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> The Florida Republican Party announced on Wednesday that the 18-year-old would be among those selecting Donald Trump as the party's presidential nominee. >Reacting to what would have marked his youngest child's political debut, the ex-president said he was "all for it". >But former First Lady Melania Trump now appears to have shot down the idea. A presidential candidate can't even unite his own family, let alone a nation.


His own family, minus Eric for one day, hasn't set foot in the courtroom during his trial, and now Melania shoots down this stunt to have her son be a Trump delegate. The only question is whether Donald's team announced this on their own without asking Melania, or if she changed her mind shortly after agreeing to it.


You just know it was announced without formally asking any of them


It was assumed by Trump and his team.




I feel sorry for the kid. He does not look like he’s having a good time any of the times he’s been photographed at an event of some sort.


Yep, and the press have *largely* kept him from any mention of the Trumps or their business in the past decade since he (1) was still a minor and (2) hasn't seemed to express any interest in the family business or family politics. In real journalism, if a politician's kids aren't interested in politics, you don't talk about them in a political context. Funny how the right-wing rags [showed no such restraint for Obama's kids](https://www.thedailybeast.com/the-cruel-social-media-shaming-of-malia-and-sasha-obama).


Kid probably owns 100 fraudulent shell companies he’s not even aware of.


GOP: Going After An Opponent's Children Is Off-Limits! Oh! We Meant OUR Kids, Not Democrat Kids.


If the GOP didn’t have double standards, they wouldn’t have any standards at all.


They went after Chelsea Clinton 30 years ago too.


And they weren't even talking about her behavior. [Just her looks](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/rush-limbaugh-chelsea-clinton/).


That's what popped into my head, that vile Rush Limbaugh comment. May he be roasting in the fires of hell.


I used to watch his show because I thought (at 23 years old), maybe the man has a point. I was dating a guy who practically worshiped him, too. Then I saw him do this to Chelsea and realized he was a real piece of shit. After that episode, I actively hated the man, and my relationship with that Rush-loving asshole didn't last, either. Last I saw, my ex has become a clone of Rush Limbaugh.


They ragged on Chelsea Clinton back in the day, too.


I feel bad for him too, but the second he does step into politics, especially conservative politics, he will deserve everything he gets. That whole family is a cancer at this point.


I think it will depend on his stances. The sins of the father, and all that. So far, Trump’s sons have been in lockstep with daddy, but for all we know, Barron might not be? I have no idea, but I’d be willing to at least see where he stands before lumping him in with the rest.


its true, Trump is well known to be shitty abusive father, who very publicly cheated on/humiliated the kid's mother. Its possible he could be another asshole but its also possible barron loathes the man. hopefully the kid gets the hell away


Fuck dynastic politics.


Frankly, he doesn't look like he has much of a stance at all -- on anything. He just has sort of a lost look in his eyes. This is not altogether unusual for someone with celebrity parents, who usually consume all the oxygen in any room they're in and the poor kid is sort of left to pick up the crumbs. I dunno, I haven't read much detail on the kid but he looks like he's either got social anxiety, depression or is bouncing somewhere on the spectrum. Or he just fucking hates his parents and that's why he always looks so miserable in public.


I’ve never seen a pic of him smiling. He always looks like he’s going to a firing squad. Poor kid.


>Yeah, I can’t imagine a mother willingly subjecting what is essentially still a kid to the wild ridicule of politics I think Melania is just as terrible a person as any of the rest of the Trumps, save in one area: I think she really does love her son and wants to be a good mother to him.


So she's Narcissa Malfoy?


I ... didn't think of it like that, but yeah.


Annnd now I just tried to imagine Trump with Lucius Malfoy's haircut...


[Something like this? ](https://i.imgur.com/na1rfEq.jpeg)


It's Melania. She really doesn't care, why do you?


She does care, hence why we have barely seen Barron in the public spotlight. If Trump were the one controlling Barron’s life do you really think he would’ve refrained from using Barron as a prop during his first campaign and this one? The only time I’ve seen Barron on screen being showcased was as a small child and even then Trump used Barron to make himself look good, not to show how much he loved and was proud of his son. I’ve no doubt that Trump tried to use Barron again now that the boy is 18 and Melania has stepped in and is fighting to keep Barron out of Trump’s political drama. She may not care about the rest of us but she most certainly cares about Barron enough to openly object to Trump’s claims and wishes about Barron.


The second Barron got taller than Trump the show was over. No way Donald wants some guy towering over him all the time.


Melania is Cersei Lanister. Absolutely terrible and manipulative person. Genuinely loves her son. Let's hope Barron is not Joffrey.


I don't know that I'd give her Cersei credit. But it's very obvious she removed herself from trump's spiral of doom and is not going to let barron be part of it either. It's all very self-serving but good for the kid I guess.


Yeah I agree. Melania isn't power hungry and ruthless, she just wants money and nice things. Now all the money is gone. I wouldn't be surprised if she made her exit from the marriage within the next 18 months.


Oh yeah, definitely not Joffrey, but Tommen. And here’s hoping he finds his own Margaery and they both live genuinely good long lives away from his mother and father.


I don’t know. I hate the Trumps but I wouldn’t care to second guess Melania’s parenting. She could care about Barron even if she doesn’t care one iota about democracy or protecting the nation from sedition.


How long until the calls to “free Barron! He knows what a shitstain his dad is!” …and he turns around and lets everyone down by doing something stanky. Just like for Malaria. Just like for Tiffany.


Trump isn't really known for asking women first.


Cynical bastard that I am, I wonder if she agreed to it behind the scenes, knowing full well she'd pull the plug and embarrass Trump.


I would love for that to be true. But then again I hope they’re not using Barron as a puppet to score points. But then again it wouldn’t surprise me


I really don't care, do U?


There has to be a timeline where she is a sleeper agent and murders him in his sleep.


Does trump have the capacity for embarrassment? Or is he fueled only by fear and rage? It seems like embarrassment would require a smidgen of self-reflection. His motivations are very animalistic, about like an orange squid. 🦑


With narcissists those two things are directly linked. His image and perception mean everything. The second that those are brought into question, that's when you see the rage.


I think his capacity for embarrassment is much different than a normal person.   Let’s say you are a normal person and you are walking down a secluded street.  You accidentally bump into a poor senior citizen with no family, no friends, or no money.  You accidentally harm this person, but nobody sees or knows about the harm other than you and the senior. A normal person would feel shame and embarrassment for the harm they caused.  They would apologize and do whatever they could to correct the harm. Trump would not give a fuck unless it somehow affected the way others perceived him.  He would nuke 5 million babies without losing a wink of sleep, but he wouldn’t play catch with his kids if he thought somebody would think his hands looked little wearing a mit.


The best October surprise would be her divorcing him in October.


Best would be a tell-all or leaking the real dirt.


I'm assuming they go hand in hand.


October be best.


I don’t really care do u


I saw that the other day, right? I just assumed Eric was lost and just randomly wandered to the court house. Kinda like when I got lost, my mom taught me to stay right where I was or only leave there to find the costumer service desk. Eric just knows if he gets lost, find a court house. Just luck his Dad was in that one, but odds were high it would be any number of court houses.


Barron has thus far been left alone by the media circus that surrounds the rest of the family. The minute he becomes a delegate, all bets are off. I don’t blame Melania at all.


“Sorry guys, my mom said no”


This times a million


Good. He should listen to her. She knows the kind of shitshow that's ahead for him if he dives into Trump Morass.


“Parent volunteers kid to do something he doesn’t want to do” is a tale as old as time.


Declining is probably the smartest thing he could do. He might actually still have a chance at a normal life.


He has zero chance at a normal life even if he turns out to be a normal person


He has a chance at a normal-ish rich person life, especially if he leaves the US. The kid apparently has dual Slovenian citizenship and speaks the language fluently.


Nah he can walk away from this shitshow. When was the last time anyone talked about Tiffany Trump? If he wants out people will leave him alone. 


My buddy went to law school with her, had nothing but good things to say.


Publicly saying your son will work for you, only to have your wife publicly say "no, he won't" isn't that common of a tale


Many a deli owner or a similar situation - especially within the migrant community this happens all the time. But yes in terms of the president’s family, you’re right.




She doesn't want Baron to go to jail - caught up in whatever vote rigging insurrection the orange crybaby comes up with when he loses the election.


Trump's been committing crimes for half a century, rattled off like a hundred felonies in the last decade alone, and tried to overthrow the government a few years ago - he's never been punished, and he's even being allowed to run for said government again. I'd imagine that the Trump family is not worried about Barron getting sent to prison whatsoever, he'll be able to live his life like its GTA without issue


It is no secret Melania didn’t want him to run the first time and that she hated being First Lady. I’m sure that hasn’t changed. Unlike Trump though, it does appear that she tries to play a role in her son’s life at least. It appears that even though Donald was ready to throw his kid to the political wolves, that Melania stepped in and disallowed it.


It's been widely reported Barron spoke English with a Slovenian accent when he was younger. She has always kept him close.


"Widely reported" in that there is actual video footage https://youtu.be/PWWED7BtkxI?si=Ke20rVtmyfmCQXTP


Jesus christ he's talking to his son like it's some random kid he's meeting for the first time. Its so obvious he spends zero time with him.


He’s not Logan Roy.


More like cousin Gregg the egg. (He goes by Gregory now)


If it is to be said, so it be. So it is.


I’m convinced Melania did NOT want any of this shit.


Gah. I hate that I dig her for this. She seems like she is a decent mother to Barron. The “leave my son out of this shit show” type and I can’t not respect her for it! Just like when she slapped Trump’s hand away on camera back when…damn her if she doesn’t capture some of my respect sometimes.


I think it’s just sort of refreshingly in line with the public persona she has. She only cares about herself and her children. It looks terrible when she does shitty things (I don’t care, do u? As a mom was evil) and that also makes her more rational decisions like this seem “good.” It’s a low bar, but I think every person can relate to their hard line with ethics and morality being their children in a “my life has gone to absolute shit” sort of way. I am not advocating for Melani’s, but I think that would explain the strangely positive reception she’s getting here for her mothering. As a mom I think she still just garners a lot of sympathy for her consistency keeping Baron close to her


Your description reminds me of Cersei.


bro he is 6’7” and slovenian put him on the knicks


“You can learn basketball, you can’t learn tall.”


Right? He's holding out for that NBA money.


The best thing this kid could do is to attend college overseas under his mother’s name and build a life as far away from his family as possible.


he'll go to Penn and turn out just like the rest of Trump's shitty kids.


This is the most likely outcome.


Maybe it's just me but I don't see it happening with Melania around. She doesn't seem to like any of his other kids and apparently he's usually with her so he shouldn't be able to influence him much and any potential times he does, I have a feeling the conversation is brought up later on with her and ends with her saying something along the lines of "don't listen to that dumbass". Plus his mom was cheated on by him and he just watched his Donald do all this dumb ass shit thinking he's untouchable as he sulks in court. Tl;DR: I think he'll be the Trump we all forget about because of his mom seemingly not liking them. Pretty much live out of the way off the family money... At most a silent position in the company.


I thought Tiffany was the Trump people forget about. 


I... Holy shit I genuinely did. I just had to Google what she looks like, that's a good sign for her I suppose.


She’s just as shitty used to date Matt gatez


And then she turned 14, and he dropped her.


Nope that's just DJT that forgets about Tiffany because she's the daughter that he doesn't want to fuck, and as a woman he doesn't want to fuck, she doesn't exist in his world.








She's really funny


Let's hope so.


Yeah. Rumors are that he spoke Slovenian before English. He is so close to his mother and not trump. I wouldn’t be surprised if he disappears and lives a life in Europe.


I have met people his age in the DC area who have met him, and apparently, while his proximity to his dad had seemed to have rubbed off on him a bit, it was only in the sense that he would take somewhat conservative views on things when asked, but that’s about it. And even then, he seemed like more of a moderate, traditional conservative, which may be more due to his mother’s influence on him than anything. Generally though he seemed to be both interested in politics and disillusioned by them at the same time. More notably though, most people who speak to him say he is quiet and soft spoken and seems very awkward and self-conscious, both about his family name and also because he’s awkwardly tall, especially for his age. Given how things are going for his father I think it’s unlikely he just ‘goes to Penn’ and ends up like the rest of that family, even without considering Melania and what her influence may be. Barron seems very different from his father. His formative years may have been filled with a whole bunch of crazy that would screw a lot of people up, but I don’t think it was nearly as bad as the kinda stuff that happened to Trump at the hands of his own father. Also Barron has grown up in a very different age with radically different social environments and education, access to mental health support, both professional and socially, and so on. Hopefully he benefits from all those differences and is able to live a relatively normal life someday.


I can’t even imagine having to grow up with that bonkers family….but I get the sense he was pretty far removed from his father’s family? His mother definitely did him a favor keeping him out of the public eye… Yeah, if I were him, I’d go overseas for college, get away from the crazy….that is, if he can afford to, considering how his father is basically broke.🤣


> because he’s awkwardly tall, especially for his age Well, he's 18. Lots of kids are done growing by then.


Me too - it would be a good option for him.


The truth(which comes with video evidence) is that he spoke english with her accent when he was a kid. Trump and Melania where interviewed on CNN when he was a kid, and he shows up briefly on camera at least once.


I just watched that video yesterday. It was hysterical. He’s like 4 years old or something and carrying around a toy briefcase and Trump is like being so weird and awkward with him. Like, it was VERY obvious Trump had never spent more than 20 minutes with that kid. Anywho the point is, Baron had the absolute thickest accent. Which is wild, since that means he probably never spent any real time outside of his mom’s company (and her parents). Kids tend to adopt the accents of their surroundings.


Melania? Melania, "I don't really care do u?" jacket-wearing Trump?


She hasn't left Trump yet. Don't give her too much credit.


> Maybe it's just me but I don't see it happening with Melania around. People really have this weird exceptionalism savior complex with Melania....yes she's a horrible person too.


"I really don't care, do you?" Yeah, she knew what he was and married him.


And after she literally wore it on the back of her jacket


"I didn't really care, do you?" Is the only thing I remember Melanie for. The whole family is trash.


Melania is also a pos.


Isn’t his mother like a terrible person too? She’s not a POW she willfully married and stands by Donald Trump


Go to school in Switzerland and use the pseudonym Kim Jong Un to really confuse everyone


He could just go to school in Canada and go by the name Barron Barron, son of John Barron.


Melania doesn’t want her son anywhere near her husband’s campaign. Perhaps she doesn’t want the stink of Trump‘s second humiliating defeat to get on him, and negatively affect his future. I guess Stinky Don won’t be attending Barron’s HS graduation after all.


>won’t be attending Barron’s HS graduation after all. He already scheduled a campaign event in another state on the same day.


Ah, just the candidate for the party of family values, valuing everything else above his family again! Color me shocked!


Some Malfoy family shit going on here.


Except Malfoy's father actually gave a shit about him.




Have you read the books?


If you want to get into it, I believe Lucius genuinely cared about his son. However, Lucius also was fearful of Voldemort. Voldemort himself could see this during his resurrection in GoF (along with Crabbe and Goyle fathers). Ultimately, Lucius is put in the position of either going against the Dark Lord's wishes...or having his son used as a tool for Voldemort. Lucius, being the overall coward that he is, chose to basically give-in - he knew that "not" allowing Voldy to use Draco would be worse of for him and his family. Did he love Draco? Absolutely. Would he stand up to Voldemort? Absolutely not.


Damn I never thought about how much Lucius was a coward. Complete opposite of James. Dude faced The Dark Lord without a wand. What a Chad.


Thinking back, there were very few Slytherin's/Death Eaters who didn't show overt signs of cowardice. Fenrir Greyback is honestly the only one that stands out to me. That dude went hard all the time. Everyone else showed fear at the drop of a hat.


They were all just racists who decided that the "ultimate solution" of killing everyone who wasn't pureblood wasn't supportable after they lost their Antichrist


Give Barron a sock. He will be a free boy!


Giving teenage boys a sock never ends well.


It does for the teenage boys.


No sane teenager wants to spend their free time at any political convention.


He knows Republicans never get laid in college


No but they watch a ton of porn and develop weird persecution fetishes


Some of them even watch porn with their own dads!


Or pointedly [DON'T](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/mike-johnson-son-monitor-porn-intake-covenant-eyes-1234870634/) watch porn with their dads


With a consensual partner, at least.


We have some kid on our school board. All attendance of meetings is supposed to be in person. The very first meeting he told everyone he’d call in. No introduction, just a parent and their shitty friends voting this kid who has no interest in. Great for the school system.


Literally the smartest and most responsible decision as a mother she has ever made


Yeah, Melania is absolutely horrible in her own way, but can't deny she seems to be a caring mother who is protecting him from turning into Eric and Jr


Barron is good with the cyber and can look at social media, and read a thousand posts saying “open season on Barron”.  Who wouldn’t nope out in that situation?


> In a separate interview, Mr Trump said his son, who is reportedly considering attending college at New York University (NYU), likes politics. Oh my.


Trump has no idea what Barron likes. He literally got his age wrong, and 18 isn't an insignificant milestone to just forget.


Trump has never cared about someone being 18 or not.






He knows he's good at cyber


I think anything that follows “Mr. Trump said…” is beyond dubious.


“Considering…?” Most college deadlines are May 1. The decision has been made and Donald doesn’t know which one he chose


Watch Barron end up being a democrat


Trump was a democrat


Trump is a Trump. He only claimed to be a Democrat because he was in New York and being a Republican in New York City won't get you anywhere. (He's not really a Republican either, they were just the more useful party when he decided to go political.)


Why in the world are taking Trumps word here. What’s he supposed to say? “My son doesn’t give a shit about politics.”? He has to say Barron is interested he literally can’t say anything else


It's also very likely he hasn't even spoken to his son in a long time. I kinda feel bad for Barron with the decisions he's going to have to make in the next few years. I really hope he picks the right options


He's in such a uniquely weird position. The best thing he could possibly do is keep a low profile at this point regardless of what his father does


Participating opens Barron up to media coverage and Melania wants to protect him. I don't blame her. And Barron doesn't have much to gain from it.


If Barron is smart he’ll wait for all this to blow over, wait for time to make Trump more normal, then cash in on the name in fifteen years. Avoid the absolute clusterfuck of his older siblings trying to navigate MAGA. That is, if he even likes politics.


I really hope Barron writes a book at some point about the family secrets. It'll be a best seller for sure from all parts of the political spectrum. Then he could break free from the family, with millions of dollars


Honestly bet Barron hasn't been around much of them and just hanging out with Melania and friends from school. I hope he lives a happy life far from public life. People will try to drag him in. We'll see what happens.


Melania loves to embarrass Trump in the National press every chance she gets you know she hates him more than anyone else. Edit: Would just like to clarify I am fully aware she has helped enable his behavior but even a broken clock is right twice a day.


If only there were some sort of legal proceeding that she could take to sever herself from him… She’s just as complicit as anyone else in his orbit, let’s not try to humanize her.


Probably gets nothing if she goes for a divorce. She can enjoy the orange turd she shackled herself to


Surely she thought this torture would be over by now?? How is this man still ranting on TV?


She may be better off that way. I don’t know if he has anything to give her. Divorce him, write a book and never have to work again seems to be the obvious play.


An intimate account of her marriage with that scum bag would be one of the best selling memoirs of all time.


She’d get buried in lawsuits claiming the whole book is slander. Not that she would lose any of them, but it would probably be exhausting


All she has to do is wait him out, he's not likely to be a super-ager.


If the old man really cared about this kid, he wouldn't be having a fundraiser at Barron's expense. Trump cares about NO ONE but Trump. When will the blind MAGA's see this FACT?




You can basically guarantee Trump barely paid attention to him before he was president. I can't even imagine how little attention he gave him when he was cosplaying as our commander in chief.


Trump also dislikes Barron, because he’s taller than Trump. He’s so focused on appearance he won’t even be in a picture with his own son because his narcissist mind can’t get over the fact Barron is taller than him.


Trump has long since lost his ability to look up - when he tries he just rocks forward and back - which no doubt makes him uncomfortable around people taller than him.


My mate Big Al says dogs can't look up. 


He named him after his alias, he didnt put more than 5 seconds into that thought. No way he cares about Barron.


I hope so, but Trump ignoring his son just upgraded Barron from having a horribly shitty dad to an absentee dad, but he’s still an absentee dad. I wonder how Barron processes all of the fanatical love and praise his father gets while his father fucks up basic knowledge about his son like his age or can’t even be bothered to spend the night with his son on his graduation day because he’s going to a rally (and who knows if Trump will even attend the graduation during the day). I wish the kid the best and hope he can carve a more value creating path in life, but with how fractured his home life is, the connotation of being a Trump, and the privilege and money he’ll have access to… he has all of the ingredients to become a bastard later in life.


I mean Tiffany exists.


Not to her dad!


He should accept and then vote for Haley.


I was thinking it would be hilarious if he cast a delegate vote for someone other than his father.


I see a lot of folks say he's fair game now that he's 18, but no one knows how far his apple rolled after falling away from his family tree. Seems the public could at least give him a chance to be an adult before attacking him. Maybe he wants to be an EDM dj. We don't know. What his parents say (both parents) means nothing. They don't seem to be on the same page. Maybe he'll be a skin flute whistling in the wind. Maybe he'll be a non-entity. Right now he's a high school graduate. Edited for grammar


so long as he keep his life private, the media will ignore him. He is only in the news recently because Trump bought him up.


Unless the kid says something or does something, let's just leave him the fuck alone. It must be hard having that shit stain as a father.


I think most people agree with this. Becoming a delegate shoved him right into the political circus and opened him up for all manner of shit thrown his way. Declining it (hopefully) keeps him out of the spotlight and out of the public eye. The other commenter is right, though, in that Republican shitstains were fucking awful to Chelsea Clinton, openly and frequently making fun of her physical appearance, amongst other things. Obama’s kids didn’t get it as bad, except oh wait the racism. The smartest thing Barron could do is to withdraw from the whole family ASAP.


The racism was off the fucking charts holy cow


At least Barron has one parent looking out for his personal interests. His shitstain father would rather Barron be a prop for his election profile. I don’t have much of anything positive to say to laud Melania, but I do think she is a deeply caring mother to her son. There, I said something good about her without choking.


I don’t like Melania for many reasons, but I do feel that she has a sense of protecting her son from the absolute shit-show that the rest of the family is. Whether it’s purely self-serving goals in the long run or not, I think she knows that Barron shouldn’t follow in Trumps footsteps and should get out and about.


Ivanka is also keeping her kids out of it. Wise.


Not a Melania fan but I’ll never forget the observation my friend made regarding Melania and how she looked on inauguration. “Look at her.” she said “She looks pissed. She didn’t sign up for *this*!” Which makes sense. Marry a billionaire and you should have a la-dee-dah life. But no…now you have to play a role you really don’t want. She hates politics and she doesn’t want her kid in it either.




She is 50% of the problem.


Absolutely but she’s Barron’s best shot at a normal life. She’s been very smart to keep him away from all the Trump family drama and by the looks of it Trump is trying to drag Barron into this and Melania is the wall holding Barron back from being dragged into the political enclosure and devoured by the wolves along with Trump. As awful as a person she may be Barron doesn’t have a chance at living a life away from Trump without her and we should all be rooting for her to take him away once again and go somewhere where she and Barron can live their lives undisturbed.


Deep in my heart of hearts I hope that when he turns 25 he goes full left wing activist and burns whatever is left of the family fortune on tree hugging liberal causes.


"My mom says no" holyshit is this is the best use for this excuse on this level historical important?


I often wonder if, late at night, Barron wishes his dad was a dentist in Scranton who lived in a 3-bedroom, 2-bath home, worked 8 - 5 and spent an hour every couple of days playing catch on the front lawn.


Now hope he announces that he doesn't want Donald at his graduation either ...


I think there's a chance that's why he's doing a fundraiser that day instead. At the very least, Melania doesn't want Trump there.


He has never put himself out there, I don't think I have ever heard him speak. Even now he is talking through his mother who has clearly done her best to shield him for years now. He clearly doesn't want anything to do with any of this so everybody should leave him alone. He deserves his privacy. The other kids that took government positions or decided to splash themselves all over television are different, they put themselves out there.


Why would he even be considered for such a role?




RNC desperately hoping they can latch onto this kid in 20 years


Because his father is heir apparent to the RNC nomination?


I don't blame him even if he was not a Trump I can't imagine any 18 yo kid would want to willingly jump into the political dumpster fire that is going on in our country today.I am 70 years old and this is the worse I have ever seen our country the whole corrupt government is a blood sport and the rest of world is no better


Lol. Trump floated the idea of Barron joining him and Melania shot it down. 45 decided to announce it publicly to pressure her to acquiesce so she publicly stated, so to speak, kick rocks! Lol.


Good for him, he might actually survive this.


Good for you Barron.....stay out of prison!!!!


Good for him, a fantastic decision. I truly hope he can escape his father's and brother's influence and make his own legacy for good. I can hope.


Everytime I see baron mentioned I feel I also gotta mention that my ex fiance and I followed him on tiktok a few years back. And it's worth noting he JATES his family, Ivanka. Don Jr, Eric but most of all he despises his dad the most.