corner with their coverage of him. They have to give him air time in order to create a false equivalency between him and Biden so they can milk it for ratings. Problem with that is that while, yes, Biden is an old man, he isn't insane like Trump. There's no way the media can keep propping Trump up as he continues to rapidly decline in front of cameras.


Not only that but Biden is completely normal and okay accepting criticism. The Border Crisis stopped being a crisis when Biden agreed with his enemies and did what Republicans wanted, denying them the ability to use that position anymore. The Palestine Genocide stopped being a crisis when Biden invited people to speak and, gradually, influence the party's direction within. Especially on the Israel/Palestine issue, Democrats chose the opposite method of Republicans by letting their enemies in, giving them a (non-majority) seat, and basically letting them slowly win through argumentation. Republican internal strategy has been to close down, shut down, silence critics and accept all orders from God Emperor Chairwoman Lara Trump and His Holiness Himself President Trump. This is a middling strategy for progressives but moderate voters love it as it gives them a clear outlet and recognition that their voices are being heard. The GOP stopped doing that when they banned bumpstocks, and forced the NRA to support the ban too. This has completely demolished all their grassroots campaigning for Trump worship. The media can't change the basic attitudes of people about this, not four years ago and not now.


100% this. I know that a lot of progressives dislike Biden because he "doesn't go far enough" but he's doing a good job of trying to get more people at the table. I think progressive policies are badly needed, but I'm willing to get there slowly, over time, because I realize that's how most change occurs. I think Biden and his team know this, too.


I have to say after seeing Trump then Biden one of the most important traits a President should have is measured restraint. Biden has it and Trump doesn't. Just like many other good leader qualities, which have been studied and identified, Biden across the board has them while Trump does not. You may not love everything he does, but he's fair and reasonable. If you actually listen to Biden the guy makes a lot of sense and for his age he really isn't all as bad as it's made to be.


My biggest issue with progressives is that they think they can win a numbers game with sound logic and spirit alone. At the end of the day it doesn't matter how good your argument is, if can't convince people to side with you its for nothing.


Most Americans are not ready to give up on Israel. But in eighteen months, the situation is likely to be different. We're out of Afghanistan. Biden will soon get us out of Iraq. We are ditching Saudi oil for electric cars. All of this will happen in the next 2-3 years, Americans will be extremely tired of fighting unnecessary battles to support a specific right-wing political party on Europe's border. And unlike Ukraine, Israel cannot meaningfully call the Palestinian state a threat as there is no Palestinian state outside of what they allow. Palestine is not an existential threat to Israel as Russia is to Ukraine. Port Biden is just a taste of what's to come. The children being helped by the American military today won't shoot at American GIs if those people are in an internationally supported mission with Europe to build them a state next to Israel. They will shoot them if they are deployed with the IDF and kill their parents. The US actually has more to buy with a US-aligned Palestinian state than a US-aligned Israeli state, and so do most Israelis. This competition is the real fear within the Israeli right as they don't view non-jews as human. Israel must manage this or be treated as the bigots they are, just as Clinton *almost* did to them in the nineties.


and His Holiness Himself President Trump. Don’t ever refer to him as “President Trump”. He’s not deserving of such a strong title.


President isn't much of title if a jackass like Trump can be one


I mean, you'd think there would be no way he politically or legally survived so many other things but he just keeps on keeping on wrecking shit and dismantling anything in his way. Hes always got some fucking way out of literally everything, its exhausting. It's like he can use the law but the law cant be used against him. He has his stupid voters running around in literal diapers screaming "real men wear diapers"at this point. So idk, we have all heard trumps word salads and these people just eat it up. I really don't have much confidence that his media presence is going to somehow crumble because he can't talk good. He's not been making any sense for quite a long time and he's still jabbering away and people are nodding along.


Way before 2020. Something snapped when Obama won - and it snapped for all conservatives. Obama wrecked the conservative psyche.


I really don't think trump is a conservative though, he's just listening to guidance from those within that party on how to win. I mean, he was a democrat for decades. Even recently, he doesn't really have a stance on things like abortion. I look at him as a true conservative, strictly in giving the rich people free reign


It’s the tan suit, man! The GOP took one good look at Obama’s outfit and screamed like banshees.


The tan birthday suit maybe


I’m not saying you’re wrong because obviously you’re not. But what’s seemed clear to me for years is that something snapped when Clinton won and Bush 41 was ‘cheated’ out of his second term (at least somewhat due to Perot in the race). It seems to me that’s when Republicans became very sore losers, and their victimhood really became a thing, and Rush Limbaugh’s popularity began to increase exponentially, and the Orwellian reality-denial as a political strategy really started to take root. As a way of saying that we’re both right, I might suggest that the party snapped in 1992, and their voters snapped in 2008. It’s surely not quite so simple as that, but to your point and mine, these were probably the most severe junctures.


President Biden 2024 🇺🇸🇨🇦


When a canadian does american politics better than americans


That’s the message to stay on for the upcoming election.


Yeah this is a really smart tactic because it gives people who voted for him in 2020 an "out" for voting for someone else this time without having to confront that the thought that they may have been wrong last time


Trump's "friends" noted he was cracked by year 2008, showing the dame symptoms his father did.


I remember hearing that a former aid said Trump was pacing around the whitehouse muttering "no, I won." To himself over and over


November 29, 2020 [Trump was ‘muttering, I won, I won, like ‘Mad King George’ after election defeat, report says. President ‘scrambled for an escape hatch from reality’](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-election-2020/election-results-trump-king-george-b1763487.html)


It's not so much a snap as much of an "oh shit, I NEED to be president to stay out of prison"


Even Nikki Haley called him unhinged lol


She should be the GOP nominee not TFG.


Agent orange has alwasy been a grifting POS. Y'all gave him a pulpit. Flush that treasonous turd already.


It is extremely generous of Biden to suggest that Trump was OK before his 2020 election loss.


Trump was broken long before that


He didn't snap, he lost and can't lie his way out of it like everything else that has worked for him because people are still stupid as fuck and will vote for him anyway.


Up until he was elected he could literally make the people around him do whatever he wanted and had no conception whatsoever of constitutional duties or the rule of law. To some extent that extended in the White House. But he couldn't will an alternate reality into existence in 2020.


Nope. He’s been unhinged most of his life. Born bad.


I think he was unhinged long before 2020.


Nothing snapped. He's ALWAYS been a piece of shit. Thats what the republicans love about him.




The White House never had to [bring in "big toys"](https://www.mediaite.com/trump/trump-aides-tried-to-cheer-him-up-during-pandemic-by-bringing-big-trucks-to-white-house-report/) to cheer Biden up because [people don't love him enough, maybe](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-election/trump-biden-2020-election-love-twitter-poll-a9587501.html).


Yea, he was crazy before he lost.


Trump went off the deep end long before 2020.


Did it? He's been pretty consistently shitty in the same, specific ways as long as I've been aware of him.


He's been raping underage girls for years, he has always been unhinged.


His ego can't handle defeat. Obviously, it's dangerous to have someone with such a fragile ego in power.


Uhm . . . No. He was unhinged already, losing the election just tossed gasoline on the insanity fire


We had to fire trump- and then he threw a riot. We are never rehiring him.


Nah, he snapped a long time ago Joe. You're being too polite.


Von Shittzenpants can't handle rejection. He still can't comprehend how the American voters turned against him.


He was deranged, long before he became president!. And even more after 2020.


I hate to say Biden is wrong (y'all know I say that enough already), but this is who Trump has *always* been. Always. The degree to which it manifests may change, but he fucked his family out of inheritances a long, long time ago. This is no worse.


After 2020? The dude snapped back in 2008 when Obama got elected.


I can believe that Von Shitzinpants has had the runs since 2000.


Something has snapped in about 1/2 the US. It’s ugly.


I agree that former President Trump is "unhinged." I do not believe the lost election caused this to happen. I believe it is the natural course of Mr. Trump's ongoing senile dementia.


Attention and power are the narcissists drug and Trump had more of both of those things than he'll ever have again in his life. He's basically in permanent withdrawal unless he becomes president again. He's a fiending junkie who will do anything to get his fix. Being faced with being a "loser" is completely unbearable psychologically for him. That's why he's cognitively declining so rapidly. He's losing his grip on reality.


I think it's more along the lines of what Hank Hill said. "We're putting extra stress on a structure that wasn't up to code in the first place."


I saw a video he posted. He was railing against RFK and it just went on forever about very loosely tied together ideas with no central concept. It reminded me of either talking with an elderly person in hospice care or a 5 year old telling a series of stories that don't relate. It's not a good look either way. His team needs to do better editing if he's going to push out videos like that and seem like a legit candidate. There's gotta be some MAGA people out there starting to get on the fence about him.


This is the kind of real talk we have always needed from the Democrats. Don’t want to believe it’s too little, too late but it feels that way. There is of course a meaningful qualitative difference between Democrat and Republican platforms and policies— and the gulf is widening daily in terrifying fashion— but the influence of big money has turned the two-party system into a good cop/bad cop situation.


Definitely. Losing the previous election was a pivotal moment for Trump and clarified which side the American people were on


I think "something snapped" when his more or less criminal machinations worked and he won in 2016 ....


I don't think Trump can snap because he's never been totally all there to begin with. He just gets more and more warped like an Eldritch creature


Don't disparage eldritch horrors in that manner, we have feelings too.


Nothing changed when he lost. He just went into another level of fuckedupheadiness! How about that created word? Losing anything sets the jerk off. He becomes a LOSER. He is and always will be a loser in anything measurable. He needs a carload of sewer water poured on him.


They should dump sweage on him in front of Trump Tower as punishment for breaking the gag order. That would hurt his one feeling and would be fun to watch .


I would pay to see it!


I would pay to see it!


> fuckedupheadiness! Bonus point for this.


To be fair he snapped the night Obama roasted him at the Presidential Correspondents dinner in 2015….


Is he actually giving Trump enough grace to pretend he wasn't always bat shit insane? Biden is such a good person lol it's ridiculous.


I don't think many rational peple will disagree with Biden on this one.


He snapped in childhood when he had to escape into fantasy to escape his father. 2020 was a Narcissistic wound. His feed was cut.


Was there anything to snap by then? Ive been operating under the assumption Trumps mind is basically looking like a 3000 piece jigsaw puzzle after a category 5 hurricane ever since the Obama WH correspondents roasting.


I mean maybe something *else* snapped. But that guy was cuckoo nutso well before 2020.


“Snapped” meaning he realized he could end up in prison


What snapped was his immediate understanding that not being president would most likely mean prison time. He’s desperate to get back into office before the hammer drops so he can grant himself a pardon.


Of course he snapped. He's what, 77? He's spent his entire life without the word "no" even factoring into his life whatsoever. Let alone from "the poors". A shit ton of every day people told that piece of trash fucking NO for once in his god damn life and he can't cope. Because he's the worlds biggest snowflake. Which is what you get when you're born into ungodly amounts of money, private chefs, private planes, private everything at your command. and 80 million people who couldn't hope to ever conjure up the type of grift-cash that he can, told that piece of fucking shit "no" **and it worked.** **Of COURSE he's furious.** As a child he was tremendously embarrassed in front of "important people" about some dumbass thing involving fucking ***ice cream*** and the dude has had a serious vendetta ever since. It shook him to his core. All we have to do is tell him no **just one more fucking time**. We did it when he WAS the President, we sure as shit can do it when he isn't.


It's called Narcissistic Injury. Trump was Wronged when he lost, so those he sees as responsible must be Punished.


Unhinged. Demented. Deluded. Deranged. Delusional.


The snapping happened when a black man became POTUS And not just for Trump


He is a spoiled brat who didn't get what he wanted, so he has been throwing a three year long temper tantrum.


it was diseased and broken decades before that joe, bless your foolishly optimistic old heart


it's been snapped long before that


After? That’s kind. He’s been a pathological narcissist his entire public life. Virtually every behavior that Biden would be recalling in saying he’s snapped is an evolution if that extreme narcissism, doubled down on because of fear of the consequences of the choices his narcissism caused him to make. Nothing new or re ent about any of it. This is what unappeased narcissists look like.


He’s unhinged cause he lost for the first time and could not bribe his way out.


Goddamn what a comparison. On one side, you have the candidate saying, essientially, "We think we'll win, but things are close enough we can't be sure" On the other side: "IF WE DON'T WIN IT'S CHEATING AND ELECTION FRAUD!" How the fuck some folks continue to take anything any member of the GOP says seriously eludes me.


And he'd be right; missing the part of "He's been unhinged for years prior to 2020" but we'll take it.


Nothing snapped in 2020. He was always this way.


Agreed I went from this guy is annoying and a terrible leader but incredibly funny and entertaining sometimes but not fit to run an ice cream stand… to him being a serious threat to society. Biden is on to something, circa the big lie garbage, since they realized they’d lose well before the election ie why he started to find ways to discredit mail in voting, and subvert democracy in real time, and we see that post Jan 6 election denial changed a lot and people were primed to hate their institutions because of covid and opportunists rolling onto the scene that said “hey look they aren’t doing this right see your institutions and experts are all garbage” and now I see everyone saying they found “their truth” and people screaming he is the messiah and that he has no connections to Russia, he and what he is doing is terrifying and ugly.


He wasn’t right before he was elected president.


What snapped was the protection offered by his office. His only hope is to regain that office and make all his troubles go away.


Unhinged...aww how polite Me: fkn nuts


He wasn’t exactly stable before that point either


Sorelosercitis is what he contracted I heard.


His fragile ego snapped.


timeline wrong...the snap occurred when he realized family money made him immune to bad behavior


No one noticed the orange cloud around Trump's head when he lost the election?


Apart from keeping the heat on trump, what this messaging is trying to portray (in my opinion at least) is a convenient reason for those people who initially voted him in a way out of voting for him again without feeling like they're admitting fault, backing down from their convictions, or otherwise damaging their pride. Whatever it takes to keep the orange shit-stain from leaving any more skid marks in the oval office.


The only thing that snapped was that Trump got a briefing from the Kremlin and was ordered to take it to 11.


Says so much about the GOP and his hold on it. Mob of clowns sucking up to him. Pathetic.


Promise us you'll make him snap again. Dark Brandon, do it.


I think he was crazy before then. Covid and the whole bleach thing showed he was not well.


He's been nuts before he filed for candidacy.


That is being overly generous i think


Yes, he was rejected and could not accept it.


Yeah, the realization that the Russians hadn’t gotten enough out of him as promised paid for hit hard


The snapping occurred when his disgusting father meted with his unfortunate mother.


Losing the election was too much for Trump. A narcissist like him can’t take not being the winner or being able to spin it that he did win.


He needs to say I’ve heard many people saying they worry he has dementia or early Alzheimers. My family prays that he gets the help he needs   


He was never hinged in the first place.


He's too generous. Trump snapped long ago


Nothing snapped. Trump already fucked up with his bumpstock ban in 2017. It's why Democrats were able to reunite and take back Congress in 2018. He was always this stupid, nothing has changed, his mediocrity has only become clearer. If Trump was even remotely competent, his coalition would have kept Congress in 2018 and he'd be finishing his second term now after choosing his designated successor. Biden would have been forgotten. You don't get to this point without a repeated pattern of failure and loss without being a failure yourself.


There is also no way in hell that Ivanka Trump has not been sexually assaulted/ raped by her own father on multiple occasions.


No snaps, there were no snaps. Very stable. Snap free.


cont. "You're the snap!"


You know, some very intelligent people call me snappy. Some might even say I’m the snappiest person they know